The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-01-11, Page 8TWO
xic fpigttal
1'4,T,93 -ON OPPIS.`TY'S FOBplgOST- 'WBB.B".
PUblished Signai-Star. Uraite'd
•aut4eriptign. Ratea--:Cahada,, and Great $2„a) a ,
States, 43.00.,
AdVertising Rides on retwest. AtitherIM4 as seeoud-el
' Pepartmenti tottaiva. Telephoue 71,
•tftentiltee of Canadian. Weekly ISTeW,spa iers Asso
• .WeeklY-CtlaiOrt Over
• 'TRIT4Sp.kM4ANUARY lith, 1651
Tag NEW cougana
• • *
--, •
The 1951. Town, Connell 'went,
• throtigh itS Iniugural ceremonies
On- 4011 -day Uayor IlUckins
• •PreSidlag. witb. appropriate "dignity.
, ,
hiS• addreSs His Worship Set
torth several "niattehi Whtch. lie, be:
lieyed SlibUld. have the speelal
• tention °Nivea:
Poremost he put the securing of
• new industry for the town.' This
eoUPled with. another proposal,
thata the- further development of
the waterfront and* what was • not
'•ItPeetaeally smetationed, the- ;forth
• harber ,road: It may7, be. that the
• iSfayer has come to the tonelusion
'that more determined and persistent
-effoit-niust-be -put lute this projeet
• it is to'Auceeed. • The spaSnaoclic
•ifii:itte. Of tlie .past ten. years ,Aave
necaariPlished nothIng. • , •
_ Another proposal Was, the creation
'40t cemetwe•conunission. ' This
rshOnld be thortqtghly Considered, It
'1Ueltil;' in all probability,
•*Mater' expenditure and less con -
Oa by the eitimr$ over the ,mitn,
•.gement.L.of the ,,Ceinite.17.4.......0,Ahe
other' hand; 'it would give to that
44.gelnetit a cont.inuitY tha.t is
- ot -Secured .nntiern :control,- -by- a
ittemtilittee counoll which way
• .'hange .from year. to year. •,*
•'On'tilie Matter of fates His 'Ter -
•MOP ,Six*e ,gelieral terms, pro-
/400in.g a, "study of the Town's fin-
nehil.2positiote- • He inight have
•,'Warned '-he Members thUt as the
.'• asSeastnent is Consideraialy
:higher there' may be a tendehcy to
eXpenditures. This should
•earefUllY :avoided.. The new
••AlitiSeSsinent does ,not add a Waite
40 the spending poWer of the tax=
, ; •
,Referenee Was Made • to the �b-
The Country Mouse at Singing- Stars,. s.v1IFER'.1"}z110u'is """3(
By Lewie
Dear" FriendS-7, ' • and the artiale„ temPerament gO 1 'There's suffering ih tialS eOlantry!
I wonder hoL"‘y 'many a you lir
sten •together. Woaldia ;an exceSs Proilts. tax,
te Ltratiouomio,burolalbdca:$1.thiaud sps-haz, g . ,
the basic ns.e.eclmst_ef
Those of You w,110.(14 know that tke lows a A&1 after
regular Pattern, fOr the peOple, he the altSWer r ..•712 -!ins
program has •been on the air_ for 'all. And after all the Settad and - eud:ed a Ilieettashan of the qaesfion,
several. yearS 'and that it- tias a fuTY" the breadeagels over in'a few
- - - - "Is Price Control the AnsWer to
different •spensor this year. I Was moments, , Much* the same thing i.
present at •the rehear,sais and a llaPPenecl. thIS afairnoon in Preimr-
the Iint 'Gest of Liiring" •on the
liroadcast a fess; weeks ago-, and a ion for!%the larondeast on which "Citizens" Forum" broadeast net
wheii I *heard that' Marjorie IIitys
was to sing this week I began ask-
Aluestions here and there.• -
Young singers who aspire to. sing
has uo medical; officer of health. oh Singing Stars apply and are
•auditioned I understand that John.
A.daskin hears the Singers and if
• The *fest., invention mapk-. they show suilicieat, promise and
• ized wheelbarrow, with sufficient training they are given a date for
•power td • take a ,full. load ,
grade. The objection, to be
Made is that the Wheelbarroiv hats
been., the only' ;:iremaining symbol
of manual label.' since, the • Idek
•and,' -the shovel 'went, . the way of -
the machine age. ° ,
* * *
"Ablaott Hops yopularize Next
Budget" • — N.ew,spaper headline.
