HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-12-28, Page 37111, • 4Ord XEA*11. NG. 51 BUS/14E148,014ZOTOUY '0111AUTEREI;.t.tiocOuNvir.' ,A.TxAgiqu. 014AR.TORIAD ACCOLINTANT §43W.„Iionse843J GOderieh. ACCOI3N7POTR,..... 0"7. ROisiAla). *KANN, ". PO011e Accatintant 0144911# :thitari*"' •'PliOnesi Once, 561,. Res. 4 Office: Roy,al Rank , MEDICAL , DIt.a, *R,,, • FORSTER, EXE,, • •• . EAR:, NOSE, THROAT , • *Late Sense Surgeon New York. Ophthabuie and Aural UosPital, gisistant it Moorefield Eye ,Hospital • and GOiden Square Throat 110,0P/tal# London, England.• • .4 EYES. , TESTED, GLASSES • • SUPPLIED ..53 Waterloo Street 8., litratforli. Telephone 261... •• Next visit Redford Hetet, Gode, Wednesday, ' JAIL. 24th, •1951, (it 2 ,p.m. till&bit .*".•••••••"•7,'" 2 , R. e •i• DONUDB BLI. XXIIIPEMICED AUCTIONEER `Lierosed f0V COUnge0rOf Huron and Rearm await/rot, int4ailajzifrmagoousLrallplyNEto-1. N. Ooderick, *ll ceor (yak 11/4 rantaliD.11r, *Lraorf uOnsfimp Auctiorms, Correspondence promptly in --1 swered. ImmedlatP arrangement4' Date by eacanintb:, Phonef43-r ,E3:0148.1et°t.on.f Charge moderate and sktlefao- tion Guaraluteed, ' 191 .1••••••• xuutQui 4Aoklioti -TeENsito AtICTIO1'41EINk. '11VRO4: ANT) VERT.II Seeterth Phone 1.1-661, or Harry Edwarils, Goderich, Phone 144 . • 'oemehimeieumeeimieemsoomml, ... —14r 60P44101:1 01111".4410, 1950 ATIE41)., . 0 4 1949 • .HaS NAVIGATION RECORD FOR in ip m0. „it. record ifunit)ekof :41,418 •pas.. Christmas :Party sait were recOrdd4".00. passing Auk herstburg daring 140 3959 nayiga- thin seaSoni,aecording.101,4Ormatlinn, • by .Irving "Ke141, 'manager; of the gu'rels:.131:°••:tne:644-701.114a1..U-4CoehminpeanrYy iillt)44(17*The 4111341"istb4r4 .P411() Company wail/ea enlilloYee.S. and Antherstburg• 'office of the J. W.. "get-together" reception held at the WOret•isitlit7i9sli•'t14otill141e8,,2511rt.vile.tirl'is,'11,2,Pli:41.17;ds 1:Nilla'Ailitialrtrr:;141ift:tV,,C114(5tx.11411?' 0,1°1/)41C2(11/1Vgn'ill'41:31.: Awldownbound. • -• .• • o maw° .brief . president • • According to tug- yeeord;* there address to the gathering outlined were 1:7$7 raore,-1 vesseir_paSsages the substantial progress' and, unity this' yearthan last, although -the of intrpoSe. achieved by t4 Com - ships got' off toe a poor- starten pany and, all' its employees (hiring aceonnt-of' the fee cenditions and 3$50. "Be pOinted•Mit the, serious - ended up* the ,Seseen' early (WO to ness ,of,,:denge'r$ and trjalS that ••,c'eld, and windy •weether, faceall, of uS and...einpliasized; thc On ale bright sidethe vesselS .-Contiffning ,need•iof fellowship And had.$0• coal or steel Strikes to de,' eO-oPeration. In aoalugi• he wished lay them it during the 'good Sailing everyone a happy And Prosperous 'Season: and this. is the reason , the 'large inerease. • , A bountiful butret• spread was In the figures listed below the provided by the Company, with month Of March is from March 15 Marshal • Sully, assisted. by Mrs. to 81 and December frCan thefirSt Sully and girls of the DRAVA) to the 15th. _ office staff, serving the employees Uphotind Downhound Pid guest's. "-A• lAckgunind of re - March • , corded grange addea to the festive - atmosphere. The reception area was , tastefully 'decorated • in the heliday -spirlt. ' During the recebtien, it was an- nounced that liarry Blooralleld had won .