HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-02-08, Page 1GODERIC4, QNT4RI00, TiURSDAY, UYI h,195t
4100)000. • -Debenture Issue
Itequired for
'!„ti Ifydro " Zir EIRE, ARAtADE
Maier tineseas-'""1-a. ban be.' es; in: tile Tbe.: reorganization of the Gocle-
110011311 Sinen 8a.tOrtlays,lost 'wipe r,Inke brigade, in ,ttecorelanee wlth
• an Atte* :of pneuriaylia and 4; PasSed; by the 1960 Tenet
In hie ahSenee. Reeve ElliOtt was 'e4cli'lells Iuis been carried into effeet,
ses. n ,o oers were Chosen fit a meet-
vOted to the Cbal-P tor the mee'''wg nig of the brigade on Monday night
• Of the 'leering' 00Tiacil, Ittesdas' George lietteon,I, who has headed
night. The other "ineraters of boim- the ;brigade for mallet years,* wsui
en were all preseti elected. t hief. Chas:, Bisset dep-
A reqUefg from the litstorieal tity chief ; Ted Aissett, drat caP-
committee- of the 001:174 Po:until tan, Lou Govier, seeond captain;
that historical =tides now Ionised Geo. MunibY,, *first litutezinnt ; ,Archie
in the rublie Library IbUilding be Johnaton, second lieutenant. Harvey,
'tamed Over torthe Coinity Museum Webster is sect -eters'.
Wail referred to the- SNOW corn- .AS fire truck drivers Jack Hog-
Mittee. was pointed out that garth, Gordon Bannister, Don, Bis
many of these articles.telonged to sett, Harvty Webster, Ralph Kings -
private e well and Austin Purdy were named,
The Cleile reported Ifive'lettirding and other" members pi the brigade
Peri:nits issued. •One .:was to J. are Chris. Brownlee, Jas. Johnston
NInntlay for an 'addition ,to and William Doak., '
,dweineg on. Regent street,: one to A list a supplies required was
'Wm. Bannister Ism an Addition to prepered and presented to the Town'
his refreshment both at the bath- teauacil on Tuesday night. - •
ing 'beach; one to H. L. Efouiton ,
tor a :garage on Blake street, and PROCEEDS FROM CARD •
others to • JOInt 'L.' Thurlow,
eBeemett gereet,- an Earl West- PARTY GO TO- ITOSPITAL
'brotik East street, for improve -
'Merits to dwelling,s. A meeting ef Beta Sigma Phi was
A request from ttte Holepreof held on Wed.nesday, at the home of
'Hosiery _Company for better light- Mrs. S. • C. Auderson. Attendance
'lug and 'better road drainage in the was poor because of weather con-
se.eleinity. of, the Clampany.'4.-letetery ditionss but members speesent -voted
'was sent to the Watet, light and that a check for $75, peoceeds,from
, harbor and public 'worktreorantittees
,• the, recent. card party, be given lo
'foe joint aetion.% ' • , the hospital to help buy a suction
a 4 fil
euccessful "lades!onight" was
held •bY'the Junior elhamher of Com-
ineree la the- British Exchange'
lietel on 'Wednesday evening With
approximately 110J.C.'6 end thetk
ladies in attendanee
Diener and singsongs were en-
JOyed in the early pat of the even-
ing, `Mowed' by dancing, esene`�f
whieli was .pf a novel natures •
e • The Huron Hereford Association maeteee,
• Dked for, use of Harbor Park for 'The annual serokity dance, Spring
Astoelation on June 2ndAn at .
the picnie of. the .Ontario Hereford PhantaSy, , was. discussed, and. lays.
, . •
tendanee of abOut 400from ell Don Thornton. Was appointed danee
, Convener. •
'parts of the ,Province, is expected. Members else voted to forne,, a
Permission was granted. - - •
civilian defence emranitteee which
. A. request witS received feetn.the would • give.'assistance to local
Recreetion, Commission. for „ the authorities in case they should or.
Council's viewe on: the proposal to gefilee sue,h a movement. Miss Helen
have - all.' local sport§ under the jaek,son was appointed chairman of
, Commission; else for a 'statement
of whet support, 'financially and by this .committee.
• way of personnel, the Council..wouid ,.After,the business .meeting, a
— give the Commission. ' Th' was lovely lncloeivas :;served ; atid the
referred to the spedial • committee. gifehering broke tip early.
A • conimunicabion from -the
• •
twale to the effect
• Mros wad. Mrs. t•Ietaid '"Ticker"
Met6 we the winnere, ef the *lee
iti the elireinationedance., ;
The winning ticket drawn on the
"special ease"' wat that of *Owen
Thimiltoe, Who tacit to his surprise
When he opened the 'box found "the
thing" to be a $50 bill. Bert
Drysdale wothe ladies' door prize,
while the ineo's door prize went to
Dr. Bert e Such. Miss Mindy •Seote
drew the tielSets.
Tb:e reom •was beautifully decor-
ated • in ,a Valentine setting. Mel
Culbert, vice-presioent of the
was in, charge of proceedbags, with
Dr. Beet Such ably assisting as
master of cerembnies. for the enter;,'
tairtment. Arangements for . the
entertainment. were well handled by
Eric Johnston and Ralph Henderson,
with , the" assistance of comnaittee
members. Bert Drysdale, ,was in
charge of the,. draw and as well
supervised the decorating.
