HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-03-08, Page 4� Noble's� WallaceJurg Tom LE" Rink One pl S ries A.N,a W th.<,tile end :the regular 1!T ins„ MainEvent schedule fast approaching in. the • with Local Lions Choi:els Bowling' League, there i in ons xe a frantic scramble for R111y-off Spots. , v St. Geon 'z3 st held the lead, ' Before a crowd of about ` 800 � �l The ,last stone was thrown just Oocierich Mous got baek on the with Knox No, 1 and, North ;3t. No. ] tradin}, second and third Secends before the Court alilouse beam -but good -••here last Tit -ars- Places * every Other week, Fourth clock beamed the midnight Dour on day night to blind W'a1}aeebul•g spot i anybody's guess, anti ours Wednesday to wind lip the .first Frozen Foods an 8-te-3 lacing and is Victoria, because St. i.'eter's;uewy curling. °bons let held : iu• Voderich tie up ..their beat -of -seven O.II,A„ fourth, have to take their bye* in the last, ivat' r-cetitur$, It Intermediate "A" quarter=final next Meek. Was a local boti te. with sisxteen series at one •victory each, It Was 'St. George's tarok seven points rinks eutere'd, • and €;ot nick . way the t„1rst ,Goderich playoff triumph from North St. No. 3, each bowling on • Wednesday, February 28th, over Wallaceburg iin ;MO yearrs,. The With a five -man team. Bert Medd, with the fivals being played Wed - Only similarity between? the team 667, and Hasel Wilmot, 494, bestedrtesday night 'this week. that took it on the Chin. at Wallance-•�°I.sabel- Reihl. 488, and ;Hugh Glen, ;�'ginuer, O the main event was burg earlier in the week and the,„ 457, . Fred Nab1e`S rick, which defeated dying baud of guckSter *u dispia -J - -North St. N•o. 1 took ,a `:five two Fre dr oble'Ston'b auk b3' 11 to 5. here ,;Was • their purple' and, gold vein from North St. -hio, 2, with file The witty frig ruck was awarded a uniforms. • The McKay -coached Andersons, Anne, 572, and.. Carl, ,beaiiCiful trophy, donated by i3irarii squad looked sharp as they auxnped 5h0 again leading. rib AtidgrsOn, Walker and imitation curling;. into au early tworgQal lead and 486, and ,George I -i irris,, biv, ped' stone '2' silver. Other members theu,'on were• never in any the losers. seal danger: rWhile 'the score` IS In a close contest, Knox No: 2,: of the' winning rink were°A: Purdy. A. Mulloii�h ands G. Gardiner. The decisive in the Lions' favor it does `•,with Mary Cunniugbam, 455, and ' othayr finalist •rink was composed dot "tell. the whole story, as the Charlie Hawthorne, -518, `Look Sive ,of• h7. Cranston, Toni Pritchard,, Wallaceburg crew 'naffed several points front the Baptii�ts, with Sara � Peter Bisset and A. Townsend, golden -opportunities to score with' Aleoek, .500, and Don )ampbeil, , who received cups ' and saucers, their wild ai1d. erratic shooting and 516, as,their best. . The .gauge was a nip and tuck unless the Lions can shake the , V eria Cornish, 636, and Harm , affair •'lip, to the sixth `end, when Wallaceburg arena jinx this. series s Westlake, .613, led Victoria to , a Noble's rink led by one shot. Froin looks likely to go the .full seven ' seven: point win over .St., Peter's, • . games. ; whose best bowlers were -.Victoria then on the Noble .rink drew away With the Lions zninuS right I Baech}er, 533, ' and Jim yellows,.,, toluuiki �po heilati n winning event 4.'Rc$n winger Jim 'Bisset, ,Coach McKay 642, was forced to ,shuffle his lineup, • 'High, triple scores far the night Menzies, rink won ;by, 14 ,to 4 over moving -Gerry ' Foley up with New- I were Veria Cornish with 636 'and Dr. Ray -,Hughes, rink Other luenl- •Iselin womact will . . never forget" ▪ *man.r.a t ,rte • who remembers her with perfume-- a famous , perfume'." Tabu Colo oeo is Perfumes • ° • 2.25 to 35:00 PERPU�MBBS�A�RE ?AStOsS j IE°w0 • CAMPBELL'S DRUG 'STORE �'G:C.I. CHATTER. • •Marg. 