HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-12-07, Page 16?AG t f3IXTE1N vr'it Ya •er� .entertainment for the whole family in a radio record' ., y 4 Emer on console, 8 tube long. and short wave with 3 -speed player at only $� �5 A a D Admiral yn:lYn'ia�gic console,. 4n fact, everything in radio and record ;player by ': Marconi, Emerson' and Admiral. •• ' Three good .lines to 'choose from. AT "Service is our business" •N ROAD PRONE 4981t rnl-ia i3' afiabl 44.1 lr Irl t;ar i;eaot)s.. Good Insrtr. ance Gets Insured - Stay Insured - Rest Assured North St. Tel. '268w • FIRST, AID RENDERED • • TO SICK RADIOS 3L R. MUNDAY ALSO PORTABLE FOOL -PROOF, SOUND 'SERVICE -Certified, Radio Technician -- Phone •or Call Widder St„ Godekich,Phone 598 HERE'S RARE VALUE! Good-Look,�Ing °' Double DOT, . AUTO UTILITY MATS ' 'By, Vera 1Tarpley "J.lut they don't believe, iia Christ- mas,' Jinn -,--you • know that." Laura -Wished 'Site hadn't spolten quite so loudly ; . her renal% bad stripped in, ridStreatua th.iaee rapid-runiaiug con- verszitiens.' I-ier 'gt'testa studied,' the. rug pattern. Jim 'merely looked at his wife in silence. "l mean, after she went un, "it's • not their religion . assumed it' would; be embarrassing -to thein ---to iiivite them to oar Christmas party." She swallolved -uncomfortably.. "And I assunned that this° party was for all the fellows iii aur chide, including Ben:" He snliled,,,then, but didn't soften the accusation. Everyone - iii. the' roolu' 'ki eW of the cloAe, friendship between Jill:t and Ben -they.' only., .guessed • at his wife's resentment of the friendship, e lir. Adams, office manager, broke the silence ne ;t. •"I wotildn't worry about it too much, ,J'im. After, riff,. Christmas is . ". Ile, emptied his glass and returned' it to 'the .coffee,. table: "And we all feel a little differently abbut the, holiday.. than they 'dQ," About nine. o'C1ock' Carolers 'came to the -door,. .singing lustily and slightly off-key, • "Let every , heart prepiare Hinr room . .." The oldest caroler- was scarcely twelve. .IJe 'rattled a box full of coins.. Mr.; Adams' snatched -the donation box from him, ceremonioaisly deposited nine pennie, , and passed from gues t to guest, bowing after each don- ation. • Everyone put in nickels and 'dimes. Jim put in 'a five -dollar bill and evera.one shouted "S11ow-off•1" Laura' was. annoyed- but. kept still. Lau xu`s. incl JitiiyflTtfTe girl. Bonny, was:... oat-caroii41g..-too, but her group covered a different neighiiorhood. No ole . noticed riiuell when. toe. telephone rang later in the ei'ening 'ancf Jim went to an ys,,cin; it. But They nofieed Jim's face •when . he retlirnt'd to the living-roolu •it zap White' and twitehed unpleasantly. Laura walked over to Ilii w;•as it.. "dear?" 'It was• Bel ---he called t17.' apolo- gize .for not email); .tonight." . ,'•ITis • (laughter's been in Child ref's Ifospittrl' for tIftr hast :month, you kno ..". • Adagio broke in, ,'4:t',• that's, ri ✓lit -=Jaen Said she was lrulliag out of it --that •pas last week, I be`lieve. Bow's she doiag, did be X`She died this afteri)ottai."' '• Nobody a9'eela.C"$4.ag have- .Laiiyt ing ;pore°to stay- after that. The jai.ty broke ll>)vijhfii,the next half -4011r. Just• as the Adduises were leaving; 130411y came its fi'0iu carilling. She was flushed., with happiness and ex, c'itefneat.