HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-05-04, Page 5• TIURZ MAI 400050 • .." , • '0,47 ,%•477-41.• "4 , . THE GMERICH SIGNAL -Sr, _ Recollections of hotiEarbr. Scl Days ,11. Goderich By Ate*, Melfier.0 1,Y1.4011,00)• not - yetbeeome a real- Here T. go agOn,, iyith r:a few. more recellectionS Of' early school 4fttSTS. My 111'84 Central 'Clie'01 teacher was Mss 111/11rgaret (?) would .le • when X Was about AiRe old. The tewnwater, nitro ity and, 1 Jecall the pump in the pts where YOU . squid get a drink dip hard 'Itiqty some: bigker iadti,Were not 'tUere to Sql-tirt Yell, Out of it, Uttet,o,t.Oonrse the town. water was installed with. Water linSide, Seine: of the older p, • • ' ,.` COIVI,E. TO CIIVR.011 iyaysarecriotrimormarerrtarNmAtrearetreowa.staiirmiTeirwrizitha-irmt-A-Avariziaiir76,-rTiiit , ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH' • - SUNDAY,' MAY 7th, A954 . „ -2- 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION, 10 .aan,,,--MAIN SUNDAY SOHOOI4, 11 'aati. HOLY COMMUNION AND•SERMON: 3 pan. PRIMARY DEPARTIVIEMr. • ,• • 7.'p.m. EVENING PRAYER AND SERMON:- - REST:REND °BEVERLY A. W. ANDERTON; Organist and Choirmaster • • „ • . Mirth St. .United Church 7 - AWN: ALEX: CLARK. Orranist and Choir Master 10 a.m. THE CHURCH SCHOOL. *. • Metropolitan-Ciiiteit-Church,London -.- 11 a.m. "FOR 'Steil A TIME, AS.THIS." • 7 p.m. ' "VICTIMS .ORVICTORS?! *„ Mr. William POsno-Guest Soloist : The Ctutrelt-AVith-T-Ite-S-inging Tca'ver Weleontes you. • 1' r••••.,•••f. Knox Presbyterian Church', OP r ij _ . INVITES, YOU THIS SUNDAY. • • , ••• .-- • Sunday School for children over 8 years at 10 a.m. - • Junior Congregation and Nursery at 11 aan. • 11...a.m. • MORNING WORSHIP,_ Sermon -"In the Midst of the Church." The evening service is „withdrawn in recognition of North Street United &vett -AnniVersary. ' Infant Baptism Sunday May 14th. '• - • • REV. R. G. Mae,MILIAN; W, H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C:M." Minister. , Director of Praise. ..444.4444 ; Victoria St. 'United Church • • IVIINISTER--RE'V..LAWRENcE TURNER, ORGANIST and CHOIR LEADER -Miss Mary Joy9e •Strachan • 10 a.m... SABBATIL SCHOOL -ADULT BIBLE CLAS. 11 an. :PUBLIC WORSHIP. EVenhigiService withdrawn. .Monday 8 p.m. Ypiung People's Union. • UNION' CHURCH-7-•GODERICH TOWIsiSHIP • 1.30 1.., Sabbath' School -Adult Bible Class. • 2.36-1 n. Publre Worship. • ° VICTORIA -UNION WELCOMES YOU - • , Goderich Balitist Church - 4. • Organist -'-Miss Verna Miller -YOtriceed-CHIZISV-THRIST-Iveedr-YOU-.------ • . • • •• • , • REL- F. C. ELLIOTT," OF TORONTO at mornini and evening 'gerices. B.Y11.11. at 8 p,m., Monday, Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. . , pupils of, that Mrlod would Includo Greg „McLean, Alf Secordi Edgio. Armstrong, GOO. Cressman„ Mb 14e.: bean'Claude Munro, BO. ThO4* 'Son, W.' PasMore,, Jim Stokes and nikl4Y Others .• Their prinelpal recess rtS; 'included baseball .or variouS jumps, OS we yOUngsters •,, gazgd On in .admirtition, at WO, proweSs. We were till in the, , marble period, .and marble ..gameS Were in ,pregreSS, 411 overr the. yard. Another sport w0,.$ Swinging'on the .; crossbeamS„,' 'ftf the; Verandaltlike shed. in the yard'', Oceasionally a scrapwould develop toy _infeal..L.the maaffoilY: '.:',AfOiStil tliTY didii jet past the “1 •cjare yon., stage, „but p, do recall Soine real danclieS.•,,Of, course. win 'spotted' the prjnelPar " SoOnv on 1 -he 'sCene 'and ,the'' scrappers take lito eaStotlY to Old 11 principal'is roo . What; happened, there. of. courSe vas SoMething else' again: ' ' - Piipils.