The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-01-18, Page 2aericOignat<iher
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Memberof Canadian. Weekly Newspapers
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W.; II, ' #OIUIRTSQN . -. GEO.- I. ELY.IS.
W'e'tly , (Jircui.11tien Over 2900.
g.'iUXR L X, 4.4QUA,R.X 1.8th, 1951TOO
MANY APPA. of Ontario wants none of it, and
The •Gaunt. M use..atRoy; ,a6d
Dear Kittle Mice,- ° ' tellers who, go ' from branch to
The last time. I wrote you a branch :telling -the same. • story' at
u is and- have
letter was away before � rrS � � saa.
,puppet shows, the childlen . ielrnng
1 eld, you about a day 1, spelt how eo ural a anti pperate tihe pup,
I o
I' t Onea
in a very aloe kindergarten, and 'petsy
Ch ' tem each'. They melte p Ppe
have heard .,since that one little
mouse told her mother that sbe
thou h it was very silly! Fiow,
g t
' . ever, I am going to write you again
sorsa A4. e has tenants aih" Ontario soon may And
' e G
themselves -at ,the m S
r y of their
braken , : brat '-betviteon - the H``
'landlords. It ii- a serious. matter
sue Of Canada and the Canadianthe large cities, where many
'o t1/44iort ' of 'roiioinyel tis over farmngiliea will be in danger' of
tie iiureti, et Iilwes campaign con . illi nowhere to• eviction: with • trll+der the &'ponS�otship ofv-:,
"the latter bod3�.. 1)r. Gordon. Butes,, DON'T I THE TELEPII1.ONE.
Rresideiut . of the ' Health Leaguer (Balifan' Chronjele-Heraid)
MI', representatives Of :- other A house burned down: the other
medical bodies have criticized • the day because the woman who saw
Stating that the money the fie break' out was unable to
" •, ampaign, telephone her alarm • to the fire
r: could be Better applied to fighting department. It'happeiled in a•rural
uio�re Serious disez e.,s. thou polio- community in the United States.
tmyelitis, while the ].1 ?Carel% of Dienes Seliirsh people, it appears, refused
is 'defended from other , quarters.' . to. get off the party line and, permit
the frantic woman to Gail -the fire-
•' The dispute brings up the quer men. Incredible as such selfishness
Von, ,of. the` --merits of appeals to may seem, this is. 'mot the first
'public- generosity not only for incident of its kind. It has • hap-
- earth purposes but for other ob= 'pened before much uneumer home.
r of-. o elk if. - eaurse, but
. -often
jeers.Leiw much does Elie pt><blic enough '.tQ serve as' a' but
know' of the• bona 'fides of Such minder of the need for common
appeal. ? Newspaper offices are sense and courtesy in sharing party-,
flooded • with articles . `containing nue telephone service.
and tell you'about a Place many of
you; would love to visit.
I wonder how many of you re-
ceived. books . for Chrlistrnass: I
suppose you have most Of them read
by now. Provably you bare taiken.
me of Ahern. "to .school for, your
'teacher, to read. Maybe you trade
around with Your friends so you
eau enjoy ono another's bbolt5. And
'I think that is .a wonderful idea..
But be sure you, always have clean -
fingers where yoll,' Candle, •boolas. And
'don't ever turn down the corners= of
.the pages to mark the place. You
wouldn't' like a}- big giant to , bend
yoti all out of shape: Oh,' yes,
.be sure to return the book to the;
owner when ,you 'finish,
One day before, Christrnai I went
in to see an old house near the„
corner of St. George and College
streets. Once,• upon a tithe it be-
longed, to •a Toronto family. Then
*hen the big. Library next door got
so crowded that there wasn't ronin
for all the• children's books, the old
house -was bought. for, just a child-
ren's library and-- ealled: Boys` and•
Girls'. House, •'Tfie house looks
rather old and 'dingy.on,.the outside
and when 1 went in it was .''alCst
the same. But , all, the children
who. go there 'love every earner
of 'it and' so :do; the librarians.' I
was talking Witt Diss Cook and
Miss -Sheila Egoff. They • told 'me
,.that the new Boys' and Girls' House
is to be !finished this spring and it
tiff iFbe brigli`t lOi it lY -aud�mod'
ern, but. they 'think . everyone .will
be rather lonesome for the pld ,place.