• Laura ..elutelweti her. iii late aruu 'convulsively. "Did your group make a big haul tonight, Bonny?" , "Did we !" she gaSpt'd. ,"\S,e. got more than any ,other group,„„I bet. And Mom, «gib sang for oar i . I3eu at Daddy's office, and--" "Oh but you shouldn't haver' Laura. looked, at Jim With alarm. sin* `Sileait Night,f - and . , guess bat `d Iia gave tis ten aollars 1And she'invited us. in . and gave us cantly' and eool;,ies, and gee, ,they're ,gleet Ana 1 told' theni hello from you and' Paddy, • tend you know. • what She cried''. that funny, mother?" Jim looked at 1143. strielceu tivife: and wanted to take her in this artns, but Mr. and Mrs: Adams were standing therewith their 'inoutli,s open, so he merely ,grasped her h;alla iiriialy, ,Dandy ,babbled happily, Anti you know what else? Mr. Ben asked sae what tine• donations went far, and when I" told him he took all the 1'nitrney aut.of his wallet and put it in our 1)P.N, can you imagine? , A,nd • then I asked• .him if lie ,half yany boys or girlrl, like us and' would ,they like to go caroling with us, and he said no. And then she started crying again and wg left.' Wasn't that 'funny?" Mr. 'Adams cleared his "throat. "By the way, Many, just what Were those donations, for anyway?.: spaiMNYgam R AO) in Mina rd's for ntusctilar s,/ifness. isles." ppains and sprains; Gr¢ase- '' less 'quick dryt&• np unpleasant 040r, Large Economical Oar",655... M% R S 1 ' I forgot to nbtice,' "Why:, for the Children's Hospital, ...:� fund -or something like that --it Was all printed en the box."' Dict you evgy notice boiv.,. often a n'sa•rrow mind and a wide mouth go together? -Beck San Sun. • "He asked - us - to sing. `Sil,ent Night' and" guess ,viutt? Ile gave us "teff dollars ! , . And she • invited us in and gave I us candy and` cookies." ' OLD iCIE 7 GOIEEtOH ME.MQ1tIAL''. 8ROP ' inw1 ST DESIGr s - - BEST'Or 'MATI,!1RIALt' Guaranteed workmanship at prices. that will'please you. SAVE ALL AGENTS FFEs .,. Call at our office: or drop us . s' tine to Box 161, (oderieh. . will be pleased to earl and . heli 'hoose a suitable meinoritaf for four 'family plot; • R. A. SPOTTON - - St. Andrew's St. € with Automatic Hoot Regulator Here's the,' that provides the low* costs d egdable heat' that money �r buyi. .a •emI-alt omatI �tn;li ins feed, Holds 100 ib• :' x e' any of'Coal, bi o kind t11m' Of opal. , , � ooh Burro 4 ur ,� . or 'anthracite, coko, or briquets. Start s filo belt once- '``a�►e-ar. Your home is WARM *vow MORNING when you awaken regardless the weather.. Hots all day and night with tinseling. Get further details on -it from Edward Coal ,Co ' ANGLESEA:'. ' PHONE 98 r' ':-�emetery�Inscriptior Wo-rk odern, equipment - Prompt service Phone 723M, Goderich r tom, `, ,� ...��.; ..: •:: � `•'::... -,-: • •HARD - WEARING, Tough, thick,' .lustrous' bldck rubber --•,looks well in any car. Buy them singly or in 'pairs..' Keep original floor mats ; looking new - hide =shabby, worn ;pots 'in,. old mats. • Simply' •lift ,out to shake clean. Keep feet dry - up .pff mud, snow and slush. Use as "kneeling pads" when • changing tires or' ° chains; also. as "traction mats" in mad of snow. Convenient sizo. .20" ex 14tiz"• . . Electrical: Contractor .Wiring and Repair Work Phone Carlow 207. 5, Goderich, • •42tf GAS 'FLOW Put., Moto - Master" !'c3as-Flow" in your sae tank -- prevents frozen_. fuel_ _ xturnPs,_ carburetors, etc. Bottle .24 MOTOR ROBES • Alii -Wool Tartan ;'laid - large size, •fringed ends 'Battery CHARGER ' Keeps your battery fully. charged.. Easy to install:, low operating . cost. laNiT (91 RADIATQII WHEEL - ' 'ENGINE. QQiL, $ le _ s.. _ MUFF' HEATER: n i we ,rest; Beals leaks • is p e r ntanentl Takeo the un- Univcratpl elec- t; anti,- pleasant chill `trfc model freeze: 10 -oz. oft the steer- with long cord can. Inc wheel. apd plug. • U with mounting bracket ' For quick titaitipc. • ••2.98 ACCURATE THERMOSTATS Reliable. 1 o h e Ale. Formost cars 'and trucks, Froth .29 ..39 4.-55- -1.25 Trico DEFROST FAN REPLACEMENT Vacuum type, »o - r. battery d r a 1 n. ' High-speed. effi- O.a.a ....- dent. C. T. C..-:-.-_-.--,7,-------:--, Soper-va)re For�A11 Cars! `' 3.65 Spark Plug. .