HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-05-04, Page 1• .--GODEBICII, ONTARIO, '11ILTRSDAY„, MAY 4th, 1950 ose • Ttibute Paid to 1,Y/r67---/eogop 'lei. Good -Work The .ninth Huron County Festival was bi;ought to a. success, f ul conclusion on. Friday • evening, oneert when it grand finale concert Was presented b,y brilliant yonting cents Petitors.. who had won scholarkhips , and other awards at the four-day festival. " " . . ' ,., . The foundation consHucted in'the . previone, eight 'years's- first by O - Mervyn Snyder and for seven years O by Mrs. 3. G'. -MacDougall, Festival preeidents, and. .ex- ecaitives, was shown „to have.. been. Well and truly - laid in the-,011ls- ,standieg success achieved this year • by,'Mrs. E. IL Jessop, president,•and liei' administrative' staff.- • 'On Friday •evening fitting- tribute ' • and recognitien-ofsher eftorts .was ,,expresOd to Mn. Jessop by Mrs J.A. Settler,. a member of ., the Festivitl •-exeputive,..iuni sa gifts wAs A -rouged the floor. • . - . . • • . ....---..---------:- : preSent41. to„,,her by Mrs. Clayton-';RefreshMents were prepared by Edward. In expressing , her appreciation, Mrs. Jessop thanked all those who had aesisted.; also Re,y. C. W,-. Cope, the lewd of 'North' street . United As . 'Church, and,the'schurCh•ollieser, •Mr. • Andrew. She also itiOoduced the • music supervisors and teachers. who had taken part in'the Festival. Mi. Clayton Edward presided at the Friday evening concert. She gave credit to the Goderich Wits GOLDEN„ JUBILEE DINNER ,Ing.. •men's Institute far initiating tlie 'The. audience •respended enthtsi- 7,----. , ren %fionntY_ .0Id-Boys' _ „inovementSforithe teaching 0 sus Association61' Ter -Onto* will cele - .in the schools, later taken. b I tS --fiftleth-sbistilda - , thou h, there were .many • who felt theAtomesatul-Se7hoo --- •ssoem i011 tie . . . golden jubilee dinner' to she__. held ,which not only 'provided 'music put at the ehez-Paree, 220 Moor Street paid the salary of an instructor. ' W., • Tissontas sen. Thuesday, May, ..Warden 'Cecil Johnston of Huron h; , - County; in making a prese18tat 7p.m. • ntation, . . ' stated' it was a pleasing' dufy and A. specialprogram is being ar- rianged by *a ncommittee convened Ile felt highly honored, to represent by Mrs. Doris Parton, the Assoc -is the eofinty son an ,occasions .such ation's pretsident. Tribute wilt be ' as thi,s. He ,congratnla•ted the ex- paid- to themenand women - who ecutive of the Mesic Club and , the' founded the Association in Toronto administr'ation of ,the' V'estival, the success of hich had nut come by fifty. year § ago, as well as to those . w 0 -ERiciffrj,-Thilt 'by lia-fir'' eThrit. He '4'41•°'--s1iaYe- Pecinz.-414trameatals--411:- keeping the ,•organizationn ectlye assayed that the County .was only during the past ' half-centery.,. ;sib too happy to encouragesthese your% peopkt„ . s, . . ss ss •„,..„, ss . .other association of its kind in the-citys'ef,TOrento can Mak': 'Mel .' Mr.,t• Edwark”' in -pleasing intia:7a: long and. sueeeSsful life. • • doctlea of .the 'winnerssmade ,•Inter- -'esting continents , on 'their perfOrms, • ances, • - " One _ of the. highlights, of the everting waS the betsulifelly-Sung ;duet, l'ionding,"'on requtst, by ArS. ,NERRY PARTY ENJOYS NDRUIVsRINcrFRO For »the, firet tilne Ins.s14.':yeara tpe, '1°)ac,,g9s, reci:eati,on jiall at •Stisf Harlsor-afroOrt • was s thrownssepen t'vening,',,the Oecasion 'beinK'S the s"Spring *relic" held »under the AnsP1Ces*of4the. nursilm staff of Alexandra HospIitel, ill aid ,of the -oxygen 'tent. Thad instituted, by the Women's HospitaniuxillarY, 4. merry party of isetWeen. 400 and 500 people attendedithe dance anti, were. received by Dr. and Mrs. Wn1te Litt MI,SS Helen, Bleck, hospital superintendent, 'Mr,. and Mrs. •tGeorge MacEwala and Miss Mildred* Aitcheson, -R.N., convener of thp - The reereation, haJ4,and tables arranged cabaret style hi the. lounge.were beautifully decorated' in the hospital colers, dimple and , „gold. The floor was an anintated.icene as the dance progressed to the music of Johnny Downs' .erchestra. -T-Golored--eapSsand- balloons added .niuch to the gaiety of the merry social funetion„ as the • dancers , members of the, Women's Ho.spital Auxiliary; Mrs, Norman. Jaekson, ,c0aissener s Mrs. D. D. Mooney, tires!". dent of the sAuXtdory, Mrs. J..,C. Cntt, Mrs. .D. E:"". Campbell, Mrs. Prank _MagArthur, Mrs, Mae - Laren, MrsS •Geerge MacEsvazi. and Mrs, H. Helstrep. s • . • . HURON OLD 'BOYS TO JIOLD ssicksllave4 Magnificent" Voices, doncert . ,Winter. te'ries.of Cobununity •EITtgrtab4Aclits , , The enneinding entertaitunent'et the 1049.,d0 seaSon spansored by tile Consinunity, Concert ASsoclatien by tile Genesal Platolf o ' Cossack was. presented non. Tuesaevening 'Chorus, undo.' nth° direetion Nicholus, KoStrulioff,-liefore a very large andience in Knox Presbys terian Church. . It Was explained'on the printed program that the chorus. was named 4,47 'GIRLS' BAND ADOPTING 1 izl"ganon plan -NEVP:-Str•Th, E • The "freighter.QUetlee cleared pir filieSditY W resuMe the. "eeaSina's be waS the last et idle winter lieet to leave the alitt7P,9r. "Tile