HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-02-15, Page 1•
104tis Year --410, 7
ubscription cangaal. sz."
In U.S. $3.00
' There watta •an unusually large _2_ _ s- , • '
plygeting 1174,1771ANOVISH. AND ___,__,,
, attendariee--at •the annual
- of the Alexandra Marine and Gen- • iGAISLE.'oTargt.latTA,
era): Hospital. Assoeiation held on
Monday night in the apacicass board There . was, a . geed.' attendance :at"
- remit at the hOspital. , ..' • the meeting of the. Maitland Fish
Mr. R..0. Ilayis KO., viceschair- and Ginnie Conservation Club in the•
man a the liespital Beard,. pre., Tow n 'Hall On .*TueedaY even/fl.
Sided, . and one of • the 12uPortant Pre§ident David „Harma11 was in
features' of the, evening we the the 'chair. . .
honoring of .*, Os la• ' Fatal:ma' .° A resolistiOn from the Ontario
-- wtili the PreSentation of ,a hand, rederati•W'ef Aliglere'ana rillateri.
sense clock m „reae"asassen of . his, regarding resident fishing licen.spa
twenty-eight years' service as •chair- for ..all` persons sixteen years ef
man of the board. . . . age and over, was„.endonsed. s,
' A letter was read from Mr. Par- It is••belleyed that a closercheCk
soni in, . whichhe tendered .asis on" streains and, lakes can be kept,
, ;resignation, which was rekretfally and: a more eeiere penalty shOuld
accepted; Mr. Parson'ecalled the be baptised on poachers and,illegal
natan•y chan,ges vv•hich had, taken 'fishermen.
;place from the time o4 the -removal * In. .the past hintera buying...I
,of the 'hospital fronk the ,South gan icense -have .been footing the
street - buildiag _ to • be present bill for fishermen. With this new
modern building. • , dicense a. futid-*wili be set up pre -
Mr. Hays. read, .the *.fellowing v,iding for more fish hateheries and
• testimonial address, and the clock gairw , sanctuaries.. This fund will
'was iiresented . by „Mr. C ,F...oaap. be under the joint directiOn .02 the
'• .man: Department of Land and 'ForeStss
, ,
, • Address to Mr.... Parsons the Ontario Federation of Anglers
"On the -occasion; of this an- . and limiters, IOW the Federation
s limit meeting, we, the members ' of Commercial Fishermen in equal
a. the Board. of Governors of . numbers. •-••
thAlexandra Marine and Gen- Iutereating, motion. pictures were
shown by EllwOod'Epps,, of Clinton,
ere al Hoapital; wish. to.mark the
in -eluding ,one•' of a rubber boat
occasion of the completion of.
.yeur twentY-eight years. *.ais • race" down the' Bayfield River. •
rmMeiabership and door prizeA Are
-ehai-an -ofsthissisaard-ss -
won by .joseph Juck,' a ha Wilsen
this time, we; on the One hand,.
and Clarence 'MacDonald, •,,..
reflect on the:work _which has .
.been aceen-ipfisheds-tm-d,--on the . s
other hand, call the attention' .
of the citizens of Goderich and ' % BY MR. JUSTICE. WELLS
.•community. . to , your .record ' of , .
• ,serVice in, the interests. of Ulla ' 4. • siding of the 'SupremesCourt
.hospital. .opened at the. Court House on
'Daring your term of office, Monday afternoon, With. Mr. Justice
you have directed .l.remendous„W-ells preSiding.
•ehan.ges in ••the .hospital ticcOm- .. joieeve Attorney H. •Grene •Raye,
ni•odations.Aa shown in the. pre- K:C.. ' announced • there s were ' ao
sent modern bUilding with its 'criminal' cases and the traditional
excellent. equipment. You have white*gloves were presehted to the,
,directed and assisted in various judge by Sheriff Nelson Hill. •
seampaigns to Assist the hospital :' ,CroWn Attorney Hays presented
financially.. ' • In leaking ',tack his patent ,as rKing'a -Counsel and
over the years. you are avVare ' His Lordship welcomed him within
of., the -many 'changes in the the bar., , ' ., • ' .
staff, and only one member of Two civil actions Were settledproVed accommodation en .1 hand-
. the board, -has remained-in:office by., consent,. and another, A' motor' some site.. ' His well. recognized
,daring theSe twenty-eight Years.. dainage action of. Charles Anderson ability to "get things 'dene" has
"We remember on this ect
, easion ',your' prompt attentien, .
- .to details relating to the hos-
pital; • your tireless efforts , in.
completine "-projects; your.. ef-,.
licient conduct .of the ,ineetings.,
. and your fairness In•-yoint' rela-
tions with...the staff.. Thi hos-
pital testifieS to your long years •
s of serviCe. - s •
_ • -"The- memberof the Board' s
, of Governors wish, to, have you.
