HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-03-08, Page 1•elt,
10-1tI r -.-No. 10-
Tile people of Goderich, and
deed Of the Whole county, were
shocked by:the lieWs et 'the sudden
and' tiagie death of Norman
Mdler, County Clerk, on §aturdaY
lest, ' . -,. •
Mr,. Miller met unexpected deitth
Ms when s ear crashed into the 4.1r
• 'of a Provincial ,Ilighwgre
als der•on,
highwiey 21, eight MileS..04tha,
•ooderieti. The grader was in•charge
of *William Benjamin of Goderleh.
oth vehicles vvere travelling north,
Mr. Miller being 421n -Itis way home
from a meeting at Grand illeed
etf representatives of Huron and
Latubton CoUnties •,to (11,seess .the
question of which of 'the twO
Cellintie,s the new munioirtalitY
should join, Mr. Miller stayed
over -night •in. -Grand Bend and,.. reft
turning Saturday ; raerning, luta
reached' the scene. •of ,the fatal
' acetdentea boil tol-edoele„ ,
• Rupture of Hoa,rt
An autopsy.performed on Sunday
by Dr. Pepiston:.of Stratford; Pro-
:vincial patholegist, and Coroner 1)r.
Gallow, Goderielt, revealed
that death was caused by a•repture
of the aorta,
• Mr. Miller. was a , genial and
ecient official and an authority;
on onuniciPal law. Ats one •:of the
Court Bose Officials said, he knew
'his county 'and its peeple, and in
.very hamlet, town and township
he was known •ad highly regarded.
. County Clerk Since 1940
btni a J
• '111,
- I •
Goderich Lad
Convicted Today ,
of Common Assault
In weekly court OAS (Thursday)
-afternoon,-:-Howard Creighton,_16,
Native—of India
Speaker at
'The,' anneal 'commencement. of
the Gederich District Collegiate
Institute, held on Saturday even -
Jug, WaS fairly well•'attendede
D. Munro Of Auburn,
elanirb$,, an -of the Board, prt3sidedo
andedu,rhig the', ,e'Vening '••,,the Glee
Club and a girls'.1„elious provided
•musical ninnbers under the direetiou
of Alex; Clarke, Inue.24 instructor.
in the :school. , • .
Munre''In, his chairman'a4-
stated • 'that, the tinte was
rapidly approaching When the :liee
•of the present schoorhitilding weuld
be discontinued. He felt there
shouldbe no regrets, as the build.:
big, though full of. ,tradition, bae
Served its purpose. .Stiitients from
thiS School, he said, have gene to
positions from east ,to west in
Canada and to .all pares of the
world- _Oalany.:
been developed., within :Rs ' walls,
and "we are now Jooking forward
to. the opening' of the new scheol
a year from next September."
• Diplomas Presented'
• With a kindly word to each
graduate; Judge T. M. Costello pre-
sented honor graduate, commercial '
and secondary_ school diplomas to
the following:
•• Honor graduation .• diplomas
Catherine Cutt, Mary Anne Erskine,
Erie Holmes, Sheila McLeod, Marie
Itaithbyo.o.Raymond , Young, iGlen
Yithgblut. •,
-,-.Seeondary•-sehool graduatim
diplomas-Donelde, Andrews, Gretta
Arbour. ,Mary Baker, Elaine .Beau,
Mollie • • 33isset, - 'Kenneth 13rowte
.Allan Buthanan, •Marybelle Chis-
holiu, Julie Cunningham', Itaymend
Cutt, -Moya Donnelly, Jon Elliott,.
Joan Fitzpatrick,'Eleanor Fuller,
lElettnor Glenn, Barbara. Griffiths,
Donald Haeftltorne, Catharine 11 ay,
Grace !Hudson, John itindsoie Ruth
;Irwin, Helen :Johnston, l'hyllie
Johnston, 'Helen MacDougall, Alvin
McGee., Brown Milne; Gordon Nohlte
Marjorie Overholt, Praneds Watson
Douglas WOsteio • .
Commercial diplomas • (honor) -
Barbara Grieith,- Elaine Bean,
Eleanor Fullerollelen. Johnston.'
• :Miss "Sheila McLeod was slated
to give the _valedictory address,'
but owing to Illness she was . un-
able to be present. ,
Speaker from Delhi, India •
Mr. Kist -eau, Mathur of Delhi, ,
India, gave an excellent address si• Put to the •test aftei. fifty years of ',idleness,. the, sturdy oak spokes of this NindiasS
.64 Clinton, and the late Me. Miller, of -,-44.-"oderieli.„.
he was born in l
.,_ was donvieted by.
HoniesyillecoGode '
Magistrate', D. sla.:.-1-1-altilee ono-twe•
rieh township, lifty4ive years ago: .
