HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-02-08, Page 9Something to shout about! For the. price of the Refill Kit alone (and d'f Cour,Se you, know that it contains everything you need for an "extra" home permanent, except curling -rods .) , you get a Refill Kit plus a generous size bottle of Fig Creme Shampoo, the gentle liquid creme that .snake your hair extra receptive to a• wave ! Save on this special offer .. . buy hair beauty at a bargain price!. HOLMVESVILL- E Goal'JC' VILLE, Feb. 7. - - For the pest tawo weeks Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston' hadas a guest Mrs. ;J,,hn 's cousin, Mrs. Annie Steep, • Benmiiler.. • 1111s8 ,E, ; • . ileen Giiddo* attended the. Fh giroeere' annual at-home at the Royal York, Toronto, on trhursdai. evening, returning home Friday' evening. oir • -The womeo of' the W.M.S. gr ps of Zion, Ebenezer , and Hohnesville 'United Churches will . gather in the suPdaY school ,rooms of. Hohnesville Chao% this Friday, February 9, at 2:30 o'el c, . to unite, in the World Day of Prayer service. Miss Sybil •Courtices• 91,intore will be' the 'guest 4,1,14'111IN, . Feb. 0, — !Mr. Wxn, Kruse of (alt spent the week -end With Mr. -anal Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Mr.. F. 0, Meilvden and kir, A. 10/11111004 were at I.ndon on Friday Barbara and Mary San dersaar• daughter$ pf Mr. and Airs. Wilfred 'Sanderson;, who have been patients 'ih the Stek Children's Hospital, London, returned home' on Tuesday. Victor Yungblut spear the ''!eels• end in Toront.. Mrs. .Geo. J/fslanston is a patient in the Goderich hospital,' where .she underWent 'an operation. Mrs,. Gordon, R. Taylor has re- tUrned from a week's visit in New York. - Mr. Percy ' Yungblut; .who .has been', a patient. ins the 'Goderich hospital for solve time, went to Toronto 'on Monday: for further tretitmen.t._ Mrs. Wil;rier Nicholson Und'er- went, an appends': deperatton in • the Goderich hosisital last week. • Miss Mabel Hrickingbotto, wiio wag visiting 412 . New York, returned horne last Friday. .;,.• Itobt. J. Scott is a patient in. Alexandra Hospital," Goderich. - Mrs. A. Campbell, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs? W. • Bradnock, Mrs, W. J. Craig. and Miss Amelia ;.Vlcllwain attended the (fiftieth anniversary luncheon .of the Goderich° Women's Institute. Death of Fortner Resident.—The .:'death occurred on January 20th Of Archie Edmeston of. Ford Saskatch- ewan, Alberta, at the age of;- eighty- one yeatS. Edmeston was' a former resident of .Auburn "district. He is survived by six nieces and six ,nephews. The fun ,rg1„service .was hetet-41i' January '24th in the Fort Sasgatclrewars United -Church, Rev. A. W. Magee officiating, and interment Was in the Fort Saskatch- ewan cemetery. .Ladies' 'Guild: ” ;-- The Women's ing with, the Indians,. ns,. i4irs., J, flal- lam took the one on Italians and. Mrs. Fred I o s dealt with the Frenches •A.rrangemente were plade torthe World Day. of I"zA'ayet" ser* "vice, which will ,be field in •Knox United Church -on• Friday of this week. .4r0,1 E. Little invited the ladies teller home. far the March- nreeting." The offering Was received .by' 4oa11 Little, ., vete of: scabs was extended to Mrs, E. J. pli' chips and' MIrs,' W. T, Robison, ,who had aecgrlianied the hymns en the • carp and guitar reSitectivelv.. Mrs. ,Gra- ham offered.the chasing prayer. The hostess, assisted,. by • Miss . Minnie Wagner, served . llhrclh.. • • - United Church W,M.S. The W,M,�S. of Knox United- church Met at". alae` aioine ef- Mrs. C, M, Straug'han en :Tuesday, • with Y1;rs. Straughan yin change 'and Mrs, W, J, ,Craig at the plana. 