HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-08-24, Page 1103rd. YEAR , .0.14 14:4 RAILWAY STRIAE LAYS ITS HAND ON SOME GODERICH INDUSTRIES .04.nd Impact Will Be Greater ,14,x wE4K, LONG,. . as ,Shipnients Continue .ENOIrGil TO WAIT FOR, to 'Belield Up HER SIGNAleSTAIt. While GOderieli Is'not. as 4Ara Renewing' her-subScription to The hit as are the cities by the nation - strike which. 'began 'S.10a1-$.tar., Mrs. H. Findiater• wide railway London (the former •Miss Marjorie on Tuesday the strike is leaving. more of an Imprint 0,04 .44y and Ball of ,Gocleric,h), writes; "I am should the creeping paralysis con.. gad. that •your staff doea not take thine for another week or sO it Will More. than one • week's ,bstlidays, ' have marlied- effects,. Partieularly NO that the'Y don't deserve it, but ?in industries depending• on heavy itsseenis. A very long time to,•wait; shipments to and from °a *distance. tt,ntil after the holidays,for: the For the average person in Gode- net issue to arrive: Ant -when rich, the sending .and receiving of it ,does arrive, believe' me, it is mail is probably felt anost. ' Only. denbry ,welcome;" . fir st-elasw mail is being handled. Mrs. Vindlater also 'expresses dis- appointmentsthat she was unable to Newspapers, advertising circulars,- ,etc., to* go to distant points , are Come .to Goderich for the octogen- neither mailed nor •distributed. One aria,n ,celebration. "I had planned 'shipment of first-class mail comes to; ,attend, !but my plans did not :to Goderich by-truek.., each day lIfizi1-1111(1%e'eS not mejin that Mr. at 10.50 a.m., :and one leaves each Findlater is in the eighty-year-old day, at 3.30 p.m. Thur Week's *sue of .The Sigeal-Star will go to siibs class.; She 'is a long' way from it: •ss Her.special' Interest probably arises scribers in the town of Goderich and Be, from the fact:that 'the foiliider of on the Goderich rural; routes. tire. original Octogenarian Club in 'yend this it will not be delivered until the railways resume oper- Goderich • Was her brother -Th -law,' -. atj�n • the late '`,Dick" Black. Almost forty' railway •cars are loaded and standing on, tracks in RECREATION' 'DIRECTORS -Goderich waiting forthe end of the Erpowir 'TO MEC) COUNCIL strike so that.they May g� forward • . to theirdestinations across Canada The, Goderich Recreation Council,' particularly to Eastern 'Canada.- ° • , mng Approximately -twenty-five cars meeting On Tuesday iht, heard loaded with grain ,from the Gede, comprehensive reports given by the -• *rich Elevator and Transit Company recreatiort directors, 'George, Arnott ;stand on sidings 'awaiting the end and MiSs' Kay °11eredith, on the of :the :strike -so that •the -y- may go • • summer' activIk ttles sunervied td ,points in. Ontario and:, beyond. - • • • - In addition. there are several bund them. The viee-,president, Mr. N. -red :cans on 'order, for shipment by W.°, Miller, presided and these .pre- • raiLLsrwo. freighters are in part sent. were Rev. R. G. 'MacMillan, . today' wieli low.* 'of grain and two Reis C. W, Cope', 'Miss Mary • more are •expected•by. the' end. of Howell, Town Councillor 'Leo' Will: the week. ". However,' the 3,000,000- malt; .F...T. • Armstrong,. Lorne' Wake. ;bushels capacity of the elevators, in, J. F. 'Cory, ,George Parsons, now :only' two-thirds full, can look -Mrs. C. • Stanifonth„ Mrs, George after arrivals of °grain cargoet for Iumby, Mrs., A. Wilkin, Mrs. B. Some -time yet, • . „ At' the Purity Flour til1s, eight •Cars ars loaded -and waiting en the tracks to go forward to' points in Ontario, tinebec and the Maritiutes. With the stlike on, two-thirds of the -- Shipping*,is• -affected As :a . result, employment was cut down , to only one shift today (Thursday). At the sitomeirt, . shipments, by truek • ;are about the &nue; but' the' will 'likely •increase as the :trikes con- tinues. it will be about another week or ten days befpre. Parity . Flour Mill's will need incoming. shipinettis of Materials .30 carry on 'with their work. Shipments of salt from the Gode- Ak rich Plant of the Standard, chemical RIPCompany are affected,, since .about forty per cont, of the shiPments -is 'by rail. and • the rest' by truck. It will' be some time next week : before the . strike' will shOW its . impact at the Dominion Road Ma- chinery Company' plant, since •by that time shipments, of snow -remov- ing machinery to distant parts. of • Canada, by' rail of .necessity., will 'be ready but Unable tasgas. The ,Goderiell plait et the Hole- prosf Hosiery ;Company 't.s+ having raw „materials trucked at pre- , sent, but by next week will be in need of certain materials that conic from a distance by rail. Products of the Goderich*Organ • COmpany are being:trucked to Tor- onto, Hamilton. and' London, but • b'eyond • these. points shipping will cease until the • rail strike is over. No shutdown at. the„ Organ Com- ' pany factory is anticipated. - TwG• carloads of luinber are on . • rallWay tracks Stivaiting shipment by 'the Goderich Manufactiiiing. Company. This comnany • is de- • pendent on . the,.