1-1e,• served oversees. in -, the firet charges of cowmen assault Cud re-
- '•Wotle War, and Wae awarded. the ,manded to jail fol- a week ' for
.D.O.M. fee' his services. After his Sentence:, ifle pleaded not guilty.
Mena Spain, Goderich, . testified-
return, weituded, from oversees,,he . .
was president Of the Clinton 'branch' ••
of .the .Canadian Legion, and .prier the 'accnsed. . on Saturday night,
' to '•his *appointment in no ,t6; February' 17, eame, up behind her.
,00boty Cluehe ..wao, the,. isoneo _on lettSt street and grabbed- her by
••. •
...of mot•ot vehicle •Iiicenses ,and later the' arnisShe seamed and he
aSseesor oand tax • c011ector bo• let. :Ifer go, but coutinued„to Walk.
.., (mown, ., , ,_ • o ., ........c, - •with her. • People were, approaching'
After corning to Gederich he Wai and he•walked down. Cambria read.
• activelyinterestee in -.Canadian ,Ile • made no ftirtherliffott to touch
Legion work,.•and wae a past presi- '
Maxine 'Martin stated that 'She
•clent ef.Branch 109 and a past Zell°
wee returning from a hockey match
representative. ille , was a menlber
wheii Creighton. came up behind her ;North Street' 'United •Church;'
on Cambria road, grabbed her `•leit
viee-president of •the Goderich Re-.
arm, and put 'his 'right hand acrOsS
creatiOneoConneisno ' treasurer of
the • Godaftei A •Me,00 ConmesSion; her•face, pulleil bey' . btickwArd,s and
she fele ,She said her cot poeket
secretary-treteSurer of Huron Celine •
was rippee; her neck swollen.. He
ty Health, Unit; a 'Member of the
Goderich Lion8 Club 4 recording l'ind put his left arin :around her
e 7 seerefary of the Goderich •Board Of neck, -cutting off -her breathing.
. . '.
Trade; Huron County ,...represeat- •
Charge Dismissed
ative on the senate of -the Unirers- Riding that the:charge, as 'laid,
. ity of Wegiern Ontario. , -• •
•Survivihg , besides' • his, • 'wife.
. formerly Mabel Marshall 42 01111 -
ton, and his mother'are two -sons,
'• Kenneth and Frank, of •Goderich
• two daughters, Mrs. Vernon 'Wag-
ner' (Helen)', ef Preston, and Mrs. • Suspendek s sentence for. six
Robert ,Needham (Pearl), Of (ode- months and ''.6onry'Cosb:s. ordered Old
by April 3rd, was • granted LAC.
Gordon. . Chornenki,, 25, R.C.A.F.,
'C'entraila, who pleaded' gull'ty. .of
•the theft of a Baldwin amplifier and
components, •,property. of Doherty
Air •Servire Fiele' at Muskoka • air -
:The accused was . stationed tern-
porarily ' at the Air Force camp
and when lireaking up took . the
'equiptnent to Luoan, Where it was
'TeeCtverefl. Be said lie thought he
ould make •more 'use of it, as it
was'only lying, around: Restitution
'was, ordered. by the edtirt,
' Careless Driving
Pleading guilty to ecareless driv-
charge, 'William A. Freeman,
Huron County Connell attended 01 Ing
'a, body, and, with Court House 'of-
•ficials and representatites from the
'• Pnovincial, Departments of • High -
Ways and , Lands and Forests, ' oc-
cupied ,• a whole section, of pews.
Representing • the UniVersity • .02
Western Ontario were Dr. Allen,
• Thomas :Hoskins and Wilfred Airy.
• literal tributes ,were banked, ill
profusion arowd the eneket, among
' ., them.`being:,those• from the many
organizations in which .Mr.' 'Miller
had been aetive; ' •
*Seventy, •World War veterans as-
, serabled at the Legion Hall .and
headed by a." cOlor party from the
Goderich and' Clinton hrallehes
of the Canadian Legion Marched
to the church, and were seated on
the south side of the •edifice, where
• 41
on education in his native city of are -doing a useful job in the new Huron County Museum. The windlass, ,used in the
Delhi, at she. conclusion of whieh
lie, was accorded. prolonged ap- ,
plau.se. Sir.. Mathur has a tine
19th century in"the David ,Straehan Machine 'shop in Goderieh; been given. to the
musbilm by' Douglas Graham, who bought and wi.ecked the 'aid Straehan machine shop „
. .
dismissed a charge against Kenneth English language which buddi14.,r. •. The Machine shop has. not 'opereed for fifty years, and the old ;windlass is
. •
did not apply, 'Magistrate Holmen eeoo,bioary and a command of tile I
Dickenson,. Goderich, of . being in pleasing and '11A humorees
is • Mutoesrt. probably 'tbont 100 years 'old. , All, it needed was a' 110W r()Pe. pd chain,' and it was ready
possession of a. car • while, his jectiens eaught the flinty •of the. to 'de- its job again. Herbert Neill, curator of the...Museum, decided. that this exhibit •
- . .