'I,fngilte , and Jean Irwin ' a team • • The senior girls basketball defeated the Clinton 'girls on • Wed- ' ed- 'siesday ,.of.', 4ast week at Clinton, .- X13, and : here, on Thursday, 24-12, �aiaking the I.S,S.A. champions. pat Thursday, night the junior, -drys melt' Exeter here for the iirSt game %Vi •their basketballers. The Exeter bow . were vleborious "by a esore of . 42-29. Both the senior girls anti junior boys met- Exeter en 'Monday alight at Exeter. Un- -fortunately the girls were defeated. o 20-15. We hope. they • will do better In • the .return game. '. Although ,:the junior boys were victorious aver Exeter on Monday ' eight by a "score `'of `41-31, they did i . `make up. the points required to •vin the round.. This- elim,ine es • the junior team from basketball for. • this season. ' . There was an assembly iii. the gymnasium on Monday ' morning from '11.30 to 12, The 'purpose ;Was • CIVIL DEFENCE COSTS. Under no circumstances should the 'Federal. Government contribute More -than -lia.lf--the-cos -of ei it de- fence: says the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The. Major burden Should,it says, e be put on the a:bidders of what in this country 'would be termed Provincial and municipal authorities. There -are sotind'arguments back- ing :that contention and they apply in, Canada just as well As in the United States, argues The Financial Post. Unlike' military'°.defence, that for civilians is essentially' a com- inunity responsibility. -Under'the circurilstances major finaneLiig should be handled more efficiently if it also is on a community and Provincial basis. ' There 1 always less chance of waste .and extravagance .When tax- payers' Money passes through fewer hands and when. the people doing the spending are '.also responsible for .the collecting. Combe and Dubick, while Jack ' Itert Medd with ,667. hers of the Menzies rink were kwo �.� . .. �� .i TEAM -STANDING Hopkinson, Fred Rouse and 3ohn .oa the Meritim-a1ePhall line, an.d St. George's , -"7« orpe, • and—Gash--:m ' with the Faulkner-Mael7on�ald-ALlin Norkh •St: leo. 1 �.,.........: GO rink was given a curilu tam.' trio intact the Lions had three Knox No. 1 59 . Other members of the Hughes rink formidable attackingunits" r, C: Hoffnitin Nick Dubick, Che dusky left- Victoria St. Peter's • were Rev. B. 11..Fard9 rind R. Desraches and each Inem Winger for the winners, - was the .�, North St. No: • 3 ' -• 46 ben of this rink received a clamp - big dealer of the evening; with, • North St. No. 2 •• 46 • on ash tray. , •. • three goals., However, to give an Knox, No. 2 ' 44 Merrvbers of Joe Moody's rink, idea how, they were clicking, seven Baptists ,. 25 losers in the semi-final in the main of .tris mates' also figured in thew !~ event by 14-5, each received a ,25 scoring,. pound bag of flour donated";by - r 'LAD�i LAWN BOWLERS ' Pon McPhail started things off Purity •Flour Mills. A,:three pound at 9.32. of the •opening, stan:�za..when .GET ' READY FOR .i3UM '�R nackage of sniff donated by Stand he banged :home Ken Miller's te- bound and from then on the •Linins , The Goderich • Ladies' •,Lawn }re niembers of Andy Boutili .r's balance of the year, •to replace t e Mrs Gordon Perry, who ' is moving moved 'in "on Mci><tin like' relatives. 'Bowling Club met at the .British' rink, whiach •was •the loser in he Dubick.Exclian a ,Ho•tel on. Tuesda even- i toy Ottawa. ,-- got the.aflrst of his three g y semi- got the ,final counter for ,the, Lions ' with, the help.of L i ., ' Tick :-M„�',. • Over the route the Lion �`-ontshot the 'Frosen- Foods 48 to 36 aiidi- col- lected five penalties to ` the losers' 'four. • • , ,. • ,. the. line-ups : . TAKE' TWO QR THREE MONTHS FBF YOUR »OWr .a . Y NT. to splicit members. orfthe Giee Club, :which., Is preparing. for the Music. Festival, to be held in April. • ANNNONONONNN•ONNN•S 4)Itt• stiper will give you ',the new, narrow fishion