HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-02-15, Page 8unite
Tewnships of Goderich,. Ilullett, East Wawanosh : Towns 'and ViDages—Clintori,6' Blyth, Bayfield,
and Morris, Londesbo're, Auburn, nolgrave and ,Holmesville.
C, PORTEOUS * Director
fourth of a series of weekly s,:ories
et the Ontario VloWin,eles ASsacia.
tion, is writing about the visit of
Canada's chlampion •Plowinen to the
ipun, ,in this series.' of letters I'd
I—If I nay' be allowed te Make one
;like to say that we are now "in
'Dutch .proper:"'4 We left Copen-
!hagen, Denmark, *by .'plane and
-, !landed 'in this famous Dutch fity
' thirty mintites ahead of schedule
because 1,4' a powerful: tail wind.
I The .4ay' *Us clondless and we had,
a Wonderful view of tne earth.
1 below. ' Two things struck us .as
I unusual. ' These' were the green
'fields at this time of year `( there
.. ibeing no ,snow or froSt) and the
- 'network of waterways. Denmark
lis Made up Of about 500, islands
ii.vhile mist of .Holland, of Ceurse4,
is reclaimed from the sea: The
waterways of -Denmark are' irregu-
lar and front the -air they look, like
rain -fed :streams, while those -Of
• I) Holland .,,seem. drderly, more • like;
la system of vvell-laid-out. streets.
alhe districts, communities and even
the farms in Holland are divided
aro ld 114. ,Blp.ekl i or bounded*by these IyaterwaYs, or
canals, And most of the trairspor,
But nu getting ahead of myself.
pito. tie 112 ) last day In Denmark. We Were
I 1 -had better 1111 you in on our
. . . . 1, taken about. twenty miles north.
0011.4,114110414100011101100041M1100111141641. •••••••••' *girl ° '
f Copenhagen -to see Fredefikaorg
lily Phone No; is
n, 1 12
_1 will strive -to give you the ,,best of service fa. all your •requirements of gasoline,'.
furnace fuel, stove oil, naptha—sils and greases..
• MO crimes were punishable by death
If you don'tsleeP Yell
:—if nights are inter-,
,--lonk.to your lid-
. ;toys. If your kidneys
are -out -of order, and
failing to cleanse the
blood of -poisons and '
excess acids -..your rest is likeli suffeiing
Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your kidneys get
ridof troubte-making poisons and acids—,
help reitore them to. normal action: e
how much better yotirest at night— ow 'r
nkilch brighter:you feel in the morning. Get
'and tate Dodd's Kidney Pills today. 145 ...
Docits Kidney Pills
MacLennan visited in. Detroit last
week with his- brother, Rod -Mac -
Owing . •to the stormy, „cold
-welt•ther ThtirsdaS,' many schools
in the district, Including 'Lochalsh
, .castle, Which, was Wilt nearly 400
Tars- ago and took sixty Years
recoNery after her recent operation., %
in Landoll..
night many' pipers Were entertained in
at the, home of .Piper D. 'A. ,Mac-
Lennan. Thp piper.s present were ,„
Miss Elphick 'of Vinkertop, Sandy
'MacDonald and Dave 'MacDonald Of
Ashielfi, Pipe Major Roy Mac:
Kenzie and son, Lorne MacKenzie
vith' toWers and steeples. Formerly
t was the residence of the kings
f 'Denmark, but now if is, a public
useum. It -contains sormanY
f Denmark • that We felt it would
Ike •a week to see tiled] all. 4
We had lunch at ,a restaurant
verlooking the castle grounds. and
len returned to -Comnhagell.
le evening We were guests at
inner in one of the city's fanio
familp.mrit 64 to Our-fa-rni4hree
btu about how IIIS brothcik, has
fared •the ,land of, his adoption
And much tq hear for retelling
when return. I3ut there Was an
element Of sadneSs in being the
ediAktok ,between ,brothers, who,
aS' he said, inay not See each other
Perhaps yOU:' wonder, ihow we
Manage to. talk with the people hi
these foreign. countries? We lative
lound that .if you take Tont ti.tne
yen- Can be understood by them
and „hy the same token you can
understand thenl. • 'Nearly, all of
the people we have met in Denmark
and Holland haver some knowledge
of English, but it makes one.. won-
der if some day there could not be'
an international 'language. , This
is a thought leave Witb you
until the next letter, Which ,will
come from Beiginm.
The Ylunicipal Council met in the
Township Hall on Tuesday, Febru.
cept Harold"Montgomery.
