HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-12-14, Page 3• „ 103rd YEAR NO. 49- 41111$ 4410110.0.00) Mr. GODERIOH, OFPARIOi THURSDAY, DEC KOSIZATASS DIREOTOICY et, r•AA'A CHARIVIERED ACCOEN'VA.NTr • CECIL A'trktiDGE. , 014.ARTERED ACCOUNTANT 014 Nore.tefieee 943W,, House343J Qederich: • ACCOVNiOTS NA1.41)„ • G. McOANN, • • rubic AVeolintant, t • ” Clinton, Ontario , Phones; OM& 501; Res,. 455 Office.: 10Ya1 Dani - DIOAL F.. J. h. VORSTEIL,-PVE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT . Late House 'Surgeon New yoili Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, aosistant at Moorefield Eye HoSpital and Golden Square Theciee ,Hospital, Leindon, England.• ' EYES TESTED, GLASSES r e Se.JPPLIED • • . .53 Waterloo •Street S, Stratford.' _Telephone 297.• . . Net visit Bedfbrd Hotel, Gode- rich, Wednesdae, Jan. 24th, 1951, at 2 'P.M. till 4.5+,3 pens DENTAL •- • W. HUGHES Dentist Corner Wellington and Lighthonse Streeti.' Phone 1513$J- for appointenerre— eee.eeeeeeesee.ee'ee,ee,eeee CialliOPRACTIC - DONALD .33— B.T473 kx.PERIENCICR AUCTIONEER ILIeense.d'-lor• Coundeo. orIliwoo. and 'Unite , • ,RIPLEY, 49 For InferinatbM aPply to J.,14. .liernIghair, :DivisionC471art „CU*, Goderieli, Ont. EDWARD NCT.'E-XileTOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Ceet0Pondenee PreimptlY ftp were& Immediate arrangements can be made ,for Sales Date by calUng,Fhone 20, Clinton. •Charge moderate and satisfao. • tion (3luarauteed. • 19tf" HAROLD, JA.GICSON ICENSED1 AUCTIONEF:11 HURON AND FERTII Seafortli Phone 11-661 or Harry &Warms, Goderich, Phone 144 — C. F. CHAPMAN •General, Insurance Fire, Automobile, tasualty Real 'Estate • WeaeSt., Goderieb, ?hone 18 ETERBERT• B. SUCH, I).C.; Doctor of ChirePreetic. Office Hours: •-• Mon:, Thurs.-,--9 am. to 5 p.m. Tues.; 1ri-9 a.m. to 5 Pen. 7' penelto 5 P-ul- Wed., & Kincardine: 3•°' •V„itamin . Therapy Office --Corner Of South St.- and Britamaia Road. .phone 341. • bile' B. .1. 3,1ILNER, V.SDV ., 4. North St., Goddich ' Phbne- 24. • iNsuRANcE -McKILLOP leleiTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. — Farm • ane: • Isolated, town property inured. President, B.: J. Trewarthe, Celle toe r, 'Vice -President, J. L. Malone, Seaferth; Manager and.*Sec'yeTreas., M, A. Reid, Seafertle - • e ,'• • pirectere—E. J. Trewarthae Lau - ton; J. Le'Melone, eeaforth; S. IL" Whitmore,: Seafortle; C,hris., Leoe. • hardt, Bornhoime ,Reberteerchibalele Seaforth; John H. McEwhig„ lelyth;' Frank eleGregor, Clinton; Wm. S. 'Alexander, Walton.; Uarvey Fuller, Goderich. • , . Ageetseej. E. P.enner, Brueeeelde It P.. Mcreercher, Dublin.; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth; J. kV Prueter,. .Brod- hagen;• Selwyn Baker; Brussels. Policy -holders can • make all pay- enents and get. their cards feceepted. at the Royal Bank, Clint;. Keith Cutes• Grocery, Kingesten Street, Goderich. eeeeeeeeeee;eeeeeeeeeeee • WESTERN ONTARIO• ". ' MOTORWAYS (STANDARDTIME • .40 LONDON TO STRATFORD : j- • , (Daily) .• •ily ••(Da 12.30 lum. •. • x4.20 p.m. • • 8.40 . turn.' . 8.40 a.m. 4.20 p.m, • • lc:L.