The Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-27, Page 6, ie.cent Vpi itolts to Sky ilaa•ibur airport include Mr, then Parr, tuan- aigt'r-instructor o1. I'itciherier-1'i'arte -• loo plying (`11111:• Ile tik'w al I"leet aircraft, • ••The 41r.:+tl,iet controller of all., -regulations,. 4Ir. J. it. Robertson;. and Airways Inspector'-'.. Nit, 3). A. llaelatyre )isfit'd. Guderiell last wetek to ittt'.t' tri;atta the+ t(�',•tl►ilktl('s" 0' b itplllue ba e, ''11. is regretted, liow.. eve1, tllzit; the application by "Sky 1 Ili"licit 11. e.erviecis. ''to+` 'blain 0414 ;" lkatl but' ['lensed ai5 al seaplane l4.;ie` •F4..), . ° .011110 ' Io1vu., becaluse • Of in- adecltaate-pl=oteeCecl landing ° ant" take -off area. 2`lii' • inspectors pointed out tllaat, al (1000 -foot laud- ing a and take -off area is •'needed ay R. it CircaVille He '(Walks wit li•ai 'kind of illivl}a'd, swagger • :ton;d lengthen., liis• stride by an inch 'or two Because of tin...tillisil1it11 he carries, ."Sow What, you ntaly ask, can a s(,1i utboy (1ti- 1'Vil,h"x poeketkzife that its (weight should -'warrant Such pride itis I, feels it against his thigh? - It may shape t'he-hiiile of a pillow whistle- • (►r' the, frame of' a kith. fhat ht' "Means to fly ; It ay • (' r1'V(' some inL) 1141ngless rink, of other ' (►1l the well :si.atrrt'(i trunk .of a t•t'I'tatitl tree, • ,Or pry •a ta.('1*_frunl_,th(. Call, or sever , ,l length of string, But 1h rc' neon:,lot be , ' .Ilea,. tl$e fon:. the knife to warrant K• Itis pride id- htl(il it't('l' '11is(i v11- - A, ra°tisl1la'rt.•'4 kof-v - , Exists for its own ,-weet's )kt' alone. • Floyd M. Lodge, Proprietor. Phone 120 13 Montreal St. a , ,E•fficient Service ' I'Okt7`1+:R'S 'HILI,; .April "•I, - - „ clout opeued'Tii1s, nl'+aariili wire dour "earlier. it -sure Makes 'Mum 'and Dad get a move on:_ • Community Club. The .,A f t'il' meeting of) the. Colnmuriity Club 'yds held on ,Wednesday afternoon at the hotne • of -ills S,1leu Betties, with a' good" attendance. Quilting was, done, followed Uy the meeting conducted by tht< president, Mrs. Geo:. (; olclough. The roll call. ,vas quite •humorous as each member tespolfdetl.' by presenting the yoitai est.- • picture • of, her husband. The • financial repoft s11•ilwed ovf •.$100 'on 'hand. It .\,1s' (1041(e(1 to buy; • More chairs '(curing- the summer iitent11 . The program • was given • by Mrs. P. Harrison and . consisted , of lntmornus readings and eontests, ' Lt7I1('11 Was -sor(ed by. _the hostess • ' sil(1 was deli, taus. ')'he :May meet- - •'.:ing is to .beheld at the home .of the pr eS ident, Mi : (x',• C-511.1ough. I Avithin a breakwater. I etween' the breakwaters ufl (Joderi.eh °liarilor, only 2000 feet can be realized. How- ever, American tourists and • shay visiting watercraft are permitted oto land in the harbor, but they do so entirely at then' own risk. One of the events at the f'oi'tll- ('olliialgair llleet. will be a reunion Of former instructors from No. 19 Jo1nm '' Villi un..'i`1 riot .1 �,Se•• - a . (. Ili• Wit? . forth, is the first, versoia ,to' CQlia- plote•' tills pilot's course under the new.g(Iver11411,ent plan. r Congratulations to :lir'.' Ernie. Iittzziplireys of Toronto. Ernie made his first solo flight ,at Sky Ilarbor last Whiny. Ile i.' ' taking tIit . pilot's course at Gode1'ieh alt- ''EOE''' ,DOWNING Wr :`WILL BOLD 4.'I IO DIES IN 77TH YEA*' ,A tARB'Oi PARK, JULY o' The death of Ric'ilat'•d ,Fr(adoriek (Robert) Downing' of I3russels 'oc- curred, in the ,Clinton hospital on; April 18th, in his sevt�uty-seventh year. '\Ir. Downing was _a sou of the • late Mr. and 'Mrs. Jahn Down- ing, formerly of Guderfch, • and "Bob" spent his boyhood days in this' to(vn• • The family reI)i)o'ed to 111 ttsSels,, ‘,V11ere, "Bob". was tl1soc'i- ate(1" with his i'atlle-i' in the retail shoe business and .after his father's death emit ilitied in the .sai.tfte " lless. IIe V8(ye11 • known ,,as at lawn hoavlert and for • 141illet• ;years ova§ ,1L.:X1'1:'clllell.t.,.,s.Pla,ye _ ,iii _tolilnl- ' merits `ort the (Coderirltgreens.