;You go in what ,was ;the front
'door of the house and the hall and
stairway are gust . ittsicie. There is
a ' delightful little picture ..,of
Princess Victoria as -a very small
girl hanging at the foot • of the
stairs. ' Yon know she - became
Queen Victoria' of England. • The
big living -room, is now part of the
library, • with' .book ..shelves all
arQupd• the room. The day I was.
them; .there: �va5 .a beautiful -Christ
mas tree in the` :bas' window., -It'
was cicely decorated with 'story
book' characters cut out of paper,
something like !raper dolls. Around
Christmas. tined the Children go
there 'on Saturday and have carol
singing and hear Christmas stories,
I. went through all,.the'.dowustairs
of the house and found bookshelves.
all around ever°.` room -front and.
back living -rooms,. dining -room and
kitchen. 'The diuing-room is the
reference lil:wary. That is where
you' 0uld "go '•to read about, some-.
thing for school,' orjust to•find some
information you want. The• old
kitchen• is for the •smallest children;'
with low shelves '' that . four -year -
'olds eau reach .easily. !'lost of the
hooks there are picture books or
'very simple, stories---j•ttst °thus kind'
you -.littlest mice. love to • look, at.
There 'is a 'stuff-,roona at the side
of the house and that is, Where
you would .go in if you were taking
a book back to thelibrary or getting
one out. Altogether, there are
1;5.,000 books in the library;-that,•is
Miircli''26) is.nbbserved "lxtuls 'ut Boys' and • GirIi• -'•douse, you
know And .'in one year the • 7 or-.
holiday,".and Boxing Day (Do(..eni- onto children borrowed, and read
bas a ,special, room for the story
hour with a° real fireplace. Weitldn't
it be . furs to slat before a,, blazing.
fire and listen to (stories? At °Boys'
and Girls' Houser they always have,
tires in the old fireplaces .during'
story hour.
After visiting -the library a few
times,. the 6hildren can find just
about any book they want. The
book are any,
to glrb-
ject and the starlets are placed by
author. I saw books. on natural
history, ,art, mask, plays, poetry
and many other things. 'There
were , books about ,famous peopye
and 'books, about other lands. All
'these subjects were elear1y, "narked
on the book shelves.,, While I was
these: requests - for support. The PRESENTS RARE ATLAS
Signal -Star has a rough and ready TO WESTERN UNIVERSIT'S'
rule for distinguishing- between ap- • - , •
and 'DC)Iv'„ Jan..- 12-4. rare Lan-
_those thai d. nota • 1f tie aponsotrs ark atlas
• peals that merit its supportLOQ
has been received by the
of a ca4npaigu haven reputable local Library,
ti nrl�rsit�f'-"�testerri r►ta:rio-
Dr.. J. J. Tillman, '
- 'orgarrtzsttion enlisted in support
announced yesterday. ,
their appeal* thin may. be taken as The . only other'reeoiided copy of.
evidence of good faith and reapous the. atlas, published in 1880, i, iia
abilfity. If such. local' organized the, Toronto Public Library,.: Dr;
Talman Said.
;Support ,is lacb-i'ng, this is taken ' 'Miss -N. Colborne, Goderich,
as jusst1fication ftrr, declining news- presented the • atlas to the'UniveiS-
paper support. ity. Miss , Colborne's brother, 'the
, ” ` Only . those innected with a late Dr. Henry '4Vehdell • Colborne,
. , graduated. from •the U.W:O.' Medical
newspa `per •office • realize what a . School in 1922: '
tnumber and diversity of requests . The atlas containa`,authentic and
w � ' ' are re` a complete -map, -44-1111.
pf.11.11 tlt_e Provinces;
� are . received`�or tree--- 'It ..
would be impossible to give space and a supplement• witli a his>;orcai7
to: all these appeals, even .if they sketch of Lanark county. Aan bi-
were: all in behalf • 'of worthy ob- *graphical
y isubscr fibers is ireetoralso• eo tainaerd
jecte ; there would be no space left 7 «Receiv`in`g this :.a atlas is a long
la the' newspaper's columns for` step forward toward a complete
anything .else. So the .."literature" set of the recorded volumes, of the
&pining from organizations 'in -
counties,"'. Dr. Talma•n , said.
dividpals � for "which . there' is' no HOLIDAYS ANZ)
1(ieal sujipiirting bods is immedi= - •_ANNIVERSARIEa, 1951
atee ; AdIheardedI,' 'and -only* those •
appeal; which hate local 'sponsor= January:l (Monday)--ftiew Yea'r's.
:ship acre . given any consideration - Day •
Marclt 23 -Good Pridar.
