HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-06-01, Page 9tin; NA, -h r�:. i� :i �.^..-, ''u I,A1 :E A '41-41,11fn, .A ,
Behind the training aircraft
'which ''frequ.clntly: "Jly over GFuderieh
from, the R.0..A.•J: station •dtCen-
tralia, regarded as .the busiest air
training school In all. Canada, .lies
stn, immense intricate network of
preeisiona training whose 44i1Y'c
t1 enTe;:soi1,g'see ns-ta lie fcheck 'al
double check,"' Western " Ontario,
and radio nnent, inen.dt'ng
representa:ti}�e .of The Signal -State
were guests of the . station ltrrt
pl'ridaya It was pointed,"out at that
time that only two accidents.'` had
occur red ' since the: ' re -opening:: of
the school On a peaee-tilue-•basis:.-its:
1948. ; One „mmug' suffered a broken
nose While u other- had ater4-: on
the knee, suffered' when he .slurped
oft •the_ wing. of au aircraft,, The
station is ' justifiably proud of this'
yet lar.l dill record.
G'roiip -Captain W. P. M. • Newson,
•D,S.O., . D,F'.C., commanding' officer,
briefed the visitors to the station,
giving an' •uverr>~ll picture. He
Kt.ated that on on average busy
there were 750 landings ae,d take-
offs, making it the busiest afrdrowe
in-Caiauda. 'On the station are
1,400 personnel.., '
, A Whole Village of Homes
Just outside the station. a .whole
village of houses is going up for
Hiemarried ied - .personnel, There are
fifty louses• already occupied.-..Now,t<-
being built are 135 more ''wpich
should be• •ready by about the end
Of August.'; 'rile' contract has been
let -for au _ aciclitiutiul 175 houses'
"which should be ready, by :this
time next y'eor." In • addition, the
•outset has brew let for the liili)cl'
ing or • a • fourteell-roont school
`\vhicli should' be ready by Supt7elu-
r 1).51
be i
• I*1n��t h( st;ittrrrtr a e• 1�0,-•tt ire ft •�
Harva•rds, Beecheraft and Dakotas.
.These training craft make a :real
hive o1 activity throughout., the day.,
as the,y laud or take off. At the
Centralia station all the basic train-
ing for :the I.L.C'.A.` . 'in Canada Is
*Standard•Vanguards are owner ad`ust-
. U .. I
•ed ' because :they.. .are oviner tested.
Throughout 76 countries of, the world,
Stepd4rd Vanguards have been driven
in every climate-�-on every'kind of
• road.•.0Owner su estions, the findings
99 g
of research 'experts and the superb
"'"engineering staff at the Standard
, Motor 'Co. Ltd., have all combined. to.
give you, the new unbeatable Standard
Vanguard. It is the,catcof the.future,
yours in 1950! Dave ,it today..
The -• famous • ,'htI e ""STEEL
.SLEEVED" `engine (rmovoble' cylinder
liners) gives yotr .top performance
throughout the life of the car. Ask
your dealer about this exclusive feature.
The regular laxreeting of 'the Dealt•^;
land ..Fish" , ,nd :Gaan1e _t onsers atioz1
._ i. Club was held: on Tuesday ,at the
Toy's ball, The vic&presldent,
pave Harllaon, was in charge ,off,
the meeting and. called i4pon; the
chairmen R41" their• .repp`r%.
eoura#fig report. Mr. : C><eo. Grit::.
tit the 7ersanriel 'v�llu 111t� ( •' o111GA
• oto the 5(3'11001 since it • opened in
1948. a total of 70 per relit. have
)r,tlduate(1, • • said ' Group. '..Captain
Nev'son. The intake was 290, the
graduates '0'2, fltld the wastage, or
failures, 88,
Causes of Failures
• Following are the reasons for the
30.- iter cent, of failures : t.'noble to
The modern factories' pf' the Standard
1 Coventry- En
• comprises over 200 dire:. • •
With, over 2'A, million sq, ft. of floor
space and over 10,000 skilled persons.
• •'Stondard", builders of ,fine cars since
4 Lawton Blvd. Toronto, •Canada
Standard ' Vanguard Cars; Standard Estate Cars;
Standard Panel Delivery and Pick=up Trucks;
Triumph Cars.