-except Sundays and holidays. • Bus for Stratford at 6.10' Sundays and holidays.. Sundays and- holidays -to' London at 8.30cp.m. - • •• ,• A ,• • 12.30 p.m. bus to, Stratford oi Saturday onlyd Connections leafing London daily at 7.39-p.M. and arriving Goderich • 9.40 p.m. •_ Charter Coaches 'for all occasions. For *formatter' 'phone Reg. McGee. o& Sons at,765.. •, , • • INCOME TAX RETURNS PRIVATE • IfUSINESS FARM REPORTS Bookkeeping records installed „ and checked monthly , 1 or at request. • . • ROY N. BENTLEY ' I?hone 909J 14 4*. 58: ' 36' Regent St. , GODERICH, ONT, Insure, In Sur e Insurance 'Confederation Wo -Wind, l tar -FIRE.,-Preferred • rites .. -preferred risks. ACCIDENT a: • fAcit:Noss• JOHN :FAttgisH • Phone 7r15,•Dringtou1on MALCOLM MATHERS • NEW LOCATION '' • • on the Square-eformeely •Craigle's office • - Ity3,a1 Estate—General In- " suranee • Phone,115W • FIRE! Protect lieueself ,With,Fire Insurance Seo.. • - Gc4:104 • lewell R.R. GODERICii Phone Carlow 30-r-4 • F T. ArinstrOng OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100` for appointinent SQUARE' G.ODERICH rs, Albert Taylor Again President pf Knox W.M.S. The•annual,Ineeting of the 'Seeior AUXillary of Knox Church Weeeheld in MacKay Hall on Ties: slay., • The, ,Seripture lesson was read by °Ore Thomson, and ,prilyer ilea 'Offered by Miss, Ile '• • Inieleg the busineese eeseion it Wag ,decided • to divide the membere •shiP bete four grOnps •next year, Pitch group would have, chargeof thren meetings, etake are of visite •ing the • hospital 'andthe shut -inn. for the three Months, 'and have a talent table -at one meeting in. aid of.• the builaing fund. • Encouraging report's of the year's Work were presented. The alloca- tion :for the supply work was 're- ceived. Bookie and Sunday scheol papers Were 'donated to be sent to. Guleette, $25 was contrib- uted, '..the • life menibership 7and 445 was,sgceived for the same .purpose frore:the Mary Ann Bleset memorial fued. 56 • "Glad Tidings" 'sithisCriptions were received for 1951... There are Ilfty-threehome helpers Who con- tributed $82.70 to' the Society. - Excellent work has been .done the welcome and welfare dePart- fuent with 1187 calls reported on patients itt the 'hospital and shut- ins in the homes. , • , The. secretary repeited that in- restiag papereeletelebeen" „prepare. by the membens frOm the study ,hook, "Towards .a New Dawn in Japan." •In March an inepiring Easter message was. given:lay 13. II. Farr, ane anexcellent report nf the Synodical meeting was given in May by 'Mrs. G. Bisset. In June, a fine address was given bY nee. R. G. elacelillan on the. .work ef the .Children's AM Society,. and the members decided to help in: the' work by knitting and. sewing, with materials provided ,by the • Children's. Aid Society. . Miss • A, _M. BOY SCOOTS AND 'CUBS ,owarsvviAs PARTY The BOY Seente.'ited Celee held their 1 ChWettnes party at 3i,itteKey Unit*, on. Tuesday, night. There were present eighteen. Sceute, twenteetive •Cubs, and tbe .•Scout committee,.