HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-11-16, Page 6Fi*'st on the market with more sensitive, mere selec-
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Take it easy.—stop fire-
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No fuel to carry, no, ashes
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have a' size to give YOUR
home, too, real. "warm -floor"
;�. heat at low cost. Listed by
-Underwriters', Laboratories,
' See usl .
AUBURN, UEN, Nov. 1.4.—M,Andrew
Lawson kbf Suuixvierhill visited Mr,
and 'Mrs. E. Phillipa oil Sunday. '
' Mrs. Chas• Straliglian is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Ronald Peut-
o laud, a11d Mr. Pentfaud, North Bay.
"Messrs. Keith . a thug . and Harry
Stut'tfy- are 011 a taunting trip.
Mr. Cori Govier net with a pain -
int' a cident when he fell ,,out of the
haymow and -broke his ' collarbone.
The •nit nthly meeting . of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held 'in the
Foresters' Hall ou Tuesday, Noveui-
ber . 21st, ' at. ' 2.10-t . The, topic,
"Citizenship and .Education," will be
given by \1rs. Gordon 11icClinchey.
A' report of the area, cont•enit on
• will be' given by Miss, Amelia :Mc-
Ilwain.• "Ciirrent E' Buts 'will' be
taken by Mrs. Ed. Dairies.° Roll call
—"A quality of ' a good citizen."
Hostesses -- Mrs. Robt: Chainney,
Mrs, Harry Sturdy, Mrs. J.•. C.
.Stoltz, Mrs. Fred R.o.s, Mrs.
ALaurce Beau,,
Reeent visitors with ;,lir. and Mrs.
Ed. Davies were Air. and Mrs, 'Alva
Jones of . Los Angeles, Calif. ; Mrs,
C. Sutherland, Jas, Sutherland and
,firs. Geo. Coleman, of London ; Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth ;Muck and
daughters, Patty: Ann and Eleanor,
of Belmont. Mrs. Murat., who has
been visiting her daughter - Mrs.
Davies, returned home With them.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. McDonald of
Toronto -spent - the---week-end- with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig.
"Why Do Protestants 'Worship?"
will, be the sermon 'subject in the
irriug Sunday.
flier. C. C. •1'ashingtoii will• make.
reference to some recent • happen
'robs recorded ,in. the World church
newsof the .day.
Bible Socfety.�-The. annual meet=
ing Of .the Bible Society wits hold
in the Baptist • Church on Sunday.
evening,. with •the pastor, Mr: . C.
C?lark, in charge and Mrs. R. J.
Phillips presiding at the piano.
The speaker Was Rev. C. C. Walsh-
ingten of Knox United. Church, who
gave an impressivemessage on "The
Bible:" . 11e stated the Bible was
still the most -read book. The 'Bible
Society wa' orgbnized -in 18(11 and
the `Bible is now printed in 1000
languages. . A solo -was rendered
by,. Miss Evelyn. .11.aithby. . The
president, Mr. Jail, Raithby; took friends in, Viktor of Mr.- and Mrs•
ac sice�. u � '
� r •lar_
•'Ori the Broadway of Gode' ich
' ovetubcr nieetixl.g sof the • VV', i,S:
of Knox Presbyterith) • Chureb. The
President, " Mrs. W. Good, presided
and the meeting` was opened with
'the Lord'.s Prayer. The devotional
period was taken by Mrs. - !ley
Deer, who also offered prddyer. The
ehapter in the. study, book on "The
(Church in „Korea was. taken by
Mss. \Yes, 13raduoek. Mrs.' Jack
llrtilalu contributed a reading and
Mrs. J. 1Ipuaton read a letter from
Rev. B. 4'. Aud•rew, tili,siona•ry in
British Guiana, telling of his work
there. • „The roll- call was )responded`
to • vith a 'verse from the book of:
Luke. The offering was received
try. 'Joan Little. It was .decided to
hold the December meeting a week,
earlier. • 3jx , F. 0. hlcliveen, lst
vice-president, took charge for 'the
election of officers, which. resulted
as follows; Honorary president,
Mrs.. W. T. Robison; past .president,
Mr's. Edgar Lawson; president, Mrs.
W. _Good; 1st vice-president,, Mrs,
F. •0. Meilveen ; 2nd ,,vice-president,
Mrs. Ed, Davies; secretary -treas-
urer, Mrs, J. T1ii11€1111; assistant;
Mt,* Fred Ross; home helpers
secretaries, vlliss' Minnie 'Wagner,
Mrs. Roy 'Deer.; welcome and Wel-
fare, Mrs. Edgar ' Lawson ; "Glad
Tidings," Mib. Gorden Dobie; liter-
ature and library, Mrs,,. J: Houston ;
supply, Mrs. 'H, Govier, Mrs. J. W.
Graham; flower committee, Mrs. A.
Rollinson, Mrs. J. C. Stoltz.; pianist,
Mess. J. Ilouston.; assistant 1lUrs.
Don Maines. Ladies' Aid president,
Mrs. W. Bradnock ; secretary -
treasurer, Mrs.' E. •Lawson. Mrs.