- I3e, is suIYvived by his wife, formerly \iiss MamieCatl'cliff, 'dattglitc'r, ,;IK.eltl4etll t'Ma•rgaret ► Ty'er- 111a111, uncl•.t\\'0 Sisters, Elizaj),et11 0,11(1•1 Ilal,tt10. ,Four brothers, William,, LeionartL_Ephrafm- and harry, are «'- dead. T'he funeral serviee •took plaice at •I3,ruseis atiid 'walS con- ducted 1) -Iter : Airdrew ,.ane, of tile" Brussels Vatted Church. St a, mooting of the executive of the \Vest Huron Women's Institute held, at Myth last week it was dt'('id('d., tc) Bold •the annual district picnic .nn .iuly (ith at Harbor Park, (iuderic'h. The program will in- clude .ceremonies to iilark 'the fiftieth a1,1l1ive1•sary'i)f the Women's Institute %it -this district. - ,,,,l it„,.,dia'rc't annual meeting W111 - be* held -at "'i^rel .htun •oi1 June 1tit1 $T., HELENS... ST. HELENS, ,Apr 24. nit5s Margaret - MaePhert-()n,. student 10ere4150. al.t 5t. Jos0pla 4' 11�'rpital, 'T.on- doi1, spent at few days at her bailie h h,l iss oris Taylor of Londi n,#ryas. lime for the, week -end. Presentation. —' Mr; :road Mrs. Ifrlulk .Me uillin were guests. of ho11(r a "at a large gathering .of frieiid.5 and neighbors in "the, Coin- 11p•Ini,ty; 'gnu recently, Hendersuu's orchestraprovided 10115ic, fel*• dune- lit5 Alci)ouald :'endd at' :'ongratulatc►ry aaddl'O$$ toi1,'. wild;axis, McQnillill, `,I`his ..ways. a1C001l1pillaletl by a gelier- ')ns purse of money 1)a'esent,etl„ by (George Webster. WESTFIELD. WES'J,'p'IELD, 4pril 24. --Wood- cutting plowing and bons,. Meaning are the order of , the day. Syrup-' making is- about over;; 'there was a good run 6f" sap this year: As yet .there has: been"no seeding; done. We hope the weather will soon warm up a little.., . The Sunday sehntal and church service next Sabbath will be on daylight saving time. So, folks, don't forget to put your ,clacks on. Mr„John Gear of Kitchener spent the (('eek -end with \I1'. Armond 34 Tc I3tfthey, ,lir- and Mrs.. Thos. _ Beggerstaff. and, family, 3rd colteession of East Wa'vatnosll, haw e move(1 to the farm 'IN STRO'NG'MAN ACTS Six - powerfully ;muscled Fi'eneh- Canadiau• bi'bthels,'OA; 1 addla ,0-*o'Irs _•.,.,. .,, of ti'Qebec�' City, amazed a 'crowd ,of soilie .350 people at the Memorial KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRij 1E, April •paltoil--hat-:- retuuie(1-...b.. t'er-apetitl-in t.t7n attt-x--111 ;Hama - ' Airs: Bruee Hausford and -sons, Sponathe-,:tve4 -114 v.isititi°' iinw'triis olein Andre beep,. -.visiting- ..and •visiting- •.and• turned horde ti and',lir.. ifeComl)ante - Arena on Monday night' with their feats. of 'strength '?and , aoro0alt•fos. team of agile • tumb1e•rs also pleased the crowd, :.IC"was. the last 'ptbblii per'formunce•aat the 0reual'for file ,, season, 'flied , the artificial ice 1)1a1nt" has now Leel; turned. off - so as' --to 'Melt away the lee .for the season. During, --the' summer -the - interior Will °be painted and other Work dote. 1 It is pt)s5il)le that •.bale time 111 ,Tilly' 0 celraant boor (Fill b61 "laid overt -Jim ice pipes it ordet' that - the .arena may 'be 1150(1 fol' (liter - Martin, who bad or two lveeks"-• at Stoney Creek, i'e- iteek taymold Dalionil Frank Sillii 'a1n, made 1 • )urine(-: trip 'to "Loi cl•on during the week, \1•r, and Mrs, Clifton 'Austin, left, Here' laist Thursday' for - -South 'nrenpine, where tluey intend tn• reside.' Mr.,' .041(1' Mrs. Belt- 'Martini of Hamilton visited, relatives here 1)11 Momdaj-, • 'Mr. :111(1 \I•rs. I'Dlaais' .Martin were recelatly purchased froni Nr. \y1.11, Golder on the 4th, 'eoncesslon orf I ;lc t \\'awanosh: - , Afr. .A. N. Cook of I3lytlt• risitC(, ola Sot daaX ut ,„ the home of: Mrs. 1''red Cook. Airs. E ed Cook Ruthspout the week -ends and Ruth with Mr. 