tanker IMperial KingSton on Tts,esday brought' a cergo gasol'hae .from Sarnia far Imperial 011 ° MINIVER/SOY S. ERVICEI, • OP IcOlITH QST. CHURCH •ski" rtk streerUnited- Mach• , Sunday next, Rev. George •.W. (.4°04 B.A.,' BD.,: Minitster of Metros politan United.Churchs London, will '.1,1e the guest preacher at- the an niversery sersices -..being held at aftei• the famons Cossaek, General 11 eau, and, 7 p.m. His mornmg Plateft, whosesndlitary feats Inade-subrjeet will he For Such a Time histery. a „century .age. The ,fsvord as, „ Special: Anieste selp lia "Don"., in thetrsname was added provided • by the choir, assisted, by as: a distiagui.shing terns; for most the junior' 'choirs In the . evening, of themembers of the group come Ar. Goth's Subject Will be "Victims from' :the Riser Don ,eountry sin or• ,Victors." The • choir Wider the 4tusslas,whichssis -the •seurcesof...th .direetion2of---141-; Alex. Clark, Organ - folk' natesie in ;their pragrams, ist 'Loral cheihnesters_Svill lead in the riotous ,shouts Logi ,whi4ling • in the service of praise. Mr. William -the gessaels Marching songs.I Positos 'tenor,. of, Lon_do,tl. On'Tuesday night the ttenty-four guest. Soloist -at both serVices. ,' The, "fitembers eV' the ehotus. sang a 'see -Sion of sthe (Arms% , extends a repertoire of sabred; folk apt. march- cordial invitation to all ..t.o.worsiiip ing 'stings. in RusSitin,,In. a, wide together on this. .occasion, range of ...chorus work. Sustained , At the• evening serviee the con- notes were_ exceedingly well held, gregations of Victoria• street United and insselos work• were ..Very licsautis Clistarell..,. and. ..Knex. ....Pr.eshyterian Church will Aom. thessNiartilb si•reet 'Congregation :in, wor9iss sissi TO OBSERVE Dr. TIONAt . , . , • HOSPITAL 'DAY MAY 1.2th. O Invitations of ,ehu'reli• bells, ' ac- .cordion ,and guitar were settlistic- ally rendered,' and (11M:us work accompanying (nese' was exquisitely , — ^, • 0,1C, . ,...,,,,,,, 1 ' 7.---,i, . ;, • — e ond:P aygro c , . , Pret rations or e genus% sea - slissare being mlide by' tile G6a4i.ja Girfisi 1.3lue 'Water 'Trumpet, 'Band, . , • :Unable to,,Malte Progress With and Some ,engagements' haVe td- Project .of. • ' Nursery ready been booked for the slunnier. The girls are changing to a nevi,' style of °•trunapet"- knOwn the' 1,cansuiezt Club' a CrOderich Valse trumpet •Whieh' ,plays lio-th at their last regular zae'eting• veted part, and engiales 'Whole section pia.s.gssung in the•ssusb playing. . Thp new instriimentS cast - planning to meet the eXpenditure And Keays -areet• -Itagittn of the town. °Vale Iota „between' $57.05 each, s and the girle are "(1 by " laOlding a tag day and draw in street have !Nett purchased and. the the near•futtcre, and hope,to receive assistanee from varipias orgailiz- ations. ' • . As several girls' hands in On- tario are using the Valse. instru- niente, the Goderich girls have felt they were out of competition. They will be instructed by the instructor of the Hanover Girls' I3and, which" J.- one nf the leading girls: bandS in Ontario. " Miss Barbara Griffiths is presi- George JanieS is tender. (lent Of the band ; Elen.or Jeffrey i.s aeoretary-treasurer, ',and AHMEEIE CHAPTER'S' •,TEA- AND GARD PARTY , . A. eltarnsing. lea 'and bridge 'party Was held. by ' Ahreeek Chanter', on Wednesday afternoon ,in the blue room. of the Legion Hall. Socially and financially ,th0 ,pnetron,•Was mai successful. The' stpanssispattons •ssasre the'regent,.,..1,11sW,Aubre Cleaver. ---Forty-two• tables of , cards Were played, of which tweuty-thre4 wete bridge in charge •of Mrs. Pridhain, cenyener, Mrs..W. •G.• Mac- vare-and s-Mrs.-sCs;--,A Reid. -h honors at bridge were Wen by Mrs. 'held& ,Bakters_and-Mr " Curry.' • • , Th6 nitetneen ° "five shuncired'' tables -'were under -the cvnyenership Of Mrs; Bernard Wihnot and, Mrs. . the isrises being •won by Mrs., D. and Mrs. Ifhiel. Deliehius ftern oon tea wcag sei'ved the "tea eonunittee, tap: ably, eons-ened --by- Mrs: • Hy 'Erskine, , as ica 37 er eac 1 selection ; nia-rk-s-s2,SZational' 'Ilossfita, Day," being obserVed throughout have been an addeds treat. . ' Mr. R. M. Menzies addressed the audience briefly- in explanation of the plans a .the Concert Associ- ation. : • PASTORAL CHANGE IN . - -.BETHEL T,A.BERNACLE- . At the Sunday morning ,service f T-3 (WW1 Tabssaaacle.-Rev n( msk A..'Llarson resigned as" pastors'. They ,came to Gederich four 'and a-hal.f years • egb 'ffoin 'Strathroy and-haVe had a ptolitable minigtry. The congregation has increased,. eon-, necessary' committees' tave been. fornieci,tolprPeeed 'With the ProJe6.tf The playground, Will be enclosed with . wire fencing eight feet' high ,antl' will eventually contain all. the .4equipment required for children to, eirjey theanselves. • Plans at, the xpriezln,e.tncaelllufbor.. the su.pervisioi. and. maintenance ,of Atte park by the The money •to blind the' Play- gronnd was. raised in this eommun- ity 11.0947148 to build a 14-e,ublele modern salussety in coneection with Alexandra 'Hospital. The kinsulen state that their executive have en- deavored in. everyn way, possible to build this.. nursery; .but