The Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-11-09, Page 6GOOD CROP
Varmers all across Canada Tiave
barrreS+ted . a bumper crop. I'm
Qxis'`have: beet as favoxnbie in
so many parts of• the nation,
• ,Na.ture was kind everywhere, ex,
`Cept in the Prairie Province. ; here
'Sepxgiuber frust struck a .heavy
:Wheat' gtand,
• ,,,,Nor axe prospects foss ,selling 'this
11,0u1).tif4 crop unfavorable. Heavy
demand for • ngricultur,al products
111the de estic :market continues.
)eef exports to the United -States,
are large and profitable. 'Canada
'has v`etaii}ed, ;and is not likely to.
;1ooe, '•its position 'as' a major ex-
porter of wheat. Not only are large
quantities Veing, moved. to market,
but prices are good and farm income
continues high,
Since early in World War I1
Canadi€ix ..faxiners have been prio-
r dtiieing at. a high level, 'states C.I.,L..
Agricultural ' 'News.' . Ea.4ept for
apples and potatoes,.' , all produce'
has found a ready market. Hely-
ever, rvthin the past tett .years the
'agricultural picture h;ts changed.
Crop acreage and numbers of live-
stock have been altered to a.uit -the
nNecls.�. A,,t the cixtd•• of the war•
praiItrction was'"i'tintling • at a ;hih
level. To meet" ,peaeetitne needs!,
Certain changes had to be made, and
were made in full stride by • Can -
radian •farinas who, at the same
time, produced as much as before.
An example of this was Alberta's
post-war change from hogs to grain,
Feed produetion on farms is now
more °versatile 'than 'ever before.
Application of fertilizers to ii eee't
crop. needs periu is . rchanges •olu
one crop ;to another. Protection of
crops and • livestock with new pest
control chemicals also protects farm
TAILOR _ - South St.
_Phone 171 -
Specialising . in ladies' ° and gents' tailored -to -measure
• suits and coats. „ •
,.: Alteratio k and' repairing.
--' Evenin `b 'appointment
investments—in machinery, seed and
The transitional phase of farming
has not ended. • llisue changes can
be expected end farmers must' be
prepared to sleet thein To de this
they will nee4 all the tools at their
disposal itnd suppliers.* Must see
these tools are available,
CREWE, Nov. 7:- .lir, and '.Mrs.
baulene Hanson of last .7`awas,
Bich., were weekend visitors With.
Mr. , and Mrs. ,S. Kilpatrick and
either reia'tives in: the'eoxnwunity.
Mr., tinct• Airs. Wilbur Then and
fiiiuily, of Auburn,:' were •Sunday.
visitors with Mr. • and 'Mrs. Jack
Messrs.:Tont Culbert, Chester and
Riaymond Finnigan were in London
on Saturday. ""
A social evening is being -held thi
Crewe rschobl • on Friclajy evening.
Everyone is welcoin .,,
W.M.S. Meeting.e ladies of
Crewe W.M.S..'were invited to the.
home of Mfrs,, M. Shackleton, .Dun=
gannon,, for their November meeting
on. Thursday, November 2nd. Eleven
ladies were present. In the absence
of the president; Mrs. R. Finnigan
took charge of .the meeting, ,Which
Mowed the prepared program in,
the Monthly: Mrs. S. Kilpatrick
g4ve the, concluding chapter In the
old study book. Mrs. Shackleton
led in prayer. A solo was • sung b
'Mfrs. Rivett. Reports from several
of the *heralds as well as a splendid
report of the Nile sectional •1tKieeting,
were . given by Edna M1cWiiinney.
The meeting closed`• with a hymn
and the Miizpah benediction, after
which the hostess served refresh-
inents. .
DUNGANNON, Nov. 7. -There -is
a good deal of controversy .these
days tri this community with regard
to that letter received in the plait
calied,;"tax bills."' . What; and •,just
so many shopping days till Christ-
teas. • It, sort tal;.es a Wallop at last
summer's wages. . • • '
Mrs. R. Caldwell is visiting 'for a
few days with fi,iends iii `Goderich.
Mfrs. , kelvin heed, Toronto, Mrs.
littlest Sherwood; of Want„eouver and
Mir. and -Mrs. lIalry' Sht>t'woocl •sof
Exeter visited with Mrs. Reed and
Girvia last week.
Several Women's Institute Mem-
bers of Dungnn:n°on-spent Monday
evening. at Blyth' at the gathering.
in honor of the golden wedding of
Mr.and 'Mrs. Lorne, • Seriingeeur.
