HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-27, Page 1•
The ninth annunl Huron Pollute' -
Milke VpStival,' , in progreee this FAST TIVIR-Itr::XF.FEOT
. week . at North street. United FROM 2 A.M. SUNDAY
- . .. .
-Church, has, attracted much . at-,
Payligbt 6aving:-tim0 cOMR7t. 110
tea16. ill 111114qai circles and, De- eff.'egt in. Gederich dia.',Suntlay next,.
--sides the,competitors, large nuthber,e %4peile30,, at 2 a.m.' 'Put .yonr Oloek
of parents' and friends. have at, ahead an hetiTen :Saturday night: '
tended • The adjudicatore, Frank •
hiliten, dir‘ctor of - mu* for DIZIAt POUTOES I?XIZgS
Brantford schoole, „and, Clifford FOR LIONS PERCH ro,,g4By
Noe; of the Western Censereetory , .•
of Music„ Louden, 'have been fair— • 's •
"A fernier from ,Bayfteld inthr-
and constructive -in their
• For the- decided improvement shewn estea 111 e Dereh derbY• Pits
in all ,el'assek a good share' of credit 1,nuning. : he 'plioned Chaireran
Skipper" AlacDenald 'and offered
mthetelie gine to the waste super-
visors and clitSSroom teachers' in
'rural and urban schools.
, The prograine beye run smoothly,
owing to the eitpable and- indefatig-
able Festival president„Mirs. E H.
Jessup, fled her assistants. '
, The Festival. will conclude on
Friday evening With a eontert by
Isolate et the_plirticipauts and the
Presentation of schelarships.
• , Piano Classes on Monday
onday, the opening -clay, Was
devoted to Piano classes, and lir.
Pottle spoke highly of Abe talent
dieplayed in the competitione. -
• A pleasing feature of -Mr. Poole's
adjudication was his illustrationof
how each test piece' should, be
,ieneeee ilyeepeeeleigAteeteteeeeteseele, calfeorei „Hee, • ehairman_nf....
thie he, won_ theeapprevale ef. the_ geme-reserve,-reported --that Para-
audiencenind inuth could be gained dise Pond had started another leak,
. It 'was discovered diet enring
bY the competitors . at the base & the dam had been
• Competitors eligible far first ceasing 011 the ireubleeexperieficed
s prizes in all elassesemust obtain with 'this projeet
-es 8("lLe awarded to those .the pond and creek be open to child -
1 9.11 $ 1
- • • - V 1 IVO 1:
lehteingseseeondeewith, MI t
those who rece' e at least 70 marks.
In c1as 1, piano 'sole (6 years
, and under), "Bunnee's Creche Song,":",
Scott McTaggart, Goderich, Avon 78;
Joan Johnstem; Brussels, 77; Robe
Mickle, Hensalr,° •
„ ,
"It le 'a hard •piece with a lot
' of things to do. •The whole balance
Wee -good. -Phiersing must be grace-
ful ae well as accurate," Mr. Poole
told eight competitors in alas •2,
piano" solo (7 and under), ,"Hide
and Seek." :The marks were:. • •
sleene .Pfrimmers .elodericte. 80;
Pamela Stapietten, •Seafeethi• 77e
two bags 92 new potatoee when
they are. ready. He .aSked that a "H°rsemene°f the Panwas.' . •
winner's -,name be sent to him and The .pictures were presented by
•the Petatoes would 'shipped. to Comrade Evlie MilYer, , a new
the -winner anYwhere in' Ontario. member of Branch 109.
Mere than a. dozen . other prizes President Carl Mille; &the local
have been received and will be 101:eec- 'welcomed the \Jelling
listed in next week's paper. •'' Legionairee. -
. •. 4,• . Cards,- singsongs- and refresh-
' "
IVIAITLAND. FISH „ ments were enjoyed in ' the lounge
, -Memliere of the Clinker, Seafertit,
Exetee and 1.1011:5411 heeneh.es !i:tf
the Canadian Legion were 'tetteeete:
of "eBeauch 109 at, a zone get-to-
gether at the Legion Ilall,•Goderich,
On 31unday •evening, , The. visiting
beenelies er Ve11 repreeented and
the . (jOviality.whci prevailed
augured 'Well for future aff• irs of
uch neture.
The bigh spot •of the
entertaiument was the
.tbe, alms "Gateway t
owing of
"Fishing 4/' 'Fie .,".Chete
bourg under Attack" (in evhieh tate
French, port wase
the launching and flight of Ger-
en113"s deadlY war wetipoie • and
• after the showing -o2 the. pictures.
• Among , the out-of-town Legion-
atres wee former •Goderichites, Joe,
A -meeting of the Maitland Fish merphy of Clinton and Ilee Kings -
and Game Coeservation -Club was well of Seaforth. • t
held in the 111aetnic Hall on Wed-
nesdaY. evening, April' 19th, with WARMERS -10X TR,XCTORS,,
the vice-president, -David Herreett, About • seventyetive distr
in the chair. . farmers attended a Ford tragtor-
vimees."-ineeting eteOpelerith 'Motors
ons--.Tueede y'eeveni'ng, whenestilitie
were beard, questioris. answered and
moVies shown of Ford tractoes. Two.
faetory representatives of the .F.ord,
Conatiany, TorOntoe were present...
froni• hie painstaking adjudication
-rene-onlyeefore-lishing one-Saturdaye"
May 'Oth,. ewith the. age e limit at
14 years; •and the catch lima five
trout A day'. eFroin May 7 to 20,
inclusive, the. creek and pond will
be open to- eVeryonei Direetors' of
the Club will, Supervise the 'fishing
of -.peeing Thank Waleon,s, ce.na
number nd. sPze of trout taken,
• JUdge Costello' renerted that all
pheasants. held. in pens were doing
well, 'and• had./ e,ommeeced laying.