the, , Pro» vinclal -Department of *Health 'has altered the requirements repeatedly and eventually the Club ,was ads viSed the present building was 'un- .suitabLe fur the.canstruction of •the nursery the Kinsinen, had decided tes This' fact, however, did nef'lleter the 'Kinsmen and they again ap- pointed .a •committee tc1' meet the Hospital Board . to decide Upon Something foi. ,which the money seould - be used - NO' • satinsfsictory -suggalistion was forthcomitig hard -a a 4es Kinsmen felt, thentoney set a•side for the lanrsery nould -rent ,, the sofamttnits,'-re than the.y shouldwait -for ' a new hospital ,Wing to: lie constructed. The result is • their deelsien to.build and .equip a playgroand shere, it is most needed. • •. • . -• Work • will begin on this play- groltuid as soon as the land .is •fit for grading, an,d. it will be' known aS the "Kitis-Playground. - - :It Was further decided that If :uid When the hospital can aCCOM- 4nedates the type of nursery-stiae- Club 'wants -to 'build; it won't& put on another drive far funds to Valse the. money ,fer stsch. asmartserys TQ BE • R.UNNING NEXT: WE= seine 4. the n'early Sixty pri'ipS, , ..t:11:eaavite alsreeenc,..11 7:al:: lions. it:: Goderich oLions Chab'S7.pereh derby Windows of Matte's cohacce .stere. PrizeS not in the WindoW' are those o the bi- elSe too large.;to ht."' PlacP(1 In the ' Additional' PrizeS •received 'are: AnWanatie Sunbeam irons Frank MeArthur' ,Eleetrie;4". Spinueri, - Culp; shaving set •411s1 clap set and thilladenr,obeerstagipii.,e0.'s4;a6„nettlni, learnat,ernSettalneaS three-, flashlights, MacDonald Elee- tries Kitchener; ear blanket; Donald' Mel)onald, London; picnic ham, M, J. Ainslie, & Son; fibreglass casting red, Canadian' Tire. ,Cerioratien, Goderich; 'one gallon a pai4t .and one gallon, of floor Wax, Worsell'S Hardware; 24 Anarls,•01 did, °Inas perial 011 0.(2,;,. barometer, Bannister; 24 .quarts of oil, Shell Oil Company ; 10 lbs. butter, Silver - wood's, Liteknew ; tsve leather wal- lets,- Johnson -Turner Electric,'" Lon. don. A late holdiag back the runniee-Of the nettle bet °it is ssa axpeeted activities will start next .week. Last year the prizp-winning• Perch waS caught by A. Station of Lambeth on May 8th. Newspapernlem%g day has been, set for Saturdiy, Ma' 20tb, when Western (hitario ,and salso some frozn„Slichigan will be herefor the day's contpetitien. 'Dile afternoon Roy 'Stowe of St. Marvs made an entry the derby 0•011401:-PlcilliteS •TrtiCe of Las on Olon-gBate): Terraee The- .Town, .001101 nlet, SArlY . TuetSdaey,411ing, to Atinw ntealher$,, and "the 'preSsi attend 'tl* munity coacerL All, ineroliOs welt pres'ent but Deputy Reeve. Watt. . UeliortS''Of"Dr. pr. S. Vlilott, nod Inz-kneetore dated, April ,17''t were ieferred to fbc,special.cook- Iso8t4eeotfiut 5,afil4t.ivollS;44.alitiisain,ngerto his house on West street. at ast. estinpted cost' of smoo. For mine.c PrOiDets permits were •isigued Jar Roy Merlon, Etrst Street; Arehit Haddon Nelson street; Dreve7 - mut, BaYfield road; Kens, Allies. Brock- street; Chess C. Lee Estates un -et Rotel •, Geo, `Johnstoia, Stan- ley street ; '* kreet ; Geo, W. Stokes, Cambria road; E. G. Snaith, East street. An 'application' front John SOaras for 'permission s to qmiye 4 frame •• building I'rdrii Trafalgar street to East sqtreet , and convert it intis second-hand store svas sent to, cern- Ken. Aide's aPplication for , per - 1111541(01 (0 place floats at the baths ing beach, in the same location as 111 -1 year, vk;as., Sent to"the-hither :eoininittee. „, Peter • iZimitiermans applications:, for the twenthith. y-ear,for, 'a lieut.* to !sell' popcorn and other, refreida: colinantications as follow.s were' se•rit to committee: From the Goderich Trotting and , Agricultural Assoc:14.0On, .askiug for - improvements at 'the rade trapit by -.taking a fine perch Weighing one pound four ounce's. , I May_ .19tb' Al -- bd JUDOIVIEN* T IN MATHESON. . • k , , • entire' Mame tied.. (senerals Hospit- , s --•"----; . DAMAGE -ACTIO' al "wili, hold ,`:open house", on that day. Tea,:will be . seri'ed , from 3 to Si pan.. at the' nurses' residence. .A.' cordial. Ihvitatioan 18 extended' to the . general ' public , and.' gifts . for the hospital will be welcomed. Alexandra, Hospital, in sonanen with othel....liospitalss, froni- -CO'aSt tO 000 coast, has selected . May .12th for "open honse",beeause It is the an - *y . of the WastinlayisafssEtin_*s. (nee Nightingale, "The Lady with the -Lamp," -founder of the technique of modern nursing which mealiS. So inrutt.-in 0 hospitals today. . s' Guardian. of the tieople's health ' AlLsforme fr . residents • of Huron 1 siderobly, ttntl the. Sunday ochOol tin ,I4oderich • tuad' district; Alexandra eciunty now-fesiding hi the •Toronto 1 hs doubled: Mr. and Mrs. 'Pear- Hospital:pas facilities of sitahlm- area, and their friends,narescordinlykon will conduct -farewell services portance to Oeryone-when sechlens In:lilted' to . attend this outstanding in Goderich on ; Apy- 28i-h.:and will f3f takee ill. TlieS,, tb..every Admit' esent. As the accommodation •will commenek their Ministry ° in Allis- 41, .cordial invitation i,kxtended to Bert 134leettler and MrsEdWard be limited, reservations rimed ' be n, ton,. at the pen tecosqa AssemblY, 'on i visit the hospital on ' Friday, May .'' . rho were .ttecarded an enthusiast:it 0 va t ion, . • , .. - florets should get in touch'. with - -----'---- ----s----st-----, ' made inimediateiys, •These , desirlagrndayn, .'june. 11, • for the cemniunitys. 