Daer gifer'ed the closing prayer. The
hostess/ assisted by Mrs.' Stoltz,
served refreshments. '
Silver - Wedding.—Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon' McClinchey, concession 3,
East Wawanosll, observed d their
t. enty-fifth wedding anniversary on
Saturday, when, a dinner was held
attended by their flintily and 'a few
friends from St. • Catharines; Clin-
ton and, Auburn. 'During, the:••even-
ing- the bettered couple were pre-
sented 'with a china cabinet from
the family, and gifts of silver from
friends. • , . •
On Thursday. evening Mr. and
Jigs, Everett' Taylor ;entertained
sonie thirty -rive neighbor,,- and other
charge for. the business. The ecre- .Met linehey. During the evening
Robert' Turner , expressed good
wishes 'to Mr.' ai.d Mrs: JIcClinchey,
end: _Mrs. Jack Armstrong preented
'them With a silver -casserole.
fresherents were •q,rved:.
Mrs. •J(cClinchey' Is theformer
Lillian . Auclerson', daughter of ,Mrs. the . missionaty program, wi °:.1Li.`,
1�'illilllarAnderson, ,East • 11'nwauosh,
,Newton leading in prayer and Mrs:
and the . !ate 'Mr.. Anderson.til. K. Atl re►sartini_ rending the ' Scripture.
\1 ('1iVtlist^ is. tits cclti of �Ir:;. John, others eon 1vital ting , tea dingS' were
M4'('1inehey, East °'t'1'awanosh, .and . leis, 1'. Palmer,, C•b'reetltali
the hay Mr. ' JIc•('linches. The mar-
riage w11S solemnized' at. Kn€tx• t n-
att•a Churchhili ,o _ Anhni;n, 'in' hev.
tory-treasurer, W'ni. • •Straughan,
read the ipinliies of the last °innu:ll
meeting And stated -that . ,y177,15
was raised last year. The follow-
ing -officers were 'ele-cted : President,
Mrs: Gordon Traylor; vice-pre'i'dentj
the loc°itl-`-elergy; . sect' Lary-freas-
tii•er, Wm. Straughan ;-eoilectors---
Alihurn,' Thos. Hallam, ,l. lin Y ung-
hlut ; Donnybrook, \1i'-. C. ,Teffe•r-
.,,n, 'Mrs. Arnold• Cilli;;' : Westfield,
Janette,- --Cobk : °.West
Wawa nosh; ` 1Vnm, Stewart'; l: est:
'CVa..9n,osh, • :Mrs, ,i•'Yank Nesbit.,
d,t we l :Ifs 'linc•lwy; gravel rood east,
'Miss \ i•c,1a , Thompson,: • 1If•s,
T,etherian,l'; 1 ;tir . (1) lec'sr'icin, • :lltir-
ire - �,'.
r• I I•
,1 11 1 r
1 (1 •
11 tri 11
1f i
t it
11!111] -
h lila , I.a. e Lino. l[c>tl•rt 7,ei,hlil;lil
lra,rrani'0 TaTil); JIr= (_lark offered
the c 1,1sing• prayer, •
Officers: Mus. 7. ,W.
son, •ellow life; .Qisve East
Wawanush; and - orae - sister, - Mrs.
Worthy, Vcrw, r, Godericlx,
Clinelley .bas two, brothers, Uenry,
East- Wjlyauosli; `idnley, , .uburn-
lityth road ; and three sisters, Mrs.
Charles Jefferson, West Wawauosh ;
3;1i:s, Charles 'Robinson, Wiiigl im.;
,and Mrs. • John Potters Parkhill.
Mr. and Mme. McClinchey are 'mem-
'hers of 1 uoX United ' Church,
and airs. K, Langford, Walter and
Donald 'Spent with Mr. and
Mrs. E. J, crew artha.
a' Miss Grace Lobb, Stratflard, was
at the home of bei,parents, Mr: and
Mrs. Inert Lobb, over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, 141acDopajd, Tees -
water, are .visiting Witb.?M1, and
Mrs. Either Potter and fan -illy;
The funeral of UP. ,George Ginn.,
Was held from' the Hoimeswille Un-
ited Chulich,�on 1onday bull was very
largely attended.. 'The sympathy of
this conimu(uity is `extended to the
.bereaved "fa3njly.
:1Ir, and Mia. 13111 Airmstrong and
-baby Alan, Bayfield, visited with
Mr. • and Mrs. Ewan Moss - one day
Iast ,week: ,
Jf1u and Ralph I
p.1a;ri iAsen, of
Pointer's Ni}1,. bpeht-';the 'week -end
with Mr. and Mrs• lit:Heard and
Mrs. Harrison.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Trewartha-
have as their guest this week Mrs.
George " _Mcllwain, Godurioh -toren
ship. •
Mrs.... _ Lawson 'woodcock, London,
was a Week -end guest, with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mid;
'j,P;U. Meeting. • --. The Y.P.U.
meeting held ' . Monday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.iienneth
Trewartlla was. well atten(ied,~and
was in, charge of the citizenship
convener. Alex. Glen. The Scrip-,
ture vas read by'Betty Stock, and
Rev. M. G. Newton led ill prayer.
