HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-08-24, Page 84. 5tti Tat awn {• • :.. :. iERB AND THEME.: ' 1 l yin 4A total. :Of �o`rn .., Fvaas ectet co 1 public •subscariptioxts, cin Sunday hi ' n the Square during the even .. g to o �1, • band concert. to help, defray ex-' . ,iexSes . •of- Goldrush bands planning to attend the Warriors' Dtay,Parztde • �J L'°' " laWS d Y The Goderich iteereatio" Connell is. planning a ''parents' night" at the J uditli Gooderha111 playground. The 'craft display and playground circrir, Mill be -staged -on -on Tburst r_ August :list, at 7.0. t'r:11t.- at tiv- ities cold gances'. will be •tlemon- straa,ted at, 7.15, aud,'t11t� '"playground eireus",, will Ate held under the ligiit'y at S.L.'5The children of Uoderien be the star per- fumers ,of the „evening, st all par- ents and friends are *vited to. at- tend, C"ogle., to the playground Atigust .:,1st fo•r a night of fun- With the children - The summer prograru, is rapidly dra'yvlflg to an end; and Manly re- sults of activities shouldbe 'neted at this time. Oar . ,August 16th a track and'field meet was held, with at, the' C.N.hi, . •boys', and girls participating. The results are as,follows; „BOY S • Races—Juniors- Jerry 'IVO, ; in. termediate, Bob Doekstader; senior, Gary ,Ross ; midget, Don McWhin- ney, Softball throw -- Junior, Jerry 'fast., _Too • late. he realized that Wall ; intermediate, Bob Dock - the carr' in which he should Tati'e Stader ;a senior, George Osmond. • placed the 11 irtels was farther high jump—Junior, Jerry Wall ; up 'West. street. intermediate, Bob - Doekstader ; .sen- ' ior, sen- • for, Gary Ross. Each summer several. hundred Pole vault—junior, Jerry .,Wali; • nuitorists stop at the Pillars on intermediate, John Simpson; self - Baron road to read the inscription ler, 13111 MacDonald. When he pliaced ' his patrcels in the wrong car by mistake and ''it droveaway before he returned to claim them,'Rev. F F. Gruhn, Port Albert summer resident, had to, do his shopping all over again. Friday of the plaque.. Of every twenty cars • that stop, an observer,has • ' noted over a period •of time, ine- ' teeny. are -from the I?nited States. The comparatively few Canadian Broad jump—Junior, Jerry Wali; intermediate, Bob Doclistnder 'sen- ior, 13111 MacDonald: The volleyball playoffs for the boys' athletic teams is now com- ears that pause are those of touristy. plete, and the winning team was the horn a distfince. • Indians,' captained by Wayne Ruffel United States tourists eridently ,find such historical plaques of coil- drawn en the ,sidewalk in the -park siderably ,store intere4t ' than do facing Kingston street. Canadians. :Incidentally, , do you • know, what .is. wrttfen en the his- The be'aettn light for night flyers torical plaque at the: Pillars? has been installed' by the Govern- ment at Slay Harbor : airport. On ".' Fare the . entrtafmriient 'of the clear flights it •can be -seen for "a group of elderly men _ who gather distance of. • about forty -miles.. It on the. Square on sunny. afternoons; was taken down •in . 