HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-06-15, Page 1FEDERATION.OF AGRICULTURE
Oust Speaker Gilips V1gorous0
Addreia On IVIarerine
„A brillinat sun brealting outicarlY
Wednesday afternoon dried pp A:gri-
cultural -Park, shake& by rata the
previous day; and sa* the eighth
annual field thy of the Huren.
County Federation of • ,Agriculture
moVe threugh to 4, .saccessfhl dm-
• -elusion. With- the °morning ' threat-
ening rain and the possibility of
having twoeaceessive annual -field.
cleys vvitehed outAbY rain, the crowd
was slow in coming, but by the
middle of the afterrivan an estim-
ated 3500 were in lettendance.
'Guest speaker for tife 'day was
13-i. 'Ernest P. Hope, Ottawa,..ecou,
Grata of the. Canadian, Federation
of Agrieulture, who presented a
strong case for the proteetion - of
butter and the dairy industry in
...*general•. as against . inargarhie, Dr.
Hope was iatrodueed by Robert S.
McKereher, . 1st viceepresie
dent of the-Huroa County Federation,
of Agriculture. Addresses of wel-
come were made by "Ch4r1es Coultes,
Belgrave; president of the Huron
County Federatilow, Reeve. W. J.,.
Baker on behalf a .1mayor George
Cecil Johnst0ii 'en liehaVer Hp ell.
County Council. "Tory" 'Gregg was.
, la,91:60.911_•bak--P, aOrday, ,july,
ill he 'celebrated., with a "full,
day's program in Goderich. -1. ,
In the morning,'Will be 'a ,parade,
with - priees fog the •hest entries,
sind the usual children's games in
pourt HouSe Park.
' The Goderieli- Saddle Club' will
fake oVer for .the afternoon pro-
gram, which Will :be at, Agricultural
Park. A leng series (I track
events, with generous prize, will
provide an afternoon of •splendid
sport.An event of special leterest
will be the emiapetition in horse-
manship for the Sylvan - Acres
trophyonatcdby `-Don • Hammil.
In the ey ing the Lions Club
will hold itr"annual carnival, with'
free dmiss on,
XTiiners at Annua1Achievement Da
VICTORIA 11,=S: pxgounvg )r- .mOvers.arY
The ' exeeutiVe of .the tictoria.Of 137,1d041:2'ObSerV„P„
Heine' and- School Assoelation".met
gaL tee lielne ef are?, Arnold Fisher,
Kluge...eon street, on Friday' for
eiai eveping, at. whieh Mrs..
George:Bowra was preseut.ed
,a set of buffet treys,' by Mrs. Doug-
las 'Wilson 'on behalf 'ef the As -
Mr, Bowra, -taken "11I
t.4. by ,sur,
prise, thanked tb.ose present and , • .
stated 'briefly . that ehe had enjoyed At the lherPhig arvice large
lier aiid eateesho9rcitilAteionluheWrsithdeiththegehxeercutetirhlvet.,ccoonwgnye441,6),r. wtehee' ,pprrreart.oteiriutujiek/sk.4
of Office During the' evening "500" giviaig, Wig' that uSeil by the Verk
Itev. George C. Pidg'eetisOf "Toronto;
Ii -rt Moderatok" of • the United
Church, • at the .hibugural,,Setelett -
twenty-five years ago, .and the text
eiothi by Rev c: Wesley. Cope, ,
sane as
tNpoefet.dh asttrteheet, thwaeuegutrii4ei
dency Of Mrs, Bowra: $19 wa's giveeiservice on June 10th, 1925, Dy Bev.
to winners at the Music Festiva), Professor S. P, RoSe, MD."- The -
.sernion subject was "The Grain of •
WAlletattilet. evening service, w'hich was
attended by a large congregation,
three choirs, junior, ladies' and
male, took Part" in' eerVite of
praise under the direction of Alex, :
Plarlt, organist and choirlinieter,
Deelaratione of. the Congregation-
al Union, the Methodist Church
Canada, the PresbYteriatie' Ohara
and, the fecal Union Churches; ex-
prestiing the traditions oreachi
given at the inaugural"serviee, were
read_ by the minister,: • Each. wee"
fe'lleWetr eleereafrapprorpriate-liyrei:e:'7
seleetieet eung...respectivelY. by the
keeial:,,„„'SOrviee RM.
.pl:triday at 44,tor.14:
° St; OhtlX013.
The .• twenty-fifth; anniversary- o
the,,, 'United chirch ,a ;Canada Wag(
.„ . , ,
obsqved in ..N"ortb, Street ' United •
Chtu.Th on ,Sunday. ,
*as. played, prizes going tOijs
R. E. Wilson and -Mrs.. Frank
Hawke, and to Mrs, Harold •Doak
fer ' Chinese dieckets.•-' A daieaty
lunch was served by the hog-toss-1nd
a pleasant evening was Much en-
• ii).Yed•
The annual Harrison reunion was.
held at Harbor Park on June 10th.