An . interesting topic was given , by
Dewar Norman, Business' Con-
ducted .by Kathleen Hoi%nes, presi-
dent, inch -idea 'a report by -Kenneth
"J rewartha . on. work done„ by the.
play committee -in procuring a three -
act play, Song Molts for the group
were ordered. The ' ..next Meeting
will be held - in the ,eh'ur"ch base-
ment on -Monday evening and Will
be directed' by the culture, commit-,
tee. The • gathering .enjoyed ' con-
tests directed, by,. Alex: 01eu, anti
sang "Auld Lang Syne" before dis-
persing. _ •
W.:�'LS. and • W.A.—The W.M.S.
and 11':A, Noyealb • nleetiu ra . were
heldan Tuesday 'at Mrs. S. falter's
tennis. Mrs, Ewan', Ross. pr Tare('
Mrs. (". Wilson, Mrs. N. liter(' •u lad
Mrs. 1't 0,udinore. • Thi;, :stu,dy book
chal)tgr was taken - Mrs. ltosst
'\t It. ;lilt. , :+ttict� their_ ttinrritige. *During the W.A. meeting, ctnidtlet'ed.
.t hey hart')' lived on the •farill - the.; 1)y the i,rer-1 lMnt., Mrs. W. Norman,
1141 nc•cni)y. Mrs 1tt r gave. • the, bazaar' tin -
They liaVe ', filniilv oP ~seen 4ijci01 -report, showing grass re-
I1:'hf,rt .•a1it19 Mrs,, George. Hogg]'(i illi$ of `$18:;,f)1. -T'porr Mrs. dew-
('1:hien,. Blyth 11'illilwl, who is t:;ll. acmggeytion" it tures• agreed.
sailing:..Jt•wt•1,,Anrrnan, 'lh,lvia: u-m.i}}`that tt coin•mittee.:-be aciclfoinftt -'to
.1- el ' a 1 110111e. Mr.. - 'Alec'inc•hey 1.
til t'lilirc {i stilts' cif o;hce fon the
(=rah;tm i;ave. her home , fer, the has two brothers Thothas Ander- 1 aniiiiill election ,of oflieert�. '\1rs. B.
Trewartha,. Mrs. N. ,ie0. and Mrs •
E. Grigg were ch(sen as the coat.
xuittee. The W.U.S. also Limed
them as the con:matte() to pfepare
a slate AV • oil cets • for 'its ' eleet4on.
At the conclusion of 'tile bUsinek.
discussion an appletiziug' lunch •was
served by the hostesses, Mrs. Walter
;ma Alrs. Quclinore:
•W.1tii.S. Elect, The November
Meeting of Upion 11•,1►i.S• was held
crit 1Vediiesda.y, November Sth, at
tiie home of Mrs. Itiehard Porter,
with ,fourteen: present. ` Mrs,..M:nrry
I uller was leader tor the devotional
period, the- theme of which. -was
'(inc•in Christ." The order of ser-
vice •given:• in the. Missionary. Month-
ly was followed, with several mem-
bers taking Part., 'Mrs. Forest Mc,
Clure, ,the president, had charge of
the =business( lt' *as decided .to
pack ail, bale of 'good used clothing,
.,il'oniitions fors-sanie7 to be brought
to -the neat sheeting., -Rev. D. • W.
14'il1iains clpsedd the meeting with
prayer. . After- they` pl1te :of'' 'elle.
nieeti ig, 111r,.'Villianis ' took over
fOr the election of officers for. the
coming --year, with • the following
result: President, Mrs. William
Porter; lst • vice-president, Mrs.
Harvey Fuller;, 2nd vice-president,
Mrs. Austin Fuller; secretary, Mrs.
Fred Naftel; treasurer, 1M2s. ,Rich:
a'rd. Porter.; Missionary Monthly
secretary, • :irs. Jas. 'Young; flower
nc1 treasurer, Mrs. Forest -Mc-
Mc=Clure; firt'ahnce committee, Mrs. Wil-
Bane Porter, Mrs, Fred Naftel, Mrs.
Richard Porter, Mrs. Gerald Orr,
Mie,. William Puller; auditors, Mrs.
Williams, Mrs. George McIlwain.;
press secretary, Mrs. Harvey Fuller.
A dainty lunch was served by 'tile
hostess, Mrs:. Richard !sorter, us-.
sisted by Mrs. Grigg. '
A possible gauge as to the volume
of Christmas business that will be
done bx, Goderich merchants next
month is the 'prediction in oast
week's. Financial Post- which said,
"Santa Claus and 'the business of
Christmas giving promise to be big-
ger business in Canada this year
than ever before:"'
.011 1s—found in Canada in' Al-
berta, Saskatchewan,, the °North-
west Territories, Ou-titrio,, and .Neap
61 •11
Ask • for it either way ... both
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Go 1erich '
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kt:ly�w 13: t,,«,V 3 1
enized milk is processed ' so that
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