HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-05-25, Page 6PJtBf't4 ' L'r,
a I : AUBURN, `aitiy 23,--•,'31r.. Qui 1 firs.
JoI'lnihyson • of • SettfortW., and
\1r. tivm. Kruse. of Galt .were, week-
t"zr+l }, v b tors with Air.' and Mrs.
• Edgar LUVVsoli.� •.
muts* r1.4111Dm
to .1140p4o1,1, (rn buncliiy sifter avisit
with tri. stud firs, Lerb.'(a xv.i W.,
Visitors -with Mr. and Mrrs. P. 0.
, Mellveeia Were Mt. and : i:rs, Donald
AIcIiveeu and family, of Toruuto,
and Ur. and Mrs, itabt. \Yellveen
and:,family, of 'Niagara Valls.
Sunday school .zitiniversat.ry ' will
lac; ebse rved in Knox United 41# weir
on iundayy gay 25th; with., se'I' lees,
at 11 a.UI. and S p.ln. \.t the morn-
isg service Mrs. (Dr.) Grierson,
formerly Mary 'r iuglttnd, of Londe's
bolo, will be the speaker and Rev.
'1tob,t, Watt of ,Gol•rie will give the
address." Music will be supplied at.
the morning • service by the " clilil•ch
A husband is a. useless thing;
Ile sits arousal anti smokes;
And when a wife is serious'6--
Why that's the time he; jokeA ;
But 'when iris wife is playful •
\nd '.wants to'see the town;,
Why thea he ;;rubs •at paper
• Awl promlitl ' , sit, him down.
A husband is a cussed finale
Inclined a bit to fuss-
uss\\'then things art• very peaceful; •
` The •tint to -make -at `ifita �•-=
\\' hen' ,'\ ea•ything .1 tidy' ;
And yet I'an frank to say
A wife is strangely lonesome
When tate deur old brute's away.
choir atiad in the. evening by ti
,Huron County •, Junior • 1�'t(rmers' •
c, liiiir.,
. To .Qrcl,in ;very Elders.=-• On the
past three• Sundays. 'members 'of
"Knox -Presbyterian Cliurgh have.
been roti 1 r for two elders, Rev'. J.
.kIoueyma4 'announced un Sunday
last that Mr. Wm. \\'attsoii -and Mr.
A. Rollinson had been elected, and
that the ordination of elders would
take place Best Sunday..
"Sunshine Sisters" Banquet.
-Tile Women's Institute Heid their
1i11i1''1 •''Sunshine Sisters" banquet
in the Sunday sellout room of Knox
'United Church on Tuesday- evening.
The tabe: Wtere very a,ttliaetive in
the blue and gold calor scheme of
the \i'ulucns .Institute: Baskets of
.( eo._k Sturdy Malting ^the j reseuta-
tion. - Mrs. ' Irwin eXpressed her ap
preeiattioi . During- the business
pellet'. it was derided VO -contribute
$35 to the StaUaitobat k`lood Relief;
Puna, The allowing delegates were
ill)poitltecl' 'ter attend the • • district.
at Uixial • meeting ••• at Wing -ham in'
,Iters :' :►lis,, .Albert Campbell, \Xrs.
'Bert `•iaig, "Mrs. 'Co,a celluche3',
Airs,,.Archie` Robinson, \rips „Amelia.
Melt:wain, '\Yrs. Wes. `Erai1hock, The
silver ,w hide: the Institute . has pur-
chased was used full the, first time.'
It was decided to perieliase. ax• ,ehest
to keep' Win: it was,,stigge ted that
all farmers paint their rawer can
their mail boxes. Staines for the
Sunshine Sisters were, drawn /01:
another' year. Airs. WWecl, l3radnoc
moved a Tote of thanks t02° \1rs.
Tait . Clark for her splendid ad,
dress and to the convener of the
banquet, Mrs. Ilerb i ogridge,' and
her assistants, :tlrts.‘ Harry sturdy,
ie y'Mrs. Harold Gross, Mrs. ''.Teel East
and,, Mrs.. Ellis Little. The in( etiag
closed with the. singing of the Na-
tional Anthem. °
' .. The Men" a Club of •Iinox Church
concluded a successful winter, .and.
Ptit, Y
, Directprs of Funeral Services
+'1 dfitl: Lodge, roprietar.'
13 Montr
lance Service
Efficient ,Service
spring seascln 'with its streeting on
Friday night last.
. The speaker of the evening was
B. II. _McNeer,.. iI.D.,- consultant
psychiatrist at Victoria Hospital;
London,. whose address was heard•
with much, interest. ' He was intro -7
dnced by I)r., N. C. Jackson: Dr,.