T, DA I'
•fes EMG
Made- tame' .4....near-:starvation, pigeons invade a rescue
boat in flooded St. Vital, Manitoba '•They refused 'to leave
until fedby their benefactors—W. H. Wilson and James
Wlilliamson. Rehabilitation of the flooded areas will""be,
.undertaken, by the Manitoba Flood Relief •1Aund'-
1)l N ANNON,' May O. W Mrs
ftttbt. • i,rvitt ...1,1ud • lit ' •dntighter_
Betty' spent S•• 1`ei\' t a;` a' -recently
with' their relatives, Mr. and :Mrs,
d1y •ty" i ('url:lu and fatnili,"•at,
Ct ,ctLl .
11': inkltou. • .
Airs. Ellen :Shackletuu, who sold
her ' residence acrd• lot' to 'Mr. uud
Mr's. Bert Y1.\Vhinuey, has *inadd
;Walls fbr liviiig accuuiurodatiou v'i't,li
\Irs •J. Iianri1to)a::..., • •
Visitors recently with Mr: Wand
\urs. Prank. Geller aucl son l'1k•l,tta,
of \Viuglla ni, .and Mrs. Rowland Doy
and Qn, ,of Lon(ion.
Mr. ' and .Mrs. )Lavern- Pentland
Emil -family, .of Detroit, were week-
end visitors with their Utotirctrs
\)'ilYred and Prank Pentland and
their, families.
'Mr: Jacl Rivett, .south cif the
learn how to fly' 1S'/ per cent:- )'ill1ge at the 211(1 'i 1lcession, OS
`' 1 111• At
his home, • and under the
Personnel who decided floTing is not ao(''tor's .care..
their' forte and resfganed, Au...per Mr.Vinson Aib lister •reals taken
tent, ; ;pertannel, whom the It.C.A.F.'`\`t
felt would never make o.flicers and ill one'.night fast week :and rushed
therefore lt't .them•out, 5 per cent, to the Wingham, hospital. • We hope
fur. Wm., (t speedy recovery '
peisonuel .unub a .to'•Cope _with • the ---:-••,-, ..
ac•adethi( 'phase of trafnillo '') per Mr, and \Irs. Cecil.Orser' and
R,1 • , lithe twin girls, cif Detroit, visited
• .
Afters a t<►ttiti of the Station, •the for a1 .few days with' Mr. nand Mrs.'
9,lbeit• terser. - .
vraifigg ne,lvspaperruen were' taken . `lass Clara' Sproule of Stra,t trd
.on a flight in•.a• big .tion a flying spent fife week-eitd With her sisters,
cl.t4s', iootrl. •One portion of the 'Misses , Nettie ,and Robina Sproule.
flight ,was.• to, be over Goderi'eh; but \1r.: George •;�'i'hitlam, �''hinployed
because of a, low ceiling at . tfie time by' the Toronto Hydro CbinmfA:sxon
the flight .''was• confined to ; going '
ev'e• was • a' week -end visitor with Mrs.'
en li• Mal•. and returnin• gOto Whitlarn and little daughter
Centralia. Heather, Mrs. D. E. Anderson crud
Preparations are being er)ade for •sole Carman, -.04
sneeia'l displays at " C011tralia Olt A t11Te@•act •
play, "II0I11p8Cked
Air Force Duty, June TOth, When Henry," is to 'be Presented WY- ed
the .Air' statibn will be open to thb
Public.. • •
40 the "Gila -TillInga'•'''OX,ttyer and
Mics. Joltu Bennett gave a concise
:tad interesting account of the Syn-
o(licgtl ..meetings c`ilic'•h° were held
recently at .Bra ntfai cl, A*•social
llil-1'f-TiI)LLI -- CtiIlClll'tt�d'-'Tljz3'-'n1et'tl'lig:"'""
µa•4- - ..�. --_- -..
prize and ,after eXpenses were Paid
prate Holger reported. for the
bingo and -reported that while not
mucin money was• .?reaIlzed . w'reh
valuable experienee'••Nas gained;
Rox- Vl gera,:.tbe newly' ap-
pginted.game, overseer, a.nit. his cis
:,sista)atYObt._-. Itietll, "'e> Q' intro-
duced and spoke briefly , to _ tine
Meeting, '
t was agreed by the meeting to
purehase enough material to build
ail,'additioluai %ix, demean, Cem(te)!