* remain a member of ,the Board -
,. in, the efile.e-of , honorary, ,presi-
dent, and in :order that you
'may 'ever be reminded of ,the ,
Retires from Alex*andra,HosPital Board
At tJae. monthly meeting a the
Public School Boardeld on TueS-
day eveeing at the 1wa
With all members present, a letter
from the teaching staff, asking or
fUrther all-ronnd inerease in
Salary, was received, and left
the hand* of a toininittee a the
Advice was reeeived ef a cenfers,
Mace orteducational naatters te be
held at T.4014On on kebruary 28th.
a.tiltenns)-eefor Gal.,dwer
by the 'VVestern Ontai.°).0 sone Of
the Ontario Scheol Trustees' AS-
aoCiation, and It was arranged that
a delegation 'from the hoard will
report on the •various phases of.
Submitted a
the work of the school, with sug-
gestiOns fOr improvement in some
directions. The.se were referred tO'
the appropriate committees. „'
• Gerald O'Brien' addreSsed the
board with refereuee to an essay
competition to be emaducted under
the ,.sponsorship of the „Canadian
Legion. The • boardgavet. ,
Proval and pasted the Mter on
to Principal Shackleton or the
desired co-operation* ,•
The attention of Architect Gillia
has been called to some defects in
the new school building, including
the elliflicultY in heating some of
the classrooms, and he was asked
toaneet the board at au early date:
In honor of many . years of Service to Alexandra 'Marine end*
'General' Hespital, the Board 'of •Gavertiors; at the 'annual meeting of
Alte...LHospital......Astaaeiation,,,on•.Mendayo ,preaented , beautifal °
mantel clink to G. L. Parsons, who announced his. refireiriat 'alter •
more than thirty years on the board, for twenty-seven of .which he .
served as preSident,
General Pleas:vital boasts' acconi-
modation for sixty' patients as well
as ten nursery cots. Equipped
throughout with adjustable beds,
the hospital has a ftledern .operat--
ing room; an ultra -Modern X-ray
niachine, the best ,af facilitiesfor
administering oxygen,a Ilesa
incubator -with oxygen attachment,
a ,Wagenstein appit eatus for use
with extremely ill ,patients, a case
roam and a new obstetrical table
with auxiliary -light.A separate
steam plant with zone control heats
the entire building. kil'he nurses'
home-. has accommodation for
twenty. ' ,
While . the l'esignation e!if Mr.
parsons from the. Board. of. Gov-
ernors of the ;hospital at this:time
draws • attention to- the public -
Spirited eervice he has given 'the
.hospital, it is to be remembered
that he- haS , taken "an_ active_ part,
Often a leading part, in many alter
oegiulizatioh •contributing to the
welfare of Goderich.
• Niore closely' than anyone • else,
Mr. Parsons has been 'identified ins°
the public' mind with, Alesaadra
Hospital, and its ,progresS in the
last three decades from inadequate
quarters and *equipinent' in the old
Shepherd Janne on South street .to
its present greatly -enlarged and WI-
happyrelationships established
• during these years in office we
• ask you to accept this clock."
The •Inseription, on the clock
reads:„- • • ' • ,
'Presented- by the members of
the Board of Governdrs of the'.
Alexandra Marine and . General
Hospital to, Mr. G. L. Parsons • in
recognition �f his tweety'-eight
years' service as chairman, of the
Mr. Parsons. briefly 'expressed his
• appreciatiens and spoke of his work
of twenty-eight years as a •pleassire,
, Stating that during this •titne he
had ,received •exeellentS Co-o•peration
from the board and staff.
' Auditor's Statement
,Mr. W. C. Attridge, reporting as
sl auditor, stated that the oVerations
for the 'year 1950 resulted in an
operating deficit. of $3,135.22. • This
deficit in detailrepresent,s_a surplu
realized of •$,907:52, against' which
Is depreciation, a Windings and
•equipinent, $6,042.74,, leaving a
. deficit of $3,135.22
, It was .noted thatthe total, Coat
per patient per ',day has ren froni
$4.89 in 1949 to $5.12 in 1950.
'Mr. ,Hays„ --after welcoming the
gathering, stated that expenses,
•Jaad 'gone up' beyond coMprehession.
Rates for beds had advanded. Some
Years ago the board had foreseen
a deficit and suggested to the Town
,Cou.nell that it fix-. an amount of
$3,000 to be given to the; hospital
If necessary.. Fortunately the
board did not have; to ask for it;
"The hospital is a. public one;
the inenibers of the Board of Gov-,
ernors ' are Working , without re-
inuteretion." 'He hoped • the people
of Goderich would realize • their
support Wati needed.
, Women's Auxiliary .
• _Nits_ fl ,E,.Xamplaell presented
-the 7A"flitainettraSt: thes-Was-
men's. llospital*AuXillary, Showing
total receipts of $1,786.33 ; - ex-
- penditures; $1,290.77,;, balanee,
$480.50. • .
Miss Helen 1.31aek, Reg..N., supers
in tentlent- of the -hospital, :expressed
her 'thanks t ,tile boaid, the' Hos-
pital Auxiliary :1441, the staff for
the splentligl co-operation given her.