Several w,fitl pheasants bad been
obsereed :as having come through
the winter in'efine shape.
• E. H. Holyer wa.s in charge..of
.',Nrericy.._Schat?, '04101-11•P4,.,371fargo‘ ehtertelement _ aad"..Pjettlees were
..'Grange,„ Anburn, .7e; • Edna Cope,' SlieWn but interrupted. 'it-TpnWer •
Goderich, 76; Jane Carter", Gode failuie. •
76; •Shirley Ahder'son, Gode- • Judge 'Costello presented Dick
rich, 75. • ". ••• , Davies, ,of • Carling's. •.Coriservation
• Moet. tompetitore .played- "Born- deb,. with..a gift. '
Pipe too' slowly for a 'dance; it •• Door prizes Were .won • her Arthur
ehoulderlie played .att faster tempo, LieYe.;Clayton Edward; Ray Alitehell
elle. Pole stile before' giving • the afid Albert • Kneeshaw. , • *
..folieWingeroarkS' lor. class .3, piano 1, •
„solo, in ""te'brelithere were Sixteen •.• , .AHMEE1,i CHAPTER
'Conipetiters, •eight 'years and under: -,Aleneek• ..Chapfee, met
Wanda, 'Wilson, Goderich, '80; in MacKay Hall on Tliiirsaay,Aplil
Glen Gardiner, Goderich, 79 ; ,Mery. 20th, with the regent, Miss °Cleaver,
E. LieViS,Clinton, 79; John Aber. presiding. Final plans were made
ibart, Goderich-, 78; Robert Kinkead, for ,a b1otsoiuJea ad briq,e ana
78; Elizedieth Goddard, a rummage sale to.be held early in
'Ilensall, 77 e -Paul Wilson, Godeuch Ea.
'77; Dianne AlcCennell, Goderic,h, Mies. Stanirorth and MrS. tater-
7JudithGraege, Auburn, 76; een were reappeinted to repleset
Ardith, ri
Godech, 76 ; Diane the 'Chth
apter on • 'e .Recreational
tee. . . _ .
'Harrison, Goderich, . 76; Alena Council. • - • • 2
'.Mu•nro, Generldh, 76; Sandea.Brad- Far -Empire stedy,' Mrs. °Pridharif
ley, ,Gederieh„ 76. . ' reaa• two very: interesting _articles
ClieSe .29; piano trio (.8 and from "World eAffairs,"•, commenting
"finder), s'Goblins"--C. Forrest, R. on a world . Aconfereece beld . in
Feegueoe and J Johnson, Hens:lee Colombo Cul*. ' The main mu-
le. • , • •: • • poses were to decide upon measures
, "Dent put- a nigh- .hat, on top to prevent Conimuniem from spread-
Air- Poole' ',urgedeeeore„,',Ing 'throeghoute-Southern•-•ASItt eand
' . Petitore, is Cias,..s .7, renew solo (12, to end means of ,exparraing agricule
• eind under.), -"eonatina." , The ture. and 'industi'y. A venture -he'd
marks .were: ,Ruthliewite, Auburn, been "organized to exploit huge rite'
81 ; Betty Mathiesen, Goderiele .80 ; hem _ efid ore %deposits in Northern
Gaff 'Shearing, Clinton, 79; Stephen Qtfebec and Labrador. ef these
Brower... Clinton, 78e Bob . Dock- plaits Shouldinatei•lalize unernploy-
„stader, Godericle.77. men t' would virtually be wiped. out
• .."Thie; feece has humor and it in Met loeality.e. ,
• must be shown," stated Mr. Toole One of the .earlieet members of
•• •befere sawardirt. 'Marks as follows the.•Chapter, HoWriee 'was
•in • class 15, • piano • sato • (Badh.) lannembered on.„ the odcasion ef her
•esen_ae e -under) eetersettee. • .4 -se eixty-elifile"Weaddierefeillteerelii
Dorothy P,nzensberger, • Seafortle
• 80; Rosemary Lidice Seafortle. 'W.C.T,.U. MEETING:
• Sherry Ceelarane, Clinton,' 77; Elva The April meeting of th'e W.C.
Marie Jarrett, liensells e5. T.U. was held in MacKay Hall; with
e. • "Thie• piece, nitest belively and a fair attendance arid Mes. Dough -
have Weight- and dignity; • the erty, ° president, in the. cheir. -; Mrs.
"•tempo must, not beton fast etnted Geo. Johnston. saffered' prayer, The
the adeudicator • 'after hearing - four , roll call Was answered swith
'competitore ira erase 16, piano,S'olo verse 'of promiSe. "Next. meeVng :is
.._..L.„.{.,Bac,n),r(-ett.and-under ),..."Polonalse tobeeettneef. lath -The deyetionee
Alinor.".'-'--Ituth Hewitt, Auburn, period veaa'takeo by Ntri,..Itaitlitiy,
.83; Margaret -MacDonald, Goderich; who, reati from ExodueW arid gave
• 80; Kenneth Walzak,sGoderich, 79; it talk' on Easter in the Voiy Land.
Mary Curry, •Godericli, '78. • • A large ,nuinber of ealls on shut-ins
• "ThiS piece 'hes to be • played and sick were reported,.witle Ilowers
with color, though there is no tincrefreeit sent. It was decided te
• 'color:, indicated. Don't play -it gn .give a donation to -the Red Cross.
a• dead level," tencdeap_etitors were ;The 'meeting was closed with
Advised lw cl11ss-757 p10114 ;solo-, (10 hymn and prayer by Mrs., 'eters. ,
and under, "Gavette," in • whide
Laurel Lodge and • Laurine • Mac-
Donald, both -of Goderich, tied•witle
;84 marks, , Nancy Neetton,
fon, 82; Lnie, ,Crawford, .Goderich;
- --„Carre'esseGad edd...es:The.