'anti Mrs, Geo. Cook, of Belgrave. m 4 °c1•" Mr, -011(1-Jos. :1v11>: Wightnialia and baby Sharon and Mr. and 'Mrs. George' Lee of ',Poranto. spent the week -end with 'Mr. and. 't1rs. Earl 1Vightuiaii. a • Alis . i 'd. C%)•a1?p 11 isited� Int London on Tuesday, Mrs. wes. •Keel/pie-of Blyth visiting s ti g hex; sister, is 1clraa. }Vatl'tcr. Cook, , , Irl r. ' and Urs. leThyd Walden and (Gayly, and Ali, and Airs. ,Walter Gook were at .London on Thursday. Ivo. are .sorry to hoar . that .little George, B,r211l�y, infsaut sou. of •ML and, . Mrs .Jae Ii'rophy, , is: a " patient in the. Goderieh Irespital, :We hope he will .soon, he 'able" to come 'home again. • l r. and 'Mrs. Russel Good and babe,' of the Base Line, visited on Sunday with Arra and Mrs., Douglas Calmpbell.. \Iiss.11Zay" lteuouf of Auburn was practice -teaching iii •tile Westfield school last week. The East W'zitvanosh school, board visited schools in the towuship� on Monday. ' • • :,Mr. and. Airs.' -Norivag •\tel)awelll visited; Mrs. (1sbaldeston of (1ode- ricla on Sunday. ' Messrs. 1Va1te1• Cook, Howard Campbell, Earl ' Wiglrtwarn' and liurraly McDowell and Miss Hattie 1Vightman were visitors at London On . Sunday. , ?' _:Mr_s__ :Neale --:_Robb of (Belleville 'were week -end guests_ at the .hoiue .of Mr, alio -Mrs. • Maurice Bosnian: Isis many friends, will be glad to knoly that \Ii'. Elwin Taylor was able to return . home from the' hos- pital on Monday. The Board of Governors' of the Alexa. dra ' Marine. 4nd. General Hospital is finding indreising difficulty 431 ensuring good. nursingand hospital care for.th e patien ts, die, t0' theese ae ,of visitor at other than visiting 1 ieof en The att 'axi� ' "� 11 lati ` a d fr ds at tae ... earl Qf a re . vs21� n . �iP inhospital: is directed the cau ..ed if .rine- directed e hazard. s 9 �� �' ment of the followiing orderrs,, 1. The visiting hours ' are:-- ;,x,30 •'to 4,,30 P M y" • • 7,00. to 9,00 P,M, • 1, r.,. COTEThere are-rib—Visiting hours iii, the adorning. 2, ' Owing to the fre.quency',of infectious di ease ' in bhild ren `.(and often in the incubatious stage) ;.cliildxen under= 14 years of • age are' not allowed to visit the hospital, e x- cePt'With a special ernission of the, Su erinten ent.. 'Critical,3•. •are frequently banked and theixolives endangered by visitors, who renter: the wards • without the permission of the nurse ' at the chart desk. ,(A "No VISITORS" signshouldbe enough h to stop , h g anybody' from. entering.) 4. Maternity - cases 'should have no visitors for the first three days. .. 1> - The :Board of Governors, realizing' that these regu- lationsare entirely for the welfare of the.patients, has ordered the Superintendent, the Business Manager and all others in charge to execute these - rules and trusts that the public will co-operate. 17-1a.10: 1Goderich - titittlimits of varions.'.kinds 11 the t it. '1'ee"Rater, last 'Su'nday-isiti1t;; s11mmer and fall months.... fill: •and \Ii:v. 1; (f. 1:1.11,;..• • 'the I3aillargeon bruth(st s' -per- • Ave 'were sorry .'to hEr.1ir • of flit. fofmadee (ras, presented on a 1)11(1 j accident' Ti: t 1'41(11y in ,which. two ' - foriii of• p1 in1.. laid -.on t11e 1) . U1 Cars' collided, on . the, Bike ; 'l\ 114?1 face. 1`inail •tict saw Poul -'lift ti r lli:;l7(v ty ai11(`[ w Matthew •Foley re- s . horse a, ht• climbed a `.2 4 foot der-' eeivq'd _ in,jurios. • '1`e 0 isli,-411.114•a lud(ler With strong straps ()1'er 5i)eiEly 1•ee)(•.