•the '"turkey draw" spoialated by the Company for the section 44 fl" i THURSDAY,- DECENIPER 280, 1950 TELV:11014E CA1443 tar NOW '01iRISTIILAS szqctitia .0; Pc,_ 01.4114AA General Insurance Utemobilet Casualty 'teal Estate . • 11 . I I 41. ,151 fot EnAplOye$: ' Outgoing calls liandled by Gode, rich ,telephone operations On Christ. 'vas Day /Lat., a•.new peak for the letide season, 009 calls, being placed to -out-oktOvvo centres, 'A:, - April •May June July Atgast September , (18.1 577 34i561: •4495. • 1,891 1,883 1,988 1,954 ' '11,989 1;099 . 1,994' 1,66/ 1 779- Concerts and Other Holiday eings at Auburn Pee." 27...-.44ucs'te • .Wele nt-Chri.stmas were cerding to ei• $Vuolittst -434 and; Mrs. jack Weir, llobby and Telep 'One Manager here. ',Phis Ora- . par,es with 249 on Christmas Day last • year. • The number of local calls also wao, Much: heavier than last YSar.t. ,with a Cella of '9510 Call$ ais 'Against 569b hi -1949. .04 interest also Is a comParison of, calls the day before Cnristmas for eaeh Year. This year Were' were ,'1U30 .lOcal Calls and. 933 long ViStante calls eomPared with. 5999 foeal anti 392,1ongdistanee Calis' Calls to, the'lnest distant centres includej those to British Columbia and Florida., Nuxu,erous calls were received by. the- operators from, the small fry, wanting to be couneCted with Santa Chins, and in some ',cases the oper- ators were ,abie to let them talk' to• one of Santa's "helpers." " , Nllatl, Dec. .• • and '-'Mrs. Alvin - Carr have taken, n...;;baby..boy, to share" their home, Lucky *babY,.. N !loan, .of 1104 Ur. and Mrs. A. C, Levin, ot Toronto; Mr. .and. XI'S, George Fate,r$0,4n end Viefe,1W; Mrs. 014ghthY Reed end Until; •and Mr. Annie 'llonderson; of Goderieh; Mr. .and. MS, George Rosa and David, of Colborne township, affa Mr. and Mrs. Rimean MaeXaY, Barbara and Johnny, Of Kintail: ., Miss 'Elsie 'PatterSOn of Toronto was. a, Aveek-end. visitor and' Mrs. Ernest Patterson,. Mr.and -Mrs; Wm,. Coates, • et• :Flnt Nieli., Vent' the week -end .with .• Mr.. and Mr, M. Alien. • „Mr. and Mrs, •George'liawlorwere •week -end visitori Mi. and 11,1.st Gerald 'AfacKity'of .Galt. Mr. "And, Mrs.‘ Robert Ling and Marilyn, of Toronto,. were Christ; Was visitors •with Mr; and MT'S D. Munro. Urs, Ling and Marilyn remained for a• longer visit. Chri,qmas viSitorS •with Mr, and Mrs, lierb._34Ogridge were Mr. and Mrs. Gorinley Thompson and tabby, .BrafrPton; Ur. and Mrs. : Bert Alar,sh glicl Betty, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs.--Tioward.Wallaee, -el! Blyth; • Mr. and ' Mrs. Wm. Marsh, • r and Mrs.: 'Mel.' Bell and two clii dren, c un Helen Marsh. of London, We hre sorry to report' that Mrs. 'Harry Govier is a patient in the Clinton'. hospital •with a broken leg, suffered when she fell while closing .411-4-aut.side ilosat at her hanle• The accident occurred to the.nonagenaPL ian on Saturday. ..- • • Miss Ruth Arthur of St. Thomas ,spent the week-'6nd, -with 'Ai's.; X. Arthur. • • • Mr: and. Mrs. 'Ronald Pentland'," of North Bay, Ere holiday visitors with Mrs. Q. M. Strauglian. Mr. Jog. Carter and Miss.; Sadie. Carter spent Christmas with Mr. .andi'lMrs. Nelson Mill, of G,oderich. 