HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-03-15, Page 1GODERICII, ONTARIO,: :4-tURSDAY, IVIARQIT 1,5,th,1951 4 Inquest .Decides Cause of Co. Clerk N.W.Miller'sDeath . .After .delibeeating,- ap, • hone and aehalf, the juisey at the eaqUest on Wednesday "Inoraing int e the', death •oif cioun'tY Clerk N. .W.Miller .brought in the •following :verdict; "We. find :that NernmaW. -Miller • Met. death while eagaged - Ids duties as Clerk of Iluron and secretareetreesurer . of .11 u r On, County Health Unit due to injuries received in a collision. .between a car driven by beef and a Depart- ment Of Highways -grader when both were proceeding northerly on Ilighw.ay 21. on Mareh 3rel, 'We find that deceased Pulledein behind the grader and. met.- his •• death- due to hie Obienro vision of the road ahead . when • he hit the grodereeresaleltig in • heaccidental death." The inquest was held in the Conn- comr4de. s3,14onds,. cll. chamber of thp• Town: Hall and - ZONE, 601VI, HOyLE 'TO VISIT 'LEOION Theeregular meeting of thoj,egion Auxiliary WU held in 'ale Legion*, Hall on TueSday• evening, with A Pe'ed attendance.. °miracle ',Shear'. down was in the chair and' con- ducted the opening. • ceremonies. plans were made for a card party ' and dance. The iittielal visit , of oile Commander Hoyle, will be •the next meeting.. A donation Of $50 was made .to the Legion 'scholarship fund. ',Gen- eral , busineSe was discussed and one new member. was initiated. . Two letters from servicemen were read pankitig the A,exiliaey for parcels, 4 gift ifeiem the Aux - Mary was taken to Mr. J. Bell by Mrs. J. Adams for his cooperation at the Auxiliary dance.' The meeting was then adjourned and asocial hour enjoyed, th.e cam- initte.e in Charge being Comrades Anstay, Bissett, Simms, 'Symonds de-Barker.---Aeleketsoweee-seld.„-on a mystdry prize, which WaSwbn was .conducted by Corner Pr. W. 'F. Gallow. ' Crown Attoeney. H. Glenn Hays, K.O., acted for the Crown.' , . • , The jurymen: were Fred Mul- holland (foreenan), George Feagan, .,Itobert.„ McIlvvoin; Herb, McAdam and Harry ' . • , • Williani• • Benjtunin, eperator of the •Provinciol :Highways • grader, Stated he was driving north on ".highway' 21 at four or five miles an hour. An .1ale• mirk& he saw. a • ear 200 -feet- intcle-turn-out-to--th. LIONS PAY TRIBUTE, . TO LATE 'NORM.AN MILLER Dr. R. M. Aldis, director of the Huron oounty Health Unit, gave an outline ofethe pierpose, and wor.k of that organization before a meet- ing of the Lions 'Club lagt Friday night. • In 'introducing r, Alas; Lien ftitY. Hugheo• explained this , was to ye been...doneoley_the...eate;Norm' 'left,' and did nett see it again until , Miller. Members :Aped for s after. theeaccident,• when be saw it* Mentes silence in respect' for . the . at . the rear of the grader. He departed member VVIni had given un- opened the door ttnd savv Mr. Milier at -Intl -ugly of his time aed talents „ seeiedi at the " ,on 'behalf ea Liens preJects. • - , • • . Robert Barnes.. and ' Rein: Medical 'Evidence hart were duly initiated into the to Dr..A. 11. Taylor. who was called club,. the ,ceremony *tieing perfeeneed the seenee 'stated -there was no evidence •cif intoxication, and in hisiehY Lien ,- • Lion Walter- Little, noiv u opinion death was caused from en - surgeon' lieutentuit •in the R.C.N., juries received in •the'. accident. Dr. J. M. Graham, the was pregente accoinpanieel...by Lieut.' physician, .ststed that he had never 'Commander .A. 13. '9nesalivey 7retuirtint charge of .tt-'-in-Wie treated • Mr. Miller 'fee any heart • unit.. • condition. • - County.. Treasurer A. H..eEyekine • :testified that during • eleven years VACANCIES IN •COITNTr..f. the only absence of Mr. Miller. frem OFFICES:FILLED -PRO TEN; his ellite: a t the Ceurt • "Rinse was caused eby "flu." Kenneth. Miller', Son- of deceased' 'stated he had never :heard father . complain' of . any heart • trouble. Hugh - Me.Ka y, hot elkeeper -at 3 - field, gave evidence that Mr. Miller had -stoppedeat .. the .hotel 'overnight .in order to interview Pro.spective nurse for the, County Health limit, of -which he was., secretary-treds, 'mere and also - because' .of •car trouble. Both he and Walter West- er- lake,e.garage propkietor; 'Stated. Mr. oeliller't condition' was minuet:le in all respects. , • Dr, Pen•esten," Stratferd, Pee- vincial- pathologist, gave his .opinitin that death Weee due to injuries re- egived • in the accident. These •in - eluded a- rupture of .the aorta', frac- tured '• breastbone and five_ ribe cracked. • .. • • • P.C. Fox.