• Elizabeth (-4tange, Auburn'
. 77;
Keith Stelae tl, Gude riele , 77 ; Naboy
Povvell, CJ,lntcrn, 77; Jobe Shad-
'• • allele Clintoe, 76. ,
Fourteen, conipeted lb class 6,
piano 'solo, (11 end .under), "Three
arid TWente 1Pirtetes," in which Mr.
• Poole' said top many fell doWn
• from a musical point aa well as
" some technleal ones. Elaine Rolf,
•Beim -Ave, captured, the ,highest
nut rk, 8 ()thee• markswere :
Corinne • Cranetim, °Merida 81;
'Glenda Alellwain, 'Grelerich, 79;
le.ariara • Williain51,• Clinton, 78;
Cleire 'Taylor, eWalton, 76; Mer-
Jorie Curry, Chilean, 76; Joanne
761 nYfe;,, Miller,
,Brussels,, 76 ;• DWayrie Matey,
,Illeeter, 75; Grace Harrie,
:, Margeret Vvrfglit Anbern, 74 e
" Lois Mantes, • Goderielti ."74; •,Taok
•• 'Norman; Clinton, 74; Marilyn Love,
Goderieh, 73.. •'
The adjudierttor 'complimetited
the competiters On. their stage ape
•• • -
' Mr. • Poole gave • highest =rite.
in eldeet 23, piano duet *(8',. years
Taal M(th!), "Trailing Moon
to Diane Ilarrisotr •and ,Ardith
nett, awarding them 80.•• Barbatra
'S1iusand Pant Wileehe7 e Seattle
and Marge Grange, „Auburn, 18;
• • EinilY nortOn Mild Catherine Ander- (TO be eotteluited next w!tk)
ReV.. Care •ZeIgler,.• -retired min-
ister of the Lutheran 'Evangelical
•Chairch, died et hislionae on Wilson
street oie Friday morning at the
age. of Sseventy-six years. Born in
Frankfurt -on -the -Main, • • Germany, .•
canit to Am.ericae.thirteseven
years. ago, end.L. had charges.: at
Auburn, :in Allis county, and Phil-
iipsburg, , le Waterlog eantritY,., be-
fore retiring to live in- • Gederich
nineteen years ago: He is stirviVed
bYr ' ,bis wife,: . formerly, .EvelYn
'YoUngblut, .'•, -••
• The. funerate.weS held ,from the
Beophey funeraleheme•-oneTeekleY
for service in,' the Lutheran Ean-
gelical at 'Phillipsburg, con-
ductea. by Rev. E. W. Heinrich of
Zfiriellese___ Burial e tooke . place • 111
iscussed hy
Bard of Trade
Plannipg ietd for Goderieh'e
tourist busier* ewes the subjeet
0 a ,"chall,l' talk" by J'Ohn Th-orpe-
e401344n of tbe t(;1,1riSt enittge(
nt 131-len:inet1ng of thee,Gotierich
Board Trade held at the Ivieen-
-oriel Arena auditorium on Tuesday
night, .
"Land of Blue Water," a moVie'
taken by. the -Ontario DepartMent
,or Tater "and:"PiablitiitY;shwbig
scenes all along • the Blue Water
HighWay flea' Windeor to Orillia,
was shown. Mr. Floyd Rumford,
Forest,president of tbe.Blue Water
HighwaY. Aseociralsm, end Bruce
Bossenberry, Grand leend,' past
preeidente of the nsseciation, were
Present., , About fifty in all at,
tended: Tbe meeting 'was, opened
by President .111aleblin Matheris and
then turned over to Mr. Thorpe.
Ideas -were auggested by member*
ef the audience and added te .by
the speaker as Mr. Thorpe sotight
answers teir-vhat" \waee. needed foe the
development of mare tourist bust-
nesS for ,Goderich. These *ere :-
Whet Goderich has to capitalize
oh: bathing beach; local hospitel;
beautiful.' sceeterY; golf cOurse;
annual perch -derby; good ineren•
teyne 7Litled"Ilineen. „
Methods t� encourage „tourist
trade: advertise in -United • Stetes
cities close by; hold schoole for
salespeople etressingt the importance
'of . 'being courteous to tourietse
maintaine airebighea-t7sTaailarda.- fee
accommodation f vi Ito h
Injured in
Old Atcident-
•The reguiar.-mecting• of the Vic-
toria /pine and c1ioo1 Assoeiatioi
wq•S 'held on -Thursday, A1ri1 20.
With ‘ikers, BOwrie:. presiding.
Miw.• Albert , Tayler held a gene-,
tionalre on -radio, prqgrants, which
'had - Deere brought 'to. the 'attention
Of the members at.n, prey/ions:meet-,
ing, as to wheher thee pregame
had been favorably received by par-
ente and ' children. '
Stanley Snider spolkbrielly
on 11 tOpie,'"Grade Mother SYstent,,"
taken from the ,March home and
School Review,- and .urged 'parente
toread it or stebeLqiine:te' stile
Magazine if they had not •already
done so. The article •stressed the
poent of partnership anti friendli-
ness between parents,and teaeliers,
.The preSident requested that all
T-(1 t- rePortiit At,
The collier Glettele; on ',Vieureday..
nigne-hropgbt in a 43440'100 2•600.
tons if coal for the Fruity Flour
, •Seei'nfaie Still iii Hospital but
mill, Ana cleared, lignt, On Friday
. ,Repotted :to, Be' "
Ineenin4,, . •
• Doing Well ,
Thc tugeMenarey left en Sundety,
,for Poet a to being 'down'
Berniinghard scow which will be
used here la cennection with dredg-
ing eperatione.
