HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-03-01, Page 7, n 'Diplo at Firsts :Choice * Alberta.o• a � CA's ,iHIQ RXCELLE J. LUMP 00AL JUST AR- RIVED, . NEW LOW FRIO'S-, ton ...O.per. • DEAN` COAL CO.. 'Try a Signal -Star ad for results 000010 :iwG- BOWL HYDRO HOME ECONOM151. 4Ie1.1o, Homemakers t; Fol, variety. 1 meas, souffles and fondues are exceilei,t. •possibilities,' 'What 15 a 'souffle? • What 4 ;-fondue? How are they related? L souffle 3e n A a delicate; e.s ou e t 1 , � gyR baked dish :made with a thick white Lsance•. to which .are. added well beaten egg yolks;,and. stiffly beater? whites. The souffle. •needs son?I1e kind of sauce, or creamed' mixture, h aspo at . suc o t m Or.U$ m h as a m. r�Qo main coarse. Per • dessert; top with custard, cream or fruit Sallee. A fondueis like a souffle except that the • thick white sauce Is re- placed with milk and bread crumbs. For main . counsee dishes a fondue May be plain or the followingmay be,added: grated cheese, shredded vegetable diced meat or fish. With chopped- gait and flavoring added to. the basic mixture 1t• becomes a .1 tasty dessert: ' To be. an ,expert at .. making souffles and fondues follow' a good recipe and work quickly. "TAKE A VIP 1, Prebeht ' the electric oven to 825. degree. '. 2. Assemble ingredients en is anesr tic le 6 necessary for making and :baking: 3; Prepare' meats, fr' 1ts, vegetables, or fish. . , • 4. Saxe time by' whipping egg' Whites Spit and yolks next, to avo.i d,wushin • the at , �' a be er.(ms . E ' • beat 'better if they are at room temperature.) 5, Keep souiifles light by.adding a/4 teaspoon on cream of ,tartar for each 8 egg whites after they have ben, beaten.' until foamy. Beat until stili but not dry: ' 6. Fondues and souffles Will bake to a light, fluffy food in a slow oven set at 325 degrees for about forty" minutes, 'p' 7. A souffle is done .if' it springs back • Newest, nicest Feature. of the new Beatty • Washer is :the stainless' steel' tub. This smooth, mirror' like"steel is just the same as you have in your: table flatware. Tt never scratches,chips or stains% 'It is always so agreeable to the clothes. The Beatty Stainless Steel Washer has e 'thirmo tub to keep the water ,hot right . through.the 'washing: . • T w' Beatty is just as beautiful on the 'as.the inside. you will •always'. be proudof it. '• And it does such ; beautiFul. work -.the Beatty human hand agitator has ,never yet been equalled for betting clothes cleans JUST PUSH. AND 'IT SWINGS ... PULL AND, IT STOPS There never''vas' a Wringer. so convenient and safe as this one. -, Saves -time and trouble,' BIGGEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE eIN TOWN -best possible .terms. i BEATTY WASHERS . ARE PRICED ROM., $'. 129.50 /lROrs THE 40141 wheat. t�exrt v preMod with you finger or if a Sharp ku4s. conte iatitcleanwhen rosette in th centre. -Be •quick; and, gents though / $,.Serve aamediatbiy after. ba1U1; --�t soufflHasse Souo'le fallti readil 0y.` 8 tbsps, shortening. 