'Miss iWbel Rollinson .of Tarebto was,•,",a week,end visitor N.-&,ith Alr,4 and 'Mrs. A. ROLlinson. • • Mrs. Marguerite 'Chopin • or Al- Iiston" is 'heliciayilig with mr.-,tiiid mr.s. Stoltz, • • 'Air. awl'. Mrs. Thos. • Johnston r4pe11•tk Sunday -with Mr. and 1-tOY FILITOW, 'Of • .Rey. and. C. Washington; stne.it Christmas,:with their delight ter at -tireeni-ore. ' • Geo:.,'AleNall and Mrs; Cluig Myth were efiriSpha.s visitors, :with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig. ' • Borre—On Thorschry, - December 21, lit Clinton hosPital, to Mr. ant Al•rs: AleClinebey, a daughter. - Airs. Oeorge Hamilta ,wa§ a' -Christ-Inas guest of her son Thema§ •and :Mrs'. Hamilton, of Goderiele v. 11 Then followed a chorus Dy '-mr: and Mrs. 'Ellis Little and , ' . • 4.......eaemmie.:me, 'two daughters n.:re• 'holida3-ing: at , •Monkton. • ' • Mr, and ;Alre". Keith Meehan were Christmas visitors with relatives at! MeNaught. ' • , Donald .Ross of Galt is holiday- ing with Mrs. P. Ras. • Eric Alcilveen, ' of queen's Uni- versity • Kingstbn is holidp-ying with - " Dentist • • Corner Wellingten and Lighthouse Streets:. , Phone 10331 for appointment. • - • CHIROPRACTIC • ITERBERT 13, SUOLli D.C., , • Doctor of Chiropractic. , :Mon., to.5 p.m. Tues, Fri -9 a.m. to d- pan. p.m. to 8 p.m. #1;wed., & Sat —in Kincardine. • TheraPY . OfPee-•-Corner of SoUth ' $t. and. 'Britannia Road. Phone 341.4 :immemelommloosammeemr.oinoomos .VETEiONARIAN' 'IDR. R. 3. miLN.Rit, . 4 North St., •Goderich " Phone, 24. * INSI)it,ANCE • ,...-- IVIcKILLOP MAJT,}..TAL • FIRE IN- SURANCE CO: ".---"--'.FATM and. s.olatied te_wn iprnpertY insured. prcsideut, E. J. Trewartha, Clin- ton; Vice-PreSiclent, J. Malone, - ilea:forth:, Manager and Sec'y-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth7 • Directors—E: TreWafthar Clin- ton; J. I. Malorie, Seaforth; • Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris,' Leon, hardt, Bornholini Roberti Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEw114, Blyth;- • Frig,nk MeGregor, Clinton.; Wm. 8. -Alexander; Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gaerieh. .; • , Agents ---4. E..Pepper, Reueefield; R. F. McKereher, PUblin ;7 Geo.' A. Watt, 'Itlyth.; J. Prueter, Brod- hagen ; •Selwyn Baker, Brussels; • • Policy -holders can make all -pay- ments and ,get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Keith Grocery, Kingston Street, GOderich. , • •'WESTERN ONTARIO - • 1VIOTORWAYS • (STANDARD TIME) , • • TO LONDON ' TO STEATOORD (Daily)' „ 12.30 .p.m. • x4.20 p.m. • 8.40 a.m. 9.40 4:20 P.m. ' _ x—exceptOn,ndaYs and kOnaays., • Bus.for Stratford at 6.15 p.ra., • Sundays and holidays.- . • • • - Sundays and holidayg to La. ndon ". 8.30 pan. • • 12,30 On. bug to .,strafford on Saturday only. ; • Connections leaving London daily at '130 p.m. and arriving Goderiell 0.40' :p.m.. „. Charter Coaches for 'all occasions. For, information pluinei:Rg.. McGee Song at 1050" Phone 18 u Insure In Sure irniuranee Confederation'. Life --Wind,' Car --1111M-TTireferted- rates--ke referred risks ' ACOMENT SOMEsS, .10.11,N :PARRISH, Themilr15 Dunganaon .1 40.