HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-09-21, Page 1•
• • • • •••• • • • l• ", • T
]03rd VE,A.R •
, -
Nbvir Valuation Attaoloci by GoDERIQH BAs
Township, of Grey ana ANOTHER
Town of Goderich
APPeals triitinst the eetinty: ea-
sessn3ent passed at the June Sitting
of the County CouncU f Haron
''Were heard .at the Court Hoiise
WS week before Judge T. )11.;
.Ceetello. the Evening Auxiliary of.,North
On Monday the appeal '''of the Street 'United Church held an en-
• Gedeeich reverts in etenclar
ame Sundek, Oetobeee1et, t
2 a.m.e-NOT the coming Senday
as IneSenne raunteipalities.
,• k ° r e
Town of Winghani was ruled Out, eeeaelepot-luc
• church hell on Msappela fh
olidae evening.
, the time allowed for appeal having Vie president, Mrs. R. W. Hughes,
elapsedp There :remained the aP- led the service of worship and in -
peals of the Town of Goderich and troduced the new study book. "rest -
the Towuship of Grey. . war Japan." An, informal discus-
, Ceneasel representing various don op, Japan followed. - Scripture
• inenicipalities ere:, -It: C. Heys, 'passages were read by Mrs. E.
K.C., for County of Huron'; Frank Weaver and Mrs...J. T. -Anderson.
Donnelly,K.�, for the Townships Several .itemsof business were
of Hay and •Stanley ; E. D. Bell, diecuesed., MrS. E. Harrie was
Exeter, and. W. G. Cochrane, given- a Vote. of thanks for her
Exeter, for Clitean, Exeter' fled Chrietmae- .card workduring the
•Be411, op,pocsing ibe appeals; •Vs past two • years and 1VIrs. 3. T.
Etuntee for Goderich; II. Glenn. Anderson was ePpointed the new
Hays, for the. T-ovenship of Grey; convener • of this work. Mrs. F.
3.• W. ,Bushfield, Winghein, for the Noble appealedfor co-operation
Town of Wingham. with the senior W.M.S. in a cloth-
. • R. C. Hays, K.C., subinitted that hag 'drive for Europe.
the County's position Was that a Mrs. M. H. Stephens waS pianist
fair and equitable assessment had for the eyening and 'Mrs.' C. . M.
been made. , Robertson made an urgent .apPeal
K. Hunter, 'fah Goderich, and for helperin the work of the
H. Glenn Hays, for Grey, were Sunday school.
agreed that the appeals .be heard
seperatelys towhich .the court
assented, and the appeal of the
, Township of Grey' Was ;,launched.
• Township of„ Grey Appear
+,, AT KNOX aliugoli
inipeessive young peeple's ser-
vice was hehl in Knox Presby-
,' /es
tereen Church on Sunday •evening,
with Robert Bisset, jr., preteching
the sermoM Robert it enterin,g on.
tteeours4` at the. University, of Tor-
onto iu preparation for the •Whit.
lestry of thesleresbYtertan Chi:trete
"the cengregation a:t this service
honored him with the preSentation
of gifts, 'Mr: George Schaefer, on
the' assesement, he "took . a. ,ceess-
cseceiot 'of the towns,hip. He did
not eenew .of....sity place hie Grey
, In presenting the Appeal H. Glenn assessed too high.
- -Bays etate d 'the grounds on which Mr. Alexander said he (lid not
it Was Made. The assessitent was use the Mogg and Quinlantirepert„,
done in moet instances by a "hlack, his..set-up was under the Depart-
_ elelalc„'" the yordstick Which sets: ment and he eou1d nbt -arrive at
out the various types of property: the -same. rieSeSeinent. as they had
It is approved by the Department• you- eXadiine ,all the farms
and is'furnished to all assessors. •in Gree?". asked H. Glenn Hay's.
.' A' large majority •ofthe penal& 'o; all „would. mean every one,
panties, • said Mr. IlayS,. Used this There, are 912." "
book; uii the assumption that the On Wednesday, IL •C, Hays, Kee.,
assessment .so. Anode weuld bethe called theassessors of MeKillop,
basis.- The Township of Grey eom- Stanley and Ilowick to verify cow,-
' plied, • the aesessor used the book parative statements of their town -
and • Made a return •oft hie roll. on ship assessments with that of GreY,
•Npvemiie,r. 'Atte,. 3,049. The 'time), foe, but in tie 'exhibits. ,
the return was 'generally. S.eptembee Assessor Hanley,. of Stanley, .csaid
30th, bra Olive is a previSion for he• examin,ed proeiertiee, in Grey
an extension of time, and Grey was
• granted eixte days in which .to
coniptere the esseesnient. _
•Besidee .usiug ethe black book,
,a, •sors are eeturred to use yards
aeai aisle to. the Connty •aesessor
leevember 30th. The cafds were
not---teleen by Mr. Aeeetteider
-behalf ' of the 'sessions presented
him with a pible; 31r. Glen Lodge,
for the Sunday .School," with
hymnbook; 13rown for the
Young Veeele'a Society, with a
club bag, ,and Charles Haw-
thorne, , foe the • choie, with a
travelling clock. Both Rev. R. G.
MacMillan' and those presenting the.
gifts peld, tribute to the fine work
Robert 'has- been doing in these,
branches of the churcle's work.
In hie fine addrees -he spoke of
the work .of Young People's So-
cieties It •Presbytery, Synod and
Assembly. His text Was: -I be.
seed), you therefore, brethren, by
the mercies of God, thateye present
year bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptakle unto God,. which is your.
reasonable service'.(Rontans
Broivn Milne Was in charge of the
service, asSieted, by 'Ted Nelson:
The'chOir sang the antheni, "Hymn
of the 'Homeland," by Sullivan.