1944, but' • is - a shuffleboard 'court has been . now replaced. • 4 acrd, . John Simpspn. Other players on , the team ° Were Jerry .A Buddy Williamson, Gorden •MeCul-,j• lough, Don McWhinney, Fia•rold Lamb and Tony 'Bedard. In the •stifthaal1 finals the Brush- ("uts, ciaptfined by 13111 MacDonald, defeated tate Yanks 11-7, Team nieuibers---Tom Thonispon, Arnold Drennan, Gurd Walters; Clayton �+tratir rltrtn : I <-McLean,,,.atebby� ,`'• , c 11111 St Than Woods, Erect •llia._s, g - and 13111 'Ser:•.iingeou•r• -The - final results for the boys' athletic "teams roi'e,.t1' that the •In charts-- - gathered the highest t(ttalL -The Yanks and Brusly -Cuts, were tied:for second pence.• ' Final standings --- Indians, 110 "whits; Brush -Cuts, (30 points; Yanks, iso -,•:points;; Cardinal's, • 51 Points ; Foxes, 31 points. - HURON PASTURES ARE 9000 I'asftitres are continuing to make„ excellent growth and cattle are in bine condition for this time of yea,}. Wet weather. during the fatter part o.t last week 'held up harvest,. ing operations. considerabky. Some .farmers have completed, threshing, while others „have still some grain. to -cut. Some plowing has been done in preliaration for fall wheat and already Agricultural Represent- ative Bennett reports receiving several inquiries concerning good fall wheat for.. seed. ' 47 MERCURY SEDAN 47, DODGE SEDAN 41 CHEVROLET COACH 40 STUD'EBAKER COACH 36 :CHEVROLET COACH 35MCHEVRp'LET COACH • '33 FORD COUPE ;, `d 29 FORD SEDAN, - 27 HUDSON GOAOH 37 CHEVROLET . COACH TRUCKS -- • 49 —FORD 1/2 -TON. PICK UP 46 FORD 1,/2 -TON PICK U1 • 38 FORD -3!rON STAKE •EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN • BORN ARMS'T`RONG.—At Clinton Public `hospital, on Thursday,• August 17th, 1950; to -Mr_ _and 'Mrs. War. 1). Armstrong (nee Maude., Me - Math), 3ayfield,,a son.. I3A:NKS.—On 'August 16th, ;1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Edward Banks (nee Nessie Mo •ries)', at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, a son, Gregory James. , CAMPBELL.—At -Alexandra • Hos- pital, Goderieh, on August 20th, 1950, to Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Campbell, Goderich', a son,; David • Finley. LILLOW.—At Stratford. General Hospital, On. August 23rd, 1950, to Mr.. and Mrs, U. M. Liildvv. (nee' Gladys .Colclough), ., Strat • ford,, a daughter.." _MaeLE.OD,—, .t _.Alexandra Hospit. -• 1, ' Goderieh,, on 4ngust 24th, 1950, to' .'Mr. -and Mrs. • Ernest MacLeod,. Goderieh, twin sons, - POWELL.—At .AleXand•i`a Hospital, Goderich, on • August, 17th, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. herb Powell, R.R. 3, 'Goderich,„ a daughter. •TEBBUTT.—At Alexandra I3ospit- al, 1 Goderieh, "on Atignst 18th, 1950, to" Mr. and Ars. • John Teb-• butt, R.R. 2, Clinton, a daughter, Patricia `Anne. . THE GODEUIO SIGNAL -STAR For . Results 13'OR S.1,1►I,J Bricf Extension ladder,, , play pens, ironing boards,, lawn,% chairs ,and tables and .,tub stands. M. N. ,lac Donald, lone 5813.• -1.94 Any magazine ,'"(111 ' time, any where. Mary .3. Howell, 4 St Vin- cent street, Goderich,, Wine 21� 'i'• 2btf • Verna's Beauty Salon will b' closed from September' 4th to 16th for annual Vacation. -33. The Junior Chauld.) *r• of. Com- merce will hold a meeting on Mon- this, August 28, at 7,30 p.m., at the British Exchange 'Hotel. . -33.1 Don't wait: Order now at sum- mer prices. g . s Readin ata- Famo thracite, Hamco domestic- eoke, Olga 1'ocahonta*. September prices. definitely . will be higher,, • Dean 'coal Co, Phone 95W, Goderich. -32 Donkey 'ball at Merxorial Park, Saturday, August 26th, at 8 'p:m., sponsored by. the' Goderieh „Kins- meti , Club. These donkeys are trained and tricky and have been entertaining ,large crowds wherever they perform: All ridden by local people. , -32 Clearance sale of spring and sum- mer hats at greatly reduced prices. Some very-ysinart white hats that will go • nicely with ce light summer dress. Others in black,' brown .or navy straws. • Nice hats to' finish the summer season. Phone 462, Miss M. R. Mac -Vicar, Kingston street. Y -32 A gentleman iS' n man who opens the • door for his' wife to carry, out the ashes: • VULCANIZING' 4 • - TO RENS A' Classifiod4. M. FOgIt SALMI. — 1938 Ii'OBD-, DE- . LUXE sedan; 1935 'Chevrolet coupe, both,* in excellent working condition With. good tires, L. MILI•ER, Goderich Concrete Block Co., phone •870'1V: 33x, F 'OR SALE. FOIL WHAT FIN- TS1}E1), ro'fessienal look -in church decorations,' sveddiug bou- quets, and corsages, see JACKSONS F'LURISTS, phone 105. ..- 24tf OR SALE,•• -,.SMALL C'QiFRt:- "'ABL 'bungalow bu alow on'. one-eig„ th. ng acre : of land in Auburn. Qonven- ient y situated, Hydro. Will rent i on fairly long lease, ; :Aliply' • to b DAVID) 1. McLEOD, Brussels, Ont, ,. 32-3X TO RENT. Sit APARpIENT FOR` couple or single persen in quiet home near Square. 'Phone 183, Goderieh. • • -32 FOR . UR SALE, house with water . heating ing, good-sized UTAWFORD, phone 984W. —= RED - BRICK hardwood floors, hot system, heavy wir- garden, .LEONARD b .Cambria road, • '31tf OR SALE,• -••'CHILD'S ' F PLAY - u` about 20 feet square; echild's high chair, good condition; ice refrigerator. Phone • 256 or ,write P.O: BOX 0, Goderieh. 33x FOR SALE: — ELECTRIC RE- F1t1U RATOJL ; Moffat range, heavy duty. .‘phone '248. -33-4 heavy SALE..—A UANTITI'Y OF F" @ . steel drums, $3' each. GODE- IH • CAR UNDERCOATING, Cambridge street. ' • K • . 33tf FOR SALE. --HEAVY DUTY, • electric rangette, practically new, reasonable price., Phone 852 1 F'011SALE. SAND, GRAVEL, top soil, general cartage,'court- eous• . service. • Phone 1057M, S. TORENT.—FURNISHED BED -:HARVEY,• proprietor. _ ` 30=6x ROOM with radio. Phone 897J. -33 YOB BALE 11,9I -t K S=ALE. '* VACUUI cleaner, almost •, new. 20 Tra- falgar street, phone 897J. ` . -33 Fon SALE.. - - •BITJLD,ING' LOT, -also` Rogers cabinet radio in go-od condition. JAS. GALLAGHER, 60 Nelson_ street, -32t2 OR LARGE ,. Coleman, "oil, burner, slightly used, bargain. Phone 102,R, - -33-4 14-10.1t SALE. _--- U)48 FLEET- - MASTER C,hevrolet sedan, $1,350.00 ,cash; • Apply ,JOHN PROU•SE, 13 Newgate street, Gode- rich. :FOR SALE. 15 ACRES OF. standing alfalfa. a . Phone Car- lowa 1806. -33 TO O RENT. Ft 1 UItNI`'SHED. apartment, .. large living -room, ,. living400 n;� kitchenette,• large b'ed separateentrancewith balcony, gi "rage. _ MATD--`HOW'ELL, 4 'St. Vincent street,' phone 213J. ' -32 TO RENT. • •FURNISHED apartment; partially heated, living-romo, kitchenette, large' bed- room,. MRS. - ll.. HOWELL, 4 St. V'i;icent, street, phone 213'. • -33 .'(l,TLTLCANIZING ON ALL, SIZES of tires .and tubes,. prompt ser - 1 vice. , 'e e New 13. F. . Goodrich ti es and. tubes .'always in stock. AL. IN•ti'MEMOIIAM FOWLER.—Ili loving memory of our darling son, Billy, whb passed away August 31st, 1949: ' The nlemary of his clear wee ways \'1'ilf linger . w•itli '• us all ,.our days ;, Sweetest, flo}Ver, too •sweet to stay— God took him home to • show us the. way. —Ever rernenibered by Mummy, Paddy and brotherlJlobby. 