• MALCOLM MAT NEW LOOXT1ON' on the $otiare--formeily Mr. ' Oraigie'e office ,Egfitfte—General bi- surance 'Phone ,115W INCOME TAX RETURNS 1PRIVATE NOSINESS . num. REPowrs , Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or at request. ROY N. BENTLEY , , • Phone 909J Box 48 • 36 Regent St. • G01)1041011, ONT. , 0-14E41 tPret,C4-iidielf With Fire, ' uranee •• See.. ' Gordon Jewell. • PM., '0, . GODERICH ,Phone Carloic, ' • _ - o•—•—.-7—.1",'"•••"*!'rr F. T. Armstrong • OPTOWIEtRIST Phime 1140 of appointsneit SQUARE .GoDERidi • • November 1,320 1,333 December 343 444 13,256 13,157 JULNETTE CLun. tr4LE PARTY Goderich--Kinette--ClubL held .01,/ftistmas dinner :meetieg at the Vark House. A merry, time wt[is during, the week December 22nd. • A Christmas tree with a hand- -some display of beautiful • Silver- ware -formed the centre' Of the re- ception area and draws -pere made -from-themames-of-all-,DRAIGO-era--• 'ployees to determine the. winners, of these .gifts denated by the Com - enjoyed as members exchanged pany. , • 4 •gifts. -After - dinner* he Members lucky- winners' were ljarold engaged in, cards, the honors being' :Stteardowii, Gordon•Sehultz, Archie Wan'by Mrs. Chhrles kind t'aohnston,,Victor,Vee, George 'Ham - Mrs 0021 Banks.; '• • , -Mon; .Bruee- Ryan, Leanald jeffery, I !Wllham }Xelesic, Clarence Aleque, eugt 'than, :When. travelling Wegt. A:borne? Young , a 11.1•11y-enBltaktl.teiritoAnr, Snips weigh less ,when travellink "e•Mel rnaid • Bedour and John Video.% • , Canteen ' Profits Provide Chickens Vgiele• • for Employees • • -in! The DRMOO Canteen :committee :Wethke'Viis oppoitunity 112 (had a Pleasant surprise in Store for a11 `employeep Of the DoMinion Road to "thank youLr you and 0.j.0)11,1hinery Company, EverY,e,m- , tO viSh. you ! ployee received a chicken. as a re- , 'GGeO ....NOENvall Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance'.. • ornci,buioNfie •" • WEST ,STREET 1,110NE 230 ' : • GODER1010 a .imeifieemeinosaxiii..."(a'auw1"1."1".?"arrigala , r7r1r... tiro. 13... lodge , .• Visitors, 'VVelcome Notie to all members an• . • adlierAnts. The re r ' meetink of Monday; ;Ian. 1,' has been 'changed "to, 1Vicinday, Jan.: uary 8th; Initiatory Degree 'Cerbmonies. Monday, January .15th • We. appreelated$ your Idndtronage !hi" and., we stand ready to- ,servm,youti .1951. • a great snecess. M.r. R. Visher acted as' chairman., The • children had. 'their parts well 'iu hand, •Mrs, lislier Aiii4• Doug: McNeil sang' twice between parts. Santa„, -C4a-us-w-aS4ive-4-4i , ;Jepn Mem;illan, Mrs. Morris,• RaiPh.and or. Godericn, and Mac .Livingston, of Alorcien, Manitoba, visiteti'lasi, week .at the. Morris' house. .4 • ' . Harold hati,ght is .1.14ine .froni the Goderieh hospital after '•an attack' of pneunioniti.„. • ' • • • Air. hay Robineonris on' the sick list' sintering. tram .an infeeti-en. of the spine. • •!".11, abmjistaut. ;Nan Ea*011; treasurer, Mr. Oow; teachers, .were Paipted for the *Varion* <dosses. ---1,74,sitor* ;with a'nd Sim Chas. X. Asquith. were Mr., and atrs. Mquith 'of Lfaketiel4, and Mrs. Reg. Aagnitli of ,Toronte,' and Miss ;Mary Asquith .of Strat- 'ford. . - • Mr. and...gra. UarrY ther '04(1. Judith spent the, VVeelg-chd With Xn4. Arthur's, parents, Mr. and Mrs.