HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-05-11, Page 5THSD,Y 11th 19 Witt, ORGANIZE 13.01)liett 010,43' 4,��SSt'; a oivig TO, 0;4004 irertm,Ab\u/Alu/A\,/A\i/!\�/ll.,/!?u(A\(Alii/A\ii(A\ 4SPNDA14: MA?K 1.4th 1950 8.80 •;3.m. 110LX •COMMUNION« , 1¢ 'a:m.•--::iV,lAIN SUNDAY. SCHOOL. 11 a.m. FAMILY DA*SERt,VIE. 3 p.m, PRIMARY. DEPA iTMENT. 7 p.m, EVENING PRAYER AND SERMON. u. • REVEItEND BEVERLY 'H. •FAR%, ILA., B'L.TIa<., RECTOR. ; A. W. 4NDER'TON;• Organist and Choirmaster North St.. United- Church REV. C. WESLEY COPE; ‘.13:A.; B,D., IV.ImillsEL ALEX. CLARK, Oreanist' and Choir Master TIW FESTIVAL ' OF TIIE CHRISTIAN .HOME 10 a.rn. TIIE CHURCH SCHOOL. • 11 fa.m. "THIS FAMILY OF OURS."_ The Sacrament of Baptism.' Chui•cli SchoolPromption Service. '7 p.nr. "TIHE CALL. OF, GOD.''' ' , • 2. "CO.' F AMR- ME AND I WILL MAKE YOU."' • The Church With The Singing Tower. Welcomes YOU. THE LATE M . pW. Urs. W. T. ;iAf tl ze, of^,St. Que.x weal k rowf.,, and esteemed durinlr tet '.euih Stanley Vance of Uciaxkliton, aI former iuinistor at St, -Lambert, tte, '. The paill)eareri were Bert M IZL <ai e, Robert .Stothers, Gorge E, aaaa bort 'OoMwan, :r.. Itedverr Augue, gi eatly' Frank Pentland and Wilfred ' Pent- land, ent- lan . Interment'w :3a Dun anho t artttoti, passed„ away an tttiter . • y Sul ay,, April 9tii, at the A o rtreal General Iluiplt .'1, after. a "long 111- neap A" at`3)uf'a d n cemeter • e* Apr ill.; ' 12. airs ` Mahe .\yas ,the former hazel. +,v.Y ' ugustfne u i I 'was bon1 ut bnu- r;sinnanr, xlt(* only daughter of M. Augustine, low of.B1yth, an.,.:. ;the late fro' .Augustine, who was, a •sister° ,of Mels. William Stothers" of Dungannen,,' She attended Pub- -1W s:ehtaol at •Dungannon and, be.cunne .911 kngwn in the: rdstfic ;as an o,eratQr at thu Dungannon' tele• p` I e"oiliee, Else will also be re-. membered lis tQa .soprano solraist,,ltl'» rays willirzg., give her >iixre itrld` talent • wireil requested. After her marriage in 1921 to W. Mliize dies' k s1 e(1 in Toronto, and then in 'x02 ruoived to, St." Lar,tert, near \foptreal. At NEXT SUNDAE ' , . IVCOTHER,' S DAY Let every family worship in the Sanctuary on Sunday • . 1; ()b . C. I;liisoll•, ofItorl(1on.,1 0l (iniziug" a i;ivls' '.11]11 boys' 4: band 11t•°(11)t'teri�•ll, froill•�1ge cit.?, years 1111(1. up.. A lli(`eting.. has • - beeli {salted for. Tuesday. May 11 ')t)h,`:i1 .8..li lt., a1 'Kew. ii 11a11 n •- • -IA nditoriuui:'of pa refits'. Boys and g1•r14,:and•.organizati'ons. int e>:- • es't d Bandmaster 'Robinson „is (;()Wilcle're(1 1)111' ()f •('aiiada's • outstanding junior ban(] 't1t•ganizers and trainers. Every ,band organized by :kir. 'Robinson Teats bc�l\lt1 pri e :Alan1Ilg b aii(1. * His pttpiishat-Aieen---N<.}n)1-)e;t-i41g•-}•--rr)-_-11e.4-.1414..k:n,s-t (411(1, \delie ,1.+'(;st(Ioderieh ,for the ,lust few years. At .tIlo • meeting Tuesday-e1;euing, 1)1a1is will be 4,;;Crissed. tor the' oi•gau- . 1, a. of -Infant. Ba atisrn:. , .. _....,•• 11 a.nl. Sacrament 1 *Sermon: ",A. MOTHF '& DAY CHALLENGE." 