HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-03-01, Page 1-IL
1.4)4t1i Year --Ne. 9
total: Talent .1!erforgto Effect,
.ively Varied'
Roles •
There was abendance of variety
•`‘ and interest_in, the inuSieal show
+oIng,Plitees" presented at the
Pavilion on Thursday and Friday
,eV.enings under ,the 'ausPices 'of the,
Goderich Kiesmen Club and under'
the difection' of Mis.s MindY, Scott,
of Kansas. City. 9te well publi-
cized • event attracted capacity
audieneee, on bOth night, •
The story Was, unfolded front ,a
diary kept.'hY. the, Stationmaster
"eUxicle•Billy ateen," whose landli-
'ness had {won all hearts during' his
fifty. years lef .service. 'The part
swase splendidly imperbohated .-by
John Marlott, who throughout We
perfoemance was never out' of
character as he presented persons
who had passed his way.
The 'scene of the 'production. wee
•. the: "depot", of "IlometoWn,"
• ada, and the curtain rose 'on the
' 'arrival of a group of girls- coetuined
in yellow and white, and others '.as
bellboys smart in ' red 'caps end
tunics, who sang seme,lively &songs:.
• Those . In the, chorus were Ruth
willis,i$amICathle Paget,
Dianne Thorpe, Jane Graham,
Jacky See, lud A11isqii, Joan Al-
. lair', Jetta 'Chapman', Ruth Bowen,'
Ann Hamilton, Sheila Gallow, Jean
Prouse, Shirley
• - , Leitch, Patrieja 'Videan,' Sylvia
,Robinson and 'Aglie.e' Chisholm. •
• A pretty scene was that enacted
.by • Virginia Lodge as. "Miss Mare
elamaret'A. and a group of „children
to wIlsera he 'had- premised a ride
the train They began their,
grotp, of songs •by' singing "Happy -
Birthday to You is• en honor of
"Uncle Billy's" birthday. .
• -baneing Numbers
'Corinne 'Cranston, daintily; cos-
tumed. in 'White :with touchee'of
red, was .entirming .as she danced
a soles number: ',Step dances Were
executed 'prettily by Jean and
Madine .e.cenil„; also by. Corinne
Cranston; and - Eleanor 'Emerson.
Laurel Lodge also performed grace-
fully an interesting dance number.
..An :alitusing, skit by an all-male
cast was presented •by . "beauties"
'front, -the Seltan's harem" 'wearing
ekirts. In, McGee appeared as
"Chee-Chee," as "Cleo,"
Ken Croft as "Leo," ',Bill:McGrath'
as '.'Margo," Bert Worsen tis
"Lena ;", it and 1eiry Whaley • ;is wae absent betaifse of Illneses bet
• had prepared a talk. about rare
jewels and their stories. Thiswas
read by one of the members' present,
and was much enjoyed.. , •
Mrs. Bette. Westbrook served a
delightful luneh, and the evening
Was eonelnded with general deems-
:sem and eonversation.
• •.
• NVINGHAIVI,. Feb, 22.—A' strong
resolution protesting the proposed
removai-of mail, express and
•Saeger service on be .C.N.R. line
•between Panner.ston, and Kincardine
was drawn up ,here tonight.' The
Pretest committee was forined is
the reautt, of' lest Thersday'S meet-
ing here, ' •
Tights resolution protested
strongly the' renloval of the train
aertiee * any form, and asserted
that tins and °truck, service would
• definitely be inadequate to handle
the situation, onethis line.
•• A subcommittee of seken mem-
bels (with full powerto act in any
capacity they see lit relative to the
situation was named. Members are
Mayor ))17,. W. Gurney, 1Wingintm,
chairman s Mayor 'Joseph 'Chilvers,
Kincardine; Reeve Jack McNab,
Lucknow ;' Reeve Harvey ‘Tohnston,
..etorris township; Reeve J. D. Bee-
croft, East"Wawanosh•,-James Auld,
Paimerstone Mayor 0. M. Nickel,
Mayor Gurney presided over to-
night's meeting. ,
• Tonight's resolution, will be foe -
;warded to all municipalities and
urban centres concerned • en ;the
C.N.R. line „between Palmereton, and
Kincardine. The resolutien wi
also be sent to the follwing: E.
Welte, • superintendent, • C.N.R.,'
StratfOrd division; Mr. ,Walford;
euetal--esuperintendent, T-or-oniese
Donald 13lue1 M.P.; L. E. Cardiff,
M.P.; James 'Corry, 'M.P.; Arnold
Darragh, ALB.; the Hon. Lionel
•Chevrier, Minister of Transport; J.
Ws Hahne, "M.P.P. ; J. Fred Ed-
wards, M.P.P. ;• Kenzie. Foster,
Wing up "at the rate of about
20Q 4411 both -Monday and Tuesday
of this week, there was a grand
rush to beat the deadline for the
obtaining of Pew ca r licensee whieh.
Whs originally set for Wednes4,147,
February „'28th. Licenee issuer Ned
Sale, assisted by Lorne Broadley,
was kept going fat all day Nio4da'y
and Tuesday writhag„, out 114
license forms.; The license issuer's
office la. located in. the 'Cornish
Hiectrie store on; -West street.