„ tamer „Keller, 'WOOdAteek. lir. and' Mr. Wm; Craig and Sett, Allin; of Sarnia, spent 'Ohristinas with lir. Craig's parents, Ur., and, er Mrs, Jas. Craig,• • ' • .4-000Orated Door T Contest: The Auburn. Hortieultirai, Society von- s'ored :"•Decerate XOur' Doer" eom: petition, aeF result of Wlillett wine, thirty cloorS, were deOrittecl.., . The • ludges, Rev:. 0.• O. 'Washington,' X-tev.., j.,,Bpberts and Arthur ‘,61nange, - 'awarded iirst prixe..'!te Mrs. 'Mait- land Alibi; second . to Mrs. phillips and tie Mrs., Donald Fowlers.: ' Carol Service.—The 'annual cOM- Mnnity carol service was .11-ield ID the Baptist Chnrch, Owing }to the stormy weather the attendanee was not as large 441,usnal. %Ile Pastor, , Mr. C. Clerk, was in charge,..w,tth• Mts. j•; Fhiaip.,9, presiding at the 'piano. Diving the service-, solos were rendered, by -Mrs. Brad. - wick, aecontpextied' by Arthur Yungblut and Wirs. :Gerdon Taylor. Mrs: •B, -D.-Munro and Miss May Renofif favared with • a duet and Mrs. O. Olark contributed a solo. 0•1'• • r 'TV ' . me • arion k,tIbtb, and Duer Of the Church, aecorapaned by 'orlon Taylor; 'recitations by beginnera of the . Presby sehool, Itose Marie Letherland, Janette Dobte and Mar Deter; duet by Altia and Lan reCitattou by Mary Kirktonnell AftrleAf Churen; ,,solo, Jana l-.)Ohlel recitation, Clarence (Wt. Rose Marie .and Adt(41-,T,othei* land; reettation, Wien Tungblot; pageant., °We, Three Kin0," by tire* Auglician, Church recitation,..Doolog Hallam and Andrtwa4 solo,;Gerald*Oohiel,. ingraroark4 Donna. MOM; readuag, Mrs. , ,f-laggitt ; solo, Mrs. ',00rdont Taylor* accompanied by Vise Moor* saekson.;., pantomlmo. the Prow, bytarlan Ohlarchl, repdintti, Wm; °.• %vier; reettation Daer;'• 11,strproeut.41, ,Itrs,,,T,Aextunx• Nesbit;" *sole, Paer; recitu, tion, Kenneth gaggitt. A vote, ot thanks for the, bosPitality •of The Presbyterian. Oitttrch wais extended by 'Mrs. Tilos; IlagAt and $oomtkdeti by MPS. A. Kiritconnell, -.Santa •ar- rived find: diStribeted gifts frOlethe tree, and hordenlade gaudy was, served to everyone; • AIrs4--e Ross .• SieNee has been .bereayed by the (loath Of •her 'fiather, Mr. Wm.- liti+wkins, ShepPardton. 4 ' The school. was crowded' te•capne- ity on Phursday „night, December •2,ist, for. tlit)', Christmas ‘coneert,, :1‘NilleINC•11011•Na'aeleafolittse yahatsiunuecats.140.1ge, p: sult of the , profitable operation of i '1,the canteen; menaged• and 'operated•j••enildren under the ,i.eauership •• of A; by a .conunittee ' of the „ folloWing I Miss Shirley, Robertson terve ,their employees : Jim • morris, '. Archie i parts wen.. oe 6oltse the leg to..uo n: Jehustoand • Wilfred Doekstader.,,wa6 -lee' veiling .0/ sapja, . ellarts. 1Tlie canteen is open to employees i ‘eetxt a ..weledate. the__,.0.14 dejti.. ge-ts, , during .the•Moriiing1 and afternoon , ;\,,e1.3. year alidthis 'Year was no'e.X.'- !;rest periods during,. every • wOrking!teptiou; . . .. Y • day. ' , 1 • • ... - . •1 Mx. • 'due/Ales,: , *nail ., Tayier, '• .. . . -- -.• • '"• • ,'Barbarit and Naney spent Chri.st- ',F in•e• ARm'REPORT- FOR HURON - i alas •Day . at the hurtle of. Mn. and .ri 'R. -G. Benitetts • agrieultural repre- i Mts., Taylor, • senior, at ••McGaw heg. Dilie:re. alinok every •day• during .''