Vale If the Finance Min-
ister isn't.. criticized for -Spending
too much; objeetion be taken
for - his not spending enough on
some pet project of. the objector.
Mr, Abbott will have. -to • go ahead
arid do ale best„.he'can without too
much ,attention_lo "nopularity." _
.* *
. The- English police are' still hunt-
ing for the men who stole the "stone
-of destiny" from Westiniester
Abbey.--; *Why not app6a1 to the
spirit of Conan toy -Ie for. the re-
vival of. :Sterloek ''HOlnies?‘: Doyle
has 'heen.dead for yeara,,but certain
.1?eople :that they, have been
In communication with him -since
he went to the Other: world... And
.Sherlock Holmes...soly'edprohlems
much ,more: diftlealt than- the re:.
cevery, Of' .a 400 -pound block " of
sandstone. *,, , •
• ,
, For years this' .061iinan hns. -ad-
.voCated a ten-year .term -for memv
bers of the -Canadian Senate, to _pre-
-vent the piling -up of a huge Major-
ity of one party with no prospect,
should. an alternate Government
-take :office, of a change'in 'the' eon).-
plexion^of the *Senate except by the
-Slow precess- of 'death. )Now a
- pry -once -of the rules efliptiNeiialre
'This Is Matter priMarily in the
°antra of the presiding Officer, but
tt !amnia: be helpfail if members
sa,iottld'intike a, careful stud Y of the.
inles regidatiens Of the, "Celan:
• as. Set out in ,the little blue
oOlc provided for theni•and he, in a the Mayor in any
"flonbtftd situation.. • ••
Another matter noted- in the
MittiOr's, address wa..4 the new as-
. .
sment adopted . by the County
This is -a &abject of, great
portnnee and, as His WonshiP
isuggested,• :should thoroughly
'studied • and' 'considered by the
-r".7-The Signal -Star wishes for the
• _new Council a suecessful year and
.bespeitke the CosOperation of 'the,
• townspeOple in the reaching ;f de-
•...risions that: Will be ' for the best
11.1trests... of our town.,
• . •
an appearance. The -se ..broadcasts
continue ever 'several months. • 'In-
dependent , adifidicators 'mark each,
singer, and those having- the.higliest
marliS siitg on the semi-finals; and
then the winners are chosen at the
of the Season. Each. singer
rl)eeives a fee for eaeh performance,
and, what is of equal importanee,
nation,wide' . publicity. And, , of
course,., tne . sponsor gets Pnblielty
I was talking with one young
singer who- appeared recently. The
week'..before her broadcast she and
the other candidate. were on one
of /he Don: %Sims Shows, being
intervielt in an informal, chatty
.3vay abO their,Vitst studies and
public appearances and their plans
and ambitions for 'the future. On
Friday of the seine week,, they sang
their Songs- for 'Rex -Battle; 'With -
piano accompaniment. „, They also
went over 'the scripts with Elwood
-Olover and John Adaskin .and some
miner changes were made,. You
know,' the interview, which sounds
so spontaneous and unrehearsed,.
has. been carefully.eompiled .15y smile
person in' charge of publicity and
'advertising. Some of it is as -the
and4thi.tets—haie--- given-t---to-the'
powers that .be, and some of it. is
what "publicity" 'thinks is glamor-
ous -and. likely to appeal, to the gen-,
eral. setnetianes ' wonder
how the public .would react tp the
..unvarnifted. , truth,' ...for a
change'. :`The singer w-hom I
talked .,,had an interviav with ,Mr.
King White and the RCA. Victor
Company made a recordingT of it
which -was Sent to her honae, radio
station and nsed for publicity there.
• After weeks. a,„.work. and werry,
'the'. day of the:Wed-cast ,arrives
and the ',final TeliieatsaLS are 'held.
They are lipid . the Odeon' Fair-
laWn' Theatre- in North Tte;onto.