icense wag suspended. • • students. He is a gradaate of might well be' useful as well 'as educational, so W. mounted it on .the seCond flout' of the
• Restitution Ordered - Delhi University and obtained his Cent1111 Seho'll• hiiilding where rthe,InuSenin is now installed,* and is using it • ta, -pull
master's degree ni chemical engin-
eering from the University of Ann * (-
11e•ti'v luipment' up the staircase frOno the first floor. The maino spindle, is of tamarack,
rich; a eister, Mrs. %homes
Churchill, Of Clinton, and two bro.
thers, Fred, of Clinton, andOarnaen,
• of Detroit, -
The Funeral
After resting' at, the Cranston
• & *Walter funeral .hozne,'- the Way
• was conveyed' on Tuesday morning
- to North Street 'United Chureh,
, where it lay in state for three
ho -urs prior, to, the service*on Tues-
day afernoon.' 'Hundreds of citizens
from many. .pointa in Huron and
representative. officials from nearby
counties attended to pay a last
tribute of respect to Mr. Miller.
Members and former members of
Goderich; was fined $10 and costs
and his license,suspended for three
•zn„onths, •
Michael 'McAdam, • 01 n it o, n,
pleaded guilty of failing to file an
inftne „tax return and was ffiled
$25 wad costs. ••
• Provineial 'police stationed at
iCeoderich;, are. rounding up motor-
ists who are disregarding •highway
traffie laws, and several today paid
fines for variOus offences,
, .
they were joined by the Gotderich
. Ladies' AUXillary to. the Canadian
Legion, • District Conunander • Gel-
latley of the LegiOn Wee present
from Kitchener.
Rev. C. W. Cope, minister of the
church,e had •charge of the service.
- Mac -Laren, Gee•rge -413uclui
• The regular meetiug of the, Kin./
ette Club was held on IVIonday eien-
lag at the Park House, with twenty-
two. members and two visitors pre-
sent. Mrs. S: Shenton presided.
After the business session, Mrs.
D. J. Patterson introduced the guest
speaker for the evening, Mr. 14)... A.
Illolyer, manager for the illoleprook
ilesiery CO., who gave rtn Interest-
ing talk on nylon; and mist.; shoWeci
enlightening firms, on, the origin,
../144..tekT.i1.-421 41 product, which
sang kith personal nd around the hothe
• Bettger • and J4108 Cerra .1Iolder of' 0 winning ticket, Mrs.
"Beyond the Stpilight" and led in Lloyd. It ner. won a lovelY Pair
the shading by the whole •eongregiv
tion or -The Lord Is My Shepherd" '()P hoe°. A vote of thankS
8 ext decl "the Speaker by Mrs.
lind "Ahide. vvith • witAli Alex.
Clarke preSiding at the !organ. Ken' Pe.11"1"gt4n* l'ive new PIPIn-
IVIiiiister's Tribute _.• rs have been welcomed into Abe
club slece the new year.
In the course of a glowhig tribute,
Rev. Slr. Cope Said: "We .remember
that. as a young mart he oifered • ,
his life in the service of his the Orange Gitlei, and Kin -
country, But that I'VJA8' doesen0tigli, keadt'Of the Goderich J.iloes Club.
for lie deiroted a great deal of .his ,Ilonoraty pallbearers were Judge
time, to .make'.2,tlernocracy work. Costelto,"111 0..Dunlop,
'Year atteinlance here is trete D. E. Holmes, CreiWn Attorney
eant "the appreciation felt fel,' E. Glenn Hays, Li E. Cardiff; M.P..;
the ivotii he did in ,his 0Wil quiet Thentas Prydes.M.P.P.,,AConnty En-
"unspeetaefllar ,WAY for the commute. gliieer Roy "Pattergen,'",,and 11,10
ities he served. .,Those'close to bee Wardens X. 'W. TreiVartha, ('1111 ton,
svontiered At times how be found and Brown Smyth, West 'Wawa -
Wile for it ail." . nosh.. •
• After the serrice the flag -draped 'The flower -bearers were Sheriff
eaSket \VAS borne throngh 4, guard ',Nelson 1E11, *James Sheardowa,
honor formed of veterans and,rere.V Johnston,, .A.
.1 the, nower„bearem., And t4e, long &dm Slathers, 'Mayor J. E. IIuekins,
cortege, inoVed .doWn Northe street Godeeich Itay. ,Gibhons, Gordon
tO ,the, Square and via No. 8 high- Seriblenso Dr. Fred Thompson, E.
way 11). the 'Clilitpn cemetery, whop anti d'Ohn Butler, of
burial took piece with full Clinton; Ex-WardeliS Wilmot
. hon6rg, Itaaeke, Gliderieh township; George
The itetite pallbearers were „AtnwtrOng. loWnshil)1 I. M.