Robert left ,on Monday :to enter
upon his University course at
Toronto. .
that date, said Mr. Hays. '
Again the Court of Revision
, . Jamairy 9th, etentinued
Hays: teeleompleted assessment •roll,
and cards were ,available. In, •the
interval between January Oth and
W' June 1st the CoUnty assessor could
• have•fnede objections to.the aeeces-
ment liefoee the 'Court of Revisioe.
Certain municipalities had net
felhewed-the black book yardstick,
and the County es.eeesor was forced
to. leaking an assessment; iu Blyth,
'Maris and Goderich, wed -Used an
, estimation basis which .neceseitated
increase or decrease from the roll.
Grey's chief ...complaint was that he
-did that with Grey' .rather than
let it rest on the prescribed system
which Grey had folloveed. As a
result, of being subject to the fur-,
:ther estimated vtiluation the assess-
ihent, of , the towuship Was -raised.,
• To 'Frank Donnelly, K.C.,' George
, Wesenberg; assessor for' Grey, said,
he followed the Alexander ,.systern
..but made some mistakes .in build-
ings 'and beeause Of thae the
County, asseseoe did not accept the
aseessment, ' The aseessm.ents of
eeven. properties were reduced by
the Court 'ofRevision. . •
John McNabb, Reeve of Grey
for fifteen years and assesser -and
.collector of taxes for six years, and
Percy Ward, member,of the Wovyne
ehip Council, were cane* This
closed' the 'caee for the appellant.
n It -C. Hays, K..0; Called George
-Carter, assessor' of .11iillett, who
. gave comparatiye statements of
.a.sseseinents in .Gree and Hallett
and- in 'each caee.declaeed the as-
sessment in the formee , was fair.
Count Y Assessor on .the Stand
pn • '.puesday, . County Assessor
Alex. Alexander was on thestand
all "afternoon. .•
In reply to R."0. Hays,
said'. that the . obsolescence:, fer
'Coderich wae.set'at'zero; Wingham,
Seafoeth, Clinton and , Ilacetee nt
ten per cent.; villages at 20 per
cent. e loeation of farms onscoutity
highWase 35 per ecent.;., on tinpaVed
county roads, 40, and on toWnsbip
roads, 45 per cent.
Ile had the opportunity of going
-.linen-id in -Grey, flullett;e:NISKillop,
Ilowick and, Stanley to make a
valuittion of land in • relation to
, those prpObrties set out finder the
Toweshib Of Grey. ;Lists of pro-
, perties in ell'ese municipalities Were
put ill exhibitee- -
The reperte, were mit in the hands
. of . the Comity „Clerk on 'June 1st.
, • •
thatewtie deneateequalizatione
eotimittee was set up by the Ceiunty
Connell. The members :of it did
not -heteefeee hith bth'
Goderich Shocked
by Sudden Death
of T. "Rills" Wheeler'
The new e that, came on Saturday
morning that Mr: J. It Wheeler
had died during .the night at Lon-.
den was redeived by, citizens. with,
shocked eueprise )ad deep concern)
especially as it was not generallY
known that Mr. Wheeler had not
beeh in the best of health. Mr. and
Mrs, Wheeler -had gone to 'Louclan
on' Friday to. visit their laughter,
YIrS. Owen Smith, and \ early Sat-
. ,
Town empleyees have: completed
the laying of eencrete • Wailes In
variouseparte of' the town end are
linW engaged' in 'putting in-curbing-
ae directed by. the Coopell.
Sidewalke have been c.onetructed
ase follows.: 'On the . east . side of
Gibbons streete.from-Raglan eteeet
to -lefitatinia road; ,011 the corth•
side..)of Picton,•street;, teem. Welles-
ley to W.ell.ington ; onethe. ease side
of Cambridge, steel, -from BritaaiL
Ida read to -Oxford street. ,
Curbing is • now Ander et:instruc-
tion on both sides of West street
between -Waterloo. and Wellington
urday moruing Wheeleepassed
away in his sleeo,. from heart
PAID Russell Wheeler ,was born
sixteeseven years ago in •tbe town-
ship of Morrie, a IsOn of the late
Mr. and 'Mrs.- Lawrence Wheeler.
He had lived in 'Southampton and
Kincardine- before eoming to Gode-
rich. thirty year e ago to- engage in
the furniture and -undertaking busi-
ness. • He was well -known in
church, fraternal and sport cireles:
Ile was an /leave meinbereofr,North
street 'United' Church and of the
church choir._ A member and bast
president of the Goderich- Left:
Bowling Club, he was well kfievvu
on many Western Ontario greens.
As a young man, in 1905, be was it
member of an all -Canadian, football
team which played 'a visiting
Brown; as a mark of deep ap-
British team. He. held membership
Maitland Lodge, No. 88, :A V preciation for A wonderful day -on
and A.M., and in Huron Lodge, the • SiciPPerl*"
No. 62, .1.0.0.P., and was •a member "
Grait 'cargoes yeceived ,the
podeeielt •elevator tlae. past week:
?Sathrday, Starbuck, 100,000 bus.
