HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-04-12, Page 4YOU GET-. GREATER; TRACTION, •.- Higher- cleats,, -deeper bite. • -; Better cleaning 7extrao traction. * ' As much as '/ &..more wear. * . Smoother ride. More tire service per ttoliar0 YOU PAY. NO 'MORE! , Goderich FIRST IN RUBBER $A 1401 , %. WAR, L A CisINTON WANED The warehouse of the Hanover Transport C onipany at the north end of Clinton was eonpletel, de- stroyed by fire ozr Wednesday. night. Contents lost included five trucks, three semi -trailers, two tractors and Alfey tons of freight, -Several of the company's vehicles were not in- the buiidkaag and escaped the fire., The blaze originated in a truck motor. Ab►ciut Live years' .ago the eon- pany's'--,buildilg on the salmi .site Iwas,. burned. TOP ATHLETE OF G.C.I. James: H. Buchanan, eighteen - year -old sun of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Buchanan, R.R. 3, Blyth, has been chosen to represent Goderieh I)is- trict Collegiate' •Institute in the eLaders' Club. Jim hos ,Teen a strong contender in track and tield sports and in baseball and -gives his preference to baseball as a game requiring team play as well as. in- dividual effort. He says if adults would` Show . an • interest i4r the athletic activities of the seb ol> it would he a spur to further ae- eornplishments.• . LAWN 1OWLERS ELECT At the annual dinner of the Gode- rich I:awn Bowling Club .officers for 3 a weee chosen as follows: Presi- dent, Wm. McLaren; vice-president, Li'alt er He p fmau ; secretary, Earl Allinson- treasurer, Archie Towns- end: chairman for outside tourna-. ments, George Baechler; for local tournaments, Charles • Allison • grounds, chairman, 'George Mathie- .sun. MG. CITY INDIPTERENCE Life in some of,tour 1?igger cities is gettink „mighty eallous, says Napier MoOre in hiS column Lin The Fin- ancial Post: -"The other day the wife of a' friend- qf ours tripped over Mule Obstruction on the pave- ment, .fell heavily and lay :there. -Snd ten or ,more people walked First invitatio{r"i curling lonspiel to be hold in Goderieh in a quarter of a century got under wayf'on Wed. uesda3 morning at the Memorial Arena•- with twenty-seven„ kinks com- peting, seevnteen of. them frown out of toil a,` `it is a 'three-day bon - spiel and will end Friday night. ,.,The Town of Goderieh has don- ated. a. trophy for the main event, Goderieh 'levator for the sgconrd *eat and Labates for the con- solation. ,Lu --addition th'ere will be prizes for' the first 'four teams ,to finish in `the various events. Visiting rinks )Ir'% from Stratford (3), Clinton, St. Marys, Kincardine, Owen Sound, Sarnia (2), Port, Elgin ('), Southnunptou, Seaforth, Tivertilti, • Palmerston, it, ' Forest and. Forclivich. Ten of the compet- ing rinks are from $oderich. The bonsltieb. comri.tittee. is corn posed of B. Symouch, Fred. Noble, A. Boutilier, Er Cranston, J. Allaire, J. Moody and L.• Wakelin. .The Goderieh . skips are D. G. Grist, L. Wakelin, J, Boody, Ed. Pritchard, '.Fred Fox. Dr. Ray Hughes, Dr. N. Jackson, E. Cran- ston, Fred Noble and Boutilier: O-ut-of-to-wn .skips.- tire -:.__ Clinton, - U, Hawkins; Kincardine,- Wally MacDonald; St, Marys, Scott; Whaley: ; : Stra tfordr-l3inkleyr Tt. J. Beata and W: T, Booth ;' Owen Souud, Ted Gardhouse ; Sarnia, C. Annand .and W, D. A1eCart.; Port Elgin, Archie Schell • and R. Light- foot; Southampton, E. G. Dixon; Seaforth, C. Barbour; Tiverton, It. E. Begg; Palmerston, W. Pike; Mt. Forest; M. Collison; Fcirdrvieh, Earl Patterson. R. E. Begg's rink of Tiverton 'is scheduled to meet Joe Moody's rink of Goderieh on Friday afternoon in the semi-finals of the main •event for the Town of Goderieh trophy.• In the s_enfi-finals of Abe second event for the .Goderieh Elevator ' ton will meet A. beheli's rink of Es•erbody is dating Elna. Elna Port' ItIlgin on Friday afternoon: In the quarter -finals of the eon,. is coming -to Goderich. • -15 solation event-. f I - • Donald of Kincardine,. Free.q`ox and W.' 11.f. Rike of Palinerston. The finals • of all three eventS will be played on ,Friday night. PORT ALBERT, April -10.-L-Mr. George Dougherty is patient in there last week after- having n re - much Improved. • cement .erected this week. The latest roport we bare on very' serious Operation on his back '• ft Atilt -eds'Y to sing w -hen 'you a're'carrying -a heavy- , dusty load of ashes : unleSs it- is your last load. InstP1 Tiniken,Silent Automatic Oil Heat this week and say "good riddance" to this irksome, unpleasant ' Chord' 'With a ,Timken Silent Autothatic you'll enjoy carefree, easy comfort—steady, • even tiemperatureSI What's more, this PHONE 808 burner—acclairned by hundreds of ' thou -- 'sands tf wisfied users as the qUietest,,11.10St dependable,' ,most econokica burner money can buy. Immediate inkallation by factory -trained mechanicS.,. Easy termg 'if desired.' Phone its today' for free survey and estimate! Lendon, IS ain't ,he iS improv- ing very .. bavict4 .had to lie very 'still on hard sukaces. His. friends of this' di3trict linpe' he'. will smin be in a inucn improved - At the servii4 held in "'Christ tisms were peffrin-d.. ;The son of Brian' Samuel and .