-as a ;ule Were quite clan- nish. That, is, there' was •4 ,flurott read gang who knew 'their rightS, 'ay.well as St.' Andrew', 'St, Pat- rick's, $t. GeOrge%s outfits, all pre- pared tOdefend their rights, Some • Aupils were great' book ,readerp of a certain type of, literature.. In class they would apparentlx, be, in- tently studying •a book on their desk, but below the desk wOnld be their real objective. • This book would probably be •of the thriller type where "A volley rang out and: forty more Itedskins bit the dust," Eventually the teacher waurd , Us- ually "get wise" -and the result was gotifiscation of that book and any • others in sight. Who .reiliembers the marble scramble Fraser sit Porter used to put on toward thz nd Of the marble season? After hoot •-,•-from- -an miTstaWitti Ow at, the ,corner of North til.,et and the Square tli?,y would to -o t- hy the handful' 'all , their' • ino• stoek •to the bundreds of bos gath! . Tred below for the -big event.: It •stirely was a scramble. ' Time koes on and atter n 'year in the, first, room I managed . to pais. hag room _2._ I,_ believe a ,--.114ss-- - .11`letelier hadbeen , the previous teacher, but Miss •Annie Campbell was taking over then. AVe 'did not . .get result.s of examinations for some • weeks after' and this period of 'waiting was an anxious time, and otLeourse there-were-disapi .„.. , ..., _ .. ------- pointment.s. when The. Signal and The Star ^ published • results. • •My n lag " totrail ' in -The-re *Wel*" Of 0 course alktypes, some -frankly bored . , • by it' all, many , not up on .. their homework. No doubt • many after - Wards regretted their lack 'of inter - et:' Friday afternoon Wiis usually .., tween The Counity. Mouse Down' T 6 wn al Night given over to a• ttle ' ncert be- , 3 and 4 andlipupils,co,boys' and girls; were all slicked up' for tbe ' . . .• . . • • ArrRACTIVE474 001401t» CUPS and SAUCERS. , 010 • • t • COALPORT 'BROOCIIES 811EAFIPBR' P'"KER 14:14.1) WATEMAN AND. PE CIL . • • • SENSA 716/VAL NEW Lpvir FOUR PATTERNS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE • 66 Pieee.Sets..'Orked 'at: 23.75. . .4 . I .4. • , . . • , .". A cups and saucers • 1 platter, 9" .., 245.. ,. 8 bread and butter plates . VPIatter, 12" ' , _• .. 1 _ tea-Riates , ° . avI:covered-scallop1 gi•y and stand • . ' • 8 dinner plates . 1 ere= jug - • 8 coupe SOUPS ' „_.•• . l coi•ered sugar , • . '$2865: . .. . .,.,• 8 fruits • • .. •• 1 scallop .0 4, 2 0 .53 PieeeSe s' Prided at : • - • 8- -cupS-aneSaucers ' • .," ...,* - ..--- •" I platter-, VS"- - - ".7.-- '7"."--17--- -. -- • . .•• - If bread and biitfer platen ' .• 1 -cream, jug '' .• , • , .,,,,.. .. n . r • ', 1; !° . n • •8 dirMer plates • ;'.--9 2 5' ...,.... ,.. ..• .. 1 covered s,ugar - 8 coupe sonp.s.b • • 8 fruits -- ' •' 1 ;balker, 8" . „ 0 • $ ., -------. • v. • . . • • .., • , • • . ' •44,.. . , .• • occasion, especially -those who were • Dear Priends,,Recently •.was coming' find going all" day,. are coin - going to "say pieces." "Casablanca" pletely desertedat night and where hundreds of people -pass to and fro in the'daytitlie, there are only a fes loiterers and the policeman .on • his beat, walking, along at night.It very easy te--.:•iniagine any of' those, streets the -scene • of a blood - Curdling "who • klotie it" at' night. And, as a matter of fact Many of the Cipimes do °deur on those Very' etreeti Years ago • I. could , not •understauct., how one street -in crime- novel --could be the. eSsence -of ''-respectitbility-and •a -block -or - and The Wreck of the Hesperus' , really caught it. • Occasionally stage fright would overcome some of them and the. would get balled •up, but the teachers, would help them °At' 'Chainriion among the girrs' I think would be Brnekie,Mitehell,•and she clown town at night, and wondering about a letter to you I wag' Struck by the, contrast between • day. and night 'on the. downtown .s•treets. the • daytime, 'I sometimes wonder where all 'the people come, fedm, and; •late- in „the evening, again,. 