• railways for. the shipment of soft wood. Some local stores are not receiv- ing expected shipments from 'Mon- treal clothing housesvbecause of the rail tie-up.. .1 Travel by 'bus IS•thirtY-five ,per tents while the 'ambinit of ex- , press'. parcels handled by them has increased, fifty' per cent., according 'to the lecal'bus dePot. . • . . Incoming long distance' telephone • -calls are definitelyheavier; accord- ' ing to the. loeal 'Bell. Telephone 'of- . flee, while local 'calls are heaey also. The staff haslieen increaSed and Others are standing- by ready to ctir6 on if ,the load becomes heavier.-, C. B. Symonds, Bell Tele- phone tanager in Goderich, asks the piddle to co-operate by 'tele- + phoning as much as possible durng• off-peak, periods.; vvIll'eh are'during the evening and night.' It is also reotiested .that scallS ttszbrief as possible, • Sky Harbor ',Air Service's have not been called upon ,to make. anfv Special 'flights' .as yet because 6f -the strike. At the Imperial Oil depot the regular truck service is Malting de- liveries ith: the ,G.oderich territory, + RailShipments, however, are not 'going •forward And the places to which they esually go will 'probably. 10, e( early, next week when their supplies Will be near an end. • •• • GODERICIL QNTARIO, THURSDAY AuGtin 24t-11;1.950 - UR,C+ENT IV/ESSAGES , HAR,BOR,RADIO SENDS i4his little'cettage beside • the, 'radio beacon 'at the end • of Goerich, harbor , pier, Hector Tigert, operator. of, the Dominion IlePart- igen't. of Transport racil, al a'410r,T.: ates in his spare time a hare radio, by which lie -Sends urgent personal messages.. • With no telegrams out Of Goderich:because of the railway strike, Tigert has 'stepped 'late the breach locally and „offers free ser.T, vice to People in need. If you have an urgent 'personal rne:ssage to send to anyone, phone Hector Tigert at 1081W. This morning • he. was talking with a •ham mite operator at Nakina in- Northern Ontario,, said -that all foodstuffs in. that Village are now being, rationed and that the ,people.- afe- atvaltIng food _to, be bronghtsinsiiy_ planes This afternoon .Tigert is to re- ceive numerous messages- from a ham operator 'at Burlington, Ont., Which. are to be, forwarded on by Tigert to persons in variouS parts of Northern., Ontario and also in the Southern States. A member a the American Radio Relay Leagne, Tigert Is on a United States and Canadipa network that enables -him to , send messages to .almost any pert of • the continent. . , • PERSONAL' MENTION. ilmot, Mrs,, G. Enierson and 'Mrs. F. Ii. 'Redditt. Mr.- Arnott reported that a total of 8,183 children hurl -participated th activities in the Judith Gender - ham playground' from slime to date and *fifty in • the learn-te-swim elaSsa, whieh had been .'retarded, by inclement weather, • . , It, •+ is planned - to have ."open house" atthe playgroend° on August 31st, when there. will be, displays of crarts, games, and a "play; ground circus" by the. children. kr, Lorne Wakelin, Manager of the Goderich arena, offered the sound system for the evening and the; Goderich Blue Water hand 'will be asked to' .provide Music. There will he. no Admission •charge. As the supervision.' by Ms, Arnott and Miss Meredith will be ,cOxi- eluded for the season on August 31st; Mrs. IL G. Arbour will be, asked to take •charge 'on September 1,St and 2nd.: •MiSs. Meredith reported that plaster-of-paris 'Moulding was very popular with hoys and 'girls.. She felt that if parents would' take ten minutes to help John or Jae there would net be •plaster-of-paris from 'kitchen to , Other projeets for.younger. child- ren included square and folk danc- ing; doll • Muse' and equipment; and,. the washing Ind Trohing dolls' Clothes. It Was Agreed that the. Recreation • Connell ssintrchase leather 'for leather -craft. , • Generalsatiisfaction was ex- pressed regarding the' work of the directors ,a -ed Mr. George -Parsons tendered ,a rote of thanks to them,: which with heartily' approved.. Shuffleboards and checkerboards have been. painted on walks in Court House Park- for the -a.MuSe- 'tient of citizens. Quoits. may ,also, be played in the,park. * Theladies' section 'of sllattland 'Golf Qui) sent a donation of 45; and $25 from • the Goderich Salt Co. was acknowledged.. , The financial°, statement shoived .total receipts of 81,722.92; expenses, 8043.54,: And 'balance of $1,079.38. . FUNERAL OF RAY-STEWART , A 'private funeral ; for 'Rri St ewa r tt.,. whose sle,atiLlgeurrea Thurs,day laSt near Varna, Where he was,- on a farm, 'kook plaee `on Saturday afternoon from the home of his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Gordon 'Stewart, 2nd conces- sion of West WaWanosh.: The ser- vice ,,was cosductedby Rev. E. S. Hayward, of the United Church, and the pallbearers Were • John Darnley, Isecinard-Goodsj,red,sMills„ •Reg. • Pim]. Caesar and HarOld Glenn. The ,•flowerS were "(Yarded by cousins. Internlent Was in the Dungannon cemetery.. ',An, pupa* was not considered nece.ssory , in •connection 'with She young man's death. • ,Besides his. • parents, he leaVet his, young wife, the former Betty givins; a brother, Cart, and. a sister, 'Sharon. ' • • • Mrs. 