33X CAid* OI+ TI1AN1 S 1+ IF.L • St. David's street• AIRK. EAItL :-ST`E,\VA.it'J2 AND., `Mr. and Mr. .Gordon Stewart wish to. tender their grateful thanks ,cook stove and .DCI! orest C, oss- FOR SALE.—FERRETS, GOOD • healthy stock, effective rat ex- terminators. BOX NO. 30, SIGNAL - STAR. •32.3x SALE. INSUL BRICK FOR SAL house, furnace,, uttudw_®sI doors, all conveniences, gafrage and'. garden, on corner of Waterloo and • Picton streets. • Phone` 1027W.. • • 33tf O•R SA.L17+..--NU1ER OF PUL New LETS, started to laiy , Hamp. X Rock, Sussex X New Hamp. AUB'REY TOLL, Rjte 3, Blyth. Ring r34 •r 17. 33x F'OR SALE. — BUII DING LOT,. good garden soil. Also Arcadia battery radio and •a „Coleman gas lamp. - L. L.. WALTER,' Regent street. • 33x FOR SALE. — USED LUMBER,' sheeting, siding, timbers, plank- ing, Phone 1249 or contact GER= ALD SPAIN, East 'treet. 33.5'x PIANOS. — ' LARGE ASSORT- MENT of ' plain case , pianos, reconditioned, refinished, at the. Mildmay Furniture Store, Also five new pianos (apartment size),, best brands, reduced prices, at J. F. SCI4UE'I ` & SONS',• FURNI- TURE_ STORE, Mildmay. ,Free de: livery, P -33-4-5=6 WANTED. ° .. FOR . SB:LE. --= TWO BROOD sows and eight young pigs ; ' also sivall Shetland ,pony wagon. J'AS.. W13iTE', Huron road, phone. 723R, spun 'SALE. — SEVEN -ROOM frame house,' three-piece' bath; double garage,. situated one block south of High School ;' on Itatten- bury East. .Possession '.in .30 days. P a'RCY RILEY, ()iintoir. , 31.3x FOR SALE. —.1931 ,DU RANT, tires nearly new.. Will sell, tires sppatactely; ' IOBT. McCARE, - J It:, R;It. 4. � 32-4x FOR SALE. :inside - - panel •' doors, ' most :Phone 130 U ode> •' standard sizes., . U$NTITY. OF LIN , -32 phone 535. •-22 . h Nimamitiamaummv NO TICS Under the provisions of the Weed Control ,Act ' all noxious' weeds 'must be .destroyed:'' All .occupants of ' land in the County of Huron are hereby notified that unless all noxious weeds are destroyed by the 31st day of August, 1950,._ action will be taken as pro- -vided- by the Act. . :W1Vf. R. ,DOU 'TALL,. • -32=3 :, Weed. Inspector. Ammogionommomminh. ich. nspector. „rill • • m •'dern--classroo 'Ewery : f acril>lty' or : useless raining is P, o Courses o'ffe ed and textbooks used area roved by the Canadian. Business Schools, ' Associatioli. The Associatior's •eeam1ning body sets' all final , papers and marks them, Diplomas - 'are, 1`�COg'niZe across the Dominion. Member• school of the Association are •� located ated in cities, of Ontario and the Western ,Provinces. - ,• • The School is registered and. instructors approved by the Department of Education.. 'Inquiries received' by us for office workers last'yer' exceeded the number of gradu. ares, In . order' do obtain ' 'tst results, we• urge all: students 'to• corrntence on the opening date,.. , Se tember 5th, if possible. •` „ ttEGISTEATION WEEK . .. , , a invite s • W7i+ ,.{yam, ,a d y...{.y,,.k arrangements hi advance. .Our' whore' • wvil youto:Atu With U1.7, GYJ.16{�... make 1 g k tr. be o.. Ori dail from' 2 to 5' p,.rex, 'and on Saturday evening's • - •:: . p W NICESS O LEGE. �jjY �'{'�%�j'GEtlxl•�� '+��.'