County Clerk'
ethat the 'nattier of road rebates 'Rural .Telephone. .
before • the •road .and •finaece eene 'Company SeriTice-
mittees of the County C• ouncil and 1 • - •
-•waAns Iaid overttetoe the juee seesion. 'under. Scrutm
other. lee frata the'
Clerk conveyed the thanks of the
County . Oftuncil for the offer. of • the . A meetleg was „held,' in .Dungan -
former West street riok site to the non on . Wednesday in connect/en'
County. The offer; however, 'Was with the apPlication of the Gode-
' decliped, as the property was not rricli Rural Telephone Co. Led. for
considered sellable .for any County' Permissien te inereitee • rates, Mr.
iturpose. , . , ' • MacDonald •and. Mr, Roland of Tor-
.. ,
With regard to the Town's " re_ .onto,, ,-representing • the _Ontario
. .• . .
quest for the installation of a.signal .Municipal. Bciard, heard. the-rea,sons
_.....light.. control- system at the ._ esoe. fer,the_deuiandr_fer_inereased rates
. '
section of highways 8 and 21, tbe and also , objectons of the •stre
Department of Highwaels wt e scribers.. , . • , . ., .
eteting that, traffic et., this inters. ' Mr. W. C. Attridge, auditor of •the
.eection does not •waesant• the use company, gave II -detailed accOM'at
of such a signal. '' .- - . . of the results. of operations over a
A motion, „by „Councillors Jackson peried: of 'year's and • pointed out
and Buck,' :that ,the, Matter 'be ..s.e. that the preSent ecist of operating
fo tbeinn. Imunielpelities•shed been, •
ferred to the public works ,cora-
mittee to ,take up with the DePeet-
ment and ascertain the reason for
refusal, was adopted. • • • •
• The Board, of Trade, sent a letter
asking. the Council to. give "serious
consideration!' . to the matter: of
•'eafety measure, "In the .nnhen.0
, for event of a major catastrophe ,of
• any*. type hitting Goderich."
• Council adopted a ,motion that
the Board of Trade,...ho asked to,
secure further information and sub-,
mit definite .1.commendations in
this Metter. • ••• •
Another letter from the Board of,
Trede was in support Of a preposal
• for a eutlicient supply of, water4or
a sPrinkler system at the Goderich
• Manufacturing Co. plant This was
referred to the water, light and
barber commettee.
• .Meat, Inspection ,
A letter front the Count Beard
of Health, with, reference to Meat
inspection, stated:: suoh time
, as .legielation is, 'enacted' whereby
inspection of all swat at the time
of slaughter is compoleey for, °eery
. municipality, the Iliiikeretioes- 'not
feel justified lo'aestnning the coat,
•of this seri•ice in the town of
Goderich." •
In this connection the Reeve
eittentten to the: remark of• •
Reeve Elliott Of Clinton (meat ins
spector far Goderich), at •tbe last
meeting of ,the County bounall, that
considerable custom work Wes done
` at the eGoderieh abattoir and the'
Town of Goderich paid for it.
A motion was passed that., Lir.
otIlltett „-•be--"-requested'-;,-to;•rlist.77Viv
tituelbereof :atiltuale slaughtered 'for
eustoin use.
An • inquiry for intlit4trial space
foe an Outside concern was sent
t es the Indnstrtal'colninittee.•
• The , Connell of the Village Of
Cbeeterville !asked ,support Of a
resolution reqteeting, that the Pro-
vince pay a sublidy , of olie,-third
,,of the 'cost, 'of' construction 'of
...leveret dispoeal pieties find water-
works vete*. '
After some difactiSsion" the resort],
tion 'wag entiorted ...en a • vote • of
' Deboiattire ISS -00 or
• The Public VtI1itk Commission
4sked, •that the Town issue de-
ck; bentures in the emit •$100,000,
• to •Myer eaat of the ,eycle change'
• • t(i" take pinee this- suniitter, • The
nnionet Wee' broken um as roIloWs:,
4'hanging meters from, 25 ,to 00
c3c10, $30,000 ;• trimMing trees •on
the 'Piet:miry. lines to, provide fer
voltage incretuie.frOm 2200 to 4000
v 01 ts, $5,000 flew •sttb-ste. doh,
S50,000; • vonneeting, lint‘s to new
•substation, '$10,000: changing i4Wet
lighting from: Series to multiple,
$5,000, . • -
A motion was adopted requesting
-authorizetion ot the Ontario Pewee
Commis -40h for the Issue, of aneh I be sent to the Provinciel ;Highways ti,s 4 Larder,Mtg. .0. Banks,.' A • Motion Was dilly earried that
. debentureg. Departhiebt; tla the besis "for: the Mrs. pl....Met:ea Mrs. X, Croft arid. the "(40(101101 * ,thstotikini No-
m) aceonot how the North Am. Provincial subsidy:I (4. Bannister.
• ,,,,cletr. he 'formed. Mt Win. CanaP.
was much, greater than in previous grams,•
aloss in 1950Mrs. F. Lodge and
Godericli 'W(41%1% titute, Loo
5' 4 "
Back on Fifty Years of 'Activitiy-
evept of wide interest was
celebrated 911 •tt0440,..16:4-'t witen
the Goderieh branch of the Wouten'S
IiiStitute held. a • cielightfullY-,ar-
,, •
ranged luncheon in honer "of its
fiftieth ,anniverSary. The celebre-
tion Was held in the half of NOrth
Street United Church, with an at-
..te0ance ninety, IUCludtng
•number of guests 'trona' out of town,
Speech& by 'honored pests, 'pre-
sentagen of life m,emberships to
charter ..members,'; historical •
tnres, and, a halipy, get-together
feeling cembined ,te make the AMP.:
'tion a long-to:be remembered one
for 'women whose -motto is "For
Houle and Country."
The tables Were decorated in the
'Institute colors of gold and purple.
Gracing the head table Was a three -
tiered anniveivary.. ceke, made and
donated by. Mr. , J. S. Howrie, a
charter member. • Crystal -bowls of
daffodils and purple hyacinths' and
lighted tapers made an attractive
centre .for the table. "
Mrs. Geerge-Mumby, president of
the ,Goderich Women's Inetitute,
presided, 'and after welcoming thb
guests stated 'the branch, *as organ-
ized in 1901. .'S'he spoke with pride
of two charter naernbers, Miss Mary
Salkeld, who -had served eiohteseers.
-as president -and- tiftesen years as
secretary—a total of twenty-tb.ree
,years and "our, own MrS.
'Howrie, Without whom io Institute
meeting is ecomplete."
—Charter Members Honored ,
Mrs. W. F. 11. Price and 'Mrs. A.