12th. and see the.' work, _it hs doing the seeretaey, Mr. Kemieth C. Stan- LEGION TO ENTER ' • • - •• itoirtad Mason of Seaforth, after . bury, Rooth 1,009, 67 Yonge, street; . • AT-, SUNSET HOTEL • recelving a scholarship, in- , d TWO. BALL TEAMS I. . ,,940._. (_Elgins 4_264) .. . .., .._ t A!anagw..fissor le Jjeingasaiitsonsibe„ ,, graeioues4R-tlesspeeeh epressedshis. , se SDI( verandah at the Sunset - thanks to the stoners, and 'to-sids . . " "BobbY" 9 Glivis, spdrts offices.' , for . teacher., ' • , ' Tirancb 109,-Pantidiair Legions„ an- • FIRE AT Vim ,OLD RINK . • , Hotel. Later en the 'verandah :IS The old 'West Street 'rink, in •to be reshingled. Near the -tennis Presentation 'wits made of scholais proeess ,of demolition, get stslittle' nounees that the local :branch will ' 1. courts , a 'long cement strip is being sthi,ps alld ',other awards 'which had help on its Vay td 'destruct1ap , by be 'again inthe-- Softball' 'spotlight laid, On Which ' hotel gttests can a fire which broke out on • TuesdaY for 1050. The Legion, wilt stamsor ' •• not . beew presented during the. pro» afternoon. Evidently. somebody a meiCs W.O.A.A. Intermediate ' A ,. A ,,, Play shuffleboard. ' . 1 s • gress of 1 heVestivai. S ' Tliursday's , Adjudications . ' dropped ..ti cigarette 'stub on .1 .1 softball team and a ladies' W.O. . . . - . . . •'Marks :awarded ,an • . Thlirsda.y. Of old i shingles. just outside the, . L ' PLe A,A. Intei-mediate nine. ' With the . , • . - • calms . 71, unison Chorus, "Gypsy- • stilled. "The. fire brigade made • a butlding and a merry . blaze re- Isarmer and .brighter days ahead MUSIC :FVSTIV..4.1, "AltD.S., •were: - I:spirant's for ,either 'team are asked. in.g"-:No., 1,0 AlcKilloP, ' 82 i'', No. 9 quick ruis. and . s'oen , had _things V get in •touch° with, Mr. . Ginn; McKinop, 81;. No. 11..GOderich, , 81; ' under contro1. only. slight, damage 'phone 574, for further information. No. '11 Hullett, 80; No, 7 Hullett, • , .. was caused.to, the building.. . 80: No. 4 West Stanley,' 79; No.. -9 SOFTBALL PRACTICE MONDAY: PRESENTATION .TO • MEV.. W.. - , . NIGHT ; ' • .. -1 ' . • • • . . • - . _ WEIR , All perSons interested ie. playing, • ' At the Easter services •in Branap- sin the reeifissi S'effbaltstettle.--Stre• isin. Presbyterian Church the „non_ tisked to, turn out far practiee, sit -G,00derham Memorial Park dianiond ister: Rev. William Weir, formerly of, Goderich,s'Wore" a etissock and ." MnTlail'3.:' 3111Sr;81-11' lit 7 P'1111.' ' gown, the gift of the Wonien's AIS- , 'THE MEEKLY SHOOT , sociation of the .Church. They were presented to him the previoths Scores at Wednesday's Gtfn Chili Saturday; aecompanied by nn, act- shoot: B. Lumby 18-19, J, Gilbert 22 -17, --IL Prow .15-11;•Clias. Prouse dress Conveying the appreciation of the donors: ,' ' ' , ' 1.747, G. Castle, 14-15, *B.. Beck 19-16, A. Gilbert 18-18, D. 1 Wilson •1446,. J. Naftel 14-12, A: Wasson .. . . , --.1014TA. SIGMA_ On .8nm-fay aftertioon the gide of Beta, Sigma Phi Met', at ,the • Park House,for an__Impressive ceres MonSS"The-taWa1S- with .bowl of yellow roses and aelored tapers. The new -pledges were received by the Colutpter, 'after', which menibers received. Rititar of jewels pins. New' officers Nsere installed by Miss, Joan. Moody, post presidents The Founder's Pay, sy'rvice_sras_comPleted•at .ft dinu at .which Miss Wifla. Janaes read a message from the, fotinder,'•Walter, aviaW.,toasts. The regular .rhi jees.,.tLnir4msi -Wilmot, whole, plans 'wete Made' for SEAFORTg- -CASE- - / • IN, SUPREME-. COURT • r r O Judgthent in the actions Of Matheson -et al. v. -Evans et ak and ,Teffss et al. v.. Matheson has been handed clown by Mr. Justice Schroeder, "before 'whofn they .were tried. recently in Goderich, and is reportedsin the (fsgoode Hallsnewss as follows: • . * Actions "(1), brought by William • '141,o, grounds. s '.• • Front the Goderieh Trades anii Labor__Couneli.,„„for- the.-Use••ef culturalsVaisk for ,the Labor Day, • celebration. . • - nd -Barbara . R. Al t lieson rignust 14'roal t•he .,Goderich Saddle ,Joseph Evans and Agnes L. with reference to the July .1st pro. ' • Baum, ekecutors.'oP Joseph. J. Evans •g..11611. . - Psst at e and Dotedd W ffs (2)' brought by Donald' and Ilarniee ,Jeffs against •Willialts''Altit, besets.; 1 or damagessarising Out of /main' ear. • cellision on Ilighwas No. 4, Febru- From, the 'Huron County , cleat "Otlieers'' .A.ssociatIon, witt referonce to' a- meeting of thesAts: ssociatiOn .on :Slay - 1' D 1 K um onnel y, .C,, regards ary 10, 1949. Cainpbell (;rant, ing arr. application by:111r. %and Mei; . The spring sitting of the §InSreine sus Fisuk 1,1 • .1 Chipman. for a r it to buiha Court .6f, Ontarie Was: lessened, on Tuesday ,mor'rting, With Ms..- Justice Gale.presiding. 'The ae'tion- Serrente v. Rice et.. al. 