HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-06-01, Page 5�M1 :ti / .t�j V) ,\i/ \i/„e�/ ,�171,�Y/„\V ��I„l�/ �j \fit ;� /„\!1 �.i): / 'y�! E!.J : V) V ;.,J �i •+�.::'I „;, V � V Q (a\1. ad. a\Ufallffafllarltfi'slirrr�Ifi\1ffdP \1fT -'-' -- ~ ^ 7- '7` Y Ila' Yii�a\•ti(a 170\%`/ACii/lli.I/o\i�0\i✓a\i:/a\�yY\i.7�\1i/all./Y.ufa���%Y\ufG\i`/i\•H ORGE's�. c ,, SUNDAY, JUNE' 4tii, 1959 •8.30, a,m. • H01,: ' •'COMMUNXON; ' • 10 ,a.m.--MAIN SUNDAY 'SCHOOL,. 11 a;ni: HOLY- COMMUNION AND SERMON. 7 94. EVENING' PRAYER AND SERMON. The Lashes' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion will attend the evening service. FARR, B.A., L.TI!.; RECTO REVEREND BEVERLY H. A. W. ANDERTON, Organist and Choirmaster . GRIST- - ►NCE • • In a quiet, serir%e at St. George's Anglican Church on, Friday,: after., noon, Esther* lllarg;iret Rance :v 'at fruited in atnarrtagt to 'Dynan "G• Grin,, son of ' the late Mr. • rind Mrs.'' G. Grist, ltev. B. 1I. 'Farr, ,reetnr of.the church, ()tliciated.e • The baid6, cittughter. . 44 Mr. and . Az>ls C<..' II. Ranee, vas given in ;narli•i-age' by • her lather,, and,was 'attractively gowned lot pal Mate brocaded satin with white aci es for ies .and corsage rosebuds and stephanotis. .'filter' apply attendant, Mrs: J. A. (7sballies- -"ton f ; Toronto ',• � ., r a§. -- dref sed : ini Wish „Pink nylonn with beige_ 'ate cessoraes and corsage.' of eariiatlons: •and forget-ntli-nots.;.. Mr. Leslie Grist, of Lansing, "Ontario, rade his• brothers gh;oo;ii smart., ” M For her dangbter' wedding, :lira: :Ranee eliose a gown of figured pale, blue silk .with black, accessories.' Her Corsage was of rosea and stephan- oris, • Fn'r,1I.weddingtrip to• Niagara andToronto=the bride wore a wine gabardine tailored suit with *hat to match n.ud black accessories. I111c0INCHEY IIOLLYMAN canopy of pink arid, white "with white bells.. and a back- ground -of ferns in „the living -room at the htinie of Mr,, and ors. trunk' 11o11yivan, Blyth, formed a charm- ing setting on Saturday, May -27,. at .12.30 o'clock, for the marriage of their youngest daughter, Frances Iatlyp to *Robert Donald McClin- clhcy,' sou of Mr.- and Mrs. Gordon 1ic('liiachey, A.uburii. ' The double ring cerehuony . Arias.. performed by Iles. .\V?'J. ~',Rogers, minister of Blyth 1'niled- Church. The wed- ding music was played byMiss Joan \\'Meld aiud the soloist was Miss ShirleyPhillips. Eneehiiigthe living -realm With her father, the ,bride 1uul:ed lovely in a 'full-length p;o\wht of tvllite calk' bengaline fash- ioned 'With sweetheartneckline shirred bodice and lily -point sleeves. ,The\, boiif'fant skirt, with ruffles of the same Ilia ter rail, : extended into • • .a shert-tratin. Iler full-length Veil of silk : embroidered ' illusion ' was 4.. North, St. United ' Church REV. 0• WESLEY COPE, B.A , '13.D., Minister ALEX. CLARK, OrQauist and ' Choir jiaster 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 "OUR-.:METHODIST.HE[i.ITAGE'! 7 pan. "STAND ON YOUR,' FEET” ' . „ MANITOBA, FLOOD RELIEF API'EAI4 The Church With,' The Singing Tower Welcomes YOU. These. two 'sets of tiny twins and •their ,parents are among the thousands of homeless as' a ' result of the Manitoba floods. Shown are Mr. and ,Mrs. William Casovan of Point Douglas and (left to right} Barbara and`Richard, 22 months, and Joan and Jane;'seven months. Mrs.