'Frank Dunn., .Segforth; spent 'the week:end .with friends in town., ,,and Mrs. J. E. 'Mutch London visited friends. in. teivn 'on Wednesday. s' • _Mrs. R. Kilgore of: Port Huron visited last •week with ..Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEwen.. '• 'Mr. • and ,Nir.s. Joseph T. Lynn of "Desrpit are •• spending a.. few days at the Sunset Hotel. . . • • ,Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Beatty of Torento spent the week -end with Mrs. • Beatty's mother, Mrs. Smith. . • • Mr. .and Mrs. John Thorpe and daughter Penny- have returned from a holiday trip to Boston,. Mass. • Mrs. Nellie 'Crawford, •of Sault Ste. Marie; Mich:, '. is visiting her Uncle.; Mr. W. .Blair, .Cambria road. , • • Mr. .las.„.Garrick of Windser, is renewing acquaintances tOwn Vthile visiting his inotiler, Nsl:r.S... P.. -Scrimg.eour. Mrs. G. L. Badley .and Mts. and Mrs. . Ed. sBickle of Windsor, vere receut gusts with Mr. and Mrs. . . WE -Wen. • s Miss, Margaret Strang has 're- turned. from Toronto to join liar sisters, MissessUrace and )Jabel., at their 'home here. Mrs. Geo. 'Voting ( Annie Hender- son), 01"foronto, has been ‘'-hf:--11ihg her • KA.; John 'Henderson, and calling or, old friends here. • Mr:' and . Mrs. Earl J. Hunt and daughters. Judith and Nancy., of Toronto, Spent last week with Mrs: Chas. Hutt, St. Patrick's -street. • Rev. J. A. :Terry., ALA., ..ibetor of St. Andrew's Church Sudbury, and MrS.' Terry and family Were guests of' Mrs. E.. Ws,Carrie last week. s, Master William Bowra haS. re- turned 'fionte after ii two ;weeks' visit lit the home of Mr. :and Mrs: Sehben, 'll:R. No.. 4, Stratford. , Mr. L. H. Elson and 'children, John and- Elizabeth, Of' Oakville., Are the g•trests.of Mrs. Bison's mo- ther, Mrs. F. E.11eddhtt. Mr. Bison also a. visitor at week -ends. Mr.. arid Mrs. M. 1.1, Martin have returned home after aeconipanying Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stonehoese of Guelph on a two weeks' motor trip to Cape Cod and the Eastern Stiftes. • .1.1r. and 'Mrs. A. R. Scott returned las .,w(tek' from a • three weeks' mpitor trip* te '1•Edmdiateri, ,Where they visites With their •son • and daughter-insaws Mr. and km. „tee Scott.,, 8 Mr.' David Beller and, danghter Carol: Am21,2Of Grese Pointe, Mich., Spent the past, two weeks at •the, home of W. C. Snazel, the former'S brother. Mr. and Mrs....Snakel re- turned 'to the. city With them. • Larry Welsh, youngest soh .of the late. Clarence Welsh, and 'Mrs. •Welsh,of Detroit, speitt his• natal -ter vacation and. :thirthentli, birthday with: hiS grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Loftus ,Welsis;,Elgin avenue. Visitors with lir. and Mrs, B. J. Doak and family the past week Were Mr. arid ,Mrs, Bert .Ornminett and, ;I1r. and Mrs. Wim Grummett hf SaSkatoon .and Dr. And Mrs. R. E. Doak of Ashboro, North Carolina. • ,Misses Kathryn_ and Dianne 'Thorpe, accompanied T by Misses' Shirley,.,Leiteh And Donna. Hamill, spent, two Weeks' vacation at the summer cottage . of their grand- parent's, .Mr. and' Mrs. A. 'E.. Griati- ifitlil, Rondean ' Mrs: K. Diggon and soli, Bob, Miss Jean Badley. of Windsor, MKS' Cliff Lowery and Miss Geraldine Megwen have returned' from a motor' trip to ...Monttoulte , Pembroke and Huntsville, . W/0.1. and Mrs..' Wm: E. BaIk- will and Anne, of•Calgary, Alberta, and Mr. and,. Mrs, 'hay Shutter•and .eltildren, Anne and Donald, of Ham- ilton, were holidaying at the home of the ladies' parents, Mr. had Mrs, IL, W Lednor, Port • Albert.' . • Reeent guests with Mr. and Mrs. las. U. Iphnston were Mrs. John - tort's Sister, Mrs*. *ISM. Hicks, and Mr.: Hielis hnd their daughter, Sirs. Don, Henna, Mr. Hanna snd &tigh- ter -Dolma Jean, triiin. Detroit ; also UrIti. Nellie Crawford,of Sault Ste, Marie,Mieh. 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 11; Nairn, AIM- ',daughter Barbara and son Charles, jr., of Dearbore, hitch., are hohidriving at the lake Shorea few Mlles smith of Ooderielt For neighbors they have Mr. and Mrs. Carl Theobald and sonsDavid (114 Jon, A1S6 of Dearborn. VELEBRATE. F.ORTIETa. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - August 17th was the fortieth an- • -niversary ' of the marriage' of WI and Mrs: ,Ernest Robertson, Park ,street, 'and the occasion Was 'fitting - Observed at their • cottage at Bryn* Beach. Their 'daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mi -s. Harold Keane,' entertained for thon and guests' were present from Hathiltan. Toronto, Kincardine; Goderich and Ripley. Among. those present were Mr: and Mrs. C..M. Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Robertson • of (Weigel). • Several of thoSe pre- . sent had witnessed the .ceremony terty years ago., Which Ieelt pia& at the Vane of the*bride'S mother,' Mrs. Chas. 'Thi4ston• 1t1pley' WHAT A COMMUNIST WILL NEVER ADMIT The Communist. will never -admit that the Soviet Union or any of the "muter democracies" have any responsibility whatsoever ill the present world erisits. He will never criticise an individual leader of a Soviet country. He will never ad- mit the personal integrity of ani;.