•• • Mr. and Mrs:IrenrY Matthews 1,'the Past Week,- with the reSult that Rdlph, LOiS and Joyce visited with ,there is very good'sleighing in ;the Mr. and Mrs. AL4?onnel1 and finilly 'country' and a eonsiderable amount of. kitigarf. • ' • 4 ,- • . • ef! firewood _has b_eetf nuthered • in:' _Mr . . and 'Mrs... Wilmer Rutledge, ThereVoUld appeIt ar to be :s-Ina:fly and family were -visitors -with .Al,r. cattle being fattened in • this area and Mrs, •Dave Cantwell, Goderich.. -this:, year . as a year 'ago, withsu . p- . NHS§ 'Mary Crirrey ' visited her 1 plres of • both ratightige feeds and -niece; Mrs.•-Robe,rf McMillan, Gbde- - • . - -cereal .grains ;adequate. I , .0iiita01., lied sued callwith itcalling a cep. TheThe 'Manager purCueLeounda y soon ran . -We4viiiii, all a happy and peace - vineA Man entered a shop in; Fla .,• picked up a suitcase and Of '. Jackson- AirsGeo. Feagan and daughters; dederich called on Miss 'Mary • . '-y n.Sy" evening,. . - . ,-.-... •- down the Culprit; "I don't ,know fill',New Year. , - ' Z'Oblaa„italm.m.Fum what made me do it the man cried,' ',...e.e....=..M.uii;•..e if only y:Ou won't ;arrest , me, rii , rbe.glad:ta pay for It -• The manager agreed, so they re-• ' turne,d to the,•siaop •to complete the transaction.. • There the eustoni:er grew, cautions. 11`.`As . a .matter of fat," he said,, "this bag is a little better' than,, I had in - mind. •. I wonder if you could show', ine, senie- • nil* cheaper?"—"Life's Like That", „in- The Reader's:, Digest . • ‘,* . .......1../....., — ACCLEOVVVVOMMtilltt!i404144 • - ilsentative for Ituron, reports :-.Snawiztittion. • ir CABINET GENERAL WOODWOMING, 10 WATERIAO Phone' 375W. 4tf • *I 1 .schdol ,held its Christmais'..concert in, the Foresters' Rail on Thttrsday, evening,' with Arthur Grange qs ela.ttirnlan .ihd Mrs. WegflOf of Clinton, 11111.SiC• supervisor,„ as 1444jst.''...Tbe -Pl'Ograln.alloPe4 wit4' choruses by the'',g41101-r"Getiti -King Weneeslatt8,"- "DeCit the, '. Hall," • "-"I-IVtliy and. - itChrkstraas' Fairies," , ',FreSty ithe .Snowman." Recitations were .given Ily Marge Grange, and, by juniors .Edgar Let-lierland, nernice .McDougall„ Calvin Bisback, 'Geo., McDoitald'and Edwerd.Daer dialogue, "phcining Santa ;" recitation, Kathleen' Craig and Ross' Sturdy; stocking driJl recitation, Shirley Turner i' dialogue by. the junions,-, dialogue, °Alether Minis the Fainily;" two nuMbers by the,rhythin band; two- part song, "cradle Sone anoper- etta, and„, a recitation, Ross Mier:" Santa arrived and distributed. glfe4, from a well laden tree. „ S.S. Coniert.-.--The Presbyterian _Sunday, school' • held, tii annual Christmas concert in , the, Sunday Air. , Wm. Feagan of Sarnia arid T "I* 1r ••• •••,•,••••••-•—•1•••;•••-•—•,..-*•• 1,4•••••••,-,••••••••,11,11, , • . • • D. aluTARri . PLASTERING,. Stucco, Mason 'Vttorlt of all • ;kinds—Estimates given., lPIione 432111 Broek & Victoria oderich Pavilion YEAR'S YVE FROLIC Sunday Mid --night - December .31st • , • 11,iiting• 12105 to "i Dreas 'optional. Admission 81;59 per pe.110031. Doors open at 10 pan. for Comumiiity to holders of ad le sale tickets. , 'Advnirce _tickets :at "Music 'Shop. .and Pavilion. Pavilion will be Closid monT,hs "Of 4',An. And 1.'6., 1151. Astot?mk-satoastralzroactoroazaromsatorstrasiscromorgiosksolvtiaiamoisist *wow • •••••••••••••••• ofii“.