41. thecop' ismmilk, sifted..I1pur a •tsp. salt % tsp. pepper • 3 eggs, separated % 'tsp. cream of tartar l't 'shortening, ' Blend in flour Add "milk gt.ad�ually, beat)ng von starrtiy: "'hook while stirring' until 'thieb. about live minutes. Add. sal nd r. Blend thoroughly: d I>�pl?eCool :Be Whites 'n t Until f _ a e hhi t ossa egg ad -y� 'cream. ' Of tartar. Beat egg+yolks until lemon colored. Add beaten yolks to cooled white •sauce. Blend thoro`hghly. Fold in beaten . eg Pour into greased two kin ua ba dish. rt s Bake - oven' of 325 degrees for forty min ut�es er until _,ani inserted knife homes otic clean. Rasie Fondue ' 1 cup milk ,,. P1 cup soft bread crumbs 3 eggs, separated 1 tbap: shortening 1/3 tsp. salt • • 1/4 tsp. pepper tReat milsk in double • boiler ; add crumbs, shortening, ,salt and pepper. Stir ' until 'shortening is melted. -Cool slightly. Beat egg - whites until stiff but not dry. Beat 'egg until 1 b lemon c yolksWin. colored. ed. Add yolks to -milk mixture.' .Poll, in egg whites. Lour into twa-quart oiled .baking dish. Bake in electric oven of 825:degrees degres for about forty minutes,' or until 'firm. . THE QUESTION BOX 'Mrs.• A. n D.r asks-:-• How to fry oysters in the electric oven. Answer Panned Oysters .12 oysters 1 cup flour 1 cup Sour 1 tsp. salt 1 tsps pepper.. 1.egg, beaten 1 tbsp. salad oil'' • Bread crumbs Combine flour, salt and pepper in one bowl and the egg and 'Salad oil in . another bowl. Drain the 1 ysters and roll thein in' the eiour and then in 'the egg mixture and, place in a buttered • baking dish...Sprinkle:, well with crumbs. Place ins" a mdderate 'electric .oven ('375 degrees) for about twelve to fifteen minutes. Serve. with tartar sauce. - :I rs E. M.tartar How ,• to make potato chips. Answer: Saratoga 'Potato Chips Peel four potatoes and then slice with, a. Rotate. peeler or'slotted knife, , very thin. • :Soak the pieces in colo• salted water.for one hour: Drain them well, .then dry' them be= tween towels. Fry the chips iii deep -fat' (peanut oil) heated to. 395 degrees (hot enough to -brown an inch' 'cube:. of 'bread in 'twenty sec - ands) until they 'rine brown. Drain them on wiper and sprinkle ..with salt: , Note, 1: F.r ._only a few potatoes, about brie stip ladel at a time. Note 2:ti.. •If they are net crisp enough; cool ' , quickty in a draft shaking excess fat from diem, acid - fry • again; 8 e • e g r. t Blend gb', slow PROMOTION FOR ERIC WILSON • Eric M. .Wilson,,, formerly.ofSalt- ford, who ' was for seine • time on the HGoderich public School 'staff, Miter • principal of the Kincarddne. • schools, and ' still. late;•, 1 4. of • The .Stayner' 'Sun; .. has n' •a 1- pointed advertising-clireel f T1ii• Mon.treal Family Herald' and W'e.k- ly' Star. 1Wilsonhiss been on the advertising staff of" thct Mon- treal paper, foie. sei•erai yea rs. .GiZ Beatty -Washer- namilton St. Goderich a ARISNiki Ontli MUTE'S • 1110111$ WORM . ila Ls -- - -------s- GODERICH, MEMORIAL; 'SHOP ' ''EWE T. D1 S1GNS BEST OF M.ATERIALN ' Guaranteed workmanship est 0 -flees that will' please you.' SAVE, ALL AGENTS FEES Cal- l' at on% once: or drop us 1. tine to '' Box, 161, .Gioderleh. W.. will be pleased to . call add' help choose a suitable memorial for your •family .plot. a : • • R. A. SPOTTON St. Andrew's. -St. moo. E ■ (1) When milk Is given, do 3 not use galvanized Iron or • rusty containers. Dirty water, dirty .or slimy drinking foun- 111 1tains, spread disease. It is E very important to 'scrub your ■ drinking vessels thoroughly Ai and keep them always well a filled. I! (2) For health and fast growth, a good growing ration must SIbe balatte:ed with vitamins for a health, animal proteins for R growth and cereal grains for a energy. fi r • '. S 1J�����af ;'S. AR ,rcontri Dortinnolf um.