-Investi'gates 'Provincial Constable . Fred. FoX, 'who ini•estigated- the aceideut, said the road Was .freehly-• &tided eouth, O• f the place where the _accident oc- . curred. Tracks of the . 'car for 225 feet were on the West...side of the road end „eroeSed over grad- ually. to the east side. *There is not a full view of the downward grade. Mr. iNtillek turned .eut, and his na- tural reaction -wotild .be to pull in . .the - grader. . Foe said his assumption was that :Me. Miller did not ,reali2e how • slowly the grader was .going, and when he did he. niay have the gas" in error rather. than the •trakes.,. There wag considerable 'danittge to the -front end of the .Miller car e the steering column and :gear. eit'ift were heaL The • Coroner's' Summing-up' ',Coroner Dr. .Gallow in. suniniing • ep.the,eiridence said Mr.• Miller 'had " been in '.Grand I3end the previous • .ditY..Ou County business, And alsoto . , a .nurse about County work. The nurse wee -away. and he deeided ,to vend the ,night- in Bayfield. HIS visit to the garage showed the ear was in „perfect condition, but the ' battery down. He_ had. not •compla.ined of illness, 'There were rumors .,that he seff,ered .from a 'heart eo4dition, •btet the •farctily physician •eald this was Pot so:, Dr. Gallw, in ,pointing out that •Mr. Whet evas. in pursuit his dutiee when nee •accident occurred, hilY MAIL, kit, it!' Seemed that , every, organizatibia • in,' town that, needed a, secretary.. or guidance, . chose, YO -ung ladies from •nine to fourteen have been learning elementary. figure skating in. the classes held in the GOderich Memorial Arena. Mrs. John K, • *Sillily, a former member of the Winter Skating Club, Ottawa, .i the voluntary instructress. The junior class is shown.. above, left to 'right, Elizabeth: H,arley, ,SankI.ra Wakelin, , o ''VASHION SAM , In the report in this paper ofethe Fashion Show . sexineored by the Community Nurses Registry' a few names Were inadvertently ()Witted. Mites. Marilyn Batler and MIES Rose. Marie Chiideelin were models, end Mrs; Whitfield Mrs. Geo. Par- sons were responsible for the pleas Ing effect and pretty faeial colorings ., all the :model& Mrs. S. H. Blake was the ivinner in the draw for the Right nee lea of Beatify COunsellof 0 P 1- • •• • FIRE IN • FikRiVI HOME The lire beigade' had a, 'ran to tlie Home of JOhn 0. Hind- mareho Bayfielel road, on •Feidtte afternoon. Fire hadi spread hem • 41 stovepipe into the .wfill "of ab, up- ' Stairs eoom and wag' ,estiligtilehed • with some ditliculty. o . The ' - Warden's - committee f Huron Counts': Council has ••.ap- Poluted..County Teel 'urer-, Erskine 4 seting County OCIV ' At nd ., • John,. Berry,' of. the...Cowry, ikhveays of- fice, acting deputy elerle and depety• 'tretisurer. ' The vacancy created by the (With of, clerk"_ Noonan •Miller will; be filled ..at the June Meetingl of ' the County 'Connell. Mr. Ers.kine. has also been. ap- .pointed secretary -treasurer of the 'County Health Unit to serve until a pernmeent appointment IS' made., This also wee, a 'position 'held by the late Mr.' lVfiller.. • .: ,, • ., ' . ' . • • RELIANCE , Sit;RVICE DRAW . Relinnce Service Station -has peen conductibg a draw fele which tiekets have been ,given 'With purchases Of gasoline, and on WednesdaY: meerale ing the Winning. tiekete'. were' •draivn. The lucky plies were J. A.loDonagli: with 'ticket No. '24, winning .$5., and lies.. -. Vesta eShut, holding 'ticket No. Teand Winiiing V- - • . j . YOITR -HELP NEEDED . - FOR • GREAT CAUSE . • MRS. IIITSSE'it • After a long illneks Mrs, Jo*lin , passed. away this daY) eVening in AleXttpdritVospital. The funeral serviee will be held (111 8t., Joseph's Chureit, Kings- '. bridge, on Monday leineliIIV Pext 10 o'elock. ‘,..• • Directors Nanie4. for Siiiiiiner Season. ,at Playground •.' , The Godeeich Reereation Coin- 1711SaOtt, meeting at, the Court Ho:bee on • TuesdaY • evening, appointed R. G. Emerson as President to fill out the unexpired terra of Rev'. 0.