S'Ile paid a sliecial tribute ofspraise
to the kite -ben and laundrytaff,
also 'to Mr. 'Val -Sons for hi;..„-
Mr, NV. C. Attridge was re:ap-
pointed anditor*for1951. • • •
• r.rhe nurses' attractively
Js)ied lounge N111:4 the scene of 0
pleasant jairty,„ when all adjonrned
there for coffee, sandwiches and
Cake, served' from it beautiftill aps
tainted titbits decorated with .white
tulips 'Rad Valentine , colors.. The
ltesaes we're the members of the
Women's Ifetspital' Auxiliary, The
tea was convened by ...Mrs. (4. I.
VII 1181.
'C. nays,. Chairman
At a'13oard of Direetors meeting
• held later, It; 'C; Hoye was
elected ebnirinan, with**, Parstha'S.
as° honorary chairman. Pther' of
deers are : V.Ice-chairmant .T.
Kinkead.; 4cretttry., '0. chtv-
punt:. treasttrer, W. 13. "M.
of London .vs: James B. .Farr sand'
Graham SG' Graham., Limited, Lon-
don, was traversed to Landon
court.. • ; "• .„
In 'the only ease heard, .MCCIardy
vs..Meurdy, judgment ••Wais• given
in favor 'of the plaintiff, Raymond
Jurll‘ic•Curdy, of tsbornt; declaring
his- • marriage with the! defendant,
Helen 'AleCurdy;•, null and
VOld,.' • The eonple were_inarried. Seme_years ago, else, a eontisiodious
• .
October, 3011a, 1948. ' The action 'residence for the nurses of .The
was not defended.
,• In a settlinent by consent, out
of Court, 'Kenneth - and Dorothy
AiIm.•Goderijia, receiVed damages
been an -effective force in this (in-
ward march of progress..
It was on -February 18th, 1925,
ln-,a year in which Mr. Parsons
\Vas president p,ho Board of
,Govereers, that. official .ceremonies
attending the opening of , the hos-
pital on the, present site teak place.
Ia 1931 the hospital was enlarged
and in 1948 a new wing was added.
'ef $900 and cOsts- froni, Elmer Bean,
R.O.A.P., Clinton, as the outcothe
of a meter accident" on -highshy 4
on Septeniber 23rd, 1949.
In Schenk et til. vs. J A Gillis
et al., the ,defendants, James , A.
illis and Gorey -Buick .Coinpany,
etroit,.agree to* pay the plaintiffs,
Hugo Schenk,' butcher, of Crediton,
and his wife, damages of $5,000
and $500 , costs; '• "
The Action arose out of an ac-
cident on .September 11, 1949, when.
.a. car' driven by' Gillis and owned
by: the defendant. company collided
with the 'Schenk car .on'highway •81,
iireSt of Grand -Bend. . ' •
Friends, in .Goderich were sorry
to learn that: Mr., Walter A.
Buchananp Toronto had a serious
accident while visting hi on
Leonard at , the tatter's home at
Londori. Falling down' the stairs;
he suffered a multiple fracture of
the Jilts,. ,aceompanield by severe
shock, as the result . of which he
la • ia Vkteria . Hospital. • Mr.
'Buchanan is a. natiee of Goderich
and,, a prominent. member 'of- -the
Huron Old Boys' Association of
Toronto. • * • .
Later.—Mr, Buchanan died to-
day' in Victoria Hospital. Burial
will be in Maitland ;cemetery, Gbde-
'rich, on Monday afternoon, after
a service. at the ..13rophey „funeral,
home at 1,15
, •
Mr.. A. A. Calvin, assistant
economist , of the. Canadian Bank
of Counneece, was a visitor at the
Goderich branch. on Wednesday and
was aeCompanied by W. A. Hay,
branch manager, on, a visit to sev-
eral Goderich ' business and in-
dustrial establishthents. •
staffwas aequired,. and • since - en-
larged. •
• Today Alexandra Marine and
Rev. R. G. MMilkui
Again Heads Iluron
strong:, business Manager, yen'
• 'Robert Bannes Was elected A
membe•r of the board for two •years:
and- George Persona hir three years.
Other members 'are: P. Carey,.
K. .froPkinson, S. IT. Prevett,'
j. X. Sully, Nirs. • G. L. Ellis,
.3104. I). D. Mooney, Mrs. 4.
11. Sturdy; Mayor...1. E. Iftu•kins,.
ToWn,representatree.; J. Baker,
Caunty representative; Miss Helen
Black, Reg.N., superintendent.
Itepalsentil lives are to be appointed
front the Wonien's Hospital Auxil-
iarY, the Nledical SoetetY, 'Colborne,
Ashfleld 'and Goderich townships.
Financial Statement .
A comprehensive financial state,.
merit was prespittq .by the treas-
urer,' Mr. W. .13. M.. Armstrong.
AsWet$ tanned $1 96,16,25; and stir -
pita tof . tissetS .over liabilitieS,
$145,843,33. .