The candidates have to be thete at
3 Wcleck, and stay until .- 4.30.. Tlre
da tv was there44 anendiers, of
member of the Seilate froni, Neva. othn t
oschestra vvete their.. places
„stage when we arrived. Most
Scotia •preposes election of Senators of theila a -re in th'e T.S.O. or have
for .11,* ten-year term.. This Wont*, been. in it. . . is a •smail •group of-
Tule out men who „Would, Make
celleat • Senators,* butt who ' would
have. had, nil- experience of: the
rough ,and tumble• oft, Politics. and
Would not allow •themseires. . for be
put up .for elec4on.on' any. acCount.
,Appointment Ter the ten-year term
'would,. be preferable,.., '• - -
• • it.
• The Saltford- Sage, making his
first trip town this year, says
he observed a great lot:pf broken
New Year resdlutions, set, out to
be carried away by the: garixtgenien.
It was a depressing sight, he say -6.
For himself,. he Conifidecl, he 4 long
ago decid.ed -to , avoid such breakages
by not making any New Year re-
solutions, Not that he •clainas to
have readied perfection.' •,Tt is
,riither that many peoPle'apparent17
are More intent upon making. the
resolutions than, ia keeping them.
they didn't make such a ',formal-
ity of .the resolutions, as if that
were the hnportarit thing; theymight
have more will power for doing the
things' which they put into their
reSolutiOns. •That is a it of the
Sage 'S and perhaps
there is soniething
• • **
The defeated candidate in the
Windsor mayoralty' contest' clainas
that n third candidate a-wa...4" injected
into the election, to draw off 2,590
ivies '„inos,t of which would have
been cast., for hfin in a two-man
contest. Whether this was a bkt.
of election trickery or net- We Save
no means of knowing, but there is
always the pessibtlity, when there
tire inore than twO candidates, that
the man who heads the "pelt is not
the Teal choice of the • electors.
This could be avoided by adoption
of the alternative vote, by means
of which each elector wonid Indicate
On his ballot who would be his
eholee if• the candidate for whoin he
gives his 'vote -does not obtain a
cleat- -niffjority
Objection .is taken to this system: on.
the ground that* it would delay
decision of the. election restilt',„ but
stirely It would:he Werth 'While wait-
ing a offs, or soi toinfike *sure that
the right inan is elected.
(ListovVel Banner) , •
NOW that Several conviction's have
been • registered in Magistrate's
.dourt here on selling charges nuder
the Canada Tetripertince Act,. we
• Understand that the illieit vendor's
are feeling ,the "pinch" In
more ways than one. in at least
one, 'outlet beer rims have been
advanced . thir eentS per
i)113.t, white elsevrhere, where lower
pries were hi efteet, a niekel blimp
has generally gone into'effect, Tte-
cent priee ineretiaes offteially auth-
orized have been passed along to
the .eonstuners, along with what is
probably -an increase .ettiolated• to
prepare the dealer for a liundred
toiler fine or so, both. lumped under
the heading of "Itighet operating
•(1 •
111fact thi*t local Pol'ice Can
and tky obtain ConVictions tinder
the. Canada 'Vemperattee Mt IS „en-
'Nottaglog it stio,WO that.
the doys of atipitrent ittfinunity are
'W,LI*1. THE ,U.N: PAIL?
.in ',the jireseention • of war ir
• •Alictatorehip--has a..trenaendeuts ad-
• vantage. over a- democracy. .The
dictator, can. tell all his 'subjects
what lheY are to 'd4;) and compel
• them to --do it; be can raise and
" equip armies almost Withoutgimit,
• , tan Make alliances without -any Ae-
ciard' to • the :Wishes of his ,subjeas,
,• ttn, make ,hiaMediate decisions ds
'the Midttet of hostilities With -
tint, consultation :With anybody but
ds gelfrals, Old; ihr4;* the iVhole
oreof his Country into.the fight --
irk demcieracy the GoVern-
:latent Must cotault F'arliamept
garding :alineSt every move, with
• dein,in deeittins and sometimes
ilie-atioptiOn of wrong. decisiOns be-
• cause of the difficulty of re:at:Meiling
• the views 'Of different factions. In
$hOrt, deirtociatie rulers Must al;
ways have an eye on ',the voters
horiae, and 'tone down their
frOta.,io nYeid rjsk„ Of 'serious
When,. as at the present tinte, the
**VS of a score or more. of nations'
•With varying and sometitnes oPPos-
• Ing interests ..renst zonshlted, It
'Li.Ptr•Ontg end. beld Man who ,can
thart'..a. CoUrSe to be follotved :that
'will gain anything • Inie fail stip-
-Ipet,. • The 'United Nations is a
•Nritti4, conception, hat it • is at In
,the• present .; crisla 43h:owing
litreugth'and resolute purPooe. that
• Were expo*, pf
In" the eitisting 'Welter of 'diiided
•igeWitt.'enteng the' Members fli'e
Altilted:Natiorti, our SYmPathies are
ertaident Ortimai, *Ito 115
„endeavoring , to! stimmon sufficient
feta ,ineet the Chinese threat.