%ateq r. March `l.:"r=EaOter
Requests for free publicity. are
the plague of ._ every newt5paper
• offiee, and even. when reliably, spon-
sored .the:'space that can reasonably
be. given there is .necessarily. liiniteds
It• rust be said that there - is a
great waste of energy, of paper an
postage in sending out the reams.
of= free. publicity matter that come,
usually from 'city • offices.
ttntlkts, perhaps' nicety, -nine per
:cent., of ` it 'goer into.' wastepaper
baskets its the offices 'receiving; it•;
• but still it conies, week after week,.
regardless. There, must be at; l'ot
"of: stupid people iu the office's'` from'
:which this "literliture" iss .sent
or perhaps a ;lot of people who • do
not 'care how Mach inghey they
• . spend: uselessly- so long•"'tis, they -earn
Collect the.funds from the generous
Reading of 30a below zero
-temperatures where the. i1.IV`'. troops
are righting San Korea,. one' may be
r tirprised on referring to the atlas
to fi ld. that Southern Korea 18 in
the 'stone ..latitude as 'Washington,
'tlie 'Mediterranean :8ea.
1-E rea,_;LS largely mountainous, and
this n6'" U., oubt accotmts mainly for
the low: temporattites in the area-
' . is which :the. 'opposing • armies *are
at.present engaged, . .
« *. *
,; President Truman cannot be ac-
cia W of lack of courage in facing
the `itlteri ationai: (situation.' -Ile :is,
',asking Cottgrtss for a vote of
$74000,9001,000 the great part of it
for the 'building up Of, a defence
In' his own country, in Europe and
3;n at`siai against the Red menace. A
<- a t t1Quate. atxtouut;for• -tire (Jan -
ado. budget would be $$7,000,06i000
—a'botb $500 for'every,man, woman
and child in the country:
May 24.'(Thttrsclay)--V ictoi-fit Dav
July. 1 (Sunday, observed ou Mow
day)-=I)oininttjti Day. •
_ t gn t '6 Yuiiciizy) - Gicic iraliday_
September 3 (Monday)- Lauri. Day,
October .8 { Monday ) -I.L`ha nkSgiving
' Day • (if so proclaimed) .
November, 11 (•Sunday )----Remem--
trance• Day. '
December '25 (Tut ;day 1-H-lOhrist-
mos Day.
.In • addition, I' easter 'Monday
. * r
The present scarcity of skilled
workers, of• wbieh there are manyJei►orfs, points t� boys Who hews
their eYeS open the value of learn,
tug :u , tradee, pitaltilred labor ' is
always at al. diseatint its these days
of • ia,/iar-savihk aeviee'S. The man
with a skill In some Xfia'te of useful.
$NIS. js alwatys In demand;;, and ,the
man 'iivha hag had ienOugh schooling
to 4ualif y for. the higi eri!? itions
i~nd i$try' never chart cause ttf re+.
vet that; Yee stuck to bis books
*lige ;ilial• .y plug eoiu'pfnion .` frit•».
d'way. the xr ti» .
* *s
etatrOl 4nie ` cif theaoa-
subleet .• • 1011Oh ;w+iil ,goon
tlernent, , ►ni tits-
$t la a mattet for the
t swot bY` ,°gerst eet1sel1t
era'. 00Vernmeitt took fit
A. *Si if rgeii . niattOr's.,
'get `!!It'f.' are alter the 'qtr , tt
*yes that tke Pi:twine's( . 1ictild.'.
takatebeW %t au4 £too
but Premier 1141vot
thee, one boy Gt4ltlein #ns asked
for the Birds' 'Christm'as carols
,teacher bad seat him #fair . it ° Au»
other girl had brought her proofs
back, but accordingto heir card . she
still had a boot: • at honle. She
was asks, to find it and 'bring It
back, soon. A very •tiny ' y avas.
there with bis mother looking for
a picture boob, In fact, all the
time Y was there
ages up to. grade 8 were ` coming,.
nal going.. After they finish 1>ublie
school; they get their books in, the
main - library where they have " a
special department for the" 'teen-
X. ' asked the librarians to Ng
me the " names of some favorite
books. They said favorites Changed
all the time, but. here are' some of
t'heih. See how many you have
read; Millions ..of Cats; Peter Rab-
ab-bit; Curious George; liabat; it airy -Mouse could read all the lovely
Tales; Walter, . the Lazy .house; ,books people 'have been writing
he ooh and all te Milne for ye
' fc�i• .�thenr yearand . -and
hookasWinniet► several books of I+`reddyhthe r and years
Pig; Wind iu'tbe :liooii ; Fixates in f Sincerely,.