„ A1einee were played; pre,sents dietributed from beneath the tree, anel all enjoyed e. light enack. Mr. E. llolyer pro- vided entertainment by showing three .moVing pictures on outdoor And'sporting theffiee, After tht perty, the Semie com- mittee Met under the:chairmanship of Jack .Cory. All members were present. I.)iseuesion centred around the recently • purchased e.Goderich, Boy 'Scout cant') three miles` south of Goderieh, the Proposed cabin.for the, site, and the Methods of obtain- ing huilding funds. Geo:. G...MacEwan: Fire. "Accident IOC! .Motor Car Insurance 'OFFI.C10-7-19LASONIC TEMPLE • WEST STREET - ;PHON1r,t30 •GODERICH . - -r--'--t---"-,---,—----""' 1 1 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDPELLOWS ,Huron Lodge No. 62, GOtte. • rich meets first and thiril• , Monday nights of every month in MacKay Hall, • Visitors Welcome. • : -46tf •IS• It was announced that a public Court of Honor will be --held in January for the preseetat'eoe •• of awards ane badge',peened. pne Scone is to become . King Scout, the highest award in scouting. • AWARD OF HURD' N r • • COUNT'Y BURSARIES Huron County bursaries have. been • awarded tothe following students at the University of West- ern Ontario: Margaret Colquhoun, Clinton; ,Allee A. Laidlaw, Wing - ham.; J. Grant , Woodhull' ; Ronald C. Sill's, Seaforth; John Graham Wallace. Seaforth. 'These -scholarships are 'awarded afinfially to Hu.ren county students n• the record of the, previous year. The committee appointed byetleci, Huron County. Counell to mate theaeeivards is Warden Cecil John- ston, Miss Helen •Allison, ,regietrar, University -of Weitere. Ontari6„an(1 J, Kinkead, inspector sehoole. • eferjorie Ilaye' progress in the lowing funds: Seanietee Amenitieee Shi iping Fund Lacer :Morrison, field of fli•usic in The Provinee. MBER 14th., 1950 . 4447,Eispaa) 411110P- „ PAO .,_, Blue Water -Band tG C.I. Presents"Music" By .Jeall Irwin and, byrithio• '),7,qung• • . N' ht"I44 I: - garg, Lenell.ile, and' Jean .!;$. , folloWiug llave been eleeted ter the e*eeutive of the? Were Ath,, The "NiuSi.e Niglit"!'SPeeepree by Assogiatione Preeldenti Joan the Gotlerich Blue Water Dand and • 1 Fitepatricle ; vice-preeitlent, Audrey preeented' North street Wilted HarriSon; secretary, Frances Church on Monday, night , Wes a Breretoe;• trea.surer, NoMa Wag- neusieal treat • which won' .euthuei- wick ; ebelele coneener, Core Bogie. aetic acclaim froni a, large and Each class 'elected a represente- appreciative audienee. tive also. ...Their first activity will Under the direction of Captain be ttn, exbiDition. basketball game W. H. 13(iserop, , the •inutile by the between the senior boyo and -the band filled:the- eleirch with melody. senior girls on Thursday at 3.30. Every instrument responded to the Mies Clarke aed Searnan will, direction. with pleasing • precision, do thele best, .to referee the game, and there Wite'nee,dissonernt blare —• ,, from any section • throughout the' Last Saturday a Christmas party evenizig. 'It was -interesting to was, held in the gymeasiem for the first formers. Gifts were exchanged and novelty dances- Were enjoyed. Refreshments -were served and everyone agreed that Miss Barber and' Miss Clarke ikere wonderful hestesses, A vere contagious "party-heving" dis,ease has developed within the seh,00l. 11,owevaer, no one seems to be suffering a great deal. ,On Wed- ne.sday night grades 12 and 13 had a sleigh -riding party ancl came back to the school for dancing and lereCh. The secend-formerS hate a 'party Waimea foe next thrtirsday