Ttital reven for 195ff wits
$9742:33.38 e, expendittfees, A100,308, -
(JO,. leaving 0 defielt, on the ;Veites
op6ratiotts of $3,135.22. • •
'The collective days+ stay a pa-
tienta la '1950' waS 19419, against
15,740 in 1949. Receipts -.from
patients; 1950,, $90,003; in 1040,
$88,07;3.1 Taal eeat's of.'operations
111 1050, $100,308; in 1019, $017,(1418,
niitirens R1 oc y
• An ,ancouraging picture, of the
work Of the past year was given
by -Sirs. M. -Chaffee, •superintendent
of the Huron County Children's
Aid . Society,' at the .Jtnnual . Meet-
ing, held in the Court Unitise on
Wednesday afternoon, With the
Rev; IL G." MacMillan :presiding.
The help of An enlarged board,
-and a better understailding, of the
work of the 'Society throughout the
chuntY, had contributed to the 'sue-
ceSs of the year's operations.
It was reported that there were
123 children in care and over the
305 days ,of the year there was a.
daily average of eleven interviews
and thirteen visits.
The finanCial statement for 1950;
submitted by treasurer' A. It
El -Shines( shbwed , receipts of
$25,779.01, including balance of•
$232.62 front the Previous year, and
expenditures of $25,056.01, leasing'
,balance On hand at December 31st,
of $123. • •
Officers Elected
.The report of thenominating
committee, composed of Mrs. 'Albert'
Taklor, MrasGeorge Johnston and
Mr. Erskine, 'was presented by Mrs.
Taylor, and was adopted, as fol-
lows: Hon. president; A. P. Willes;
president, Rev. R. G. MacMillan;
vice-presidents, Rev. 0, W. /Cope.,
Mrs. George Johnston; hon. secre-
tary; A. M. Robertson; •secretary,
Mrs. F. R. Redditt; treasurer, A,.
H., Erskine; directors, Mrs: Alherfs
Itaht„ Ws. J. Reynolda, M10.4
Etta Sanits, MIS.04:Sara 3,IcLean,
0. • M. •Robertson, Arthur .Ourry,
resident captain (if Salvation Army,
-Miss Nora Cunningham; IL J. Itosi's
titan, Brussels;' Hugh.Berry, Wood-
ham; ;Tan •W later; 'floWiek ; -Fred
Dai*•idson," sWingham; Mrs. K.
nbns, I1ixnvil10 l_Afeellil eoInuhiftre,
3Irs. J. B. Reynolds, 211$8 Etta
Sanas,- Mrs. F. R. Renitt, Miss
Nora Cunningham.
Short ;ii1dreses on their work
were -given by Miss "C. MeGowan
and liss Ida White.
Staff Re-eugaged
- ,The Meeting approved the 10,
engagement of the staff at the fol.
lowing sale ries ; Mrs. Chaffee,
$2,800; Miss C. McGowan, $2409;
Miss Ida -White,' $2,2001 t Miss.
Marjorie Hendersen,• $1,000: MisS
Audrey Gime,- $1,700;
:Appreciation of the. work, done
by the, staff Was exProssed by the
Iter. 0, MacMillan mici Mrs.
Albert Taylor.
ri.A. vote' of thanks was also ten -
tiered to .Mr.. Prskine as treagurer
and he was le -engaged at h aalarY
of $200..
The lneeting Was VIC1/4.901 W,Ith The
hotediction prnuounced by Rev'. (7.
•t. . •
After .0 shaft illness, Gerald
Irwin, infant sou Of Air. and slIrs.
Gordan .S. Taylar, Eden Grove,
passed .away • in Bruce County Hos-
pital, Walkerton, on Wednesda`y.,
February 7, at the age of two
mont)is. The funerfil service was
conducted by Rev. Mr. Summerell
of Eden Grove United Church; on
,Friday, February. V, Mourning
their loss' are his parents, 'four
,brothers,, Tom,' Bob, Neil "and, Barry,
and, tWo siqere, Mar,garet and
Patridia ; his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm„, Ringlet," St. Ilefens,
and .Mr. and Mrs. 3111ton Bruce,
Belgrave; also 'this great-grand-
mother, ALl*A. Wan. Birnie,Goderldh.
The interment was in Cargill eenie-
Mayor Hackin.s, is re,parted to
be linaking .satiefacter,y improvement
at Alexandra Hospital and hopes
to be around town !before long. .
,Colored Moving pietures of salmon:
fishing in British Columbia were
shown to the Lions chip' on. Friday-
eighCby Stuart .Henry4 jr., of Bri-
tish Caltunbia Packers.,•'(Out.) Ltd.
The fascination .of :thissiad.ustry .WAS..
vividly revealed in the lovely -fishing
scenes.. ' :Mr.- litery preeeded the
shoWiag of the pictures with a brief
7ta1dr,ess. He was introdueed by Lien
Coe1buti iIavs,. •
• Stating that a .• certain tyae of
net which in former days
cost $6,000 now -costs about.$40,000,
Itenry pointed out this was why
the .sahnou inclestrY Is" mostly oem-
pany-finaneed. The, SockeYe salmon,
he. said, is usually abotit six feet
long. and very ted 111 (!olot', widt'h.
color it keep's even after canning.