Wheat; Sunday, Walter Inks,
115,000 bus.. wheat e Tuesday, ',barge
Owencloc, 221,000 'bus, oaks and
The barge bwendoe was in tow
Q the •str.'Brigoldoc, which went
:Oet.Off to,
Good Rad,.on
On 'Sin:Walt- next itnox. Chureh
harter Ni
will celebrate Iled 115th anniversary
of Presbyterianism in Goderick
and :specie smelt s.lhise been Pre-
., • -'---- k. • 1
With ' litty-Six 'eharter ' members Pared fo.r the :ficeasions, These eer-
ivices wilidhe at, the usual, hours,
on' its charter .,night, 'Ooderictes
Junio,r Chamber of Cenetheree set at, abtAantier7vile)e.ms "'i*Litinle tte'l);'ire4Itile
an all-Onearia'eecerd. Harry AllenS A. Ian, Burnett, M.A., of.OettaweVa:.
of Galt president of the South Mr. Barnett came • to Canada frbin
on to a Lake Erie pert with her -Waterloo Ander Chaneber Of ,C0.1;as,
own eaego. ' i ' .. merce, told the Godertch Jay Oeee
The Howard( Hindman is dde at at their charter meeting et the
the elevator .en, Simday. British Exchange lietel 'on Wedues-
,. The Imperial Cohourg was in day night ' that so nianP charter
this morting with gasoline for members on chatter night was a
Imperial Oil. * feat unpai‘alleled by Jay , Cees, in
Perch are rupning again and al- Ontario. e . -
ready anglers have been here from There was an attendance of al -
St. Marys, London, St. Thomas arid most ninety At the banquet meeting.
other points. Minnow's are • rather They included representatives of
from a distance would do well to
scarce here and anglers coming the. Ltons Club, Kinsmen Club, Can.
:Legion, . Town ,Council and
bring their own bait. Board, of Trade. Jay Cee i'epre-
, Work on the C.P.R. bridge on sentatives presenta from other
the harbor hill is at- a standstill centreein Ontario ;limbered Omit
for the present,, but, will . be re- twenty-five and Were -from' Toronto,
sumed as Soon as steel arrives. It
is hoped tb have the work cont- Barrie, Windsor, Chatham, 'Galt,
pleted In a eliort time after the 'Chided. Brad Heintzman, president
Hespeler 'end Preaton. They in -
necessary steel comes to ,hand.
Miss M. Hamilton. Brown , of of the Toronto. Junier Chamber of
Commerce, and Gordon. Plaskett Of
Toronto, well known as,a visitor to Toronto, president of the-S'Outhern
,Goderigh, silents aelneeat the, harbor Ontario region.
yesterday end 'enjoyed a long trip Ghat speaker was Forbes A.
"Skipper." This morning a• note Rankin of Winnipeg, president of.
on the, pew MacDonald launch,
came to Mr. and Mr. Bert Mee- the Junior Chatubers -of Commerce
Donald with a nice gilt front, Mies of Canada.. „Dr. .Walter M. Little,
preiident of the Godericlf Junior
Chamber of Coihmeroe," was formal-
ly presented With -the charter by
31r. Plaskett of Toronto and, witb
a a gavel' by ,IVIOryison• Dee o' cif
Hespeler. .
ands -past- treildent . of the- ellenesee BEFORE .1:,tiE MAGISTRATE
. -
tun,g Canoe Crab. • . • •
Besides • his wife, the former • Pleading guilty• to a drunk deiv-
. . .
Ell'iabeth Reementin,, he' leaves .ed ieg'elutrge befere Magistrate D, E.
'felines this (Thursday-) morning,
daughter, Mrs. •Smith. (Gertrede),
And a- grahdsou, of London.; .a•nieee, Alex. McRae of Port .Albert wae
3$1tre,- seee,,nat weeseon- -ee.--eyeeleas given -seven -days in- • jail, ...hie -track
(the- former.Irene Bowniat)e,two seized .'aud impounded, and hie
brothers, Stanley and Gus Wheeler, driver's licenee. Suspended for three
and. a sister, 'All'ii. E. Belle all of mottles. Po -lice stated that yielthe
Brusseis-..• • . i„ was • asleep, at :the wheel of his.
. There. was a large, .attendance -at truk . on the . Square on August
tlee.,funeeal .service - at his residence '31st„ Withthekeys in the ignition
sin. Monday afternoon. A profusion , switch. . McRae said. he was. not
of floral 'tributes • .surrounded - the drivieg . the treck when the police
caeltet, tiMeng them .being ' those acco.sted 'bine "He picked- a poor
emu, Noeteeeteee,e, united., (tem:ea, spot to go, to sleep," commented.
Ma Maud Lodge, A.,F. . en'd ' A.11. ; :Viagietrate Holmes. . •
Huron Lodge, LO.O.F.; Meneeetung J oeeph Chisholm. • of Goderieh
and compared thent with those com- eetreets. • Curbing is. .to . be can- Canoe elide- Ghderich LaWn •IiiiiV1- pleaded . guilt -ye -to a . eharge ofe di se
paraide in eStaidey.. Ile said they estrueted •aleO on Victoria steeet In Jug. Clebe Ladies' • Lawn • Bowling orderly conduct. ,on the Situare on
were comparable on a fair and even front' •of the • Gooderbani .I
P -a -Y.- Club, .•and, ...North isteeet. Uaited 'September 15th and was tined. $10
• Jitmes McQuaid, McKillop ..asses- street,. betweet Kingston street' zufd conducted by • Ite'V.,C:. W. Cope il!nd '
Church ,choir. • -The - ekervice swits and mks.'
A charge Of asstiult; occasioning
basis.. - ,"..., • ,• • . .1 .• grotued; on .the east. Side of .Stanley • . %
sor, . 14;11:Ve .a eintilar Opinion.- Ile Elgin avenue e.on the eaSt ,sicle of •
Mr. Glen Lodge sang the solo "Be_, liodily, harm,' agalest Lloyd Torvey
seid -.there • were 'more stores lu Waterloe.. :street, 1
eetWeen • 8t• yond the •Siinset." . Burial. took and John Littlewas, disniiesece when
Clifford' Coeke • .assessor ' ,for
Howick. said , time the assessment
of Rowlock was higher that that
of Grey. •
Argument on Grey. Appeal
Aroinnent by' counsel was heard
at the afternoen session.
11. Glenn Hays, counsel for Grey,
submitted that the asseSSment• of
the tewn.sliiP,"A050„615, vvite -Wrong,
as it ,could hardly be 'otherwise
when based on admitted :mistakes.