There were ninety-seven present Tor
a warm dinnet and a very good
turhout, considering the wet
weather; .earlier in the day. • The
sports were .run and a bal1..
game was much enjeyed." A bOunte-
'ens Picnic- supper :was -served to
conclude the picnic. ,The officers
..fellows: Presided, Mrs. ":Fred •Me-
Cullough ; dsecretary-treasurer,
Clete arreson • IVO ors • r
elusion of the address a Vote of • ,• -
'Mrs. N. ,Heard and Mr: fund Mrs.
thanks was moved bylV.. R. Loop' ,Wilnier Harrison; sports,- Audrey
/Harrison,' Jack Proctor ,Lorne emu
Chester Hackett
• Clinton, pest president of the Huron
,County Federation. . •
.40er...brief -addresses were made.,
by •L. Cardiff, M.P.., John
Mhos..Pryde, 14.13,13:
A, telegram :from A: Y. McLean,
..M.P,, Huron -Perth, Was'read'expres-
:sing his regret at being unable ,to
get away fro- Ottawa. ,
1)r.. litipeS Address
The war for survival of the
dairy industry is _last starting," said
Hope gueSt speaker. . "The
margarine ' leterests have Won the
first battle, .biit Niters. are not -decided
on the first battle, as. wo all .weli
know from eXperience. The .big jeb
.for :the ,dairy farmers .of '• Canada
and the. Cenadiaii Federation of
Agriculture' lies ahead. As leng 55
.deuadian egficulture lags behind, in
the national eConora§;. as '-lang--eas
;Goverements are to ,give
falm, problems the attention thek;
need and have aright to, there is a_
• Jo); ahead for the Federation. As
Ong as there exit the unfortunate
e*,t•tp. between , the 'thinking of the
eural -people and that of urban
people; with ;the -nlisurideretranding-
or' farmer problems so notieable
..in much 'Of the daily press, there
is a job ahead for the Federation: Sunday but unsupervised, and- no
. , water will be left in ' the wading
pool. .
The pre-school program is -being
held each morning. and 'afternoon,
but attendance . especially in the
morning session has 'been Small.
It Le hoped that, parent§ will send
their children to the playground
a that they May participate 'in
a program of "gan es,. stogie and
crafts. All • activ Oka . are 'eupef-
Vsedliand it is f It'lliat the child-
renwill erijoY themselve.s end bene-
fit 'greatly from this Aprvice. .
The. Grade Scho'd :Iteere'atiolf
•Softball League is tow, in full.
swing, with games • eing played
every afternbon, at 415. • There is
a five -team glits:!-, leave and a
seven-teaom boys' Tea_e, with the
team. members diming from Vie-
tetie, . 'Central , and St. P,etells
setroole. e The girls' teams arcap-
tained by ,Adeline Riehl„Lillian
McLean, Donna Boyce, Ruth Rein-
hart and May Ellen Patton. .The
captains :•• of the boys' teams ,are
George Thompson,Fred Vineent;
Joe 'Allison, Len Hannan, John
Simpson, Jerry Wall and Bill Reis.
•;Re:sung' of the Recreation Softball
League to date: ., •• • • ''
--'GIRLS- ',
. •
Atom Bombers 27 -Challengers ,T
Strike Outs -lee -Bruins 16 . -
Chal1engers:,22--1-Dedgers 8 ,
430y,S - •
,. •
.,Duriae the year several projects
were accomplished under the preei-;
197 lbs. elf eletluing were ESent
'through the Unitarian Seryice for
the ' overseas needy;. -37 class pins
ere sen ted to the:1940 4grade
-claes; niembers--
of Centrelapd.Victoria Assaciations.
eerved lunch... ntfether „anneal • field
dRe"ze and at a ''Hallowe'eaitenartY1
expenses were paid to...4 .delegate
__eent..H:to. the Easter cenVention at'
Toronto; during. the year $63 was
made by ",,the -.groups or . Went
money!; $2310. made by the carol
service at 'Christmas; Was . given to
the- "Save the ,Children. Puud."
toile School, in. May, it seemed.
4ing a rs. er ay or, erre
Of the*oIdest:enembere„ and a former
President,- made the 'forntal
.fer . adjeurnin. ent, ' eonclude.:-.1he
:Victoria Heine and School ASSoele
'• . • ' „
Bobby :„ Bannister, ten -year -Old
eon of Me.' and Mre..Williana ,Ban-
Inister, Widder Street, whe waS
struck' by. a car on:West -Street, at
noon Monday, is still in Alex-
andra Hospital and is reported to
be in -serious condition. Hesafe
fered severe concussion and was
. •
'unconscioes, for several hours after
the accident. ,'•
Wading Pool at
Playground. Open
Hew' to ,reCognize and cook vaeine meat eXits ,and- incmitorate the•ni fn well-plaeried family menus wes e ons ma
of roil Counter •Junior Homemakers' ,Clulf held .at Seaforth Satnrdae. Ahove,, five: of the "goo .