night. MAPLE LEAFS- MAKE CHRISTMAS DONATIONS The regular monthly meeting the Maple Leaf, Chapter. •LO.D.E., Was• held at the home, of. Mrs. E oransten. on Friday evening, with .the • regent; Mrs. ,Force• presiding and- tWeety-fout Meiners present Doxiations were made to the fol - note the attendee paid elle% bandsman to the leader's direction followed by the ' waltz, "'Liles of • the ,Vienea Woods." ,The ever resulting ih a fine learmony.Of tone' ' 'popular "Colonel Begey',',,mdech also glillowed-Im the, ovey•14,rt 4§lavie„,"' • interpretation, 3.11s4 I.14514. Wing '.the band. •• I the" negro * spiritual, "Slinttetime* "- 1 11 Vcel Like Alotiterles# A•thleAlt114Pa phiee°144,u8a°.inig.dtst"e. bb7y *".L5:14tejs:seb," °et); n"AXTy14.4113tilu..kelolik'f"e'ty" • , , • by gr 011(1 with aPPlatV..4 and they re, Laura Lemon.; and the Appalachtan. turned to ,sing, the :lovelY '1)04 Virlind4r. akk !vvancter to (htli T411i1le 111S1,;°6,".•'• bY, John Jacob, Niles', To -repeat4 The acooloPt1nbuents*Of "Air. • ,ene,gre4 She resPOnded with t'rei Bishop for *gists 'rays ana,tbe male' in Love Airith Vienna." And "Little quartette left nothing t4} be desireiL French Clock." -, • , . • Baxidleies '1,,eggatt and ',lira Soft .melody fined, tbe auras.. Jackson Were accorded -an ofation. as the baud played t'Fbalandia".rand, after their cornet duet, "Shepherd's coneluded ',the, group wiAlt"."Oonn try :NI.orning Sling," and they modestly Gardens" .and the reerell, "Sone of Soived their acknowredginent. the Bratei."„, ° • ."Xlexieaua," played cis a band_ The delightful nrogpm 'was' eon, selection, was one of the eutstaed- eluded with the ,sacred eelection ing petformandes Of the evening, "Abide with' 30,1 beautifully: and another was the playing of played by the band; "God *Ave the :.0lipaca.bana," In which every in. King" and a fauttire, strument had full pray, -the er.ums (•'. • e tetxdeticiunfionnotota*tbilett.,levietcoe. the, Itenwtiae: rieTs:ea:t'W.,..8eziettebrr:OlttlaneorIsrue' pao:lihtrybusie Lake - View Poultry Farms and Hatcheries? Which recently pade eesign- meet, has been purchased. by Queenell of- Elmira. From 12 noon -to 12 anidnight, clock's minute hand passe,s° the bour' hand tem A.dded to the pleasure of the audience were. the vocal selections contributed be the guest- „soloist, Miss Marjerle Hays, always popular with her home town audience, and thase eung. by.ethe Knox 'Church, won apProval from the audience. .a • deareb for a selection lie winch 'Mr. Bishop a.nnouneed that, aftee. eole week could. be shown, he' bed male voice, quartette; eoraricised chosen "Visions,". This played by Lorne Hyde, Ralph Henderson, Dan. of it Arlo; Bauelseuetie .1eowler, W. Walter and Glen Lodge. , ,Uniformed ,members of the Girls' ,Tretinpet Band acted as ueherae ~Mr. R. Menzies./ introducing' the pro-g,rata, paid tribute. to the Girlst Band, which' has increased in members .and gi'ven support ; to nippy parades: - "Under the leadership, of Capt. W. H. Bishop, the,Blue Water Meld •.is making rapid strides in bend music," stated Mr. Menzies. •"Tbe morale wee •never high4rethan now. neXitt-Eartratiris- twenty mile to tel..te advantage of the .praetiees„ and others come from Clinton to atOne them." , . • Mr. ...lenziee • sPoee aif Miss, .Corigratelations. to Mi!.. Frederick seholarehip,, Christmas Seal fund,. .. NEWS • FROM SKY . HARBOR . , L. 