The people of .Gtey were going to
pay more than they , should.
Tilde Was an increase of 118,591
to be takep off Grey, Which coalld
be apportioned among ether
Mr. Hays csaid that kr. Alex-
ander. ,had cerried out difficult
thsk, wiele the assistance given him,
to the very bese °this ability. He
would not ,attenapt...to, put the blame
for apy,...mietakes on anyone in.
partiehlar: ..•
The•people of Grey,,he aubinitted;
should not be 'Penalized on errors
made and the 'appeal.,,should `be
. " •
R. C. Hays, K.C., stated that the
County had endeavored • to bring
the equalization of the assessment
up on 'a par with any. in Ontario,
and, to get each municipality to
bring in• cards. All bad complied
hut one urban centre. •
' Mogg and Quinlan (who mede the
last --previous assessment of the
county) had endeavored to be fair.
Naturally '.there could not be a
perfeet assessment, As there might
be variances .as' affected by events.
The Township of Ashfield, .since the
Mogg and Quinlen ,repert-wae tbe
site of a large airport. The b-uird-
ings haeLheet removed, the subsoil
and the land is•now unpro-
ductive. Therefore the townehip of
Grey Cannot be compared with Ash-
fie/d. "We are' coming under a new
system," and he thought the Pro-
%Iwo- 'evatild 'eventually appoint ear
assessment officer -to supervise all
assessors. • '
The black book • may he adopted
soon as the yardstick rfor the Pro -
vine, flay § continued.
Frank Donnelly., ,K.C., -argued the
riekeseand-NoIsraest reef e • on_theasetaeee_eeleh--ellesonee-eieeeeeehreeeteesa tie‘ pie int iii. led K 1100
at . 0,c1 e , of 'Colborne , street, be cemetery, the pallbea rers ° being Teee'evater• • failed 10 aPPear m
tween •Churcli and Nelson' streets.;
. Min Hoggaith, Chtirlee M.' Robert- coarte The alleged incident , occar-
red on August 8th during the Vein -
ton ol0 boys' reution.
on the west 'side of Colborne street, son, floward McNee, Thomas Den -
between the Sqttare and St. Pat- ,neees+ ea J. Pridhant and . Peter
rick's street; on the is .eitle of Bisset;
:McDonald . street, .. 'Britannia, ; to 1
Raglan. . ' • 1 CIIANGE OF .PASTOR FOR
NEWS FRams zity tARRox 1., „, KINGStRIDGE.• PARISH
. • Coeo-ere Win gots to Mr. William l•
Bishop of London, has an -
The Most Rev. John. C. Coey,
Munn of _Seidel*, - Who „ made ' his. i ar)"' '
nounce*d .several pastera appoint -
meets in tile elloeese. Among these
are. several in this county. • '. .
. Ieey..Edward P. Weber,' of • KinH
koraeiS ;named pastor of St. James'
first ..solo. flig,ht at :Sky Harbor
airport : this eveek.
Mr. •Keith Hopkineeti carried 'out
some night flying from the Goderich
airport ',thiS. week and marks. the
first flying after dark that ha e been 'Parish' Seaforth, nrade vacant .by
the recent death of Rev. Thomas
carried out 'since ..the eloe.e of No.
P.•1Iussey. : .
12 •.E.V.T.S. • •
Rev., Thomas lee C. Donnellan, of
31r. Charles Thomas -of Brussels' -
St.. Josephs perish, Kingebridge,.is
is the firet 'Person wh,o reeeieed his -named •pastot ' of St. Petrickte
pilot's license at .Sky .11aeber under. tiaelah, Kinkora, and Ree. -Cameron
the Government tx.aining program' Feedeeick., • McMartin,; assistant
to Own .his .own ,aircraft. He re;•-ipriesteat St. Anne's parish, Wind:
cently:ptirchased Piper 3.4 eery lseeoite.e ,pastor .at Kingshridge. •
Aircraft' from 'Sky' Harbor' Visited
Nenettult Felt Fair laSt Week. As
were ' helpful with eugges'tippe,
Section 39 of the Act was the 'basis
of hie instructiohs to the assessors.
Last year was an initiation year
° for the new assessment and he felt
10.50 would^ 'iron out the rough
• Pipets and bring valuations to a
reasonable standard.
As: far as his job was Concerned,
Mr. Alexander said he had no 1010
to grind in the equalization. Ilia
alin was to get 1)SseSsinentS 011 ali
:equal. basis.
To H. Glemratays, counsel for
Grey, Witness said the instructions
wore given by the Department. The
, black book hod tis' .atilgtick. Was
' compiled by himself with, iugges-
tions from the Department of
Municipal Affairs. •
- Thirty-one properties .were Picked
for itAsesstnent,:elght of Which were.,
%tillage propertie.s. In' beder to get
4 • 0
well as barnstorming, a ',parachute On Saturday.; :September 9th,
performance ,evas made,. the jumper ••
Dorothe Jean, daughter of • Mr. and
being Mr. Stewart Lucas. • • •
ee • Mrs. Harold Jelmeton, Port Albert
• •
" became sthe bride • of.. Kenneth Ed-
. •IIIGH COURT SITTING ward Sowerhy, Ged•eilch township,
Chief .Justice. lelcRuer of the "in a ceremony at the Bempiller
High 'evert will. preside. at the persenage, the Rev. Mr. Harrower
-court sitting to be held here next
weekecommencing.on Monday: FOur iofficiating.. The bride ,was gowned
actions Are' listed, two. with jury. *t- white satin, princess style, with
chantilly lace „trim -and a short
and. -two vvithont jury. train. • .Her fingertip veil was, held
by a' seedepearl coronet • and she
Arena Opening eel -elect crescent bouquet of red
roses and APhanotis: ' The' groom's,
e Big-tnne. Affair gut to the bride .was ti. doulele
strand of pearls. Miss, Marie John-
. ston, sister of the -Iericlerevvae her
, Hap Emms. and his • poWeiful attendant, wearing tnauve nylon'
Junior 0.H.A. Barrie Flyers will over taffeta and carrying ti crescent
be dishing hp sparkling hockey bouquet of , yellow 'and mauve
entertainment in -a top -notch- ex- gladioli. Murney Johnsten„ Gode-
hibition immediatele after rich township, was groomsman.