"Virliefeyer ate at this' time May
tie_thejate of the Milted Na.
tor 'till, tin*: Or It It fails
'la Abe }Pre10,iit Crisis it Will „hait
011411 re* 'Wt frOola„," tnture'
r we- nosed to
the I1/41.0.0on" the
"And it Watt read
110-st 404016,
players, ,but all sections of the
S'ymphony fire representet. • The
singers rehearse With the orche4ra,
the first time facing the players.
I • Woadered why that was done",'
but I Was told that it Was So the
„pliters could'. get a• clear idea of
what the.singers were doing. One
of the players _told 'me later that
they concentrate on every note, a
shiger sings; a,nd the longer they
have been. in the eiehestra the
harder they conce,ntralT .And if a
seloiSt makes a dinistake.,and' skips
a bar �r even a page. ,(which has
happened occasionally) , they just
.automatically do the same .thing
And no one knows there has 'nearly
been a tragedy! Somethitee singers
-and cenductor do net.just agree on
tempo and interpretation and these
differenoes are :ironed Oft at this
-first rehearsal. Mr. Adaskin tells
the' singerS where and how to stand
and when and how" to bow. I was
amazed at the milltiplicity of detail.
which he-loOked after:For instance,.
when the, singer takes Ws place be-
fore the mike to sing h? arranges
hiS rallSie on the,music stand direct-
ly under. the niike, standing at arm's
length from it, and this plades him
the peeper distance from the mike.
Then they rehearse the little inter -
'views with Mr. Glover.'"They stand
Vesicle him at another mike, ft cer-
tain distance from it and at a
certain angle and .speaking directly
into it. The men In the control
room can do'a lot of things to make
or. Mar 'a broadcast, but the
speakers- and singers Must co-oper-
ate too. Mr. ,,Glover' is a radio
veteran, of couVae, so if the young
stars do net stand hist so he un-
obtfusively puts ail tkra about'
them and puehes or pulls them into
_place., It all looks so natural that
.n spectator at a broadcast would •
hardly notice it. Then the scripts
must be held Pita so, and* the Pages
turned so as nett to be heard over,
the air. .There seetns to be a, trick
in everything they do. Since there
Is an audience fel. the broadcasts,
the singers get a few hints in de-
portment. Mr. Adaskin gave a very'
.convineing example -of, the wrong
kind of lisaw. It was Indicrous, but
just What might happen in a mo-
ment of nervousness. And don't
ever think these- singers do net get
nervous. The young lady that -day
simpli/, d.,herself-tied
nifirtitelditits got lighter as time
went On. 'The ming man, on the
other hand; Seemed to take .every-
thing in his stride,..anVin between
thnes he' sprawled en one of tife
theatre seats; completely relaxed.
At 0 otelock, there was another
rehearsal, of songs, orehestral num-
bers, muSical cues, etc. And, finally,
••tb6 dress rehearsal. Of cenrse,
every word had- been carefully
finied. Split second tinting is -:of
great importance on ahy hreadcast.
The young-ludy was alMoSt in tears
by that thne, and, to Add insult
to injitry„ eon:vette. criticized the
way she was producing her toneS.
TO .1116; that seemed hardly the
tittle or the pike and hardly juAti-
HOwever, gli(s.4S he was
psychologift, bemuse it waS just
what was needed to get:her .Irish
up! .After a op of.. eeffee With
two Of the niefrthera a the ereh-
eatra Whe,Were naroot kind and en-
couraging a tagged' along. too),
she gave it .very beautifiii perform-
ance of her *porting aria a almost
mid a' perforniance) and
the other candidate who had ap-'
peered so ealin and Poiteoted *Salm
verv4effect1y And Oompetently4*btit
X (Mint hear any- "on. and "Ali/a"
when he tillivhedi "gUeSS nerves:
IN ailorie ' Hays has just appeared.