* tufsETT M. ROSS The Dominion •Life Assurance -Com- pany has. announced' the appoint- ment 'of PbbetttM,' Ross as their representative for Goderich ; end district. 'Mr. Ross ' 'has .4een 'same twelve years in the life Insurance busi'ness'and is well qualified-te ren, der service to,the community in con- nection with life insurance or an- nuity requirements. -9 CIGARETTES..1(AY .RE• SENT GO_L._DIE,R,0 IN .SEA At the .semi-monthly meeting of Branch 109, 'Canadian Legion, held at the Legion Hall on Thursday even- ing last, a' letter was, read from the Dominion Command in whicfr it . was stated that arrangements have been'completed whereby cigar- ettes can ,now he- shipped' at a're- duced price to members, of Canada's• armed forces serving in Korea and other Jar Eastern areas. There is a limit of. one parcel a menth to each' individual.• 'The Department of S'atienal De� fence • is no�v: negotiating • with United 'Kingdom' authorities. to per- mit -shipment of gift parcels' to, forces serving there. however, orders cannot be pinged for ship- inents to the U.K. 'until authority for sa doing is received. • • . The welfare committee' of Branch 109 will; endea'3bor to see that Gode- rich and district, men serving in the Far East receive these gift Iparcels_.of cigars tteo,_ pe.riodicallr A y: reader • 'knowing of • men from its 4istrict serving; in the Far Eastern theatre i 'asked to inform Joe Jack or Les. Riley of the wel- fare 'canimittee. ' ' A :donationof $10' will be made by branch 109 'to • the St. John Ambulance annual drive for funds. PIONEER THRESHERMAI ' - MARKS 84TH BIRTHDAY`' -Hugh. l to vart,, fOriuer • Ashfield township 'tthre:sberman, and the -first roan to, introduce a straw- 'blower lir the township, celebrated nis eighty-fourth biirthda y On. • Thurs- day,•February, 15th. ' Mr. Stewart Observed his birth- day .at his home in Dungannon, wbere,he, and :Mrs. Stewart have re- sided for the• past - seven Years since »retiring from their 3(10 -acre farm in Asitield, now •-owucal by Melvin Stewart. When Air. Stewart started »out foht,..ixtiiself -a5. :i young ,Than, ,he rte t1c,ekl�r#l.rn:�3E'.da:ole year for 4.+75. By •thrift rind' enterprise, lits ,eventually 11urehased a threshing machi-ne and •for thirty years was engag0 iu this seasonal business: ITe -also' %pi.riited a' saxviuil,l, and sawed lumber -for as little -as as $2,5Q per thousand. Tlil;eshing rates were equallyr'low at that time and Stewart threshed frtim early . inoruitig .until lute .at •night. at a rate of $12 to 0.4• a day, esus introdiiction of the blower for carrying and .blowing straw was heralded as quite a progre. sive• step, in those days. . AIT. and "Mrs.; Stewart are -over fifty .years married and are both enjoying gond -health. 