Creek to aerate the water and pro-
vide suttablee pools for speckled
trout propagation.„ ,
The spirit. of the tweeting gave
1'strong disapproval of the small and
meanway in..which poachers tried
to' clean out. Paradise Pond before
the young people had an oppilrttlit.
ity to fish• in .the pond on Satturday
morning. It is. known that'poachers
•tooltrout nleasuring•fryln lei to 18
tuch'es o.tit its" th& pond' before the
,season opened. It seems dint .some s I
around.. , _iter D �y
of a rather low calibre when theyR V
knew the opted Would be open to pH O N
everyone 'the day following Child-
ren's Day.
The ...must, ltas ]u w ' . been,„ cloned . .
to fishing and will remain closed' `
until the trout season "ovens next ,
Mr. I:.liznbeth Lytin of Tlonclesr
bur° died on Thursday hast in her
ninetieth -year. •Iter husband . died,
litany •year's . ago tied • she is sur-
vived i)y,; th,t 'e. daiughter's and, ont
son also+ '1) a • s•i ,ter, ills. •Martl'lah,
Lyon of Lonel'esbot•O.
The• death 4)lr Louis Napoleon
Durand io •ui red ori Vriday. at 1 -lis
hoti)i� 'stn the. Blue «'sites Highway,
Stanley tun•lis htp,' ill •iii : sixty-fifth
Weary. IIe is survived by four s(911:i
.trio fire' dal'trghters - " •
',The 1101151)1!. (rt Ck fair Was held
sit eessti1I1y last week, wit'll•a largE*-
aitTridatee _ and -_ii record nuuulier
of .stook entries. Treed. A,,'letter from Miss Marron
•Williamsoli tw'a,s• read bt• Mrs. Wel-
_ .' - ia.ce Wilson, after which a prayer
oil .
her.,behalf ,behalf wras given :by Miss
Mary 'AI Imo y. After business -ort s
disettssed• Mrs. Radcliff Murray led
Slli l'I'AItDTON,' May 30, .; ' Mr.
and Mrs. • Catlin and family, c9f'
torn* spent t leo k!4 t -}a li ir-
cottage and alto _ vis ted .with Mrs,
I"'a.a•tlin'a, sister, Mrs. McCabe, and
Mr."" 'AIWA
'Quality broom and metal ust pan,
$1.85, for. •� •+'.
2.1b. can of wax ,i nd i5; ib, polissbeir°air',
"-' 10E •L ,... 4i. .?. ..?:"^ �,•^hxr'
Anyone who' -has not'receivedar dopy Our. 1050 l►r
catalo rte, containing a.wealth' of timely„ bar fiMi nm '
do so simply caf.ing;at our store.,
« n M
` EE! . '.FRES!!
Bottle Or Furittire P:o11s110c etze With every 6iur±cla
•••o $2 ..And-- ,ery''purc e- of 45...or.,
>�' or over . 5cw,s-t�lth -ov
over. ,
'" 'at $120 0
We also -carry a completeetne of . Eureka and Taylor:,
Forbes • hand mowers.
4 . Complete line of garden tools, wheelbaf'rows, and
garden hose at various: prices.
spring: ' This 1.:4' to give the newly I clerk. There was -also a, gener"al'
tlrrctt,stlt on the' hospitalization
i I vae luai,t.euFs.e.l.ye.5.n. ,i.._t22-...n
., •dt s.stoeed trout, an opportunity:' to-- indigent nt...l ten. ,-_-.,a.-
o Thr °s1)e"ria.. nrenr,i�ersllip prizes - ( ' Nana, representative c)f the
were wtot by, '1). D.. -Mooney and i l)epartiileut of Municiipal . ,affairs;
' Fi til: Clark. . The -door. lyric ofJ-s pole on .the colleetiin of 41.1.xes
it tint' c:1 tiug ri)d wan; , wob by It'oy fryul• the • ,assessment'• •to the, tax
.,laillfnger. .. r : '.sale. 'He 'read• - ioftitips, of 'tile
• a•nd
.,.i�I•�'4:(�:�Iltl�(rP,� -;�I�• .:�fi,�.• �ii�;�',,,;�
and •_a1Tr's.: Joe Garvey and' famitly .'.;
Of Toronto, visited Avith the Gar"ey
brothers, •uvea' ' the v'eek-end. • -
' 'Ir. Wand Alrs. Charles Dalton .tied
iufallt son, of .r-L'oron;to,Aiien;t Sun
flay' °rritlt• �Zr.': and l 1A: j'otetaai l
it was unanimously '•agreed to \i'uni011)al fit adiseased regllla-
Mrs. 1"iuris1i of G dent. spent
it ' felt' clays ' rec;eut1y with her
daughter•, Mrs. Bel;t Bogie, and Mr..