We freighter 13r1coldoc (Captain
Chas. Itobieson) cleared late this
t,?,,KgPe.9,4. ,tereeTeletin te.etealee .en
coat. ''he •Alradoc• la expected to
get" awateeeennight, 'leaving only • the
Quedoc • of be .winter -fleet In
An accident on NO.. 8 highway
near,' Petersburg on ` Friday 'ttfter-
noon had serious cotti8e4tienees` for
several; Goderieh•peoPie. Miss Mary
.Howell was drivin'g a Dodge seda,n
and °with ,iler •evel'e..Teddyellowell,
both on their Way tet TotrevittcfrelkIre.
'Leggett and -Ernest Barker going
Brantford; 'made MTs. 'Charlet
GOLDEN WEDDING OF Larder".and Mrs. Harold Gauley
wieh IteMiltoxiastheir destinetion,.
Mrs, .Gauley had her young ,baby
with her.- •
A team of norSes with ithaYeack
was ahead •of them, -with two. or
,fiftieth wedding "anniver.sary on three cars between the'. team and
Seturday, April 15th, when a fano• the Revell car. Each car in tern
ily group of forty-four, leetedthe slowed up, bat Miss Howell 'Was
children, grandchildren ,and great-
greudehildren, had, elinner at Bay-
tieldes New Ritz Hetet.
Aireand Mrs. Clark were married
.in Loedon, England, on April 14th,
1900, came to Canada he 1912 and
a.year latter to Baytiela. Mr. Clark.
Went.oeereetts.. in the first Great
:War a.nd after his return to Canada
4iurelang,ede theeetterne-eorissthees-Blue-
Water Highway on which they have
since ,lived, ...- Their three 'older
children Mrs. William Leitch,
Gbdeeich; J. 4., Colborne to&nshile.
ond. George, Detroit -were '6'orn In
Englandes-Tweeyoungee children-,
Derden, 'Exeter, .and Mrs.• Fred
Mr. and, Mrs: Peter •"Cdark, Gode-
rieh teeenship, celebrated: their
meibie , to prevent ,her car trona,
running into the rear of the car
ahead, of her. ...The impact etbrew
Ms. ,Gauley and her baby. outs on
'the road , and they- were ienhert.
Ernest Baerker awlTeddy Howell,
who with Mks. Galley. were 'sitting
in the Tear seta, faredebatily. Ernest
nab: both 'lege breltene•one 'above
and ,ctee below .• the linee. 'Teddy'
left bs
leefili-d two fractures betweir
knee and.' aelele, Sitting in ..the
'fro -a seat -with •Mtee Howell were
'Mrs. Larder and"Mrs: Leggett., The
latteie.:wes pinned,in the ear' for et
tie and..was found toeleave
fered- -a severr-hterrSY
neuryo „&
et -....ateeereennue •Larder. .i'vaa thrown ageinst-the
tideiluate rest: roore facitiffarim-
prove' street 'direction. signS ; • clean
up streets and approaches to the
town. • ' • •-
Obstrieles. Goderich's etotirtSt
trade:, sloer mail service ;:improper-
ly marked streets; no .distinctive
lechl dish served in restaurants;
rio liquor Store; no eestaurarit •giv-
ing early morning - service.; dirty esa
beach; ,o cabins? oe waterfront •
lack of informetion ,.ebout Gode-
eich on the part of its citizens' Mi
gene:1ml. • ,.. . •
. Things "'Which •ShOuld, be elene:•
eliminate ehanties „and.
buildinge*;.-ae. not everchar.ge
tourists; -arrange :meting ' with
re.etherant .nreprietors to improve
hours of operation.; entire -inform,
ation : available - • information
bootle;• „spoese. ra clean-up .cem-
paige,; 'sponsor .series'of• la.ort his-
torical ssketchee ae
Gorfch for
the benefit of it* citizens, Wito, in
, rt 'fell tourists.
Phillipsburg cemetery. •
"• cuitugY
-,-Theee 'passed away a.t .his home
'Ashfield • Weal:ships ,en
dily morning, ,April '21st, Mr. Isaae,
*Currey, • in. his.....eighty-third 'year.
Born' in. Colborne -township, so•ii -of
the, bite George and Lteanda
Currey, Isaac_ Currey waseer many
'years • an active member, of -Nilo
United .Cleurch -and Suede schocale
serving, a.s. Sunday seheel ,euperini
tend'ent for a nembei. Of • years4.,
Tbe,. funeral service 'at his home
oe April •••24th wan- conducteire by
Rev. • •• E. S. Hayward,, minister- of
,Nil 4 churn. , Pallbearers.. W.,ere
Itpbews 'of the • aecerteeds George
'Million, George, ilyen, „George C..
Feagan,'Oeorge W.,Feagan, wjirjs
Currey, and .James 'Teeple- • The
interment was in .Colborneeemetere.
Mr. '•Ctirrev. leaeese to • mourn . his,
born.- .
• The celebrating'conple receiveci.d
gegat numlier of mesas ae gifts
on the•anniversary..,
. The officers of theeleinenten'Chib
of Godericli .for the•.year.. 1950-.51
were .elected at,- the-. me.eting .9f the
club. on Monday. •*.T.tre new exe
:Op tiV.P.:91ect eje as., fO)lows,: e,s
dene, J. ,Frithee;10teneesidett, T:
11 Peyingten;.•eeptetairy; J. Tree-
teree °assistant kLrY 'and
registrar, E. C. -.Johnstone T• treas-
urer, C. Banks; .directors; • -Ce.ele.
.Robinson,, H. Hibbere. •F/O. • T.
Tne, geest, 'epeakete of the
eyeeieg waseDepsity Governer eLeo• "
reellierger -of , „.Chesley.. -He ,ceni-e
metaled the • GodericheKtnemen on
their.. excelleet. club • and said -
was protal.' to ebe • deputy' g0V:4'
ertior,tif ,the „club; that was ,settieg
„such an:example in theaseociatien.
neendebielde—forehree- Qut-i---but-
escuPed with a, badlylieerated fore-
head. • Miss Howell received a gash
On her chin., and .bend .contusiens.