• one who has broked with Commith- ism. Ile will never adthlt the necessity pf adopting 'any. inter- dational program which is not AP - ,proved by the Soviet Thilori, lie will never admit that the govern- ments of 'Eastern Europe which call. thethselves People's Demoe- tack's tire reality rompletely Communist -Controlled., The , Cote- ntin -ilk will never admit his secret fear of being, one day purged him - Self for reasons imknown to'bilm- rnIted Nations World, Local Horses Make Good Showing at Goderich Races .UpWards• of",three thousand, spec-. taterSsaw one of the finest harness herse shows of the season *as the ciTuderich Race.- ,A;sieciation Pi;e- sented. its annual suynner, Meet at the Agricultural grounds on Wed- nesday ,•afternoon. 'With good weather, and a, full entr:y of horses* in each &Vent,' the- meet lived hp to -the',high standard set, In this. town in former years. Not only did the spectators, Wit- ness- keenly -contested events but locally -owned horses did.exception- ally well in racing,, against some of the best *horses: in Western Ontario. In. two of the, event*•Goderich and district Aerseie were 'winners, they placed 'a second, third and two frtother races. okih. place l•innevvoinilye,L;nnersIn sq,,. ..Huron Express, the pacer owned by •Bill Wood and Jack !Cirardner, pleased the crowd by winning two of three heats -in. the :featured 2320 class. ,The big gelding broke slight- ly 'at the start of -the first heat.'hut moved into third position entering, the stretsh- and beat out Dena worth), a a length in a tilrilling- 4,spribt • tO• the: wire. -In the second. heat the Express went away in the lead and was never 'seriously chal, lenged in Winning. The 'applause Which greetedissylver Gardner and Huron Eifiress•••as the popular horse came to the judges' 'stand' after Winning each heat, -tdrOwned- but .the voice of the announcer: • In' the, .third heat Huron broke so hadly at,the start that he trailed the field all the way around. ThiS heat was wen by Pine: Ridge Dodie in a close finish with Neptune only trotter in the event. ' ' second . local' Winner was Leah Harvester, the nice -handling seven-year-oldmare • owned, by George CaldWeil, RR. 5, Goderieh. After finishing second- to Joe B. Lee in the first heat of. the 2.25 trot or pace,: Mr..Caldwell brought his mare in the witineief. the seCand and third heats;• A genertius -round- of., applause- greeted Leah Harvester as. she was acclaimed the winner' of the --event - • Fastest Time *.liac Dale, probably the •fastest Colt••• in ,Western_ Ontario, :was the. winner of * the three-year-old trot or 'puma, This .beatitifully stePPing rpacer, owned by Cecil.* Stone of 1Petrolia, and driven by Harry List wen all three heats in this class However, Just Teddys 1•••wned by Brace Bradley of fawn, and driyen by Lloyd 'Purvey. gave I the 'petroliq colt • 1 run the third heat iutd,,chased him to the fastest timeof the day, 2.11, just Teddy finished second in the Summary, with a third ,and. twL ,seconds, • and, won many- admirers, in doing se. '• • •41 In the first division, of the. " "g. trot or tie tett,' I , 1 1 - •, PRL osirzit MAX J14.01t SOOr Mr. Harry J. Boyle of Tor- onto,' well knowngo. readers ot The Signal-Starc hap re- * turned Irian", as three months' tour of .Atstope, in' the course J'Whieh,he visited Bngland, ire- „. land, Frante, Switzerland 'and Italy. In' a note to the editor ,of this paper 'he says that since ' his return he has 'been very busrcatching up ;with his work, ' but hopes to' "get firek"-Th the swing and write some more, Phil Osifers very soon:: This will 'be 'good news' for , , readers of The Signal -Stars for *Phil Otsifer has been greatly' misted. A QUARTEr CENTURY • ,OF SERVICE The locaL drygoods 'Arm Of F. E‘, Hibbert & Son will celebrate On August 25th twenty -fire years of service to the people of Goderiele and vicinity.. In 1925 F. E. Hlbs bert purchaSed the .business form- erly • . 'owned and operated' by' J. H. Colberne & Son, anchfor t*enty-one years thebasiness'.was carried sin under his naihe.,..• • Upon receiving „ his discharge in 1940 after three years of 'Service in the navy, Haiord Ffibb.ert, joined his father in the business, dndffor the past font years the Partnership has operated a'S' F. Ef Hibbert & Son- ' During.the past twenty -file years many improvements- . have : been made to the Hibbert afore, among the more important being.•the. lag of the hos e furnishings.' de - Pertinent • in the basement, ,which is" attractively 'finished in plywood. Fleoreseent lighting has beers sin7 stalled -threughout. the store' 'and a .thodern Oil -heating plant takes care of the ,heating problem. As a con, pleaded guilty to a. charge 'of 'drunk vre'lliteLncArfneieri rtt.hsoe:nela.tdveishiitir: He was Sentenced to seven days in driving at. Clinton on August 19th t . Jerry has..lier dressmaking business 'jail;' Ordered to pay • cOnit costs' above the store, Thepolicy of this or in default another seN;en days:. - store has ,been and will 'continue lie was fined $15 and costs, Gr, two •, '- to be: Good ,quillity therehlInclise weeks in jail, for not haviAg a the Goderich plant oflinleproof moderately • priceddrivers permtt. Hpsiery, of Canada, Ltd,. hiring „ ' *We join ..with the many. frietisIS s II its e 1 Brice, 17, of Clinton, - • plans far` adding another work tract business , associates of ..F. ' E. was charged. With the theft Of half- - shit ins o dm t B. A:• - ss.