• 1r..and Airs. Harald Nixdorf ,and
fai.uilys of Detroit, , spent the week -
'end vitl-1: • Harold's mother, Mrs.
lialgitt,.,and Mr.- Haggett.
• ML', and Mrs. .Herb Truitt
and family, - Detrblt, and 11r. and`
Mrs. Lai Haggitt• ant family, Pun -
lop, visited ,on Sunday • with Mr.
and Mrs. Haggitt.
Mr.',8 and `'^firs. Pa1v1t . Of St.
Thomas visited over May 24th at
the home of Mr. Wm. Sege..
Shower or Bride=elect: 'Mrs.
Bert Bogie 'entertaiuecl allout fifty
friends and neighbors on' Monday
evening,. May ,29, 'for a miscellan
eons °shower' for" her, niece,. Miss'
Muriel Schrum, bride -elect, of • the
•rnenth. Tv�o contests ,;,were given,
The lucky ladies to win prizes were'
Mss Madeline Bogie .arid Mrs. Wm.
�""11tceisin. Muriel opened her gifts,
which Werbeaut)ful as well as,
useful, and was also presented with
Walton Y.P.U. on June 5th in Dun- ';tt bride's book ,s high all: present
'Minton parish hall. at' 830 grin, were asked, to sign,. She •then'
Adrnis..ion, 40c child 25C, Sponsored tit tinted the ladles for the gifts incl,
by the t nited •Church W.A. ' -22 rt lovely lunch was served' by the
• Mr; and. 'Mrs. • Stanley Iruglles, hostess, .fainted by Mrs. Itod Bogie,
'I'caionth, were recent vi itors with MiSsesEvelyn, Bogle,' • Mildred
the E'rr.ington families. • 1)unglierty 'slier • 1.latlne H0wkin .
Presbyterian W.M.S. --The 11oy . • --
nfeetiltg__oF rite"_ �4ra1I.`.__�af _T:i_>`I.ine -•Iii .NM•1LLE'R-_"_
Presbyterian - C'hurc'h ..was held ,t_ u
the home of Mrs.. James Wilsnn. BEN\1`I I,1.1•:lt. Alan,' 3U•--- 'he: woo
'11te devotionail perio(1 was taken meat':' .1i•suAattilraa w:il't tut'c't 'on'
by AI1r. John Lenaiett; who based rl'lie •Ll;a •, Juno to, 10 1110 church.
het' remarks on _"The Cainii;(irlen" mrs, P'.. ,\1itc lo.11.• \11.x. I.reonard.
The first c•11apter'Of the surely boor, Fisher',ono JIr , •1 fo rni;;lutn 1.111
rT)ivta1't}. ^.7E'a�-`@n 11e 1a�fZ:ES. -y -
dealingwith, the history of 1 1111)1,), 'Mrs. S. 1-, (-al+dne►•'•.:°'
vats eapebly gi en --bv \r', Allin
tittle ;at •Il ampler with "Mos.
O. A. l•anstirne.
--to•1'w.it • S.; wrrru- ■ t ■ru _ .•trtn i • -gc -•_. 1k ' s .
Pette and HIuntet s , ,, _ y _� o _•'.�
I eTtee�;xti�ai h�dtEt�cs or the. tax colIeetul..
'recitesting • all game . wartlens, to In rc•sp0no.e to an enquiry a to
1111b1i,h f u'the local piil)mers ;'11,1 con- 1110. method of • ollccting dog.tabes,
victionsouid prosecutions of -persops 'iii': :Nunn said it was largely a
caught bunting and fis'lling•'out of %natter 'for•'the,-individual, iftu>icipftl-
'app YAIUEa-
... do your part to create goodwill and•confidence among our U.S. visitors,
• It is good business for you to accept U.S. currency, whenever
tendered; by a custoniey.
