HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-05-04, Page 8CODE'., RIQ SIGNAL -STAR
omen's Missionary nary Society of
w ,q,
Huron Pa Osbytery Meets at Clintorf
The'iiuron Presbyterial Womerr'.s livrnns afll 'Scriptures -were* used
Missionary Soviet& est the United as at that historic ineettnir..
Church Marked a milestone ` in 'its 111elnaorial Service
1 thcC. T€�tvener,
paused- Htfl ille,
hibtgry when it at its annual Mors.representat/Ve of the•."for=
conv.ezz:tion, lar QJitario Street ir;;er C,uii vet atioraal Society on -the
.F hurch, Clizrton ozi Whursday,-
April present, executive; conducted a
27,.. to wok. Eraeik ,to its)• ,3ia.ceptiou beautiful memorial seryice :dor the
, ,;' fifty-three members • who passed
away dtza'inl;aast ..:year. She
that, six' i t idred' :aad , eseti enty-thaaee
•meniber.sllave .Derr called . to higher
,ser viccajur.big the twenty-five years,
(4f �t e e ,diene were the first- honor-
ar^y pre lents, , Mrs. If amiltOn,,1}irs.
Cc�iborne and Mrs. Wilson; and three
more were former presidents. Six,
eatlla lilies were Ridded to the -basket
in their 'memory. This iinl?ressive•
service was concluded by Mrs..
ticLeiin'ts singing `' `'or ATI the
Saints." •
Rev. S. Brenton, eliairman of the
P,resbyter�•, brought greetings from
that group.
"Oh l:Iow Fair Is Thy World" Was
rty 11ve. yc;'s at,ct
on tliisosante da,Atotr fin, 1 o t,1 ee
streams of WelneilrfiRtit ti 11rOn1
hers o1 the 1'resbyteri.au, Methodist
and .congregational , , i.iissieuary
'; ,u(;ietiiis, t>.nti ,led• rda)ja etiveiy by
'Mrs. Jas. •Hat4ilton,, Goderich, • liras.
(:'oiborrne, Goder.,ieh,, 4nd Ars. John
Wilspn, \1'inglmin,' walked up the
aisles or this shine church. singing
"Tie 'Churelz's One Foundation"
nud thus the ,Presby terial1t'.A:[r;a.
'otthe United,Cliurch,rn. Huron castle
into tieing. : . •
At' the celebration , o f this event
only twenty -One were present wlio
were at this inaugural meeting and
only four of the original executive,
Miss Annie 'Consitt, Ileusall; Mrs..+ beautifully: sung by Mrs. Gerdod
Fowler and Mrs. Verner, Clinton, Bennett. •
and Air's. \V. J. Greer, • •Wiughani. trite Presbyterial was pleased to
i....There have been nine presidents in welcome back as fl guest speaker
the quartet- Century, Mrs. Hogg, Mrs. ,"
cruE+- vviro had- also helped. pla.r the
Mollard, Mrs. W. P. Trane, Mrs. W. first Presbyterial, Mrs, George, Tel
'IR, Greer, '1Mrs, A; 1�'. (i a rimer, Mz s, ford of OshaWa, , , ,After recalling
It, E. .liaci.elizre ih =IH:~.G .Nt3, some vets; pleasant 'inemories ,she
XIrss, C. 'Tavel er• ,,full Mrs. H." li. sl c>w d �vlitat_;petit-liatdshrpsr are
Kirkby, \.1t s:-llogg 11rs 1 Sher� ..,,�
•caused when allocations 'are "trot
and ,,Irs. Gardiner are now deceased, met. She pointed outo.that there
`>i' tire, remainder Mrs. Kirkby, are ;great thaiigs • to be done in the
_1rs. Tavener and Mr. Greer• w•ere•
- -present and speke bri . Besides neat twenty -live, yea and asked,
iAr e s4 e going t�, have a.sintre in
Ewing a former president.- - Mrs, them? Are'�Ze going to besttlnr
Greer Was on the committee tthat blirig•blodts or stepping stones. for
laid plains for the original Presby- the younger gerrc�rations2"
terial meeting; she was On the first The Branch I'residernt
executive -and has served on .11, .The rnexnbers were also highly
coritiittiottsly since, the only person honored in havingwith'Conference
- the
so` to do. Thins Huron Presbyterial. w
president of the Loudon onf r n
e ,, e C ee ce
ryas' pleased to recognize. her out- w White. standing contribution by presenting branch', Mrs, ; L. G. It was
a happy corrleidence that she was
her with an engraty"ecla silver tray.