.1'RE t��'` �C�IyEE�`,�E'0's11�`E�•s 'TRA.I .,' ,,... .: __ ich. T XJaiDAY,' AUQI.ts ' "%'�tb1 lerKl clii.13EltrS BAKERY `TUE LONE OF TASTY, PASTRY': SPICEPUMPKIN CAKgS 30c each -with—butter creme iclag, ,Pies: -40c eac_. Raspberry . Made with- 'fresh . raspberrites • Bars.;...r3 3 for 1 Almond Fruit . d ' Cakes a specialty. . e din Anniversa 'and ' Biurth . ay, w a �', �. livered. , - Phone 4,05. "• Orders of.$1.00 and• over d+r .:, _,• .�A1j.4,,TION SA IAS • CT ON SALE OF i OUSE• AUCTION' MOLD. EFFECTS at H. ,Newcombef s, "q8 Britaniria. road, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER .9th. at 1.30 p.m. Chesterfield 'suites ann cnairs ; 8 -piece dining -roam` suite and'~china cabinet,; kitchen set ; walnut table; smoker set; floor lamps;, Magazine rack ; walnut pedestal; drapes; dinner set; odd' dishes, silver and hand -painted; crystal; , mantel ',block; white, enamel kitchen range; small tables;-- wheelbarrow ; pictures and other articles,,; s • • • H. NEWCOMBE, Proprietor. DONALD B. BLUE, 33-4- - 'Auct;ioneer. WANTED.. — USED BATHTUB, in good condition. , P.O. BOX 1 Goderich., a—__ -- 33x • WANTED., MACHINIST OR toolmaker.. S T R A T F,O R I) MACHINE & TOOL COMPANY, 341 Erie street, Stratford, Ontario. -33 JOODWOBKING MACHINIST, break-out mna'n, 'cabinetmaker, upholsterer, finisher, 4th;class. en-, gineer. Ideal working conditions. We are expanding. Top wages, de- finitely steady employment. JAMES COLE'',' FURNITURE •COMPANY, Ingersoll. -33-4 WANTED:-- APARTMENT, UN- FURNISHED, for young 'couple. Phone '114. between 9 j.m. and 6 p.m. 32x ANTED- SMALL OIL- WANTED. Phone 2`22W• -33 ANTED. -LIS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. C. V. xt.•_ ,M1r •... 1 service dinner set'; 24-k• iiece'•t•stem gl,a§s crystal; 24 beverage glasaaes ; 2 sets. ,o2', drapes'; kitchen dishes and numerous other articles. TERMS --CASH. ' CLAIR TWEEDIE, • Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT,. Auctioneer. K: W. QOLQUHOUN, ' `° 32-33-, ' - , Clerk. • NOTICE TO • CREDITORS AUCTION % SALE OI; HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS at .• the home' of -Mrs. William Carter, South, street, Goderich, on . 'SATURDAY, AUGUST • 20th' at 1.30 . p.m„ :consisting of : MAHOGANY --y piano and bench ; 2 piano lumps ; 3 -piece living - room furniture, •consisting of .sett:e, arm chair and platform rocker; 2 - jardiniere stands.,,; AVAL1LtUT—Spooled i.ftoor lamp; hall table; dressing table; 2 Wind - 'or Chairs; mantel clock ; . 2 -piece chesterfield'Suite,- OAK-9-piece suite," Y' OA9K-9-piece dining -room suite, including a china cabinet; 3 rock- ing chairs; 2 armchairs; hall rack; 2 bedroom suites; highboy ; Vic-. tr'ola with records; library table; child's crib. • • ANTIQUES- Vases; milk glass; crockery and copper jardiniers. MISCELLANEOUS -- % ' • tubular bed;. inner spring mattress; ' Easy electric washing machine; 2laundry tubs and stand; Eureka vacuum cleaner; Renfrew rangetfe ; Singer sewing. machine; `day bed ; several small. tables ; medicine cabinet ,•' kit- chen 'table and chairs;, 2 kitchen stools; 2 stepladders ;w3 , trunks"; sev- eral folding ii' ing boards several pat SALE, Pit.1NCE8S BETH CHAPMAN, Real Estate Broker., F. -Phone-18. .39tf to neighbors and friends for ;the fey, radio, both in good -condition. WANTED. UNFURNISHED tended to deem in their And -bereave- ment; also for the beautifill floral after ings. many expressions of sympathy ex- L. NEIGE, phone 1141W. • -33 apar:tznent two becdroonis; or 'OIC SALE. '-- SisivEN EIGHT_ small house, iby permanent` res - dents: Phone 944W. ' -33t2 WEEKS -OLD pigs: phone 4. .. RS.. JOAN Sii1�1ARDowN AND. 111 _ faintly wish'l o thank those who were so kind •to deem in their l ereati'ement, especially those who sent floral tributes. and ,those who loaned --cars for the,,funeral. .