-11, Leon el .•
Achievement Day gathering
"-young -women' who attended: the eveet discuss, the -merits of their r eeipes. .1,401t..to_right „are Mauna Hayden, Moleeworth ; Irs.--
. ai
Archambaidt, Auburn ; Isebelle rne1 Brussels ; Elaine Lamb, Gede 'rich; Flora Turnyin,.BrusSers. • ' --Untie% Free • Press 'Engraving
amexon Killoran
Wins Perch -Derby
When the cuetai1 was rung, down
today (Thursd(y).. on the thirel
annual perch •deiley of the' Goderich
Lions -Club,. Cameron .3". Killoran,.
,Londop barrister,, was found .. to
have caught. the • largest , perch dur-
ing the derby: It Welaed one
pound, ; 'eleven onnees• and was
'landed .011 'May 20th. • As_winner,
Mr Killoranr 'receives -pop in 'cash
and posseSsion for one. Year of
large, silver trophy, • embleitiatic of
the ' Cl111flh10l1Sl1ip. •.' -
'Miss Elaine-- Worrell 6i Tees -
water, Ont., iwohl the $1,00. easli on
the lueky'. ticket .draw., Fedr-Year'
old Siisan, Sale, daughter. of Mr.' and,
.Mrs. Ned Sale, 'made the draw.
Prizes -to to the first nine placing
with .-largest perch caught. • The
ileXt, eight following Mr. Killoran,
and the prizes they w'a
in, re : 2ircl,..
John Lillo*, 664 Downie street,
•Stratferd,....(baronieter); .3rd,, C.
Flodtl, 14 • Lo-uise, street,' Stratford
(silver tray) ; tli, Billnliott,
Goderich (blanket) ; 5th, Gordon
. -
Lamb, London (electric iron) ; , 6-th;
-W. :Vlarwitilt„ Goderich (rod.' and
reel) ; 7th,, J. Terrell, LondOn.
(wallet) •; 8th, J. Welch, London.
(wall plaque) ; 9th, I3111,INIcOlvis,
Goderich (six t,-pertraits.), ,-
Presentation o thg.,.toous:,nrizes
will be made on Saturday afternoon
at, Gederich ',harbor. .
. Week -end Winners •
... Week -end ',.winners- of. prizes.. in
the Lions Club perch 4 derby* were:
,First,. Anil§ .Calder, ,Seaforthe see-
ernd, F. Sydney,, ,Loildon; third,
N. L. Fitesimnions,, Clinton; fourth,
Part *Haskell, Goderich '(prize,
'winner folthe lifth time) ; fifth,
Alfred Byerman; 1Seafor1h . Sixth,
Bernard -Martelfe-'---S tr afford;
seventh; Frank Turner, :Nlitbhell;
eighth, Gordon Waterman, London;
ninth, Eric Driscoll,London. -
The'wading pod at• the. Judith-.
Gooderhain • Plakground..), . now.
. °pin:, The activities' . iri ih 'pool
will 'he "supervised.: frem;9.,,a..m. to
9 P.M.: an on '4Seturda( frem, 9,
rear... to. 9 p.m. The 'pool will...he
einptied'eYery ..Saturday night :and
refilled again on Monday ,arrorning.
The playground will :be s open on.
-e'.The things Mat. the Federation of
Agriculture *tends., for, and' fights
for, are the thingsthat we -believe
are right and necessary; to • the
building of a prosperous and ,vittil,
agricultural industry and to fire
--•-•ewelfare Of the reralpeople, and we
believe that these. are net incon-
siStent„with the,,national welfare."
Ne'Better Homes Anywhere
Referring to hie visit to Goderich,
Dr. Hope said he 115(1travelled over
most of Canada 'hut said his visit
te Goderich was "a re'velation." He
„doubted if he had seen 'better -looking
Ian& and ho.mes "anywhere in Can,
atilt-91,1in were to be found between
London and .,;Go'deriela." °Ile won-
dered, too, if anywhere in Canada
there was a liner Federation field
' day_held than the one in Goderich
on Wednesday,' . ...s '
Sayhig that ``the probleme of the.
farinere. are getting more difficult
all the %time toosolve," he urged that
farmers he "well organized." .Stating
, that the. Canadian Federation'. of
Agriculture; foun1ed1n1935, "seems
to be -we'll founded and is increasing
in strength," Dr. Hope,. added., "The
Dominion, Gee-el:wheat does recog,
iiize the Federation of Agriculture
as' the • 'one official voice of lam.
farmers,;in' Canada." • (
Speaking of margarine, Dr.Hope
en the Federal Government should
take a &Distend on the controversy.
He claimed the Government shoUld
not "sit on the,fenee as they have
been, 'this lest year" but should -take
"a 'firm stand."
Dr.,11ope sounded a Warning that
removal cif the present controls on
„margarine's manufacture and sale"
Would drop the wholesale price •of
'knitter to 40 cents a pound and bring
the --dairy_induslr.y to the brink a
He said "the big ' job" for , the
7- ,Ditiry-tVariners - of Canada ad the
Canadian •Federatioft of Agrietilture
wit6 ,abead.
JIe said•tlik the, Federal' Goyern-
anent had for 80 years "considered
It Sound to prefect and Rester". a
Canadian dairy .industry.