1 Wonder -where the have gone., never Missed' out. Among the bqys I believe. smiling- George „Cord wasi 1 1.3y 8 o'clock in the morning, traffie the king. George had a. -big vari is at its height.. - (Heavy street car in • his ' repertoire, but his .w, hit ft iac tffioci. yb ewgionrSk. eb:sf olirtieN,7e,eg'ocltoetkhe:Vizt •.was._'‘The'.- Charge_ of _ tlie.•••Liglit 1 well Brigade.....ge. _could ,. really ----go- 4 started, but not -rally faetories at brie. And George W4.16 an -in --the ',heart- of the city; they town on tb always willing' "to,coblige. . are -spread out to the east andwest,- . Well, we arenow' up to the third it the store and office-wre ,orkers -a again. ', -This third. Tomb teacher 'by 9. However, going -to traf-. inanaged to pass t beginning to arrive,'down. town A hat time. and are mostly at Work • room, haVing was, • I think-, a Miss Cionk. son's were of ,course ,gettirig stiffer Les- tie on the street cars has* tOrbte,rSeen t all the' time: ,Tbe readers of that. i)(t)101,,eed, believed; iliken the Passers'proenrgbei il, saaii!e: period were quite'ilnteregfing • as din es*;. - and to get out ' SN' hell, you well 'instrrictive, 1 still remein- i•each 'your dealnation--,-1vel4 T can't bet. portions Of '''Abo.4 Ben Adbem describe it to you. For 'the. next and the Angel," 'Edinburgh after few hours shoppers. are' going: ,to Trodden," "Bruce and the ;Spider,". "The Soot of the Shirt,'- "Barefoot. Rof,'",!John-Gilpin's famous ride' to Lonclon Town," 'and many others. History, too, was 'very interesting. From. tt Wegained the . that some of the earlier -age kings were, quite -a gay lot, n nd that .what tbev said went. And • heads were dropping 1I der Europe. • About. thistime.,.,• espeeiallY during 'May -and. jurre,---'qnite. a lot -of „I'lloore-P' was played. ' It was. hard - for. some of the boys to get interested in studies. when the perch nnd. herring Were :bitingioor t1U water 'in ;the river ..and lake was warm enough for swimining. • •Everittuilly, these boys NYould. ulsuallY 'be found out (Pentec,ostal AsEiemblies Canada)- ••• "ire, ittV: J. A.,PEARSON, Pastor • , 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. •• '11 a.m.. PASTQR 'PREAtHING. 7.30 pan. REV. MR. VOLD: • , Tuesday 8 p.m. *Christ Ambis4adors. JEilday 8 p.m.. Prayer anti Praise. WELCOltr n, • . • The Free IVIethodist Church Corner Victoria and Park Str REV, %V. CRAVVEORD COW1ERD, 10 am. SUN DAV SCHOOL. • 11" i1,101{1V1N **WRSHIP... , 7p.m. ME OOSPEL THROU(1IX SERNVON ees- • . PASTOR. ANI) fellowship. • 11/tonally at 8 pa, Y.P.M. VVethiestlaiit 8 pin44VerneOtiOprai0 5001. • Volt will enjoy die friendly Christian • . - • *a away. be the haunt cif all sorts of underWorld ,characters., J1.14 - walking' or driving on some downtown. streets. at liight makeS seein quite possible. . . •. ' • Daring the ,da "the „stores and offices, are nil' open And. full of 'people. At, night, of coarse,, this is changed. • They are- nearly all closed. Window shopping IS, still Possible, but flint. is .all ; and, of course the windows right now are" and fro, and. at noon and in the very interesting and beautiful.' A •early, 'hours . of thiA.afternoon, side- glance