The moment you step . into a Narroline, you'll know you've found t'he one girdle design that aetnally *does narrew your waist, hips, thighs. See ° , the narrow panel •smaek over each does the trick by limiting,the elakic stretch,' subtracting unwanted Inche's., Sketched above: Narroline of satin elastic 50 • MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER TO . LEGION AUXIj.IAR`X. PARTY ► and •Mr. C. Worsen: The everting AID IN EUROPEAN RELIEF An enjoyable evening was spent' was capably eo evened by.firs. J. in the Legion ,blue room on Wed- Adams and Mrs. H, Carroll. The regular meeting of• the Maple nesday, February 28th, when t"500” FARMERSINTERESTED Leaf Chapter, E,, was held and euchre 'were enjoyed. The - on Tuesday . evening at the Home Numerous district farmers at - of ,Mrs. D. D. Mooney, .with the evening• 'was sponsored by -'the tended a"ineeting.nt the Town Hall vice-regent, Mrs,. H. -M. Ford,, in 'TM", Legion' Auxiliary: - inners.. _.tit on Thursday evening at which films the• chair. airs. J. K. ' Sully was 600 were Mrs. A. Le h--and---Mr --were shown • on 'weed ands laruelt. .._.elected .reeerding .:secreta_ry _Lor the Wm. Moore; 'at euchre Mrs.' QQuig--•.eonttol and also insect control. The' and Chemical Company, • went : to: .icry •'mrd` ir'rCeeli"•Ryan ' A dainty Tmreeting---was••-�•rr-an --. ..Q ,Huron •road. Ad- . lunch •was served, ,after which mod- Simmons. & Sons, ern- and old-time dancing; was en dresses `Were, given by .i. Cruick- joyed. . MacDonald's orchestra sup- . shank of Naugi�tuck Chemical. Com- plied,. the m•uste and Mr. ,John Bell pany, Elmira,. and Max•Propas, was a. capable ti�oarsatanager -=-The- president--. of Chemical Specialties appot dance was won: by .Mrs. 'Miller Association, Sarnia. , finals of the consolation The meeting .appridved � donations Markers at `14.10, to give Goaerich ing and enjoyed a delicious turkey series by a sore Aifelke, "Mero and Beacom ;, centre, Newcombe:. -wings, ,• Lutbick and Foley ; alternates, Meriam, McPhail, Duckworth, MacDonald, Fanikfier, Peng. WALLAC,EBURG—Coal, Martin centre,. iTlystead ; 'wings, Duchene II,unroradlan, j. Duchene. • summARy 14.10 G-oderich—Dubielc (Miller) 10,31 Goderie114-McPhail- 15.11 Goderich—Dublek' (Foley) .42 Ooderich—Dubick. (Foley )' 19.38 'Wallaceburg -4 M. .,Dncheng • Wallicebtirg ,Takes This -One Walleeeburg Frozen roods turned the tables Cve•derIch Lien.S 'on Tueiday night, winning the. .gatn6 PlaicenYlVurghe..nreowbylenadphis.,ctohree.. seirVi•easl: wIth :two games, to', one. • • of 14-3. o - to : the Huron County Music Festi -a-- 2.0 - ' periods' dinner. The.following. slate of f 2 -0 -edge -in- the peon d. 6cors was chosen for 1951 • Past val for a scholarship and to • Gode- The griddle session was eight IMPERIAL OIL FLEET rich Drama Glu�b for the engraving minutes old ,before Porky Newcombe, president, Mrs. 1' , • Overholt ; presi= . y- deaf; Mrs. IV.. McLaren; vice-presi .ABOUT READY TO SAIL at their trophy. . Also, approved registered on a pass from Foley., by The, meeting was a recommends Don. McPhail gave the Lions .a four- dent, Mrs, • F. Walkom ; secretary, g"Aal lead .at the miay -mark of Mr's., M, J. Ainslie; treasurer lira. SAIi'NIA, March 4.—Officers and "tion that a .bursary :of. $100; be. the 'period before Mike Duchene Larne' Broadley ; press ` s' a ry, crew of . 'the Imperial Oil tanker established 'to aid a worthy student broke the goose egg at'1428 team- Mrs, J. ,C: Gott,'' . " 'fleet here will be at full complement • graduating from Goderich Collegiate ing tip., with Pearson for the lone 1'luns *ere discussed for. the- by Tuesday, and the ships. wall be this ,year and wishing, to further. Wallaceburg tally of the period. summer's activities, and care were manned and ready to sail by next his or -her education hi any field, Nick' Dubick 'got that one back a 'then• enjoyed. Winners at cards Monday if conditiensn,permit, ac- Mrs. J. IL Kinkead, 'Mrs. k. Noble; minute later". with Foley drawing AMP . ,1 Mrs,. Wheeler and. Mrs, J. ' cording to •Oabtaii}• ,F,. C. Smith; Mrs• 4Hughes :and Mrs.. J: A. • Gra- an • 'assist, 'bringing tie score to MtLeod, • .and" a' lucky chair prize marine superintendent of the eom- ham were appointed to form .a 5 Lo.1 •at•�the close of the period. was. 