-33 WITH DEEPESTGRATITUDE we extend this word of thanks for the Creamy kind acts of syinpathy extended 'by thoughtful friends, for. tiie many •beautiful floral briquets and for the loan •of ' cars. MRS. J. B. WH1TTINGIIAM AND SON, FRED. . -3a •w......•••,, „ 111116 .Hens the. famous C man OIL HEATER That Gives you jDIRECT RADIANT HEAT )' • /CIRCULATING WARMTH, tetaide*gifteNtie • ._ tr. 38x -'tXTANTED.—LItSTINGS OF PRO - ONLY PERT1ES forsale. No charge • , OR SALE. — TWO Scams, reg. 4;45, .for *d2. toMACOLu M ti BATHERS, erty is R.e wl „WHEELERIS FIU It N 1 P U'°R E Estate QBroker, The Square, Gode- ST - RE, Hamilton street, • -33 rich.. Phone 115W. • 12tf Fj„ol SA. L._'-•_• mcLLARX COOT .__ 11. --L stove, wood range, reasonable. wILL ] E' T I•I`', .Hamilton Phone 10-12W. 33x street' Laundry. » • -314 FOR SALE; --TWO-STORY' RED WANTED TO BUY.,—AN UP - brick house, .7 rooms and bath, RIGHT' piano. M13S. PAUL garage, Britannia road, property of ROBARTS, phone 1031W,, Gode the late William Brownlee. • •Pos- rich. , . , . -33 session in October. • Inspection 'by, �1 OTICL++' 'I'O CREDITORS • AND 1� I .70T RS • IN THE ESTA'I'L QF SAMUEL • ARGYLE Alli persons having: claims against the Estate. of 'Samuel Argyle, late of the Town. of Goderich, who died on or about the 7th day of• July,, 1950, are hereby 'notified' to send •ire to ' the, undersigned executors on or before the 26th day of August,. 1950, full particulars • of their • claims. Imtnediately after the said 2Gth day of August, 1950, the assets of 'the _.deceased will' be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, Paving 'regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have r notice.„ Ditte-iit Goderich this -9th .day of August, 1950. TOE ROYAL. TRUST. COMPANI,• 66 King; Street Wdst,, . ,Torointo, Ontario, 'Executors. " By ROBERT C. HAYS, K.C:, Their Solicitor herein. -31-3 CIRCUUITS''� "HRW G11 R Oil' • .. , 5 "Hot stow "'' NEAT,1'001 osri�tl'iwl 0.0*. Qabhf tt ., • • cosi tusticWahl • Ik‘ovi4 a . li A appointment.' Apply MRS. THOMAS WILT,. KELP FINANCE RIGHT ,GRAY at premises, 'phone 476J or man itt" profitable year-rcinnd 279, ""'' " "-31-3 :soft' drink distributorship, will net FOR SALE. COAL , RANGE $3,000 first year ; same business ex- perierice requifed,� must be reliable. • . with waterfront, cream enathel,. Phone. Mitchell 242 immediately .for in good condition!, AppAy MISS •,• app- ointment. -33 II.RA ' McNEVIN,"C•httrch street, ,• 'WANTED. — PLUMBER ' AND tinsmith. Steady lob for right . man. Write, stating experience and wages expected, to BOX 32, SIGNAL-�ST,,t. - -33 WANTED.—MAN OR WOMAN NOTICE 2,0• CREDITORS. All persons -having claims against the estate of -James I3. Johnston, late pf,• -the.Village 'of 'Auburn . in the County of Duron, retired: mer chant, who died on or about - the 2nd day ,of July, 1950, are required to file the same'witlr full particulars' with the undersigned by the 2nd• day ' of •September,' 1950; as '.after that date the estate will • be distributed. , bird 'Cages ; a ,quantity of dishes and "D flt ]. at ,the . Town of Goderich • • pen •. hand • County gkassa Y .:� lit the (.