- W. Cope, who tendered liee resignation, as he 'le leaving' town. , . ' Mr: Emerson, reporting for : a cennenittee. sunnier recreation ale- tivities,. said that three 'ladies °and four' .men at the -Univensity of Western Ontario had been Inter- viewed. Miss Key Meredith, who was a director at the playground last pummer, will riot be available thiS year, and the eommittee recotio mended that Mioe 'Craft ,.and Jim Carroll: of • theeUniversity W,est- ern Ontario, be engaged as 'directors at salaries. respeetively or $40 and $50. a week, their ditties to , com- mence May 24th., The Meeting en- 'dorsede the recommendatien. Mrs. 11. G. Arbour was reappointed as- sistant. - • From letters received from Var- lone .organizations relative to sports, eittitude was , -that spoke should - remain un•der the direction of ex- isting Sports'orgabizations. • - The.. following direetiers. were ap- :pointed': Director summer ..sports, Judge T. .M. .Costello; director of eutruner activities, Mrs. 'C. 11...Ilek land ; director of •Wititer sports, L. 0. Whetstone; directoy of winter aetivitieg,'11.1.rs. 0. Emerson. ' reply to letter 'from the Town 'Council. the executive was empowered , to consider' requ 1 rements for various 'activities, grants, can .qtitittion and operation of the play- ground, and td send a report to the Connell, Miss M. Howell, 'Mts. F. rt. Red- ditt and R. Cory were named pehlicity ememitteee • ' ' The treasurer, R. Cory, re- ported , .balance .on hand of $1,889.01. • - ' ' Mrs. Arbour reported. an agire- wire itttendtince of 840 at the learn- p-skaye, eine:Seal „Daily attendance from January let to Math 13th, was trent 18 to 89. Mrs.- Arbour snake of the veined. assietnnee given' • by Witkelin, William Medd ,and HoWard Carroll and the twenty- four latilee who•stesisted her. • . The 'eecrefttry authoriml to send an expression :a ,gyntpatitsr to Mrs. Norman' Miller in the passing of her MIAMI:id, Who had -been 'a valued metalyer of the. exec:ative. . Your contribution to the Red, Cross well help to improve condi- tions,•• perhaps to save Aifee some corner of the world. iWherever there , dietee,ss ..,,t.hat, can' be eal- leviated the ministrations of the Red' Cross, there the, Red Cress has. its ' messengers of hope and help, • comfort and :infiTee. Thes..urrent _drive Canada for 4Ve dollars seems to cull for e lot uf money, -but Canadians are generous, of heart and liberal ofassistance in great cauSeS,' and. Gederich eliould not be behind other towns in its resnoaiSe to the appeal of the, Red Cro.ss for. funds required to carry on its node work.- ' ,caLlt riblitiims will be reeei d •by any ''the bank branches in (lode, rich. pe soar • .best thee haute of h mon ity 1 PERSONAL MENTION • Mr., Gavin II. 'Green on busi- nees tO Toronto. this week. ' Mr. Elwin R. 'Doak ,was Lu Tor - ante east week, retterulieg home on WednesdeSe eighteothree years egain Southampe Miss Gracie •Dotik has return•ed ton, ,where he *wag earriage-maker, and twenty-six years ego retired to live in Goderith. He was twice Married., first to Sarah Fenton and later to Alice Red:more, both now deceased... ;,Survivieg are one 'son, Stewart, Of Stratford.; eiyo •lieotheree William- Robertson, ofe Saint Ste. Marie„ and 'Donald, •Rathwell, Man, end one sister, Mrs. William Irvine,-' Detroit. , The funeral 'service. was condiected' .at e Bre- PheY... Inner -el .'heme e on • .Sa ierday, hy. Rev. le. Pare, of St.* George's Ang,liettn -"chassis The ,pallbearen- • . • &a/4n. Saehs, Judith Mathe)* Patiricia, Boutelier,, Mar- , garet 'Du.ekWorth, Lilian Anderson, Judy, MacKay, Jan.et MacKaY, Katherine An.de,rsoil, Irene King, Nangy Hughes-, Martha Jackson, Penelope Thorpe, Dia,nne McConnell, Ardith Elliott and, Mrs. Sully. • - • Photo by R. Henry ---London Free Press' el:WI:evil). Obituary 4 W. He JOHNSTON William Henry Johnstone. Goele-. rich township,. died suddenly at. his. Zaome, Clinton on Wednes- day, March 7th,. in_ his. seventy- eighth year... •He.-liadeferraedeall •life in .the wee.teiriee, married, 'first to Charlotte Marshall, Bayfield, Who died in 1925; and - later to Alma Blanche :Jennings; of, the Blue Water HighWay, who sur- vives,. Also 'eutviving are four bro- thers and :two slsters, Heiner, of Ninga, Man.; Charles, .of Brandon ; Macklin, Saskee Reuben; .0f Reno„. Sask.