'They have five sons "and one daughter, Friends and neighbors` 'extended congrat'ulatidtiis to Mr. •Stewa•rt,. and best• wishes generallsly ga. to this' esteemed -couple.. " • • PROTECT -.YOU ,POULTRY � INVESTMENT • �lynt ",up�-the r aT °chick -starting-.. ■ e • M , ■ i ■ ■ ■ •■ i1• ii 11 autiosoroarsiiirol season by feeding your next • winter's layers now, on a growing mash made with National . Devel- oping Concentrate ...fresh -mixed for tasty goodness.. The` growing season makes or breaks -your flock, So build strong, •A vigorous egg machines` now, the • "NATIONAL'I WAY, and get birds that lay premium eggs steadily through .Pall and 'Winter .q T See Your NA7IOtIAL Dealer Pocky j4f COUNT ON • Stittillif Your Crops wills NATIONAL w+(►11=curies properly-bli iii FERTILIZi'R. 0 • 1/1 hl iii // l, i _ a t WILLIAM STONE SON$IIMITED of ERSOLL ONTARIO .P3.. BENMU , R _ 3EDTb l:,1'iER, Feb, n, Mr.„, Clare -Stewart of 'aRidgetown • spent the week -end- with M'r. and gra. Rusae11 Pfrittuner and' -also v#s .ted in Goderich= Air. Wm. Feagan of Sarnia visited Wiithp Mr .and Mrs, 'Stanley Van. . : . The eraklnole party held in 4lhurel1 on,,,Monday ' night wad . not as largely attended as 4t would have been but. for. the fait that so many families had the `"flu." Win- ners Asir We evening were: Ladies' high, Dawn Snyder, ; lneu'* high, John ifeagan ; ladies' low.," Carol A 11 an d men's low, , RAV tili-.l V'• TheA,L , par- sonage et a t t h ii me e ar- sonage on March 7th, • Roll call is to be answered with »"soinethinh tg of Easter," ill''ostesses are Sirs. Ralph Jewell, Mis. A. Maskelle burs. R..-i'frinln er and 'Mrs. 13ar. rower. • 'NILE '. • • NILE, Feb: °27. --Mrs. David M.c- Gra•tten•, of Goderich, htisbeen ire- uewing old friendships in the neigh-. borhood, . calling .on Mr .and„,,Ars. Ross McNee and Mr, and. Mrs. llerbb Pentland.• The school children are having the time of their life, going in each Friday afternoon to skate on the' ice at the Ooderieh'aren-a. • •y• Mr. !Wm. Feagan, Sarnia., astd\ Mr. and Mrs.- Stanley V a e an Y s to ne,, B'en;niller,.; Visited at the- homer of" Miss Mary Currey and Mr. Win. Watson. Mr.' and Mrs. McCartney, Clinton, visited at Mts. Amelia. Meliwain's and Mr. »Wm. Watson's. Mrs.. Ralph 'Hoover as going home to Olds, Alberta, on Friday, She goes, by plane.from London. LO'CHALSII. - LOCHALSIIf; Feb. 26. Miss Frances'H'amilton of London visited over the week -end with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Hamilton. Mr. and • Mrs. MacLean Bell of London were recent • visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russ Bissett. ' - Mr. Sandy. MacLennan of Grand - Rapids visited -with. his. brothers, Ensile and Frank AtaoLennan,' :re- cent1y. u . Mr.- 'Dan 1Iite1 onald is •vsiting this week with friends. in London, Hamilton and 'Windsor. ' • I,ochaLsh friends are'glad to hear that Wm. Kempton; a•patieiit in the• ,W Ingham -hospital', is ' impro-ving after a recent operation. ' Jack MaeLennan; and Bruce Mae - Donald ' made, ai business trip to London one day' last' week: * •, • - PORTER'S HILL... PORTER'S 'HILL, Feb. 26. -- Airs. 13111 Townsend underwent an operation last week ` in ' the'.,Clinton hospital. We WLsh her a' ,speedy recovery.. . • • - • The, •Comiiittnity Club .held its February' meeting at are' Koine of Mgrs,' <,Eorg'e flludie.- The afternoon. was spent in playing. cards. There was, no program or ,easiness, so the afternoon concluded ' with the hostess serving a lovely lunch, The ;March meeting will he held sift Mrs,' McCowan -'s home, ...ST. HELENS 5T: l I EI»E S, .1-'44).