When a -.radio broadeest ran -
flounced ,Tuesday evening that' the
deadline was to be extended .to
March 20th, sales on Wednesday
fell off sharply. , Ail last week,
however, sales were brisk.
First new license number issued
in Goderien was 78W1, while today
(Thursday) at noon the numbers
had gone up to 93W50, indicating,
that approximately 1,500 licenses
have been issued to date. Theletifiel
ber of commercial licenseS sold has
been about 700;
'NURSDAY, MARCH 14t, 19.51.
Charge of illegal
upting Dismissed
in Today's Court
Magistrate" D, E. HelMes in; week-
ly 'cella this afternoon distal/3.W a
'charge laid under the Game and.
Fisher*, Act against Donald Camp-
bell, Kenneth IS. Campbell tind Cerl
Wawanosh, that during the
closed season for deer. they had
in their possession,' between 5 supget
and, sunrise, a light fundrfireartest
capable of 11111.hig • deer.
The charge was heard two weeks
ago, and Was adjourned for fiirther
argument, as to.vthether .information
should ' have been laid before, a
magistrate .rather than a justlee
of the peace. '
Magistrate ,Holmes ruled that
section 73 reqt4res that prosecution
under the Game and Fisheries Act
should be brought before the magis-
trate, and that information brought
before a justice of the peace is not
yell& He expressedthe opinion
that the Legislature should" re-
word the Act and Wing it up to
date. ,
According to evidence at theehear-
ing, police stopped' a car driven
by Kenneth. Campbell. on January
11th On the boundary road between
East and West Wawatioeh, north of
Auburn, 'in• which vicinity :there are
considerable' deer.A shotgun, elite,
box of, shella and a ?flashlight were
found in the ear in which Donald
Canipbell and Carl Mills were else
occapaets The -men' testified thy1(
were out rabbit -hunting and. that
no shots had been ;
Think •Donuelly, K.C., counsel for
he ace , sale:fitted ,the., charge
should have been al before the
Magistrate, not the Jrustice of the
Peace, according. to section 68 of•
the Act: .Crown Attorney :11. Glenn
•Hays, K.C., argued that sub -section
9 .should. be followed and the in-,
formation laid before the Justice
of the Peace.'
Careless Driving Charge
• A' charge of 'careles.s driving
against Miss Georgina M. Renotif,
of Belgrave, Was dismissed. A cite
driven by her was involved, on
January 21st' last in a collision at
Auburn with a 1950 Chevrolet sedan
driven by James Craig,. Auburn,
causing damage to both cars.
• •
. Running out of gasoline was in-
. .----.
directly responsible foe $700 dem-
age to a eat and injury te twe
of its occiipaute itt in accident
three miles 'south of Goderich on
the highway to Bayfield Saturday
night. Mx -S. Jessie Harmer, R.R.
2, Goderich, the driver of the ear,
was walking to the NIcIlwain farm
to get' gasoline affer her •car had
it of gas.—Seated-in,..
parked -Mr tho;.highway ,were Mrs.
Rath Vandermeer and Xer daugh-
ter, Carol. A car driven by J. S.•
Kilpatriek of leacknow struck the
parkedrsar • and knocked it about
300 feet- down •the road. Mrs.
Vandermeer and daughter received,
facial cuts and ehettd- and leg 'in
jeries; elreKilpirtrick also received
face and leg shejteries.
, Mrs. Dom Thornton wafs hOstesis
t� the Bette"Siginte Phi On 'Wed-
nesdaY evening, • February .28th.
,During the businessemeeting it was
voted to . hold the annual Spring
Fahttisy about the lith of May,
,the proCeeds ,to be donated to the
hospital. Committees for decent:,
•tion, adyertising and • ticket sales
were appointed. ,
After the business SeS$1011" in-
tereSting tepid 'on 'jeweller was, pre -
septet"; •iind • Miss Mnrilyn Butler
told about primitive and historical'
adornment MisS • Aileen •.ifilddon,
Plees are Cenneleted foe ' the
fourth annual Huron ,Oetanty Seed
Fair, to be hoa in the 'Clinton Die-
trict'eCollegiate Institute, in Clin-
ton: on Murch 9 and 10,' it * all-
nPuneed this week by Mr. It. G.
Bennett, 'Secretary -treasurer of the
1111P0# 'Or01). Improvetneat AsSocia,
tion, Mr,. Bennett ,pointed out ,that,
this year's show promises to : be
one of the outstanding agrieulteral
events of the year. The •Huron Crop
Improvement ASsociation h a s
spared no efforts in trying to, insure
the success of this Shove. It is
hoped that all farmers in the county
will interest themselves in it.
Farmers in the county should re-
member that all are members of
this Association and„ if they have
grain or seed .which they • feel is
suitable for the Seal Fair it would
be good business to get some ex-
hibits- well prepared Vo exhibit at
the 'show. Entries close on 'Tues-
day, March 6, but it is expected
that a few, post -entries' will be
accepted. The Association is offer-
ing a total of more than $500 in
prizes, including- some very Mag-
nificent specials, along with Some
handsome trollies, which have been
donated by various organizations.