'occupied the court oh Ttiesclay rl HT, sissin,s,• sss. si sins. ses. fa residence ,on' Gloucester Terrai,*.• 1) ini intSe tiefien No. 2 .Gesstse L. From the. Ontarrieogt_tDreir...sti4lia::sAt sisr_Sss-Sssas„ts .ssis Echictitiens with' :teflon' No..1 and plaintiffs in a etion , ,s'ed ,reerelindif`• Wroginna. 2.' Judgment • " There From Central'Mortgage ' anti' and ts ednesday and AVas,scontilmed .thcireforc"gnieui for Housing , Corporation„ with rer- -(111 _nrtyrni„. _ This I,..an Litigi. Sorrente, of S'Windsor, with es ese 01.1 f i . 11;0*(4.i/wilt with the TOwn n ivar- ea-int-HT, -MtithessuirS' Ter t'llet-I-1,0 ProPooen'ftntentintentstn-the .of the evening was opeat in makine! 0 -Mother's pay tea, ' The ,renutinder reg"''d ti •a r('"'"iltial. property' on final' ,plans.for the Spring Fantass7.1. Istulchrietts served. by- the,s;hosteSS; 1 '1"I'''' -'1" - Miss' Ha set Wilmot: ss. ,•,•-• ."'„ '..),,,s11,11111),.':,(1,71i:„.. s'es..iss an , injunction to fend:tilts being Jack Itice of Brus- Goderich .street, ..Seaforth, the de:. ,. rid the AfcCon-Frontenac Oil •• . restrain. the defeesionts from 6rect- ing a bundling on a lot adjoining his' property, 1 hat would " rnduce the value, of his roperly Or interfere , .-.. . with' the' tie It -of -way which he Scholarships, shields and.. n other (bo;t•) In phino. eolti etasses-Victer I seisms, ,, . . ., Music Festival as follows: . prizes wel•P awarded during • the, (.t. olvfriins061Calti-inbtc:taiiy. • 1,,,,,i 1 s'• i n g,,e ,r ; si . rfoINS , I)RMCO ST.tr-F EdneatiOnal Scholarships . ..sp. Jewelry, •for boy's. vOcal solo X. 14 M 1:... James A. Matthews -has' re- soss-skirps' yothrl, : -stile;•- ''.11' • -Yeti rs- tens-- --- - ' ss. s'. • ,, • - ----s -of the -Domini on • -Rea d- Mricliiii (TiTS' Coigne° Cransten, • Goderich: • ' - SSItheek Chanter, .1•9•11',1-, $.25, ye,arsss-Donglas Fleist. sli,auerChin candy.; joiniendt s. . Boy's wriStwatch, by , Reg. • Bell, eonisssay _s. it: ecoenini:litilse,.1•111.1gpi::: jtetivilt Maple . Lettf Clhapter, I.0,.D.E., for. vocal . sides, rural schoolss-s14 en,a-ineer ,on 'the new , c bSinlows $25, for.,boy's vocal solo, 11 yearS-,-- yearS-;--George ProeforS Wessels , 'Sstestilos, sot:cr)Si'osi.S:,1.(on't!'c'PliNN; ,1111201gr sem:1d- Sisi-4114,---Seafortli s ' Record certiticates,; $5 each, by strostsssa „ es . (loderich Womeit's institaites 825, Cornish. :Electric, fors Williters 1,11 grzithuLte of the Coiversity of Tor - for p1 inc , 8010, 1.0 to 15 years- choir el use - Clinton • rub).ie (11110 In , 41 gillev.ri ng; .,.11,...nwhvw,s Isoraine Hamilton, Blyth., . School ; 'Vietoria •School, Central Iint;,,,gsetx(;)(!iiiiselr(),ricula ,11,1:ileillsetirli(t),,,,sab,(,)_,Is) •Doininion Read Machinery 'Cos Sehoel, •(4oderich., , . . , $25; tor 'piano solo, Bach -Doris " reuntaln pets by County of piacticas Ditriug the '.wor he serVed: Griersoh, Lendesboro, Huron, for bOy's vocal 'solo (9 with the Royal Canadialt Navtil . .......____ _______ seeiar piano *solo (open)--4.Mollie (8 year0, Billy Carpenter, Sea- Goderich • 'Music .C.,lubi $50, .for years) --Stewart MeGill, Wingliam ; Itesesee, . . . ,. forth. . „. QBITuAR-y,, Bisaet,' Odericia. County Of Illiron, $25, in; brass • -Special Awards ' * ` MRS. FRANK 'HUMBER : -and - reed, 'sole'', claSAW '-----' Joan ,-.S;Clinton.tsions Club, $10, for piano" „ • • The death of Elizabeth, FulfOrd, Thomas, Brus.sels. ' , . classes, 6 -to 9 years -Sharon Smith, widow . cif Fran* 4, liumbrF, 00., . Oederich Elevator' & Transit Co. „ Getlerich, • ' • ' • .., ,. ° eurred. onsFriday last at .Detroit. $25, for girl's vocal Sole. (14 years; • Freneh Pry 'Cleaners. 'Gaderich, Mrs. number Was born in • Gederich --41ayne Mary Snell, Londesboro„ , medals, for voctil di*, rural schools, guron Connty Registered Music l'A years -Joan and.. 'Leis' Ann . , in ,'J'an ua ry, 1874, and was ma ri•ied, Teachers, $25., fur senior Sioetil Selo .Soinerville; Seaforth,' . 'ss-Ma'rietta--S'tliagels•-Dungamnon•-.,-- „..,,,,Pass-34.44.•-•Gra-hatn,•,--metlalS . of this "teWn.' _soy, .3t0.1..ii;sg..Y.Ae.4.A.11. IlicAtibmers's6r.s.ett. of ,,...Mts, piano duet, under .8 year$-Arrdilli. She : and her liu.sbend nioved fo -.4 . ' Challenge shields' Elliott and Dianne Harrison," Gode- Detroit in, 1904 'and Ur. Humber Countysek-o! for 'double trio riCh. , • ' , died there ,in .1923. •Surssiv•ing are ---sS.S, No. 7, Morris. ' . • .E. 3. Pridnam, rnedaLs, for piano three ,daughters.' 'MrS. ,I.. Good Goderich nubile School Board, trio', '8. -to 12 yearsL4Ielen•Pritlintin; (Stella.), Mrs. R. sitaahauser(Tera ) for double trio (urban schonls.)--, 'Marilyn Elliott, Jayne Ford. . and MTS. J. Barager (Helen ), all, of Seaforth'PubliesS,choel..(trio No. 2). ,Goderich' Business College,' $10, Detroit ; one son, Frank l', limbers Itolepreof Hosiery Co., for uniSon Goderich. fon violin soio-sstobby Bannister, of S t ra tfo rd ,, and five gro n dell' Wren . chores -S.8. No. 4, Tuckersmith. The Niteroi took place o'n Monday ,Goderich Signal -Star, fOr ' double , Standard Chemical Co.. cash prize . at Dettoits• s•ith burial in Grand Gollerich Board •of Trade, for trio-Goclerich TOwnship schools. for male- ehortts7---II.C.A.F. (Clinton) Cawn eemetery. , chorus. . •• _ , ---- --s, . two-part elioruis--SS.' No, 8., Mc - La u(1W,s . Drug. Stores, spriZe for AIM; ALI3E-RT .SIEitis •_.,...