Alt,Seffered-'from 'shade. ' .
- Allwere taken to. hospitals at
Kitchener. Mrs-. ,Gattley was' able
to return home On :Friday night,
and Mrs. Lader 'returned, Saturday
night, Xiss Howell and Teddy' •re --
Orland, on '.Tuesday, Teddy behae
talteu to Alexandra .Hospital here.
Mrs. Leggett"ittld. Ernest Barker
:are still -in hospital - Kitell-eners
The latter lias been in poor health
for years, andit was feared that
_the _ehock of the ,accident would
beve very serious results, but he
end . the other patients are all re-
lierted to be doing well. . • .
At. the • annual meeting of the
Oetarie • Public Se ool Men
Teachers' Federation heti. on April
11'42 in the General Beeck°.Hotel,,
Niegara Falls, Ont., Mr."k'.T.' "Erueet
Robertson was made au • lamoeary
life -member -set the, Peddle:Mee` "ie
appreciation eif ,hise.outstaiftterigeSer-
,rieeS" to the .Tederation, during his
teeching, career In Ontario/'
M1?.Robertson, who reeeetlyerer•
tired after a long Career as'a iublic
r:ChOol teacher, is now h resident
efe Godericle, • He is no. fitranger.•in
. .
this Own, as liesissa,kiatiye_ef
borne to•wnehip and a.• brother of
C. M. and J. H. Robe.rteon of town.
He I.:V/1S a teacher foie thirty-one
yeaes in Toronto; and was sedre-
tareetreaSurer of tbe Ontario Vublic
o Mere Tea eh e ;Federation
'efro'in '1927 to 1934..
passing .three. sister, Mre.
Hoover), of •ITIdetionten; Mary' and
Flo, end one brother; George, etiof.
Peet Arthur. •
•; • .
A, former resident; of Gederich,
Mrse M" Luxton, wife of
Hugh Luxton,' died , Highs
land Park, Michigan, on April 15th,
the.age 'eexty-Six years. Mrs'.
Smith, Wirreehile eue,Goderich lived
With her siSter, „MiS. Liar-
tison, Victoria street, fiAd 'YAMS em-
ploYed -in the feornheld and Ache-
son etores. • • Since her marriage
twenty-five years ego' she and, Mie,
Luxton•lived at Park.
teSides her husband and het. sister,'
Mrs. HaMsere she -leaves' two bro-
there„ Sidney ef 'Toronto end "Nor-
-Tertelie der. seAntelitaret
ther, Leslie Smith, died. in Toronto
last November. . • •
Mew Luxtori wrie!'a member
CoMposite Chapter, No. 404 0.E:S,
.Relatieeessettending. funeral
et • Higilland Park on the 18th in-.
cluded_IVIrs. J.,A-Harrison, Mr. and
Mrs. eeelordon Harrison and Mrs.,
Jns.WliteleY, of Goderich; •NOrman
Serail -of Kitchener, and Mr. 'and
funeeal Service wars canducted 1./Y
Rev. Rowland Kimberlinand burial
wassen. ;Aced& Pork Cemetery.
• 4
son, Hensall, 77; Alena Munro and
Sandra. Bradle'y, Goderieh, 76. —
Class 8, piano, solo, (13 ' and
under),-.JeFrance" /3er/rare Ann
Auburn-, 80 ; Lena =TR:
Brussels, 79; Marlene Jervis, Clin-
ton, 78; Catherine Powell, „Clanton,
76; 'Dorothy ,Eneensterger, ' tica-
forth,. 76; • Fred Moss, Goderich,
76; ItOsemary' Clar4; •Goderieb, 75;
Catherine MacDonald, Gederich,
75; Alary Dennis, Seafortli,' 74.
Class 9, piano Solo,: (le ' and
ender), "Italy"--/tufli Clarke., Clin:
ten, 84; Diane Ellett, Goderich,
SO; Nancy Wilmot, „Croderich, 79;
• Ruth 'Hemingway, Brneeels, 78;
Mary Joyce Ellweodt Goderldb, 77;
Helen Pridnam, Gederich, '77;
Lois Cunningham; Goclerieb, 77;
I3erne 'McKinley, Zurich, 76; elath
Glazier, Clinten, 76; Sandra Stil-
keel, Gotierich, 75; Doris 'Cunning-
ham, Goderich, 75.
• ClasS 30, piano trio, (10- and
under), "'Marching," E. Grange, J.
Grange and M. Grange, Anburn, 80.
Class 18, piano solo, (MO), (15
and under), "Marchm-.:Diane El-
liott,. 78. • " ••
Class 19, piano Selo, (nitmo, (16
and under), "Prelude in 11"-i-1,11th
ciorke; Clinton„ 81; -136th Boyd,
Clinton, 78.: • • .
ethos 20, piano, solo, (Bach), 07
and under), "Two Part Invention
Oa. 13'4 • Ma rgaref : Jatkson.,
tt ,*80,
Mae. John II. ilancly, _a • former -
resident of goderich, died .stuldenly
at-elice. -hone& By -ren • en ,Aprit
34th. • Born. eighty-one,' Years ago,
in Steffordshire, England, ho- came'
to Canada thirty-eight yeare ago
and live.d" for, about. twenty-five
years in this teem befOre taking' up
residence with, her daughters at,
Byron- . SureiVIng, besides E'er bus- .
hand, are, two afiughtets, Mrs. Ethel
.Carnoeleen and Mrs. Kate; Bell, both',
of Byron. Repel. ' teak Jaime .in
;Woodland- benieterY, -Landon., After
a service at the home, cendUcted by
Rev L. C. Harvey; of BYrett United
Church. , • .