Wilkin made presentations or life,
memberghip certiticatee • to • Mrs.
•Howie and Miss Salkeld In 'honor
of their fifty years of eervice."
• Also, at the head table -were 'Past
• Prtsidente Mrs. Chester Johnston,
DOW of Louden; • Mrs. H. B. M;
Tichbokne, • Mrs. P. J. MacEwan,
Mrs. Charles -.Young, Mrs e James
Bisset, •Mrs. Geerdon • Bisset; Mre.'
'Lorne Scrimgeour, of Blyth, district
president, and Miss Alma P. Lewis
director of Women's Institutee, Oa-
• terio Department of A-gricultuee.
- The secretory, Mrs. W. le II.
Price, 'read" greetings from a sister
• lattitfite at Gotham, England, and
•o•nnouncedthat representatiee
were present from Celborne, leun-
• gannon, Anburn, Londeeboro, Kin -
tail, Blyth and ClintOn .bronches.
Despite' inclemitut weather, the
high tea and bakaar held by the
Churchweepen's ee" ulkt of St. George's
Church in the,parish hell on. Shreve
Tuesday was well patronized.
The president, Mrs. jltirry Dodd,
Was asstked in receiving by Mrs.
B. H. 'Farr. Long •tables, spread
With an abundance 62 geed things,'
were effectivelsOdeeerated. •
• Convener e Of the supper were Mrs.
Bannister; Mrs. George Mumby,
Mrs. 11. ,B. M Tiebborne and Miss
Mae Menary,„, Assisting were -Mrs.,
C.' Tweedie, Mrs. Jackson,- Mrs. T.
IL Legg, Mrs. 0 Yidean, Mrs. H.
Palmer, Mrs. A. Shore, MrseJ., J tick,
Mrs , F. Riley, Miss •AL Middteten,
Mrs.. Hanley, Ales, Mundy, Mrs,
Martin, ,Mrs. .L.Oraig, Mrs. Bradley,
Mrs. Senn) and Mise Harrison..
A, 611114 table, gay , 'with pretty
baskets, was in •eharge of 1%,,Irs. .J. B.
Whittingham and Mrs:, Arnold
aid fancy work :was sold
successfully be Mrs. E. D. -Brown • The anniversary cakeovas a work
a ust. Mrs. H., 13radlese , • of , art . with • its decorations of gold
• leaves and -ertietie 'icing. it *as
commiTTEFis CHOSEN • ent.by Mrs. Howrie, and later, when
served, the Coneensue of opinion
FOR •DRAMA _FESTIVAL wtis that it was delicious.,
• ---,----, • • es, •Selos -beentifully sung by 'AfeS:'
Cotemitteee , the Drama
Pestle -alto he held Alien 11, 12 and
13 were -chosen -at e special meet-
ing of the Goderigh Dramatic Club
on Monday night.
rOommittees tuid-,, their conveners
are as follows.: • Makeup, Mrs.- A.
Cineraings; Staging, , Mr. • Bruce
Stewart and. Mr.' W. •Setherland ;
adjudicator; Mrs. , K. Revell; pro -
ent•- members who had pasSed on—
Mrs. ,William Cox, ;lining in snirl,tr
at .nitiletY," Mrs, 'llardech. Ma1)on-
ald, Mrs.
A. G. Alactionald,•--Mrs,-
joseph Donald Mc -
Nevin, sairss-Magnus Swanson,. Mrs.
J. 11. Marshal), Urs. A. Halliday, as
a' few, :of'these..
Mit. Bisset spoke of benefits de-
rived 'from Women's' Institute • lec-
tures. „Abe recelled„ that during
one 'cOoking course a 'one -Ogg .0101,
tette was sampled by forty members.
. Speaking of the value of officers':
training courses, she said that 'fifty
years ago. no one could conduct a.
meeting according to parliamentary
procedure as is, done today.
Mrs. Bisset recalled: the, work .of'
members at the three -day -fall lairs,
at which •• they served' meals., and
at the Provincial plowing match at
Port' Albert a .few years ago.
A.11 our Money geese to commun-
ity interests," she continued. The
institute is proud of the fact that
it instituted drausie instruction in
Goderich schools. Anothere-wor
while interest was. the ie.storing
of neglected geaees, in the:cemeterys
"For fifty years we have worked
and played together ' in friendly
epirit, - and we hope for greater
success in the future..
• Airs. Bjeset 'concluded, by 'propes-
ing a toast' • to-- honored guests, to
wliich A.Irs.. Lorne , Scrimgeour re-
, . The District 'President
mrs. Serinegeour compliniented
Mrs H'owrie. and Miss, Salkeld, the
two charter members. She recalled
that at fall lairs exhibitors would
say, ,"There is nouse exhibiting
_our thing's today—Mre.„ Howrie of
Goclerith is here." '
•She.:urged • 'Institut6.• to put on
their • own demonetrations, • 4,Get
together andgo through the co-
operative Program suggested th '1) -
pertinent literature, Lind de net de-
pend on outside • denionefratore •of
sewing machines, junket, jello and
aluntinene" She declared she could
Pare' a pineapple for the Wide ID.
eight • minutes, and eva.e.• equally
adept" With it turnip, -"She read, a
lengthy humerous. selection and "con-
cluded With the -reply to the
message of the King, "When a King
• puts his hand in the.hand of God."
Membere. Introduced especially bY
the president were Mrs. A. D. Mc-
Lean and, Airs .1. C. Stewan of
•Goderich ; Mee J. LeAlarre,.of Lon -
'den ; Mese C. Lockhaele'of Chatham ;
Mrs. ,Lortie Ivens of Dungromon ;
Mrs'. Chester JOhnstme. of 14)1111 '11.
_ 'Anna P: Lewis •presented
on the screen a series' of 'colored'
pletures% teken by her la Goderich
Line . in • England. oShe also intro-
duced Mr. Gavin Green, Mr. Harry
Aleterea.th •end, Mr. ,J.: H. Neill;
curator' of Huron County Alueoune,
who • 'cern& in , to - -see the -picture,
which incleded some of "Time
cottage, and its • surroundinge, the
Dunlop tomb, ?1r. .1(11(1 Ales. Gavin
Green, the..ship "Ontario," on which'
Mrs. Green VMS born., and others.