-Warden ,Arthur Nicholson,. ("minty rieltort, , .ertilhYP: R. 3": IloWnnirr,
Treasurer A. /I. H. S. 1A,teaRiseig.'; R. V. Shatidielt, Illett8t111:
Turner 'of the 00410001i" Legion': l'rew •StitilleY; aohlt
•;steiviti sehoenitig, a the onekti,,LorneWtilteliti, IIOWitrd,Carroli and
coteginll 4 Asa DeeVeo, representing I 'Sherman II. Blake,' Gode,rielf",
Arbor. He is at present with the
Dominion Tar and Chemical Com-
pany, (Goderich salt Works), Work-
ing on production of salt...,
Contrasts in India •
He .spoke of the splendor and
magnificence of his country; a,lso
of its squalor and misery. Gode-
rich, he said, reminded him of his
native city of Delhi, large and
modern, which has a niain•etreet
like 'that of Goderieh, only: meell
He attended •-primary and high
schools and University Where Eng,.
lish is the inediein of -instruction.
Studiesi are ninch. the same •tts here
-vvithione difference: "We do nett
stittly French" -a statement which
was• greeted with loud applause
from the student body.. The reason
given was that "we have enOugh,
trouble with our own langtiages, of
which there are dozens. This is
a problem which the Government
of India is endeavoring to solve.
After Six years at the University.
Of Delhi the speaker -ctune to Ain
erica. 'He preferred to, sail from'
•Bonibay, rather than from Cal-
cutta, and came'. via :the Gulf of
Aden, , Red Sea, Suez Canal,
:Viediterranean Sea and ' English
channel,;ito London, then„ crossing
the Atlantic to New York.,
Ifls first :difficulty was the dif-
ference In food, which .in India
is hot and 'spicy. Be was startled
to read "hot dog and hamburger"
advertisements, and wondered if
'people of America; ate dogs. He
Wit8 'thrilled when he first Saw
snow, "soft and 'fluffy, falling
down." .
Food the Great Problem
- The native government of India,.
1,1=1.thr -es-.173-•-ears-ohir-Thfig:
problems, but food is the greatest.
Better and mere:, improved methods
of agriculture and irrigation are
hoped *for. , liidia "must •build np
her industry She has plenty of
raw nuiterial and manpower, arid
it, is. hoped -that With assiStanee
from the• West, India will. take her
place among the free nations of
tile world.
11.t. Shithur conchidea his addretSS
by . congra tole ting the student
graduate% • •
Ile was introdnced Prineipal
A.' B. Scott who expressed his
appreciation of the a ttendatu.0 ,and
congratulated. the gradliates.'
J • Intermediate Diplomas
"Mr. ..11. M. Ford, past eh:dr:min
of the Board, presented 'the inler-
Mediate graduation diplomas to the
Intermediate gra dilation" diplomas
-rdortn John, Allan, 'Milian:
Andrew, Isabel Andrews, Barry lit.
t ridge, Betty Black, LOMA Bech-
o 11411, LOIS Campbell, Thomas
Campion, Agnes (3hisliolind Rose-
marie phisholin, Audrey Cranston,
Clara t}onaldson, -Mlinet; Erring -
ten, Isabelle Feagan, Barbara
Fisher, Joan Grigg.' John
Morrie, IltiWiird Filorence
13tirlaira Jolin$tOlt; 1.ealt
Laithwaitet 'Dorothy Langridge,
(Continued 011 page 5)'• I
with a steel bar through it, andthe hub and spoke'" are oak, with Metal, plates in their 4.'ticis
to 'engage the chain links. ---Strtttford. Beagon-Herald engraving.
By the will or ,the late John ay
efo_31. Achnira road000•Tor.onfo.,.. a
handsome; bequest is made to ,Alexe.
aedra Hospital. Provision is made
.for„ the card of the William' Kay;
family plot.,in. Maitland ceinetery,
and _after several personal beqeests.
the residue Of the -estate of $73,342
is left, to the Goderich 'hospitel.•
Mr. Kay was a native of Gode-
rich, son of. Mr. and Mrs. William
Kay. ' Be lied lived in 11`.pronto for
'many years but maintained a livery
interest in Goderieh and..its .affa.irs.
• ,The 'regular meeting of Beta
Sigma Phi wns held at the home
of Mrs. John Cory' on Weetesday
evening Of this week. After the
business meeting the electien of
officers for the coming Year tbok
plaje. Those elected are: President,
• Miss zel Wilmot • vice-president,
Mrs. Walter Rathliurn; 'recording,
Secretaryr Mrs. Geo. Leitcb; cor-
responding • secret:I ry, • Mrs. Don
Thornton; t reneu rer, Nile§ , Marilyn
Butler; prograni • secretary, Miss.