- 2(;. - .Mi s Margaret , t1uel'hers,,n 'tra's home from London tor, the week -end, '(l.uite st number-iii'the •euitinlun= it`s •heii•(,' tell `suffering from 1,1m "flu.- Mr. E. ''' Rice and Uie•k;e 0111'4.111 11311! been �uhder•,the doctor's care NVitl. pneumonia, • 1 TOWNSIJIP COUNCIL WEST WAWAN4SH The'' regular°'rrreetilig..ot the West 1ya.wanosh rTown:ship .:tt'ouncil .was held ori'' FE�riruory' ,13th', with all the .. members- present and Reeve Everett Finnigan' presiding. • Bylaw " No. 3, authorizing, the Beers,• ants 'Treasurer to borrow funds for current 'expenditure, was c rad -a third time and passed on mo- tion bf. C'otf eillors Dunain and Gaunt. ()n motion of Councillors Struthers and Johnston, bylaws NO. 2. estimating the amuuuts for- road 'expenditure, wets passed. it �cris moved by Councillpr ,John - skin and seconded by Councillor -Gaunt' that the Road Superintend-' 'eat, be instructed that. the grader be kept in operation day and night till all roads - have been, winged, The motion, ca rried. The Treasurer was- instructed to Cern etery or-ial T. PRYDE & SON (formerly. Ounniug:ram. & Pryde ) •Olinton, Exeter, Seaforth • Write Box 150, or pkone 41J, Exeter - acid we shall be pleased to: oall. • Highest Casli 'Pheea for DEAD STOCK-» ,ROBES- $10.Ob esti CATTLE 0:0,0o eaob HOGS $2.50 per owt. 1i1'eerrdong to siz(' '1401E64w, UALL �y5e�aoity rteLIF, ONLI�i,LF' �L.►4�. DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED •'i n: I i .. imdCO ' Tryaurburgs .•4 ICIX CREAM B, Sd'{0. 'or.t ;t.late isnaGl#y --x � a .�p!eeaf (Just oft the circle, Ifigloray 21) OO 't, VIOTORIA' AND BRCCK�$T8.,,, G; t l "The Little 'lace With T1s .R 'Welcome , 1 r al f .ta ave a s � oo leo , 1 a ire... o es ted Th' • r - . h h i e Ma ch meeting will. held aft e. slum, Op 'motion • of . Councillor •Struthers and '•Gaunt . the Road Superintendent .`was instructed to advertise' for tenders- for crushing and hauling gravel. r, • 'The meeting was ° Adjourned to Manch 1.2th, at 2 pan.. ' DUitNIN I'.IIILLI.IS, Clerk, by` March 6th. • the ho-a°lit, it's. �Q °- LEE$URN W.M,S. Prayer Serviee. -•- The regular • monthly ' meeting of the Leeburn • W.M.S was held at the home of Miss B. 'Shad on Wednes • day, February 21 It. she World Day of Prayer was observed, with Mrs Terence Hu ' . Te ce literuc ennd tits the la 'service. The meeting opened with prayer, ollowed'by "responstive read ing by the members. There were thirteen ipember,s and three visitors present: Mrs. Sallows and Mrs. J. Horton gave readings. ' The service. closedn_With.the singing f; this hymn "The Day Thou •Gavest'y and re- peating the Lord's 'Prayer. A dainty lunch was ' served by the iicstess, .assisted by her sister, • Miss Ruth.lr Shaw, and Mrs. Horace Orawford.I, • � ?rest' James Elects al, `Gatntractor• 'ifi"iriiz • and Re air Work Plione' Carlow 2OT. • . - R. R. fir,' GFoderch " . 42.0 L O�.-`Itis' IN 4L, T'ARM -WELD2 b anti,, WELDING SUPPLIES -, always `stn stock. W. G..' SIMMONS . . Huron Rd Goderich: Phone 1132' 1 Cemetery JnscriptionWork Modern equipment - trornptserVice 4 Phone : 723M, Goderich SPECIAL OFFER! , .TONI REFILLKIT .0:25 New TONI SPIN CURLERS 2.00 New TONI CREME RINSE ' .25 - REGULAR VALUE -$ 0 FOR» t 179 'ONLY . .44 • l+ort AsFlrey's ?gown .Brc n l . eoipes.- FRE Write inn's Ashley, Tho' C'anadd'tareli Cornppny tiittit,' P. O. Box 129, Mt>ntreniy 'ls� CIS •