--;-,444ss eity %tows, ii'iegis) 411113lai- nistrate's Court - Deals with heavy Grist of Cases A -charge against loha ,Spailn of 'moving a building yr/pout a.permiti' eontrary .to a town' bylaw,' W‘e•S 4:cli• journe& in todaY's court -isltting before Magistrate Hohnes to T5iirs- day, .AUgust 31st, to allow Town Solicitor S. K. Hunter .to Produce further ,evidence • 1p:regard 'to the bylaw. ' ' • - -s-s•--- ,, Francis Qverholt 'stated that on July 24 he, reme:Ved a shed from the property of IIIr,Yand Mrs. A. NV.' Anderton to Spain's property on East street.. Ile .was shown Ile Permit for "its removal. • Town Alerk S. .H. Blake Stated 'the', Town 'Council had considered Spgin's application of- April. 25, 1950, to reineve a frame huilding. 18, x 24 feet and had" refused a permit 'A/settles. application. oni. (a Mayii, pal for the censtruCtion of a _long; 9 feet' beam, sleeps four, and Hawalian--'llanle)- is-- 35- feet franie• buildi0 on 'the same pro- perty alseS,Vis, refused. , is powered 'by a Polson compound --... steam engine -of tab horsepower: Mr. Alake fold t1efence Counsel She left, Hamilton on July 3rd NsT,,,,, satherland that Council had re- with her Owner in charge and hi c,eiVed- a petithrla front ratepayers,' so_4 Don Egener as mate. From prikegting the erection of a building Lake Ontario they went by way of on Spain's' property to be used for the. Trent Canal to, the Georgian a• secondhand stores , Provincial .Constable W. O'Hara By. .at Owen Sotind, Dr. Egener went ashore to visit another SO, gave -•evidence that -SPitin: said he Fred, and Don brought. the cruisee did not have it." permit 'and that. around to Southampton and thence the . building was stored on the to -Goderiels Prona here' she will prOperty, for ,the pre.sent. ' - be taken to • Sarnia, which will be 'John Spa hi,' the *defendant, said her home -port: ' - that he -had' entered into an agree- -:- : it may be remembered that, Dr. ment with the Andertons to pur- Egener when he lived in Gederich chase the building; that he intended, had a 'steam cid'', and now he is to. sell. it, but did not get a chance continuing his' hebby with -his steam ,to go °through with: the deal: , cruisers wh,icti he ,purehased. ,last *on.. • 1, ,r THE W4-tr•RFRON't * Five grain cargoes, aggregating 700,000 bushels,, arrived at the Goderich elevator the past week, as fellows: Saturday -4, A. Iludson," 126,000 bus...oats, flax, barley and sninple grain;, Witheondah: 78,000. bus. wheat.'Nienday--Walter *ter, 104,000' 61,1s• oittS. Thursdky„ (today) -Para Schneider, 219,00Q bus. U.S. corn; Howard Ilinaman, 111,000' bus. oats., flax and barley. The Superior expected this -evening. The Up. 'Cobourg wits' in from Sarnia' on Friday. With gasoline for Imperial Oil. . • , • Dr. F. T. Egenor's Steam Cruiser The steam cruiser Nawiliwili, owned by Dr. -Fred, Egener of London, has been in port since last Friday and is the centre of cen- siderab1.2 interest, „since it is de- cades since a ' steam -driven .yaeht had appeared here. The Nawiliwili . Other Cases ' year.. The Navvitiwilis is slow, mak - A fine of $10 and Costs was ini- in' -''about eight knots, but the it posed on Joseph, Xisher, Goderiih, eothfortable and makes an excellent for disorderly conduet. He apprehended. ' bY Provincial Con- thusiast. ' Was hobby for an arnateur..sailor en - 'stable D. Orr' when. he was singing . and shbuting on East. street at 2 ' • • - , . William,' Cleary, 20, of Clinton 1.".'13rnhIg' Iloleproof Hosiery o'cleek" this (Thursday) s Putting On Special Night, Shift Hilibert & • SA in, wi.shings them ! as.raltou of gasoline.'lfrout .'',car butliager of the local plant. :This is • th, he it '.,;•peelitI*Ight •Working ninny years of health and goad ! nt the stiltion :for a cu husineSs. , Owned j.ointly by 'himself and John 1 tr.••,:s, .... s !from osas pan.- to 4.07 -a.nr. ...Mr: . • .. , --Mezzo20, id., Clinton. Bezia .01,40 1.W a r rest .Tho'rnes recent ly a 'Tired . , -. . rich clerk of course, Sill McCni Goderich.. ' 'The results were:, , • 2.29 Trot or 'Pace, 'First DiviSim Purse $200' . • .! Walter Richlark, employed in construction work at the Registrk' was. cptivicted of unlawful iparking and fined$5 and costs. 3iIle parked his ear • in a "V" on 1the harbor bill .road from 2 ssm.1 2 to .12.15 p.n.'s Police said 4 was si p.m.. to 11.45 strong de_ ,eharged; and* he, and Brice were 'here from, loronto and will 'be fore- remaaded.it week, • They* have i.,,„__Hnee. ipuuNoilingliNt.ii ieliiroge 'of this shift. in custody since their: arrest on •nthis particular shift. August 12 by Chief 00:listable. Kellywin* be young -men:from eighteen ss to tivenly-live years- (it age. -More Of Clintdif, who laid the. ch roes young !iron ay -e,' needed, as' will he noted from an ildvertiofhent ap- Pearing elseWhere in ,,„.