In addition to the actual showing
of exhibits, there Will be' many
other . highlights: The Huron
County junior seed, judging com-
petition will be held in eonjunction,
with -this, show and will be carried
out commencing at 9.30 tern, March
jUniers-in Huron comity
under the age Of thirty years are
welcome te take part in this com-
petition. There will be 'separate
sectienS' for •the junkies and the
seniors. The juniors will inelnde
boys under twenty; years .of age,
while the 'seniors will .inchitle boys
between twenty and <thirty years Of
age. 'Handsome trophies will be
awarded in each section; in addi-
tion to some special Prizes.
bsgrvetby Rome
and School Club
*Vie 'WaUelin''.' .paPalaFri `and,
effitient manager of; the, Gederieh
Memorial Arena, 114 won the ap.;.
proVal of the Arena Commission for
A renewal (of""hiseontreet," Which
The Gocierich alome and Selioel,
Club eelebrated "Fetinder'e Night!!
on., Tuesday evening. Mrs.„ S. "C.
Andereon gave a paper in, which she
traeed the origku a the Hoine and
School Club, stAingethat the tenO-
tion• of the club was to bring parents
•andteaeheris together .for. better
understanding of the student, and'
paying special tribute to Mrs. A-. O.
Courtice, the first peesieldset • Of
Home and School.Clubs.
A collection was received for the
Courtice memorial library..• .
Jim,. -Jackson, and Edward Leg-
gett provided excellent -musical
numbers on the esoreet, and ,Miss
• S"Dardanella."
The !"Coronation"
, The "Royal "ICtironatioe," which,
was awaited with special, Interest
by „the audience,* followed whew
children who 'won the
largest amount 'in pennies, gathered
bottles and other containers,
were "crowned."
Croveireer "King" was .Jinnny Mc-
Gee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leopard
McGee; inad . as "Queen," Brenda
Louise Bradley, daughter of Mr• .
And Mrs. Win. Bradley. .Jiminy. had
• 2391 .votes and 'Bren.dti- 2464. They
were presented..with .silver Cups ,by
Miss Scott, whoedid the crowning:
The "Prince" ante "Princess,",
. placing seeond,' were -Bruce Baech-
• ° ler,, 'with 2174 votes, and Margaret
Cousins, 1863.° .Theywere awarded
• plaques. •
The third prizes • were won, bY
•, the "Mike," Gerald Mere, 1700,
votes, And the "Duchess," Delores
Ann, ,IGauley, 1796 votes. They
. were presented with -ribbons and
' Miss Scott told them. the awards
wotild' be relninders of the work
• they did for the Kinsmen -sponsored
children's playground. ' •
. The Cinderella Story _
A. highlight •of .the „eVening wa
the .presentation of. the "Story of
,played .by' ' a group, of
little children daintily co4ti1nnied
' *lords *and ladies of the, court,
" Their pretty, nnaffepted mannerisms
• "brought down the - house," bele
• each .played the parte assigned In
pleasing style. ,•.
Judy Patterson, eostweed in gold
• satin,. was a'' lovely "Cinderella,"
• and Jimmy Boyes was an ideal
"Prince 'Charming," Sandrae Mac-
' Lean, as the "Fairy'," was equally
pleasing.. Others in the scene were
Erenkie MeCa1mn, Paul Carroll,
Pant Banks J�bn-Morris; Frances
.Curry,- Dianne Bannister, Marion,
Sntherlaed, •Cheryl Bridgwater,
Pouglas'Shenton. •
"Al Jolson", was typically ,por-
treled_bY geitrgeLIWKam.,Aud-cati
- -13iniks tis--ogiryor' w-fire-rrdwir-wei-
• 'orned a group of cenventionaireS
• Who' 'stteg male choruses. They
• were .Frank . 'Skelton, Cale .Banks,
• Dotig. jaek 'Gardner,
'Harry • Watson, W. A. IliteLaren,
•'Harold Blackstone; Sherman Blake
• ' and •Gordon McManus.
• Fashion Shove
A pretty group of 'node's pre-
•.•.sented• a .colorful Faehion• Show,,
• 'Costumes for which were loaned by
Gerrards." Those . Ip. Alias scene
were ,Colleett ' • Madge' • Marion
• Dougherty, 'Marilyn Testier,. Evelyn
Duetow, Jerry letimiton, 'Ron
Della Hinz, Margaret 'Weikel ,
Grace Morgan, ilkn Murchison and
Helen „Caniphell. •
Silver dollars' wer6 awarded per-
sons in •the audience whe answered
•'coerectly qttestions put to thee by
•• "Professor ,,Quiz" (End Worthy),
sho stilted up. Interest' with his
timely •coniinentary,
"Songs at the titti? of the cell.°
tury" were timegully played by a
kitchen (letnil, lit widelt •the instru-
inen•ts werepie plates, egg -heaters,
dippers and other kitchen utensils:
The. players„w_tried---1-ty Mrs. Nor'
elan laremont.. , Otherg in the
baud Were Ntrfi. M. enlbett; • :AM:
W. 'J. MeGratle Mee. H. Iiihbert,
MrS, • (Sflies, Mra,; Bert. Worsellt
M..re.• F. • :SWUM,: Mrs.' Shentont
Mrs, P. 1111.1, :Mrs.' G.' =Ballniatet.,
•• SALE or cALENpAits
In the absence threagh illness of
the president, Mrs. D. D. Mooney,.