• . ' ' •
• The Alm' "Chevtornatic iiedit
visualizer" was , 'ehown by the
Remington Rand Co., ht. Goderieh
Rttsines8• '.College on . Thuteday
morning last. Local dealers at-
countents and etudehts found, this
Mrs. E. 0. Diwis pf Straefore. The film to be very instructive.
After 'a long „.3fts.. Percy
Jenkins passed away In Alexandra
Hoepital Thureday night laSt
In her fiftv-third 'year; 4. member
of North :street 'United ;Church, Mrs.
Jenkine before lier, Mee:* was,
ective Intim work of the Women's.
-Association. of the clittrelt and also
. • .
in •tbe 'Central Home. and Sehool
ASsociation. • Fermerly ,Margaret
she 'Wake a daughter .& the
late „David and 'Elizabeth' Elliott
NVileee, and was born and lived all
`her life in ',G,oderich. Her husband
predeceaSed her ten •yestra Surviv-
ing are a' son, Edeverd,, of Goderieh;
three daughters,- Mee. Chester Me:
Nall (Winona). of Beniniller ; Re?
:Mena, of Goderich, and li;dythe, of
Windsor; throe sisters', Mee. -G.
W. Logan, of Winnipeg, Airs. .May
• Welland, of Glielph, and Mrs;
bur :Tory', of Crystal CRY, Man.,
also two grandehirdren.
•-Roe. C. W. Cope, 'of Nardi etreet
United. Church, cotedneted the flue
eral service at the Brophey ftineral
home on Monday . rtfroroo0., The
pallbearers • were • Sainttel
Arthur •Curry, .011fford 4Ioyr Alex.
Bogie, ••ToS, MAI) 'and' P. Zinimer-
Man., 'The intermedb in Col-
• borne .•• cemetery,
,, ViiLt1WEe-e•FAWCETT .
,,•4 . .
- Air. "Oewald Ginn announees the
. .
marriege of • hrs, daughter, Mrs.
Nerteit Nettle Fawcett, Torento. ,to
Ale, Frederick!' Thomas ,Vallane,
ondoo,: at Palm ' Beach, Florida.
Mr. Freiberger was introduced by- A, s, lleues, n _Friday', April :21st, 1950.' • Mrs.
Kinsman Ken Pennington- .' and Londore„sieter of the
. ,
thanked by Kinsmen'Ross Penning-
t_otp.t.la 'Its were-
institatett *e'er the
summer raffleened.'carnleal. .
Town Clerk .Blake and Aseeseoir
..St 111'0 -were ,et• 'WerightinteoneThure:
day last ...attending a "•inunieipal
school" • held • under -the --auspices and. mese e.
a T. Creek; Rev.- George -
E. ofticia tea and • • AlisS
Ma rjorie,--HayS of „, Goderiel „ was
the -soloist.. 'Given in marritige, by
ber father, the bride, wore aesilver-
'meat. and' ' assThtent, Natin.•
Vone. late . With -
nth telling ,,los es and ',halo- 'with
•Forty'ffre municipal -officers• :of, the. shotedereeegthsveils.- She. carried: a
disteict were eenseeenteeee,,,• ,e
V!' cascade of Butterfly .sw-eete peas
BUSINESS ''• S.).voo.thort, • roses lid forget -me -
note.' ..eliss Shirley Baker, ',maid
• The -.16eal !Public •letilities Coin- •
of honor,.. •wor6 - •of rube'
mieeion, which met •on. Tuesday
beide. was .her only.attendant,7
• • -'41.11,401e-Me(WARRIE ,
0.n, Friday „evening, April' elst,
iii Fairlewn. 'Unitee. Church, Tor-
en to, , a rga ret • .1 can. . tut rriei,
arnignter of '.Mr..„.aradeeirs...Athol
Aletenarri_e„ • Toronto, feneeterlYs • Of:
Gederich, beeitme the beide. of John
Charles Morley -Crook; 'sun • of Mr.
'Onald Bit3Eifitt
Corarq,c1O0-;--Isittle P.OlAge
, o, Moro
.Shortly before noon,. on .'fiaturda$
the -diri brigide w4s.eAllea teeethe
G. W. Sebaefer tetre on the 044
of 030 .,(11214,1*,,- wberl fire had
broken oat in the .b4seoexit,.. 1?444
ef the main floor wa$ Tinned-, Up
tor -get at the hlaeee. Which ;Was •
ceritied in the ba.sereent. ceilings and'
Tionald Biseett tea q. nese uewee
-threugh ,a cold-eir regiStet eo, at-
tack the fire frorci the „cellar,Mttor.
In the dense sinoke he was nearly- .
-eseff t esabilit th -
baseLUt being at zeta because Ot. •
the- smoke it was necessary for; hia„.
comrades to ,bring thn:tip through:
the hole in which he had.gape
down. ,Tials -was accomplished. -witk •
considerable. dithoulty, some' .' a
Biesettse clothing beipg neterlY
aitgd og the_precese. A.rtill
reepiration was use1 to ie.stofe the
young firefighter, Dr. Jackson assigt-
ing, and ,he was removed to .AleX-
entire Hospital, from which he was
yeleaged, late -t• in the .qay., •
The lire wats extinguished
.eompa.ratively 4itt1es damage and
lightly ,affeeted by smoke,' .•••s
However, 'Mr.. ,Schaef,er Iurs& de -
the next meeting, to be. held on °ea e 37-• e
May 18th. at this a bake
sale will be neld. -
Barbie Bannieter played a violie
solo, adcompattied ,at the piano lay
Airs. Sehutz. Miss Nancy Wilmot
teAlesds eaGepoliagneo, eshothslo.•
s. delegate
to atteed the annual- convention held
in Torento during Easter week,
gave an. insptring and ieformative
address, • Numeroes meetings-weere
attended anal addresses listened to,
also the election andeeinstalletion
of• officers received attention. Of
s eelol interest Avas theeaddresie •Of
_statelier. Abrab.ane leeniber-g,
-Holy Bless= Temple, who „spoke
at a-,baequet session on the con ed on ea fire sale, the :lira in
A vote of thanks wein. extendedte
, -
odericb. foe aconsiderable- 'e,
eluding eight of the convention,
to Miss George Ydr-fier .eMcellent,
report and oe. • o rs mg par.