'wane by Mrs. E. llarriSL pony: rpmmittee. • Seven of the thirteen, Imperial Oil Mrs., N. C. 'Jackson, convener of earlyThL s f tli led play in the •MOTOR LEAGUE FINALS' tankers have win�tered'aat this port, post-war services,. spoke of the .dire partof .the +third 'period, �, 'DuchDubick ands Miller chalking up 'The' finals h the••Goderich Motor and, a newly announced list ' of need: of good used clothing••iii Bur - markers' for the ' Lins • and • the League Peewee series for the Roy officers shows 'eight of •the thirteen ppe, 'particularly rn Greed; where goals o brakl;ers• picking. Stonehouse trophy 'had a Start .on ships ' will be ' comnna•nded by. men unbelieveable" eonditi,ans of poverty: g• •up .tw'o' rSa�tuiday morning with a. double. of •fiaxni�i'a�nd distxict: ___a .-4�__a-:__ ....-.........4 Y......,,. goals for Wallaceb'urg,'Joe , 1efiiam' header. n,,,,,, first ,T ' `'i'ha two s*i�int tankers, Imperial game was by. the • Ferds, wbo defeated the, Leduc and Imperial Redwater clothing, particularly., children's Chevs- - 4-3. Stubbington.,j •seored..built to carry crude oil to Sarnia things, at the next 'Meeting, which three goals and ' Harmer ,thd fourthlfrom. the interpiovincial pipeline iv for ..the winners. Smith *a the. oterolilla I. . at ,Superhir,.;.• ill be held. at, the. Mate a Mrs. . lone marksman for the Chevs. The wilb both' bp 'captained by • Sarnia, Wiswneinf Malcolm MatherS. The• number of •• food parcels sentl to -13ritain. will Dodges ' dowietr 'the. Studebaketisinien; 'the former by ' Cs.ipt. • T. K. ti•Raissell Knight, and the latter by .be., incpased, the. distribution to 2-1 in. the second, game. Fisher -did the . saoring' for the. winners; Imo, Captain Edward Davies. , . , be at tne discretion ef the convener, • Miss Edith Roberts. Mrs. A. F. , Wilibutson 'for the Sttide's.s, Thel Other skiPpers will be Captain teams are playing a best -of -three • J. M. :Evans, Comm:Da, On • the Im- Sturdy repotted that 'about. -100 books and eighty educational illus- trated magazizies had been des- •• ' . GODERICH 'GUN CLUB' patched to the Northern . Ontario, .• ,A bright, ,sunny day favored 'the Iudians In resPonse to a' request- weekiy shoot on Wednesday, and for such publications. • there was a' eorregnendingly good Mrs: W: A. Bay was re-elected attendance. • , filin convener and Ws; A. F. Sturdy' , ' cores were• as 'follows: Bill Beek and Mrs. S. Prevett were named as Lumby 19-23-20 ; • Jack ' Gilbert tre,al, Imperial 'garnia ; Capt. -F. substitutes oh the thlephone cotti- 21-21 ; Iledley ProuSe 19-24-19; 'Bill *all ; Capt. W. V. Mathews; Mon- Toin Sherritt 18.20-21 ;" . Chas, Lee , appointed °delegate to the annual W: •Osterdahls'Stouffville, Imperial in 'April. JOhn Ancleiron wag 'the. winner : Theo. Chapter renewed the,. stib- of 'the'10-bird handicap,, and Ashley, geription. to "Echoes," official Publis Gilbert' won; the. inissing-out event. eLaibtirotieryo.f ,t1:ie Orders,fnr the Pablie next Wednesday, the 14th; as club Plans . for• the' pumm,er carnival There will be ne practice shoot members are corapeting that.' day to be held in July ,were formulated, in a mammoth' shoot at Duart: • .. and .conmiittees , 'were approved. • , Several- .Changes. Were -made from PERSONAL MENTION- lasf :'vear, ,Including the ',substitution . . Mr.. Donald MacLean of Lucknovv of, a. hand concert for the 'pet .: WasMr. - Norman McLetsi of Detroit After the business • meetin.g a a visitor in town on Monday. renewed acquaintances in town this social hour was enjoyed. Refresh - week. ments were' served ' by the coms Mr• and Mrs. Fred Bridle'. •••of. mittee in charge. - ton.; P. W. Pratt, Collingwood. large audience who ezi,joyed a de- ,ginAliene; ' W. E. 