through, the glass-• deors of walks are 'very Crowded and so. the stores shows only darkness or are the -stores. For •some years the a few ,dim ,and 'probably T.T.C. has '.been eneouraging shop- .,:lettners at "work. Smile „. of ' the vers to .go home before the, rush tiig stores do. a lot . of :decorating hoursi, but even then the* street cars ot . Offcce buildings 'are are -more crawded than: evei; with' almost deserted,. but when see one light going out and anbther going on , t•can picture° the cleaning women of the. story -books *at Work. Toronto_ employs. thouSands * of. j.$)oeloteesi.n .such but essential. . The doWntown the • atres.' are us - 'many •getting on and off ,at the chief transfer points. _lint -a1.1 ,thi.s, is changed 'in the 'art:ming. rip g street and- Bay street have , constant ..streamS of .traffic during 'he day--b9th cars. and • trucks'. as well as people. . At night, there.'• are ' practicallY no trucks' and few cars, except those of people who are 'going to.cencert's , and theatres. For the last year or and the long arm of the law would Ise parking has been'. forbidden on gather t1m-4in0Ifwepassedour many ,downtown streets during the exams maybe we -would be re- day, but is ralloWed at night. Right warded with a pair of 75c spring nOw, work •on the subway continues *Ow. You pupils of today . who day and night, but I think there is are,rewarded with_bicycles or wrist- more activity during, the day. Some etc.4 take 'notice, . _ side streets_which_ha-ve. Tines - Well, as this article is now prob.' of debyery trucks, large and smile Warseamo.sah ably long enough ,and I am just about tbr gradUatevto grand Miss Isobel, Sharman's on, :I •will. be -birek agfflff tdrTflil one gets past the wastepaper basket. •••14.4.•••••*•464,1•44., C & B NTERPRISS •• •GODERICH Laundry and Dry Clean- ing Service • 'Picked untl'aelivered gor inorination :Phone 9 r-11 A' Musical Thrlll' We bring fo• Your enjoyment • v-ariRE- - • Detroit's 6111e,d 19 year old Piano Aectirdianst, in a re- turn engagement. ' tie mitt also bring a Vital messitgel, Plan to be present and bring your friends. CLINTON AREA 'YOUTII . for 'CHRIST •, High 'Shoot-LSt. May 6 4 4 y • _ iVE IIAVE A co LTE Ian 6F - Gabardine and Tropical Pants 14 "T" SHIRTS • McLean ros. TIIE SQUARE aally busy places at night; and when there *Is Wdely publicized movIe on, tliere• ften a line-up a block. of Or course, •I cannot ' un de rstand,a n `• ne ' ncling in line ref, an lour ' :'/see anY movie from either. sid f' the •Atlantic;, ;tint they !tell rae that people _ w1.0' are alone,. in the, 'city .or • who live. • in very crowded or inadeqnate• quarters glad • t� do anytbin "to 'get away 'loin it all." --The eating plaees are.nearly tilI open. at -night Lind of' coarse the many 'cocktail lounges, ete,. They look' very. glamorous with their diin lithts, mysterious •blinds and 'exotic' anaes! . I suppose- the busiest place in Toronto- Ls -Uollege • and Yonge Church On Saturday nght, because as you 'all knoW that the scene Of "Hockey Night in Canada," ' the Maplt Leaf ,Gardeus. Before' and after the games,' yon just go ere* „you a re • pushed a it fr hope,,,:it 'be ',•the right direction. • Traffic 1,officers are on duty.' every half - Week to keep •trahic Moving, and in A •cOmparatively few miltute.s there is no n.ne to be seen, • That His An- other' thing_ 1 '• marvel at in ,the,., y --the gJeat withwhic h. the 'crowds disappear. •- There is • a ,siendy Strea al .0f t.ltreet car 19,1n1 motor 4rallic and, in half an itour it. is deserted ..40 the middle of the ,country ---almost.' $ervice.4 iike•palee, firemen,''post- al, etc., function day and• A• street. may lookt CoMpletely de- serted-, there is a segneal bilikets and a. scream of -fear or .pain, and immediately' the representative of the laW is ,at band. as if from. the • 4.0 very ground. The same ' if a fire Sales 'Canadian , deparbnent *. breaks out --one minate a silent stbres• reached a new. nionthlY•• peak and d-eserted. street "and the next our protectors- right where'they are needed. Postal •, enbloyees sort ;letters all night-so•the•eitizens rhay receive their mail as speedily as possible.' Railway office men •.are on cinty day'and night. also. • And the. runs street': -cars 'and hues on many of 'the main . streets all • •• •• suppot3e. there •are' -'many 'more things 1 conitt say about .torontii at night, hal I think this is en•ongh for this .tirne. '„ in becember',.1949,. with a .value of * more .than $114,000,000. Quick . Canadian. Facts. • • . ' • , • • Canadian railways have "been,' eominendd by the Mayor of ,Mon- etrireocirltst'.for;•their • smoke abatem•ent . ' . • Holland'w tulip bulb indttStry : • the outgrowth of centuries; of -in- .atetnaioniv.e cult,i•Tation and experiment- . • , • , • „ ' Sincerely, •*, ' • Eeter's tax rate for l•ow is. 40•' • Trumc aT.Thrpwr _Aroust, Danis; * • : • , • 4 • • ; gAOTIl 94* Your 'Furs Are Sate! yes, in our scientifically &died fur stor- • age vault's your precious furs'are kept ailisb- lutly safe fronfire, thft, moths and lieat damage. Doiftdlay this important pre-. caution. • Bring yourfurs: into -us today .anewe look after them. If your coat needs repairing or remodel:. *, linrwe will lOok after that. too. SQUAlit • ‘PII‘iNTE 590, ' 4 • 1.1 4 • I ' • PI • OPFIRATINd RECETE'11 ollerokll!qpionalAref47, From March 18th 'thAptif 240. Aetual opratin-scherlufe 31 days. ItECEIPT5 skating • . ..,..e ,..., Ittlwy.- 1.0 Fu1ii0s Carnivals . ; - 'ititteeni ‘.•A • , . TOTAL • • • .EXPENDITURES. ..• • • • Light. Ireat••Oild Water • • $. 216.50 •• El dw a r (1 ( l Co.. , ^ , • 385,247 ,• 4771.45 • 932.75 •1$4.3n, 937,87 • Advertbang, Prizes, Maintenance Prizes • 4 4 I iunday'Sound System 206.0). • • $ • 425.50 , • 44.40 108.00 7447.67 Wilson' 810E4' • • •" . • ... . .. ...... )992,....440667 • Hlileellidkeernst(:ildf"gs 7,30 • Byersim NorSell's . hmloyibeifft-filsiurafitre 'Com. ' • . 18.12 Miss Keeler (Hotel and Sanction) ..... ... ' 26.1,- , Pest: Office, Telegrams, Phone . •• . 560 • :•,,Sigir..q1...iitaxi: ^ ,..„ ' a,„....: -.......r,,,,,,,,,,,,,-------106,74.-",.....--- (4 ,K• N X , -4800 Wiggins Tra la SpOrt 1'1.00 • -Canteen -Goderieh' Botiling* Wotics • Craigis'Ys' •• ., Setili.s & frOberts '1, • - Culberts leakery ,..! Andrew Dairy ()brih's feats , MeMrt wok Da try. • _*.11.11er •11-lioloSalo-' - --(111 irk tri6(441T---- - , • ' • " 44(4(10111.,h V101114' MI rket rIast.t.$trtet Bal:.ery . A & I' 't,t • Pt.t•o4.molt)(i)odiiit,1111 0.41..k. • Itfferves Amount Of Gott. Tlereipts •-receive.4 1: , 56.44) .rtipior• ,,,a nil I 0 termeditt te, „Hockey (Thibs . •alal l'arifi•valls ' ,. 'S. 2414:;1.20 , . r' . 4 •• , . r ,. ••• f , • t , , , .... ,,,: :1239..405 • „, • $ 4 3209.44.4 . . . , W(Ial,g,:+::Sil:::::;1 i' I I • ' - ; ; . 1(N"....II;stfr:,1(s.(1)11,1' ; il .. .......: • i,.,:i; W," Freeth ' • , II, Carroll a . O Booth ,ttetida it ts I hwklitt lids • • $ ----: 2.23 • •. • . 147.52 191.46 90.91 • .28.08 23.40. 40.77 - • •.' 1.47 • 8.19 6.82 • • .65 •94 ''' • $ 415.42 1437.011 05.110- 00.00 71.30* 124,85 87.73 92.25 ° • • • • rforal"EiiottdiSttiror4.62 5 818.50 Not Prod! ' • • • -- $, -i.oz).o13 .1. •