The pink salnion is every tit as good
and has just as many vitamins in it
as the red :-.4almen, but housewives
seem to prefer the red salumnjust.
bemuse of its littractive eolor.. The
pink salmon eome baek into.British
Cohnebia -.rivers from the Pacific
Ocean 04.4 two years to _.,spawn,,
ssIiiI,thered; SeekeYe yet twit" only
.every four years.. • .
' • A past veer. • • vote of thanks. was moved by •
. . - • . .
Mrs. I R Kinkead
Regent of Maple-
LeafChap. I 0 D
Two new members, Mrs. Ander-,)
son and Mrs. Pearson, Were received'
into the MaPle T,,eat :,4ehapter, LP.
DA,at the regular monthly meet-
ing held on kriday, February Oth,
in MacKay gall.,
Mrs, Fred Sturdy,. convener of
the committee , for tbe colleqion
of. books and pic.dorml magazines
for the Indians of .Northern ,On-
tario, reported that so, few egas
tributiens had been received- that
the date would have to he put
forwaru when a shipment' could,be
"made. The' meeting approved, .the
purchase Of a fine , piece of needle -
paint to be used on a chair of the
early Victorian( period which Will
be raffled during, the summer wader
the cenvenership oi Miss Josie
Saunders, No play will be entered
by -the Chapter in the spring Drama
Festival.- this, year, owing to the
piessure of '`Charitable work. The
decision ,WLIS Made 'regretfully,
the „play presented by the Maple
Leaf Chapter last year Won the
trophy. Mrs. J. A. Graham and
Mrs. D., D. Mooney werp named
representatives to attend the next
Meeting of, the Goderich Recreation
Commission. ,Support of the Chap-
ter was pledged to the Air Cadet
movement recently inaugurated by
the local R.C.X.F. Association Wing.
It was announced that H.M. Queen
mary carpet will he on display
at Strtitford ou larch 5th, 6th
and ^7th, '
; Officers Installed -
„air. Vice -Marshal A.
president 0X the poMinion.• Read
Machinery Limited, anneuneeS
the following Comp'any appoint-
. ta.
mentS: •
Mi. C.. M. Langille to the position
of head, seeretarpl, division: The
resPonsibilities ef thts division
cludet'hll generalraccounting ttndof-
flee management. Mr. Laugille, who
is an ,aceredited public accountant;
brings to his new responsibilities
wide experience gained in fkur years'
emplOyment with DRAW° as office
manager. • He is treasurer of Vic-
toria Street United. Church, and it
member of Maitland Lodge, A.F.
A.M, Born in Moncton, New Bruns-
wick, Mr.,rarlgille received his early
education ill, the Maritimes.
• Mr. J. C. Freeman has been ap-
pointed- head, cost accounting divi-
sion. For the nast year Mr.' Pre'e-
man has been employed with the
nipany on Cost accounting work
,and he brings a vvide background of
to hiS hew duties and
responsibilities. „He is secretary of
'the kinsmen' glib of Goderich, and
a member: of North Street - United,
eepy 6 &ate
Ahmeek Chapter
eviews its Wor
of the Past Year
The ,aunual,' meeting of Xbildeek
Chapter, 10 fl E, was held. in
,Ma.elfay 001 on Thursday 'after-
noon, FebruaryStb, 'Witia the.reitent;
Mi;SS Cleaver, presidirtg. , out-
standing year of achievement was
reported by the various Secretaries.
. •
'Tlae ' xouowilig ' officers were
elected, with Vacancies to be :tflied
later: Secretary, • Mrp.
borne; liiss%twat seeretary, Ws.
Pe:torsion; treasurer, Ws, X.f..
Mrs. 'Id.' Walcelia; "ge.boos" -060111-4.,
Westhroolsi aasistant ' treasurer, •
tary, Mrs. T. Glazier; press and
publitity secretary, Mrs., 0. 00-
The Evening Auxiliary of North
Street United Church held' the an-
nual Valentine tea on Wednesday
'afternoon. The church hall was
attractively decorated with bright
red. Valentine hearts, cupids...ens'
arrows. The tea table's with -gleam-
ing silver, tell yandles. and •quaint
AV the close of the. regular eet- doll seentrepieces won the adnur-
leg- the annual meeting was held. Itoon
Reports . of ... va rious asinui4tees, .. were_ .eansly ttibleSeompleted
.7„.... the decor
..- of all. Colarful.•baking and
'read, at the • close .of whiCb.•MrS.. ative Scheirret4-","; • . . . . ' :/r- '
U. M. Ford, retirhig.regent, thanked Mrs, It.W. Hughes arde•Mrs, D.'
the -membe•rs for their . co-operation. ',I C. , 'Ab'erhartrepeived the guests
The follOwieg 'allicerswere installed ; and Alis.ss 'Minnie' Campbell . and
for 1tlie
.1951,;' il.efT1ge
.,,Kieit, ti,Mi's. LiotlevaurdwIsne
llio, beeorts‘oniaedppnifyel
Ford ;'.; 2nd . vice-regent, . Mrs. F. ! J, .Thorpe, Y; assisted 1.0 Mr's. A. .13.