`Eileen Glidden,: ways and means
.secretary,', Miss Helen 'Jackson;
social ,convener, Mrs. B. Westbrook.
After tbe elettion of officers, 41-ess
Kay , Tiolmee wile, in charge of
„pledge ,trahzing. Mph officeiF was
• '1.1‘111%retinle•clo.4efr and wile fo1-
lowed by a delightful lunch served'
by the liestess.
• ,
. The 'monthly meeting of -St..
George's Chard). • Woman's, Guild
was held on TaesdaY afternoon.
The president, Mile Dodd, was in
the elitqr. "Thank You" letters
from members Who had been 111
were. ,read, by •Miss The
'treasurer's report showed that the
high tea held On Shrove Tuesday
had peen a financial snecess. Nkies
BettY Down. sang two solos
0104 8111g VOIM, nceomponied
Eleanor Latider, and two phtno
solos were nicely played by MISS
Mary WilSon: The president elo,sed
the meeting with' prayee, • Luneh
was ,served by WA,' Farr, Mrs.
Palmer, *Miss 'Stills, Mrs. Windily
and Miss' Mae Stenary
Larry 14`kiwilit Monkho -died in
Alextiedra Flebruary
231.(1, at the age Of 'Sprott months.
'was, the ,on of ;Nie:.no-d-litivz.
W. Slot* of " ,Sarnia. SurViving
relatives, beshles' his parent 8; .8re
his sister Slarlene, his grand-
pareitts,.S1r,..anel 7Strki. ,ittbort Itnee-
shaw' and Mrs. ,David
a -
Aldeu 14yeet,
etitertailied' the members and
griendS Tictoilit-, Street-7VMM -
the rcii W. M.S.- U. .Tuesday,..aitet-',
noon. Owitig to wide.spread sick-
,ness the ,attelleance was not .as
large as • ,
The devothinal, -exercise's' •We•re',
token by Mrs. Allen, who .gave an
inspiring_ Eater ineesage en • the
topic ."De is not. here; He LS Risen,"
Mrs, (-Rev,) D. W. Williams gave
4 reading. on the topic "The.Sacrie,
flees of and • Mrs. sut- •
cliffe .4 reading on "eesuS' Love and •
Tenderness." ,
• Mrs. Ione Beechler, the president,
lute charge of the'eousiee.ss session.
A.• gratifying response • was rePerted:
to. the "Penny -a -day", offering.o
Eighteen- hoSpital and fifteen honie
calls were, • teported• by • Mee E. •
,Hartlie, the friendship - secretary.'
Mrs. restlethwaite, Power coniener,
reported bas.kets of keit, . and;
-flowers. _sent to the sick memberg.
A . chapter. ef the ,study. 'Welt en-
titled. "The United Church- Enters
Japan through Training of Youth"
war; given.' After . the:close of. the
meeting a dainty' luneh was served'
and sweet time .enJoyed,
RePreSentate of Huron and
Landiten 111Pt Grand
Bend on .Friday la•st• but. failed 16'
Neve as to which. yount3., .should
ger 'the. newly-ineorporated
It. was decided to the matter
to -the Provincial Governmene, with
the prospect that a vote of tbe-
residente, of the ri.11age will be
.taken to say. .which county they
.• Clerk N. W. Miller- WAS a, znethber
ofohe Huron delegation, and it was
while returniag, home the next day
that he came. to his death on high-
• •
Delega4021 from vatb4:041e 011 siderable laagth with regard ,
Fire orreliteCtiOn— Dates
for D. 0,,„
• After absence froM seVeralOineete
.ings while -a patient iii*A.leiaudr4.
,*ayer", gucltini •toOlt • the
chair at the meeting 9f the Town
Connell on Tneeday night. •
Kane' ptnuees -after o'clocir
:cif a complete "is*!!9i.P.301c1,4ink the,-
hOuse numbering ;system ;for the
:town. Ile. quoted '82,590 as the OS
numbers, 'plakiug, of the. nirrabArs!. .
and a plan of the town with all ..
numbers as,':Arr,angell:4'0041:Lite
system, . t . , .. , ... „.
' -.The Matter was referred, pio, tbtn.
publie worits. ee'OraitteeY
Later Niel. Culhert,Atne of . _,10*Pr;' . •
1001i0 Oil . it * the '.ravages ,,ef' ..lite'• Of Menther$: Cf±. the Innior•Chganhel! 4 '
at OnAnteree:' *iti.30 Avtrot Vraient ' %JO "
,lotzueiryo•WomuOitivvigniolitt-Prwevirt:k. a... tivui*41tleett .prooroti to .i)ot Ili,. 1,100.0,4: sumperot
()Well! Q*110' Said 'the ,a.V.'s iv.. ,00:t*.
and Graham, besideS the MaYOr,
being presnt, but the appearance
of Councillor Jackson Made kip the
qaortnn, .and later still 'Reeve El-
liott "and Councillor Back' Arrived,
leaving Councillors Allaire and
Drennan as the only ab.se.nt&s.