-the Son,, mahon sang a beautiful solo. An arrangement -of inuCh interest! to the, communitV Is an eel trap, situated -just ,.below the,•, --dam the. Port the 'Nine Mile 'River.: This trap 'was pat the!'e two weekg1 and FOrks 'and is; guarded eon-; stantly by two !twill men. • CREWJ, April 10.—lir, and Mrs. Jim Sherwood visited with )Mr. and Mn. ,. Andrew Gaunt of St. .ld lens on TueSdhy afternoon, '• lr. and Alps. Jack Durran and six children, spent the week -.end in $p .Eingvale. with Mr. and Mrs. T. q'i'�Iuai#► Ruud children. ' Miry Owen Treleaven, :who had been Practice -teaching in the:junior room. in Dungannon school, returned with. tlielrc to resume per studies at Bain- ;piton Normal Scholl. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey ,Etoss and huhy daughter,., of Lucknovy, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Jima Sherwood and °Norma. - Mr. and Mrs. R. Finnigan ,visited on Sunday with Mr., and Airs. Sht}rlie. Robinson and family, East i�"awanosh. '. Mr." Roy Culbert of, Hamilton is at his home for a short h ifciay.. W.M.S. Meeting. -The W.M.S. of Crewe ; inet at -the hone of Mrs. • C. C;ro; er on Thursday,. April lith. The program was in •cha•rge of Edna Mc}Vhinney.,, who. also sang a soltr, "Sunrise. The Scripture lesson was read by ' Airs. Sherwood and the program in the Missionary 'Monthly was followed. Airs, K.I1- paitrick led in prayer aid a chapter in ' the study book Was taken by r .�'inuigan. Reports' were--.. ceived from several heralds and Edna McWhinney was appointed delegate to attend thn.. )rreshyteriai meeting. The meeting closed with the A,iizpah benediction: BENAAILLER O �"'•t+1\t�1.h�l���as� �� �vti.�:a ,y 11t•: htti ' f •r` Was .received -with surprise and re- gret of the Passing. 'on April. -1111 at •AlcKeeAport, Penn., of, Dr. Har - Mr: and ;NIrs. Archibald Malloy,•who resided for many:tears on lot 10, where Dr. .Malloy 'was- '1?4Jr'n sis,ty- .six years a -go -last .November, Sur- viving, besides his wife, the forraer Norman, of St, Thonias, Georie, of Petoskey, .Mich., and Keith, of port ; three brothers, Alexander, of 'Fort Erie, Armour and'Nelson; both of VanconVer;" 'two sisters, Mrs. lohn F. LeGrande, of .Richmond, 'Vancouver pi -four grandchildren and• first cousin. The burial serviee was conducted by,Rer. FL S. Rodney of lenox Pre.sbyterian Church, St. Thomas, of Which Dr. Malloy was a. member. Burial was in Staffa' cenietery, The sympathy oif the Hill of 13enmiller, classmatp *of • Industrial ,'Statistie,s in Canadii show workerS• depeld on eyesight more than anY Other sense to earxi' eommanity roes to the family. ugh • I!. myself," when you have : completed a Singer Sew- • • Enroll to -day to ensure a" • : Your SINGER SEWING : • • There's. a thrill -in ,,,store for you 'when you lift your first batch of sparkling -dean -clothes. from 'the gleaming porcelain -enamel tub of your West- inghouse Washer. You'll be I.Tazed at the way exclusive 'Westinghouse "Cushioned -Action" washes clothes cleaner . . . faster „ . and withopt wear on , clothes—as proved by; scientific' tests! And Westinghouse precision engineering is your"' assurance `that this thrilling first performance , will be repeated week after week for many years • /of trouble-free .operation. Call in and .see it today. Exclusive Westinghouse "Cushiohed Action" gyrator - Creates Scientific water ac- avoids,"blown" fuses, allows tfon which gets out the most you to operate Switch* stubborn dirt without wet hands. , Exclusive Westinghouse • 'Sentinel of Safety Troteas motor againss overload; Lovell wringer has Feather - touch 'safety release Ihat. operates instantly at the flick of a finger . . protects you • that's no idle ' HoleProof nylon content socks are • TEED! Thex give you. a new pair7— FREE!' • efti and take yOur choice of stripes, overall patterns, • ribbed styles, dhltrioads and brogues. 51.00 to $2.75. ASK FOR ORLD FAMOUS SOCKS alert. The highly;tratned, expert gimners of the Royaltartadian Artillery stand by their guns °— ready to defend*Cana4a's freedom. The fighting men of the Royal Canadian .Artillery are expert soldiers. They are trained to work -and fight 'smoothly co- Canaila needs more tnen like these 'sure- fire" .gunners — men who prize Canadian freedom enough to fight for it. ' "You catt take your plate' • beside. men like these LOIS -mom, Biallet star. '-'edostumes Comics.' Italiet Giace p,ed Zeketo on saie praigie's and Nit -4)4's News Stands Itush;. Adults; 50-c; children, 25c. mitts: Adults, vac; chtfdreii, s Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheetttOly hone -412 Oodmicli Immediately for training as a soldier of the Canadian Army Actrve Force. Canada needs you notuk Reiort today! l• Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 anti 30 years,of age. 4. Mast Army %St reqUirements. 5. Volunteer for service anywhere.. REPORT' otio AWAY TOi Wallis, Honse,, Rideau & Charlotte SW,' OTTAWA, Fie. Personnel Depot, ,Choriey Park, DOuglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. , Ilitalret5t.,'LONDON, Ont. Help make Conada strong JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE NOW!