Whenhwe arrived, the audience was
gathering. ii MIA alwayS suiVrikeil
to see how,many people go to thee
breadeasts„ and apparently SOMe go
week after week. A few minutes
before broadcast thne, Mr. Glover
came out,on the stage and welcomed
the audience and carried On a, bit
of his usual inforMal. ehit-cliat.
Ile introdueed the ort,iliestrit• and the
concert master.,.'Mr. ,Siginund Stein;
berg; Mr.,Rex Battle, the. conductOr,
and 'finally the Stars' .themselves..
Marjorie:Was introduced as Making
her hrst big xictwOrk broadcast,
That must have been quite a thrill ,,,, .„„„
fo ber: Before going on the air, the 4,4044Pili* of people, in ciunada
Mr,, Glover also suggested. that wil4 are well 'fed . and enjoy a
After the usual preliminary:music dream of paradise • to the people.
that would he a
eVeryone get rid of all their cotigits! .9uanda.mi Pe living
and ,commerelais Marjorie Hays of the eastern. 0 world—including
sang her operatic, aria—a ' rather R1,15in-' *,._ ' •
long one from Verdi's, Othello. I 114.we,need not go so far aWay
remember saying last spring that for a eerilOntisOn. By a , Strange
I would like to hear her sing somei Coincidence, this inorning I received
thing that would give her voice -" from a friend in ,England a letter
some scope. , This 'was' an excellent widen* came -as 'a shoek and a
opportnnity, for her. and sh made revelation • Like Many other Ohm -
the most of it. -Her voiee had - a dlans, I, had. sent. parcels of food
richness that I didn't hear before, -to friends in the .01d ConntrY,
but -had -ceased to %do, so , nthe
lest ' year or . two, . assuming that
food was flow more plentiful. When-
ever I asked.. thein 'if they , were.
sliert of any particular Hein of
food; they did not answer my
question. However, I - asked My
daughter-in-law to make upa par-
cel. of food and Send* it off as a
0hristma6 present and the -postage
cost about $4 in ail. The letter I re-
ceived ',this morning read •as' fol-
lows :., . . , ..
"What a • delightful surprise .yeti
have _giv4. us! • My sister was out
when the parbyl arived, SO I.had,
all. the - thrills. to ;myself,. tand _after
rending your daughter;in-law's i„it:
ter and nearly weeping over '
kind gift S I ' jest sat • down tor
aboift ,half-an-bottr in an absolute
trance 'of bewilderment, surprise,
pleasure and -almost ineredulity at
slid'. kindness ...... . Like a . let Of
other ,peepleywe have been making.
do, and going on making -do,' think;
in that things,' wOuld. get easier
allthe timer and for,a period they
clid,*„ but" new it is really . -Worse
than it ever was, a dreadful cirele
th g!-, And that Was the end of. Of higher wages and' higher 'prices,
an:, Ner Singing ,StttrS hiondcast. and r ..e that, in the New 'Year,'
A1461 '-, next Thursday or VridaY, it moSt of the post-war 'controls are
coining brick. I think I 'tied -yon,
that I have been waiting since
the Middle 'of Sentember JO gd
into the hospital for an operation:
well, lin, .still ' waiting; another
'blot on our fine health service ..'."'
.' I read this letter with a catch
in Any threat. All "that'rapture and.
gratitude over a. few:cans- .of meat.
tea -bags. sugar, etc. I thought- of
,that man •StandIngup in the•
studib and declaring, '"''S suf-
fering fit -ibis °wintry!" Of course.
there is suffering in every eountry,,
but.fer the C.B.C.• to permit a 'dis-
cussion oe the. Standard of • living
In fla.nacla ,to close with, Such .a
travesty of the ' trittlf„, is a . low
form of treason. T have freernentlY
listened to these "Oltize-n rortun'r
broadcasts. and have at.tended two
of • Meth., and -my general impres-
sion IS that thy provide e free radio.
cently (tVel: C.BM4 ''.Vrans-Canada
network, The Speaker was a mem-
ber of the studio " audienee, and
the question was left in the -air
and unanswered, the chairman de-
elaring, the discussioe'closed.
"There's suffering this coun-
try !" That statement stuck in roY
mind, 'and I. began to think of
people ,ict other parts' of .the world
Who were suffering from the. tack
of tile blare necessaries of life.