Thi s pf•esentation was- Matte by'
Miss M. .jilne. •
' This Presbyterial Seeiety is proud
to have sent out four missionaries,.' It is- as easy as way:.
:NUss: W. Trewartha, Miss Margaret ,
Mustard . (now Mrs. Crooks) ), Miss iing a and'.to mow. your lawn.
Mande,. Howell sled- Miss :Agatha with awpr'eeisien sharpened
Coupes: i. None of these was able mower, raring your mover In
#.o• • he.. present. 4 •^ _ and have it machine .ground
Another -feature of this - twenty= — eaPpe dor- easy ihowingt.,
fifth 'birthday was the beautifully Do ,not let the 'grass -get
• deco'ra• fod . three-tiercake, the ahead of pm. ..The season is
candles of which were lighted by.•late now. Leave your mower.
llrs .1�. `G. Nay, I+'orctwich.. '''lat the .premises of
This very interesting and impres- J. •'V. THOMS
sive celebration portion of the meet- 64' Elgin Ave., •.East
ring formed . a part of- the after -*-n
noon session which was conducted, "%Obert - G1'oves
by Mrs. W J. Greer. The same . ' '
The purchase of fertilizer is sometimes a
• headache. Because the need. for it ,usually''
Comes at a time when there •are a lot of
'expenses and,little income. ,
• Avoid that .headache this year. See your
my e • r B ofM manager about' a. loan. Repayment
terries are easy -suited to a farmer's require-
�� ' merits: D`ro in at our n
'tow •iuioxurnouir p y earestItOf M
branch today,' -or as soon as convenient.
Goderich Branch,:
;Meeting in Wesley -Willis Church,
intozr, Huron 'Presbytery of. the
Whited. Church heard and sustatfneti
three calls and 'granted, one .retie -
r meat. .The calls were frorni - the
UQ1rnesvilie Charge to ReV,' (•. N.
Newtoii,,7now• at St. IlelOas;, from
Centralia' eharrge, tb Rev.° ',G. G.
13urtan,.. 12ooreileld, and from the
.1ieKillop charge to: Rey. II :
A44- ifack ser, . 1 rows it
Rev.J'B. Peters O'f the McKillop
charge was granted, leaf a to, Ketire.
Rv. '111:, • J. ogers,, .Blyth, was
elected • chair an of ,Presbytery
the next . Conf�rence year, beginning
Jul3r ,1st ' Rev." A. W. Gardiner,
gniondville, vas, elected secretary,
and J. A. Snider,• odepicli,.. treas-,
Rev. R. G. Hazlewood of Walton
and R'ev. S. H. Brenton. 4f LQncles-
Iioro were named to' the settleiient
comraiittee, and, ,;Mr,. .Brenton, sand
11ir. Snider were nominated as com-
missioners. . to the General Council,
Rev. W. A. Reeerof , Winght ui, was
nominated for 'tlil,,; presidency ' of
the Loaidon Conferrence.
At the inquest into Me death
,ofo,1�Vailter. Penrose, of. Exeter, wjio
was killed when knocked • off his
bicycle by a -'truck ell Exeter's main'
street on April lith, am blame • wiet
attached to' the driver of the truck, •
The coroner's jury brought, in a
recommendation thdt parallel park-
-Mg -
Ming_^on the. main street be, adopted
in place a. the present system of
For. the (first . time iu eleven. years debutante
• "court •presentation gowns have been Made in London
by two court dressmakers, Hartnell and Worth. These
were. mtlde. Spee aj,1_y for the 6'374100w or 1 shun at ..