the Deep,Greeu Sea; Coco's Gold (at THIS _COUNTRY MOUSE.
igoclern •treasure -seeking a;tory, Torctut¢;
based von fact' and written since the
war) ;, Toe' Littre White' horse;:
and mfkay others.. 1 guess each
child be his own. favorites,"
Now, dan'fV yon tank it would be•
fun to go to Boys' and Girls' I•Iouse•
and get ,your own books? Or if
you are visiting in ,Toronto, wily.
not go ' and see the ' interesting old
place for yourself. The librarians
say they have many visitors like
you every year. Maid' they, are s*
riendly r with ViSito'rs that Sou
w ottld enjoy it very much, If you
'ere here on Saturday „morning.
you' might go for story hour .and
sit by., the hire. in the, living -room
or dining-roout and meet an, old
..storybook .friend or, make a new
frjhiid.r I remember, years ago, one
little boy saying, "Well', you; l now,
nothing can. fie better than books.
And 1 think be was just about
right. I, wish every little Country
' -.r NOTICE. 7t
'$.30 p.m.
County and District
Lockhart Cree, Clinton, died, in
Westminster, Hospital, London, on
January 10th in his seventy-eighth
year. He had. lived in Clinton
since boyhood and .w ass chief of 'the
tOw�n's lire department far a quarter.:
of a century, 'In 'the lst World
War„he served overseas with the
101st Huron Battalion. ' •
Thomas. Todd: of St:. Helens has
been elected a director of the Do-
minion Aberdeen=Angtis Association.
'Robert. Vint,.,native of ' Ashfield,
died un Janu rry 8th at his home
in 'Wingli.tin, , in his eighty-Gjfth
Afl r �.^"' R�R'� E
gotir a
+Gtr iHoneywell
^ , •4 . . a
eading An
a " heat regulator and ' you are all set for steady
with gu .
year. He was a Well-known bridge- lying on the ground and was taken
builder, before his retirement. Sur- to hospital at London.
.viving, besides his .wife ' are' a son, William , -Walsh, reeve 'of Kin -
Arnold, of Dorchester, and , i bro- cardiae; is .the warden of. Ifruce
ther, Gilbert Vint ' of Ashfield. coiii'nty "for 1951. He is the first
Burial ' ,took place in the Blyth ' Kincardine •representative to. hold . cemetery. :.the- position since 1894.
Mrs. -Garnet Wildfong, 'teacher in • Miss, Clara •breisner, formerly for ,
the Hay school north of Dashwood, many years 'a schooj,.,,teacher at
fell on the ice ars she was leaving Exeter, • died on Sunday at Toronto
the school and -suffered a fractured and.was. brought to Exeter • for
hip. She was found by neighbors buri:a,.
ber,-.26) -has a wide observance.
. Other Anuiversariies '
Then • there are popular. • anniver-,
sa'ries Which receive a eetttaitt• de
ree. of, reeognitioai, •staff as:
Tanuary n i• -Bursts night.
February 7-m-- h Wednesday.
Febrat•aiw.•; l4- -Valentine Pay. .
March 1 -St. bavid's Day, u\'<<l•h
national': anniversary. ' '
March 17 ---St. Patrick's Day.., P •
April 23 -LI 4(•.. Gorge's Day., '
May 13 --Mother's. •Day. '
June 3 -Shut -ITN T)ay.. ..
June 17 -A -Father's Vay: .
one million, eight hundred sixteen
thousand,• eight b(andred twenty
books7-1,810,b20 ! ' Vous can't even
imagine how many that \torrid be,
can ' yoti?.. -
I3eides rhe library I visited there
.are nineteen'branches. in the. city
And thirty school: =use the .libraries'
too.. Teac'heis tLLii1'mUJ,ills go to the
library its school hours. and have
stories anti . change books. I)) that
*ay the children become nccivainted
with the library 'and learn how to
choose books; and I fancy to' love
-• books too. Some classes go as .often
• New ,No. -Draft Ventrpane's •. .: A Cab that's
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.Tttly 12---Agniversary Bantle of the ars every two weeks. Some go every
•B.oyne: • • . • . month and some jush.once or twice
October 31 --•Hallowe'en. . ` - ••• at •ear. Every Saturday, there is
November ,3f) -St... Andrew's• Day. .story hour at all the libraries and
December 14--Birtl'tchty of king • the children go as often as they
George VI' (.)usually Celebrated can. . The librarians tell them
in' June). . • '. • -stories.. .There ..are travelling. story
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