'Lalonde, Coning- promiSing young „ pianist, . john wood ; L. Ruttier, Fort William. Knight of Toronto, under ' the Prindoe--L. 0. .. Btirns, Owen anspiees of the local Comulutiltt Sound ;• G. Long, Owen Sound: - Concert Association on FridaY.aight li. 'Smith,, „Midland. • . North. Street United Clatirchs , , . . Feeling .and artistic expression William.; -1••: Kennedy, Andaster. bY this master, • Of the .keyb,oard, Scotiadoe—W. j. Kirkwciod, St. •and the audience was' held • in tense Windoc--,Ivan Ovens, 'Everett; Daquhl, and, "Toccata and rugue S. PltflPid; Killarney. in D minor," by J. 8. Baeli-Tausig„ were' melodiously : and . brilliantly •thiir; 4.. Laderoutes.Fort William. land ; Wm. Gilbert, IvIldland. , included the•beautiful and 'solemn Owendoc—E. A. Kirkton, Fort Pfelude No.. la in. 1) flat major ; W.Illifins ; J. • j. 'Holier, Wiarton. • "Want ine.flat major ;" the Seldom ford ;" D. Calhoun, Port - Albert.. "Nttule in sE • minor, Op. 25 ;" and Cartierdoe—L.' .Legendre, 'Mon All the melody and beauty a the treal; II. Abercrombie, Renfrew: lionleVirnpgre.tagTiounp., Beethoven Compositionit in 'the. fel,. iltimbercioe--0.--F. 'Grad, Mid- WOrka on the piano was given in land ; J. Schwenk', Ville St. Laurent the ,-contpotsition: "tireWorksr by. • Kingdec--7.1. O. Marehand, Three Claude Debussy. The' lovely, ,trills Rivers; I It. McLean, Merritton. of the nightingale and ,the pas.sion. Idivaldoe—W." A: Sabine,. Cgrn- hte .song•,' '4:4 tlio- 1oveg were well A. Stewart, Midland: 1?teesoodoeHll, It' Greir, Coiling - Weed; 0.• •laeiciel, Port Colborne. 50 • • • Sketched below: 'Pantie style. • Captain Peter MacDonald of Port Dover has. been spending- 'several days hi tOwn this week. , • Captain Frank. McCarthy Of Tor- onto' spent 'Several days. -in town the 'past week visiting his 'sister; 'Miss •Iieleir MeCarthy. Captain Frank is now ' skipper of. a Lake- land tanker, the Makaweli. series. Perial Kingston ; Copt. Kehler Imperial Lachine; , .Capts A. 9. Knight, Imperial London; Capt.. G. •WilliatuSun, Imperial. Midland.; Capt: Ilurn.,5, Point Edward,. Im- perial Ottawa ; ,,Capt. 11..•McLellani APPOINTIVIENTS ,FOR 1951 Pointme.nts of.' Paterson .Steamship masters and "efigineers .for the., 1951 Season Of navigation were announced* todaY.- The aPPoint- ments zt,re. as :follows, with the name • 'of . the master and"ehlef engineer sippearing in that • order. AltadOc—K. C. Clark, Midland.; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith and SOU Wes., of Ripley; spent Sunday with Mr. ,and 'Mrs. John Foster, Mr.' Alex. G. Mac -Vicar; of Mon- treal, speat, last week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mts. George Mae - Mr end Mrs. W. A. Hay lezzve -on Monday for New • York City, whence they will sail for England to visit with their son, Dr. John Hay, at Newport, Wales. ranged with ' Mrs. -Pes)xl Folet ;the .Fourth "Ir = Materials . • We can supply you with the:top grades of *Aerials- WAN, *ME WINO BLOWS' You need -for maintenance and repair. tee our stock and ,IirafOod. T he IS PROITD TO ANNOUNCE rr AGENT /N GODERICH FOR CLOTH „TOP QUALITY MApE-,T4):,./ILEASURE, AT .PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD MEN'S, and LAMES',SIIITS" and COATS , in a wide • ra!nge of 100% pure Wool woritedi; flannels. Order NOW for 'Easter delivery. TO Ti ROLLS ON CASTERS ONLY ONE cONTROL yEAR GUARANTEE Ph011e The "Bridal .,•Sitite,:' by Kenneth rowed." 4 Weaving Of thetnes: and "Something Mue," "a direet takeoff SEE IT DEIVIOWSTICATIoN AT TTY WASHER SERVICE liAritiLTON STs)..tt01:411dOir PHONE 89W THE GREATEST WASHER OF ALL TIME