••••••••••••••,440.0004Hilistmiie• e•lp, At the CAPITAL 'est' • , The. Street The PHONE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••" .VI'Ii. Square ....L........,..,......:, ..... -*....-.'....„.1ii...tILLI-.E............;..........i....... '50TTT - — o • • 'Noril—Pdony lailYe -111_,.,..._._...._,,.,.,,-,...--"„.................................w. in‘The Insifeetor Volierdd ' 0. ... . . Mor . i., Tues. and Wed,— ° • • , , • • "The Toast of New Orleans", . ' „ :A unique, and otItertaiiiing Musical romance, in,!recluricolor with # tin,warmtii. and' grace of )M0 Old South as, a living Wk.. . ground:- ' ' ..:. . • ' . . .' Kathryn Grayson, Mario Lanza and.,thivid Nivel' ' . Thurs.,.Fri, and Sat.— . • "'The ' HASTY. IlEART" , . . he appealing anal widelYil'ead . story of a SediSman,;: wounded - , during a skirmish in Plirmai who learns a trUglo lesson on - the reali+ty of faith ,und friefAlsitip.• R6nahl Reagan, Patricia Neal and Richard Todd ' Coming °Ploy 'ere Not fljCd"._ tarflflg Edward Underdown . and Ralph Clanton.. 1•1 Now7-"Ntri. Olfaliiy did Mr; Malone" --with Marjorie Maih nnd, . Ann, Dgoralt, . - • Moe., Tue. • and • r• • Red Skelteri„ Arten'e Dahl' and 11013. Mlle 11 Come with a 4)0140, of laugha to It011. 'the tale of an oyer -exposed • photographer and this /angle vIt1i two*. liArk,f • "Watch. the Birdie" .1.14•1•011406•10111.1••••••••••••••=mon....— Thurs., Pa and Sat.— . Rod Cinickoo, Gego Storm and Johnny Mad( Brown . , , A -rugged outdoor story featuring n. smashing 'elimbi- 1.11,` the a(1. venturous life of 4 c.nttle rnuebet, *. , "ST PEDE" Coniing—qThe 1)evilis DOOrway'' with RobTaylor and totd4 Calhern. Jarnes ”A Electrical Contractor . Wiring; and epair Work ' rhone Carlow .207. Goderleh ' re tf. „ scheol room on • Friday evening, when they -bed. AO their guests the. Sunday school a • St. ,•gark's Angll can •Chureh. 'Rev. J.... Itoneyinan was ehairmart...The prograth opened: with' it chorus by the 'pupils •at time Presbyterian Sunday Sehool, accom- panied by' Arthur Yungblut at the„ piano ;and Mr, Ilopeyman on the `INTRAMURAL (contributed)._' - • If anyone •has• glanced up at one of the top-fleer ;windows of the •coUegiate, building lately, he ;has 'seen :•Merry 'Christmas", outlined in white", and. if he hag entered. the roein he'has fatind it had it. very ,festive air. •,, • - It all happened When the mereitil class got ,into action an their own. initiathe ancloame back ,school after Supper one • night. The next Morning; streamers, icicles and greenery hung -eN'erywhere, a Christmas.. tree.. gat in full. glory in the &abet, and the .blackboards blaZed- forth in very, professiplial a -rt . . work. • • , • • But- that 'didn't end tkeir -observ- :owe of ,the Christmas 6-easixi. • The ' other ,night,--, they prepared • and - cooked a; veritable banquet, chicken. :With all the tihnining,s, at a. very tastefully decoiated table: . San.ta •ClauS arrived between courses and passed- out some very special gitts. TO, work Off, Vie excese potindage; they took their teacher, skating,. and then' out to Orre-, for more food 'and fun. • , • Registration' in uext year's com- mercial class' is new open.