The ,Salvation Army, London,
Town Clerk, of 'Coderieh, on behalf
geSting that neighboring municipal -
'could be benedeial- --to them -41 -eit
U.`he 'Cliiinnan• Chemicals Ltd.,
giVing.ovotations. on warble -powder
Thels'e"iri.c.CoMmtetnit'y',Welfare, Council.
of Ontario,;seeking Inembership, fee
The Department„of .Agriculture;
re weed control for 1051.
Pedlar -ConipanA- was present tit -tot-
ing •prices -Mi. steel culverts-. and
That the Council (Rider 13;000 feet
of „snow 'fence; 240 posts and, three
18.1itch culverts, each .30' feet tong:.
John 'Kernightin Te rence
HunVer That the 'Clerk notify Mr.
Blake". that the Colborne 'Council
will meet the Vinniell of Goderich
to discass •ffre protection. for- the
James I:forte/I—Terence Hunter :
That the Council.' appoint Ilar,vey
, Fisher.. as 'stock' valuatdr in, place'
ghan.: That the Clerk .get OVellty-
• four copies. printed- with rules gov-.
erning the Township Hall .and aLso
have a bylaw .set. up, according -to
these ruIeS.•
• James Horton,—john Kernighan
That the -Cfinincil purchase an oil
stove for the' Council ,chamber,
Terenee Hunter John ,Kerni-
vouchers, $317.04 ;- Durnin •PhilIipS,'
insurance for hall; $8.60; Richard
IS.. Pafford, fox. bounty, $2 ;_," Elmer
Draper, fox 'bounty, $2;- Imperial
• of Owen Sound; Roy -den -MacSwain
Priends of- Mrs. Donald of Glamis, and Mes.srs. .V.Vebster
aid Lucknow , wish her a . speedy 'Henry 41nti MacLeod -of ICincardine: r
estanrants-=-the Among
eme ery Inscription' Work. II
Modern equipment Prompt servke
Phone 12314, Goderich
w`g•tiests were Mr. Corneft ,of
whom I mentioned in Mv lagt lett
om 'Western Canada.. 'The atm
ost things in this • 'count7y, and
.,,was with -reluctance that. .we
left • to board the plane for Ams,er-
When- We landed at."Amsterdani
airport- we were' again' weloothe
by -a group of • Esso representatives
and Ooyernment _officials. in the-
.. another •coineidence, • for, bis Wife
s .\,,:,...,,,;,‘,._,4‘ ,..4.1.44440%..\ .',`*,.\ .,,.. ago when her father, Ralph McNeill,
%. was wit_h the Board 'of Trade there.
After We hoo.ke,d in,. at a hotel
we were taken on a` tour of the
-;\ Hague, which is only a few miles
frem Amsterdam. It :is ' a: clehii
andd tidy city and ',was one of the
The Most important eleV.elopinent in washer cie-
or the Beatty ,Washer 'wins instant approval
whirever shovn, 'You know that stainless
givei a fUng of satisfactory use. Won't
you come itirl see it, (co,
Edge zr•
few large centres to escape com-
paratively' andaniaged , from the
Nazi invasion In 1940. 'It tras Many
historical buildings,•• including -the
palace of. Peace. 'where the.. Per-.
building set in the middle of beauti--
fully, 'landscaped grounds.
.The* next day 'we 'were. Op eatly
and started 'Opt froth the hotel 'at
8:30." We -went first to visit the!
co-operative, flower attetion at Aals-
nieer,-,whieli I think is the largest
of its kind in the. world. The 'cut
flowers sold there are shipped 'not
only to the Continent and,the United
Kingdoin' hut •to -the ,United States
and Canada, They 'are shipped by
air and tile flOwers sold •here one
morning are in tlje U;S. and ,Canada
the next day. I' might Mention
that the flOWerS are breugnt to the
unction by beat, tor canals:run
alinvside every hothouse Ana gar: -
Dutch Cattle Trade Revived
We then wOnt north' and, had
lunch at Hoorn. While there we
watched Preisitin cattle being loaded
port of cattle, .which was, knocked
out by the War, is no* Pretty well
hack in full swing turd Is important
business. La ter, we visited- a larin
of eighty. acres where eighty .head of
Holsteins are maintained. 'While
some feed. for these Cattle is bought
outside, most of the forage and
silage and hay is grolVn on the
,farhi, we were told.
the night.• In doing 'so- we crossed
over an eighteen' mile dyke' which,'
divides, Yssel Lake frotn the North
Sea. It is. a reniarktilde eplece of
Near this tOWn I called upon the
Highest Cash Pricef; (or
tionsEs $16,0O otteth'
AOGS $2;50. per cyvi.