('1'y� 11E:NMI I:I:EIt', 1p' it :'.� :�Ir. ,incl' M=rs.. •Ric]), Park • Gard fatally, of Dttilgan11011 "'(site d . on °1;i11daly;. will Mr. and 'Mrs.- S. 1 lns1l)tle. ' . \4.r, and Mrs, Eric. Gardner, and family , of •,Kitch'ener, - visited Sub-day ,with. his mother, Mrs. Olive (ra rt111(1, The • Women's Association:. will meet on Wednesday, .May -3, 'et the -• church.. 1Io t0Sses will . be' Mrs. •,�I.(�taatthalri"' IF'icher, \11.•� It, Jlont-• 1;c)mc'ry, -\'I' 5, Eimer. 1"isber' on(1 j . tier, Norman_ Durst.' . There will..1)e 'a c1ank)tn01e, .I) il•ty �- ' 111. 4.110 t�liitr(11 tan 'Friday, night_ Apiril ,_>a;, '..sponsored by the ('•(1.I,T.. ;' 1 a 111)n11)E'1• from 'here attended •the' funeral 9f the last('' Isaac (•llr'rey at j - ?►-tie on Monday, , ,11r, and Mrs. 'Alec aftesvi' . of -Markham - visite'(1 (r"if"le 10.14 aunt, ,lir.•,: G'.' A. 1'anstone, 1'en('ntly: See(ling • 1s 111 J)11('1'al'tlo,tl ' 11:1 this . ('u111i11unity,. , ' • \11', and •lII1's, Keith .(iat'(11101' '11114 'family- spent the" week -end art Paualc- 1ti11. v Iltsslloillders, Another act was Admen 'lifting fourteen people 'on a platform. The • 1)erforniances `were fine. of their kira(f, but• the attendance of spectators' was'uot- as "large asn"tls . egr)ecte(i. Britannia Road '11 Ij '-11' II Wake uri:sinilingt-Bed -folds dway—thero's your easy chair! 'Worm or, cool ....adiugt the ' temperature to' your liking. +' It's the biggest contract I ever went after, so I lost no time in ,getting over to my bank manage'. .: Generous mirror space, lots of light.. Your own toilet and washing facilities; too. ' r _ ck.travel enjoylnent is Somethingnew in round -the clo � Stouts in' Canadian National .s smart duplex roomette': Here's all the•privacy'and convenience of a bedroom -- at only 10 per cent more than lower, berth.: f ore!, • • When you're ready, for sleep, pull -out the deep cushionecd, Main rubber bed-- already made up. Sleep soundly `air-conditioned •comfit. In :the morning, fold away the bed,and enjoy a leisur=ely 'wash in your 'own roomette. You have, your own toilet and, washing facilities . well -lighted Mirrors for putting on your 4.7 makeup y i 4 your .oArn temperature control. • completely deluxe ('auto-. - mobii'o. NOT -TOO SELL it seals' six people' in luxurious comfort with plenty of headroom -... it • - 'is priced right, 'sized .right, {not too large) and styled right•, , '� •• *Owner Adjusted is col unbeatable combination ' of features found in no other ocf.of its 'class. Asn; your dealer about the Vanguard =slits 12 -plus 'features to -day: K 13)}',.-, day, lounge in comfort on the .soft, restful, foam rub- ber seat . if you like an after- _..noon•,nap, just pull out4the heli and enjoy forty winks. , ]text thine you travel, ask Canadian National about du-• plex roomettes ... now :in service on. these routes: Montreal - Halifax Montreal', Toronto* .. -Toronto .'Chicago r'llsv on other routes' as cars` become available.' s,� The STANDARD MOTOR CO. (Canada). Limited, 4 Lawton Blvd.`` Toronto, Olhtarie Standctrd "Vanguard. Cars; Standa 'd ferrate Oars;: Standard Panel- Delivery 'and pick-up Trucks; T;titti'tipla Cct Ir We went over the whole thing, disc°used how much Z would need. When I landed the contract he 'gave me a line of credit. and I'was able 'to go right Ahead. NoW the'school's as good as built , - I -I 4y «w It 15 an everyday part of your ideal bank manager's job to t provide slioyrt-ter, i• . credit— so that payer lls.wcan be met, material houkht, goods .prbdnced and ar eted„ " — DIST1 IE,i. 'ICOR . BRITIS , . CAI ,S '& VANS; 1290 Bay Street, 'Toronto, 'Ontario. • 0AM1']3ELI' GAP:AGB,. St. »thrid St,/ God lcieh, ()Marjo *POOL SERVICR 41,1144444114