‘,1ri.9 At fly -pre.4'ent thne there' are tWo working, shifts in * Operation, flue main da v shift 4a al also one from Letta Lee -J. Freer, Petrolia • (List). ' 1 Miss DOr,is Van Barron,.. " -Brantford- (McKenzie) .. 2 Lord Richards -T. Crediton -,'early) • 3 Moonlight Express -1). Gard- ner, Goderkeh (B. third-, „ . net') • • 4 Nancy Lee ..Brower --4.. Le-* Beau, Clinton ,(Kleints-5 boada ti rat tan L---(3eo rge Sher- . I J. • Frey.- • oi Petrolia and • driven' Petro'Lee-s13111 James, Lou- inas4;Itodney (Shereian) 6 Iby List,, Wag two4seat winner. Miss Doris 'Van slid Lord Richard' .s,npplied most of ,the-pppositien, but Moonlight Express, Del 'Gardner's four-yeassold Olt Which NVO.,4, driven 'by son Bill, was , a' solid 'fourth ,each time. ;e. • • • dsin., (James) , • 'twee' 2.20; 2.17 I/5. Second Division, Purse $2 Jerry, , McRann, Clandebdye Exeter .Lad -J. intorri,ring with traffic lie and I ibilnd across Canada -for the I ode - two others had. gone fishing, and I 110. ptilnt sft'a tate It'lle,--4•Produe- ittons.-stien's nylon sockscalls for 4 hail run out of gas. 5 Rada r School, :was fined- $1' and sosts 'fin' failing AO proadee fly(' employees' accordingsent time there is a total of ti Mr. t4eYenty-.. • Niloger Letournettn, 21, of Clinton1•14"4"s'" productioh. ''At the- pre, e• driver's, license; and,. $5 and Costs Holyer; ,and !definite. Increase in r - u fospeeding., A. charge. df. earelesS the member is required to. take care 7 7 drivieewas diSmissed of demand. Another of the 'corn I 'Chief Kelly,said he pad the - . s .- pany's Products. Matte -in Goderich • .,;. ce• 00 tear froM the-C.N.R.• station*to.the for which there' is an -increased de M"t, etnnfortable in -tin intersectmand is litpperS ion of Clinton•Clinton at - 1 1. forty -live miles an hour. The speed'nylon lounging. slippers'. • • - limit in Clinton is thirty,. . There . . driver was pushed un -against • 'CAliNIVAL 7NETS $1,100- Star Ex r s, .t.li biggest • f the' 1 brother ,trio, gave •the winner a lot of 'trouble in the second division of, the 2.29. trot or pees, but had to be content With third place each time.. The lanky five -yeti ivold paver, owne-d by 'Elmer Cranston • it n d driven by Charlie Brough, either held or wa,s challenging the lead all the way ' in both .,trips. Jerry Henley and Exeter Lady, however. had a bit too ,much .insthe stretch and finished in that order ahead of the Goderich horse each time. ' Easter Maid; owned by ' -Ab. Stevenson and driven by4inci Jerry, also grabbed some honors ,,le this event, finishing fourth In both trips. Miss CallieS Grattan, 'owned by George., Feagan, R.R. 1, Goderich, Nfld.-driven hy, Thil Gardner, was -filth each time in the 'three-year- old ' pa ce. ' • , . . Jim Hustled Them Out The thirteen -heat: program was ,rim Of4in icier hoursAtime and much of the esedit t•V, due ;to Secretary' Jim Sheardown who as track steward hustled; the horses out as each heat dine up. At the finish of the 2,20 event Don ,NneDonald, formerly of Code- rich,„sind now of Lo'ndon,,,pmsented the-,--GOoderharn-&----Wht trophrto- Bill' Gardner and Bill 'Wend driver and 'owner .respectively.' 'Huron. EXpress. The' -ownts-.4were pre- sented also. with a cooling hlanket, donated by Blue 'Pop Breweries.. Percy ,Shefirdownv frortnerly of, town and now of' Toronto, presented. Cecil Stone, owner of Mae Dale, with the St. .Clair itridge shield at the :conclusion of the esveassol44ases ' Gordon, Smith, pf.ltitchenet- pre- sented the „Blue Top blanket to Mr. Caldwell, whose Leah Harvester won the 2.25 pee, and a $10 cheque 'donated 'by Ca uhdhi n Breweries Si -out to 0, Meltann of Clandeboye, wile drove Jerry Henley ta the fastest. time in the 2.29 trot or pace. . Part of the purse of the three- year-old, pace was generously .(19n- itted by Goderislismerchtints. Joan Allaire; daughter of Mi'? and Mrs. Joe Allaire • of town, was the lucky sente+-dard Winter of the man's Wrist ,watch, gerterodSly • don.; it ted by Filsinger'S Jewelry store. . The officials were': Announcer, Jack'l<enney, Hamilton; starter, S. • McDonnell, Hamilton; Judges, W. -IL Growth, Stratford; Dr. George Elliott; Clinton. and Percy Sointi sten, Goilericli; timers, See 'Shelter), itineardine, and Del Gardner, Code - Creditor' ITtirvey Star Express --B. ,,QYanston, Goderich (Brough) • ......,. -3, 3 •Ilia.ster faid-A.'Stevens-on, ent(i•9•41:,it 1)ly---C.'-ry' ;ton,' 4 4 G Clifford (Waft) +. '5 6 SC. 1 ollaid, •Ki n- '2, NIGHT'S, s2, 2 were eight people 'in the car and. • • Caidine (Pollard) Ii s Todd Lee Grattan-J..Plekle; Thoindale. ( Perk ills)' 7 7 Delphine Spenser .-s W Oke„ . Seaferth ((Ike) • . Times :' ',Ile 2/5, 2.16 1/5., 225, Trot; or • Pace,. Purse* $300 . Leah • tlarvester peerge • , • Caldwell, G.oderich e4s C;3a1 d ji,wteeLl • 2, 1 1 ,Rogers, • • • Essex (Jaines1 " 1. 