• Casovan had just put the..babies 'to' bed while her, husband. laboured on the.dikes, when the flood bui''st :through and engulfed their little bungalow. > For rehabilitation the Casovans, ;like 85,000 other Manitobans, mustr look' to the Manitoba Flood .Relief Fund, which has' been , ergauized in Winnipeg. • YOU' ARE' CORDTALI& . -INVITED TOATTEND n yterian Church THIS, SUNDAY, 11 a.m. ., MORNING : WORSHIP, Sermon: "The, Religion of a L w Abiding Citizen(.” • 7 p.m. EVENING WOR,S'HIP.,e �► anon' `rINTENTION° AND ACTION.” Guest Soloist: MASTER PAUL (ILLAN, Boy Soprano, Hamilton, • Ont.. REV. R. G. M cNtILLA'N, W. F:11.0.0.,H.' BISHOP, F..0.0., A.R.C•M. iister. • D>irect ' `orofP Praise. . `�, Victorian St. Unit n,..Church- MINISTER-EV.. R'LAWRENCE . TURNER, i .A. ORGANIST - and CHOIR �.�� LEADER— s Mary :Joyce. Strachan 10 a. m SB , 11 .' SABBATH SC 00 L.,9 � S 11 a,m. Subject--"CONFEREl1,'CE. JOTTINGS." 7 p.m.' Subject --"THE PSALTER, SPEAKS."' .° Preathear--The,,, Minister - • • UNION. CHURC1I4011ERIC1i'I TOWNSHIP .1.30 p.m. Sabbath School ---Adult Bible, Class. 2.30 n.m. Public Worship. Licto1.j ,Union-- Weleonies—You , ,•• • (••' Goderich flaptist Lurch Organist—Mjss Verna. Cg Miller t• t• Services. at 11 'aim. and 7 p.m. Rev. . Caleb Harris of 'Toronto B.Y:P.U. at 8 p.m., Monday. Prayer meeting 0.t 8. p.m. Big. Day for Benmiller, Tri 'another day; 'you .say • SHUT-INS • DATk` Sithlday, , the l.''ourth of `J: ru,e.,• • • A,I :' rtittie „under the above head -t iilg appears in. The Lethbridge if Alberta) fei:ald and is credited -to 1I: ; ',who is recognized as Harold Il' 1 naiia - 1� •wide C and who.is 1 g miller, p ing director of (lie-Lethbrjdge Her•- ald� Et. is' a good bit. of adver- t`ir,ing ,Thr *the Colborne Township reunion of June'30. One 'or .two. slight inaccuracies in the aificle, maya be attributed. to the, writer's - long absence; from his' native township, The Only tine we mention iso the referenee . to a con- solidated school ,at Bellmiller. The project of -a larger school at ''Ben- in11ler that -was to consolidate three or more salmi sections In that: part of the to�vtiship fell through, hut• a gradual. „proce,'s• of consolidation be taking .dace throw ` h ..the, may. (1 g p g closing of ,seine • of the older .school, buildings• end .the absorption of •the pupils' ii other. schools.' Mr•. Long'a s article is as fo• ' llow: • ..,. Benmhller' is going to be' a'" -City for a• Day." on June 30. • Where, in the world's Benmiller?- • Well, it's where _-this- •wr iter was born, so that -makes 'it important ' i- a ion a ywa . tm t in, one person �,• es , I,�t y Benmillo.r is in: Huron • County, Six miles east :of, the county town of Goderich, It's on the Ma.itlaii'd River, and " Sha'rp's Creek runs through At; 'a -little village "with half• al hundred bridges" as the poet Put. it., -actually, -fivg • including the big one oven the 'Maitland. It's in 1urENERAL TRUCKING We truck lilvestock week- ly to IKitehener -and Toronto markets*, ` 11AROLTi „�OHNSTON' Phone 1154) ” Eldon St, 2'2-23x th what the early settler's 'called '`(lie. But, it stands lall for. more one, held -'hi ,place • with T.at Matching Purim Sti'ip, artier it 'claims .