A delicious lunch. was served at
'..,:r.DATED..FOR, JULY .26
The. • Kinemen spOnsored
Octogenarian. Club nt,Crodericli-wilI
_bold.' its annual plenie ."on*Wedaexs,
day-, j'1.1Ir . 'Chairman D.,
Patterson arid his- conneitthe pre -
raise this second annual, picnic will
be the best 'ever. ' •
-At the pres'ent time there ,are
eiXty-One menabe.ra in the Club and
-the- Kinsmen,. elspect an • excellent,
,turneut -for the,event - -
The 'kinsmen dub ee'eratempting
to coniplete a sZlrapbook...ef' all the
activities, Of the.Octogeretrian Cita'
since its ipeept-ipn in ,1024 and re -
;quests. that any person "itaing news-
paper ellppinw orrplatotograPhs,the
.might De wilting „to, part with, par -
tic til 111'. fictween 11)24-1:42, eon- Perry.' had. an equal enumbetreof
taet Me: -D. J. Patterson, phone -248, Pointe. Par the •Iiigleeet ladies' •.score
or Mr. T. Penningten, phone.277. r•and'
subigeatuently ,'euttirig the-.
s [cards Mrs. Stowe,was' adjudged the • •
of the •Ontario .Department • of
Municipal Affairs,. Various ',"Itetieetes
of the conduct -of municipal busi-
ness were: diSetiesed. kV Deputy
Mieister. W A. Der of the Depart -
and his advertisement in this paper •
to the•buYing-kahlite-
-Wednesday ',Night. Fire
• Oil-wedtieSday .evening• the-1Fri-,
,gade was „again called out, Ate .
hoeing bedten out in: the , brick ,
factory building On Witeriee Streit
fornierlYocCuPled by • the 'Wisner
Mfg.' Co. (M. W. nowein...; Da 'Da- •
age was confined to 'the:inter* of •
the buildiog •
, , .•
•. .
eVent ofontetanding,. bet4reete •
to the .:Iluree • County 'Old 'Boys''
Association • of, ••Torontie was" the
annual 'conipetition for tMe
Laren euchre trophy, .which ,Was
bed at the WeSt:End .Y.M.C.A. on
Teeeday. evening,,• April. 7,18th.
Seventy membees were present. and.' •
the game 'was keenly- contested. -
Mrs. H. B. •Stowe and. Mrs.. J.
, Wiener; dfthe McLaren' tronlaysjeint- '
•OFFEIZS•CO-OPERATION'.'ly with Dr. G. Teigesteri, "
•.h4t1 'the highest metes ecore.•
• ,.
Perr-k was- awarded the, Second ._
Smoog, intofeSting correSpondoiceprize for the'letaiee and Rev. A.11
received by the conseetteein clierge
the Colborne township; centeentry
and reunton, is • a letter received
from 'Mr. John. .0 alt of AnctOria,
B.C.,. son of the lathe:John. Galt,
Postmaster ..ofeflederith,se -Mr. Gra
offers his eordial. co:operetion.' in
the wee- of furnishing • cotes,
Itieteeie docuMents, relatingto, the
-eerie lives 'Of hie '•enceetees. His
father was born in 1861 .at Ridge-
weoe,' Peek, Whichet that -thee
wae o.wreed by grandfather, As
veerseineeef veureee erSi'S Tgr
John' Galt -On Canada ) with
Dt. eDunlote the founder, of Gode-
gr. and Mrs. Colin Iluryitj'r of
Halitax, N,S., made rift brief viSit
in town the past 'week. , •
Airs. Prank' John:soh reterned last
week from VietOria, •• B.C., where
she vent ,the• winter months%
Mies. Bern 1(1? Fuller of Hamilton
wilie a recent 'guest With, her , par-
ents, •Mr. and MIS. Reg. Feller.
Mr, Maitland ruller 'left on' Sloe -
(My for Chicago, Where he will join
the Crew of the ship ."Mantadoe."
Mr. ; and Mrs. W. II.' McLean and
family, of Orangeville, spent last
week -end with Mr. 'and Mrs., W.'
'McLean at SaItford,
JIM% and Mrs, .J. A. Pearson spent
part 'of last week in London 811(1
Strathroy. 31r. Pearson was guest
sneaker at a relly at Strathroy's
revival 00111 re oti *Monday.
Air. John Galt, 'son of elle lal e.
Mr. . and Atre. Pete, 'Ghlt of (lode -
title hate'eeeehtly sold his honse
111 West Vaneouver and haS pur-'
chased a new property. in, Stiani eh ,,
on the outskirts of Victoria, B.C.
Alio, Frank Donnelly' and (laugh:
ter. MOyrtt have' sailed from New
York City on an. eight weeks' trip
,to Europe, While there they, plan
to visit,,, Ireland, Engiotid, Italy,
Prance, Austria,. '.00,rino.nst , and
taffeta with lace, yoke, gloves. and
evening, " reports pregrees being
halo to Match and carried. 8 cascade
ef spring flee -ere. Mr. lion Ales
nettle , on the new • suttetation .on
Britannia road. , Tisimsi station is -111 ---..-- -- Querrie, ,Wile. geoonesman, and Mi.
dosieeee to give service to the
'Sall tjiPaAt , ',part of.'the, -town - anw
d -eniit '3thrBrown lited Air. Don Reed
eellevee the'entire• i';'sestem in townwere ushers. The reception 1.wae
„0. held at Peine Arthur' Houw
se, ,here
-The Commission"Titiso is get'';'''''' the bride's Mother ;received, in ,a
ready tO, hook 'lip the new writer=
-Never with the waterworks syseent. gown of' serf green tissue faille
with. natural *straw hat:touehed
. FOR.