* ' mOTO•mgSTER , ' aiIAhDs Neoprene 'rubber ..-fit straight oral angle plugs.$gal MUFFLERS and PPES' Out 'moisture, frost and f et g: keep 'spark plugs• �. set t Original' Equipment-Quglity . a 6 1.19. set .f 5 1.49 -'- at•.,prices that save ,yori, up'to : ' O%. ° Crankca ll • BREATHER Replace leaky.- rusted -out, muffler! - now --f- _ Winter driving! Prevents 'off f u to e`et entering car interior. De- creases oil Olin- ,CheVrolet tion --helps keep motor clean. To fit most oars and true ks. , Chrys., Desoto Only. .79 Dodo., r MUFFLERS '20,32 4.70 '33-34 Master 6.85 '35-50 ' 5.98. '36-48 (most). 9.60 • '35-38 (most) 5.30 '39-48 (most) 9.60..-. •. Moto -Master Ford"A'�. i (Cor�p..assy) 7.98 -� ANTI -FREEZE Ford Vs.32-40 (most 5.157 ''8aa4r" -- No :4361:188 41-48 6.75 away" at Oldsmobile 36 48 7 65 faorntstl..eTlsgixie%rP{yni,xttth 9J4,6,14 �ti .•e-°---�'�`; r b m p e r,ttul'ea' TAIL AND oEXHAUST PIPES prdr efts rust and Y M ` cur osing. Poaitloe ( • • .Tail Exhaust orolectlon. Chevrolet '29-32 2.20 2.20 s u P•New,t'• i►w Price 1 '34-48 (rnpst) 2.65 2.90 Qnati Gallon Dodge '35-39 (most) 3.50,, 3 s9 y .45, • 5.49 • • '40-48 3,65 3.55 Ford "Vii" (most) 2.35 3.75 '•Pertne - F111" .Olds. "6" '35-48 3.35 3.30. C'o 3i c.e ntrated ` PI mouth '35 39, 3.5" 345 Ethylene' Olydo1: Y '48.48 3.55 3.95 ' r 'r .,r COR, n. a•w .a+' Bal O aafel3'• •. °'w ' • `� Quart- ...Atelier' • For cars and trucks not listed '448' enquire for "prices .. I'� . e . T. PRYDE. & SON ( formerly. Ounniligam & Pryt#e ► " viintnn, Exeter;ea�'ortii Write Box 159; or pLorte,41J • Exeter and we shall ,be pleased to call. custoimer satisfaction, such popularity, such .'demand. for - .---!C evroaet4x-ucki. The fact that -Chevrolet Trucks dead in sales:is'convincing proof of the owner satisfaction'they.have • • earned through the •years = prdaf that .Chevrolet is far and.. More 'horsepower than ever! New , Torquernaster delivers 110 hip: husky Loadmastet gives you 1'05, and.the econ- -° omy-leading.. Thrrftmaster. ,rates at 92. New power jet carburetion means' faster pick-up, better performance` every 'way! • away ,the most -wanted truck,' everywhere. The Chevrolet 4 -point value story : tells you why -- power, comfort, 'strength and price! See your,Chevrolet.dealer. eacked With Savings to Timely' Autornotiva Accessories and 'Supplies,, Spor ing Goods, Workshop Equipment, Etc. Ask for Your, Fro. Copy. The, OuAkka '!Challenger'• beautiful baked'enamel finish. dna up • ftegardf4eesof chimney Condition„ittoKea but-�a few minsters t0 heat your home or a room with aQUAlil:lt These two low ,cont aceeygories • offered only by QUA.K.N11 fissure you Jnst, mit ovtat,t heat all during the coming winter • miters novo./ gives maximum heat out put regardless of chimney by Providing. ample draft e..utefucl coati HtA1 ct>tcuLA•rolot-,gently ptrculc ass beat to ✓,.very rontrr, Automatiein action. No WOO*, fiUhTtl:tl beat to eutek, cleat; Sure!' No Coal to 93iojPel, aahea to Carry $1 wood to chap, LOW IE PAICit.-..Wali MN Pllti'ORMANCE Chevrolet cabs are.: every .Way !leiter y y• with observation -cat vision`and spacious- ness . optional'• rear quarter windows , and fresh sit heating rind venf.lating system.. big ,,comfortable seats with finger-tip adjustment • . . . entire cab mounted on rubber! , For .higher payloads and longer,` more reliable• service, you just can't beat the, rugged construction of Chevrolet Trucks. Right from the frame up, they're advance- designed . With extra strength built-in You're moneyy ahead with Chevrolet". Trucks. Chevrolet's ' rock -bottom selling' price, combined with . its outstand'ingly low cost of'operatiorl and upkeep and high resale, value _L ail gree up to the VAtittlaWARSMNAVVattaartaakt. BUILT IN CANADA • PROVED IN CANADA FOR CANADIANS