The happy gathering 02 suchchis-
torte.* interest, was concluded with
the singing of "0 Canada." •
The- luncheon „was prepared and
cerved by the Women'. Association
..of North Street United Church.
'51,1b0cliptiOn'In Canada. $2.50
itt U.S. e
New niste,i
in Local Baptist
'Pulpit on Sunday
Sunday's services in the c/oderich
Baptist Church were, of unusual
nterest, as -the new pastor., the Rev.
Ian 0. Hind, 1LA., wash' the pulpit
and addressed the congregation .for
the first time. His -theinen7.WITAV-
services of Ibe day Were "M-ItrO"h'grif
of God" and "The MinistryPf
"The coal, mines in Pennsylvania
have been mined for Over a Irendeed
years," said Mr. Wild, "and yet the
miners have' barely tduchett the
fringe of the coal deposits there.
For nineteen centuries hundreds of
thousaas have drawn from Jesus
Christ grace sufficient to tneet their
deepest needs. The weak have been
made strong, the strong have -been
made gentle, the grieving have been
comforted, sthe discouraged have
found new hope.' The unsocial have
becorue loving 'and outgoing, and the
dull haye 'become. brighter. Yet we
have ilet exhausted the riches of
God ip, Christ .Jesus. His gifts to
this materialwerld have been many,
but outstanding ' among them are
these; First, true freedom from guilt
before God. The method of excusing
onrselves,with, a sbreg hardens the
soul and gives efre false. freedom.
It is the way of the Cress thatsmakes
one more sensitive his Maker,
and'showe him the reel value of Ins
life" ,
The second gift of God through
Christ is to show a a true pattern
for :the soul, to follow. In essence
it Ls thie: "Abide 15 Me, end I in
yoe—he that libid,eth in Me, and
111 111111, the sanie shall bring forth
Much fruit."
The inosl extravagant and accept-
able gift of, Gott. through •Christ is
eternal life. This life is ee a rain -
dreg' in: the ocean of eternity. In
the words of ,Tesese "Where I am
ye shall be also"
Speakin„;-,• on. 'The Ministry af
'E'ne,onragernent.' "Mr, Hind said the
causes of cliscouragetisent . are in
pare -fear, grief, and sin. The -true
Christian has ,the keY lb theth all
and through his life and the fellow
ship Of the chureh lie Mae brieg
encouragement to others. "Seel
lives," lie 511 1(1 "are eerely eiee(1(e.
in oiir world today."
Years. c'e,The Company operated at: issisenais ; trophies, Mrs. N. Clare-
. .
Mane subscribers • were in favor n'n't :.' • advertisieg and publicity,
of higher rates, but they. stkopsiy, Mr. F.,SturdY and Mrs. A. Huffman.
objected to the •Poor serVice the it•• ....•....0
were receiving; • •. • •zNioikozm1%/1'.' A•NNOUNCED
Ur. Roland suggested that' in- s'Mr. and Mrs., Frank pt. Kershaw,
•creased rates were nece.ssary „to pro- Goderich, wish, to announce the
vide funds for improvementbut e agement of their only •da.ughter,
assured :the:reubscribers that a re- Al4:_iniarjorie 'Jeanne, to Franklin John,
presentative of:trie Municipal Board e' gest son a wa.,Thomas James
evenhe ° be, in the district in May Hogue, Wiarton,, end the late .Mr.
and .after makieg a 'detailed in- Hogue; the marriage to take place
.vestigation would report • to 'see, on February' 17, at •North' Street
Subecribere at a ;public meeting to United Church.
Annonneepaent IS Made • of the
be, held', at that thee, .
Robert -Barnes, of Goderieh, engagement of Frances Margaret,
represented the Ashfield Federation eldest daughter of eMis. Phoebe
of Agrleulture at yesterday's, meet-; Wilsc'n and the Late :Jan* Wilson
in .• , , Of Owen Sound,:to John W. 'Alurray,
•'•••• only son of Mrs. Hazel MurraY of
• GODERIOH GUN CLIJII .. Owen' Sound and file late Donald
Undaunted bY extreinety bad
Murray of, Bayfield. Tpe wedding i and of our Interest In ititisic;"' she
' o '. ''
earlz in February. ' said. • Rather She told of pronains
weather and high winds, several, 1 W'tf,.). take *place•
- • 1 -••
GUIT Club 'members braved the 1 '
Clayton Edward, accontrianied by
Mrs. it, E, ,Wilson, added much to
theepleiteuee of the gathering.
The toast to the King serves Pro-
posed by Mre, Munaby, andall
joined in singing the National An-
them,followed by- the Institute Ode
and the roll call. •' ' •
cliie Minute's silence was Observed
in memory of 'departed Members,
after which Miss" Anna Lewis pro-
posed the, 'toast to the Gederie.h
Institute. She •field, special'. tribute
to the charter members. "It is
filugh, „ow' 0 teals
004erieb.I •;seventy-five . wartime
'bcp-1040 nee now being offered for.
"sale, wi,th, their present tenints
given lira Opportunity to, bOy.
Notices to this Meta. are being
mailed, from Central Mortgage an
gousing at Stratford on Thursday
and •the :tenants, of these ;houses
will probably be reeeiVing the let.
4erstenAPriclaY--of•-this.. week., • Sev-
eral of' these' hOusee which are at
present vacant will be. offered for
. sale to any veterans of World War
II on the *erne terms aS 'offered
present ,tozants.
'1%e MiniMuta ternas are ten per
cent.doWn payment and a monthly
sales agreement PaYeaent of 11:13-
iiroximately the,saMeas the exist-
ing rent, which will include pro-
vision for payment of taxes and
insurance as well as principal and
interest,. • , •
No notices- will; besent to the
tenants of wait -fine bouse.s on Blake
street or Bayfield road just yet,
since titles for these properties are
not available. When difficulties
connected with obtaining titles for
these properties are ironed out, the
noticlle will be forWitrded. .