'The. theme Or thou meeting wasHts Silent Presence." ;The. Scripture was read icy Mrs, .Jas,, .'Graig, followed .by- a poem, "In .Time of Qlietne$s," •by Mrs. Straughan. • Prayer 'Was of- fered by Mrs, °• Fred ,.Tall and the 231d Psalm • ,was read in unison. The •heralds responded; Mrs. L. Archambault- on home Mission's, Mrs. G. 11601ineliey on Christian stewardship, and Mrs. Jas. .Jackson on temperance, . A duet Was rend-' Bred by Airs. U. Fowler and Miss. Sadie Carter and Miss::iiaima Mutch contributed a reading. The second chapter • of the study book was taken by Mns. • Archie .toobinson.. The president, Mrs. Fred Toll, took charge for tile' business period. The corresponding secretary read sev- eral "thank you" letters,'Announce-, meut.wits made . of the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. Toll offered the ,closing • prayer. , A dainty lunch served by .the hostess, assisted, by Miss Diana Mutch, • included a lov4ly birthday cake in honor• of Miss Mar caret .King, wlio ,svas,,observing lrild f S " ?air) - 3 lrui . 41 ' .eli•duy:-11 is ing =ha; beeir- in the church,• with a very good -secretary of the W.M.S. for' some attendance considering the weather.• : years. • • . The meeting was in ,charge of Mrs. • ' Congregational Meeting.—The an - T. 'Johnston, ;Who otrered prayer, and the Scripture was read by Miss I1V irure Collin:. A • reading was den by - Miss •Colirnson, entitled "`The s(hurch Vew:" ,This ',was 4fol- lowed by. a reading 'given by Mrs. McNa1L" •A musical trio by' 'Mrs. John Dryer, Mrs. T. Johnston. Sind Miss Laura Phillips was much en, joyed. The topic, written ' by the late Miss Margaret 'Small, was read by Mrs, Frank Nesbit. *Mrs. Alfred Nesbit .brought' to the notice., of the. Guild the wonderful record' of Mr. ,Tames' Medd,' who. has just retired from the' office' of - rector's warden. The president took • charge of the speaker... _Alt ladies in , the common sties are warmly. welcomed. Miss Marie Gliddon, , London, spent Sunday at her hoine .'in the village. • Raymond Whitmore recently pur- chased. an accredited herd ofd dual purpose Red Polled cattle. The. heed arrived• about ten" days ago and is creating considerable : inter- est, as this breed of cattle is still quite new in this:spart of the Pre- Vince. ro-vine. -T.P.U. Activities., -- The 'Y.P.U, went on Monday 'evening to hold their, meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bill Oox. Reta Yeo,, mis- sions -convener, was In -pbarge, -and': read the ESeripture, 'Kathieerb Holmes' played a- piano solo, and, as 'president, directed the business, The celebrations asso!ehlteR , wl: r haautiflilJ;: hate -like caner 'mats of St.' Valentine's. Day' St;riirted wad'' gAgat delicacy,• often copied skip - back in ancient Rome, long, before• fully from real lace, whore bele the antroduatian. of Christianity. colored bouquets is oo ilow'ers.. These those days, wolves ,Posted *de - with:lilts ine�}aliions,' in ie• backed na'a ts--had countryside and anyon wiio de weL Satin ribbon, oxr stroyed o}ze was '. het, :in. hig]i., df brwere .eoldele(I er G; which flowez�s esteem, To honor the volt destroyer, tbinlctof :The,' a- rea would hove;..