Aiiiofg:.•ihose froth this district were
Mr.. Melvin Janes fund his mother,
Mrs. Minnie Jones, a schoolmate
and friend of Mrs. Scrimgeour,
• •firs. J'. Killough is visiting for a
few days with tier daughter, Mrs.
Wmt Kelly, Seaforth: • 4.
..Mrs:' Robe't • Stothers and infant
daughter, Mary Kathleen, are visi-
ting the fernier's ,sister,. Mrs. Wib
McLeod,. Kincardine. '
To Celebrate Golden, Wedding.•
Mr. and -Mrs. Rich. Finnigan, who
recently retired from their farm on
the 4th concession of West Wawa-
nosh and moved to. Goderich,• are
next Tuesday celebrating their gol-
den wedding and will be at home •to
their friends aftexnoen and evening,
Relatives -who- will' attend from- 'tx
Yd`is'tance are Mr.' iindq., Mrs. H. • R.
Bailey and daughter Margaret; of
Oak Lake,',Mauitoba, who arrived at
the Finnigan• homestead last Sat
llr day. .
Anglican Guild:—Mrs. Thos Park
entertained the'Ladles' Guild of St.
Paul's Anglican Ohurch An Friday.
afternoon ;at her home( firs. Tien
Miole, Itresident, was in the obeli.
Mrs. Lorne Ivers read the 70th
Psalm. 'The roll call was answered
by payment of fees. Plans were
continued fpr the bazaar and •tea to
be held in November. At the Oc-
tober meeting, held at Mrs, Ben
Stole's, print was distributed for
making artieles for sale. sirs. Toni
Young_ gave a reading, "The Beet
for „Christ,” At the close ofthe
attertthon Mrs." lark, the. hostess,
served . refreshments,
Dies, Suddeiziy,-4he sudden 'col-
lapse and death of Mrs: John Cris-
piueforinerly Jessie Stothers., teach-
er at :Lucknan,v, on Sunday; came as
a .distinct shock to all in .this• dis-
triet. • We extend our syampathy to
her family and friends, Mra. Henry.
Horton of the village is a sister and
Mr. S. B. `Stothers operating the,
farm on the old homestead; 6th
pneession Ashfield, is a brother.
Congratulations to Mr: and M•rs.
Thigh i ieWhinney, to • whom a son
,wa,5; barn at .Alexandra Hospital; •
•Goderich, on I4os ember „ist, and to
Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Maize upon
the arrival of their son at the
Wingham Hospital on November
5th. •
A Unique Honor,—Mr., Thomas
McCann, retired(' farmer, 4th eon -
`cession of West Wawanosh, enjoyed
one of the most largely attended
,birthday parties the average person
could ha'Ve. A unique and well
planned party was developed by the
-thoughtfulness of his only sister,
:Miss Carrie McCann of Clinton. as
a surprise party in .honor of her
only- -brother's eightieth : ;birthday:;
This. took . place on Saturday; No-
vember 4th,at the parish hall of St.
,Joseph's Church, Clinton. Further
plans followed, and about thirty-
five. neighbors took up , °theeidea
of, patting on a roj.l-brick siding on
Mr. McCann'' house atter he h4.
hixrxself completed .,Shingling- t e,
roof, displaying marked .agility' at
Ids age. At the dinner' at Clinton
Wove i 7verett Finnigan and Ex
Walden 13rowrz Stnytll prof oseci
'toasts -and. at' tbe• conclusion of
dinner 'ars. John Chisholm, of Dun*
gannozi; read an address of 'con;
WESTFIILD, :Nov. T.�-fir. Ciar.
enc Cox has returned home frond
Londyn. • where he spent the . past
three weeks in 'Victoria Hospital.
Mr. and M•rs. Ernest Snell and.
Ronald were at London en Tuesday.
Ronald had, to have' his-,huger••oper-
a'•ted on, it having been knocked out
of place while playing 'at school.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Marshal,° Stone-
house, Mirs, Frank Campbell and
Miss Winnifred Awerei at London. on'
• Mr. and .°Mrs. actward Campbell
attended the temperance • co1>.vention
at Seaforth ,on Tuesday.
Mr. John Gear of Kitchener is
spending this week with Mr. Ar-
mond, McBurney and other friends.
Mr. and . Mrs. Elmer McDougall
and family, of Branchton,, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Douglas
Mrs. Fred Cook spent a few days
last week with her daughter, Mrs:
James : Boak, and Mr. Boak .of
Crewe. " • •
Mr. and.:Mrs. Wm. Walden visited.
over the week -end with .•Mr, and
Mrs. Frank, Harbors of Hensall.