'Wartime houses becoming Vacant
from trove on Will not he re -rented
but placed ' on Sale. No further
applications fer rental will, be con-
sidered, but present tenalfts are
under no obligation to move out
,under the present Pollee'. "
,great to live in days when founda-
tions are being • meele," she., seitL,
.Progrees had beenaccomplished, and
a great deal. had been done locally
for .humanity. In these trepiblous
limes it was well „ to look back en
what others had flate and women
were challenged to 'work together
In- the, future for ‘,the benefit of
mankind:. • • • •
• 'Mrs. Gordon Bieset's‘ Address
•In• reply, • Mrs. Gordon Bisset,
member for twenty-five years, .spoke
of the greet good accomplished by
the Goderieh branch in fifty years.
'I might speak of the good Unice,
our social intercourse, our com-
munity effort.. hungry .peopre fed,
Of three jury actions listed to be
heard athe sittings or the • Supreme
Court to open, here on Monday .be-
fore' Mr...1,118We Wells, one has been
traversed to London, and -theesither
two have been settled out of court.,
Terms .ef 'settlement have -not been
filed. • •
Tee ,
only, non -fury action, Mc-
Curdy vs.. McCurdy, lg.for aentrl-
'Went Of marriage. ' , • .
elements and turned out for • Wed- TINY TOT.,CONTEST
.nesday's shoot. Scores' were: WITH NrusicAL
fon.9ws ;Jack Gilbert 14; AShley , • •- •
Gilbert 13; Chas. Prottse 10. •
. Lived Briefly.
. • A king, and (lateen, prince and
prin'cess,• six years of age or under, , ,
' will be* croseued in Goderich on-
. .
eervices e -es• Well' attended.
The , Feliruary meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society . of
:Victoria Street Cnited Church' was
ANAL Middleton-
Praisgs Local Air
Cadet Movement
in ait address on Tnesday evening
to the /Upon Wing or the Royal
Va.mullau Air 'Force. ,AnSoelation,
Air Vice -Marshal Middleton,
0.13.E„ secretary-maaager vf" tlus:
"On•tarle ,A-ir Cadet leakne, outlined
the operation) of the.Air 0000
and the many be0t004.# .offers bmo;
between the ages of. fourteen • and
eighteen. He read ii letter, re-
ceived from the -father of an:- Air'
Cadet, stating tie appreciation .of
the splendid training in cltlzenship
and responsibility which," his nen
received as an Air Cadet.f
This is a "0-OperatiVe. movement, •
Air_ Vice -Marshal Middleton, 'stated.
Behind the Air Cadet squadron
there is the civilian committee Ata.de
up of ceintuunity leadereinteresttel
in youth welfare. 'The ' detual
training and equipment are the re-, •
sponsibility ,of the R,0.4.E'. there"
are no' enrolment "or other feee,
for boy A joining the Air cadets.
The boys not only receive traintog
in citizenship and leadership;• but,
are also eligible for„ aeademie
seholarships which in the last year
totalled 412,500 and were Non by
no fewer than twenty-one deserv-
ing cadets. Fifty top Cadets are
chosen eacb year for exchange *Re'
with Air ' Cadetfrom Britain ,and '
the 1.1:,-, ,- . - -
. The Air Cadet sunimer.".eamp at . •
• Aylmer provides •uneascelied recrea-
. in spite of the intlement weather tion and group activitieseunder oift.;,
there' was a good ' attendance- of standing leaders- "in hoys"work...
ladles at the Febritary meeting of Ile etressedi the fact: that menth0.-'
North Street UnitedeChureh W:M.S., ship in the Aieetadets is voluntary. .
for which Mrs. D. D. Moottee kind)Y and bey.% are tree to ehooseetheir
loaned her attractive name The careers. Citizens. of Gederich •now '
.presidepe, Mrs. •Howar?1 Robertson, haliel the . epportunity A° ,support
occupied • the chair' and • presided theirs own Air -Cadet ;Unit,- apoti-•
over the business SeaSiOlf. Mrs. A. Bored by the Goderich branch of the
L Cole acted for ' the recording Royal , Canadian Air,: Free Associe
secretary, eelies Strang, who is ill. ation•,4•Mo. • 425 Huron- Wing. , He • •
"Thank you notes were • read frone praised' the. work of the association •
liss Strang and Mrs. •BishOp, the in• sponsoring the Air Cadets, ' in
lattjeon former .,member now reeicl- mteentagec:sianudthhesitheudrtohnata
. (4.rehae,rwerhi .
,Itiff inSmrs. Johnston,tttford
Moss • Campbell . follow the example cif Goderiele e
and Mrs. *Currie were appointed to The sneaker was introduce.d. by •
assist mrs: 11 \1 Martin, convener 'Air Vice -Marshal 'J. A. :Sony; C.B.;"
of e.onimunity friendship, in. calling A.F.C., air • member "fpr pet -swine •
-on .11w sick and shut-ins. Mrse.C.• in the R.V.A.F. "durieg the last
M.. Itobertseu reed a letter fleet' war. • He stated he was proud to 7 ,
the Presbyterial president, Mrs. ig, be able' to introduce the speaker S
Kirkby of Walton, stating that Miss Ile an old friend: and a man •who.
ida MisKenzie, travelling secretary not. only :distinguished himself' in
foe" the Dominion Beard, and Mis..s his Air Force;eareer, but in'. render-.
Olive -e-betarlieg, secretary .• for 'ing unselfish •service to his eountry
volinger grbup work, were making by furthering the. . splendid work •
held2ar the lioine. of Aire T, Ware I a two day lour of Huron county .of utolile. Anil:: C(a3d,etsf_ct. {...",ini.6,..n.. 16d, .• iit' e
ream' find, MrS. M.