•;...Mrs: Grassick, Exetee, and Mrs.. K. ;Shepherd, Sask. The funeral- service on 'Friday was, conducted by, Rev. R. M. P. Butted., of St. Paul's' 'Cliterele„ CI hi ten, and •burlal wag en' the Clinton , cemetery, ..the pahi bettrere being "Clarenee, and Art:her Sterilf, -James, Corkin, . Bert Tre- werthii , e1eidiew Both es eand, Oliver Peeeck. • • , • ROBERT ROBERTSON Robert Robertson, 'William street, died- on Wet:Wee:dee; night, March 7th, in Alexandra 'Ilespital, after a short illness. . He was born liame after spending • two weeke holiday's at Barrie and Owele.Scaind. Mr. , and Mrs. • Harold W. Doak aird •eon, Carman- event „the week- end with friends at Owen Sound: Mr. W. J. Hale of Lemsford, SaSke and his son, HarOla, of Lon-• den, visited on Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Smith, Britannia road. , * • , Mr, and. Mr's. Harold Breckiew of Dutton were 'week -end, guests with the, former'e paedlits; 'Mr. and Mrs. Cha•s. 13reckowosr.. and his brother; W. C. Breckowi • , were . • , aind gean sons, nee , Roberi, Robeetsen, of :Stratford. Entombnient took. pine*. in! Port Elgin cemetery., . . J. P. GALIAGHER • John Patrick 'Gallagher; Victoria street, passed teeny •In:Weetteineter Ifeespital, London,, Oil Wednesday nig.ht, March: 7th, • after a 'three weeks' illness. , He was 'in • his gLity-iiintli year. A native of Donegal, ••Ieeland, he eame to ..Can - 'Ada at hie age :Of two years. Nyith his parents; Patrick and Annie elulhearn Gallagher, who .settled at Parkhill, Ontarite. He lived - there until eoming toeGoderich, nineteen years ago'. He! %volt overSeas with the 'first --Canndian contingent in 'Mr. and Mrs. T. -G: Caley of Jolm Port Dover have been rieiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cole...,and Mrs. MeNally. .Mrs : McNally 'has been quite for some time. - Mrs .Ethel Miller and Mrs: W. F. It' 'Price have returned home from Owen Sound, where they at- tended the Wootton -Fraser wedding .which took place in 'Westside.-Uniteir Church on March .10th.e. • Mr. Barry .Doak, son Of Mr.. and: Mrs: Harold, Doak, has returned' •from Toronto,, where he took •4 two Months' •couriee -.at the ,Electrical Institute. Barry came first in a elass• Of fourteen, stlidents. Dr. Frederic T. .Egener, who • has beep, orgailist 'and choir direotor ,of St. Andrew'fs Presbyterian Church, Sarnia,: since last fall, is returning. to 'Teoncion, to becoine organ.tst at 'St. James.' (Westmlitl ster) 'Anglican Church: • .Miss Sybil Courtice, ,of well known in, .Goderich - a re- turned •tniesionary to Japan,. heie left on an extensive trip to Western ,OAnada,. where she 'will speak af 'various points in the interests of the missionary „ movement the, United Church of • Confide. , • • , Oet.o.%-eINefe,Vlnre'sf-YjfiWesee— Thomhs • W. Bell, a former reel. dent •'of Goderieh . township, _,•eind bitterly of town, died in AieXandra. Hospital op Wednesday. in his ninety-eecoud year. The funeral service Will be held at the Broplfey funeral home. on Sietueclay Tp.m. aud interment will. be in Maitland Cemetery. • . EARLY COPY NEXT WEEIt, PLEASE! .0n acconnt 'of the Ftei day holidaY ,next'etedek ' this paper . , will be published. earlier thnn and, ir is necessary ehat • cOpy for ad vertifiements, •neies • Renee and • nnything e for puhlleation shall he ill hall° at MIS 0#1,00 COrre8pOtlilfllglY earliet,„ ' It le teipiested flint' copy for, • display '/ itcleertiseip Q11 I S,., :,be :in fen Ion tin y. 'Insel.• ,'• -advertisenfeets wi 11 1a4 ie eeived up' to Wedneedey no6n. News 'items reeeifed Ili) to Wedinesday noon. Pub- leatitritt• ',cannot be gun ea nteed anything not In loind by Chet time, Distriet Corresp!ondents are reque4ted to send lit their., • floWs badges as efirlsi. in the' - week as, posible. • - • World War I, and after serving three years waS invalided home. He was a member of St. Peter's JOU:tech,' and is survived fi'y his wife, formerly RAchel Alorrison ; •an doted Mrs. Ernest Welker, of Winnipeg, mid a sister, Mrs. Maud Brown, .of London: The funeral was held oe Monday morning from the Brophey fimeral. Mime to $t. Peter's church, Where requiem ,high mass was sung by Rev. J. P. Gleeson. 2dembers of 4-fiettic Weelanadreinselee.gWe--74e teeded; find/burial he the Roman Catholic teey. in .Colborne town- ship took place ivith `Legion rites. The pallbearers Nfore Willie m .eetig,1 ford, ViSeph Finn, John Evans Leo Clusholm, T. J. Deennan and Jose O'Brien, • - • MRS. ADA •WALTElliS. Mrs.' Mare Ada Walters, a resi- dent of Goderich for Many years, paseed away in the WoOdstoek hos- pital on Monday, March 5th, in her eighty-third year. Mrs. WnIters was ,born at. Zellainl, near , Wing - ham, n daughter of the late,Mr. and Mrs. Geoege Thoinson, and eame to Goderieh with her parents over fifty years ago, Nrr. ThomSon oper- ating n sawmill nithe hnrhor. Her hueband,,,,tabtin V. Walters; had d iod at:Tide-let ally. her three. months lifter their Marriage. A brother, Rev, lle,.