official -opening' ceremehies_ at _.the ,For reception.' at the. British
Goderich. . Memorial 'Arena. in Exchange Hbtel, -Mrs : Johnstoh
October: Date of this event will *ore an aqua ,b1u-e dress, black ac-
he either Oeteherioth. or 2.01...b3 with cessoriee_and corsag_e_ Of red roses
finally selected date to be an- and • stephanetist Tbe .groom's
nounced later, according to Arena tnother wore a powdee blue dress,
Manager' Lem° Wakelit, who is with black accessoriks,„ and corsage
of pink roses And stephanotis.
----For -a-'rip -Ottawa- the- bled
evore a blue gabardine. suit with.
black accessories' and ti -,orsage of
rubruin . The conple Will live
in Goderich township.
* • RO.SS PENNINGTON, thanks for Ihe eemarks of the guest
-Frank • Skelton moved -ea -vete of
Aot,s L .
. • .epetiker. ,
Preshlent Speaks„ •
ber lete°, 1945, With the iNarional ur organizatien • is ofr 'to. e
Employment. Office here. left on
Tuesday for a post at the Natiolial
Employment Office„ Riehmond
street, London.
• At London he will be an employ7
ment and,, clahes officer, grade 2,
e promotion. Ross has been with
eheetacal National Employment Of-
fice since hiss -discharge 'from the
Eseee Scottish, with which .regi-
ment he served for six ,years over-
seas, ',three, d't theee-. years as a
Prisoner of War. • Ross - has -beet
active as a member of the Canadian
Legion in Goderieh and ale° in the
_Kinsmen Club, ef which he is vice-,
president. .' • -
For .National WelLiie, •
"We are not a groep Of met
interested in.' a single .pothmunity
or a single, province, but it the
welfare 14.1,,,Capadit at large," stated
Mr. Forbes 'llapkin, mational..peests
deet. AS young' eine'n, "the .,back-
bone. of ;elle. natien,". JayCees were
ba1l0 frpo'h ,to witness, the "tippers
ea complacencyeXisting. across
Nnada." 'Stating that ewe accept
but, do not 'appreciate- what Canada
has to offer," the Spe.aker Called for
.display. of true, 'Canadian Spirit.
One of the dutieSof Jay Cees was
elle(' as "preventing' eultVereiVe
elements from gaining a footheld hi
Canada:: 1 -lee onteined .prograni
the Church of S'eotlands
now minister , St. Audio -Vs
Church at the capital, where, a
few weeks ago he' officiated' at the
funeeel service for a distinguished
nitniber , his' Congregation, the
late Prime Minister-' ,Mackenzie
At tach service.the'Musie by the
choir will be abgmented by soloe
by Mr., Ronald Stewart; the well-
khown voealist.'
. After the evening service oppor-
tunity will be given, to meet the
guests of the day at a social gather-
eng in the leetueeshall of the ehurch.
On 'Monday evening the anniverS-
dry, concert will be given, with
sone by Mr. Stewart aid instru-
mental music by , the St. Marys
String Ensernblee
Details of ' this anniversary 00-
casibn are ivet in ,an advertise-
ment on page 6 of this paper.
pLANN-En. karIviiriEt
- The .Liene•Club of-Goderich plans
O eininber ofeactivities as the -Out-
come of „a recent "PrOjecte and
-Antiyities" cennaittee meting:
• Tuesday, Oetebet
lowe'en, eee a large kiddies'
cartital- We• new __Memorlai-Airena,
•for children eof Publie school and
pee -school ages.: •Prizes . will be
given for ,fancy dress,- skate. races,.
apple ducking.' etc. Children :eke
asked,.....wheee..,Peeell?lea.'te:,..COMe, in
costume' .and .bring- skates, -tiff
ohildren withelat skates,or coettmes
in -that age group. will be welcome.
A therge- of .25c per :adult will he
'made to -,defray the rental of 'the
arehae. the children will. be admit-
ted:free... A:large elrees-parade wifl
leave the _ Square at ,7.3(). Pan.,
headed. by the .Goderieli Blue Water
13rtess Band. This ,par' replaces
the frolic formerly sponsored
the bantr organization..
by whieh' this could be done. -There ()thee projected activities,- are a
810 too few., facts available about Christmas „fair ad binge to be
C in (la for eCanadians and,. i 11 leld In. the .Town 'Hall at .8 bile,
reside half -tenths :• 'and. .distorted Wednesdayi; 1)eeetilie1.,;'13t1ee ethe
Slatements ai•e' 'being wee by ennual Lions Club skating' cernival
within Ca nada to harm in ...Feb Ina rY, and tlie-• annualUM-
• . . iner carnival in the :Jitditt ,Geoder-
anasta," etated.
Mr. Rankin suggested that ethe- hens Meindriae Playgreund the night
G04eeien.',1e1 e7ees set up eeenodel eer eteedee tete t)ni]; cojobrii,. od
V01.111pi1 and .discuss the seme',•pro-eleerritinion Day:. ,
disi(nril;casi -P.R.E
. .
conn.cit to address •noii—iind then • CLEAVER BY P S STAFF
the modor ,c.otiocit. • .
eA. (1111 lining tea was held by the
. .
teaching, :staff Goderich public
Syhool • at ,the eeheol• on. Tue.sday
afternooii in honer of' Mise.