• the Iloznalar held a celebratiolx dux- think buying a: ready-ma'de send-. ing -the month of February callg° d merit for his love, but with endo � Lupercahia. At. this festival, are taking, earn.made up his t ea tender message and wrote' it out earefu]ly young people drew lots for partners Ma#'y times, tuzassz ge asvtt- for the next • year. •hundreds of ten on a. tiny he slip of paperw,e fonrlded years later, the .shine custom was and put into a little, secret envelope,' practised in England and France, and sealed wt tli a art, cupid- , ..or r butpercalthen, iath, ebut festiStval'yal awl s, tinne ots Day. called l.uso The sending of a message of love St: Valentine was a priest who • and affections on, St. ' Val:entilie's Day suffered Martyrdom about the year to those who are dear to us is • a 270 and Was later canonized ' ,As pleasant ,.custom -••-let us ]seep.. it,, up the Church was. anrtious to do away —Canadian National. Magazine. with all the superstitious practices of iia' Rome and as the feast r3 X GROUPS COMPETE Or ' d f thew saint fell during the a'y4 ne month of Febralary, a- new feast* DEAMA CO 'E't�x'r[Ql�t day—SC. Yalentinerd=was.,. intra. -dined to the world. •The' old Roman custom •of draw- ing lots for partners for. the 'year turned • up in 17th century Englund and Scotland, and then it was •also the practice for the partners to• exchange gifts. . Usually some verse or motto -,accompanied the present: As time passed, however, the ex- change of gifts was discontinued,• and verses only were sent, a custom which remains antic the present. time. '11Ir, Samuel Pepys, who lived dur- ing the,, reign' of Charles , II, and whose diary gives an excellent pie- ture of the social customs 'of the times mentions that some of the pr. encs exchanged were- most ex- pti sive. He noted that the Duke of Richmond, who had been drawn by a Miss Stuart as her 'valentine, gave the lady as a present a jewel worth $4„000 and that•the gentleman she diet for her' valentine 'the fol- lowing year gave .her 4 ring worth al s cit ;1+x.500: A” vount lad who drew Mr. Pepys for her •valentine ,rel,eivecl as a present front him some• green silk stockings, garters, ,'and shoe laces, which, he records, pleased- her very much ; and to Mrs. • PepyA,. who, once drew her. husbainnd. for her valentine, he gave 'a ring "Made of a Turkey stone set cf�-lth diamonds."... • •A great •deaf of time and • care were spent In 'earlier days on the wribing of valetlt•ines. • • Over a hudred years ago,' several books were published in London• which itneluded many different • styles of valentines, to 'sult persons of every trade' anil .profession. , Even; Shake- speare ' mentioned; valentines when in • Hamlet Ophelia says: "Good morrow!, 'tis St. Valentine's Day, • .• nu:al congregational accusing of Knox 'Presbyterian C.hureh was held.'in the, Sunday school Aroonn_ on Saturchiy, with a splendid attend-• ince. After a� sumptuous dinner and - a social'. hour, the interiiii moderator, Rev. • A. ,J. Simpson; of Teeswater, conducted devotions, fol- lowed by prayer by Bey. J. Honey- man. The -reports of the. -various organizations. 'indicated encouraging growth in all,. departments of the church. Rev, _ J. Horteyinan . gave, the report of the session and, re- ported one member removed' ' b3• death andoue.baptism. The church treasurer, Mrs. 'W. Good, reported buernesEss ; meeting. A ,bazaar was a successful year; 'with all oblige - discussed, but no date was set. The' tions met and a substantial balance meeting closed with, prayer by the 'president. ' ' Presbyterian W,M.J�,-Mrs. Edgar Lawson gave her home 'for the February meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church.. The president, Mrs. W. Good, was in Charge and the. ;'devotional period was taken by Mrs. J. W. Graham, who gave the meditation on the Seripture -reading . and . offered 'prayer. „A• --rending was :given by Mrs. Gordon Dobie: The study. period was divided' into three parts. Mrs.E. Lawson