Mc\eel 'said that the first •law of
bine and yeIlow Powers, blue and l'moraliity was "Everybody else has
gold candles in silver holders anal the right to satisfy - his needs tis
l have'.to satisfy Iain('," and that
h f all 'tile' "t
leu t
avers were in ` �e s.'me.
color sehenie•, Which etl` • to • the :iia springs from' the fact that mase
attru�tiveuess uf' the les. Sunle is egotistical and thinks first of
sixty ladies toere' . p es . •atter` himself. 'DO live.. ri;;htly • he galas:
"Gere' -~dinner the • ptesic , Mrs.- :til- recognize the rights of others, nitlst
bert CainrXib(;11,- lyres for °the realise man's responsibility,' and
program, which 'opened with coin remember the Lord's, Prater. The.
tion, Do unto others as ye lei
1 'de t P C tit
that Tit`h�e1's' should -do unto -o 3 o -u -
American, •1ay',sbinevitllere east o
New' York. or gsnitreal, aeroSs `th¢
Atlnntio,.al(l over on the .other side
of h'ranre (W Germany.. Foltr years
later ilie)seow had "ailirved" and lay
in the •re1'i?nee direction.' Moscow,
'ill, 1J14, . was • retWltecl by. ; flying'
northwest acro_s, ,, Canada, .through f h i heves of the Sea
1 I:(lt4011ton, over the Pe ce; trip the '
• Staging Route, through' .lnska, and
td.ross• I3i?,xiag .trent tabhl)eria,.
a highway. oyez,' which mare than
.`i.5;. tliousata i plane
'theGerman •tide. ;. at Stalingrad.
China and Japan are. no.' longer
TIIVR$DAL, M.t .'Z $th, t 0
thousands. cit piles {+ water, but
Parts of a shrunken. world reached
11y flying tree big curve northwest
and dgw0---tbe rr ponder bend � r�
on the -.far side. ,Although men t .
talk, from ;habit, of Western ��•.
Eosteufi I- eui1;p1iere.ss they are -
no longer the vital zones. .. Whose
the eua' sp ,
Age, "when xnnn ;dug ea' ills .through
isthmuses or sailed,, theusa i4s of ',
iiille( .erceeping arouu their
t'° a tips of
c >utiuetlta to .aCh _he_ i_ , yarn ...
atlon, on the other sic eoOf the'"wold;
Frown `,The 11ackeu4e," by ,Leslie.
places onal gird.on.;the far,.side,of Roberts.
.dated June lst and November '15th, 1935
•due.'June A•1st, 1955
have been -Called for payment June 1st, 1950.
these -bonds should be prr'esented promp ly for
Payment' on: or soon after dune 1St, 1950, '
because after thatedate they vcrill no longer
earn interest. -
A Last desperate effort to save a p'r'ecious chair, is trade by
this. Winnipeg citizen as the `flood waters -rise in. his ,flood-
, . ttriclten house. 'T'he Water is Waist-deep:and still rising, and
be."has very little hope of 'keeping his remaiat1ing pieces of
furniture. -The Manitoba •Flood 'Relief ,I tnd has been orga
ni-zed in Winnipeg to help such people and its objective of
81 ,000,000 dollars is' tO4C- us d to help flood sufferers re-
establish .themselves. .Donations -to fund may be, made to
any Bank ia� Canada or direct to Ma{iitoba.Flood Relief.Fund
headquarters in Winnipeg. • -
It i,
it,y• •si g-ing nit I-. 1'' basis of social justice, said the
'A•I in • ttil-c-•
Craig r speaker, is b e "tTi tpttl'I Mtn
Craig at the piano. Mrs:.. fait wort
. n . Ii4?S�i IL o � ne �
Wt men's 'Institute, was the guest atContinuing;-Ot I)r., \1cNee1 'said Tthat
speaker and gave an.interesting, and , w'
mans troubles. spring from fear,
instruetia-e address on "Bobks Make frustration, connect land guilt. "B i
Good C ompan'ionso' She gave a being candid with'y ourstslf,•. y otr will,
4ynopsis of the hooks she lead read..
The first nits. :"The 'Bible." She reduce ;Ourhighbrood. •:pies..u>e
.-aid we couldn't' get • sign,.. rvithctut and there' 'will be rear er • stomach
theBible and urged lair •' hearers'-
to read ft more, Among other: books
Of which she made Mention were
"Mary, Peters" and "Windswept," by
,\fairy .Illen• Chase, "Miss Bunkle"
and "Miss Bunkfe 'Married," "eche
Gobd Earth," "The Pavilion of
Women," "The , Keys of the Xing:=
dom; •"Bgek ,On Garden Slagle,"
"Tire Rock'and site River," by ,Ralph
Connor ; -'1The Golden -Dog," .'Tile.