- House •Numbering
I-. L. S. , IlannelI, representing •the
Municipal . Service, Company, Tor-
onto, addressed the7C4ecil at con -
Snyder was the chief' sytekesnMa•
for the deputation and .rstated that -
Colborne was interested and worth!'
be glad to know what the TOW,.
haft to offer.
;After a number of qn'eStions back
and 'forth it was deeided' that a :
delegation from the , Town .would
be present at a meeting of the Col,
borne people to consider the whole •
'natter. This. meeting ' has siifee
The importance a urban -rural
been, fixed ,for March 19th at, the,
relations wee the theme of ",a'n ad- 1.
Too`VV.aspi, p,%;i7-114tIlely."` 'i)e-s-ented.: lityr.,4-1 •
(leas delivered by Gordon Bennett,
requeit for the extension of the '7
illiiron county agricultural. repre-
.s'eseer 'on BaYbeld road. e Mayor
Junior Chamber Of Commerce at
sentativeo to the Menibers Of the
asked that an application, be niade ',.
tbe, J.C.'s Monthly dinner meeting ill wilting, , .. .. . , n,,
- Separate . School Levy $4,150
iletil' aVtlre- British-- EXchange, Hotel
The .secretarY . of , the .;Separate "
on Wednesday evening. , 4
School Board wrote 'asking • that a -
rural and urban •people are becom-
Mr, • Bennett pointed ' oub, that ley
,of 0459 for. soarate .913_00,1
purposes be made for 1951. . ,
ing more depeinient, on each ether:
F. It. ' Darrow, ,K.C., on . behalf
Al olie time rnrar residents. and
submitted a claim of $52.35 ..for
pendent of each Other,
townspeople lived relatively hide-
"' farni6r8 expenSes ineureed by .riastin of the
of A. T. Kaitting, • KektYs 7etreet„
turned. out math, of their' ciothing,; strect:
Lind. other equipinent by home
public \yeas cennuittee. e ,
This'. was referred to ill'e '-
blocking of the sewer oir.lieays, ...„,
methods ivitile townspeople raised
A request•en behalf of the Mails
food. With the growth of the
livestock to produee much, of their
Leaf Chapter, L'O.D.E., for. use ,of
population aud with the implement -
the Court House • Park for the
ation of machinery, the farmet has
sent to the parks committee: .
had • to concentrate- on •-ialle raising,
61,1arge quantities of feed to feed
tenden•t'S -office ,at Loudon advis.ed •
Chapter's car -idea). on .d uly 1Sth was I
the urban people. Similarly he izoi7_71414,11,g_th?, . ?ppripaoles 91:1 ,
has_ had to -14.111 to the toWiesand A, letter' froth the, C:P.R„, superih-
city for' the ourchase o1. iiniehed
either side of the harbor hill held&
that arrangementsowould ,be inade:,...
goods,. cinch 4:8 clothing' and ma- pei,144. . .,‘
ehinery. „
:as 'seen, as 'C'etlther-eqndi,fiori.:: wonid
In this interdependency of rural
. Treatment el Sewage
and urban people; it „becomes evi-
A letter from "the ,Department of
dent that, the . problem of one is
Health; Toronto, _asking :early: eon -
While agriculture bar tidvanceti,sidertit104
the .problene of the, other.'
ef the inatter,:of .p,io-
coneiderably' during the past fetii
charged .into the lake here; was
as industry wae, fifty years ago,
years, it is in the same stage,today
niittee. .e. •
'siding treatment Of seWage now 1.3.1z -
Mr. Bennett stated. 7We are going
to see great chatiges- on the farm
ProvihcialS,ecretary?s Department • .•
referred to, the public werks- Com- ,
. Tile civil defenee. branch of the
..titit)i dthsot I 1 c:hhadtvigeesty, adapt ourselves
Wrote . Offering ,adviee and assist- .
Whirlpool of spiralling prices to the
ParmerS have been caeght in the
dor ii.testepoe.me-
defence cOmmittee for the teem.
This was referred to the Special.
ance 'in the formation of a civil
same extent, as towtspeopie, 11.1.!..ft,s0.. -
to notification ofthe prices they receive for their product
is tip.
Bennett peinted out. Whileii., the, avntuti . ti
are good, the .cost' of living
,s,041. ,,T41, top Isix inohu of son Is apd any members of the Council, •
faced with a problem Which will
The Ontario farmer IS at Present of . Azseisnsweeingoigtradistrficto'uNt:k04, ' •
to be 'held at .' Meunt, 'Forest on
ultimately affect urban dwellers- ,
Daylight Saving Aline
Mareh 2th, the Clerk*, the ASsesSor '
that Is, the eonservatioti ,,of his .