► SIJ1 t day moire, •' coronet=• entwined with lily-of:the- (rf 'blood relationship to J tthb.I i(1 (si il's air, very special day. vallcy find site carried' a "i, ouquet because Jo iii Galt, SL'''ottiall *tit Vol. ,\1 by is it- so? '(amuse a •maiii we of Jultitnnti Hi I rises. with •blush anti coloni?er, Wats gratiited' the Mud „.i -know, ., rosea ti•eautets: Iter only 'orna- 11'• tt % —4-1-114-44111– ' on condition that ,he. colonize it. Decided \ve, slloulci:. .have some J�o It (xti t •rias. a ter o � >r Alex- Galt, grandfather 'Of Elliott tin "51tut=i.0 .Day" became '.t', Gaalt' who directed ' the Galt A clay apart rtJm nil the rest., `business. in Lethbridge. atfttrr This • When we all lout: to, you; father .had started the lil'ace. No. ;pint t Q. and, Mrs. tPublic, 5 -"Ontario' highway. 'runs through it 111 cumc true any ''1luw' clu.' now, IT Kitchener. to . Uodericlt, S" x1113 i.'urtli :rvitth cheeitul Heart, and it is marked along the st lty by ,ki,tl "rap upon a door . • • cairns telling of the founder olid \\'L►ereiii 'reside • a shut -iii - colonizer. • d 'Vo•n u1ay, not have .met before; ' '• The' Huron ", strip , Was colonized. Ad when your visit's ended the1 40' and 850's. . It... 'Tis •tlieiV,you will begin r got around $ s 4 J To 'really count your blessings • • got i lot' of Irish because of .the1 .potato - famine • arounrd *that time. And see the faith of a shut-in, It got a, lot of English' people. from —Mrs. E. Corrigan (a shut-tn'), Road, Toronto 13,° Ja1J Kingston Des onshire� and at lot of Dutch And . Germans The Scottish people"set h 1 father f" S' 11 t lhet I �ETHEL TABERNACLE - (Pentecostal (Pentecostal ,4sse'�nblies of Canada) 4. REVS J. A. PEARSON, Pastor' REV: HOWARD MINNEKAR, Pastor -elect: 10 aa,m. SUNDAY S'CHOOL. ; 11 a.m. And, 7.39 ,p.m. N'.VI: SCI RA.M, OF' . STRATFOI W Tuesday 8. p.m.. °Christ Ambassadors. Friday 8' p.m. Prayer/."and Praise. ALL WF.I,t '(?lNE' . : , � • . ' t • Church The Free Methodic • Corder Vittoria and Park Streets REV.'W,CRAWFORD COWRER;D; PASTOR. ltl a.m. `.'IfiNI)AY SCHOOL. 11 a:m. 'MORNING SERVICE. • No evening service June 4thr 'Monday, June.5tli,• 8 p:ltali. Y P.1V ,S:, Rev. F. A. Cooper, London, .Director of the-C,Y.C.- Cant .f.�r Boys,,and Girls', will -show' colored slides of summer eaantip activities. Wednesday, 8 p.m, y -Prayer and • lreilowship. 'r, lie' Church of the Light and Life Hour." :, 5- year. guaranteed BERLOU ,. Mothproof protection for •.C, • woman's"' suit;. 44 cents :' . only 9„ cents per year l tf• . Gets •it at Naftel/Hardware 22-23 tied farther -north in North „patron TAYLOR,'•S CQRNER, and Brace: These'+`•.early settlers • 'TAYLOR'S CORNER, May 29.--- algae at§' •f'ar west* hi*, Ontario , as-\ii•s. Bruce .,Hol;nes . and Miss Stratford by' train, then got. a •teatii' ' of oxen, a- wagon, ase''s and ,. slims Marion 'Hvithes of Toronto spent ri ell. 'and started out for. Code G ,T ,here Dunlop was John,Ghere alt's surveyor. He lived on Dunlop Hill across the harbor from Godelicli. r The' late -George Morris was born i11 the • Dunlop house, as . was , his brother Dave, now livi. g -.near •Victoria..'The ,settlers • were sent ,to their new ,farms . by Tiger Dunlop, who 'had •surveyed the "conces- sions," the base lines and the irle- oh `Sunday -with Mr. --and Mrs. A. Organist of tire -church: • Albert' Hay roads'. Holmes and 1-<ttpil�`: Mol tte'' a•rr.'r ethlent of The The ' Longs' settled on the Second f earls 0 at gift of .the, bridegroom. Miss J;ervelT 1Ic( iiurlhey Was the bride's only attendai'it. 