Thornapple Tree," by' •Graace Canip-
be11; 'The 'Homesteaders," • E'Sow- •
ing Seedsfiu .I).uana "Clerjring is
tin WcSt " b; Nellie \IeC'lung; A I
Tintern 'in Her Haand " by Eess
•St-reeterAldir 1i. Sii alae: -road
mention .of "The Itobe" anti "Tile!
I;I�r''I rshertiruu" by 1.1ltycl 1)ou-gltt.. ,
Mr.'.Clark 'brouglht her interesting!,
tali;; t•t, a 'close by reading's• poem,
•'I''I•ien,1lslitll,: lt•iu Was rendered
by. Mrs. •(x•., Duble, Mrs.• W. 13r1d- I' •
• u, i ii uteri Mrs, E, 1'ittlt� droit a solo 1
",'S ___.._,_____.. ''''______ 1
11 •'y Airs, (7(,1'u,,t1 �It�('li,urbet. Airs
-- `V .I A. el. IIewitt, •Miss Sadie Carter
Hind .lits. W. J. '('rare saiug a trio,)
ac eenil.rjnied ' by. • Airs. Sid Ale- j
i'1'int hes • The • roll• call was tnI-
swered ,by revealing the name of
the ittent1et' '•S'tittsbinc S'istet."
Grtit were, the 5uri%S
n'i es:hen t11)
utl�iises • were revealed. ..Airs/ hon
weer, who has moved, Gcrderich
gift \'II ` i
liken?). Accept situations •a S y the'
are. and live for today .t„
•said the • speaker in eoneludint his
• address, is more important' than
Lia'3n �''
the• things
that keep us living.
Ret. Richard• Stewart of New,
St. statues Presbyterian eltur(•11;
Londen,a• Donner tninister of Knox
('hureli, Dr. J. W': 'Wallace and Dr•.
Walter, . Little. were 'guests -of tale.
adios ,111'et (sated with t
The Mackenzie of the eiid , of the
*first•llaif of -'the twentieth century'
1Tcrt't`tIe"` • e '
to(vnrds the (l,oseof the eighteenth.
It--draws-its- wa er--=-fa=me:-the stuff
so-tirces•; . •they .join each other ' at,
the 'same pinpoints on the •neap, and
they . follo:w the same courses 'to
the Arctic. Sea, .but them ,the re-
semblance ends. ,., • •
\\'hat.• the ..meal, of the stir • des-•
covered -ti' century and a -half later,
was a. river .on tile,.global map, the
' the
map 111" )
• drys
1 world, and. they found it in a
world they themselves . had con-
tracted in size in a ratio of, say,
one to one hundred, or, more. . ,
The great hinterlat►(1 of Canada's
North West Territory sits c,n the
dead centre of the•,nrorl�l's most
s •-
' e11 1
. stn
red �� 1 b
ti �
( lou
p )loll ,.
vended froiti ,the Pble in the N•ortii
ern Henri pl1ere, , where the ,great
density of \volid population and
the major p)ai�t of- its,produetioii is
f•gund' betw,en the ,AOth•' and Goth
a'r'illels of:latitude., We• are -,11v -
mg, in short, in t le age o ' le i erv,
ru: z) ' ilY1c]_ of . tines gerhy
the' Mackenzie • and' Hi :airtlxeii ee-
of :,tlu' ,Staging Rotate are a' trunk
highway, teaditjg' to the ,top 'of the
World' and on beyendr•to what -men
still ('a11 the Orient, sir rlrly 'becailne,
ini •'order to reach it they once had
t(► triavei ea.twaidl
At ' the ,beginning' ,of Worki' War
Moscow was, a city which', in
the miner of :the individuail North
' The Board of Governors of the ,Ale cti; ►dra Marine
and General Hospital is `finding increasing •difficulty
ensuring good nursing and, hospital,care for. the patients,
due to the preSenee of visitors at , other th a �. , visiting
hours. �'
The': attention�of all hazard , relatives and friends 'of patients
' hospital is directed to the had caused by infringe-
iment of the following orders.,
Thevisiting hours are:—
2,30 to P4.30 p.m.- •
. " 7.001to 9,00 P.M.
NOTE—There are -no visiting hours in. the. morning. • '
ious diseases in'child-
2. Owing to the frequency •of infect
.ren (and often in the. incubatious stage) children under
14years of age are not allowed to visit4he hospital, ex-
ce with a special permission of the. Superintendent.
p P
Critically ill ,patients are '",frequently harmed and
-their lives: endangered' by 'visitors, who enter the wards
without the permission of tie nurse at the chart desl.'