"If. they de not wish to see this
major industry tlestreyed or go into)
•tt. 20 -year sinnap then they must take
iminediate steps of a , permanent
nature to provide seine, measure of
pretection,", he Said. '
VVIO Pick on Butter?'
ile said be had wondered why' tbe
people "Who have Made such a,
great hue and ,cry about all the poor
people Who eannOt afford to • buy
utter should have picked On butter,'
' He eharged that the textile indus-
try in' Canada had "been able to
eke the censer/ler for tf ride under
tariff wall of 22 to 25. per 'tent.
earl, a preibibitive-4eveill. (4":"iiitport
Sinee restrictions had been- plaeed
on American. textile imports; he said
textile . profits had Pulped .from
VW million: hi 1947 to more than
,last Year.
"Is there 'any more jtistitleatIon
for , destroying the dairy Andwitry
than there', is for- destroying ace
textile industry or the. electrical
... , -•
'Another. new steel bent,. built by.
the Mathieson, 'Welding Service- of
town, was launched on 'Tuesday
for lir. Dalby of Toronto. She is
powered with a Chrysler Crown Six.-
cylinder, '4 to 1' reductIon gear. and
-will be 'used to ".carrk, freight at
Toronto and Centre Island. She is
named the KennetheA. She left. for
• Tbreuto 'this (Thursday) morning
diarge Captain Wm. 'Marwick
• •
Hot Shots 1,8,--411Yers. 12
Bine Bombers, 12 -White tox„43 '
"Holy "Sockers 16 -Sluggers 10 .
Myers 19 -:-Red Sox 10
Hot t hots .11 -White, Sox •4 •
Blue Bombers 20 -Holy Seekers 40
• •
goods 'Industry,, which -mightbe the
ease if these Industries reeeived no
tariff_protection?" lie asked., . •
Dr.'. Hoek said that 105 million
poinids of , margarine .would probe
dfinted this -.'year.. -into
Market which,: Used to coniinfie at
least. 2(18 million pounds" of blither.
Forty per cent. of the butter market
would, in other words, be *taken-
avray. ' '
• •
• The. Privy he said; might,
revtrse the decision 'of the Supreme
Colirt ef Canada. this' summer,: send.
The 1950 !Salvatien, Army. Red
Shield 'Appeal cempalgn for gode-
rich andsurrounding districts was
launched to a .fine .start on Monday,
June 12th, • Chairman of the' 1950
coinPaik11,. , Air " Nriceeletarshat J , A.
Sully; presided at a meeting held
on ...Monday" afternoon -• with the
variiins team captitins. 'He stressed
the imlnediate neeil of financial aS-
sistance t� enable the Amy' to
'carry, an its great 'unselfi'sli, wOrk.
He pointed -out That '3,1nitoba flood
a-nd with :the 'owner dn boardrelief haddepleted the •Arpay's fie-
ThOse *cl'ho have seen her sav She is
one of the' 'finest boats Mailliesen
has yet tarned. out. •`,
Sumner • activity reigns a t: the
waterfront, Bathers .and 'sWinunets
areelijoying the 'Water, and , the
young tots are, revelling in •the set
and the .sand, The Water temper-
ature at the beach today is 70s;
betWeen the piersz,
• Arrivals at thelaGoderieelevator'
the past week : Saturday--Bhinch
Hindm'ali 103,000 • bus. oats and
wheat. Tuesday -e -Helen
95,000 bu,. oats and barley. Thurs-
Found guilty of keeping liquor
tor' sale, "Arthur ""Frenchy"- 81 -
Aman of Clieton was senteneed to
two inonthe in .fall by -Magiitrate
D.n. Holines in Pollee Coert today.,
In April St. Aman pleaded guilty at.
Seaforth to a similer charge and:was
fined, , `*-
"' A charge against William tee of
Clinton a operatipg a ear without"
a taxi license was dismissed 1,vhen
It was anovvn thei. car ,WitS- used
because cine.Of the,cars a a lieensed
taxi , driver :was terripor*aply out of
running order.
C. I; Buck, charged' with cowl -110U
assault' Of • George Baeehler, was
ordered to Pay ;prosecution tests,
meOcal expenses incurr•ed by George
Baeehler in hail.= three ititehes in
hts eye to chli-Wotecid, -and -also
cot of rePairing Baechlers brolten
spectacles., • ' 4„, •
Ch*tiege of wI1ft11 daniage against-
Ilegh 14cGii1re was -dismissed,. but
MeGuire was 'ordered to Py
'Kelly -fox -the windowpanes he claim-
ed Were broken by MeGuJre. ,
The regular monthly meeting of
ancial resources and that it was 111
such eases 'Of emergency • thet the
ublic becomeS aware of the won-
rful • work • alit the Army does;
yet. *just as Mire:thane Le, the dory -
to -day ,work Of the Army in • helping
those in ''ether Unfortunate eireum-
stances., '
Tenni-captains are Mrs. D, 'D.