I thought, of lndia and China,
where mtllions of people were actu;
ally starving. thought of
nnd ishe Is -developing some . very
colorfel bottom. notes, Coming out,
I overheard a lady commentingson
the Improvement In her voice since
she had heard her before. • She
spoke and looked very ,,,charming
ill her little interview', and then,
sang ."Pna, in Love with Vienna."
She 'Sang `with ,stich an engaging
platform presenceand facial vivae-
itp-added-to her...nausicianship that
she qnite Won the audience.: ,,
Misia Hays''- songs were followed
by if Frit Z Kreisler conlposition b
'the orchestra during whicli the eon -
cert master • stood to 7 -play- -about
four .measures.of music.- Then_ the.
'second young star, Robert Reed;
sang his two ,numbers—an aria
front. Ponchielli's La Gioconda, and
"I Love Thee," by Grieg. All
,through' the, broadcast, Mr. Glover
kept, an eye on the- control 'Wein
for4fining signals. When the -pro-
gram was over, he made a few more
remarks, a-nd then called on Mr.
Battle to speak. 1 -le 'complimented
the, singers and presented, Marjorie,
with an orehlid and .told her he
hoped she would win first- prize'.
told Robert Reed the same
Service -tor •leiftist, propaganda.
. The political questions seleeted
for discussion always present au
opportunity tor chropie9na1Coutents
Tito .actetlY coMPose the ' studio
audience, angik they monopolize the
quest a period with little prepared
sifte es. I`or instance, a. "ilousg-
Wif F in the audience cl&sed- her;
littl ' Speech by ',suing; "Why, if
yeu can 'subsidize gold mines, can't
you subsidlie the essentials, • like
bread and milk'?These are:, -,the
things ive are W4rryIng aliont.."
In.- the course' of ' his °speech, the;
".stafferitkr inenaber of the audience'
referred to corPOration Profits and
-excess profits taxes, and said that
what the "little people" a calual,
wnnted "decent standard of
living." Weil, all profits are taxed,
any and food is. subsked ,in
Socialist Britain, with the result
leated-. in the, aboVe-qubted
patheticletter bona one of the
"little people" of fingland. These
disgruntled foruni "citizens' hould
get down on their„kaees and thank
God for tlie .high standard of living
they are enjoying in -Canada;
The farm bulletin from the Huron.
agrietiltural ()Mee is .issued 'only
twice a 'mouth in January -and
Pehruary. • The bulletin dated Jaiau-
ary .6th, • !as% given below, •was
-course written before the weather
turned cold after last week's thaii
• ;Tannery G.—Heavy rains right
after the holiday caused the.greater
part of the fairly heavx,• snow
covering to disappear. Fields and
streams, and • 'ditches' have over-
flowed and during the week ..In
somq eases road § -have become inr• •
ntulated, making lt diffitult to tra-
vel, °especially on country roads. -
These conditions make it very diffi...
cult for w:ood-eutting.. •
There .is _Still the odd -field of
grain *corn. net picked. .Haviever,
when we get. Some. cold' Weather
tohardent, up • theground; this.
might be a enomp1ish€4, since, the
snow has gene down considerably.
There haVe been More Inquiries
about. labor ,for mkt spring's' work
Mail Lin Idle plait 'fiuraber-oPmenths. -
.anything • else .was needed te
'establish• .1.95() as .a :banner Year
In Canada's economic history. „ the
antomobile industry, „provided. :
final 'Count showed the domestic
market absorbed a whooping 400,000
ears and 'trucks, reports Then.Finan,-
eial •Post. •
. Never ibefore 'hhd Canadians.
made and bought so many, automo,.
stOrts- all over. again •and two more
young Canadian singers make their
bows to the Canadian radio audi-
ence, I am sure we ' all join with
'Mr. • Battle du wishing our *home
town girl Success on Singing Stars
and in all phases of her natisical
career. She is singing the part of
Cherubino in, Mozart's': '"The Mar-
riage of -Figaro" •at the Opera
,Festival here in Toronto in Pebru.
a IT,
- • gincerely, *
Toronto. „
I.n, , 1948 Ithe. three . prineinal-
so&rces Of; Canadians'. ineonie were
mantifacturing, agriculture" And re --
tail 'trade:. inanufaeturing, p,rovided•
80-.7 Per .ceilt. of the national in-
come, agriculture 14.2 '"per .cent.,•
tend retail trade 10.2 'per- cent.