�onnsty •of Huron this day Of August, 1950, •It.'C. IIAYS,-KO, • Goderich, Ontario,. • Solicitor for the Estate. wringer$ ; stove pipes; crocks; sealers; 2 wheelbarrows; garden- hose; ardenhose; garden tools; cutlery and cooking utensils. • ,. •WOODWORKING MACIl1NEItY" —At the Same time' there -, will be 'offered for sale the 'woodworking machinery and -tools 'of the late Willia'm Carter, including a turning lathe; band saw ; jointer; ripsaw, and 3 -hp. electric motor. NOTE—Much of the furniture being offered for `sale' has :been hand -made and carved. TERM S—CASU. ' MRS. WILLIAM J. CARTER, Proprietress. ,phone 421, after 7 p.m. - 33x �OII: SALE.—'33 C)lEVROLET 4 -door . sedan, '33 'Chevrolet Coach, '34 Plymouth' coach. SCRIM'S AUTO SERVICE, Huron road, r>' 33-4x FOIL SALE.—WARM AIR nut- • steady income averaging .$45' weekly. Call on customers for lam-• NACE, priced right for• quick ous Watkins Products in Goderich. sale. Write, or phone MacDON- No investment. Business estab-, TALO ',ELECTRIC . at- 235,or see lished—immediate . earnings. Write CLIFFORD WIi13B, Wellington J. R WATKINS 00„ Dept.• OC -G-1, street. . -33 350 St. `Roch St., -Montreal, Que. -31-3 - D-WARI3•4-V -11D 7`. • Auctioneer. K. W. COLQUIIOUN, Clerk. 31-3- ", FOR 'SALE. --- AT JACKSONS, the ,year-round florists, a few orchids at special ' bargain prices. Fresh roses always ' in stock. Garden flowers of all kinds at competitive pricesr 49 Bruce street. Phone 105: 31tf ON MONTREAL. , street, • -the"—Wil on - proper, t y , especially suitable as ,an, ofliCe and residence; laxer solid brick build- ing, Second, •property , from the Square. Agent; ' M A L C O L M- MATHEfS, Real " Estate Broker, •phone. 11tiW.- ,: . 31tf_ for dead or disabled horses, 32-4- Vio NOTICE FARM HELP.—RELIAI3.LE, • EX - PERI +'NC'ED Holland families available., Arriving sown, • Apply to MR. C.de IIAAN,' Belgrave, Ont ' 51t2' FLOOR. SANDING.—NEW AND old 'floors. J. C. COOK, phone 233, . Clinton.; .Summer : months, • $ta yl eld; phone, 45 • r 2. ~ -1-tf NOTICE. All kinds 'of brick and cement A1' UCTION 'SALE ' OF 'vI•IOUSE- work, "chimneys, plastering, etc.• :L' • HOLD EFFECTS.':- - R. F.. VENN, 53 Quebec street, from the -hdine, of Clair •Tweedie, Goderich. Phone 920J. 26tf 58 Elgin' -avenue, Goderich, ' on SATURDAY, AUGUST' 26th at 7.30 p.m., • consisting • of': 4 -piece 'walnut waterfall bedroom suitg ; inner spring Mattress; wardr r•olae'; rocking chair; solid walnut conch (antique) ; occasional chair; lazyboy chair •and stool Morris chair;-, Duncan: Fife drum table; walnut coffee table;. large fireside picture; . trilight ; bridge lamp; -p'lanner's lamp ,(brass) •; -2 dresser lamps'; 2 table lamps; desk lainii; 3 -piece dining -room siiite, consist- ing •of mahogany breakfront china, cabinet,, mahogany extension table, 6 Mahogany, shield back . chair�b leather -table pads; nahogany serv- ing table (antique) ; corner what- not; gilarter, Cut oak extension table; 5 leather .upholstered chrome 'chairs; -Frigidaire , ((i' '8"' cu. ft. capacity, with 2 years'. guarantee) ; kitchen stool; • modern4 love seat; Wall mirrors ; • magazine table; 2 bunk ]reds (birdseye maple, twin size) ; 2 inner spring: mattresses; dresser (maple) ; chest -of drawers (niarple j ; steel cabinet ;• small metal table; •bed.rpom chair ; piotu;re. ; scatter rugs; 2 chests of •'clrawvers ; -SeDi-�Tlioih4ts _ {car l-:eiock •(-rose- wood, antique)'; •Stutil"'wail'nut table (antique) spooled bed (antique);• washstand ; •' Electrolux • vacuum cleaner 'with attaehmen.ts ; 3 bi- cycles with balloon tires; A.M.C. porcelain .electric washing machine, with pump; hopper boiler ; -Manning ]3owmiin -toaster jaet ; x09 -piece `12. WANTED.