A -motion was adopted setting. the
were, empowered to -attend.,
the 'inoSt important oonnfiedity '
dates of 'daylight saving time ' in
the 'world. ,teday. • No longer are
,r1;,derich, from( .‘4 a.m. Sunday, Aprlit
valnes determined in gold.",
29, to 2 am. Sunday, 'SepteMber 30.
The speaker stressed . the import -
These dates cOincide with. the its -tr-
ance . to .urban life of a thriving
7;ays' suinmer Schedule: ' •
rural.connnunity. „'..No matter what
the industry is,, if you haven't the
A eerumunication /rota the C.N.R.
means to • produce food, all other
P tenden., a office at Toronto
e° it, erin 0
materials go for Delight"
reported 'Progress hi the matter of ;
ing to bring ',back to' the sciil sonie
Agricultural authorities- are try- the
proposed ' nor,th road to the
of. the materials lost in the early
hgArb°'leriter. from the. management
years of eultivation in this country.
Sunset Hotel, edvieing ,Council • of
eontinue, land Weald becozne. bar -
desert In Ontario, river author- meet of
ren ,and perhaps eVentually a
Were past conditions allowed to
an tippeat,...to the County Judge in ,
the matter of the buSineSs ' gesees-
the hotel, was :referred
nitoleos48hipay4ey be -a winheejartetchey:.
to4the Ceurt of ReviSion. . '
Council adopted a reeomplenda-
The - Junior Chaniber kit'. Cern-, •
Hon of the Anante tonimittee' that
inpree could beeorne, instrumental in
UI Public.‘Utilitiea COMMISSitan.be
Becadee of , the untimely death
of Norman W."Miller,•Cotinty Clerk',
'and past district _conunander of
way 21. ; . •
•. . . ,
. : IN HIS', 84'12 YEAR
Mr. „A. J. Cooper passed' his
eighty-third birthday "otroSaturday
last, March 3rd. • A call , at his.
, a
spirits. As everybody knows, iie
bi a native of Erin, *emit sixty-two
years' reeldence in e'anadit has ,net,
robbed* his speech of :sits CPItie
114f MT. After spendiag SeVe4 years
In Clinton and yor, and :n -half
in the States, he came to Goderieh
in April, 1897, an d ha s now entered
the ranks of cider 4.1tizens. ,May
he spend many mere birthdays in
health and comfort.. .
the Canadian Legion, the_ regula-eitzmiersclay e% ening hist the
by° Branch 109,• Goderich, gliese preeented an 1)1 11 evening for the
Ottereliff=nigifteUn'Tgb7 TA'Crieho-Fired W,,e, fe(Tioretrekormegeteeteenote
. bingos will centioue to be • held- in leathers ana ()liken.; of the Sunday
the 'pause. • ' * schoel and meethees of the choir.
The 'executive. of Bra p 11 199 las The Tables WPrq prettify decorated
approved the • eugagink ollobbY and 0. delirious dinner was served,
Jenn's orchestra, of, Woodstock, for interspersed With -the singing. of
the Legion's annual St. Patrick's Irish eongeoled by ('. Attridge. ‘elth
Day hall, which will be held in, accompaniments by AIOX. Clarke.
the Pavilion on, Friday evening, Aire D, toost
March 10th. This orchestra, will
1/0 11PW to Gotierieh and is 'reported-
, quite colorful..., with Many tal-
ebted musk:inns in ite inemberAlm:
•. Mr. and Mrs. tiOward .11. Baer,
Colborne. township, tinnoilliee the
teigagehient, of their`daughter. Elsie
'lamella. to Slark Lyle Eineriek,
son, 02 Mr. and NI VON'. 1,3..
E4 nerick. • , fa yet te, The
ularria go is to take pine6 late in
Starch: • . "
'an instructions, of Irrnwn At-
toiney II, (;lenn Itays. K.C., 1121
• Inquest. into the death of .Connty
Clerk Norninit W.• Miller will be
• held on Weducsday. Mareir
tit° 10 o'clock, 14 110 TOVII
Branch ,109, Canadian Legion„ is
the Pavilion roll liNtiday nighti
sApitout,i($401 a •$ Patrick's hall' at
mistress, Teasts ivere proposOd to
the King, the Churele the 'Sunday
school -'and- the 4.hoir. .All then
joined in contests 8101 games • direc-
ted by Mrs. Hughes,
nnd Mrs. •MeLcod.
Teineer» 1111'08 (If the past week
in (toderiele with , theee. of the
eorresponding week. a 3001, go, as
0111(.1:my recorded, ns follows:
1051 105.0'
MAX, Max..Mia.
Thurs.; Star. „35 e 25 - 28 11
Fri., Mn', 2 .....45 25 15 . 5
Sat:, Mar. 3 ,,,, 50 :113 10 • 0
Sum, Mar, 4 28 19 •2
M on, , Mar.• 5 , 25 • 25
Tries., nor. tl:..37 25 . 40 25
W.M., Mar.' 43 19
The Itiror 'Maitland was Jammed
with lee" at the Saltford bridge for
',gthile (hip but Is now running free
to the .
provided by the Conneil;.