• Il. M. Tlennsen, D.D., of eft,T,hid'eeir, fs„ the, ,onv membei? of he fa in ily now snrviving. Mrs, Palters, who had been. in ,failing health, was spending the winter with her Alster-in-law, Mrs. nenrY Thomkon, at Woodstook when, she was; taken with the, final illnesR. Sin; Vile a devout member at North StreetitTnited Church, and the:fun- eral service' at Ate' IVrephey1 Niteroi home, Goderit'h, on Wednesday. afternoon' was eondue&4E bslter meter, 'Rev. 0, W. Gape, eesieted by. Rev. 1). 'W. Williams of Victoria Street United Ohpreh. Besides her ,brother, nieces and nephewS and othei• eelatiVes Were present front Detroir„ Winker; Lenden -and '13tuevele, , The. interetept. was in Maitland cemetery, the pallbearers. being j,. A, Snider, ;Ed. Iterney,' H. S. Turner, John tind•Geerge eon and „I'll 11108 BrOW4ling. , JOSEPH. 13. 0'•LOUGULIN '-Father Ralph. • O'Lengidin, was,eelebrant of the soleem rectelem nuiss ror biri ftalfee„Joseph O'Lotegblin, ou February 17th in st. Agnes Churchre*Deteeit, • Mich. leather M.. J. Dalton was deacon and Father •Edwin Garvey,. subdeacon. Father Q! E. '1,013e1, C.S.B., preached the sermint. was, :in the Holy SePulehre cedie- tery, Detroit. Pailbearere were Chester O'Reilly,. Melvin "O'leeeley,-, Myron, , 0' Re illy, Jas.• •Grillin, RY1111 Abel Joseph ; Sullivan.' • • •". , • Mr. 0' Len ell I in „ w he died Febru- 4-ry: 1.4111.Pwas barn: in West Weeve- fieeh...e.Voecantber. 2e,' 1860e. eon ef I Pfitelek tyLenghlifi -and Mary -Me- Cann. The family moved ' toeAsito! field 80111e twelve years' later unite settled On a farm. on the nth 'con -1 -ces4ou. Mr. O'Lotighlin Mewed to ' Detroit in 1807, operating a:grocery bust:twee'," and in .1002. -his matiefigel to May Griffin, daughter of . Joeeph C. Griffin of Goderiele, took. place, In 1904 and • .MrS.-. O'Loughlin took toi residenee au a -farm. in Aelifield, , re te ening • n 0.027 • to De, trait, where Mrs. ''.O'Loughlin pre- deceased her husband • in 194V wee a highly yespected Lunchadmired forehis quiet diernity, and esteemed, gentiennin who Wale imassumitige kindneee and his graciouenese ..hoet in hie- own; home,' where ' friends were always welcome and hospitality was ever present.. IHe was, a parishidner of St. ...leieeph's .Kingsbridge, and. in -later years of St2AgneS; , , .Detroit: • - • Surviving, are three •daughters, Mts. Johni W. Kinney, "Detroit, Mrs.. latteery • F. Selonidt, , Philadelphia; Pa, and Mrs...Edward ,• Shea, DetroitT tone sobs; J. Len, Nornian,„ . Albert, .6,11 of Detrolto and Father •Ralph Mexican' Mission Centre, Rosenberg, Teiagee also a brother, Martin, Vieneouver; B7C..; and four -sisters, Mrs. eente Leeman, Detroit, Miele rlirs,. Theresa Ilya') London ; jontee Noy, .Gode- riohe and Mrs. Matilda Sulltrani Chicago, --• and. thirteen grand- children. .U.C. Receives_ bit”1-$M-7-2(4n Power Bilis Paid Alit,ERY prEno DIES • ,pRom. SHOTGUN WOUNDS' , 4,144tt itere; Vrttee Stre0t, (tied in 41041134ra on iThesday eveping from wounds 1 ehe abdomen and right ieg received the previous night, when he was 'te.st, lug a Shotgun in the basement of hie .11eme. , was alone at the„ time, and was fountl later by hie sixteen -sear -old .so John.. lie wee in his sixty -Mirth. Yegr- , ' After copeultation: with Crown, Attogney H. Venn iIays, qoronet Dr. W. 10. Callow mid no Inqueet Would, be held. .Mr. ;Meets a 'son of the late •Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph eler, was born at Drysdale, but had lived most of his life in Goderich, where he was employed as a packer.with the Purity„Flour Mills..•Since the death of his wife, . formerly Laurette Martin, a year ago, he had'been In poor health. Ile was a member' of St. peter's Roman Catholic Church. • Surviving' are five sons': Earl % of Exeter; Frank, 'ef TeindOn ; alter, Gerald and John,. of Goderich, and three daughters, Mrs. Donald•Chase, of Gel:leek:1i; Mrs. -•,John Scruten, of Clinton, and Mr. Gordon Witr- reneie• ,New Brunswick, 'also two brothers, Adam Mero, Seaforth, and Charles, of Port Colborne, and a sestet, MrsoMary Hickey; of Sea - forth. There are ten grandchildren. The funeral service will be held on Friday morning at6 St. Peter's Church, where requiem' high mass .will, lee sung by Rey. J, P. Gieesien. ,Interment will. be in the Roman •Cathelic Cemetery ineColberne to il Tauker, to pen Navigation ere on Friday Affer the long nter eetn7. parative inaetivitr. at -the. Itaxliori* things thee, aro begiuning tb move. There is little doing .so far, on the . freighters that :have wintered, here, as ai great' deal of lee is „reported still op bake Superior and'Pe-glault few weeks yet " , '• ea,Tnah: eivaislpl.Invointdsbeh a ovp ee bevn the ice away from the lakefront here, mid there is clear water 4s. far an. the gy� 6an see. , • Navigation here will be opened ber the arrival of one of ,the' Imperial , tanker from Sarnia, 'It wee% . an- nounced that the Imperial *ingston would beehere today, but. word was received this afternoon that the'., tanker would not leave Sarnia until ' ?hi:Tare tedialy( aYpr).e. babel7eaell*e0U-lants•‘- for the- delay, The foghor,n-and .harbor lights were *lit An commies-. *ion yesterday in anticipation of the „first afriVal,,and.today the, horn is going steadily. , Capt. 