'Gilbertson of Ceateatiajor mak- Cheistuias Cheer 'Fund :of? Canadian in, e his, „fleet , soh) flight. '. Fred , ,Leeion, London. . , e soloed on a PiPer aircraft at Sky : I. Christmas peteel will be kent, to 'Labor last Week. • a Goderich"bv now a petient an a . TorontO hoepitaie and clie tiOtt 14 WA -Ks will be "distributed' to the Oetober and ••told, 'of the pniliceentg...... 41. •wlth Sky Ilitreor eAle eleervicete to and Christmas 'Clieh pro - toll . of Blyth' Wee _guek speaker .a.,t , the thank -offering- meeting,- 1 Two'inere students have,enroupg shut...h)s. inessages•heaed at the CounielliT ttial.acien-intlige. appreved eetirse." of flying vide(' foi` t hetpatieuts!') in,. pie,. local ing in Guelph.. , . • 1.11-6', ,. are Raymond' P.; . hospital. - , • ' • ' The , • pre.stdent .eepressed bei • • Murray of Stratford,. and Freeerick lo (111l1 $1 tit.0 has been yetilized thanks td, fill, the Members oe, the H.... Schutt of Mitchell. ' - . , from' the receilf puppy raffit. under , . „ . . , - the capable leaden:hip _of' Mrs.' Bert the year, and to , all the, members Licened pilots.: Cyril . Dunbar., 11.,,l,n,t,' Satitderson *:.-hini her helpers. ,- Ihe. exeentive for .their support during Neel Mole, Ereie Humphreys ;and i All._ ,j., 11„., i•tlidly , fpr his • generous 1.-xpre,•-;Seil sincere thanks to MisS M. ,Oordon leireleented. the i b y . Fred Gilbertson . were ,ert tert a Med , ., 11)11 11111 or the iluvpies and 'lit' the tendanee' et the meetings:: : 'st udent pilots. • Cliff : 13 u rka rt and: . ., who -Were , so faithful la their at-' rep9rt of the' nominating committee, teventitg.. Mrs. .Tohn Pinder last - eeturday ",,,,,, . . , litany othei;s ' who by . theil,. ttsSist. and co-operatton iwiped frial,0 , 'and the' officers, were inStalled by • ' . 4.110 ;11flair,' ,-.,;.0 . ,tt-cressful, • • IleV, 11.• G. MacMillane, Thn meet- Two flew inethbers,, 'N,Lis-i,,....Nteeley hymn,' ,silentoprayer ,for the efforts •• .'-' - anti. Mr's.. Vlovd Lodge, were' wel7 ing .. closed .. with thi; singing of _it ' • . . , being.' . Put , fb•rt h. •tbwartls, a , new Chut'eli, and ..., the . benedictioe pro - 'Bounced b3C Rev. R, 0. MtieMillan. —_ollieersLfor iqro are; Itoie, 1,Lrese ;dent', - • Mrs. .-.T. Mediae, • Taylor; president,. Mrs. A. Taylor ;. ist eke- preeelene, ears, It Hisser; 2nd vic6-. president, Mrs. Itedditt.: 3rd • .vice; ,preSident, Miss I.:: S'C'iggins ; 'reyord- in.g. rze6rotary, Mrs. J.. Mc -Nevin ; corresponding., Secretary, Mr,‘.;. 14,K. .00010 4.„ L. COLE • Ontometrist—Optician Eves Exainined, Glasses Fitted phone, 33 • Goderich,„ Oat._ • 4 • • WNW She is always ,a jeensure to • the Gocjei'ich audience." He 'accorded 'high praiee 'also to the Knox male timfrtette, • mid preOicied a' success- . ful futnre for it. . • '," ttzt.aitogtocTioitaVvegtavve-10,c' tvg,' • r . A 'fanfare •fr(611' the band, nd•V,1 • , the ,Siegieg o; • •!greoted„ lvith applause,1 1.,liss W1111 'the Delicate, by,1 Parker and B. ICempstet (two horns and one baritone), ware a beautiful number, with 'band accompaniment. In exeuleite quality of tone, Miss Hays sang two arias: "Je Ws que rein ne ineepouvante," from "Car- men," and "Musetta'is -Waltz Song" (from La Boliente). Requested nuinbere .sung. by the fenox quartette 'Were "I Shall •Be iSatisfied," and "Go Down Moses." With dramatic and sympathetic, .0•1•111111.1111•11111.1•......