* , . parent, , Mr. and Airs, F.Mcliveen 9. ' o' • ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strengthen are visiting with ,Airs. Thos Jardin,, Belgrave. . Mr. and Mrs. ;Jack Ladd and baby, Of 'Gederich„Vvet 'Christmas guests of:Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gew and: Mr. and ',Airs.' Clayton Ladd • .Air• and Mrs.-- Ed. Da vies viAtcd, relat,ives at Beldont.. • "' • Mis8 Mary Hatistop, •Hainilton, •Miss. •.Tean Houston.' 'ALA., Miss Jamieson, Toronto, apt. Mise Er.ances flouSton,'R„N., London, are visiting with Mr. and -Mrs: •John• Hoeston. • , •• „The United Church Sunila;s' ,sclio41 held their annnal meeting last week, wh n the following etheers wqre- FH] VQ1C OF TZ„IV_L_PElt- • ANVB - • , are into the, Christmas season again -:--with its beautiful itch:1gs- a,no. stories. The latest Cliristnity song ri,Ins, "If you ,drive, don't drink. ! If,you drink, don't drive, Cal., a tati,tp, A.grim Christmas song,. The latest' ,ChristIna,s stOryis about Eddie and 'Chuck. a Eddie had dine four Chuck ha,d. seven Of 'deo. As they left their office, their friends said, "take 'a, , But tddie :knew that Chuck 1, was a smart driver. .They went careening , down the street. There was a'brash. They found qhuck crushed' to death be, hind the steering. wheel and Eddje a-§rvanpled heap* On the ' Street, This is a true "story, ; but it is 11,0t beautiful.- Drink, ing istaking the beauty, tattl I sanctity out of Ohristmas, County Temperance Vederation. ' .Thig Advt. 'sponsored by Huron Q elected: President, Mr. ('bus. Scott.; secretary, -Miss V1010. Thompsgh,; • •i •-..•-•• • .:OntnenetrinO treffeinte *Ives' Examined, Glasses titteel Phone' 33 ' ont,„; •- FIRSTAID REN,DEREDI TO . ' gICK RADIOS • B. R. MUNDAY • -ALS PORTABLE .FOOL,PROOIE 'SOUND SERVICE • -Certified Radio eihnician- • Phone or..Call Widder St, Goderieh, Phone , • " ' 598 • •• kk, , IT'S A FACT,.. that the, . Sun Life', ASsuranoe . Cc;rapahy of Caliatli his well over a- million policyholder Ahroughout the .wor In the yeare than'lliree-quarters- . • - of a 'Century of the ,QmitpanY's existence over twe billion dollars '1 has .been paid to policyholaers•••• ,and.benefieiaries. •, .*" 1,1 , , • • Harold W. Shore , Representanyt of Sun 'Lite 4ssaronee Company of Canada ' NOith St. roue 766* •±:?1,-;,• • "-• • • • b 01. • , , FILWDAY.BIN TO TI:45 BRIM VVITI4 ayes up 10 30%0' .ort fuel bills ily autoniatIcally controlling Irents•the oyeraridimilerherip dEunbers from uptteirs, 'the' log that, waste Met dollats, thhie•eoar r6to.mAtrtit Au.. Pais tor Itself, Ask tor tints toma;lo lleat.ltogniator pre. 110/41 tIEMONSTEATION. p‘ii"I's' COLOR GUARANTF. . I , STEADY -BURNING! SAFE! HEALTHFUL,! Yes, Winter Will be a lot more carefree whenyou've aOt a Mkt': Of 'blue Coal'. inyour basement. 'blue' Coal' l* extra -rich hi heat units to kepi) you snug on tom days.Andbecause sie hot helps cut down 04 COltig,ii wonder' 'blue cOar is the choice of so ma* faMilies..withAildieot Try 'blue'coal'-and feel the differeistee, COME IN Ott PHONE .101DAY one YOU GET TH BEST!! • , .1 f. • •• :•• 4.10