'Bert MatDonald lee takes/ hie steel boat "Skipper" out a its Winter berth. *in Snug Harbor and the sturdy little ship is ,ready. for service. Ab. Leonard' has'made.hiti first net -setting trin for the season. Ile went oter eight' nines and en-, countered no , A substantial :guard fence ire • lbein ut 'a on both eleissoofjeloo roa.,belofw ' the new C.P.E..bridge, Th.e Public , Utilities Commission has received A statement fronr the Provincial Pewee Conanieeeliett show- , , credit of $6472.58 the Past .years oneratione. Meethly'accounte paid doring .the year :totalled $104,895.,10:, The cost Power is calculated by • the' . E. P. C. w a s $ 8e374.10, malting a balanee ofe$6,431 ein. favor of the local cominiSeion. To this ie added intertot frein January let, $41.58. '.The .cast of poiver 'for the ,past i'etle was, -.V.12,140.31 in 'excess The cUst,' for the Previons yearr which was $76,233.79. The increase 114 aecemnted for para by increased ,conetunption .of pewee. :led' partly by an increase in . wholesale rate StandPipe. 'Sold ' The' old 'set/10.01)e . 1 the heed of St. David's) etreet, supereeded by the' water', tower, of increased capac- ity, has betel 'purchased ley a Water- loo firm, 'who will keinove it. The price was $300 as it sionds„ . • • GODERICH BOYS READY FOR DUTY . IN ,R.O.A. .1% • • • ", • JanieS Roberts, ,eighteen -year-old sem of" Wing Commander and Mrs. Je, .11; Roberts, has ceinpleted his' application • for air crew duties- in, the ,R.C,X.F. • • He expecte -to be , early in May. James, R. Wood, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, Bridge, street, has. been accepted fon service as flight cadet in 11.C.A.F:' air crew And is called for -March ,These boys lire 'sone" of • member, of 425' Huron Wing, 'R,C.A.F.' As- • ' e • ' St' GEOR4E'S COURCH W.A.,' The monthly meeteng eef. St. George's Church Woraan'S one held ,on 'Tuesday afternoon, ,„.veith the president; 'Ales. Pied Hutie• 'prosiding. The Scriptere, from. the •2ad chapter ,of Hebrews,. was. read ' h Mrs'. May, Mrs. Farr, as Doyens CODVP1ler, reported, on the outfit for the. boy .at• (he W.A. residential school eiteeferdsteinoO_Allierta. • -A- Inter ."FiraTlirtlie st4Trtary stated, tha t flie dn te for the' epring Dean-. 7ery meeting, whieh is to be held in Ceolerich, wonld be Mey .25th, if that metwith approval. The guest speakee'. was Mrs. Farr, who, hronghta MeSsage of the Lenten; season leading up to the glorious eeietertide, after whieh the meet - dent closed the Meeting vi1h prayer, A MARK ,Or ,APPRECIATION At the regeler kinOnn 11 dimier meeting at the Park House on 'Mon- day, Mr. Joe Kelly 'was it gaest la honor, 44e 11115 preseetede with a S111411110 gift fel' eervicee rendered at the 1)18 )10 nt efie.•Kinstiren 'play, "Going Places," pres:ented• recently r the God eel ell on e • • - „ • THE ivnAirnErt, , fates of elle. past Week Ooderich, with thoee of the fcCerresponding ' week 11 year ago s effichflly :recorded, were"oe follows: 4 • 1951 • 1050 Max. M111.' Max. Min. Thum,' Mar, el ..31 '25 42 15. Fri., Mar. /9 19 20 9' Sot, Thii 'fp -.34 12,„. 25 15 Sine, 'Mak. 11 -48 -.424 li 25 Mon.; Mai'. 12 -.40 22 '30 19 Owing to illpees, the official ob. server W11A 1111111110 to 1,V00111 t01111101. atures on Tur.sdny and WednesdaY, flOME FROM .CALIFORNIA Mie. and etre. John .Nivins ..re. turned honie this, week after' spend- ing the past five .months at •Long Beach, California,: With their son- in-law and daughter, . Mr. and Mts. H. 0: .BouffOrd., opd family. While .in the Golden. State, they had tile pleasure of calling on qeite a nuM- bee of. former GOderiehiteSi, thie Of the, big events at which they were present Was the Tournament of Roses at Pasadena on New Year's Day; and the same day they were the, guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Black, eformeely _pi Goderieh, itt theirhome at Paeadena: - ee MARINERS' ,SERVICE The annual' mariners' service of 'Knox -Church will be* held on Snit - day afternoon, At 2 o'clock, at North Street United Church. Rev. Ite G. MacMillan will be in the pulpit -and there will be special inueic by a mete eirt7rite. • ' ' • . 