Mrs. A. IA: Sturdy presided. at the
regular meeting of the W.onien!s,
-liespital Auxiliary held•on Monday
in the eboued room at ,Alexandra
•• Mrs. George MacEwan was named
the • Auxiliary's representative ''en
the hospital board of governors.
Mrs. ISturdy and Mrs. W. A. Mac -
Laren agreed to be the hoepitel
visitors; for the succeeding meth. .
• The treasurer„ Mrs. D. E. Cathie -
reported, net receipts frem tlie
'stile of calendars was $289.75.- Two
new membera were welcomed: Mrs.
W. A. Seeherlaed and MTS. Lewis.
Thevew,as aSatisfactery turnout
at Ne;etlitesday's Gun. Club shoat
with good average scores, by all
Club members: Bill Lemby 19-22-
22 ; John Anderson 20s21-20; Ashley
At the regular monthly meeting Gilbert 20-10-20; Bill 13eek 1648-201'
of the Goderich. Dramatic Club, on Jack Gilbert 18-4721. ,• •
Monday night, . it was announced • J. Anderson and W. G. Lumby
that five entries had been received shot, at Wingham on • Wednesday,
so far for the club's annual Drama February .21stetiad won, with 21
Festival- for one --act- PlayeerAle.--he -out -of -25 in the first-round. --
held April 11th, 12th and 13th."
• Reports ' on preliminah. work
aone for the festival were rec,eived
trona several 'committees. Several
'Lobel firms have again donated
trophies and peizee-, for the •com-
petition. It was decided le serve
refreshments on festival nights tO
participating' groups.
Mr., 'Bruce Stewart', presided' at
the meeting, Which • was held In
MacKay.411411. , •
There was n large attendance of
members 'at the meeting of the
Ladies' Aid' of Knox' , Church in
MacKay 'Hall on Friday afternoon.,
The president, Mrs. •Peter Mac -
Ewan., presided Mrs. Norman
•MacAuley was convener for the
month of February, with Mts. Roy
Chambers aal Mrs. Katharine Mal-
pass- assisting 'with the devotional
period. Mrs. R. E. Wilson pleased
the menibers witira humorous read:
ing 1.71 her -usual ffine style.
Peter MacEwen, MTs. Geo. Schaefey
mid Mrs. Win. Abell were named' a
committee to ae-eist With planssfor
a kitchen ia the new church. A
social; hour, with refreshments, fol-
lowed the meeting. ,
• Temperatures of the past- week
in Goderich,' With those of the
corresponding .Week., a year .ago, as
officially. recorded, were as follows:
1951 , • ,1950
•.Max. Min. Max. Min.
Thurs., Feb. 22..33 • 30 17 • . ,5
Fri., Feb. 23 ....39 19 • 28 17
'Sat., Feb. 24 •19 27 12
Sun., Feb. 25....45 • 30 20' 7
Mon., Feb. 26 37 25 • 17
Tues., Feb."27 ..38 25 20 14
Wed., Feb. 28 ..31. 24 33 • 20
, •
Instructor Leonard, from the
Provincial' Fire ,Marshill's office at
Toronto, wes in town yesterday' and
made An .a11:round inspection • of
the fire-figbting eqnipnient, includ-
e ese elite neW pumPer. • Amt r en t ly
all was found" staisfactory, but in
official 'repert wjj1 no doubt be "sent
to f1le7rOwu'Ceueci1. Mr. Leonard
showed fllms ie the upper auditor-
itun• of the Town 'Hall, illustrating
*various phases • of fire -fighting.. ..,
.This morning, itt 8.30, the brigade
was called to the harbor, where
Bill Forest's cable .at" the ,eeet ende
of the harbor was .911 fire. • The
shiltir' frame " building was pretty
well gutted' before the blaze was.
extinguished. The origin of , the
fire is unknown. • Joe Webb,' who
lived in • the -cabin, had left it
only half an hour before,
Dr. Callow andeMesses. T. Ttqllor
and E. Weaver, of , the Public
Utilities Connnissionf and Hairy
Crane; Hydro foreman, were • at
Toronto • this vveli. attending the
annual raeeOng of the Ontario
Municipal Electric Associatione
Miss,eellanche Watson, Who re-
cently• eetiredefrom hec position on
the P.U.C. pffice staff, Was pre-
sented:by • the Commission with a
radio in recognition of her long and
faithful service.
With increeeed consumption of
power in Goderiela, the Monthly bill
from the -Provincial Commission
continues to rise. • The bill for
J nue ry. . was $8,432.86.