••••••••••111010 •D: GUITAR') • LATHIWG,,,PLASTERING, Stucco, Mason Work of all Iiinds—TEStimates given. Phone. 482Y1 Brock ft/Victoria 0 _Canada," opened, f. British Exchange band, selection's.: .11 a usle- th.e. program, followied • three , tion for Dell tia," waltz, "Vienna • and 01 will take •Reserva . s • -Operatic Pleco.vork.7". 1(0 1)5 • • • TIPe.ellarming p11) 111» of P Christmas Difinrq and she t:tang in lovely • voice !The • • • or Aready," bY Michael Head., (ltd We Thomas Arne: "Tile Sbips iig" Sunday, Decembet ?Atli g We will be closed Shor e , 1•41 Christnaa,s•Day • Sun Lille Asstnitece' Company Representative -of "spriug kJ My rleart," .by Johann paritone som, `The 01(1 Feles. ONE 101: • 40-0 Do•Ivn on the Farm.", bY Ritnilsinti 0 PH • et. Canada. (;.. Inglis, • was t 11110fte, ,:(11(1, w:15 ,,;'2,Z1-77.,,2,,,ak,S,iai-Za=41,1,,,A2,410,„:,A0z,„pl,ir,4.2,4:, North zt. . . • 211:01).,e !MON* , CASTLES IN THE AIR • . • aren't subject to f,oreclosure„ houses on the ground may , lost through sudden adversity. • An inexpensive inoetgage policy of the Sun Life A.ssurance Com- • pany ef,Canada will free your home'from any debt remeining at youedeath. Protect your loved Mess hem* ... call me eoday. ,treastirer, MTS. , Stokes ; :coined 'and 'two others, 13- . luinte helper secretary, Mrs: ‘.'Coft. ; M tuk-!1;.ptit atid • Mrs. Pt.-tirSt,p, ss ill -Bissetr; "Glad Tidiugs" sectl.etary; take theit' that at the .1 ; :Nil's. F. Robinson. ; literature • and 'tt,ty fia.6ting.; , • • . . • • library •. ecretary, 'Mrs. C., Black • 141111111,y eeeretaeye Bleed life membership secretary, Mrs.. W. n q 111-1-g ol 'Macl,ttren ; welcome and ; welfare .white chrysa uthenitunS and white secretary, •:11rs. C: Edwa id ; (Ali ad les- wit h st a nd Os of ever- ! st:cretttry„ Mrs. .J.„. Rater ;; "pianist,. greens witli red' beiries, 111 •t Bis.set social ,convener, James' .Charch, • :Middleton, on • Mrs. A. LI,' Erskine; membership urday :afternoon at .2.30 oh Ick; corn venerS, 31r. Thionson141 iSS'. , Mae,Vicar ; tetepho,ne Mrs. N. Ala ekay ; treasurer;• fog building fund, : Mrs.. ,llays'; argaret Harriett', daughter, of 31r. and Ain-!.. Fred Slithilettq, Whitehall Farm, UAL -;l, ' tor, bectime 1 h4.?, bride' of. John . William • Counter,1 auditors, :Mrs. C-;• K, Saunders, Mrs. son 'of., Mr, and Mrs. G. - Morley W. 0. MacEwane, Mission- 'Rand ;Counter, Clintan. Rev.' -.1, E. 11.'1 leaderS, Ida , White,- Mrs. 'Webb and Rev. R. 'el_ Bulteee! McConnell; Mrs. - Clinton, officiated:" Mrs:* ' • • son sang t"rhe May. Old Garden," „ . • Strictly speaking,' Iionald Duck and "I'ntili." accompanied • by Mrs. -should-4e- poutad Drake --the male Don f•.iyitions. The bride,' • gi in marriage- by, her. father, Wore. ap afternotin dress of sapphire blue' velvet with Queen, .Anne collar.' Her matching velvet ' • heft ddreSs; with, ,White• spray feather. held in place :her shoulder Veil of blue • tulle, and. she (guided, gardenias.