-... Killop-. • .0 ' his st4-keS., gl•firf --choeytts----lltrtrett TOWlisliip • . - 00 ,. Mrs. • Albert' • Meto, passed , a Wa v Goderieh Lio'ng • Cl•Uh.; part •chorus-,--Ointon Public School.. kiehools. AIYArtiat Competitbili „Shields and Victoria Ilome A 11(1- S'clutel. Club', , 2.6thS, in Alexandra Hospital in her s . . !rn . WedneAlay n afterri•oon, April , TrophieS ' ' ' Prizes fbr giel's vocal solo.' 9 yea rs • ..herloc.lt-'..11anning Phinti Co., rose '-(tinil , Godfrey,. Goderich ; .8 years, lifty-ninth ' year, l'isrmerly Loretta, bowl for highest mark in piano solo ,Betty Meugge, Seafortb; , Martin, eint •,-yas 1) ,flaughter. Of the ,eilis.t4e.s:-.--Sbirley , Robettson, Gode- .. trio '-. Nancy 'Wilmot, Eleanor W. (14 Attridge,'Medals, for girIS' l'ite '1'68enh. 010 ' -:‘1 0 rgaret Hogn 11 Ruth Packstader. , ' in Goilerich. She '1 1' a membcr 'Martin. and had 11%141.'1111 her life glrle' Cheru,S--;,Clietan" : Collegiate rich. , 8.'41. I'revett cup,s•for Collegiate 1.;Ander. kisklerich Blue ' WItteT 131111(4, *10, ()f .' St • Pet er's ,Itiiman -CA theIle Chattel]. Stirs -lying,. :besides her second prize In brass and reed solo ,Institnte. • ' II. M. Ford shield, for C011eglate classes -Gerald Cardiff; Ethel. .111181)711,2(1° Ine 111.41.x.' •"1.,1s and three J. A. Campbellsansesdalk for vOcai lalfirlaligi.-1;-,erosf : L(ollitnilion7;1q1rN(Ta. I tilefr, 1;10x(e rt (Pi I'd: 'girls' d,ouble trid--Goderich Col- d_uet--Ilelen I'rldharn, ankl , Ruth , Arrilltolwyf-Gbileriell,TITS. Gordon legiatesinstitate, , sis forsturi'sanseborus .S.S. N'ti. !1O, \[ Board of Trade shield, W( 51:1)1 GOderich. ' ' m.o.'. hi J, Pridham, medal, for hoy:S W,81"rePer•_.(Ellinta,......of '' Cha the Ill* voeal Volo.:- Kenneth Skipper, Grand gai•et 1, of Clinton, and Mrs. 1)04101(1 N.B.; :11-rs. John Seruton (Mar - Killer). . . (flet) 1,of Goderieh 't One Shield, ' for 'unison cheruS-Ciintiin ' Seaforth Public'. Sehool• Board Beth]. Goderich Separate School Board, flhat0 rielt.; two sisters, Mrs-. 'Charles Public School. . . . (4 loria Palmer, Goderich. musical 4 lyre, for operatic solo---`. ''''°I'l'er,.. Alelvin ''Aill'rl'in 01' Stokes, of Goderich, and Mrs. Ben Goderich Elevator & Transit Co. Trribible, ef'Flint,' Slieb., and it, , for Pi 11 0 0 duet ( 18 yOft 118 )----Mn 1, go r et J a eks o n and Frvelyn Raithby', Blyth. • . lc, (!ciitra 1 ITome and SchOor-Mi/T); fountain yen. 'for , seeimd in boy's vocal sql0, ii years .--L- TonnnY Ilrydges, Ileigra re; Goderieh Music Slaip, reeord c(Cr- tilicatei for elioir (grades 1, 2)s -- =Vittoria Sehool,„• Goderieh., 'IllaCkstone+s .. 'Restaurant, prize •for boys' einiins-GoderIch. Town. ship school.. . ....-. . 0 • Goderich, 70; Ni. 2 West Wawa- , ° nosh, 78 ; NO. 4417 West. Wasvandsh,- - ----."78'.1--Isos-Fis-Sttrnitsyss-7•77.-N-ossissettlst- betty, 77. .. Class 75; double trio: ,"Stinufier 'Nighre Dream"---sNo. 7 Morris, 84; No. 11 • Goderich, 83; S.S. Me-- - Killop. 79; No: ' McKillopo'78;' No. .11 Hullett, 70, No. 3' West Wawanosh, 75; ,No. 9 Goderich,'75; . No. '2 Ashileld, 75•.. • ' • Class 68; boy's vocal 'solo (11 - years and under), "The Mary Jane ---spommy Budges,- Belgraves 83 ;• .1 (11101 Shaddick, Londesboro, 81; Pon •Griersons Londesboro,. 81; Donald .111 Bolgrave, 79 ; Alan Taylor, „ Grand Bend, 79; Murray Wilson, ,Goderiele 78; Barry Haokett, Luck- ' -nbw, 78.'; Jacob Graydaims„, Clinton, 78; .Billy Rettinger, Witnghanas 77. Glass 65,, girl's Vocal •solo, (11 and under), :71te Field , Daisy!! - :Barbara .Tean, Smith, Belgrave, 85; Audrey-. .41ack-Well; • -Walton, 85; Phyllis Fear, Brussels, ' 84: RI/th Merrill„Belgrave, 83; Marilyn Anderson, Goderich, 83; Joyde'lloff- `'' Man, Winghatu, .82 C,Beyerley Hee gitt, Goderich, 81; Pamela, Taman, Port 'Albert, 80; Ann MacKay, • Luck.new, 80; Lois Ann Somervilles Senforth, •80; Edith Jones, Clibten, 80; Nutlet:. Myers, Goderich; 79. Class- 73, two-part. chorus, "But- terlis:rs-No. 4 • 'West Stanley, 83;' •No:' 9 McKillop,t81; No, 5 Ashfleld, 7-11;.,No..2s .4tshfleld, 711;l\Te,..3 .W04, WaWaitroSh, 78; No. 11 liVegt Wnwa- 11 7 • No. 8 0olhorne;°- 78'; “I'S•o. .11 Goderich, 77; NO, Ai'HiOleti 77; No. 10 McKillop, 7. 6 ; • No. G0(16,1101, * . Class 69; boy's vocal mqri, (14 1111(1 • • iinderr,,,. "Jim .4he ',Carter ,Lacrs•-: • • George' 'Proctor, grussela, 85; -ard Sired, • Londesboro. , 84; Rosa , Seaforth, 82; , Kenneth • „..Efohnee, Wingham, 82; Ian Griffiths, , f,J3,1yth; 80; Leonard Garrett, Chin-. too, .79; 'Bid Ris•lett, • Goderich, 79; Jelin Nixen„ .'Lucknow,' Tp; Leslie Mingo tIntrir, 78T -Citff-cffifi.. mings', I. 'Brussels, 78s Archie Ate- . (700erieltj 76. Class 60, girl's - Vocol solo; (14 and under),, "A Star Child" -Jayne Mary Londesboie,. 861, Jean' Somerville, Seaforth, 83; Iris IlYer- 1 , mings and Phyllis Ann -Fear, Nrus- sets, 83; ,Kenneth • Gilkinson and Joan MaeKay, Wingban,. 80; Joan O Deerr ,and Jeanne , Beuermann, Walton, 80; 1/oris. Jantston, and June' Haekvvell, Blyth, 80; Doris and , Lois cunninghatu, Goderich, .79; .Annabelle and: Alan Taylor, -Grand Bend, 79;,LoiS Walker ahd „Helen. Ilainesa-,trussels,. 