Sutcliffe on
r'fttiesr ' aanryd 246:(t'hill,(1-folessvItliCli.C1'idc,trixiii(.1eltri---'7-naeetieg, ineetiug ie •a praeer ape on .behalf
•ii..` 1.1•01Dfni -wk.', on ifilis Silent ,, filming. miss _11,11(ic.h_ otristian (.1mwriet,;,11„.._b,ehalt _of, .i_the .rAlt ,.
i'lwente;', :,-The twantE'third-PsainlieteWardShipe Se-61,TD-ty, -Ffyx-Ace mei' Cadets. ' - : - .,, .. • ,
of t he devotienal exercike and• gave
day afterucion, with .a 'large' at terld-
it nee.• Mrs. Alden Allis hed.charge to _for
I is, to be arranged. Plane were dig- of the . eitizehe. thanked 'Ainire:tideeed•
the'Eaeter thank -offering Mareitat eliddletere' for - coming • to.- ..
Thirfy-nine .calls Distingeishect visitors,
. - ----- .s !. it. •
Was read in unison, The treasurer's
1 '8\SZteeineOtieilgedic, Cliing' sick and shut-ins... Group Captain ' W. F. M. ,Nevvson,
repoet showed a renewede.interes..7t _
in givings for the ' new -year. A Airs., F. W. Currie then took D.5.0.,, D.F.C$ • commanding officer
shipment of new and used clothing,
Veined ',tit $50, -bas been sept to" -the
United Church relief fund,in Japan
and Korea: ' Twenty-theee hospital
•“Silence" written by Captain Newson, in • a brief address, . .
.and ten home ,ciille .were re
P:61.ted. nKpltegrwaullo'f japan. The rwente-third stressed the foet . that 00, Mr
:Airs. Wee Jewell gave a reading
, Psalm, taken as the 'Scripture -les- Cadets .offered eitizens.'a real ep.- '
on "Smiles" and IVirs. J. J. Rolsert-
son, Was read in tinieoro 4 lovely. portunity for enselfish' eervice and
son an,d Airs. ,Ies Good sang a duet..
Mrs., (Rev.)- HeliderSon, led •in
. Instrumen•tal. 'contribeted. by Alary thefe suecees Wotild .depend directly
charge • of ,the devotional period,.
opening it with the devotional exer:
eiees from the January Miesionare
'.11onth1y. Mrs., A. L.-Mieelead the
of. the R.C.A.F. station, Centralia,
and 'Wing Command& R. F. ,Miller,
A.F,C., commandieg, facer .of the
R.C.A.P. station at Clinton Gron
•Petteer for Japan. The president, , lou Ma thiesen • was meet' appreci-
Airs, eleorge• 13aeghler, closed the. ated.•• •11ri: • Ar. Phillips 'followed.
meeting with prayer, after emboli •with,. an interesting talk .on the
a dainty lunch :was served b,ys the third chapter , of the. study book;
committee andeal 'social hot. spen,t. entitled "Through . the Church of
Japan, Mrs. T. -Dougherty closed
- ENGEL—CHISHOLM the Meeting with ,prayer.
' St.. Ceeilia's it.c. phurch, Detroit, . A Vole"Of* thanks' was tendered
Mich.,' was the scene of a 'pretty Aloe Mooney by Miss Campbell for
double -ring: wedding, cerem,onY . on the use of her homee after which
Saturday, •moreing, February 3.Pd, a' deliceou.sluneh was served by the
at 8 am'.' leather W. Bracken sang hostess, -,,Miss CaMphell, pouring tea
Alexandria, youngest daughter of
the nuptial mass •When Catherine
eentred with a t of red tO1 and
at a • . beaptilially decorated .:table
• . • 1 mr. " and •Mr. Chieholth, R.R. noised candles end emphasiiing
The second playoff • prise with
Lucknow. in the • ;Intermediate
"bo'citey• series will be •played 02.
Alentorial Arena on Friday night.
Goderidi Historical Society,
i.0, Goderith, became' the bride, of'Valentine colore ° throughout. ONY-
iloward John Engel, . only son of big
to some changes inarrange-
Mf. and Mrs. Howard Engel Of mente, .the Society , will Meet as,
• ,
10503 Bryden street, ' Detroit. The ferinerly at 8 p.minstead of 245.
beide, given in. marriage by her
-father, Mr. Tilos, it Chisholm, was REMANDED FOlt,
beautifulein ft gown of ‘,Vhite
iiatifi with portrait nekklmeelipper
, fingers
tip sleeves and side panniers with •, .,• •
lave iesets, extending 'into a Oath- In ,weekly conrt today. .(T.hurs.
and Died. of Neglect ed ra 1 tra in. II•et embroidered n'et
erican Life Assurance CometanY, for February 23rd. •. • . • • . The report in last 'Week's Signa1-
$,3,090.50; .covering the premium on- The tiny tot contest spoltsored' by Star of the meeting of the historiCal
municipal employees' pensions, Wile the Kinsmen Club of Gederielsr committee a .the County teen -
referred' to committee of the, whole ewhich officially • opens on Wednese ell recalled to Mr. G. , H.• •Green
Coeneil. Later, in • committee, it day, February 14, will be held I» the fermation• of the ,"eGoderich
was' 'decided to 'ask tee. aSeeettfice connection with the 'Stage produe-,ilistorical •Sotieffv" ' °Vet e quarter
company 'for. an explanation of the tion "Gettig •Pitice.s".. to be presented ' Of ,a century .ago, and he hunted up
account. • at the Godericie Pavilien. on 'Thursel in One .of his scrapbooks an amount
The ' sPecial, committee recOm- day and Friday, February 22 'and , of the meeting, in the year 1924„ at
mended that •priees be obtained on • 23, for the benefit Of the, Kinsmen ' which the organization took place.