gave the part Ileal - ori hand. Mrs. E. Little, reporting for the W.J•l.S., 'stated .the alioca tion had been over -subscribed and there' :was a balance on hand. A bale had been sent to headquarters for redistribution. Mrs: 6E• • Law - seri gave , the Ladies' Aid report, showing a girl -had been sent to. the , girls' camp at TCintail last summer and a table and chairs had been purchased for -the primary. class. Mr. J. Wilsoh reported for the Sunday school, ; which • h€id a, successful year, , hotl}..,,t's,-attentjf pee and -in work accomplished. The following, •offeer•s were ", 'elected Church.,,• treasurer, Mrs. W.. Good ; which centred on the• concert ,which c lrurcli secretary, J': C. Stoltz. ; is to be held „o;r February 21st: managers el•ected for.a three-year Rev.' M. G. Newton gave an interest- term, J. (', Stoltz, Art Yungblut, Don Haines,' Major Yungblut; auditors, Victor Yungblut,• ' 1?., 1). Mciiveen ; •"church organist, Arthur Yungblut ; • Sunday school superin- tendent, Rev. J. Honeyman; Sunday school 'secretary -treasurer, Mss.' J. •W.^ Graham ; assistant, Ruth Daer•; organist, Laura May, • Letherland. Mr: lioneyman' pilicl tribute to_ -Iii: Stoltz for his faithfulness 'a a Manager fqr over twenty-five years. A vote•of appreciation was accorded Rev.' S. Iloneyman for his splendid elk work during the bine he has been minister of this. congregation. • ing talk •on aspects of health week, including the uses for medical puts • poses to which money ;raised ;by the M. and M: • fund is put in • other countries. The meeting • next Mon- day will be at the hone of. Mr. and Mris. Newton. .. ; • When you.take' over' the farm, one of ' these: days, you'll want otalk to him. You.ean'discuss your affairs in a -friendiy; ; I ' have done. And -you'll find he • knows a lot. He knows we farmers need bank credit— sometimes to putin a crap, sometimes to take off a Harvest. ,If we need market information, he can get it for us. . Remember when we electrified the farm l Our !milk manager made me .the ion►. ° He's backed us up that way, for .years, ' helping us tounprave ouii'•stoc , increase production •( • "All iii tide morrow betime, "And .I a maid at. ;your wihndow, :•°•70 be •your valentine''` During the reign of jaueen Vic- toria, valentines were particularly . Mrs. ,W: F. Saunders. and :kiss; F. Lodge, of • Goderich, 'were the adjudicators•' at a two -night dram atic competition held at"Blyth last week. Six. one -act ,plays :were pre - seated, by groups from' Walton, • Londesboro,. Belgrave, Auburn and two from Blytll . First prize, $30,e was awarded; to the Lon_d'esbore Young People's Un ion: ?or the pay "Bird on the Wing," and second prize; $20, to the Blyth Young ,People's U'nnion. for their" presents}Pion of "The Valigpt," Miss, • Marguerite Hall of Blyth was- ad- .judged the best. actress,for .her part • in the, • •presentation of "The: Valiant." and. `Clare ':Vincent' of Blyth, of the cast of 'Bird- on the. Wing," was named the best tactor.' Each was p'rese'nted with a silver trophy to be suitabl, i inscribed. The event was sponsored by, the Blyth Lions 'Club. • . ELECTED TO HON HOG E3SSOOTATIO` The following• directors_ have been chosen by;° the 'township 13'ederations of Agriculture to the Huron ;,Hog 'h'rodneers'_ _Association �fnr 'Ashfield, Cecil Johnston., R.R. 7, Luckriow ; Colborne, Harold Mont- gomery,: R.R. 4, Goderich Goderich township; •RobertWelsh, R.It 2, Bayfield ;,• :Grey, � James, Bremner,. Brussels; ;''Il'ay. Henry Mine, R.R. 1, Dashwood; Howiek, Albert Ash-, ley, R.R. 1, 'Gerrie; Hullett, Archie Young, Londesboro ; McKillop, J, Back, Dublin ; •Mor"ris, Nelson Hig- gins, • Brussels ; ' Stanley, Murray Grainger; RAIL. 1, Varna ; Stephen,. Ed. , • Chambers, • Crediton; Tecker- smith, Den Dayman, R.R.