' the February fair of St, Louis, U.S. This picture
showS 'the Catirt presentation gown, made by the •
Queen's dressmaker, Norman Ha tnell. 1f,I•or'k ha -n
a hundred yards of white silk tulle went into this
creation. The bodice of silver lathe is veiled' with
tulle and has a corsage of ..silver lilies: The ensemble
is completed with, a train of silver and gold lame
•bordered with net, a whitefeitther head-dress :and veil,
` ,�, •ti\ h�G+�s s��' �'•'', � `•,a;.`•'r'v�sk"t".'��4} G.�'`{,�o.+r•'t�:ss,;Y•
f11l:•' J'••'•% •'}¢'1:{�•.;: "•''•
rr: rf'• {\ •^•'Y'••''•. jr• }�J)Q •.•••-h:.l .:i%:• Y�,�S�r••yc19ry� j • ••:�{{ � ••�,f;�%X;'�.'' � rs'�X�.� •:.'•�,
�. •. v:S
• r.: Y:• •: J' r':•.vY:
'Y ::�• ::`•�c {%`• •for•:
.!l...... �.rs_.,e..{`?4.-.. - ... ...Y.:•r~• .. SS.a .2�w1��.�,','sri.:......}' :.s.... -. _....
ChraMe•wheel trim rings and white
'sidewall tires oistional at extra cost.
Take Ple- wheel -and feel that e'ager,)resicinsive 8=cy—rtii deg •
power. tnjoY• the relaxing, deep‘mishioned comfort and. -
the beautiful interior finish. See how smoothly the Meteor
pulls away=how easily it stays iti front. How it hugs the
road,. takes; the curves—stops siviftly aUcl. safely, at a touch
of the brake. Take the wh,eet—and you'll believe is thou-
sands of Meteor Owners do that there Is no finer car
among =hose who attended the first
meeting and she also recalled.
pleasant ' memories, In 'her' usual'
sincere manner she 'brought a .chal-
lenging 'address. ,
At the: conclusion of 'Mrs,' White's
address Miss. Milne read' an address.
and 'small silver' gifts. ,'were • pre=
seated to Mrs. Ttiford and MrS.
White by Mrs. Kirkby.- Miss Milne
also, pointed out that a gift and.
a mote were • being.,: Sent_ to._ Mid.
Sybil .Gourtice, a former missiozaary,
ta.:_Japsl'i,..,e_xpressi ng -the-Pres
terial's .sorrow that through illness
Sire had been unable Go 'be , prese.it
oto address this anniversary meeting
in her. hoiue church. . '. •• , .
The report of the resolutiozas_aizd
courtesy • committee was brOnght
in by :firs. O. E. Erratt of &Isben.
She : e'x'tended • the siiu ere •tliaakks
of,the--to the ladies of
Ontario Street'Church for their,,
fine hospitality.
Mrs. 1Vxn, MeVittie of Westfield
dedicated the afternoon otfet.ing.
The morning session took care
)f the regultit work* of the. Presby-
terial, it' wU . conducted by t]ie
president, :Mrs'. IL' 13", Kirkby, . Mas.
WS.' -l1.. ]Ioluies we1eonit:1 'lie
laches and Mrs,' A. Lane, BriisOs
'replied. • •
. A fear ,of . 4dvance ,
• The', seer iii e�. • report sIioWed•
a. year ot'• advance in .practically
There.' all departments. ia,rtrudrzts. there. are fifty-
nine afternoon and eight evAniug
auxiliaries acid they showed ,an
increase of 134 in membership.
.Twenty-two .Mission •Ilatnds reached.,
thcl, standard of z'eeoguition. Bethel .
Is the • best -react society. ••
Tlic: literature was dispaiiiyed -in
as hovel way 'when. Airs. .1.• .II]lle-
'brec•h•t and Mrs, 'R. La \17.:1011 ' pro-
$eiitcd a skit. . •
.Mrs. J. A: Sutter; treasurer', re -
petted that $10,080.39 had been•
raalsed.in 1949, wliioh was an in=
crease of .$1,453.25-. She also•stated
that x+:344.000. bad been .raised.. in
the. twenty-five years, .
' lielebates to ^ the London Confer-
ence bri nch cohventiou to' be held
in Sarnia , on May. 19, ,'11 were
-appointed as follows .11lss \I•ar-
garet :Dane:, ,(loiz.le' Mrs. Wilford
'IWO:, Crediton; \Ifs, I' thel'I)eiiiiis,
�Viilton,' and = \Ira. ..1).. Abeihart,
(,udezieh. " -
Air invitation front' James Street,
Eseter, for tire- 11151 convention was
accepted. The platen for the various
sectional meetings avere ,announced
..as' follows ;' The North at Wroxeter;
South, - at Grand. Bend;' .^C.entre ,at,.