Cleaver; fernier public .healtifnerse.
flying start and it ie. up to each _
Miss, Gertrude Sturdy .peured tel
end every' one of les to keep the
, at a prettily appointed, table, as -
ball rolling faster and fastere. .
by eeveral of the teachers.
elated Dr. Little. Ile explained the sts'et.'
Prueepal H. 31,.. Shackleton: ex-
purpesee of the 11111101 Chamber :of
preeeed. to Miss .Cleaver the ap-
Commerce as: (1) To .. provide tem of the staff of. her work
lettderehip training and ether self e Preci!-1
..se„ee. in the • sehools, and 'presented her
deVelopment activities for ""e'e‘vith 'a, gift. Miss Cleaver' graciOus-
men so that. they 'might be meee expressed her thanks for the
valuable qo .their enaployers; (") 'Y •
pre.senteeion, .and for the co-oper:
ation' given her by,-• the teachieg
steff in her work. - ' • •
• leer big • cabbage, See 'Arthur
Town Conned Has
Quiet Night with
ouiine Business,
The TOwn .had a brief
session (in Tuesday night. Ail the.
members were present
4. request frOni.-a.. Baecliler,
that n'eepeent sideN4,41k, be laid ^on'
Waterloo street froin. St. Gleorge'S
Crescent to the nertIC.end., of Water.
leo was sent to the public works
Committee. To the' ,same committee
was sent a complaint ,from *Timmy
Shearer that his ear was 'Splashed •
with whike paint by Town workeatie
when they were painting a pest at
!the corner of I•Thrth street. and . the '
SciTu,har:.:Cierk.• 'r''eported *fourteen
building Permits -issued, with estim-
ated. costs totelling ,$9,545. 'Lorne
Bowler 'took -out a permit .for it
house on. Britannia road, estimated
cost $5,000. 'A permit issued tobE-
Breckenrielge was • for the re. .
inodelling of his building just off..;
the Square on 'Net th..itreetTIO :he
used ite a Show .room; estintated •
coets $2,200. S.. H. Blake is enaking'
alterations' to his house* on Cobo,urg
street,--Dther-permitS -.were issued.- -
to Oernard Frank, Keays street; .
Adam alacAdant,.sCameron,• street;
Mrs..; Ethel 'Vance, West :street;
Mrs. 'Gordon" Vaiastone, IIincks
•street;', Clare G. Martin, Cebourg
street; 'eej. E. • Robertson; Elgin
avenue; Thos.. Dickson, Newgate
street; Mrs'. IL Duckworth, Victoria
street' Sarah' A. DonglaS (two:
_p_ereneteh is *urea street_ and. Films,
.beth street; Mrs.. Robert 'Cooke Me- .
Donald 'street.
An applica•tion by Clifforil ilugill''
for -a permit for erection, of' a.
ceinent ot :the Huroneroad wtia
'Teta eet. te, the- fire 'conntitteeee .... • e
.• The requeSt ef the Canadian-
stitute the,131,ind for permission. •
'to hold it tag, day on October 14th -
wilAst'igreansqtueidr.i- from.. ‘11.1tron • L.odie,..
I.O.O.F., .as whe•ther the use•of
the Auditorium .of MacKay.. Hall_
Could be _obtained for meetinges. ofe
the lodge, and also for meetings of e.
the Rebekales, wasereferred sto the •
public works committee, '•
The shadow of the Kre.mliii has
extended 'even to Goderieli, • ante a.
ptee (eye defence wus submitted
•by the Provinciel St...ceetary aud
referred to the special chrunaiteee,
on the , recommendation of the
, a no -
Public worit
a.ttachment for the, Ford treater.
will be ureliaeed froneethe Domin-
ion Road Machinery 'ompany. The
Mayer and 'Cleric were 'authorieed
to approve'the plans of the Central
Mortgage and liotheing Corporation
subdivesiOn 'adjoining Blake street.
Ernest .1. 'Craig. was granted per-
mission to operate a mobile refresh-
ment stand on the *blare and
within one block of the Sqeare, the
fee to he $40 annually. , •
The l'ublic Commieelon
will be .asked erect a street light
on Colborne street . between '• St:
Patrick's street and the Square.
The Town has $70,000 of hands.'
fon sale—$60,000 for the new. water -
tower', and $19,00(1 for 'the new
arena ---and bond houses will.be in--,
ieted eubmit tenders.
, • „
:seessor. wasenetingeinen. areangiege all the_details. The ev-
iler. The -Criiss.-Section taken *ii7g-positihn teanr td be ea:nether
approved by the Department. The
errors were not euffieient to upset
the whole equalizatien:
At -the conclusion of argumene,
judgment was reserved by Judge'
• The Goderich Appeal
cappbal..147.,the Tawnwpf,..Gode-
tic against the Codiity -assessment
Of $4,321,518 was then taken up.
t!„);(vii was $3,202,040.*
liunter, appearing fer the,
Town, outlined the grounds or ap-
peal. ,Objection is taken, les the
whole principle set out in the "black
book ;! to the arbitrary clasellicas
flail of eoneinunities as to •obsolee-4
•eetire; to the use tor the County
assetement as- ile'basis esttitete
of valtuitiens made by John Wig -
nail for the Town fnit not accepted
by the To‘'Aril, The T,own centends
that, tire cards used '1)Y County
Assessor Alexatidet are wreng. In
Many re.4peets; that ' the variottS
assessinents .in .the County eysteirt
were Pot preparedi on the same
basie, and that the*Town Godee
rich le asaessed too high in relittiOn
'te'other mnnlelturlItIes
The hearing. witS adjOurned fbis
1.21itirsday) afternoon td be re-
sumed on Monday next:
Junior 0.1I.A. ,team, 'yet to be
decided upon.