MooneY,' J. Allan, Harry Ford
and Ken. Pennington. danvassers
art' Miss George, Mrs. J. 'A. Sully,
D. E. CemPliell, Dock-
stader, aohnsfpn, Arthur
Cur*, Ca^fliereete•MeGuire, C. 'De
day • (today), - Starbuck, '103,000- Robinson, J. VanDoorruck, J. B.
bee. barley, wheat and mixed" Valls'; M. E. Neil, -Mils.. P. Curry,
grain ; , Superior, '97,000 bus: Oats, Malcolm Mathers,- W., Alcock, Don,
sample grain and -barley. . Aberhart,, A. P. • Boutilier, C. F.
• The Inkster is dne.at, the elevator Chapman,: Harold Hibbert, H. O.
tonight. • • , Jerry; georke "Roes, Frank SkeIton,„
_The collier CO,neumers Power ar- 0.. F. - Whaley, Rose Peratirigton,
rived at 5.45 p.m.- on Saturday' with Gordon Bannister, C. 1. Buck, 'W. A..
a *cargoof's coal and cleared next Cemittniest, G. N. Dowker, R. M.
morning at 6. o'clock, having dis-o Menzies, J. G. MacDonald, •Franif
Charged 8,500 tons of. coal . dining Saunders, L. Walzak, Erk
the night, ,for the Goderich Salt Walkora, G. McManus, NV. A, Hay.,
COMPhilY. * • 11, D. °I-lelstrep,-C. Symonds:
:The Inver141 Cobotirg brought a' Milne, K. F. Wilkie:feat, Gee. Allis,
ctOge :of gasoline from Sarnia. W. G.- Dalmage, George ,Par. -sons,
.Monday for the Imperial. Oil depot. Jelin Thorpe,,, E. Weaver.
The . government . supply- vesSel . The tearas report,,,,an excellent
St.. Heifers* arrived yesterday from response' to tide -year's appeal.
Sarnia 4n"eommend of Captain JohnThe canipaign closes Ion Monday,
patchell. Lights Inspector Harbld Jape 10th, and tho,se not canvassed
Tait was en hoard and after exam- personally are requested to forward
ining then, various Government ser- .their donatione directly to p.O.
vices at the harbbr ,deblared every- Box 670, Goderich Campaign Head -
thing 111 good order. Supplies ,for qearters. Dona•tione age, of course,
the 'lighthouse, radio beam* and teg- 'deductible from income tax. •
horn were deliveredand. the light- 1 ,
CoufitY .Council.'
Now in Session
'Still Has !nue' tO' Nurg,e
Cleaver a Fair .
Uearing •
Phe Junesession of. Huron' County
Council epeeed, oh Monday morning.
Warden Cecil Johnston in a !brief
ad -dress eautiened 'all' committees to
stay' within the estiniateS, so that
the year would "-irot e:end with a
deficit.. • - • "
lag all Provincial laws on •laarg.- the Victoria Helpers. class of Vie-
arine the hoterd, and making; It toria, Street Onited Chtircl wad held
Federal. matter' again. 1;
'Public oPinion is now so sting
tor margarine that the Federal GOY-
ernment would likely legalize the
Manufacture and sale of mar,garine
in some form* in all' Canada," he
Warned. °
houses :at Kincardine! :Point Cfark RICHARDSON-MeCREATH
and Bayfield were Served ffo-ni here
by truck.. The St :Hellers deers The wedding of. Marilyn Ellen
tomorrovv morning. McCreath and Robert _R; Richard-
. son. took •place on Saturday, 4'une
at,the poine of iVliss Hazel Hawkine
on' MondaYeevening vvith ihe.presi-
dent,, Mrs. McGuire, in. 'the ehair..
The Seripiure was read by Mrs.
Osbaldest-on. At the, conclusion of
the,. ineetin.g lunch was served by
the hostess and; a social,half-ho'ur
Ile Added that the .fIght by ,power- was enjoyed.
ful %interests against The *color ban • • . .. ...., .
on margarine would likely 'be...19.-...,...,...,,,,...., THE/ 'WEATHER,
PRESENTATIONS AT 3, at 4.30 o'clock, • in the First
•MISSIQN: 'BAND', 'TEA Church 'of Dearhern, ;Midi: The
, bride is • the daughter 'ofand
At ' the annual MacGillivray MIs- :qrs. Ernest, McOreath'of Dearborn
sion 13and 'held in- the 'lecture
hall•Of Knox Cleureh an interesting
program vies presented by members
of the Band, fellowed by a "silver
tea." Arthur Peachey `yells. the able
chairman Of the meeting.
An ,4ddrekte of, welcome was read
by' Miss Marien _Sernten. She -gave _ Mr. Charles Neuendorf and
Mr. Charles Nieman were best men.
The Ushefs Were Charles Richard-
son and Raymond Yenkel....' After
the., ceremony a reeeptten "Was held
and 150 guests sat down to a wed-
ding 'dinner. The young 'couple will
reside in Dearborn on their reture
from a short honeymoon. ,
The Churcliveeman's Guild:Of St't
George's bhureh met in the Guild
room for their regular meeting on,
Tuesday; .Tune 6th, WO the *preSi-
dents, Mrs: $taniferth, in /the.
chair and a large attendance of
Members. „Important items of bilsi-
ness 'were dismissed, ehief among
which • was the garden 'party *and
sale of articles, to take place during
the Summer.. At the 'conclusion of
the meeting ' afternoon tea was
served by the committee, Mrs. G.