Fire`Protection for ,Volkome %mu,
ship • °
Members of the Colborne 110V0,11'-
shiP Councils Reeve Snyder and('
Councillors .norton, 4ernighan 014
Hunter, Were present on ...the.
vitation of. the •.TOW).:1 00=01 1,0
discuss the matter of lire protec,
G. Bennett Talks
on Rural -Urban
solving many of" the problems that
advised ' that the rev -men • is net •
exist .with their reral, neighbors,'
Towbs, prepared, to assume fifty per emit.
Mr •pennett' suggested. ef the'', cost of the .P...U.X.s tree-"
people would benefit by reteiving
the fruits of ' these resources 'and trimming, program:
good fellowship Would also be • A recommendation ,ot the parka
eStablished With the rural iwopie: colemittee, that the clerk .consult..
The County has this year de- the LionsOCiub with regard to the
velopedo amone ,district high operation Of the Judith GOoderinen''
schools, 'competitions. whereby. "stn. _Memorial Park for the coming 8(.19- .
depts ii,ei exhibit samiees of .oil sea, also was adapted. ^ ,„,„ ,
conservatien Work at agricultUritl .. Bylaws Presented .
fairs. In the,Provinee qf Ontarlo,1 A number Of bylacte were sub -
there has been instituted a program 'flitted by the Clerk, including (nr,0 ,
to• amend. Ll
1e bylaw ,lieensing tail
tSlagr:iii"itiail4e4tgike ori"a e4prtiretin 4aPiffi:66i.'714:1141eSernelt,the'laxi-
11vestock, grain tor some other cent- nulieincirl:t the pl.xeavr opmteetitri-4,40tltoUtth.",g
modity, produce it on their fetliers'
farms -and eichibit it at an "achieve- the application, when presented. at -'
itient ilay",In the fall. 'the last meeting, Withdrew his op -
Mr. Bennett answered many Positioe, - but the Mayor losistell •
fi. e, .'-
questione put to nim by. J..C.'e, per- that the bylaw shottid go to the
twining 'to rnral-tikban relationship kcial conniiittee, where,hSalk
a lid enlightened' the gathering as, to"it shouts). have gone -ie.* the. lireit .
', "
hew contact eould be established . it . _
with rural organizations, with. a Cyril Robinson; it taxi `operator
view to betterihg this reint16116111n. ‘‘.11() was present at the meeting
_Reports on the Regional 5ocon., as.a weather of the Junior Olamber 7,
24 and 25 were submitted, by the o,f,Conunerce, Wag i0Vited to .spetik
, -
lie said the , taxis had • beau ,oper..,. ention held, at Geelph on, February
following: Mel. Culbert, extension ilting at a lae''' for sinfrie 111"111°' 4):14
. clinic; 'Bert Drysdale, good govern- that the held rates' Were. IOviter than
mem clinie; dtareld ninciitito&,,, iiiother towno. o
elealettp clinic; Sink e-'utt, :mirth) While, •tlite bylaw went to the
clinic. , ' • . speeild etnninittee for een'Sideratioti;
• r •
' co.utx‘il. tetsSed•a motion to permit
, • . • . _„,„ ,
. 4 LO0A10.1a4 tr.soolvIssi,t_Th4,- the neW 1 rates for WhIciv the.tr
*: Itylit'iv.No: 6 Of 1651; antlferizing . nt flare t.t.iti:ki eocip.e7fo,rs to continue th:trg-
, ,
, Sirs, M." iloover, of i'nds, Alberta, the ' eonveyance to the t!TOSSin lit
on Satnrday Was announced the the pmfrDerlY on Smith ..9,1,..tretr 1t4.!.
whiner of first prize 14 ithe guess- tended as the site tof an -urruor
ing contest held at the I'. 1.1, litibbort waS given:third: rtMding and peSSetl.
..S., Sou store ilt!rleg. February; She ..Bylaws . Nos. 7, .8 and., 0 ..wete
, will revelve-iiierchandise . to the referred te th*:. o'peehil cOnitritttee,
value of $10, Winner Of seeond Ilyialtr Xq.;:+1 Is for tbe livenSteS And '
prlie, $5 in Anerehandise, la Mrs: !' regulating of ' taxi -cabs. Noli'. i 8
Wilf. Reinhart, Goderielt, white "for the, liCenSing , and regulating Of
Mrs, T. .11. Bundle, Itit. 1, (.ode- bicyeles, and No. il 1$ for the
' riell, p1:14.0001rd and will receive Beet:sing' or ostners and drivers 4
. merchandise to 1,110 'pine of $2 X0/ velticht itstd, Pr hire.
, .
• if,