.The prees gondola is now' under
conetruction and will be completed
this weelt. In the gondola at' -the
opening -night 'hockey metch. will Jee•
the world's most *renowned •hockey
hroadeitater, Foster Hewitt of Tor-
ohto. A play by play broadcast of
the game will 'be Made at the
yea" id onl
Foster Hewitt. Little Miss Toby
Reeler of the 'Granite Skating Club,
Toronto, whose. popular peeforei-
anee here last, year is remembered
by many., will perform between
Dignitaries will be Ie'esent for
the opening ceremony from dis-
tance, but these namee are not to
be inthle known until a later date,
.iteeording to Jr. Wakelin.
OD October 24th the arena wilh be
the swede •of 'the most speetacular
iee show ever eeen in Goderich—
the International. Tee Revue, with a
troupe of 'fifty professional skaters.
It is a parVof Barbara Min PlICatt's
big show that tOtired Canada last
seaSon.. • retitured star' will be'
Eileen Seigli, *United States Olympic
skating- star, who wits a' partner'of
Miss Scott in the "Showboat" num-
ber hundllywood.
The regular meeting Of the senior
W.M.S. Auxiliary of Knox Church
was held' on Tuesday afternoon in
the 'church parlor. The Scripture
lesson, was read by Mrs.. Con,
lAsset and •prayer was offered by
Mrs. J...Baker. The business part
•of the meeting. was ,conducted ity
the president, •Mrs. A. TaYlor, and
the Varioussecretaries' reporte, were
read and dtscussed..-Mrs. Redditt
gave be , topic' from chapter , 5 'of
the study book -on Kerea; she also
.gave, some interesting notes. from
the -Hamilton anti London Synodical
annual report. Mrs. Taylor gavo
"some ..interesting highlights of the
Presbyterial meeting held 'at Blyth
on September 12th.
• • \
The regular. meetings of Beta
Sigma Phi restimed on Wednesday
at the home of Kay Holmes. Owing
to ' the illness of the president,
Hazel Wilmot oceepied the chair.
Plane. Were made. for e "get ace
quAinted. party" to be heid October
4th,..for rughees. °The cultural part
oVetire 'program seoraelleer,Inerge 70t7
Kay Haines. The topic veriss,"Tlee
Correct tree of Flat Silver." Aftet
elie' meeting lunch Wits served by
the ,hestess,,
to .help improve, and develop their
confmunity •and nation; (3) fellow-
ship. •
Personnel of four committees
were earned. but other committee
are yet to be set'. :up, Dr. 'Little, Kingsbury's garden on the Bayfield
Stated. . • road; town.. Mr. Kingsbury beought
-.Industrial 'prone:it:ion in Gode- one to this office a, few days ago,
rich," nsitid Dr. Little, "deserves. a that' weigbed .17:poends. 'It was
great deal of thought. This, is for the Drumhead variety, and the
primarily the job of the Town name somehow seemed appropriate;
Council, but we, along With the t
Board of Trade, have h. part to though the cabbage, Unlike a drum,
was .901k1 all through. Mr.
play,. too. We should' co-operate I Wry said he had other heads in
with the Board of Trtide -to obtain
good iraluStrial promotion, and,
if Ibis garden nearly es large. •"
Peter's a Saddle Hor
se and Nothing But
, • . • • „ . .
A one-horse end'eo, and runaway and. a -gnywire. He made . it but
wee tit on by "Peter the Great," the- earr didn't -and„ badlY smashed,
tem :.theeltee.
.With only. a broken shaft etill
elinging to hie' • broken harne.ss,
Peter tinned on the speed and
thundered over Goderiele streets 111;
Peter is a saddle 'horse with a. SOME?' pedestrians took for 'cover and
tendency for trotting. Became. others looked on he amnzement, The
this, -Babe Arbour figured he, might rennwoe included e. partial eirenit
do all right if hitched to a- silky • of the Sqvaire in his e.011rSe,. then
and driven• from McGee's barn to melted off and heeded:Tor the erode,
the Agriculturel Perk race track rihh Mandfaeturing Company plant.
Aftee. being harneseod and:hitched, After dashing about the lumber
Peter WilS being driven ,from the piles, tbe horse'‘Ats finally eaught
shed' when one of the cart wheels by. some puesuere and was led to,
caught an • the side. of the- doorelhee nee ttack 'where Babe •Arbour
Owned by Reg. ee. a a
day afternoon and ended with the
pursuers and the horse engaged.
in 4a game. of ,hide-andeseek among
the lumber 'piles at Bneceller's, 'ntill.
neca4sary, our -efforts should equal
or, better surpass their .efferts.
We are the young men 'of the town
with our whole financial+ future
ahead of -us.* We went Goderich
to go nhead and not be the same or
smaller in another - .fifty yetfre. •
"There' has been' mach criticiem,
of the Board • of ..Trade. Without
,saying much on MIA' touchy subjeet
1 would 'say, that perhaps little has
been achieved, perhaps mine*
through the litek of----mordirrated
effort, but there 'nre': many in-
dividual .members of that, organize
atioie Who have put a great deel
Of time and 'ooteof-pocket expene
into industrial, promotion. They
deserve credit, and we sympathize
with their .sense of frustration.
We want their, advice, and .we`will
unite and succeed.
Probleins _to,J13e. Considered_ .
"In the -hear - fate ee Moil' -het Ve
speakers at our meetings to l bribg
beforh us the problems of industrint
promotien, but few ef these pro-
blems May be mentioned at this,
t„im",e(.1.) 13e'f' ore selling the industrial-
ist we Must sell the people of Gode
rich. A man,ufiteteiter looking for a
eite 'will talk to the' than en the
street, the. clerk in the" store or
flififl$l10l mini gave way to fright.