According to size
.1.411" SeafOrth
qoE4rozt Dammam;
. Guaranteed workmanship at
• prices that will please you. .
CAW sit our office: or }trap us a
1. Box 161, Goderleh.
be pleased to Call arid •llelp
thoose suitable memorial Sor
We are now contracting
barley fol. the, Canada
Malting Cotinpa,ny on the;
same basis as last sear.
, We supply the seed 'and
the Fall.
Malting' barley was one
of the best paying crops
.last year.
elevator, which will lie
completed before harvest,.
we are planning. to have
fbur cleaners and unload-
ihg ramp which will make -
for quick unloading and
avoid. long delays.
REMEMBER, yoit . can
deliver the barley when
threshed %and get &air
storage up until December
15th with option of
at the market any tiine up
until that date.
"man& for seed' bailey.
Vence, we° suggest that
tfioSe fartnera Wishing con,
tracts shOuld please get it.
touch with .our
°Ace, Phone 32. Night
Oil, tor, Township italIo-:$9.4.14-
r$TalaeS Blake, refUnd taxes On barn*
County Of indigent patients/
Frank Ris,„ing, relief aceonnt,, $11;
§430; WeAlakeo salary for
Uoved ;by john Kerniglian that
the Council adjourn to meet 'March
S.,ALLOWS, Clerk.
Owing to • bad st6rm and
bloelied ,roads last week, the W.A.
did not meet, The 'Meeting iq to,
be hekt_on Thursday of this, week
at the home ,of, 3r1rs. John McCowan.
We aro sorry to report that
Mrs, G. Newton is confined to her
bed with the Mu: wish her
The Community Club me4-414tig
will be held at Mrs. George lindie's
on Wednesday, February 21. The
call to be ans_WeM1 by the
wenrIng of' a Valentine hat.
We are sorry to report that MrS
bed: nnder The 400043 Ore.
Friends -and neighbors wiah her -a
speedy recovery.
The greater. an animal's mental -
capacities; the more sleep it re-
All breed
stock �,ded . and, test�d
for pullorum by Tnspeators Of the
;Ontarro. Department of Agriculture,
The .hatchery is vi ited regularly •by. ,Tn- •
spectors of the Dominion Dopatment of
ore._ Z�h..
Qnta iO;
Hensall 691-11.
like th !" r soner tit, your
She Impt saying "just bit me once
haufed tip before
do with you." 'Magistrate: "Dis-
a magistrate and .see what '
that "bald-headed 'old reprobate' oft,
0, G.' GRIOT
James Prest
Electrical Contractor
Wiring and Repair Work
phone. Carlow 207.
\ °BUIL ru" .,:;.;.,
Clinton, • Exeter, geaferth
*rite Box 150, or plArie`41J
A • Exeter
and 'we 411E41 be pleased to
Sot; ething to shout about! For the price of the
Refill Kit -alone ,(and of course you know Shat,
it contains everything' you need for an "extra"
you get a Refill Kit phis a generons-size, bottle
of Egg Creme Shanippo," the .gentie
creme that make your hair extra receptive!
to &wave! Save -on shis special offer ...
buy hair beauty at a bargain price! -
L7cta*pb- Stote
"I needed fhb advice very \
.badbr. Yon hate aireadthelped
to straighten out a quarter.or
can really live and save •
People in every walk of life, are finding benefit in ,
Personal Planning — and many of them have writtetito
tell us how they feel about it. All igree on one
point in partiailar: the need for personal Planring its
these days of high liVing costs.'
WHAT IS cerSoilql Pletoo'
Personal Planning shows you how to live within your
• income a'rui enjoy it.
o—ider? -Not as tall as you think. Personal Planning faces
facts. Qne, that you have to live within your inCome.
Two, that you muSt have a budgetplan that works for you,
not you for it. Three, that a budget -plan — to woile--
must be your budget -plan, planned for mit. beeds bryoy.
It must At your individual cirmunstances.
And Personal Planning goes one big step further. shows you
how to enjoy life Within your incomp, by helping you to
plan and build on what you have. , '
'You can einly be, haipy today if you're licit worried about
tomorrow, Pick up your copy a "Persdnal Planning" •
. today, It's yours for theasking at any branch of the B'of M.
The;e's no obligation -... except to yourself.,
like reading our
B of An booklet about
Personal Planning. it's
written in a breezy) in-
formal style and generous -
cheerful sketches. •
6444'4 744e