erteeeseentlffibers„.w.tte„seelevesierelreeViseftrutreitle- , sees ----77;,...,-,--,-,-,--,',-,4---. i'-'-. -.`"Notitre-7, -.Vitir*,,, .pubVs heti,. -11n,_ bolil
lug places ok,husihess and dwellings . The "Royol Family” of .Goderieh, ibeell pasiirs . 011 \o Oth stalling
numbered. o . ,• .' . . 1 Will be -crowned in .the e'oronation ' en those interested in the formation
' ,11.1he Cottrt of ,RevUlo12. rrectiri-. ceremony which is .part, of the sec- ' of an Jlistorical ''. Society to -meet
mended that. -the. , Kinsinen play- -owl. scene of the ten-SeenO show. I in the Publie • Library ' room's on
,ground ^property in the south' end Prizes' and honors will be.nwarded'. Wednesday, Nov. 12th, for the pme
of. the town be claSeed, as • exempt to the, two *little boy winners, and ; pose of orgenizing an Historical
property ,for iissessment purposes, , tWo. little girl Whitten% with all , Society. Owieg to the ° fact ehat
and ..that' a *refund of $63.60 be , the contestants presented on strago:"the • Court or Revision un.'l inses-
made op, the ,1050' 'businesA tax of daring Friday night's' performance. ',Mon, and Other meetings being held,
the summer hotel. ' '• ' ,, ' 1 I'he king' and ' queen, top vote. :several wha would othis
erwe have
A. • regtteet by the %Clerk ler. ocin- • getters; willreceiVee beautiful en,- been present elpres.sed their regret
Skleration, of salary illerOilSeS for graved trophy cups. • - . at not being Able' to attend. Those
•the Town Halt (ifltee staff was eent ' Photographs, of - all . the contest- present were as follows: Mr. Wm.
to the finance ,tonnitittee .. ' -' ants, will be displayed In the central Coats, Mr. G. il. Green, Mr. 0. W.
The N'i'l.Tert light and hatter come baby window at Wileon & Dren- 1310016, Mr., Wm. ' Webster, Mrs.
mittee was requested to' interview nan's, with attractively decorated Hamilton, Mrs. Seiko], Mrs, War -
Ale. ••\,V. Buchanan ' regarding ma- freit jars (to reeeive the vOtes tita pock, 'Mr. Yi.' H„ Roberteons Mr.
toiled . deposited. oh .tihe bathing penny n- yap) seat:toed in the dif- Wtn. Bailey ( Bailie?), elr. le G.
beach • .. • • . ' 1 feretit business establihinetits Connon," '• ,
' 'Industrial Commissioner ' ; arottod Ltown. Vetes will he minted • Ali% Gretsu w A A eleet.ect chair-
• A motion MS iireSOnted by Conn: each morning i•yf the contest's • rim : man of, the meeting.
Jael(Son, , secouded bY Colin. Ifuck,. and' 'etnnding . of the rOeteetents , "Mr. G. ,W. Illnek stilled that
•earded, that the industrial will be. posted 'daily by the centeet .for • Years the organize doe of an
committee. investigate , as to t1i6 .conlinit tee, Tile, ematest et (ls at 4 Historical '06 1011 'been 'talked
•atifitoeity. of the cortuell to employ p.41..011 Friday, February .ip,• and nbout. but no definite action had
1)11' holtestriiii coinmissioner, and, if . he one will knoiv. wha the winnore • ever Men taken. lie had, ap-
-so, what steps slionld be taken to will be nntil they ere anpouneed .etroached the • Lihritry Board, 1% 110
de, So, the tbstitnated cost Lind any from, the stage. The eoritest eope hads, Herne& over thee room for the
farther. pertinent information, eon- inittee IA,beloled by lire, Greets iVe of -the ' ii'oelety. Ile 0150 /11.0.'
(Truing sneh a ventlire, ''., . t;Pattel•son. Others on this 'eom- sentod ti, list of Over 30 citizens
Dylaw No. i5 of 1051, p16.r1ding lei tree. are Mr:.4. I WhaleY, Meet.,.. who boa owed, 10 lieeotne members
fer Ain eXPenditere of $30,000. on Skelton, Mrs, IT. Jribbert, Mrs. C. of the Soelety, end suggested that.
roads in •10S1,. was pas4sed and will Bridgwater, MI'S, IC Pennington,' vi.;.0 Pi•oeeed with ourorganization."
, 'fingertip veil fell from a tiara oe
• seed Pearls and ,s11' sari -led' a pearl
rosary 'end arin boequet, of, white
Tosoi4. Miss Mary Lou Engel, sister
of the groom, was matron of honor,
gownedin a sky blue taffeta bolero
dress, with lace yoke and crown
of blue 'taffeta and lace, and
carried a ' noSegay of Amerietea
,Benutee neseS end fern. Mrs. Lillian
Rooney, sister of the, bride, wairethe
sea to r bri de s
emllr,"T=ng oli-Tr•omj other brideSin
ilrOt'Sed, in identical . Owns or rust
tattettt, with Wee joeiceis find ruSt
bell Was elected president; Mr. G.
W. Black vice-president,/ Mr. Jas.
Thomson treasurer, Mr. ' T. �. Con-
note Aeckelery. •
'eMoved by , Mr. T. G. Cannon,
seCtinded by Ale Wm. Coals, and
carried, that a Koperty, committee
be named whose duties shall be
to 'secure exhibits, and tp. arrange •
for the Proper care and exhibition
copeist of Messrs.. Green,- Black,
,Webster'and Thomsen, ,with 'Omer
to add to theft* numbers. . . . The
ACret'ary suggested that* a cope'
of the bylaws of the Oetario. Hie-
torical Society be secured, from
which our bylnws be &sifted.' Ott
instructions from the chairman 'this
WIIS left in the hands; of the secre-
tory to secnre. The • meeting. ad-
journed at 9,30pan. to meet on
call or the secretary." •
Mr. 'Green states *that t few. other
meetings of the , Society were' held,'
at one of which the late James
AbleVienr, en., was eleeted presrdent
In the omit ser aside ,for this pit --
pose et the Public Library a con-
siderable collection of photographs,
eietures .end ald records of varioue
kinds was gathered. Mr. Green ,
himsett placeda large portion
th1.4 voliectioo, owl others sent I
ni ticket Mitch helped to make an '
iotere,:ting Ilispiay, the great pro-
ppetion being • on
it was difficult to 'keep peeple
itnerested. in the aims of the So,
i'letY, however, and finally it became'
defonet. The establishthout of the
Connty Museum, in the old Central I
Seltool building on North street iney
sek'VC t1" revive, interest in , the
early history of this town • and
day). *Marie Sehubert, charged with
caneing a disturbanc,e in a public
place in Goderich, was -remanded .to
jail by Magistrate D. E. Ilohnee for
DIMINO veaminatien LIS to her men-
tality. She is a' Czerho-Stevakian
and unable ' to speak Bugled'.