Winthrop; West . at Nile.
" The report of the nominating
'committee was accepted and the
new officers elected. • Mrs. L;; C.
White duly installed the officers,
This meeting commemorating the
twenty-fifth ' ,apniversary, of. this
Presbyterial "•was outstanding for
attendance, interest, and inspiration.
Iteviewing the past Proved to be
a' challenge lenge to _the future to acicvan
' , The foticffving is the listrof ofJCers
fttr"'19501' ....,..paSt-prettiil,est.;-.111r:S:::.�(--
Taaveuei`, ilolmesville ; president,
Mrs. 1i. 13. Kirkby, Walton ; lst
vire-president, Mrs. R. Allen; 'B•ruce-
ileld ; :,2nd ' vice-president, Mrs:. 0.
M. Robes"tson; Goderich ; 3rd vice -
•president,.. -Aires. W. J. Moores, Bel-
grave•,;.4th bice -president;-- --A'la's. P.
1)esjardi.ne, Grand I3end; Evening;
Auxiliary secretary, Mrs. W. Thoth -
son, Centralia,, 'recbrding• secretary;
Mss, Bary E. Milne , Biyith ; -ear •
respondiug' secretary,' Mrs,.- -W.. ' 1i
Greer, \Vingham ; treasurer, Mrs.
J. ` Sutter, Clinton,: • Chrlstian
stewarelship, and' fitriince secretary,
Mrs. ki. Mills, ° Walton; Mii;.yton.
Circle ,se'eretary,, Mrs.: I+3, 13otking,,
, ('roniarty ; Mission land. •secretar°y,
Mrs. W.. Johns, Exeter.; ,0.G.I'l'.
.secr'etnry°; Mrs. (I. -'1V. Tiffin,' Wing -
ham , • Baby Bata secretary, Mi' i.
Ally, •McCracken, Bluevale; supply.
seei'ettiry,' Mr•s. W. M, Aitic(rn," Olin -
:ton; community friendship stere-
.tart, Mrs. G. l'euwarden, Centralia ;
Missionary -Monthly . _,and--- `ii'orld
It'rtends secretary, Mrs, W. l..• Wight=
toast, J"% itigltaai ; ;temperance an
Christian .. citizenship • secretary,
1�fr's.' R. Ia(wsrrn,' ';;ea.furth :' 1l'ti°r,it-
ture secretary, Mrs. J'. xlillebrecht,
Senforth ; associate mezn'bers' secre-
tary. - Mrs,. (",, , Zurbrig^ , • Clinton_;
press se reta.r;t,, Miss ,I&'.; Johnston,
CAI3INI Y? t�1V+'f/�ARiING,,yyANy�D�
GENERAI 8roop,�VQIt11INOra
10' VirnE tLO(),, � STo
1rone '37tiW 8 tit'
Alletooe-!fOurk-.9.-Matiesi3Oveedtive Waage*,
at extra tost) glees easier, mere restfill driving,
Noe You/. 06'4#6//04,306;)1; . 45,4 rOGIR AVeteeMerl-il cotiv-wereehe 00,44 e
WESTrIELD,• May `2. --=Mrs. Wm.
Mc%:ittie,, M. Howard; Campbell,
Mrs. i1'rank. • Campbell ,and Misses
Winnifred`atiipbel'1 and Violet
Cook attended', the ,.Presbyterial
meeting at" Clinton', on Thiursday: '
Mrs. Norman McDowell : "visited
on Thursday with her mother, Mrs.
•Osbuldestou of Qoderich.
31iso Dorothy MCVittie. of Lon
den- spent--•t'he- -woe metra wlt'h riser -
iter_parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wui, Mc-
Vi^ttie. •`
Mr. a aini• Mrs. Norintzn :Radford
of Parkhill` visited on Sunday..•with
Mr. and Mrs' Donald Snell..
Atiss Ila Taylor visited on Sun-''
dAayGo,withie'Mr. and s. -Ted if, Mr
' Guests at the horse of Mrs.- Fred
Cook'en Snuday,were liar. And Mrs.
Garner Nicholson' and family, of
Morris town%hip; " Me. •'anti Mins.