1Te' gatherrd speed' for a good old-
faehicthed • runaway and left. Babe
far behind. ' • • „
eAppareittly Willing to try any.
thing to'get rld or the unaceustomed ;plated on lus baele ansl pranced,
sulky, Peter headed for' It narrow onerrily along the track -----back to
passage between a lelihoife' poS'ilthe saddle again. •
awaited.. Babe promised! 1N.ter he
wouldn't. try, 10 make g ilgrtiost,
racing horse out. of him again,
After ' A kies-andemakeenp episode
Peter eimsented to having a:saddle
. •
seeing the incluetrial- committee' -'Of
the TowneConneil, or theeBoard'of
nettle, or the Jenior (1114mb-eV of
'Commerce. . The people of Gode-
rich must want induStry and -web-
('mus% it, or it will not come -our
way. ,
'•i2) We must MI, room° bur
negative fltti-tU(le 8111 (itoderich ;
den't • apelogize for its shortcom-
ings. Let, us be epoeitive in lour
attitude. .
"(3),. Before we" can revolve we
Must gi VP. intist help Indust ry
with low assessment reit s, . rea son -
able taxes, good houeing
good piddle utilitieseZhedro, wator.
sewage and police protections goo4
• "(4) 'We Must better eeoderieh 50
that the youth of Goderich wilI
want to 'Stay here and ine able to
A .quiet Wedding took place at
the home Of Rev. lf: Lederinap,
Listowel,, on September 9th, when
he • united in enarriage Mary Luella,
daughter; of Mr. , Thos. H. Taylor,
Goderich, and the late Mrs. Taylor,
and Harry •.-Wilfred Regele,- son of
'Mrs. Cherlee 'lege-re( McKillop
township, and the late Mr. Regele.
vide was attired .in -a del -
mitt -1stue+ gabardine suit with
OCessories, and *ore a 'cor-
saA of. American. Beauty roses.
The couble Were unattegded: They
left later -on a motel -strip to the
*West Coast and on 'their- return.
Will reside on ' the groom's farm
in McKillop
make their' bread and .butter. here.
thenew Collegiate is built.it will he
provided .. with • a complete; triougb
not 'expensive. or luxurimi'S:..k•workt,
semp, for training onr •yeeth ifi the
teethes in • both de,e tied. night
classes. Industry in Goderich must
drase for the large part en Outside
labor. With little extra in-
vestment we . eonld Mr° -a simple
htit complete techn .Wfiltk'Slion
to_fen •11. not only woodworking .but
droughting,: machining, weic ng, etc.
have the skilled. men right here
lo ,Goderich 'to the- 'the phrt-time
belching necessary. A large factor
coetrilenting to the- estAblishmeet
of the new Gene -rah Meters plant in
,Iiondon. Was London Technieal
techodl.. "We van do the mine. thihg.
'on more, .eimple. •.sninller
"I have eedeavored to emelt on
few' of NIP 10eal problems.. facing
the Jay Tees. L wont(' tisk that
diseuesion of the prebleine be left
till our next regular nieeting, two
weeks from tonight. Wednesday.
Oetober 491.' -The hulletin • will
'meittion t1.0e0 emblems out] others,
stetteone prepared for the diecuseion.
11. Promisee ,,to.• be lively." , „
•. Was sting liqiite,4- with
Joe Kelly aceompatiele hi, the sing,
• "The Rise .of 'Christianity hi
'Korea" WRS the subject spresehtede
by Mrs. , John-' Pirie liter Monde'
evening at the Meeting ef the
Arthur,Circle in. Knox Presbeterian
Church. • Mrs. Floy-d ,Lodge wais
convener of the meeting and pre.
sided over -the program.' Miss
Laurel Lodge played a piano solo aS
part of the musical program. The
Scripture, lesson was •read by MrS.,
11.Injetkhse".co'urse -Of ber address,
Mrs. 1 Pirie .pointed. out that • the
people of ..KOrea accepted Christian -
it Y readily because of the p.ull be-
tween two religions already estab-
iished, ,one.the uncestral :. religion
of the Japanese And- the other,
Buddhlem from China: The 'Am-
efican Presbyterian Chnrch was
first to start a .ChriStierti church in
Korea -iii 1884 under the directidii
'eta medical missiopary, Dr.•AIlaxn
The first miesionaty from the•Cane
adieu church was the It-ev. 3.-
eloeKenzie of Cape, Breton; wlio
with the help of friends financed •
his oevn missionary effort North
Korea and. .wa.s 'able to 'establieh
a chutch there. It -1921„ tweety-
five years after, Mr. MacKenzie's
beginning, through the efforts , of •
the Canadian church the 'Kereen
church had gee= to !many ehurches'
the churches in Korea haye their .„
OWfl tative ministers 'and. misSiOn- •
aries and Canadian inissionarie$3.
,work with theme ueder the direction.,
of the Korean chnrch..• . ,
Mts. II. Rivers,' the .pii,setlent of
the Arthur.- ,Citele, gave. a •_full re -
part 'of`'elle Presbyterial rally held
in Blyth -SePtember e2t10
Teinperatures ot the past ,Weelc.
in Gederiele with those of: the
corresponding week a year-agos u.s•
officially reedfdettwere as folloWit
' • 1949.
'max. min.° stAx.
Thurs., Sept. 1.4 (11 57 0) 40
Fri., Sept. 15 -60' , 02 52
Sept. t; ..:58 43 70 55
Sun.; Sept. 17 ..00 41 '71 54
Nton., Sept. 18•,..72 h 50 00 50
'1 ue-iSept. . 05 53
Wed., Sept., 20 ..02 . 412 '51
Mre,. 8. Arnistroug, of Nanton,,
-Alberta, anumniceg the erigagenfent
of her Meter, Miee Frateee Iltydges,
of Nantoll-to atev., Andrew, Shari%
.rilso. of Nanton. The wedding will
take Once 011 Oetobei- ,