When 'You accept U,S. currency you are required to allow the full
official rate of exchange of $1.10 Canadian for'$1.00
WAj••fA5!n,4 MrV YA .rrNr'VA�!jr,; �lvN 1,
— if will remind yai;r";alesistafra their. responsibilities
The slatemcnf on the front in-
spires the confidence of your
U.S, customeis.� On the back
ore simple rules and exompl:c
LS. Funds Ac p n•
for , making change for 'U.S.
�t the ' Official Rate. -
„ m Copies of this card are being sent you by your
own Trade, Association' or Chamber of Com-
S1.Ob U.S.. 51,10 CattrE!i(ar coerce. Additional copies may ,be teeured• by
• writing the Secr-etary of your Assoeiatio, ,' or
' < The Foreign Exchange Control Board, Ottawa.
•• 'Issued by ,•
>e `
THE lo
under authority of •the• Governplent of Canada • ;
you farm large,
or oiling' 'acireages, it will pay you to
ihv istigate'the advantages of owning a
new John Deere' Model "MT."
ttts iatm=p8cked with' extra. values'
such out`£attending features as Deal
Touch•o-matt hydraulic cofltrel, a
wide selection of Quik-Tatch equip -
merit, „real operator comfort, 'wide.
adaptability, money -saving •service.
ability, and amazing economy of
operation. • ,
Get` all the facts about the "MT,"
Gonial in eoonl, "
W. ' G. Silurnong & ' Soni
Farm Equipment
P Q "E ,1132 •
Huron .toad ' Goderich
1.._. `Iici 1fl- II a re tt 1 ' 1°,lelljl
'Of Toronto, 'visito With Mr. •
Dalton: -on Sunday.--_,- ..:
A reception and donee wa's held
in the parish shall. on \io^rrda; ,;night
for • the ne�i'1-weds.•,;i1I and .titrs�
Nordirin O'Connor.: We' weicbirle
tin' bride 'fo• our ,eoininuuitoo
Forty lofts' devotions begin here
in St. Joseph's Church xrext' ,F iday,•
June 2nd, and will 'cou(liide ,gin ,
Sn11(1It;. There will be, a •.Sipecial
'sp(aker for the occasion. ,
.seasi)tl ' or of pc�rsc)n•s Apprehended ity to, .deuide.•It.: it atS Usually (1(100 '•
'with fish o game'nnder size or over according '10- bylaw, and in, some.
legal limits. This resolutidu was municipalities dog turps• were Coo forward by the club in an leered on Elle ,pretiltare-
effort to st.ol� poaching' 'lwd illegtti; fused `tire c•ullector `brio the p�plve;r
hunting and fishing. •
.ft' was' brought' tri the attention
of the club'I11at several lt.onnds have
been ruu-nitg .nt large 111 the game
reserve. The , ga-ut 'Warden the
structed to. shoat on sight any. dog
found running_ deer, as : the owners
have had:ample warning that this
practice, IS strictly • at;ithtst the :law,
particularly at• this tune when the
oung fawns are not able to escape,
the dogs., A.
On the general 'consent of Mei
club, o meetings. will . be 'suspended
during July and ;Aintust. Splendid'
motion. pictures were enjoyed show-
ing the 1ife of the Laplander ,and
1)Ls'. reindeer•, wild birds in slow
'motion, and the training of o T.C'.A:
pilot whieh :showed •Soule ,Qf' ('an-
adaPs fine,engiueering and precision
training, '
to have the dog destroyed.
The `preside.nt thanked the, n1ern-
hers' for "their • attendance and .Mr.
Nunn for his address.
.Dinne•r' was ser;'d to the :1-
sociati9n, .at Hotel Bedford. .
Try a classified; ad iti The: Signal-
.tar. It brings sure-flr6 results'.
A meeting 'of the Huron. Comity:
ll'ualil iltil'1 :Sssueinitinra4 he1d on. ia'rt=
day-_ afternoon • In •,the 'Cour.:• 1E itse
w •as . fit tentl0(1 by- eighty ina)nieilinl
ultic•ia „ froth towns. ) 11lat.gos and
tu*ttships of the fount}•:
Fred «'i►(s,nn, clerk, of 'Stanley
'i'l)lt'ttSl)ilt. ('.1y5 t,'Ie(•te(i 'prer•ide 1t•'.