'Her gontt wars, :of Punk silk bengaline .fashioned,, On identical lines tq that of the bride. Site carried at , bouquet of_ white carnations. tints pink rosebuds.' The 'best: loan. ° MIS t Andrew . Plunkett,. All After' the „reception 'tiiud •lunch, Mr. and Mrs: MeClinchey left. for a motor trip:•to Niagara Falls, ,Buf- 'halo,' and . Detroit. Ler till -ening 'the. bride Wore a• dove grey, gabar- dine • suit, matching hat and 'navy accessories. On their return .the cop:e resideat I uthven. Guests were press its" from 1.I.on- don,. . Woodstock;- L o'ii d e s b •o r 6, -Auburn acid Blyth. • • • •i • • H1°NTFR-•-NEWMAN I\'WOOD,, Ont. -•The chancel , of andr.• Mr. Mrs.. t Inwood, 'United• Church,banked, v - nd -.with he d the l e_ e Kenneth Holmes. The 'W.A. • wll meet at the home of Mrs. Walter nicks ' don ,. Wednes- day- afternoon, June 7, itt •2_ p,m. Miss Vera ' Wilson of . Goderich visited ou • Sunday . with. her par- ents,' Mr. and, Mrs. J. �\'i1So11- :,Mr:.'and Ma's. ;Nines Boland; Mr:, and Mrs..' Ed. Boland_ •orad.. little son .l c Jimmy, all f London, visited PRONE '91 pe> ng 000 with'spri lgrflowers, was the lovely setting' for the .marriage of.. Jean Mildred Nelwman, R:i\i•A:, 'younger daughter of the `Rei'. and Mrs. W: P. • Newman, • to -Eimer Terence Hunter, only sou of Mr. ami Mrs._ Tereiiie banter; (oticir ?�,.:.orn '-tete afternoon of Victoria Day..,The' wedding , music --was delightfully, rendered . by Miss J ea n . Lehrbass, on(essioth, the Z i'Zti'-tntr f'rriiI- . 1 ~~ ~ bought a new tome 011 Regent street las .Me lintock, bltitlter•in-low 'of, rt} ning into Benmiller, The _early settlers called T3ennhilier '` 1%e flol •in Godeh ibh, and will' move there the ;bride. The `ingii essive, marriageIla lile '11 1 future. Ther w'i•11 be' service t ts`condnrted by the bride's 'low" beehuae that s •wpat it Was, a missed from this community. ' .i(itlier, Rev. AV'.. P." Newman of the lhollow,wliere the creel: rani into the Mr.andMrs. .Jerry, Ginn, of Inwood 'I`,nitetl',C'barge. During the river. It was a beau'tt spot,- the oshaw 1 visited. rel-ently with the „signing Of the ,register 'Arr. AIcClin- hills above' tiie•creek and the river. „ �'"Because.".' " fulluc'h U. 'tool: sang . •," GIANT TRACTOR FOR IRAQ: A new.. giant tractor built' by Thorneyer ft ,Ltd., 'of' , London England, was •tec•etitly demonstrated -at '.Bagshot,: • Surrey. 'This new tractoris designed to meet the require- ments of theIraq Petroleum •Oo., for: use on the.'13iipeline between Kirkuk and the Mediterranean :Sea. ' I.t •eun;' ictirr.3, a grad' of thirty-two tons Auld for a gross train -tveigbt '•tv'ith; semi -trailer 'of lip to100 ",tons: This -picturew' sla.the giant tractor undergoing tests on, rough ground ' during a , — demonstration at ;Ba°gshot. ' .; SEIZED AND RELEASED WINDSOR,. dick- 31:—The �` INDSO R May 31 e y p age. freighter; Superior, ovwned by Northwest Steamship Line of Tor- onto, . of- ficers was seized Uy ' R.C.1Z.I? at her dock here last night. POiice said tlier,vessel's officers had being . covered Withnednr, matl)le,. Ginn." The charming bride, who was drooping elm: and a dozen: .and --on - .fir. ('hits. )1'il �.ita of Minneapolis,, given in :marriage 'by her . only Other 'kinds of . trees. Jesse ( led hilfim i7ad tarteIl a,, .svoalleli m-iil }Iiain., ,visited n illi old friends, ai•d' ltr�tliet, Donald ,e\.