Noble; secretary, .AIrs. G, C,. Perry; i•Huffinan, Mos. M. IL Stephens, Mea.
assistant secretary, :Miss Evelyn I (4.• Ell•is, Mts. J. McLeod aed Miss
cooper; treasurer, Mrs.. AsA. is,licol.; 1 -Grace Rebertson. .. Tea .assIsttints
attetitontheaxIlLelilef_er„ PSolsrat.:,kal:i*,:'-CsirvSiteo.,eng,..;Imrs. 8... ,shentthi
, were Mrs, F. Noble, Mrs. A. Lewis,-
Mrs. H.'S. Tereer,
'Mr:4.. N: C. Jacksen ; • oVerseas par-.! Aira. It. •Faulkner, Mi', 14. Wilson,
.Feis, Miss E. Roberts; Empire ,study, Mrs. J.. Cook,' Aliss Rose, Aitken,
NIrs. Clayton' ' Edward ;. "Echoes" i Miss' Alice. Wilsee, Miss- Hilda. Fin-
seeretary, Airs. NI. J. Ajuslie 1 -Pres..% , nigan, Mrs, N. Clairmont, Mrs.. V.
and phblieity,- Mrs. • It •. G.- .'Sander• ; Irariesr,I-rs. J. Walls; - Mrs. .14.
child ' and - fa tally welf trre, Mrs- ; Brewer; - Mrs. E. 'Westbrook, Mrs.
Al., Alathers; elOSel'Ote persotinel, ! J.. . II. •el.PoWlee' ;tied Miss ':"Evelyn
Mrs. Fred. Sturdy ; -.membership, ! cooper.. • . ' ., ' , - , parcels to 'needy families. in stiag- •
Airs. (4. ' AlcAltinus.-, . r.._ ' • I The'decorations. were planned and lan.d. Mrs.'Emerson. eontiaued this
- The retiring. secretary, .Nliss. Etta i arranged, by'... Misa• • Florence • peteg.... work • when Mrs. Sta.niferth ..Moved
.Sttelts.; read all excellent report of "eon,' assisted- by; Mrs; -G, G, l'fIrson.5 to 'Clint",
•.`lhe enecatienal .sceretitry, Mrs,
the( : lutptee's acti v Mee , during the; and NI es. . ft.. W. Bet, tger. ' 7 ., ' .
11, W110101 , presented . prizes. * and:. ' .Conv(asers au the ba'ke table. were
'Nits A It ffiithiIftm- -' Mrs :0- magazine :-subseriptien8 .•-to the local- •
bons; Standard -hearer, Mrs. Clair-
mont; coancillors; Mrs. plUis
lap, Mrs. C. A. -Reid, N.14q;..
V,iear, Miss' a Farrow and Mrs. ,
W. G. . • :
Conveners are as follows: Ex-,
service ,personnel, peat -war and
child • welfare,- Miss • Cleaver; iine. ;.
.migratien, .Mrs. F. Redditt;
newer, • Mrs..*0. V..' Whaley tele; •
phone, "Miss: B. Maalox*
Mr.s. G. Mac:Ewan; menii)ership,
Mrs. Dodd; Empire stutik, 1$1rS,
12,. J. -Pridham; educational •secre-
tary, Mrs. H. Ersitine; endowment,
Mrs. J. 'IL 'Lauder. • • • ,
Mrs. II. q.'ichboer
rue, seetary,. pre-
Sented. the -•gratifying report that
all- obli'ffl
gations .speced. by. .the
Order and many other projects had
been met SuCcesitUllf". ; •..
Money -making projects followed
•inueli„ the same lines as in other
Years: 'A- rummage ,sale •in' •May,
with Mr. - Staniforth, eenvenersss,
and another iii-„NeVenatier,
'Wilmot convening; a B1OSSQUI Tea M
and bridge in. ay, Mre.•Ilenderson
anti Mrs. Erskine 'being joilit—ccui-
vent,r8, and a careival in August
at the judith, Gosaleilanr Aleraarial •
Park. •Added a,o' these ,activitiea
was a successful . bridge, "500" and•
draw. at the arena, Proceeds to be,
.0 W
sed taards, flooring the arnea,
. .
, In Februfery....fhe Chapter marked
the , 'fiftieth 'anniversary ef the
founding of Chaiiters
a special church service in., Nfirth
....`itrect Church, with Rev.• R. 0.
afaseMillaiSt'.us-,-guest'sSpeakes;:. , •
Mrs. Stanifortb, postwar :e'en- •
-yeller, reperted. .sending of food
m .
the Lions to Nir. Henry for tile
addreas and ,theinteresting picture ,
.LEGION AUXILIARY }tab I .Nlathieson and NI es, T._ _Lao/teeny schools, -a nd presented the scholar; •
. s. •
and at the .candy table. N. shile,in. Music for. singing at th
TREAT FOR, AFETY *PATROL Watters and Mrs, G. Glilaidiner. e
• •• • • •
Mask: Festival to Corinne, Cranst•on.