• with a sprig of 'heather front 'Inverness, Sctit- land., Mrs. .Alec Whitelaw, '‘Vind- sor,, as Matron honor, ' W115. dres.sed-. wine 'vet vet wit h tell- ' ing • ttefee,,sories, end- Miss • Mary, Martin, LondonLbridesmaid, .was in -forest green velvet with !giveli aoces'sories., Their dresses. .were styled similarlY :to that, .of the 11 11(1 Alley en rrititt, ',bronze chri-santhennuns. • Bartlett, •Toronto, -wn's 'best Man;". and Don Middleton„Clintop, brdther of; • thel bride, and William., Chantler, cOusin of the bridegrboin,. were fishers. , • A reception' fAlowed at the 'Home. •of brtde'A .par&ts,,1 where Mrs. Middleton. received in 11- wine crepe dreSs With Atuttching necessaries and' .•COrtmge white, roses. She. was assisted by • the bridegeoones mother, •wearing a ,black ,velvet stilt, matching twee*, sories and corsage_ wbite", gar - (101118)5. For a wedeieg trip tt? the' hilted Sta•tes- the .bride donned. a holly:green gabardine suff • with. matching accessOries. . On their re - of ' the 'species. MIVitiar.1=r41410=14=t13C4.1=10.04-ki,V00=1,100004-04-r="74012-4-kltglr rs Gidench Pavilion bancing Wednesday and' Saturday evenings through • December. •• • • SPECIAL 'CHRISTMAS. NIGHT - • DANCE •• MONDAY, DECEMBER 25th. • 'ROSS PIERCE AND HIS OROHESTRA „ Dress optional, Flower fayors". Admistion $1.00 1 • per person.. ti YEAR'S 'EVE FROLIC' (§ • DEoxiv_itEn 33.st 4 JOHNNY BRENAN AND ins all.ainsTRA Doors open at 10 p.m. for entertainrctent. to, holders of 0, advance sale tickets only. General admission at 12.05 a.in, 'Dancing 12.06 t�? Press optiOnal. Ad. $1.50 peli-person Pavilion will be closed months of Jan. and Feb., 1051 „ 1511 pillOr-DaatIrtiaaatpiaiDiti-N-111-WaralzFED'alat=tatDfifDatiair.agettiDiVaafOilItMDI-M ___. _ :----- ------- ----:--7--,..........i.i. DEIUCII. THEATRES PitESENT. . . ..6,0•••••••••-..........,....im.,,,,,,.. offiweitioiiiii,•••••••••foosii•Oloopsolimiloos • ' At . The PlIONE'•1150 *On theAt West , CAPIT IL • Square .. The . • . . ., Street , -- PHONE 47 ---...-.... • ° - " .Now; -"Ticket to TonuthaWit"—rwitli Dan Daily, Anne Baxter and • '• Technicolor. " ' Motu, Tues. and June • Allyson, Dfek poWell• ,and Ricardo , Montahan A A story 4, the squared circle, of 'fellowship between a sports announcer end a •boxer, with Nor York City ftS.n: haekgrbund, qtIGI1T CROSS' • . , Thurs., Frio* anit Sat,, -4..* _ . . , 'The NEVADA:11/41'. " . , it Tetthnieohr: Wheieiii a, .1.1.5. .1Ciareliti11' Pine a band of brig: ' aralte to reeover 11 quarte, enillien In, stolen gaid. Raiiiiolitii Scott, Durattly Malo yie ;Ltd Parrest 'Pn4ser , . . 'Coming:-..„Iitne 'Powell, and' Itieardo Monbilban In "Two viroit$ , ... ' With Love—Tcchnicolor. • ' . , Wat(Ifit for Danny Itaye as f‘The Inspeetor General" It „ 'Now—"Sixteen Fathoins.Deep"—With Arthur Lake, , Lon Chaney and Color.* Mon., 'Tittles. and. Dana, Andrews, pene Tierney and Gary Merrill Sketcbing in vivid style the theme of peopl4 who live their rives bele* the level of ,fame and whine • "Where the Sidewalk Ends TImrs., Fri. and Sat.— # • , • "'Gene' AdrY. Sheila Ryan and Vinee.