•uii,it .,of `J illson there and 'he piped water dtr� n to ne1giilrors dtiring .k11 -t-. r\•cel:. - 1 burg, nab. attired 111 a•Fbe.11- «hi"tf a: lz tle ark' he had made tclinse•1 �I 1° bridal 1' 1 1 • � p the mill, 'gutting in a foun.tai that added to the. beauty • of the spot. American tourists even 50 years ago used to ,drive 'from GoderiCli in 'phaetsons;' ' with den side and fringed tops to Spend' the afternoon at Mr. Gledhill', little park. • Beniniller was ',named • after Ben 4111er.. _And Ben_ Miller • as the. ;.first, important; math in the conn= mtinity._because_he-owned and opera cited the, sawmill; • There were litet'ally -millions ' of board feet; Qf timber about but it wasn't • much good Milt was Sawn into • logy and boards" to build the big hones and big bank •barns which succeeded - the first log• houses and log •barns oil the farmsteads. So the village was- wiled -•Ben n1'ller; Bdu-- 411•Llen- liad a. son; who became ,famous in a physical sort 'of way. He was 'Jonathan Miller, he was over *six feet. and When he died, And, for years and years before --that, he, weighed. around 467 pounds. HQ• rain a hotel and livery stable In Goderich for years. The ..blg job of the 'early :settlers was to cut down. the trees, pull and bairn the stamps, build snake rail fences around the „ little 1( -acre fiel(ls, and grow'enottgh food to feed tate big families � There_ veers big families in diose days, and they *ere needed for the jeb of :ma king it farm out of the bush _ -The Stewart'. 11ac1 la: tlae' IUkidles and the Fishers had, twel\te, 'the Blokes clad nide girls .and ' he Longs quid failed to report the ship's' arrival from a United States port to, t'a n- adian ,customs authorities. •The seizure order was lifted after the vessel turned up two new" suit-' _cases, .T4' eart'ons of American c•ig;trettes.,att -a (uan 1 ;t.� o- `cam e goods. 'Police sora,. these belonged to .a • seaman on •t`lhe Superior: On .long. .sunny' evenings parents, let the kids start-• out late=-statch. out for th€n), ori streets and high- ways:, ales SCouider . Books e PLAIN -or PRINThD -Printed Gummed Ta o 1 tains, 'e at ,. Signa1-StatLtd.• W esi St. Phone 71 • ., 17 eek end r trtt111, \rat h 1. ; and )t1da .,,11111 ',gown with ny un 'Yoke to Mrs.' .Toe Wilson a and• -family' were 'and hort train. Her •emu•roidei`ed fingertip veil was. worn'4n 'a coronet style. Iler bouquet 'was a ca'scad'e •efeet ; (if '• Better Time rosea: with udiantnnal fern and " removable con: s .tge 'lie , d with Bette"r-, Time ribbon. Her ntatro l or -honor was her sister; Mrs. Dougl'a1s, McClintock, R N•r, 'of Brownsville, who was at- tired --in a - blue brocaded - taffeta- .goss n-• with bouffant skirt • of nylon net. ' Her '-brides .i -i- s were -Mrs-.. Harold Hibbert, R.N., • of Goclerich, and Mrs. Donald , Pltinl.:ett, pf Aubtirii, sister of ,'the"grooin. Both were •gowned alike, in 'blue' brocaded organdy made on—fitted-lines,. wit h a frill, skirt; Ail three' attendants carried co Dial bei quets of • Better Tihne roses vith pink•'s•weet peas' "a yci"n a it�u e . e` � �-�wa'a n 1 ,� Namiltun '' Prone street u J�:.+-C l gg • Mrs. ,1 (l. • Di`, MGr., anti Mrs. Fred Lomb and little"daughter, (iwenn'ie, of• \%'nt.erdown, ..Ont. e ,.•� ASHFIELI) ASIIFIJ'.LD, May 30. -•-Mt. and Mrs. Dan '-MacDonald moved 'hilt week ...into- their chew home lu„ •.at, I.oclla.lcll, - where. we__ wish for them' many. more happy.. days olid less strenuousotk in the evening of their lives.' •-.r • Y Miss • 1ioneldtl '•.MacGregor ' of. Duluth -.spent the week -end .itt the home of 'Mrs- John MacKay: ' • 1I•1'.