—OCCASIONAL HELP in home to care for sinal,, child (sch'ool age). MRS, R. 'G: ECKMIER, 44 Nelson street, phone 028. -33 ANTED.—••DIJPi+:ND13T<.'P AVO -ION-76r 'teen= e • ger sitter on odd evenings and' capable of caring for t'vo children, ages five and two, while parents . away on odd week -ends. Tel. •80711,, 201. Warren. 83x WANTED. -'---UP TO.. $5.09 EACII FOR- SALE OUR SPECIAL, cows,: hogs, at your farm. Prompt gladiolus; 75c per dozen ; also service. Phone collect Goderich .41 a %tTuialS . _-sropi Seasonal garden flowers. MRI. R. IIOLMAN, Cameron street, phone 722: • '.:V 32ti.' / 1 . 1 1 1 • 1 FOR, • SALIN;,—ONE-HORSE ELEC- • TRIO` motor, 25 cycle; one 250 amp. are, welder and transformer; acetylene, cutting• outfit, large stand, drill }I,1 ess, , drills and toots.. HAROLD GLENN, Dungannon. „ 331 FOR SALE.. .TIIREE••PII:CI all Velour eheste•r'tield suite, in good c ordition , white iron bed; springs, sprtngr filled rnattre'$, n/c size; 1!O length 6" stovepipes, new:. E. J. CARTER, West street. Phone af;r ' . .. .33,c )lt �,ti'i 1.-- OLS'Lrl TN MILL,, t.rn arty rear, XX Aire. is with three teeorda over 4%; also tivn year 'fres'h 'heifer, aeeredite 1, vaccinated. TilitivESP 11:O('11:11, Munro, Out., r'hone 411t, 1.7-,•'Titk(un. '..33 ON SALE .AT kst-one-34. Furniture., , ;''On the'lroadwvay of .Goderich.. ; 14(One 2 9 • SONS, LIMITED, Ingersoll, Ont. -31-33 TORONTO '+ E X:H I I3 I TION VISITORS. —•, CAN., ACCOM- MODATE two Couples during Ex- hibition. (Abstainers.) MRS. 11.. J. HART • (WRIGHT) 206 Indian road, Toronto. -32-3 • ANTED, •--- TWO taniiS IN Goderich desirous' of lessons on piano Accordion would' like to • ' " Goderieh or hE.ar from anyone in Gode i vicinity interested- in 'giving lessons. Please phone 704W or r,O. BOX 472,. • 32it A BUSINESS OF YOUR 'T'his Is easy the 1 %index way. Over '900 dealers all over; Canada. , Established; rliextee In y t ` vin ity. Give yott"rselie'• at' chance to succeed. Ask us• how •by writing to FAMII.EX, 1600 Delorimier, IsiioRE& GIN k ELECTRIC w IElectric • , and irin�r Repairs • f7 West St., Photre C'7 or. Carl ; "That borse'knows, as much ars I do." ,.refs don't fell an Well, isle � body. 'You mllft want to sell ,flim sonie day-- , TY • WANTED WANTED TO BTT1..—ALL OLD horses and dead . animals. If snitablefor mink feed will pay more.,. than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. if dead, phone at once. GILBERT':TIROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich: Phone collect 936 r 21 or 936 r•32. • 'ave Agnew Surpass •:Sto`re. .. Phone tion 1199. r tJ32t# 000140;416•'••/•ii► 1111 i I ;J. RCL ESERT FLit) TOILET WATER •,,w �m .50 A lasting fragrance that blonds the modern and urbane with the • mystery and oulonotiim of the • eternal desert. Sophlsticatod.,hand d plastic ck- I �c a. C' carved glass an aging to adornthe smart dress- inj' table. • . GET. IT AT EIVIERSON �)RiTGST4itie, r