HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-05-25, Page 2�t'2U o I iJBON COUNTY'S S PORI ii tosT: NvEEKLY .. Published by Signal -Star, Limited tlgk*Cr iptiun Rai a (lanad* and Great Britain, $2.Q0 a year: to United States, $2.59. • kilizartising Rates An request. Authorized. Us seeQItd-+class ,mail, test Office Department, Ottawa. Telephone 71. ,- Member of 'Canadian. 'Weekly Newspapers AMsoelation —• • • • WWekiy Gircuiatiini Over 290Q i• W: B., R Otti R'TSON o OEO. L• ELuS "The Twenty-fOurth-ef "'May Is, the Queen's ,Birtliday; lif you.. dent give Us a holiday all:run, away." This Was the ultimatiim chanted by schoolboyS--perhaps by the gi4::1:§ too—in the olden golden. days when tbe great Victoria. ,The "threat" any occasion to run away becauke •there was a Sense Of grievance -when the 24th came on a Saturday and ,there Was no extra day off flood water disappears. if they are„pessiraistic. Mivor McCallum 'says the Pro- vincial Government Is pusbing ,T;;toitto bite' the •anaj'eaP1011 McCallum seems quite, willing , to: be pushed. • "Saturday Night." objects, to the use Of the Word "graduate" to indicate' athything less, than the. and- the acquiring Of univer,sity degree. I3nt what is the poor news - p per man to_sai, for instance, of w'ho hats left high sji_aofiall doesn't know •whetiler he lia-scem- or has quit in the* middle of a course? "Graduate" is very, con - students leaving the public school to go on' to high school, One likes to, keep 'words to their, proper nse, but we are • afraid it will be im- possible to check. the conimOn prac- raises .objectioft. No woader he Cott' �qMouse Coes . or. ar rive °A 'J Dear Friends,--`,TeS, ,jut a drive! tour, ,we may as well, pass On ax It was,.sueh a beautiful. spring ether- forty years. • �► . 1834 •'ort . day, with bright sunshine,' fresh orlr became. ' the city" '.o f Toros o. The first Mayor.was William. Lyon air, little lac4 leaves -appearing on tile trees', and; some flowers and 'shrubs ,iw,Lileona. At ',this time of year I alway's Want to go .for The 2411-37ar-lUy is still observed ,as •a holiday in this Canada.*Of ours; put. there is' a difference. -True, the anniversarv„:„still. eumes jiiSt" when spring is at its "heighl and. • everybody yearns for a holiday 'out Qf doors: ; We hope it will always too—not, -.Os', some people d.euntint, cn the nearest Monday, but on -the .24th. •* What.' signilicance Nfould. there be celelyrating the -22nd _ other. day „iiut „the real, true, *1th:out-end' 2-ith of Mai? :that. :there is no Queen 'Victoria. 4*V-before .the end of the' last On - Wry ' cannot realize; the t re men dotts „regard which the Queeii" was *held. There was, 'of .course,, God, and then :there wag'. Queen yictoria, MackenZie---wb,0 three, -years later wass fleeing `to the international boundary with, a price ou itis head, • hiAe in the bush and/see and enjoy ih which he,•live w a lie •wa the Wild fiower8-.. However, there °.°!__ were .ng, WOWS 'near' .bY,' so I ju$V in downtown' Termite atd, ileur XV pa 1 suppose I 'drove. „between, InighPy fereet'which stood near his west .Qf yonge $1;yeetwbout which east. of Yonge street, solid ,virgin fOrest, .,,Witil •deep ruts4_7 Parlianlent ,buildings, QUeen's Pa -r4 tug, rivers and ".no s',411 of .b4m411' is, 'one, a the"heauty spoos. iti the . beingS "except probably nn...:Indian heart, og .mereuto, With bistorY 'in trail here . and there ,in the bush the making . 'within the 'Windings oIrApfroseeatif:Swtdtr, w surrounding street nameS, The already made in, ' all. birds and wild animals alld car- present ,Rarliament buildings, were 'Detect _with, .spfing gOlYep, At th0 -opened in, 1892,-, alinoot One:huntlied mouth of the Humber, River Was). the one sign., -.9f white nniu'S civil- 1 wOur on north ii0 University years after Sfmcoe came to Canada. ization—the small French trading avehtie and . A.venue 'read, past 'the post ,of Vorf Rouille., It had been- northern limits of the city into built to' divert the Indian fur tr,ide r North York township,. Their -I went from the English on the other -side Of Lake Ontariwand was destreyed after less than ten *years' existence. I do not think there•is any sign of 3�du can, hardly recognize the dis- trict