' 'S
Members of the Safety ' Patrol The regular meeting of the Legion i wac,
. . bv Airs.. J. Snider sMrs.
i Quiet Il111Sie the tea hour Entpire study nal ei the con
will be entertained on Frida,v night venerShip aff* E
by the. Kinsmen Club appreci-
ation of a job well done.. The boys
who 'belong to'. the Safety Patrol
along with Princieial H. M. Shackle-
ton, • Assistant Principal .M.
:Stephens,' Con sta bIe • O'Hara and
Cpl. ,AnderSon. will be taken, to a
Junior GALA. h•orkey game at
Stratford. •• After the game they
,will be treated to a lunch. Chair-
man of the safety committee of
the Kinsmen Club in charge of the
outing - Kea:es-Pennington.
Temperattires -of the past week
in •Goderich, with those. of the
corresponding week a year 'ago; as
(Alicia:11y recorded, were as, follows:
101 •1950
- Max. Min. Max. Min.
Thurs., Feb. 8 ..19
Fri., Feb. 9 12
-Sat., Feb. 10 30
Sun., Feb. 11 s38
Mon., Feb. 12 '37
Tues.. Feb: 1:3 ..31
Wed., Fele 14 20
-7 37 33
0,. 35 , 20
--?-2 33 22,
2,9, • 35... 25,
30 33 20
9 .30 20
10 39 • 25
UM a ( 3 ae ( • provided
land Miss Mery Buchanan. •
Ilale with a good .attendance. The , • ;
regular business was disposed of I ;
and plant -4 were discussed fora card Colborne Couple
party and dance, The conveeer. of . . •
the telephone eard fiarty rePorted Celeb,rate Their .
that $07 had been realized. "Thank
yon" notes from the 'boys in service GOldelt
were read.
was interesting., and instructive,
with article's '0.13. "Korea'," "Ilefenee
AfriCa,"..Conimonwealth califer.
epee at Colombo. Ceylon, .Queert
Mary's carpet, a Canadian quiz, and
oh being a Canadian.
• In June the • Ahmeek and Maple'
Leaf Chapters helea joint dinner
at • the , British Exehange
The April -meeting will be marked •Later pictures of Queen • Mary's •
by; the. official isit of the. zone!. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Erringtoe, carpet., House of • Winds -or and pro--
represeutative,•-Centrade Hoyle, lf s•
Oa • b t d' I • •
, , , .. , /.
this Meets With her approval. *The 1 wedding anniversary on U.`uesdaY;
charter was draped in meniory, of I February 13. The.weatherinau was
Past Provincial:President Comrade!.eied, . sending an afternotm of
Mrs. A. Morley !golden sunshine:" , • .
stsifils. '
30(101 committee, e
was,‘•Iielll'oe°setHitteheThe bride a
d, years spent the afternoon pleasantly'
' ed groom 'of fifty
minent people ,of Canada - . were
shown. . C-orinne CranSton, winner
of the Music FestiVal Ahnieek
scholarship, sang a solo.
The July Meeting tools the form
of a tea held at the' hoine •ef 'the. ,
regent,' Alis 'Cleaver.. • '
Ntivoi‘tslin. azut(gilf,st,tubrydyend neighbors•;h ••t:oniradess Sbear7
' chattieg with ofriends
ver forty .
. . Mary Ann- Erskine Was .the win-
their net' of the N'Ormai • School scholar -
11 1.:(h:1011neheottlinrgwNaTtenalclojyoevile, Ad
'Na'nflId-; ealLs and telegrams- of congratula: Early in the . year the Chapter
home'to (wigh them. well. • Telephone ship.
(let ine cen test , ;Was won by
Coni- ' tions were received-, during the day it'Ssi$tedat a party' tor ,new Can-
rades Symonds, Thomas, and Mar-
I from 'friends who were enable to atiri". ' • ' - . • . ' •
inn ;' „the lucky valentine by CODV call in personand a'host of beauti-
On NIrsJHowrie.sixtytifth
rade let rker ; mystery' priib ,. by; r fill cards were received in. the mail. w. ". ,.'e -edding anniversary the Chapter
Comrade ',luck: , The committee. III Nlre. Lillie MacDonald, daughter, S'ent flowers and good. wi.shes. .
'charge, was Comrades Adams, An '
dorsal), Allieon, Young and Vickers.
of Galt, and Mr, Roy:. Erringtoe,
sea, and Mrs. Errington of Ottawa
were unable' to be 'present. Mr.