3 3 Dewey Axworthy --T. Wil- s•On, Stratford 'son). . • 3 ", 2 - ,Lonie ',Lee -C. Pollard; • . ." Kincfirdine ,(.1yollard) 4, 5,- 0 A'al:eBortinPtIfthda::(jlcII<letilirZrfi)en; -5 .6 4 Marva Prawn - Norman Ted:Will; Parkhill (Tar- , • v.ey) •6 4 ,5 • Tinfes 2,15 1/5, 2.13 3/5, 2.16 1/5, 2.20.° Trot or race, Purse $500 trill tdm•s..ssnt...s....styoo_d., a d 47-111'.1:iditiegersiGot7:011 (Bc;:- 'Gardnes).'*" 1 1, 7 • Stone, Petrolia . (List) 3 2 1. Della Axworthy. -II., 'Fleet, London (Fleet)' ,...,..,..., 2 4 3 Neptune •-. J. 'Bannerman, th.Starnarrd 'Manner - 7 6 2 Heeley 'Willies -J. Pickle, Thorndaie•(Perltins) 5 3 , 'n , 4. • • Shelburne. (Atmore) .. 4 5 4 Lucky • Forty -Len Guy„ Clinton' (Purvey) 0 7 5 " Thueq; 2.13 2/5, 2.131/5, 2.14 1/5. Three-year:Old Trot or Pace,, Purse , $500 Mae Dale -C... Stone, Pe - trona (List) '• 1 1 1 Just Teddy -B. Bradley, • Goderich '(Purvey) 3 2 2, Gienie Lee -George Sher- ., man, itodnev (Sher - t . m . an) 2 4 3 Mandette Volo - Harvey Lo'ndon (Fleet) 4 3 • x Meriles -- • G., It Melilwan; • ClintWit (Kerr). ' 0 a 1.4 Miss Caine Grattan - Feagan, Goderieh , (Gar(1ner). 5 5 5 Gypsy P. Grattan - H. Gewdy, Mr"- oxeter (Itlein) 7 7 x Times: 2.12 24, '2.12 2/5, 2.11. the left • front. door. He weighs about 115 petieds, and he volubly told flue court his girl, friend was smaller, .and , all the others were just as small. , • . Edwin Patiott, Goderich, was thled..$10 and' costs on a ea relepqi 'driving charge:to which he pleaded guilty, ' . ENGAGEMENTS' ,ANNOUNCED Mr. and, Mrs. Harold- 'Johns -tori of • Port -Albert announce the eria sitgehient' , 'their • daughters Dorothy jean, :to: Kenneth Edward Sowerby, son of Mr-., 'anti Mrs. Ed- ward S'owerbY,. Goderich township-; the wedding .to take place early *in September. Doctor and Mrs. AlekandersHar. Old Taylor ' announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary Mize - bens to tenton Chic4ering Lau - hart, son of Mrs. Sydney NeWill Lambert and the late Mr. Lan4)ert of Oakville. the. marriage to take place on August 30111," n(t., St. George's Church, Gode- .. • ,mn and Airs. ,P. James' an- nounce the,. engagement of their daughtery:,..V4 Elliot Cameron Rivett, son., of kr. and nr:i. a. II. Rivett, .Thingannan ; j he marriage 'to take place in September. Mr., and Mrs. R. Gotrerieh announce or their youngest Isabel., to Mr., Alvin of Mr.-, and . Mrs. F. ley. 'The marriage i • L. Robinson of, the engagement daughter, ,Anna .1. • Mi tchell „Ron Mitchell of Rip - is to tak6Iilace IL • Mr. and, Mrs. V. V. LaVerdiere of Barrie, Out., wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Myrtle Catherine, to Bensen Robert James Stranghan, eldest son of Mr. and Nits. A. B. ,Straughan,• (lode - rich ; the flti triage to tal place September-' 111th in rellier street United Church, Barrie, Ontario. ' TIM AVEATITTI* . Tempera tures.of the past week In Goderich, with those of file corresponding week a year ago, as officially reeopded, %vete. as folleWs: 1950 1949 , ' ,Mat: Min. Max, Min. Thfirs., Aug. 17-.82 - 63 77 . 60 Fri., Aug. 18 ..69 57 80 55 ISat., Aug.: 10 .10 .57 67 46 Sim., Aug. 20 ..68 40 75 44 Mon., Aug. 21 ..68 44 74 '45 VIM, Aug, 22 ..71, 50 77 10 Wed., Aug. 23 ,.70 (15 79 '55 • • • judith • GoOderham , Memorial Park, was gay with lights • and color on- Saturdar;evening, when tin':parishioners or St. Peter's Roman Catholic Chulreh held a Cli rn i val at whieh approximate& smoo was cleared. There waS large attendance' and the .1..larnivicl \sm.:: a huge, success. As usual,' interest (vetted around the. draw which tickets had- been sold, the. eonyeney for' whiff' ivas Air, IV, A.' eortitherst. Mrs. W, H. Dolby. of Gt;derieh, held, the ticket drawn for the cedar 'hope chest ;toe contents' of it Kellwood bladket and lindin-4 v/flued at $100.. , Second Prize. se •Mismaster, 'Was ivou by. •Mrs'. James Chisiltoies Ss, Goderich; and the' third prize, a - writing desk and chair, went to Ji01) Jeffrey, also of Goderich, The anderich Tilhe Wafer Banc" was in at and played dar- ing the evilning. Directors' of installing Iniothsi wczre Con. Beachier and Cha4'les Gibbons. • Advertising and publie- ity,s • ,Mrs. Joseph ine ' „Chisholm. Gatostudsstreasti rex - Strt. :Book's-, on draW : NV. A. Ootiltharst. • Dlreetfir, of gaines: Frank Donnelly, K.C. Bingo ; Ivan Lou -son stint Ken Croft.',.Bingo cashier! :Moyra Donnelly.' Blanket' wheel ; Charles _Gibbans. Blanket wheel enabler: 'Mrs. 'Alter Fry, Sliscellaneolia goods wheel;' BOo Oriellette. Children's booth ' Mary Foster and Audrey Smith. Supply goods guardian,:„Leo :Belly. ' pot •,, Ie 0 itMI and Jim R ol es. • • "REV. W.' C. COWHERD • GOEe TO HAMILTON • A range takes Place this Week In the pastorate of the Free Method- ist Chnreh iii Goderich. Rev, W. C. Cowherd, . who has hod charge here for the „past year, gees. ..to the. West Avenne Church in Ham - Wan,' and the pastorva the ton* church, Rev, Byron E. ,Steven- son, comes- to (40derleb: 'Mr: COW - herd preached his farewell sermons. • on • Sunday, and left. this week with his family for his new charge at -Hamilton, anti Rev. Ar. Steven,. son will 'eolumenee his pastorate here MO) next Sunday's serViees. Mr. Cowherd has made nIttily, friends. here and his &White. IS regrottoi144 . 