frotri Month' t month. The r i 0 n 0 xn lapid growth is creating `u lot of problems for the municipal govern- ment, Put it iso making hOmeta foe many people -who need them -so badly. Icould picture the pleasure :of Some in Stanley Barracks if they could just get into one of the fine ratable new homes along WU- --My next objective was Rayat )7,Ork road,. Where I turned on, it, wa.S just a". gravelled ' country and orchards -on eacli 'side. •At the top of one hill, where,the „read Jnwish. graveyard and •a funeral. Waffle was' very thick Or a.short time,, but., being a Country Mouse, '-managed to''.get through it, ;A hit' farther 'on, ,.1° saw,a,grass fire, but no ,one 'seemed., worried' SO York' road proises the Kihgsway, the Queensway) the Queen.. Eliza- beth Highway, andI have no idea roads and streets, I•suppose Sluice° started the fashion,by naming the eapit4 of Ontario after a royal • prince -and it has. never been for- gotten). RoYal York road ends •(or begins) in Mimico. - I turned' there on to the Lake Shore road and started east again 'in the direction. of the city,. I crossed the Etebi- west to Weston, which is one a the oldest, towns around here. Teri et fifteen years ago, North York was, rural, 'farming land near the. the fort now—only a rather garish city. Today it, is fairly mushroom- - I kept along the road going east past Sunnyside where there were many, pewit enloying the sunshine canoes on the ,Water thistead ef' distance traffic was rather' eon, gested, but not like Easter Sunday. Stinnyside amusements are not. open yet, so'it was comparatiVely, quiet.. short.; distance on we pasged the. Exhihition grounds and •--ma-rvelled 'at.. the qiiiet—when I remembered the noise. and milling crowds a few months ago: On the grounds, near the lake, is a Monument id memory of Edward Hanlan,• the *outstanding Canadian -oarsman .ot the 70's and.. 80's. The monument. stands • beside see Ten- e Ex. .Just south of the Exhibition grounds, is the city housing..known as the Stanley Barracks.' Solite .of the buildiAgs are (pate zild _stone iooged:Y very harMieS0Lodi : Mld that etiiuileted my F circuit of art eg Toronto and saniesubu rbs. p A s 1 Said: in., the beginning, it' was, a beautiful day and Y enjoyed the .drive, ,. my e'eiirsion ; iota • the anst► .ands u few-v-glimiSe$, of the.. untry. I wh X were in Huron,y e i time. e.0ltnty with ,y0 this t You t Sincerely,' >;� THJi COUNTRY MOUS5_.. Toronto. • After igii-$ taken . hiswife to, the Asy 11UXi raving mad!, somebody wh h. to a h farmert e uhti eC the g P asked�►.. ct,used it, and he .Said: X am sure X don't know! I've not had her off the farm for forty years," siu any °tor Truffle Increases' —mitoister of Highways • and 'net so very ,far gehind. baps:it Peeause she had been .gueen se' very iOng; eeyhaps it was iiire vvhien she. presided .wad •its .height, of glory. arid pewer ; perhap partly ft , was 'that the seat of 'majesty Was farther . away then • than .lt is noi,v with 'all,.bur radio mud Other ..newe'seitices, . and we , bad fewer' glimpses of, soVereignty in..the performance its -every-day circumstance Au • which the• Queen' Agureci—for she was a woman as age..would viSit' 4. Sick retainer. 'or be. distressed by sloe untoward .1harvening , the rola." that. created the feeling of lieritaPs veneration, -is,, the. word, • in] for., sixty4Our year.s and s� had . the estimation of her people and • day, , Sin*ce ,her death there. haVe been font monarchs., in :less than- Afty years, and -none of •them, has JOBLESS INSURANCE (Windsor` Star) There always are some who will take adVantage of governmental social security measures;. "just hg there always bare beett those who through various ruSes: • .There r is ,reason ,for Pointing with alarm," therefore, if ,oecasibnal eases ariSe people try . to- cheat 'on un - family.. allowances, Tire:-Tirel-e fact- .frauie offairs.' • -But 48- bottles all - these are • .,'overtnneuttil plans 'are a. disgrace the capital of our There' Would be reason'. for eom-: .Fort,„±-Yerk Armory and- a very old plaint, • :however,' .12 Sikh • law-.. military cetn'etery. --Probably half - breakers were allowed to get avViiv 1,14nile farther is what- is left of with it. I3y -imposing a .104laY.jall the Old Fort. It is- only a b,it of term, and iaordering repayment of the earthwerks 'and some palisades $86.2() illegally -obtained by and log building 'or Oro. shr Man from the. UnemPloVment it ' marks the- . real: beginning of Toronto... .Governor Simege 'and his regiment, -w116„ .built the fOrt, were the first English settlers of Fort. .1noney from the Unertiplpynient 'In-, _after .the .building .of "surance,Ceramission illegally,- he- is .A stone's Alirow away is the Maple Somewhere 'near the Old Vert . there Since We .pre having an historical and lake reeze, and- a few La /ravel, by motorists and pedestrians promises to reach new peak volume this year. The. seasondl uiswing in holiday motor travel has begun.' More.,vehicles-than ever beforeare operating otiOntariastreeti and high.wayi. Pedestrian hazards are increased. We solicit your patronage— FOR, FURTHER • Extreaie care tniust be exercised by all to prevent accidents. .e.es19;tricent:gre urged to walk carefully. - MOTAIiISTS it 'Check your car and be assured that it is in a Safe coilditiona sti Check your driving and be"assired of a safe journe3. DINE S4FitY WAIN SofFE01 A. M MacMillan is taking a.correct .When a man attempts to get ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OIE ,111_011WA,Y Thefe ceine ' to mind- other "as-' sociations with these days of which iite•speak. .The 'first ,verreatd- op the ...Morning, ,ef the 24th ;was the sound! of firecrackers, behig set 4 'eft, sOme early risers. Vire, crackers are. ferbidden..in Goderich ~- and Other towns noW (and quite properly, we ,admit), but ,in those ,days ft ;was avoor boy indeed 'whe -, in the" much °Prized, noise -makers. -The best. "big day".'of which we have any' distinet remembrance •w -as_ 24th of May in •-one of those of -great 'program of SPorts .was on in the old "lacrosse grounds" eoutt• of the present AgribultUral --rtirk„ It was under the joint auispices.: •of the -tire brigade and line 9f the local "secret societieso" with' all. kinds 'of- contests by local part,icipants,-Lanti there has neVer been:another like it. .__There.,,were not .so many fine • ilovi,ter gardens lir GOderich in these ,days, htit •the girls used Jo bring to school. great Anaases "117locks" aver vvhich they -.Went into raptures -With -affairs rof' their own' to takb much notice, of flowers. Yet One a the lasting impressiens Of those spring ,days Is ef the bright green and -gold carPet grass arid -delight; The °same beautiful caispet appearing every spling. irever fans to take'us hack --well, more years than we care to think of. devised this' plan tosofteti the blow of unwilling' „. idienesS. Also. he is "cheating on fellow -workers and eni- Ployers who have contributed' tO the Saturday June' 3rd—Eil1 Howe and. his oroheitra June 10th., June 17; and June 24th to Labor Day NEL Molt.A.TAND_HTS ORCHESTRA Plymouth tiyes .you practical styling that cam. for 6' adults . ample head and shoulder room ... a fixed rear seat loot rest that proiridet Pleaty of leg room, regardless of front seat positiOn.; ,,Add Plyniouth echairlhigh"- ,seats for' knee- • SupPortint comfort . . seats that let you sit upright :.. and a host of convenience features Such as automatic choke, igaition-key itartitig full -opening doors fer easy entrance .. . then ; • 'nave vitt made your „contribution, :Decline in River" — Newontitiei iftettdlip‘e, of tt,:t!ew days ago. No.. ii4Affit the `Ctrinnipeggers,' now that sie thinking et. the mess that will likaVEt tO lie cleaned. tip when the • „ take features like Safety -Rim' Wheels that give, that have earned Ali enviable. reputation ' for . safety. Add the 'reliable performance of Plymouth's gliFyeler-glogineered,:high-compres= "work"' ' at driving. With features like- thesel • and many many more Plymouth is packed withi ,Here's...zostAllance to get.. electric4 buys at real bargain prices: They're priced to sell ifinnediately. One electric range, 2 -burner. Reg. $132.50, at$119.60 One electric Tarige, 4 burner. 101/2 Oubic foot frig, Reg. $393;56, for . machineL-10% off, One electric grinder,.10% off, - One new 2.row. Massey -Harris corn planter $1.50.00 Pahl Equipment Ltd. PHONE 1152 Goroatrat .P140111 755