Mr6'. II. Tiehborne, and
_Airs. Munday. '
n'eWed. • 'I'emperatures of 'the 'past week
olt is true the dairy farmers are Goderieh with those et; the
trying to help b mselves this sum -
'ter through the r adVertiSing Cain-
vaign,"' be, said. "This is very
mendable btit ih itself it Witt never
save the dairy industry. We simpry
eartno.tproduee butter at 40 centti
Pound- at present costs,. :which is
what' We WeaM have de under
fttll competition ;with naargarine, •
correspOnding week et year age, as
Officially ,recorded, were ai folloWst
1950 1049
, Max. Min. Max, Min.
Thurh., /line 8 .85 .05 57 32
Fri., little 0 • 00- 11 -42
Sat., Ione 10 -52 74 :45'
Sun., :tune 11 40 85 55
June 12'...,15 59 80. 08
(rWUlts ofothe sports prograni Tues., e, ' 59 ,,.84 68
-are unavoidably held (wet). VO4I, ante 14 ..68 . 50 85 03
. - Evattgelical: United are
• tie told the inenibers- theywere
fortunate 4117 being repre.4entntives
of such, a :Comity' as. Elwell., which
eever.looked.-better. than, at present.
1Ie • expressed' eyinpethy 'With the
routines' of the late Reynold's'
and the late Russell .Dorrance, the
latter. a Orme, ,member of the
County Council.* . • '
He th•anked the :members and
otlicials,--for their co-operation,
'Hearing 'Denied Miss. Cleaver
. _ _ _ .
‘"Reeve. . W. J. Baker of Goderieh
referred to the tesolutiOn eubmitted
by .the town 'Cpunell. of 7, Goderich
requesting that a hearing -he given
AN. Cleaver, D.r. Walter Little.
and -himself .in 'the matter Of the
,action ,of • the . 'County Board', of
Healtb,. in asking for the resignation
of.,Miss . Cleaver frem • the County
Wealth.' bTnit.-.--Thee-eomMunication
Fee referretrAto the County, Board
et Health. .• " • ,
,Mr. _Baker's request , that reports'
in Tbe, 8Igna1-S tar and The Toronto
Star regarding the .matter be. read
Was. ruled Out of, order, * ,
The Goderich. reeve' _said he' felt
a great injustice had peen done :Mies
cleaver. All he aSked, forewas fir
Play to--whichbe, felt every citiien.
was entitled -
Reeve John MtNabb bf Ore§ to•wn-
shipfavored a hearing before the
whole Council.
Reeve 14. 13. Cbusins of Brussels,
chairman of the 'Board of Health,
declared the Iloard had 'nothing to
hide. The discussion,' he cleinied.
was out -of orderuntil the' remit
*Was; presented. -
Reeve 'Prank Sills, of Seateirthc
member of tlie.-Board, 'objected" to
the .. itishmation that the reetioir- e•t'
the, Board .• was "underhanded,". as
claimed :by Mr: • Baker..„,fle could
not see why one man ahould qiieetion
the. intelligence of the • other four
menibers. . • •
aid' the. groom hi the -son 'of Mr. A metion by
and- Mrs'. F. Itiehardson, also nof ded by •Reeve Gowdy , of
of satin and lace and she was. the Health Beard appear before the
A.IcNab, seeee...
Dearborn. The bride's gown 'was. HOwiek, that The 'Health . Unit and
attended byher conSins„, rent County; Cbuncilon Friday morning
-Prodoh nfeteMiss . Virginia Yenkpl. together With Dr. • Little and Mtse
Miss Emma Shepherd was flower- Cleaver, was read.-' .; •
'Mr. MeNtrb... called for.._the.: yea,
and nays, and the motion! was lost
On :11 vote of .T to 21.
On Tliebday the .Cottneiri Visited
'the •M'AlitY Heine and the University
of :Western. Ontario tit London.,
Grants Authorized.
On Wednesday' grants • bf. $500
to the Canadian .CaneerkFund, 000
to the'Oixl "Guides As,soeiation, 'and
'81,000 to the TuberculasiS ,AssoM-
ation were authorized 48 recommen-
ded by the execntive .comniittee..
, :Opinion Was eipreSsed that .1fiere.
Would, be -diseriniination 0, if the,
Connell . endersed the committee's
reeoramendetien of no 'action •on 'the"
request l'Or a grantg.for The Here -
Viz& breeders' show at Exeter, -as
both the Shorthorn and the Hot
stein, • Breeders' Associations had.
received grants,' It was -moved .
Reeves. IP. Sills and Stanley Snyder
that the report be,amended•to grant
$1,00 to the Hereford Breederte As-
soelationi and this was earried,
Warden ."..lohtis:ton said that tbe
Girl Guide camp on the 12th eon-
cression ,of Aghileld was doing a fine
work and wa-,e-attended by ,,beteveen
/5, and 100 girls. 'Ven neves were
added last :year ' and 4,500 frees
planted. •A windstorm, last • winter
blew down many of the huts. A
large building is being eonstructed.