-�: .5, ',• � ..ie , rrsf•,:.
"il'I1a(t u`f1iZ c t *:: a'i (: • 1`ra��t�-� •E� lr
d r( -t :: "$er. fo1'taa '._se_C-
(,n(1 vi(E'-pr-esi(lelt, Jamie ' Paterson,
Ifensatll: seer€tarp'. N. W. Miller.
('1 ,(lerich'; tr'e;tsorer. 'S. H. Blake,J
(iderich : (k'irt�t tuts J'I. 'I'.. Curless,
C'Iir)t1in- (thl'.ee yoi'(rs► ifairrr•t .
Strada,. 1'sburn' :(two wars L.:
Philip I)11re:t., lis (out' ye;)r 1. !
th 01)10i.onl exp1E: ell• •1+y 'the
wly ele(t(cd ottieea,s *as That the
a sociat1(11 wars worth .while."
• :+'\'.ern l • iiiatlers for '(liS011i'sklt '
were Iwo -tight to tItg tat entiou Of the ,_..
ineeting 1'Ity `County Clerk N. W.
\Ciller, pertaialit1f to- retl)t'Ilh: uuide •
.11v municipal clerks to the 'eount•t-
splendid temperaluce : e.rulgtl
Was d(ulivth•cd in I',i>uiniller u•n Sunn-
rt;t)- -to r ttirge vo rgregortion. •
\lig 310U'ov'an of 1113111 look alp
a•ery interesting: part In the• Sunday
si,hool on Sunday. Itev E. S. t111t1
\Ir•. IIaywai'it Ore .`l'Vll this week
attending the ('onterenee of. the
United ('birr(•h.
Mr: -crud Mrs. \Visite and family,
of .Godortch, visited on sundry.
with .\Ir. and \[rs. 11. (rood. , •-
\\'e a'1'•e pleased to, repot' that
'Mrs. A., \I. 81111tlgiv u, S -at her,
,Own -home again after her •op0r-
ation. _
'32:piece set of dishes with any'bedroom .suite, over $0.50.
ro ..
For .only rn 369;00, have your'diving , o , bedroom.
furnished: -26 cees in all,
and kitchen urn pie
'o baa dins, drag::n ;ands see our chrome ,setscedarr---
•chests,'2 piece chesterfields, 'continental ' beds, ,spring -filled
mattresses, davenports, •and .many; other outstanding...bar.:
Phone 24,03
On the Broadway of
The' regula r meeting or the Ash-
51. 1001 Beard -was held at
S,'S. No. 9 et Moy 2:3,
• ,It was. .agreed ;that hiss ' MaaHon
:\Ia(1)onh(d be. re-engaged ars 111US1c
supervisor for • the area.
It wits., (le.cided that as .trine be
arrinl ed, for a: )neeting with the
Ashtleld ('ou,u it at. S.S, No 5 to
discuss plans for filling and- levels
ling the Zion school y11rd.
Fourteen •"flook of Knowledge"'
annuals...were orrdere(1 tol)ril)g• the"
press*n t'set., fill to ohite,
r It- was • agreed that • the softball
'schedule be run off after • school
hotiiis" and that tepeht'rs• do tint, play
on •tetuns. airing ("Onapetitiotl.
The, annual • s('hool plonk. will,
2 ,
h )htf•e .ilrld
) tel on' .7-nne ..1., t the It held
other detnilfi to be advertised later:
•ThC'"next regular, meeting; was
set, for ;lune 20.o
glatrtlad,a•ie�r•ir1g earth:s vi�rn
eogs, ''
Ssiid things Were going 'o the flogs;
Ill$ g'i'n;iclad in his Utilise of logs
Said things -Were going' to the dogs;
His ,gratified la the Flemish bogs
things were going to the dog's;
ills granded in his' old .akin togs_
Salt. things were ,going to the dogs:,
There's. one thing fhat I hove to
' slate—
The- crags
late-.--'P1he•'tl`r>"gs heave hied a igliod long
-Author unknown.
The time. of :veer is coming up
wt`ten long, loug drives ere 111 order.
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