The newly -reorganized fire ebri-
gade (which looks' very mach the
same as before) had two' ealls nyes-
terday. In the morning the trouble
laynrid4 ITtM;:1116731i°s. Fred mi-cos-13ehris•tutonPierlO11ver ..9klerli:'•
ton'ss' store on Hamilton street over -
taffeta and lace ekowns, and carry- heated pipets from the oil: stove in
ing yellow Bearer Time roses.- Mrthe etore haVh2g net - fire to • a
Donald Cassese supported the groone pailition. • The daluage was slight.
andMr. Frank Mann ,alid Mr. Den. About 5.90in the .afternoon the,eall
Beamisb, were iisherS. • During the was ° from Jas., Webster's house *at
wedding nines the "Pan-Angelicus" Napier streq. This Was a chimney
fire and did not require 'tiny action
by the brigade. • a •
Teniperatures Of the ''''''
, Goderfeh, with those • of the
corresponding week a year ago, .84
officially' recorded; were as follows:
• 1951 • 1050
• Max Mb. MaNt.
Thurs., Feb. 1 .18 32, • 114
•Fri, -rob. 2 . 12 —4 • 81 • 18
:Siete Fele 8 18 4 *80 20
'Sem, ,Veti, 4 28 12 • N3
Mon., 'Feb. 5 30 10 3721
mother also* attended, goAuxed Pell. 0 35 22 34 Vi
navy and white eteemble, with navy Wed,, teb. 7 . -12 .30 • .20
accessories„, and %veering(1corsage
of pink roses and fern,• ,
The following morning the happy
yoeng 0oitl left for if motor trip
through , the , Southern Statei. to
riorlda, , the, bride going away in•
a .peari "grey gebardine suit with
White nylon blouse, white orchids
corsage and black' suede a0ciNSPOI'168.
After their return, the young emiple
re.side, in Detre%
was beautifully rendered by Mr.
I•ldwin Ilerehertbrother-in-law of
the bride. - ' . ••
After . wedding, dinner was
served et the "O'Meara Place" to
the immediate families of, the bride
end groom and bridal attendants.
A• reeeption • was held at Legion
where scone teVo • lsondred
gueste were received by tile beide
and 'groom assisted by Abe bride's
•mother, 'gowned In. a skipper bide
spring print ;With burgundy • acceh-
gories, and wearing 41 corsage ,of
•red and White roses. The groona's
on the energy and •enthusiasm' put:
into thid work.
Mt: J. Ms Roberts, chairman' el
the sponsoring committee of • the
•Associatioe, Huron Wing)
thanked the speakers and Branch
109, of the Canadian Legiou for the
use of tbeir hall.' He also thanked
She Ladle,' Auxiliary of the Can-
adian Legion for; preparing. refresh,:
menti .Which were ereed at the
conclusion of the meeting. •
"" On Tuesday evening Mi, and Mrs -
Loftus Welsh, Elgin ,aeenue; were
given 11 surprise perty at 41(e11 -•home
by their family'and friends in honor
of the -fiftieth anuivetsary of their
marriage. ,
' 'The evening iva'e spent playing
cords, and' Bowers, messages and .
gifts were received. bY the bride, and „
groom of fifty yeate, making the
oechsion,a memorable one for theta.
The former Alice -Banks, Who cam&
front England as a child, WAS Mar-
ried to Loftus Welsbin, the parson.
Luse or Victoria Street United Cherch
by ReV. Mr. Robinson, andthey have •
seent till their married life in Gode-
rich. . •
They had live' ehildren, three of
wheal are Irving. They are Alm ,
.,-7507-Govier-an4jz3),ras---1ottisr-Ituti "
beth of Auburn, a nd •Miss • Cs therlife,
at home Gee Pon, Clarenee, died
two years ago in Detroit and au.
Other, Benny, at the age of seven
hi 1918, during the allti'" ePifiernie.
Mr. Welsh Is it :.son of the late
William and Catherine. N4Is1i, of
Goderieh. Industrious all his life,
he is etillworking • at tfie. age Of
eighty strata at !the. plant of ;the
Dominlou Tar ahd-Chemical 'COM.
punk (formerly (lederieh Salt Celts-
nal3'); where he ha's been einp/oyed
for the past twenty years..Ile was `
foinierly with the, Doty
Works liere arel for a time worked
as tr grain trimmer.
' Both Itir.and Mre. Welsh are mem-
her- of St; iGeorge's Anglican
The anniversary wedding.' cake,
made .1);. their daughter, Mrm. Untidy,
'was served with 4he refreshruents
to the fourteen gueetti present.
MT'S. Neil Miirrst. of Fort title,
sister ;of Airs 3,VeNit
WINS $50 DRAW— by svesher conditions and arrived
Winner of the Welty draw for the day htte.tor •the eelebration.
.$1.10 rash of the Goderieli
Club for the mouth (,f3eartary.,was , Citirtb lEAS' 11.3014:101' • 14.!G
:Ntiglg Rita thilton../l.N., 02 ninon.' :While playing on, the
ton.. Tile tiraw was made by Mr, -i. Selma grounds at ree(*s• Tuesday
rhii Sturdy. The February draw, morning. Beverly Sernion, sliZt-Yemr.
eetl.4 go to the l'Aoffs eolitribu- Seruton, fell /11311 broke her leg he.
will 111:1(10 ell rebritar,v,' 2r1.. 'old daughter of Ur.. and Mrs'. 10d,
Oen to: the floor for the stieW twiln the lino' and the,h1p.