-Barnett . The workre"greatest singiug ('owboy With flutinpion the 'Verld's . wonder horse, 111•the.ti011:1*St and.reoet popular of, his 'many 'e 'Western adveeteree, "MULE ' Cothing7-J'The Next Volee You ilear"-1-with Naney )av aiid James Whitnior turn; Mr. and Mrs. Counter -will reside in Clinton.. _ ___......._ 4 THE VOiC4 OP TEMPER; , . ANC E . '''.. .. : . ---7 ,111 11)4 beverage rooms were .opened ' in Ontario. it ,,W8.5 112 - Mined ' that more 'beer drinking W•oUld ffesult 'in less hard Uglier drinking. . . There wonie,he lots drunkenness,. Dud boot -legging NVOTI4 disappear. After 15 Yeat%•AVhat are Use filets? ' There has been ItI01'0 !' 'Veerdrinking' by '533 per cent. ,Cod- trary to promisesthere luts also *been thine infrd , IliptOr drinking by :300'eper cent„Thero have 0184 been" more `confvietions. for' drunk- eness by -'2611 per "cent. and !pare' convictions of • drtinkentlesti. .anfong 'women by • 241'; per; - ,e.on 1. . As . for ItIl°oun'talk'gi4'11.10111'gf easdft ' :ifn irpe:C;('''t.tsrr,et1 C7 ill,"1(:;-- . sons-eonvieted for diet nee i r Any -lite • had ettereased by 212 per cent, • What it dameing reeord for beverage 'Monis. •If Ontario mints heNTrege moms then" it Will have to' Put tip ]vrith . this , moutilting* , evil. a ',Phe• (*little (la. Tenieera nee Aet saves 1,fur8n,•e0rutty. front ' Hie iteferege. . i•Olims, and their evil 1,ttl'int.' • ' • ,This Advt.,* sponsereif* bt Mon'. County :Temperttnec ,Pederation. 4 4: 0 • • .0. • .• ••., • Cvstdiners' Corner leave you ever said "I'll just 'never go back. there again'"? ° , Thak's t.11 way a lot of ptople. react 'when, some- thing gpds wrong. in • the store in which they shop. . But we don't want that ever to happen.- at I)..84P. If for . any reasOn* ,you shouldever • he dissatisfied. with the food ot servi9e in your A&P, please eo tis and our employees the favor of letting us know. Please write: Customer Relations Department AM' Food StOrese 135 Laughton Ave., Tato ,Toronto, Ontario. . • N.4 7'01 • •LadutaltakjeT No gpan .and Vegoic4J'e3 Onlifornia Navel 200'6-,--doz, 56c ‘‘252's doz°45c Granges Nel;O'Craig., brae size No. i.'. -176's . d" 39c- - Plerida ,i-earsh ieedlese Noe 1-06's Gieapairtiit 10 for 49c N. alainuonamillom• likely that ow Prices On iluoare4s oi Items 'Every ay WU 'Kelp Cut 'Your food Bills More Mau Just a Few "Weelk-tud Specials' When, yen can get lote of 'fow-priced items, instead of *just. a heedful of ,1!speCials," $011 0841 save.' Many "pennyeenstead of just a few. .And, at , A&P yon 'can not only do' that, bet de . le any day yeti oboese. 'W,,nrit's More . . A.szP's advertised prices are guar anteed for a.jtIIl weelt from date of advertisement, even tb,ough market peicee 0 up. , ?Aces shown here guaranteed Tiraroday, flee. 14 through Weilineeday, tie* tlit. • Bokar Coffee Cu4orn.,Ground "lb 91c milk'Bread slici.white or brov,i'n • 2soz oaf 13, . , Fruit Cake, AnnPage Famous, 3-113 ringi,39 ,Mincemeat Cliries Old Lind*Cn•Towne Waive-Juice'rahey Evaporated Milk • A &P Green Peat . Libby's Tender Kirits • (110iCO iroplatOOS ,A P Cream. Style Corn iokelyes • Cheese Maple Leaf Msorfed Quaker Oats Vittoria Mix Tomato, Soup. Quitliqr kegular & P )(mai Candy Carspbell.$ 24-n2fir, 29; 2 29c 2nins25c 2 15.2.1in:',. 31, 2 2v... on, 35, .,2,1•514 fins 29c. Vst'lb 04. 26c 4.8-ot .121)2 Pko 2.10.0a