!Hydro was playing erielos • on
Monday evening, when .the lights
Went off several times for. short
• periods. •• The cause was some
trouble in, ehe neighberhoed of
•FolloWing` chotr „practice lost
w.e-eic. tit. • North ''Street United
•Chttrelf, a farewell party was -held
for • Mrs, K. Humphry,, who is leav-
ing' for' Belleville. On behalf of,
the choir • Chrlton Worsen innde
a presentation to Mrs, liemphry
and, expressed, regret for her de-
nt' rture.
Lintel' • was -served 'by the social
eonVener, Mnry L01.1.1Mathieeon, and
her assistants, Joyee Wilkinson and
Marilyn Turner.
• ... .•
e The death occurred recently at.
his home at Byron of .John
)Hand', .bfortherly • a. resident of
Goderich, Mr. (Randy, was In his,
e1ghty-4117st 3 -Or. ILis wtj/fe pre-
elecease.d hint, and surviving are
two • daughters ,- Mrs. Ernest
Ctkrhoehae (Ethel) • And Mrs. Tietor!
Bell .(IWe), both. of Byron. The
funeral, took place at .London, with
internient in Woodland -cemetery.
Dr. Lancelot Ee,Bolster, of Paris,,
Ont., died- on Fehruary 9th in, his
tsjghty-eecond year. Dr: Bolsters
wag the former Eve .Ausebeeek of
Goderich, nnd after their marriage
they lived for emu° time In this
'town • before reteeving, to Paris.
The funeral service Was .held In
`St. J a Ines' eiehglicen. Church. Paris,
on February 12.th, andeburial waR•
-in the_ Paris cemetery. •
The regular supper meeting of,
tbo MsteGlllivrny ellAeion Bend Of
Knox tlhureh was held in MacKay
mit en Wednesdne ahem -aeon. The
children • started • making
serep-books and keitted articles.
Mies WigginS, a gne..St of the band,
'offered*prayer, •efter' whieh • the
ehildren had on enjoyable supper.,
• 1
• •,
Ruth 'Dockstader, aecempaaaied by
Mr. Alex, Clarke, sang lovely soles:
The. president, Mrs. Stanley
Snider, presided. Mrs.' R. 11.
Cornish gave the secretary's report,
and MTS. W. E. Docketader in her
treasurer's report showed that the
_recent card partybad he4a ,a suc-
cess. .
'Mrs. Stanley- tSnider was ap-
pointed the official delegate to the
Home and School convention
Toronto duringFister week.
The guest spea er was 'Dr. R.
M. Aldis of the Demme County
Health Unit. Dr. Aldis described
a health unit'as "a full-time health
department •organi2ed to serve two
or More *municipalities," He de-
scribed briettly. the .orgenleation; of a
health -unit, statingethat-some4o
its duties weretokcolleet statietics
on communicable diseases, and to
control them, te provide public,
health nurses and to enforce satitas
tion in food, 'water, milk, etc. .
His 'address was followed., by
film On' problem children. The filin
portrayed two scheol boys, ie an
in t roe e rt :and., .0 ne extrovert,
an' ehowed boNS7 the children's; home
environment affected - their whole
general attitude toward life: The
seined: can do only go much to
correct home deficiencies. It rests
with the plirents *and the .bilme to
do the greaterpart in, giving the
child A, background of .stability. •
• Itt closing ,l)r,• A.1dis,, stated that
to be .physically sound one must he
mentally .at Kest. ,
Mrs. R. E. Wilson expressed
thanks to the speaker. Tea: and
birthday Cake were served.
• ,
AS a sequel to the . molesting of
girls ie the vicinity of East street
and •Carobria reads -Howard , Crich-
ton, 16, is eharged on two counts of
indecent assault.
• e)it .Tues,day. Mrs. Mable Gray,
J:P., remanded him to .appear be-
fore Magietiate D E. Holmes clu
March 8th, Property bail was' fixed
at $1,000.
The death " occurred at Torohto
on Tuesday of Rev. James Scobie,
of the United Church, ' in his
seventy-second year. , Mr. ..coble
Spent several years " in this comity,
having charges; in • the Wingham
dietricts lie ie enrvivedby his wife,
.three daughters and one son. Burial
is to.bieort Friday at. Torento.
Mrs. M. (.71,titt, Mrs. 't Len •McGee,
Mrs: K. 13ardge.
• The prograni, Wag' bralght to
colorfa cenehteion when the en-
semble paid honok ,"Vnele
by singing gay • song S fled the
"Mayor" of the Timr.n7 oleeted him
its ,first eliizeh and 'presented
with the key to "Itomet44n,"
Thneeday, • February 22nd,
ohly 'five weeks after the death •of
her heshand, 1)1.. Robert' Le Totizeli
Mrs. Le ,Touzei died in St. slesePh'S
'hospital, London. 'She was the
former Meer Moeely, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John 'Mosely of
this town. She, waS. , a gradnate
of Alma College, St. Thomas,' Der-
ing the -fleet ,World Wier she ad-
compfinid her • husband oversells,
where he served ..as,„a medieal of-
fieer With' the Canadian. tmeps.