. .
The 'session Ad the Liidies'• Aid
Society of •• Kno-,e • presgyterian
Church- , entertained the membera
of the .1.cheir, the Sunday sehool
teachers, and the leaders of the
iunior congregation' at a &inner in
the lecture. .Thursday even,_
ing last. .Greetings of the seselon
were „,:eXfendecl ' . , (leorge ehour, when. we „do-- Wok * to the
Sehaefer, and appreciatien was ex- any when , 'the earth . shall
presSed to. the ladies by Mr: Charles
4.1umber,, lapt . universal. lave'.Y' •
message from '-the. PtesP,ht '
Moderator of the United Chureli ,in
Canada, Rt. Rev.:'W;
was rend by -Mr.
also .spo.k, e .olrfh.etbese, Cr:morn:I r.otre-
Over!'" were sung respectively by the speet The hymns "The. Day Thou
ladies' choir and 'DA. junior eloir.-
Gayest" and "Now the. .DaY, Is
. Basing, ills subject, "And I;Dipt-,
into' the Future," Upon the ,pra-
phetie utterance ,.of . Tennyson's,
"Locksley • and the' text,
"That they all may be one'', (John
17 :21) , • 'Mr. 'Cope said that ' a
way the -poem was an expression
of the greatest facts of the present
ZawthoTe. ,
In reco.gnition et their long -ser-
vice ,a.'s Sunday . school • teachers,
surprise •presen tations :of' fountain,
pens were made �p -behalf of the
tStinday school by the suPerintend-
ent, Mr. Glen .Ledge;-'t4,..M.n....Alet„../..
Butler, Mrs. Alpert 'Taylor and 'Miss
thel- Elder". "Miss.; Editrt Wiggins,'
who is In London at present, *Ise
It was in exPression of, that law
that the .United Church „came into ,
being twenty-five years. ago, ."that
the may' be one • :
• Tripe'. very •epirit the Church,
said the • Speaker, • Is to be found
hi. the great 'seal, • She came • Into-
existepce.as a• result of the thoughts
'of great. Men -that' ,the Cbureb...
'might become one. • .
a' resume -of the WOrk done during
the year, testifying. to the healthy
condition:Of, the Band; , '
The 'junior memliers„favored thc
andleArce with a. well-reediv.ed
chorus. This, Was • followed by ,
skit 'called "Bridges," performed by
the' senior boys and girls. .Two.
short readings4Were given, "Life in
Japan," by Sani I3erry, arid "Jap-
anese Religion," by :,Donna terry.
After the sipenk of another
hymn, presentation of membership
seals 'yvaS made by 'Miss Dor-othy
Johnston; who along with, "Mir.
Clsirenee McDonald assisted Mtss
lila.' White, the leader, in Mission.
Band- vvork. • ,
-Lite-nuenber.ship certificates. were
presented by ,Mrs. • A. Taylor and
>Its. Rivers., to two retiring mem-
bers, Carol Ann Young and Sylvia
'i,eachey, who, will .go on Int C.G.I.T.
Work. •
The member, present who had be-
longed to the,'IgaeGillivray Misidon
Band• over the longest period of
time, Mrs. Harold Itivers, was prer
sented 'with ft nosegay'.
; The ac'complished pianiat for the
often -mon was Miss Carol Ann
Young. ,
Tea Was served, the girls and
boYa being assisted by mothers and
members of the W.M.S. and Artlim:
will receive a similar' gift,' 'having
our day. the future .of civiliz-.
served for many "are as a teacher.' Aden- Is. at stake and heroic effort
. is necessary for its survival." -
V. A '0; dALDER ' Pointing out f that God raises up
- leaders in time ef etaergency, Mr.
._. . . _• .•.. Cope reminded thaf G•od sent David;'.
to resene Ili& people ; Lincoln td
Rev. A. 'C. Calder, 1,1,,ii-q-f9rmerly
save a . nation from collapse. In
rector of St. George's -Church, GOclb-
Canada at a time of crisis there
rich, and for, the last .hve years
appeared ,the" trathere of .Confeder-•
rector qf St. Georde's Church, ,Lon-
ati .
den, will yetire .at the end of this ' A New Citation
montlt to reside at Lucan. ' •
In 162.5...there was a new creation
Mr. Calder. has been in the .
-a union of churches at en pppor-
Dicicese of Huron since 1916 haVing
tune time. In God's time, iiisPired-
previotiely been *rector at Qu
by love, there was,. „formed the
pell%_ Sask.' His early years were
thited Chtireli of Canada. "Mere
spent in New Brunswick, the Pro -
and mere,7 said• the speaker,. "we
vince• ot. his .5irth. He •practised
are beginning to see why God acfed
law for four '.years after 'being ad
--that, in a day, When people vvere ,
it ..ed te the bar ,of New Bruns -
turning from religion, we' find in
wick in 1902 at the age of •twentY-'
Canada a chnrch, in
Years, and efterWards 'received
liis theological education spired. by the spirit of Service' and
IP"eAfter all, the purpose of our
,7Rishove College, Lennoxville 0114
bee. rel•igioil is that We „move into. an
'Tbe little differ-
ences mug not divide us ..• It must,
be known that alPare, bound to-
gether, and regardless of Chie4tian
prejtidice 'the „kindly earth will -
be lapt in uDiverSal law.'