194....•To` McPhee and Ken Wilson,. Goderich, 78; Joan Helm, ard Carol. Gardner, Lucknew, 77; Donna and Eldon Lamtan, ibtingannon, 77. • ,Class 41, girl's vocal solo (11 and under) ,• "The Bpuquet of "Rose - maty" -Helen • Pridliam, Goderich, 85; Dianne Frith, Goderich, 83; • num, Walton, 82; Eleanor 'Smith, Wingliain, 81; Ante Todd, 'Ciode- . 'rich, 80; June Rackwell, Wingham, If); LOIS Webster,'"Durigantron; 7,0; Annabelle Taylor, .Grand Bend; 70; lOna Griffiths, Myth,- 78-;' Marlene MacKenzie,- 'Belgrave, 78; 'Norma Ertingfon, Dungatinen, *784 Jeanne 'cote Bowra, .Gloderich, Sayden, •Godetieb,' IA; Shirley 80; Cynthia. Young,. Goderich,. 83. nigan, Crodefieh, 77. ' Class 45, gtHfs vocal solo (11) 11114 Sloss 76, vocal duet (14 and und(r), “whore ,Ary. Caravan lifts under), „ .reinged 0.entifinv Itestedn---Vrances Breretelit Goth- ----Joan and Ann SOinerVille, Sea. rich, 84; Charlotte. Maguire,. Gode- and thp, ItOrknha from libceter. forth n 85; Jayne Mary and rtichard lich; 82;, Helen Gederich, 'The preatiher was IleV. C. L. Lang. Spelt, Londesboro,„ 841 Carl aim, 80; Hvelyn Uaithby, 'Auburn, 80, ford,,fornierly of Lucknow.'" , •PERSONAL MENTION Sirs. A. M. Sharman has returned home • af ter •speading se veralasionths tit Winnipeg.. • ' - • Mrs. AL Sutcliffe left .today for. Sarnia, where' she Will join the-aew• 02 thes„"Gfenhogie” ttescobbs. _ 'kiss Prances Wok* of -1.`"Or'siii:O-11 guestthis Week wifh hers parents, Mr,' and .Mrs. OliN:er Cook, Brock street, . • ," , Mr. and, Mrs. Chas'. Lockhart of Chatham • were' ".in, God -ex -tells last week and visited at' the home Of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Doak. Mary Dennis, 'Walton, 82;' Anne. Mrs. T. Holmes. wars a guest May Drennen, Goderieh, 79; Shir- Ole Sweene.TaillIsconWe weddifig ley Anile Bedard, G'oderrch, 79"; Margaret Scherbarth, Walton, 79; •Jso urel., Lodges Goderich,' 78,; _Janette 'Witttort;,: 78 ; , Arlene- -61-",'$e:tv-Ilitailmg; .bacT input] treed Diegel; Walton, '18. frinn Goriliiti 'Reis. his' awelltag on Clas_s 42, girl's, vocal snlo (13 and Ilineks. street. Mr, sand Mrs. fieis 1111.(lery,, : "D11111 ty Littlit'sMaidens_ are moving' Kitehener. Jayne Ford, Goderich, '84; Rutb Mr. •atul Mrs. Earl Maciaren sits' Westbrdok, "Goderich, 80 ;-• Colleen tended the annual convention of the Grist, GoderieliS. 79; Diane gulott, Ontario ' Society of Photographers lloderich, 79; Joanne Poen', Wal- 'held ar the Roytil•Y•ork Hotel,' Tor- toni, ' Ora Fangroil; Lon.deSboro, 'onto, an MaY 1st arid 211(1. Jortime Betterinann, Walton, Mar- lier) Johnstell, retired typo, mode ion Taylcns. .Atfirtirn, easili 78. his 41111111111 birthday' visit to lot e- 1Class 37, violin. selo (11 and rich, Ills •eld home towns ove re tinder), "Valse"-Bebby -.Bannister, week -end. He claims it is eights.- Goderieh, 80. . • three years since the first. Mtly 1St gtrili 'vocal sales 415 ifis his, young - ° anti under) "Life".s Zovely Th_ings!, 3Irs, T. Warrener and Mrs. 111... -Ruth Doekstader, Godericb;„,.' 83:5(11recent -gile'attS .with Ruth (41hzier, Clinton, .80 ;: Janis Mrs. Warreln4r'S cousiti; Mrs.. Morritt, Myth, 80; 'Patridia Videan,- (q1PL) at St. Clair,..Mich. --(10derfeh, '20; Seat Illangrad, Lon. They also visited 'relatives • at De-, .clesbero, 70; Mary V. 'MacDonald, troit and Flat Reek. Walton, 78. ,Captain 11: Goldsmith Lien- ClaSs 38; violin solo (13 and tenant T, SedgeWick haste Come under), matirottoft Mae. from Petrolla to take eluirge at the Dougall, Myth, 80; Gerald, local- Salvation Army citadel. ' They Sinith,•Kitmen • were given aswarm yvcOotne by the CliaiSt 44, gir'l'a'vocal"Solo (17 ,and member.s of the Goderich corps, under) "The. Lass-V.4th •the Deli- Mrs. A. Osbalcleston; 'Mrs. W. II. _1 I Dallis, Mrs. B. IIarris. and* Mrs. IL' 0.1.1' were in Dieter, hist.. Sunday night and attended divine service in Trivia. Memdrial Church 'along with the Odelfellows of the district .af Montreal . en April ..1510. Tht bride is n .cousin of 'Mrs. 'Holmes', 'Mr: and •Mrs.",T, T. Becker, late • - rose bowl, for highest mark awarded. in girl's voeal solo -claSses-Betty ,11owra, Goderich. Iteg. Nieuee & Stns. cup for Collegiate 1111 X011 (41 01.118 ---;.Clinton• Collegiate Inst Rule. Gardner Motor Sales' cup, for Collegbate boyS' chorns---,-(*Ihnion Collegiate Institute.. ieutnity .of Huron 'sthield, for uniSon chorus - Cent -raj Schold, Goderieli;. Pen . and, pen"cil set by "r. AintArong,, for .best inusicianspip 'Rebekah Ldge, Goderich,Medals, grandehildren. funteal 'took pinee 'from t110, BrOphey 'fitnet•al 11,8111f, '04 Friday .inoreing to St, ['Prier's , ebureh, where reqiiient high .1111194 51110 !relebillted by Itcv. Father - Bon/dean of St. ,,Toseph, T1tt00lflj(flt Was, .itt the 'Col- borne 11. 0. cemetery, 111, pallbearers being .Too, rinn. O'Brien. 0 T.'