Since, their return- from overseas
she siva • her, husband had resided
in 'London. • Site wase member, of
the Nicholas Wileon° Chlfpter
riangbterk or the Empire and of
the Anglican ,Citurell, SnrviVing are
several nepheeve rind nieees itt flo-
tfoit, Steeeistershelaev, 'Mrg,
Annie 111; Jones, Of St. Clair Shores,
Miele flnrthi WaS in .Woodland
cemetery, ,Londen, on Satnrtlay,
after a SerViee coinitieted: hy' Rev,
J. Johnston. ' '• • •
• The third game in the 0,H.A. -
leter-group playoff series be-
tween •Goderieh and Wallace
burg will be played at Goderich
meet Tuesday .night. The sec-
• ond gaine •is being played at
• ,Coderieh•this (Thu&day) even- •
leg. Difficulty in arranging
"dates led tothe decision to play
will be to.May, 1952. • In eenewing
the contract the Arena Commission
pointed out that Mr. Wakelba ia
shOwn aggressive enterprise in the
managing of the arena:'.
Special Mediu
W.11.$ at N
• .
. • • , .
•The annuar shareholders' meet -
Ing of the 'Maitland Golf Club
Limited was held on Friday, Febru-
ary 23rd, at which time statemeets
thio% 141}livIntes a*t n'itebee art:Indalreaneetb*4
ladies from- outlying diS,trle.ts Ste •
aa froni toWse. at the Special •
Pre.thYterial meeting 'held 'la IlOrai
Street United Church' aehool Tee*
on Monday afterateon• to heeT MPS
NairU:Ken;iel),1114tra"beilttliin: IS:err *erryeI0t,
the Danpien; Boardand MINS
'Olive, Sperling, seeretarY fo
younger group work' melee their:
special appeal for missions and
„missionary reeruits.
Mrs. C. M. ;Robertson, ifice-preet-
dent of the Presbyterial opened the
meeting with prayer, • Mrs.
KirkbY of Waltpn, president of tile:
Presbytezial, extended a :Weleeiner
to all. • The Scripture lesson was
readlay Mrs. D. W. -Williams, Mks.
Charles Barker offered prayer. This e
was followed -by a panelAiseussion
by Misses McNair and :gparling, aa.
to the immediate urgent needs,of
the -mission fields for .BOA,10441.0s;
literature, food and clothing and .
naoney to carry' on with. In tee
felling to clothing they stressed the -
need 'fee babies' layettes and nien's •
clothing. • In the sending 44 clothing
•men have 'apparently -.been oyere
looked, but their •,imaed is just as
great as that of the WOMen,
•_The clothing for Korea is being
shipped via Japan. Those sending
bates are asked to send ten cents ••
Per,pound to get the goods te their
of „ten ton (6"f clothing
at 'the overseas naiesion
Toronto was being' held up for
lack of funds for transportation. .
Ine letting the people on the
'foreign- field. know ef the: interest
taken ins both 'their 'spiritual and •
their physical well-being, the MIS-
SiOn societies are wielding' the 'best
• weapon. they have against Com-
Inunisni. The speakeis streesed: the
three basic principles of the work
as (1st). consecration to, the work,
(2nd) centrality of the church, and,
(3rd) nobility of action, -In answer °
to 'skeptics they ...Said. that misatiert,
wogs and its influences cannot and.
neer will be wiped out •
• • At the ebeee of the talk, Mrs.
Fowler, ated 'Mrs Wilson sang a ,
-lte*Iy'duet and •the gathering the. •.•
broke up for grope diseassioile, fel-
lowing which- a° delicious lentilwag'
served by the ladies. •'
• A great deal a interest was take*:
in the display of -miseeenary
etitee shown- by:se:Sirs. • iiiilleheeeht • ,
of Japan. ••. ••• • '
Mr. John -,Allin,•4th concessi of
Colborne township, has receiit1 a
letter from •hirS •cousitn,' William.
Richard - Allite,- .orn• on the WO
concession and i w ,,living at Wet -
roes, Sask. Th consists have not
seen eirch other foe—some time,
and W. R. in his letter brings The
record of his; fawn:if up to date.
They are all doing well. Merle,
the'-eldeete• eel', farms .0. section
(,040 acres) of his Own and rents
an•addittenal one' and n -quarter
seetions. He had bad „lack ' last
year, his crop 'being frozen. Who
Says farming. isn't a gamble?).
.Cliff, the •second sou, is principal
Of a. public.. eeleeol da an Alberta
border tOwn. -Abother. •son is. a
sumvisor :for an electric iviver
co -Operative ',eoneerm.
They have enthusiastic cerlers at
Watrous and Mr. Milli • tells of a
bonspielthere, this 'winter in which
the' curlers played ',dayand night
all week el .11-11.s, team played till .2
educe: in • the • morningliefOrO a
crowd rOf over 1,000 spectator's,' and
wawa 1)117e. .
Mr.. Allin says the Johns boys,
• the Fishers and the Trebles, also
from Colborne •township, are "doing
fine." • .