"Let Us go forwa.rcl not only as
a United Church, but at* -',e.' uniting
Churele seeing a viaien lied bringing
men to Christ, seeking to bring
ahout in the guidanee of the, Holy
Spieit the prayer, of Jesus 'that
they all may be one'..",
• The ;seri:lee "was coeducied ;with
the. recessional hynin, "All ' Hail
the Power' of Jeeee! Name,"
the benediction. e
Mr: and Mrs $ Toynfiee Lamb an-
nounce the engagement of their •
eldest datighter, 'Laura Elaine, to
Mr.' Bean 'Herbert Collins, sett 'of
Mr. and ?Jr. Harry Collins of
Marlette. Mich. The -marriage is
to take place, late in June. , •
Mr, -and ,Mrs.
rielf. wish to announce the engage: e
meet' of ,their eldest daughten
Phyllis--Brairy;-. of- Vancouver,
Dean. Garnett Barrett En3, USNR,
Tacomai. Wash. son of Mrs. and,
th( late' Mk. N'V. Barrett, Dexter,;*
Miseouri. The wedding' will, take.
place in the AugUstana Vutheran„
Church,' Vancoliver,,. B.C., the early
part 'of -July.
Mr. and, 'Mrs: J. S, Pritehard, •
Of Arnprior, Ontario, Wish to, an;
nounCe • the engagement of!' their
!..,oungest .- laughter; ' Catherine '
Olivia) Reg.N., to Mr. Albert' Rich-
ard, MeTavish, only son et Mr. ani
Mris. S. McTavish of Goderieli;
the'rnarriage,to take place in, Grace
St. 1,Addrew's `t.Inited Chfireh, Arn-
fines imiposed Tor
C.T.A. Violations
'•Proyinela4 pollee ertick-downs- 031
iiquor selling in the central part of
*Huron county were in evidence in
the court of - Magistrate' .13-,, E.
Holmes, here today when one* Clin-'
tou man was senterfeed to :t o
months in Jail and the propriet rs
'of tWO hotels in Seaforth were e oh
fined $50 and costs And • a large
'amount ,of liquor- confiscated. , •
Ito Illungey,. proprietor il.f : the
Commercial Hotel, end Amos: Corby,
proprietor '•of • the Queen's Hotel,
both of, Seaforth, each pleaded gbilty.
to. a' breach of the Canade Temper-
ance Act on June 14th -when they
appeared in ceurt ati, Seriforth.' Pro-
vincial police raided the two hotels
sitnulta-neously 'on June 1-3-th- eo.,get
evidence of liquor selling. Police
* aiCtitat, at -least, -fifteen ,found -Ins
Were.in the two hotels and this num-
ber "included several prominent
.Seaforth- busitiessnien.": , --
-In : court here today, Arthiir
"Prenelly",,. St. , Atnansi, of Clinton,'
wst,s found gaits? of keeping liquor
for sale at Clinton and senterice.d
to two. months in jail. Crown At-
torney fllenn .Hays pomted mit this
was St. A'inans' second offenee, Since
on ' .April ,11)th nt Seafeith he
pleaded guilty to a, similar charge
and:, was hpedn5 .,Lindr,cost#.., Al-
though the senlence for the seCen-
offence -wee heeded:I:4ft here today
the hearing of the case was at
Seaforth, on Wednesday. At that
titne Cpl. Dubois; .serviee investi-
gator of the R.C.A.P. station, Clin-
ton, said -the' station billeials had
been redeiving' eoraplaints about St.
Amans' selling liquor to *personnel
of' the air station at Clinten.
AC1 It, Setterington of the Clinton
MT Force Station said -that on June
1st he had asked ' a Clihton taxi
cab driver to get him 11 bottle of
liquor. This taxi ertb-.driver then
admitted that he had, pu-rehased
the Neer- from .0t. ,Anitins.* '• -
• VV110 WILL HELP.? •
The Bine Water Band. will Jour:
Bey to Westminster Hospital, Lon-
don, on Sunday, &tine 25th, to give
a ()weft for the patients, leaving
116'0.6o -et 1220 p.m. Any persons,
who will help in transportation.
are requested to get in tout% with
Mi. Lorne 'Young, seeretary of the
'Warden added, was very worthy,
rts the girls reecive0spetial trainz
on the property. The cause, the ing;
print', July' llth,
Presbyterians of the Anton.,
Nirlitlan(1 Presbytery will rally at
Knox Church, Goderich, bn Sunday '
evening, June 25th, fOr, a special,
.seri,lee, 111 eeiebration 'of the 'union
-ehurelies in 1875 to rent the -
Presbyteriain Church 111 Canada.
Bev. 1). W. Bay, Votente.--: •
'Will. be _the Speeial, speaker. and •
massed eboirs lead the singing,.
'Sound aluplifierS' Will he used so
'that the etpected gathering of 2;600
may all hear the •sesiyi,e'e.