,. at the, bailie* of Mrs. W. G. Mac -
The December meeting was held
Chapter , presented . ....Mrs, •
cAlliiejerbte. 3..,M,ce(dlianueghhe Ewap, when: Mrs. Reid 'en behalf
-t-----; W.ti*,, passed oe. as a child ' of
teraildR1:113)1y7'. Me- a' the
reported numermis donations 'made •
Mrs. L. J. 'Westbrook, treasurer,
mia Stariferth With a' silver tray:
-Sharon were present. A little son,
the wedding calire.'r.rhe lact•cdvered I.
six' years ago. .
two years some' yeare ago, and during the year to 1.0.D.b1 enter-
, Lunch wns served to the ,kuost s
another „sun, Harrey, passed away. prises and local aetivities, the.tota/ •
disba rSements :being $1,430.03„
.,, . „
and each. ane received a piece of
.si , iry 'wedding cake which was . IN AIR pADETS :
table was centred with a' three -
fittingly decorated with -gold leaves '
The •liairnian of the local, 'Air
and (i,i,nana,n,ts. On ouch 81,d e ..,, t'adet, Unit, Air. J. M.. Roberts, re -
4 ;led candle -holder, • and (n; perts that many boys between the
' . thy cake ....food a gold-oolored candle
14.01a, ages or fourteen and eighteee years.,
streamers Tea clad from t he corners 11;" 11111'114 Pik' "I 1P.(1 111 '*11'" lin it
of 1.110 lann, 10 the wIlidni,g. cake in recently formed in Goderiell • The
the centre. Tea MIS poth•ed• for !Air Cadets are spensoren Ily ,the
fodil botitiatuilere. They
g la irTirTI44444'414'41..74-Oeissraii-----
recalled Air Cadets, 'IS invited to . enrol by
the unit, '
hian, a scholarship benefits offeyed
Any. ,boy. interesied in -Abe- trains ;,-
Presentation to Two• ' Charter Members of Goderich
omen s institute
. ,
, . At,t1i6 ,goideu jnbilee eelebrittiOn •of tbe Goderich Women's IN:Mute honors were paid to h'vo
chailer. meinberS, • Mrs. I S. DOW -vie and Aliss Al. ri. sokov, in the .in'esentation of life -Membership
certificates and .pitts.. The- presentation's. were natta by Mrs, It P. H. Mee, secretary of the Institute,
and Mrs. Archie . Wilkin, .past .preAdcht, Plettire Shows, left - to right : Mrs.' Howrie, ' Ws, .Willan,
by Mactiareli.
Miss. Salkeid 'Mrs" Price. '
, if ,.. • •
gues,n., tram a tea_not 06011.2c!,;(alerieli. branch ;d the itayal Can-,
wedding present, fifty 3,..'ears ago. A number if beys from the Sur-
rounding communitiee'•ef Anburn.
and. 1)ungannon also ,have /aimed'
daffodils ond Mr. Errington .
1111.11 . the we her fiflyt;'years ago iiooyffig,
, their golden wedding day except Registry '()ffit0 on the Square be tie Xluron:" rOonnty •
11115 clear, sunny and cpld, much fes
that there was not quite. so, much
sturw -then as now. '
, Charlotte Reid, of 1/iingan-
, ..dany beautiful iind treasared
gifts were reCeiVed. • '
'Mrs. Efrinetin Were ft -corsage of
tween the hours of 4 pan and 6
pan. 00 weeledapt.
titill, plister a mr. Erringt()11, WaS v '
tile ,,011ly, 011e present, excilkt till' TELEPHONE SYSTEM
briao and groom. mho attended the ........--
wedding fifty years ;Igo. ' At the annual tneetira t -t2,, the
Ma rove NI al 1 ()ugh and Alfred . (;aderiell ..rown$111,4 TItZti`nOne
1 ingt15I 1'. r( maaried by 'the Rev. Systein, held in Clinton 62) 1tle:b111.
S, -"M. Whaley of St. itelens,, in pry, 211(1, Oliver 11' 1 WaS
the home llt CiletIll'e, nill where returned as °commissioner* for avt-
V es. Erringten Wag ' born. 'Air. 'other term' of three Ytdri,f. The'
E.11.1 Tim on 'was horn in England, propQsal of it toil 'Pharge ' Pert each
yoming to this eonntry-as 41 very ' teltplione ' e0n1i.1s'11;itill ilirkl1101
s11,14111 hey, , i eentritl. in order to sdo :lway viith
Neighbors and friends nearland ! so many lengthy talks ' Over the
far Wfoli the ;wortilY eonple, many IlineS. Was*. di6e08(41. blit; Wail .0..
a meeting a tue. 1951 room-,
niore years nr. lioppy wedded life. i footed to ,II. Close NOM
1 1110 Giderijii 'Itebokal; Ledge was i missioners ili,mos Osbaidef;toi, of
represented At the . celebration' of • flodericit, Was ,appOint(d 110{/Virrittltils '
>1110 twenty-first anniversary of 1 the position liaAing .beat ,, matat
1 lturonic Rebekah Lodge, Clinton, vacant by the resignation ilf Ilivian
last week. , ,,