- 3, Kip- pen ; Tunnberry, Les. Fortune, R.R. 1; Wingham ; East Wawanosh, Frank Nesbitt, R.R. 3, Blyth.; West •Wawanosh, WI11dtrin •Good; R.R. 3, Auburn; Us'borne, • 'James Miller, Woodham.. INVESTIGATE . . the economy of oil heat comfort. COMPARE . o . the extra quality of SHUR••HEET burners. PURCHASE . . . an Oil Burner that will give -a life -time of economical, efficien! heating satisfaction, INSTALL .. . a SHUR-HEET burner NOW, and say good-bye to heating :roubles. t-1ow is the time to prepare for future "SHUR-HEET" warmth and :omfort. See the above dealer today' TRADE MARK REG.STERED HARRY HEUER LIMITED CHURCH AT PORTLAND TORONTO, 14 (MIMICO) ONTARIO ST. HELENS • ♦ ST.'HELEN'S, Feb. 3.—Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom 'are. visitors with their'. -daughter, Mrs, Al. Martin, and 'Mr. Martin in- Detroit.' Master . Terry Wilson IS making favorable ,' recoery following an "ration. for appendicitis in the Wingliani hospital on Wednesday evening. • - Mrs. MacFarlane .of Lucknow de- lighted• the ladies' who attended the FOruary meeting,..ctf• ' the , Woiiien's Institute with her int 'resting on her visit to Scotland last sum. mer: .The meeting was held .at the home. of • Mrs: E: `.W. Rice,' with twenty -orae , ladies .preseltt., A 45 gift was ,voted to each: of the four schools. Donations ' 'Of' $5 .were voted ,also -to the. cancer ,fund `anal theT. $. fund. :Mrs. Will 'Ruttier. ford'''favored- with a piano : pole. At she conclusion lunch was served • with Miss. W. • D. Rutherford •, and Mrs. W. A.• Miller as hostesses, .. ,. • • }Canadii's 1950 sugar beet •hakvest prov.ifled about 300,000,000 pounds of pure.- beet, sugar, largest crop - in .history: • • e • '•, • . NILE, Feb. 7. --•Miss Mary .Currey Ytr't\'-f • is home again front her visit' ,.lo t � : • Termites' _ Mrs.erb Pentland is home after rF _o • an opeiation in Alexandra IIos- yt s• pital-, Goderich. , . . .;-c The Community ' Club Held a .- P • 'meeting in the school house on Mon- ' • daynight. ' Several of the Nile church ;con- gregation attended the annual meet- . iiSiiE NIT .. Ming of: the - three' charges ht Carlow • hall on Mon ay,afternoon. • Mrs. Albert Thain • of Toronto .spent a week lately with her father, ►arnpbel! S ; • Mr: Angus McI)airmid." Mrs. Wm. Watson passed away on: Tuesday night after a long ill- 'ness. ,Her daughter, .Mrs. Ralph Drug.Hoover; ,came .by plane from' Olds, Alberta, to London• and was Met • by .her brother, Mr.. Harry Watson, •Store, . Largest' of the I+3gyptian pyramids has an estimated weight of five •sse llijAuston } And that' what our,bank manager is there for—to help you and me to ms.riageQ •' He's a good• man ,to know4 SPONSORED Y' YOUR. BA.NI( lmpoptant 'Notice MOTORWAYS ANNOUN4JE REVISED SC EDULES.: REVISED:. ROUTINGS : a Effective 12Feb., . 51 Three ')found 'Trip 3D ,`icy .Gtoderioh--Btratfoird. t' Oonunectio �i, at Stratford for Kitt Vint Trip ,�a'kes' Iklrec '°hotter. and' Toronto. your Round Trips' St udays 'and holidays. °OONSiltT TOUR AGENT AHD AVOID missz 'G ' .THE BUS. You are in OVERDRIVE simply by moving .the gear shift control- Less' than- one-half inch, without fuss or bother; You • get the power and smoothness of six cylinders with . the economy of four. A six pas- , senger car. that ••'40ives you DEPENDABLE service,, year -in, year -)out....,__... THE STANDARD MOTOR CO. 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