• Mrs. J. Kiliough of Dungannon is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alva Mc-
Dowell an4 ,other friends. ••
Miss Mildred Thornton of Wing -
ham and, Mr. • Elwood. Miller of
London visited on Sunday with Mr.
and •Mrd:.., Harvey :McDowell. -'=roll at: Ilolmesl1lile at �,0• a.m: on
Guests at' the 'home of Mr. And listed d for
Mrs. Charles Smn•th oix Sutday.
were Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh Smles- h C t d"
MTS, and Mrs. Mac Smith;'of Moles•
"worth, and Mr.' and Mrs; Benson
• hackletq�I i nd family, bf 'Dungan -
Mrs., Walter Cook spent a 'couple'
of days• last •week frith her sister,'
liebhaie�-•.�and ;[lther4iieniis-
at ',Myth.
• Mr. and Mrs: Wm. East' of l=ion-
don ` and Mr. and Mrs.,4Godfrey of
Nile visited on Sunday •at • the home
of gr. and Mrs. 'VV�n. McVittie.
• Mr. and' Mrs.. W. A, Campbell
attended, the celebration Yof the fif-
tieth wedding anniversary of- Mr,
and Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, of .131yth
on• Monday evening,' .:.
Rosea in 'November. On Thurs-
day afternoon, November: 2nd, Mrs.
Frank. Campbell picked two .lovely
red tearoses in her :fi'o:wer garden.. •
..Messrs. Alvin Steell, Don Shell
and Edgar I ewatt . attended the.
•Rale of registered cattle attended
the farm
of Mr. John Carmichael of Green-
eod. Mr, Edgar Howatt purchased
a cow:
-Tenth Anniversary..—On Moncday,
October•'80t•li; Mr. and Mrs • Ernest
Snell celebrated their' tenth wedding
anuiversa.r;1• and oil Sunday evening
a family gathering was heM at the
home of Mf°. and' Mrs. Marvin Me -
Dowell in honer .of the oceasion.
We •e, -tend congratulations to the'
hu.,,- niarrieci couple:
Farm FAram.--The members of
the Zarin ;,,Ebrum feud that •frrst
meeting on Monday .evening, at the
home . of Mr. arid, Mrs,. • Douglas
Campbell. There were. twenty-two
present, and two group:',- were formed
• to' discuss the topiq, "Who' •should
pay for soil conservation?" Graeme
:VicDowell 'Was appointed secretary
for the' coming season; • with' Gordon
McDowell as • chai-nrnari•, 'The social
activities wei°e, in -charge of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas•. Campbell. .The meet-
ing next Monday will be• at. the
home of Mr.and Mrs. Walter Cook,
with Eileen Taylor and Harold• Bos
Than' as the social' leaders'. ' Lunch
was- served ,by Mrs. Douglas Camp-
bell" and, Mts. Frank Campbefl.
• Latest geological ,report from Ot-
tawa shows Alberta has .reserves of
about seven and a -half trillion cubic
J14 studeb;ker Commander tjti,te 4 -door ecden • •
r A whit. Mona SIM tinge optioni4-on-aU- nodelest extras•
a '
al\S 11' COUNCIL
Godericb,, township Opened the
Court ofRevision on,the.assessmeut
November 6th. Therte were twenty-
six cases is e to come up
hearing, and Dilly five cases • were
dealt with before t e. •our a �ourn-
ed •to Wednesday, ,November 8th. at
7.30 p.M., -aned if necessary again on
theu.Slth:•.. ' A
Council •Meeting °
The regular Meeting .of the COUTI-
41....wIlSiwid_tlit.aam duat 1.30
p.tu. .
• R. R. Bellinger was present from
the Department of• Lands and. Fer-
ests toexplai�n the.deer season_ to be.
.held in• this township on the: 16th;
17th. and 18th.. • '
• It was -decided that only residents
and •taxpayers would be eligible to
obtain a " license from the Clerk.
The licen fes to be sold to the .first
who 'apply until the .•'supply • is • ex-
..A bill from' Len 'McGee forTdam-
.ages 'to''his----property iritis water
was referred •.to.:•the Road • Superin
•A'.bill from Jas. R, Stirling for,
payment of the members •of the last
Court of Revision witslaicli over for
the _itivastigation.,,of'.;the. Beene;
Ily-law No. , setting the,:dates of
nomination and ' election,• if "fieces,
sary, was filled 'in' tied given the
final reading.