0 SIX "ENTItIE§ FOR DRAMATIC, *FESTIViAL • Six entries, 'four 'from out-of- town groups and two from • le(tal groups, have been received by the Goderich, Dramatiee Club for its festival of one -act plays. on April 'Ilth, 12th and. 13th, to be held in; MacKay Hall. 'Plays Will be 'presented by the Bayfield Dramatic Group, Holmes- ville 'Y.P.U., St. „Mary's Little Theatre, Blyth ..Y.P.U:,,, Goderich Women's Institute, . and North ',Street Churel Young Adult. the.7.englifeentelel-igeotAlefF denghter, Marjorie Jean, to George Meal(' Holland, son of Mr. and Ars. Clifford It. Holland, of Gochf- iich. 'The afteriage will take place at 3.30 O'clock on Saturday, 'March 31, in ' Maitland Street. Baptist. - ENGAGEMENT ANNOVNCED Mr. anti Mrs.: Peter .1, McGintes, •Williane%lreet • north, •London,, an- Chneele London. „ - • . . • his • Mixer° -era titude. Ile said be ;71%1F8Tr'"1:gmetT14.15.8171-7t the branch and expressed regret , --,--,- leTide-eeltiOTRIe--112-eliSeVelatliffi The following pupile • were sue- at eeaveng Goderich and •Beanch vessful in . paeSieg the recent ,Royal •109.' He as -mired the gathering that ,eleneerva tory •of Music Of Toron•to [ ovritten'examimitions held tr in Sut- he' wotild viSit (oderich as eeein and ford : . • fte Often as poseible• ' , , : A• beide:cc ',Per He a Jolly Good • (3111(1°: V l'ik-n"Y` -lb"' ) ShirleY c. Robertson, MeF Gliddenellwas%rendered by the mem- et) . , bees. , 'Grade v folia- -(114"1•) shirieY,:(:'•' The' Roberteonevening was • romnied out ., • . , • • - .with the • showing - a' MOVAOS on • e• ... • •------ ' ---- ' . ., eporting•eVente, after whIeli a tast o11y • .0E WAS ENOUGH' einiffet luneh NVI1g :enjoyed. _ Prepar- , . ....._ ' .. I Olen of elle lunch IVOS in the, cap- . An advertises, who a rrang,cd for able halide .of Mrs. Bert eitinday, 11.10 1111(011 eons: of flfl a d verteeement Mrs -line Sheardown and Mrs, 'Phil in. The • Signn NNI a i'A chissified Bissett. , volume ( those ..little 11(18. 011. „ the Legionettes Present *Gifts' hack J) I,( ) writes': , ' ; On Friday evening, Me. Miner ' ,"It will nbt be necessary for WItg the guest of the Legionettee you to insert itNir ad. in your : softball team at it , gathering held next issue,. as I had .stteh , at 1 ho home of Mr. and Mre'. 13111y , prompt results, '' My brooder • , 400, Jelinstoo, East street. I wale sold on, Saturday ,nf 'the, fro ,,how thole appreciation of the ' sonno, week 1117 id. appeared. time Mr. 'Miller had dev,oted to 'Thank you, for goodservice, and einiching their totim, the Legionettes . kindly send Me my account." presented lihn with a eoitee table The same day.- this totter Was 1111{1 ft 11.:i1g0, 'Cake: Leona Wileen reeeived nnether 11the11tiser entied delieered the farewell eddreee 'end In the offie'e And neked as to .ivith. Violet MatAtiftni and jean Fuller dra w ' his a n nounce men t . of n 1 falfa presented the giftS..... ' seed for sale. It was all sold, lie Singsongs and 'mull wereen-. said, in a very short time after The Ijoyed. Signnl-Star n»( ared. laSt We elt, ,. l' . Additional, guests of the 'Legion - These are just samples' of the re., eties were. Isresident McGrath,' sults from edVertisinc. in The., Manager M. N. MacDotnald and tpe Signal -Star. authorities . promise to. have theroad reeurfeced,.a,s.eeon assone detbees vvill. ellow. . • Former 'take. Captain Dies - ; Captain R. g, Chapman, .foimerly skipper of the .Patersort line . freighter .Fort' 'Willdoe, and, (well' kiibien. here, .died' in the Sotithamp- • -ton hospital.en. March let, wan only fifty-five years of age, but had retired: a year or „so a,go and . had been lieqeg. it Poet Elgin. His son lost his life here' five years- ago in a fall from a ' vessel inoored at ethe wharf. . ' • $153,000 Appropriation ; In :the estiniates presented iby rleinanee elinieter. Abbott at OttaVve en Monday Is -revote of $153,000 Goderich• harbor. Itis under- tetood, this is to complete the sheet- , piling on Ole south pier from where ' it was interrupted last ,yeay. Steel for the. job arrived lAst fall and hes" been piled on. the. Welch all: winter. , ' ., , CREIGHTON SENTENCED Legion Gives Fast , ON ASSAULT mum Pres. Carl Miller a Hearty Send-off Members of Branch 109, Canedian Legion, turned- out in large numbers en. Thursday evening .last to pay tribute to Carl: Miller, popular past Preeident and past e secretary bf Branch 109. „Mr. Miller,. who hae for. the 'Past feai. and, a -half years been a member of. the etail .or the National Employment Service. here, '.leaving GoderieheshortlY to take ' III • - up a, pesitiou wi 11 the N. .S. o ce at Leamington. Besides holding; -theeetboeeementioned pesie ions . with Branch 109„ 'eMtilleie. Wets- -for -several' years . the. editor of the branch's "Bnileytin."