All breeding stria banded and tested
for., pullorunr by Inspectors of the
• Ontazio Department of Agriculture. .
- The hatchery is visited:regularly by In-
spectors of the Dominion ,Department of
cKinley Farrns & Halohery-
. • Pho'ne
Bonsai! 607-11..
- '
may' at tend to tiwing ortain,
tononnt Of trade back into ''legar'
'over, The resultant higher. prices tnne1
• 4,0 ,
S 11.S*81.SONS
0 likitt r Eproox-ktibllTikfti276-
BE-NV:ISE' • • . '• • , BIMNOW
itb, 19151,
or 00r
Super -Clean.
NIturally Suptrior
'biles; never had the aut-ospopula-
tion' ,se 6*, Almeet ,every
city had traffic problems,„testifying
to the _ auto induStry's roductive
Capacity ,,a
buying pow
At the la
million, car
road, near]:
:laundry; 1
ger cars..
one passen
10; lest ye
. ,
. •
pathy.of tli
to Mr. Hap
of his fat
last Pride
Mr. Fred'
Rod Bogie
motored o
M iteheo;
Cecil ICem
1.41ist year there were 1,196,000
it rve.L„:0--,Qatvacligit fawns, a tail:—
lion less Allan la 1940., • . •
d pablic demand and
er. , • . "
k' count, there were 2.5
s and trucks on the
459,000 more than: hist •
8 Million were passen-
s means there is now
;et' car for every 7,6
•. ..
'in i946, vile for every
one for every 8.6.
Factory Guarantee ,
Free Picipup_and Delivery
--- tribtiA rd:'*:**
. * ,
u pho,steri,ng Co.
• 42 Brunswick St., Strat-
' ford *
For , further infornattion
' enquh.e 0 ,.. :
Ir BROPHES P111"41 -
. ,
ST; -jpn: O.—The. -sym-
) conatnimity is extended
-ey Fisher in the passing
ler, Mr.. Jacob Fisher,
• ,in the 4i:der4I hos' -
Gliddon, Mr. and Mrs.
and Mr. Jas. -Horton
L Sunday "afternoon to•
here their cousin, Mk.
pawed away tfin Fri-
i—cookitinirr Go)
1149 'INTERNATIONAL 3/4-1, tclz 'TRAYOX.
1-4 PORD'aiton DOAL pat, r
!HOE ' imuirmizzit
.1-1340E POTIE,A7,41R
4-4011N DEERE .00gg PtokEit nzeunt on any:
• tractOr) • • ,
—mi.tispe4Attitis srinEAD*.
/lee (2aale4(
tril,ON1 oAp
1 '
• mon us/
• /
atm/ mteht
The SkiHed
of the R.C:E.M.E.
-.T• he workshnis, of ,the Royal Canadian Electrical
1-11' an4 Nechankal Engineers are.expatiding'
rapidly —in step with the growth Of t1;e,Canadian .
Army Active Force. The menTfo4the,A,,,c,„E.M.E.
are .doing their part, to 'Make Canada sating.
'There. is an iirgent need for -skilled tra.desmen,to
man the workshops of thiOitally important
corps of "soldier -tradesmen"., Skilled craftsmen •
are required to:fill the peits'of automotive
methaniCs,.fitters, toolmakers, radar and radio
technicians, initr.unient makers, welders,
Watchmakers, tnachinists and other key jobt.
• iou qua' lify sts a skilled tie. desniatt,
there's a place *you in tile
•' You can serve now—.when Canada'
:ditch as,ait expert
"soldier -tradesman"..
4,71 •
rit •
elp make
ootto of
:the R.C.E.M.t." y00 irititi4tt ,
• t. led it Canokliait citizirt tot Ithit.sulolitt. •
2.Iktelietweee, 11 %Skye's of siso.
: t 114 satifte,
4• •
,. Nisei Army 40 iitosiokoiOoolis
Voloiffisti,* ii‘f;"000;144‘.
agOORT *teor AWA t Mk'
04. $ ..
014444:04% 77's , OW40 'NOG
-14,;‘,4000k1tril•0100.1i • • A fti3o•t:*
V144406444 110.61°414 6,1111444, P4SIWOOk
• 4