Nominations' will be field on.
November at' 1 p.m. 'and. the
_election, •if one is necessary, .will be
held' on December 4th,
'Tile Cleric was instructed to 'adver-
tise in the papers for tenders -for
the snow -plowing of the roads. It
WAS „felt that two trucks should be
obtained,' one to • operate `mostly in 1
the Goderich section of the Town-
ship and the:other in the Clinton.
section. 'It was also decided to call
for tenders for -ar bulldozer, to be:
used at the:direction of the Road
Superintendent. All tenders to be
in the Clerk's hands November
14th. ,
The .fallowing •accounts were.' pre-
sented: and ordered paid :' Miss Ach-
';eson," rent, • $5 ; h rnest' Townshend,
one heifer• destroyed,` 05; Reg.
turdS-,; livestock. • evaluator, , $8:;,
Chas. E. Wise, telephone loan, $700;
Signal -Stare supplies, $105; Muni-
`cipal World, supplies, $1.01; County
-of Huron, 'indigent hospitalization,
$3$ ; Reeve; Clerk and Assessor,
Selecting' jurors,' $1U.; "Charlie "Orr,
three : pigs. ,destroyed, ' - $51'; Alex.
Weston; one lamb killed, W.; flames
V. •Cann, one dog ' destroyed, -$5:;
direct relief, $36; Superintendent
payroll No. 11,.$32•44.70. ,
Council fid jouriied .to meet' Qn,
Noveinber .15th at •1.36 '''
R. E. THOMPSQN, - Clerk...
LEFBURN, Nov. 7.—Mr. Stii ling
Fulford,' accompanied by his. bro-
thers, -Cher: of Pittsbiirg, Pp.,.
and• Louis, of Goderich, and Mr. M.
Hornblower, also of 'Goderich, left.*.at -the . ,. k=end•-or ' u" hunting -trip
'trip a .
to North Bay. v..,.",
The „November meeting of the
peel nrn..,. W:1kt.S.. will -be- heldl-nett.
Wednesday afternoon, November
15th,, at • the home of Mit.- Wm. •
Sa1Tows. A bazaar will; be held.
and eau member is,,asked to bring
Canadians own more than 'two
million.. motor ,vehicles `of all kinds;
according to ‘thifi Year's vehicle-
feetof natural' gas, with new wells
being discovered regularly..
*,gum G
5 �gNE�.•Nll
*i465ORfitiDER TODAY
by`BAG Or 'BULK!
n' TSo1d ajl'_
Edward Coal:
Phone 98
�.��`r.!x/,�•,`.,!?,�.},,''` �`;:, ;.fir; ? .�YY,a`.''.
11EY'RE here today in all their gleaming glory! Conte in
and see them! The styled ph,ead,, engine ied ahead', en-
a d irii ig(y1y . holt ne51 Stndcb kers i
arc's a grand:Abu,' bu,' Studebaker. Champion in the Lowest'.
Price Be1dT `iter
"e;d :a brand new high-e#heiency Studebaker
t mmatntder V-81 , A •{{.
r. a .• .. _. :... has
a ;". ,these ii4trae.
, .1(110'ro•care all Canada has hers w•aiti1 for,
tiliely pxitretl new, 95J, Stucicbakerst And they're aniaziti ly
saving of gasolineLthey doer', reo ure,,ptrjetriiiiunt Aids! t
Coma; an and see what many :niliione; of do1larSworth of
'new designing, new tooling, new production •faexhti<ee have
you hitt these :remarkable new 1951 'Studebakers!'`
brought to
• Tho'
' a ' far-atl.•vanced,new era earn that 'Cloquently'c press A
bakers . rat'�tuide to the ahlie for .a •sueeeos without ...
Studs g
., p
parallel in• modern automobile history t •' • :•:
i ll andt+'kealrrokt
•'T1xc�y`'re here for yotx right now! stop. �
are remode'ihn our show room on North Street we have to clear our,.
;�3ecause we . �� •. . a •
. •A your o ." ortunity tdget a fine : stove 'just when you. need
�resenti stock there. Detre, � .� dip y` "
g, • . gYcold.
it, ,at a . big sarin �n oo�t, Our stack is not large but what there is of it must tre
It will. a o ' to' 40t quickly to get' the best selection. „
Call at, outs, R'amiit6' Street store and,wo ll fake arrangements to ,show' you the
doves at Our l`larih.tre'etihor R o ,
stock of s" ` • . r..