-.andothe coach of the Legionetteer the Legion -spon- sored ladies'. softball, team,- . After the .business e meeting, on Thursday eveeitig; MT.- Miller was presented With: the • Legion's paste Preeident'S badge (1950) by Leslie itiley„4 who preceded. Carl in . the president's- office. 4 • • Mr.: Riley 'spoke highly Of the, manner in whiela , Mr. Miller had conduete.d. his Office and • had given unselfishly of his time and !energy to the branch. .• - Prior ' presenting Mr. Miller with goingasvay gifts, President Bill McGrath. addreseed a' few fare., well words on behalf of the branch. He paid Warm'tilbute .to the • de- votion which Carl had. shown in connection with Legion aetleitieg, and expreosednre sincere' eterrorw of the branch on' losing a valuable Member.' ojohneton • opreeeeet the ibranc.hei gifts, a' handsome -SiiRiking- stand for Mr. Miller and lovely candleholdere for Mrs., Miller. lie accepting the past-pres•ident's badge. and . 'upon receiving • -the branch's gifts,,Mr. „Miller expressed . team treasurer„,,Leslie, In i.e.eekly court :this afternoon, • Howard. e2reighton; 16, of Goderich, convicted' lasteweek of eoinnion as- . sa-alt. on Miss Mona, Spain, • 'Wes sentenced by Magistrate Holmes toe eighteen days in jail. • He has been. . .hioiustbdy Terthe past twelve. den.. On. a second charge . against . Creighton, that 'of cominen assault on :Miss elexine 'Martin, 'sentence was reserved fin- two weeks, when consideration will be given to ex- penses incurred by Miss Martin.;' MISSIONARY FROM CHIN. •• TO VISIT NORTH ST. Nry.M.S. • • .. • meeting North /- Chtiech was held in thee church. parlor on Tuesday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Howard Robertson, presided over the bueineee. session.. l'eans -were :discuSsed for . assisting. • the • by, donatioes of food-, for their 'St.'Patrick's tea on Ma.reh 17th. Mrs. . W eeterrie read a, letter' from Rev. -Norman II. !..VIe- Kenzie, a Chinese -born miseionarse who- is taking it course in agricill-' turd' in Ontario in 'order to assi.'st and iestruct the Chineee inemoderet • west „yog •ftirming. •At present he is ha Louden and in reply to a' *. request sent him said he would be glad ti address the' Easter thank -- offering meetiug of • North stree.t .W.M.S. on the •evening of April 10th. , It was teeided to 'invite the xneitiii- • bers of the, ,.'differen,t missionalee eacieties in the town and 'Outlying districts and also • the . men to the meeting, ;which is to be held. In „ auditorium of •• Twenty-four calls on the' sick and , shut-ins were, reported. Mrs. R. L. lioward was appointed Supervi:sor for the young people's , groups now -being organized. A tommunicatioa. allocation for 'North street W,111.S., as one quilt, one • &rat eize 'and.' one coat size 10.: The' recording . .secretfity read commatication,e reo ;gat:ding' tivo ,bequests of. one • bone dred dollars each from the estates of thelate L. E. Dancey,.&e,and "Thauli Toe* „.. lettees reported ,.Weie 'from MTS. ' Norman Miller tend Mre. ' IL • Kinkead. M. - ttnirperanee eonvener, 1'0 id • an ex- •'. . Nora trent the t'hurel ObeerVer one • "Why not Nude. outIptis , near homes?" •Aiiss Rudd, christion stewa-rdship seem th ry, , reported -the allecation for the 'i•-zociety to be the ;quite as last year, end Miss 1,10(.1gints still th Soeitteee seteehit-iniSSIon... ' ary for eraser. ' * ' Mrs. ,W. Currie took* eliarge of the devotional eeereleoe. The Seriptiire lesson. 'froth the .4111 and Oth ellitpterie of LIP116StatiSt Witi# tend by 'Mile T. 'Iningioertyeee. Roio br Mrs,. N"... It. wo.s mach' . appreniated. • Nirs,-;-"tiarY ,14114iP6-- offered; praYer. The, 4tb. „Amster and excerpts from the eltaMers fol towing en ',Potetterehli•in Church. Work' from the 'study book, "The Vatted. Oltureh "Ite-enters, weie ably given !Str.J.. 11, Nlooney. trhn....Mixpah benediction, ' following the...singing of a li,mt* -brimght the meeting to a •elose.