0„33. Peculiarities of Local Speech under, Investigation,, ,Irrorn„ Monday to 'Anr.eday, :of 1, thi* .Week 'GederiCh has been ;Sub. Dr. Raven I, McDaVid, 11%, :of Orem,'tulle South (,arcul*pa and bittipg In tile • charming wife Bxnoinlrg Dr lclaryoir44, HwOittekthjit musical .South speech,- Old, The. 'Signal -Star. that ,Gederielr was one of. six 'Western Ontario COASs ' =fifties to be Visited. by 141M, London , was ' first,. then Goderich• • and now Sarnia will, be vfsited. froth Friday to Saturday. Other places on the are Dresden*, • t • Essex and Brantford,. • •. • s Elderly people,as a rule, are visited for the inforpation desired. Mr. William Blair was one resident to, be visited, . while,- among , other0.' Were James Foley and. Fred' Robin-, son. Goderich was chosen .because its local traditions go back for _Many yeTansa.rnedarlseo; has its'rbeseiednengt.soilla 'residents' ilies. • • This sea for about twenty years in both the United States and Canada And" carried' 4ut by The' Lrligui.stic•Atlas • • of Me United States. and Canada, a project sponsored by the American': Council, of Learned,Sogieties unclez' the direetion of Professor .1Ians Kurath" of the University of • MieItlisig-pan'il.‘'purpose is is to . obtain 'a -record': of the , actual „ living language J.n. various parts Of Englishssneaking North Atherica. This data is . used, to help interpret such. *things, (i)' settlement history; (2) route's - of migration; (3) influence '-of mcoeutnrtolpse,.sliidtaen n o. ; surnrtl.u.n. ,,Goderieh an uold Settlement" To strew that God'errch.'was, an old s,ettlement. .ansl therefore-geod sPot for:1bn to get his information, 'Dr. McDavid pointed out that people in this town were. born, 'grew up and *ere married. before • the .city, of Atlanta, Georgia's came into being, ,since Atlanta Vas. not . founded until ispo; w.heretis Gode- rich had -its beginning in 1827.. In-,' • •., cidentally, Dr. McDaVig stated that, oderich was' just. about one of 'the nicest places he littd. visited. In the . course of his tenrs Over United' Ssite.s and Canada'. •••: • To show' how different section's .of • the- 2entitinent use different •words tip express. the same thing, Dr.- !.i.11c.-•:;-- • !David pointed oat .that in.Goderith one speaks' of -soft drinks"' While in , the 'wholesale. trading' 'area of , Boston "they. are "tanks." west United States: ilwy are "soda 1' In • Code -rich it's "coal scuttle," while in the Mississippi area it's lineket." . P Western Ontario it's-' "coil of hay" but in the northern,and west' ern part of the United States it' - coil Of hay,'" and -1n. the Sbethern States , it's "shock o? hay." In Canada it's,, "chesterfield," but in the United .tates "davenpost," • In Canada, it's "dew worms;!'. but in Northern United State's , ,,`angle 'worms"; in bid -United States .".fisb worms;" and l,n, 'South Units-I-68dteartieh esi!ieWilworms," but in the United States,. •"eonnty seat" ' In Canada it's "reeVe,' ,but in the New England -States "seleettime' ; in 'New 'York, Illinois and Michigan, "supervisor,", and in Ohio,, "trustee.",1 . - Ile told of a 'man fiem Michigan Who innocently asked an ,Indiana farm woman, tf they had a sugar- • bush on their farm. ,Inclignantly,. she replied: "Yoting man, dont you. know .that sugar don't collie from na bush r In *her regliln the • term, was "::.:tiga r 'camp." Elsewhere' it might • be a "sap orchard."' ., So, 'from the abd've, • those Gode•- •riell residents' who. were interviewed arid asked. many. questions Might now get an idea of what the South Carolina •epeple were after with I heir ilia ny odd questions. . • BACKWARD WEATHER. IN DAKOTA DELAYS CROPS Harry Tisdale, of, Grand 'Forks, North Dakota,' w. former HurOnite, in --renewing hts subscrip- thm to The Signal -Star sends some notes on elm and weather condi- tions in Dakota. He writes, tinder date of' August '21: , "Yesterday I, drove- up No. 44 to. Drayton and Bowesmont. Crops along that :road look very proreis-; .ings einiSidering- the ,very :late -seed- ing oa, ,affount of the flood in, the spilug. 'Wheat : is mostly in the ; milk stage'Yet, so WM not ,be ready ' • for ha ryes ting beiare September, Some Pats and barley have been combined near Grand Forks. Most everything. is from three to' four- weeks later thaw in normal years..., We ha ye ' been . very .,elose to 'frost 'during the -last few :fights. and in. , deed sonie light' frost lns. been re- . lisersher""VerY little Warm. weather and Senrcely a week. Without having our Oil furnayes in ALL DAY' PROCiRAPIt AlLe RAivatp FOR 'LABOR DAV From 10 'a.m. Ott tabor Pay „ (!MondaY, September 4th), when, the parade :assembles at Sudith. Gooderliant Park,. nntll the, last bingo pulse handed4•Ut at night; there will be fun and eritorrairtmOnt fer all, in the program arranged, tor the day. • The afternoon: program will be; at the Agrieultnral Path and Will be given by an all-star aggregation of musleinne, ilaneers„ eethedian$ and eirens,perforroets. In the evening a monster earniva* (looderham :bring the big day to'np end, ; . •