. .
axrd- reports covering dxst seasen,
we.re presented. ' •
The ,financial statement shows a
further increase in 'ea pi tal surplus
and also shows that a record number
of 2,600 out-of-town visitors, and
touriets played the ceerse during
the season. •
The grounds Committee repent
shows that We new ,-bunkers and
one new trap were 'belle one new
bridge installed, a new drain built
in. en No. 9 fairway and •110 cedar,,
Spence and Scotch pine trees 'trans -
two, 'successive games at Code- 'Slanted on the, 'first sevenfairways.'
rieh. The fourth •game. will .be , Plans for the Coming season' call
played at eVallaceburge next • for painting -the club hoUse, putting
Friday night: Wallaeeburg.
won the first game at Wallace-
• burg by 6-3. • •„
The Federal Govererneet is
launching- sortie large detente pro-
jects, and one of them, as an-
nounced from Ottawa this week, is
a • $387,800 conetruction job to be
undertaken at the Clitton, R.C.A.F.
station. The contract for the' work
at Clinton, to,inclede a modern bar-
racks bloek, has been awarded to
Johnson Brothers Co., Ltd:, Brant-
ford. It is expected thAt work on
the job will he commenced-shortle.
-noNds.oKe 1.$40.
YOU 1,96126 -rearep
-Co H.El-P •
• ummi.,_rxw1.s.pj,744%
cmAANKIDTANE6.--.virtt•Lb 11
in a new floor,, etc., and further
mewed ra ina ge arid bridges on Nos.
and 9 and considerably increasing
the -area ,of at least foul' fairways..
„A. contract has been made with
.mr. Frank Reid for the concessions
and bee will be the club superin-
tendent and pro:
Mr. William Coulthurst will con-
tinue' as secretary -treasurer.
The shareholders elected the fol-
lowing board of directors: .Dr. N,”
C. •Jecksons Charles K. Naftel, Fred.
Rouse, Ivan PaPernick, ' C. M.
Baechler„ llouglas D. Mooney, F. 11.
Darrow, K.C, Tom Pritchard. •
. At a subsequent direct -Ors' 'meet-
ing Dr. N. C.,jackson was elected
president and Charles K., Naftek
vice-president.. ^
• Mr. and •Mrs. J. McCaig and
children, of ;Nitro, Quebec, spent
the week -end in. Own.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H.'Zinn re-
turned home ,on Sunday after .a
holiday trip to Florida.
Mr, and Mee. Melvin Tyndall
have arrived home from Bermuda,
where they spent the lake two
weeks. ,
Mr: • and Ails. W.- F. Saunders
were guests of Mr. andeMes. M. B.
Tennant at at Montreal' Oyer • .the
week -end.
•Mr. S. Cade's friends will be
pleased to learn be has .returned
from • a London, hospital .and is
slowly improving in health. ..
Mr: A. J. Gordon and dauglater
Margaret, of Watrous, Sask.,-yiSited
this week With Mr.. Gordon's sister,
Miss Mary 'Gordon, . Lighthquse
. Mrs. Chas. Hunt hsts returned to
her home on St: Patrick's steeet
iNst,fittehr hspeernsditsnt,egt
ha. estlrl Sa.three. Thorne,
at Toronto.
Mrs. D. L.- Jones of D•etroiti
formerly, Of .Goderich,. suffereda
,fractured hip in e ,falleat her son's
Nene oh 'Tuesday of last week.
She was renewed to Highland Park
.hespital, where she re resting as
comfottably, res could be .expected.
In the parlor, ofeWestmereland
United Church, Toronto, on Friday,
Febreary 23rd . Margretta• Berry,. people next door, you, the Cenadiata
daughtee of Mn: and Mrs. W. J. publie, must giv.e it your most gens
Berry, Goderich, was Melted in 'emus ,support," declared Mr,. Cold-
marriage to Kenneth Robert Mullen, well,
The first hair of the 1001 eurling
bonspiel was held on ',Wednesday,
with the remaining half 'of the
'games to be•played off next Wednes-
, day: (Awing to the illness of •a on of Mr, and Mrs,. James Mullen,
ififinber- of curlers some "of the Teronto.The' eeremony 'wee eper- „FORMER,. GODERICH MAN
•,:gsepete-werceseyeue brede -..--e,Seess=efortnedeiiseseRev--. Mreseeleasetin:
• OTTAWA, -March I.—New re-
sponsibility of the 'Clanadiati, Red
Cross"for supplying blood and blood
products for the armed. forcs -and
for civil defence requirements was
cited as ari additional reason fox',
.supporting the Society's itatiomd•
appeal for funds which. opensetoday
'across the nation, in etateeriente. '
issued by the three politicaileaderg,
in Parlianaent. •, • •
"This year; -in addition. to. '10'
.other .work, the Society' US treleaL
taken, in conjunction with Ake
Federal Gelernment: iteLinipartnuxt
task. of procuring "blood -and /WOG&
products for.our • armed forces and
civil defence requirement" -said
Prime Minister ..St, 'Laurent; .11".(0,*
us 'give genercknsly," •
"Most ofus remember with gratl-
tede the immediate and well -organ-
ized aSsistanee- prbilicied at the dine
of the disketroue, goods -and' firg3-:
that occurred in CinadteLast, Year:
he added. •. "
• George Drew'," Progressive • Con-':'
servative ,leader, .stated, • "Otte
the Soeiety'e greete.st contributions"
to Canada Ls the 'operation of
'eighty-two • outpost 'hospitals' and'
ailitSing stations in isolated
He, with M.- 3. , Coldwell, leader
Of the C.C.P.,. calledattention' to
the tliousantle of lives the feet
blend transfusion serviee had saved
eincethe last' war and theeproe ,
tection It .would be kir - the -armed
forces -in .tbe future.