• David ` 1:ac1Cenzre is in . Vic-: tolia ''Hospital, Tioniton,•`where he yieiit--fog—ai•- e-rl aus.-npe.r-.t.tlon - He• isuh' aking •a.:Paitis1Ttetoi recovery acid' will'.soon be bOate again. •' ; }I-ics Sally :MacDonald 'spe,nt, Sun- day, at Eugenia Falls• with her friend, Miss Mena, Montgomery. Dr.,and Mrs J; Wenzel and Mrs. Babour. of Detroit•spent the holitla ' with Mr. And Mrs. fill, fireDiatnid.• Mrs.' \Vinnie Elliott• of Port ,Col- borne• called . on friends in I<intail on Tuesday. ' -.Many . from Ashfield Presbyterian Church attended anniversary ' ser- vices_ _ in Ripley _Presbyterian Church, •• Where then' , pouter, Res-: J. , R. - .ID aconald, cendtieted the service..' • • eight boys. Atone• tiiIie there: were nini•e than 100 pupils attending the two -room 'school at Bennliller. At- tendance dwindled • to around .20 at the. beginning of the century. •now it hada lheeir'retilaiced by at ('((711- attended,,, liy -Gerald Dustow -of. Goderich, and the ushers were: Graham Bogie of.- 'Godei'ich• and Do,naid Plunkett of Auburn. ' The bride's mother wore anav dress and jacket of •silk'crepe with 'nar , hat trimmed `with pink flowers, Iter corsage was of Briala. 'cliff roses and grape hyacinths, The nhotber of the grooni was gowned 111 skippel' blue slheer,, with lade tritiihitings, with navy ha t• ii jid Pink tritunlings. Ilei' corsage was also =i11•taa'elifir.raaset with 111;7-of-ttie- vatlley: 'I'he organist . •\vo1'e - Pink sliacloty organdy• made with fitted lines and fall shirt, -ancl ..a corsage 4. pink and white. carnations with• grape. hyacinths. • A r('ceptioil • (vas. 1,111(1 in the NOV Masohic tint]. -Jgtwood, heantiftilly •decoratr(1 with spring flowers.. The ladles, of .t11e <mclltlh'cli NerV{1d - 1rio •sallidntecl s (1x001 serving prop{ 1(. Illy.w-ed(ling lunch,to" iver t,tt'ih hundred 17 resses just in, including: Spun " S1 an, Suint- • vale, , Hampton 'American `Golfer.. A grand, display of Summer 'm to .:. oh'dose from in a full the %VIM -GT township. Tile little glicgts. tinder Ileadership orNim hundred acre fa rms re going B. *Min*? K rinehrl". • - to11.1:011borpv. The° goed wishes of' the gnest s were ex'prer=sell to. 1114, 11;71)1)y their wedding trip to Niagara Detroit and other Flitted StatYs.' blue snit with navy trimmings pink accessories. Mr.. and 1111ATter 111111:P home the'groom's farm theIlitto Witter (*Imago that. has taken plaiyer, In No Ifighwilv.. north. of Goderleh. A past 00 years. • ree'erd '6f the joyous ilappeong;',4 et, h eon Pm- a "Colborne 'centenary ing' Pierittos' 1)5'' Mr. 11 lld Reunion" 119,v:trine 30, We, were. from Goderich, Detroit, Tor- wothier bow many of the StewArtg• (Aces, ,the 11eddle:1 and Snyders npfl, olIntrwnosovd11.1A• asoTai-flotgropinim/go:10:,,,It:?ad, will be thtIT: thimagh the t411 111P kind of w-ringr as irs operating here in Illy, wheat', arts being sold to neighbor and Pined up, and 200 to 400 nereTarms *re not, now "uncommon. If''w the Dwell :or farm „ Mechanization at wit4 Windows boarded hp. A lot of filial. fail& ha ve been fumed into gras14 a mi graziers rent theth„ run- ning (,4,3ttle on theta' for a few Months "in -summer.' It's wine ft l'be (la y was made in eolored $2.95, $4.95, - $5.95 to $19.50. your 'ph.oide now' wide 'selection,'