7 ' p.m.. •EVENIlG, WORSHIP. , ' .w1(- Sermon r �`- • Sermon: "CAN'A 'MAN BE HUNGRY WHEN HE IS' FULL?" REV. R. G. MacMILLAN; W. H. BISHOP, 'F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. `' Minister: `' Director of Praise. `�=-i�1t-�c'frr`rxf:-�t=1rt�.1��--•`1�11-i:>=.1. co -Operation ()1 t11e• senior ,band trained •'1111(1 cot]-' • odueted .41)y A. C. Itli1,)soir. • „The. bad. will. .consis :of tlt_tl: liratis neits ba)1(1.. so if .you want 'to 1>1ay cornet; tromn'bone, 'clarinet,'. lir saxophone-=,th'vn, here's }S)ur (il:)portu11 =4, sonielsliat`'i1n,l�roi•ed.. Itegati\-es ,ok' the late \res. •'llac I.eo(1',. who died' in Glllnii�,• attended the funeral there on 'Friday. Mrs, D; .'�.� :11acK.eitzie, Mrs. D. A. MacLean, Mrs. I3ec't;or MacLean \ii•s: S�impsbu and Miss Sadie John- ston nttea}ded the Presbyterial meet' iirg in'fiincardine oil Tuesday.A • \Ir.. Jas. Barnby has-' returned from Hamilton. ' Victoria- � St. United church ASHFIELD, May 1O„—Mr.. and • Mrs. ,George :MacGregorn'of Hainil- tori oil "friends here. over. the Week -end. . _ • • Mr. David MacKenzie is spending • a few' days in. London. • Mr: Hugh • MacMurchy, who' . has had an attack sof. pn:ettmonia, MINISTER --REV. LAWRENCE H. TURNER, ' B.A. - ORGANIST and 'CHOIR. LEADER -Miss Mary Joyee Strachan 10 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL-,ADULTBIBLE CLASS. 11 a.m. MOTHER'S 'DAY SERVICES- 7 p.m. Monday 8 p.m. Yining 'People's Union. • UNION;, CHURCH--GODERICH TOWNSHIP 1.30 ,p:m. Sabbath School—Ada t.B'ihle Class. 2.30, p.m. Public Worship, . k VICTQ1IA-1JNION WELCOMES YOU • '1A wide range to' choose from Tropiacals., Gabardines, ,,Worsteds; Bolo oLyour•• choice=at Gaderich Baptist chug Organist -Miss Verna C. Miller' Service.xara_charge of BrY.PJ1. David Medley, Speaker. rp.m. • Baptismal Service. Rev. G. W. H. Medley, former pastor, officiating. :B.Y.P.U. at 8 p.m., Monday. Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. ?HONE 77 We are equipped to :handle your mending' and tailoring., , • 1yf•JJ St. Lambert, Mrs. \Taize Carried Pili 11 V(1•y acti\•e fife; and ft was with ]nixed' feelii)gs'of sorrow and~thank- fulness that, n host, of friends and a(�/tu,llntaures lief! l - 4) rc'r�'•pa'S's Auto eternal `test, after spending $ vl'nteelr ;.itioilths _ Conlfned t(i..,11er ,b(417-.•- . - Her name Will be, found among .1110 l'orig inuls:, •on t1e• membership toll. oa the c 1]gtPgatior:af St An, drew • Presbyterian Church, St. I.an11)t‘rt. Her worts in and ,for the St. Andrew's e11oi>i was alwat s;t, ap pr•eciated, and her gifted ,i:oice'',war known to rnany throughOut the dis- trict and in Montreal. Iii K. An= (lrew's Church, she founded the pre- sent •Gofertil Circle, . the first Mis- sion Band and the first ' (".G.l,T. group . . , • • . • The story of her busy life leads through her Work over 11 long period teacher as ^a Sunday" st•hool to that tof :the Women's Missionary Society of which 'she .was twice p.res1dent and a- life menl.ber; •,Prior to her 'levere illness, she served As a mem- ber ' of the W.Onien's '(11b' find the Tuesday .Musical ";ebbe, and ap- peared