- "If . the, Red Croe.ss.is to continat.,
OS an inSpira•tion to us all, to go.
on serving you and me and the
;Skips of winning rinks in the bfide Were a navy Mae gabardine
main event on 'Wedeeeday were: eult with white aceessories, and
- F. chnston, Fred Armstrong, Fied• a corsage (ef Americatelleauty roses.
Noble, Fred Fox; J. Moody and L. The bridOmaid, Miss Shirley Sin -
Webb. These games are .to the clair, also was in navy blue, with,
quarter finals with the finals to a eorsege ofpink carnations., The
be played next Wednesdaygrooalewne attehded by, his brothers
'Skips, „ofs winning rinks in.. the Mr. -George Mullen. After a ShOrt
consolation event were .Dr. Ray weddin'g trip Mr. and Mrs. Mullen
Iinglese Dr. •Not -man Jackson,. 'A, Will • reside on St. Clair ' tivenue, wt
Toronto. . here he was employed with th
- , • anada. Glue Co. as eltief engineer,
' NEWS FROM SKY HARBOR. fel' theSe yeam. While. livieg 'he
A .few dayS of pleasant weather P1114, 4i was It/a.Yed tng ' ebrOf •
last week' enabled three More 'per-, tligineok
er with. rintip'g. Ltd. Ati:
Barrett, 68, of 13rantford, 4144,o
Friday at the Brantfotel General
-Hospital, Born in Itieton,,
shire,' England, he came to Canada
forey years ago veg.% resided'
Montreal, Chatham, Goderioh and
I, before eoming to Brantford;
• 'Bent bier, W. 'Cockburn
FLays no- it M. Menzies. The
finele`. in this e('ent . will alto be
1)W -eel next Wedneeday.. s •
'The:. regtila r Meeting of the \Slit-
ing• Ni'orkers (1:1 S' of Victoria Street
riiittel e'hurch wile held 4119 Wed-
neetley. February 21st, at Ilie home
of Mrs. Thos. Gray, Britannia, road.
There wris a good attendenee, 'We. have .completea all. eertininations (:larit, itt lionle; steel beethere, ettid
Vernon Smith condueted the de. and night tests And „are. awaiting 541401's irk 'England.
were given , by Nine., Clyde Mo( -k. 11:iisiotoxIltilnirliitlaulttioenxs.p.enentsd toi4101pplwert ..,Illt,rtEl.,;41(4101. :(..tilrothill'ilf-4,.teixiltitte,Nit'll6N`the
vol 101101 i.wripd. - Short readinge tlieir licenee. front the GoSernmente - r ,r ..1 ,,, . .
SIM. SI i 1 ton Fislree, Mee, 1)on.
Mee. C., Langille 'Announced that visit, «(1(1011011 a irport.
this weele when the' inepeetor Nt,"111.11.u)..eilrnegaginioln.ie• (pialitivcs,1ylullvvi hlitfl.tterttlli6d.alnitteett
, i
Bisset and Mrs, Smith.
p1at4 Ntn'e.e:ntpIcefo:tloply, Congrntllat IOUS to Mr. Fred CoXwahrPken ino•Sonie tine bptwei
ned to Mr. 'Fred Salter. both . of j3 nom. and ',noon '4* SattvattY.
be presented 'by -the Adult Pellees, Stretford, for mieeessfall making 4 hariee . ion/ er, care at.er, on Sat.
ship Gronp of Tirneetield it Maieh. their Arst .,,e1,0 moos. ,studeneurdny' found that entranNt to, the
at Sky Itarbr4 i
Mi-.-. George Currell's home VcCek,e1141 .en n Piper wootion 000roor in tbo btwemeapor th
on mnnday evening ineninersPtiotA rolt, nud. Salter soloed lasblball had choon). 'forced thi*wongh *
were at M
. Winding. .
for a work meeting, , • i 4-3 aliexaft.
sons to mnpleleeratt ,of Central'
. Tilos are, Renee seine oe
their etenee ee Barrett was an Ada
private pilot training at Sky Her-
God'eriele Orville Workman of .R.ip:
pen ain't Clifford Derkart of, Cline
ten. Pilot e , Sully And Werkta a n
Presbyterian ,Churell 'and was 841e- •
Ise in his yonnger dayfe- with 0n1-
t.hurch Choirs. SueviVIng Ite-•
Melee his widi'm. the ,fornien Mnr
gavot , are one daughter,