Fred W. Cook;; of_ t3elgrave, and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob" Beak and babe,
of Lnck'now. ' • • • -
Mr..lurid ..Mrs. ; Melbourne . Cox of
Goderich visited on • Sunday. with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence_ Cc>4,
fir,—;and • Mrs. Earl 1Vightman.,
Norman and Hattie Wightinan:
visited on „Sunday with _ Mr. and
«'e ley t,ac1:-lrou e--o-if Br:iicc
'ia.n. -
gratu1ationa xtencled -to
.Barbara Sinith, who :was success-
fill in obtaining 85 marks in, the
titelve-year class Or singing tit 'tire
Music Festival tri Goderieh -last
week, • •
On Monda;y several •of the ,tiei;, lr.-
bors'took their ,tractors,,',plo\t-s• and
other irul)1eiiten s necessary acrd put
lar crcil•► for \1r•. Thos... Bigger•stafl',
who recently moved to this • vicinity.
Miss • Elizabeth Deans of ,Wing.-
ham st penthe week -end with her
eoiisiri, (t vendolyn McDowtell.•
ing Auxilliqy of Carmel.' Presbyter
Ian, Church. ',observed its twentieth
anniversary ..at the .1whie. Of MTS.
.Harold. Benthren. Mrs,.
,rergtrob introduced' airs'. A."-Tayior
ing• and --informative address' .iip-
proptiate, to, the AttniveT5'qtry.,,
_also spoke 'brieflY. - There was'. a
good attendance.
This year Ottawa' will spend
*730,000,000 on social security
measures, and the provinceS about
adiap Pacts.
Factory Guarantee
Tit/We ''-Pick-up and -Delivery -
11,13hol;terirv' Co.
For. further' information -
..ANorvERsARY o , • .
Presbyterywide. observance "off
• the 'seventy-fifth 'anniversary of:.the,,,.
Zresbyterian Church In Canadi;',ls,.
being arranged bye a Committee 9f.
Maitland-Iluron . 1 tesbytery cozr�.
zbo.sed of itev. Dr. C U. 111aeDonalU, •
:of I3iuevale► Rev-, Dr.,, 4. 4li0rt1?
of I negrdine, both Fenner":p od.;
\ators of the General AsSem#tly,,, a
Rev, IL Doaglas. Stewart of $
of an• open-tffr conventicle, po., be,
.held Sunday afterngon,R dune 25,
at 3 o'clock, • alt .Kintail camp, tea
mires nortk'of'4oderieb.
Professor Day;iAct W ''nay, of Knox
college, Toroiito, will, be the.
speaker ', t1aad„n4 `ittsie will be by., ' a
massed choir under the- . clireetion
,of W II. -.Bishop of- Godexich;
Three services, ^ •a1sO. n►arkigg the
ch,ur h's seventy-five years, wilt -be
conducted on•, June 18 ,with
#i. Douglas. Ste wart , reporting on..
the General ,Assei?ab1y, which uieete
earlier in the month at Montreal.
1101= -"and
Phonefi:: 937R12 of 114,
' Goderich,
angle •pprlfing,at EAeter. '
• 4
Now located •midway between Dunlop and Callow.
For prompt 'Service phone CARLOW 207 (t'ollect,
Free estimates. No obligation.'
Foreed to work through no fault of my own.
A NIC.L+;.
RUST OR R0,1°;?
IS the wather getting the best Of youriatti coming -
take -your troubles to .your Barrett.dealer.:He.carries
complete line of weather -proofing matarials-4
*ell as shingles, roli fOOfings and, insul;tion. Expen-
sive? No. Practically nothing when .you add up the
• results. Here are a few Bari,ett weather -proofing'
products. Your dealet has these and many more.
LEA XS—Plastic Elastigum* CenAnt. Seals leaks. Cements flash-
-S1-1 PAGE:---Tilydrofion*Paint. An Meal fouridation coating.
ST—Everjet* Paint. Dries fast to a:, hard; black, glossy surface
- that seals out the weather.
.beis, fence -posts -.-above Or below ground level. :•• ;-
Needs. no mixing:I Tough, protective finish reflects light and
lieu up to 75% ... resists moisuire,-corroSive, furnes, salt spray,
RUB' 1
He stocks a oimpleto
lition and weather -proofing materials; He's
govwhat it takes to stop almost arly weather.
:Whether Ipur problem is-,le4ItagC, seepage,
rust or rot—see yoltr Barrett dealer first!
it atimt 65*,