('A.` `NO VISITORS" sign should be.,enough to stop
anybody from - entering. )
• 4 •,
nit cases :Should have °no visit `r for-�the'-first-`
4,- ,,�istex y
,'The Boartd _of Groyernbrs, realizing that, these regu-
are. entirely for' the' welfare of.' the _patients, bas
ordered -the Superintendent, the Byisiness Manager. and
" all others in. charge `to' execute these rules' and trusts
-10 '•and: 21
that- the: public will co -,,operate.• ,
On Fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in -Soups and Sauce,'
butter makes all the difference in goodness wherever it is
used. So buy n'iore butter now -- at the new lowrice!
NI1,g,•,r May .:,- -T11e W.A. of
Nile Churoli has finished the decor -I
luting of the basement of the churt.-li, '
) which adds greatly to its appear -1
l .t nee. ,
1 Mr. Henry Jlattht'ivs had' rho 1. • -
I hard hick to lose ,a. v_altltrble avow '
avltich he had lnurcli:ased at the
Towns -bend stie--,tit- Porter's .11111 a
t'e'a:. clays before. _'l'1lis IS a big, set-
datek at the price uf,rears today.
Mrs. Ra.. 1.1e'ConuelI of Black
I Horse and her four children visited ,
t her sister," Ars. Henry _Matthews,
I on II'unday#
MEXICAN' LAVii'N BROOMS --just the thing you need ,
cleanin •
for u ou
• g � your >~ lavvh .speedily--•-'
ped Lat. ' ONL'Y 20e
'Building.Operations.' -- Nile-. is
growing. ROss McNee ` is . building
a new 'house east of the garage
and,,,Harvey Pettnian. intends build-
in,g' ,oiie. west of the garage. At
preSeirt, he is living-;iu• 1 ai Old--.1ilct'"
Whin'ney's honae and his mechanic
is living in the Pettivan hoose just'
vacated. Mr." C. (U: ' Morrison of
Goderich htts,•-jrau.red . to Nile and. 1
i eu 5yifi the. house on the Carman
Feaga.n, ,farm purchased , by• .Ben.
•" „y agt•n••,,after. the tire a year ago.
inviting New Minister. The,
board., el nanttgenielit of the United'
Chiral'has' appointed Fletcher
Fibber •and Thos. Wilson' front the
I eami11er, charge, Geo. Rtitledge•
and. Itay Robinson from Nile, chorge.
a tut L.inklater from Leeburn
to .look nut for- a ^new minister :for
the unitt�L1 .('Marge: They-•iiioro1'ed-t(1
Dresden one day last Week to inter-
view Iter • Mr. Harrower, minister
on the Dawn Mills charge, and Ole
live were upairiiaiaous in their de-
cision to invite -hien to this charge.
Ile resented, and it swill Tie left to
tile I'rtwrbytt¢ry )0 •t'lec'ide. '
Feist h ('olrllty .-"'I-lorre Breeders
will 'hold their liftectnt1 annual
heist' drew, SW1'1.1E` Sli isv 11n(1 Hale
said tunehiiiery.' deniousta•11ti,oti at
the A*ricultural ' (Grounds. Sti'at-
frlyd, on 'Wednesday, .111110 7113.
The swine. .eetion-•i t given prom -
Invitee agal111 thhiw: ' yea r. ' In addi-
tiol), tnt the s11ow of breeding stock
read market hogs' Miners will he sold
at .11tietion - tl111.ty-erre itea'd of.
registered Yorlcsitit'ts. .Judging of
.hogs will continence at 12,30• noon•
alai wails; will ba' hexed.,;stat'`L.,15 p,1n•
'j'his I l ti c,I1e day` ,diode feattl't4ug,
hath lttt,n r y distad llgkit horses, .1 ttdg-
• ing .hill •('(,tnti)te1:7:::: ,lips 1`2.x;0 lltatlri,
with four ribgsd will' include:
i'e1'r1%E'vtalr aand :Plain:n 1+):Telotts,
igrit°ltllbrei •rnd -char`s *te,litrs,
four•-herr+(' hitelt.''atllBite, ( hit v('iw
If heavy breetXs.
• Tright 'ltZes wilt in(ltde,
ttuiUoni bitch And siiiglo roati rneos,
` ' A Drize list of $3800. 18 offered. r.
mtsoYt o{
aridtho extra
as . th dot •. ' stns
od�e*:stn. c •a b Tr ops
.1,i OA!) is ' rd 1 levy` s ;<•"
heaa�r� s4„ knee tAna ex(t ,.
,„114 -13 --of .• eutrY aools�
rr -. irvs°i.
Bottle of Furniture Polish -50c 'sis'e• with every purchase
'of .$2 or over and $5e size with every purchase of $5 or
We also, carry a contiplete line of"Eureka avid Taylor
;Forties hand mowers. ' .
• Goil><f l
p ,ets lino of garden' tools, *heelbarrows, • and.
-garden apse at various prides:"
ern+•!,+'✓•' !,{ `
pt5pt l: S1'1tC1AL •iist:ClXl: 4,b,ciblt SEDAN