on. many.' of ..their programs. The large ntte dance at the f1up- •eral i0rvWe hel 'in St, , Andrew's 'Church, St. Laainbert,G, was' fitting testinniny 'to the ' high esteem in which she was .held:<, Score's' present could testify to her wide influence and.1o, her Many ,appi:eciated ser- vi'ces, '.. Even during her long ill... tiers "her thoughts went out to .other in need, and, she, Wrote in- ninernble eards ]in('• letters to the. Nick. and, shut-ins. ' Hazel Luella Maize Will be sorely missed :from the. many o.rgaali'zatiou.4 tb• which' she gave of: her 'time and effort. • . Snrviyi,rig are 11er l)tisblind,' a daughter, 'Erlid, twosons, Eric and Neil, of. St, Lambert, also her father and ,her brother,'Redvers Attgnstine, of .Bl:fi°th. The • funeral serviceat'R I.amliei•t was cpnducted by .Iter. Joseph A. Iioffend, assisted by Rev. Dr^ll' F.' S.citt :MacKenzie,' professor 'of the Presbyterian College,'. -Mon-. ti•en 1., • At Dungaminn, ,. •Presbater.•ian Church, the funeral•-servioe.was con- ducted by Rev. Gilbert ;Gomm of 'Kincardi'ne; assisted :by Rev.^ Doug- las Stewart of Kincardine and' Rev. Read the falloowiug testimonial. ' ,,.6: " . Aritaugir, P : _.: ,N.oy: 1st, L0 ,/^ .' 3, L.' Aixriistrd'lrg, "j , iSpecalist, Ottagvw'a, tin•t; Dear Sir, ----Troubled with, la• rge, scrotal lten.`11a1-fol.' 11, years;: which two. costly. Operations failed to ee -• met, I became quite discouraged, ; '•,,Wbi1e 'visitifig 'ine two years ago, my elder ,ke athero told: me. he had ]ben cured with ycitir patented ap pl ence, ',r at once had you fit Me aiid r ani -pleased 'to inform yoij 'ti in it caused a complete cure in eight months. What a relief'.- At 47• years of age, I am ,begiurting to live again. Your",ippliauee does • all , and more' that` -you <larim .ftlr it. w' Cfratefully your, (Sgd:) ROBERT 'KEYES, Keyes Garage ,C. Motor Sales, Mitchell, Ont. " . J. L. ARMSTRONG, , ' Specialist . will be at the • • BIr;DFOItD HOTEL OQ1)hiRICif , Thurs., _liay'1Stlr - 9 a.m, to 9 .p.m. and will he pleased to have' y=ou call for" 'fa rllite cousulation and demon- s 1 emon-s1 La tma. . There .i5 ,no •charge. My 1)i1telited .appliance (foes NQT bind tight around body. N(')-uuderstraps. NO • pressure on eregt ,of hii)S or sl)1)ie, Thotls811(15. of testimonials alid reference- from people .who hare -,--Obtained" ' perrnanen't relief. Es t;1+1)"tisheft art -188 :•-Remernb i'-• 1 "There is NO substitute for ° experience." -Advt. 19, Recruit : \C'bat's on the menu' to- night? , .Cook :• 'Oh, we have ,hundreds of things to eat tonight. Recruit :,What are they? Cook : Bean's , ARO-WV-- LE RO-WV— GRILLS A E._ S � S'� R BLANKS S MIXMASTERS y ' RADIOS CLOCKS E ILF REINHAR ,A TR1: ° AUTHO t3Z WestinghouseDealer fi0RSIJPY :. West St. . ' •.wil be open DAILY (ex- cept Wednesday) from 5:30 to '6 p.m - ... OPEN ,ALT-e.DAY, SAT- URDAY, including even-' ink' Would,..appreciate settle- ment 'of ettlement'of all accounts ciwing • Thank •you. '� 'FRED )EEVERS BETHEL 'TABERNACLE . (Pentecostal Asseinblies of 'Canada) REV.. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor ' 0 a.ni. SUNDAY SCHOOL. ' ' ' 11 a;m. and 7:30 p.m. ' REV. µ'VICTO t WIJ.r.i&`QFWIARTON Tuesday 8 p.tn: 'G'thrist • Ambassadors. • Fridri'y ;8, p.m. Prayer and , Praise. AL1: WELCOME Davenperts R,EG. PRICE • $138.00, THIS WEEK ,REG.= PRICE $11.0,00. THIS WEEK .. --The Free Metho4ist Church Corner Victoria and Park Streets ' REV:, ORD COWHERD, .PASTOR. W. CR'AYVF. MAY 14t1t—MOtHER'S DAY SERVICES 10..a.m. SI NDAY SCHOOL.' • 11 a.m. Subject, "FAITH 'OF OUR M('TIIERS.a' 7 -pm. Subject, "HER' CANDLE G0I TH NOT OUT." Alondai- t t 8 p.m. s. .4 Wednesday at 8 pan. We meet, to pray. °A FRIEN1.iLY WELCOME AWAITS- VOLT: - DEALER OPPORTUNITY GOODISON-otive.R FARM MACHINgRY Now available in this distriet,.,the sales and service franchise for the famous Goodison-Oliver line of farm machinery. The grow 1 ixlg 'list 9fowners. in, this -neighborhood makes it ncceE any to expand our sales and service ':organization to provvde,greatest: attention for our present eustotners.., To tlo'this; the, clealer selected will require suitable premises. foie display puroses, a service and repair shop. The man himkelf should have the ability to manage a growing business. With o' Goodison-Oliyer dealer- chip yon can push' forward to a sound profitable business . ftliure. for yourself. If you qt dify i t u8 know abont it'' right away. • • Seitd. full ptirtieutlnrs..for .a -height, future 'to Croodisun Industries, Ltd., Sarnia, Ontario. Tractors�� .d Ma� hiner. for •Sale . ,Case V.A.C. tractor, in; good- shape with new , rubber, • , price $875.00;, , John°Ikere 'H tractor: with corn, beet; and•.bean cultiva= . 4; . •, tor, ° $85.0,40... w . Case D tractor: Good ' tlirec plow''pp rer,, $1250.00 1945 Cocksh'utt 70 standard tractor in perfect shape • $850.00. •. Nlassoy Harris .tractor on rubber, $675.00. Hart Par traotor, 18-28 on steed, $875.00. ' English Ford tractor on steel, $64, New Case .Field Tiller, 111%2' ft. At las ryear's price:; N• ew Case 'farm] wagons -at reduced prices. . New Case Portable elev'ator's at last ` year's Price., - • 4--any--thrifteaplr:.-keep- only enough 'money in the bank tq, .take care, of their . • current ,expenses because • they can get much better interest by investing money,. in Canada Bonds. They do not want to waste ' this extra interest and they know that there is ITQ safer place .0 keep their .money th_arr . in Canada _ ' Bonds which they can Gash quick- ly any timh they wish. • Note Carefully: If you . own First Victory Bonds •.The'Governniebt ha's called First Victory Loan "Bonds for re- demption .on June 15th. Interest stops '— on on that date 'so be sure to arrange ' to 'cash your bonds and reinvest in the 'New, Canada Bonds. ' Write or phone now.. to -4 - Wood., (ward y ;&e company Lahr hired 36 King Street West • Toronto 1 Telbphoae: I:i irr 1221 Better look now for your Little Boy -Bow, Shift! a . They go so fast., ' •" _` • ` Choose the str':'es and shadesyou like.the b, st„i., I' • Althe dura :attdlovely.springtime coNourt,,' III:sanforlxed, mercerised broadcloth. Wonderfully washable!