. Donnelly, jobli Evans, Noah Getoinette and Paid Bedard.' • . p a n , I3arbaia Ito-, Matheson; tor $1,750 ligainsi time linu$ing• , ' • ' • n •;, From R.. \S 'C eost report on . defendant in actiq,n 'No. I: with AfeDonetid 's.treet sewer: • , jedgnienf, in fovor- of ex,ecutors on Donut(' Jeffs, for Sum of $1,76025 their ce'unterelaim • fu i $557.50, • F,roio . Tictotia Hospital., , with. re -s ' • „,,Fisen the 'Ontorio , Previnchgt ga rd. toa an : indigent patient ,There .:V111 be judgment' for plaintiff,' and for p1 11211111 Poirnice,Jeffs, for ''..(''''-'ne, • $3,250 agar irfst &fen da nt • William ,, _ to -Attire° men's .annual.teave periods. '.... ' k With I'Pferen,ee to Pollee= Matheson iu action No. 2: Plaintiffs ci.t.,:eios.ttiln(1)ilei.raartibniwtfii.o.enittt.rnaieeiril. first nlitned ;shall Itave Costs of " aetion No..,1 assainSt. defendants in Goilerich -Public Utilities Centinies saia action,- and there ...hid] be 4no ' sten • for- lighting at the harbors' costs of ceunterelains. ,I'laintiffs,in 8252. ;italing (hot this liglithig",74. , 1(..11011 No. 2., shall. bar Gt posts of that agreement bad always- been supplied( • I the Town free. . of charges Thie . ac.tion against ' William Matheson:: 1.v ...,_______ ..., AA a S i Ot t ( to , , tb hat. - no- „ ,--- ' ,• ' , • I sic). of n levy of 3,3 mills .on the • . 'e 1.--a ' e - .1)Or 'i- .' ,. _ • _ • q . Collegiate Institute LevY ' ,..ci - oderich Boys on • I, I T-1 ITIIIW: -.- ' ,, . _'Tilt, 0 t)( fer 101, DiStriCt e011M-We 01111 Savvver Stunti • _ . . , I:metal ,s,•tatement 294 ad- Insfitute. .Board. stlbmitted a 110:. - And End Up . • in Juvenile Court on Theft .'* - Charges , , spring, 30111 it, adventure . ;led 1 'TG:i1j.(nrs111.I'lirp• C;(0'1611)(t.irrilicier TT°01‘vv1106shthii/14) ...... 111'111(.1eY, tlus inn°01411/n•ir 17(.1*hu 11035 /0 TEfatisItnitl.Vt ttvanosh 1 1 aron nd Sssee , the world,but West. Wawanosh 14 '1 a- did'nbus,iftledp, at to shack ¶1h pu1b•1i the .world ort their Own. ,The boYs ranged In age from tan 'to !fourteen. O Iligh building costs didn't -Inither. :the Theymplass,broke-sinto and stole 'goods ,frem the • following Goderich.placeS: Lumber and nails froth the ,Goderieh Manufacturing Company': pens 'and ffrst-aid equip - 'meld front the Edword Coal Com - pads. ; ties, a Ira Miller 1104 41:1101' material% from the C.N.R. Ashatrently looking „.for-skinse cash, Gies asedg a cold chisel to 17; tO .1e•eak bpen a 'sole at the Eawntitd Coal .(ssuipany, but; :this wass un, O .succeseful, altheitgli they damaged .11-1(.1'TtlicThi."1-staaltoP 1) 13, fonnil • the, treys:. guilty of In•eakings enter- ing and theft and-rurjoitrired :their eases fir May .1111) fur sentence. Hi, 'warned 't lte boyN that, unless their (1 1111 set.' CO 11 present before Ohm gdotl, evidence as to' why 'they shouldn't be, 110.. boys: ' lie 'Sett - they appear before him on that „i11(:111tces.s1 to. a. tri,lingli:g• 5011001 when During the bearing the laryS told Of using a rail waY Jorry 00' which' to load _the 'stolen' ties to' 1411::0-4-lient. to the end of' the railway lint) at (locic)1.(ill-and then. Parry them salsout- an eighth 02 (1 mile' to where they feldt the shack. Tin;y also ad- Mifted thot, the. J116fts. were mede cht t"WrO "holy days"- -Good Friday,. Akpril 71-11, and Sunday,. April 23111, ssessin t of the. .ifct,4\ry, 007; k(ITtaps:s:iiiisttrist•.ctsiris dfoii 11 02 hied as follows : 340:70.664.4.8731 ' .6,111.68 3,33Q-99 865:33 O 910.51 '3,0166 s ciimmittee re- dewa1ks be cog, - Articled on the 'e!'it side of Gibbon(' street from -14r-itannia to Raglan: a ti'd on the east • side, of CoMbridge, street -from -Britannia to Olfteak- finit that a curb be constructed oa the south shie of West street, at( requested by petitions, the work to , En' clone on the local imprOVement 1.)10'.1"11;e- special, c; . nmittee reeom- 'mended that ii action be taken on00 the petition of operators' of eating estahlisliments that the accuse tee • be reduced. , ' Committee cif the e hely report , a reeommendation that the Public Schoollthard bt asiked to rectal- slam- liie terns on whieli the Cen- trot School Property 11-011 1(1 lie ma'de vit la 1)1e as a' inusefun, site. recoMm(iiula dons were A13. tacCniltiki eati: :21) - ported that 'four tenders "were res , eeived for the suppls" gravelsand, chips and that of D. U. iarahatn.: at 83e per s-ard for both, was ae- cepted, , , 4 • The Kirks, commit -toe 51' 14 '(:1;(11)14-plisttriii-t bitedlinellti.le6ns,astindi)Isaczisiloc to- n-rovitle--additionni--hitachers- shrubs at juelith (400derham Committee Of the witor6 reported the following*, tocsin -inlet datiens whieh were approVed ily• CsOnxicilt rho thp apPliesitiOn Of' john Spain, fof i permit th eonstrtlet a 'second- hand store un his 1);Niperty on 1.1;t13 ' •street • Ise refw('d t that Mr. Fs Donnelly he emiested..to Oita 11), qtrIce 4'2'01t1 ,fr. and Mrs, Prozik 111)1:11:7(1:14111Gifitfui”mslilel*r 11'6'01;r,arelr14"' distatee fro& CharillPis Manitoba; to:",tieerpoul,' 1,1ngloo4# IA thirty utiles ° lesA that, fro).* Alm/trot/1 fo adian •Faetss., , • " Nava 01,Asus-Ibt , ;MAY 21ST .EACE MEET The nedorich Trotting mid Agri- eultnral Association is putting up Purses figgregating $1:090 for the raeo meet on May llst. The ebiNsos gro 2.30, 2.27, *2.22, 2.10 )211(1 210, trot' or pare, two. beats in Niel/ of the classes, and the purse' $100 Mr each heat. good afternoon's sport is hiolted" for; ' , , .n„