By, a settlement reached „out of
• •
cottrt in . the action elf ,Litatleay et
at. VN: .FIArep-,;',the defendant, Allan
Itarris, Centralia,
'agreed te .nay the plaint-;:inaelia.
`.1411 Lindsay and Ilerbeg G. Lind -
02 .West ,Nigeouri, the sum of
$4,:350 pjus• co.st4.
•.G001DWIN-,PLAYER ivith pale pink e Her corsage Was', e•-• The .plaintiffs in the action were
In a setting of ',white etoeks and of . pink 'rosebuds. The geoorree. Scleking damages of $15,00a
taper's in Carlton United. Chureb, mother reeeived in ecis•e. crepe ,with oe The ease °arose' from .en accident
Toronto, an impressive doeble-ring a ft C,feSSeil6S. • • After a bailey- Ota •higltwaY• 4 on July 16 1949,
Cereinainf, took place On 'Saturday 41,0,01:e nuke
3110011 111 New• York the .bride and in whieh 11
ethe plaintiffs' son ,.: 11.•
eeote ,:eeneee =Linderey, MIS fatally injured.
..veningeesehenerrilinate-Lilltan..Plem-eaesonto e 7' • - . .The itetion.:..'Wai listed.. for tre.al
ing Player, daughter of Mr. find -.
Mrs., Raymond Player, became the ...
'Mfee:SC-. .A.• • Nairn, Revell,' at the suprcnie . Court 'Sitting ,in
S'On'. of Mr. and -Mrs Neiman E. .1Turne, all of goderich, Were among • '
•AirN•‘ u. klaY's and Mies Esther Gedertch hist week.
bride of Donald Edward (loodwin,
Goodwin, 'all. of -Toronto.. The those attending 'the -weddings • LOST WALLET R,E-TERNED
de'e lather was formerly orgrtn- • '
McEeneie• for :the ',filen, afterbe
eirt the . Ards to etreak it tie score
with M. Robert. Dundass
solation prizes were Won -by, Miss
Jean Teruel"! -and Mr. 'Chas Noble.
Li ride -Mete reeky eerier lerizeseivere- - . -
won. by • Mrs. P. E. Gardieer, ,Mrs. •
W.' Ar Campbell,. R.` Leiner,
Miss Le Knox, Mrs. L. .Gresee
Miss -Marie ,Niven,, Miss At • Me --
Laughlin, 'Mr. W. A. 'Campbell, Mrs..
A. 'G.:Smith andeMn.R. Leiper.
• A •pleaeant interlude. was • the -
-preentation "
. 'arton,'ef a bouquet Of flower*
to 'the oldeet member -present, "Asfre
Wm. Toss (Hensell), • 'whti . cele -
bra teal „ bis ninety-second. birthday •
that da'.- % , • • ••
Before the 'eneethig:tajeureed the
president tendered a -hearty •yofe
ef Thanks' to the ,eonneittee,, con- •
vened •bY iirs. D. • Thompeone who'.
-kri • careiblyeeeirettegeti -thee prograere •
which Wel Mied n • Sumpenotts_ repast • ,
thoroughly enjoyed by ell pre,eent,
. •
.NEw pHopi.op- TRoptret
' LONDON, April •24,-e-X.E. Stehn!
It efeleterth eereet -United Church, ' WILLIAMS---STUBBINGTON
'. tstoli, of R.R. 2, Aubure, who visited
Goderich: . , . .e, . ., • e• Res. C: W.' Cope, of .North. street; Isonden seetersine.„ was a very w -Or:.
In a gewn of pale blue brocaded United 'Church, officiated at filt:' rielle man
hft lahstisil'iWk-batlet, containing
shrirtictriee deenstrtig;add, tbilye on tee Stubbingtee, daughter of, Airs., Ruth
Beatrice Alice
$290 'arid personal 'relief's, ,in.• a
arm of her "father •to ..the ••straing
licehrmill•gtiter. the illaillage. 0f Mr6.
of the Lohengrit wedding Thart'h eltubliengton, to .Cluteles Wn Ito Wil- downtown, restaurant. during the
flaresjeson o
, ., f Mr . dharles'White
al -a-waitress, AlieseFfel'7-•
. ., :•
The brideSmalols , WRIT 'Shirley
see wore, Willients. all of .Godetich townshipe But, °owing to thee . refreshing
of tbe, bricte. buring the cerentony'S (,'acof 26 Stanley street
'e . Woods,
'played. by _Alfred King. .
-a- -re41-'-a.n.d7-'fra-ineetif -wilt-ate-Vallee an--'-6..Itt-trMaY-liviening'T-'fit-4Ve:-finine-14.41446tf - ,
really had. no need 'to Worry.
Phiyer of Elnivale and .loan 'Smith Miss Glerie Palmer.eang "Becatise," ae ,
. .
of, Preston, (01151154 of lee beide,. and Mr. Jamee ,Corran, "Where'er Heil get the money back ' .
aress.ed hi yelloW•• silk jereey. • Tee You -Milk,- accomPanied 'by Mip Miss Woods found tbe wallet,
's Marne, and turned It over
Smith„ dressed in . feelisia taffeta, Eileen t;ljdaon. eeleeti in marriage 5..'„9,Ittni n frig- the ti•loney and. the
by he
• r ewe 12 10I Arthitr Stab, 9wiwr
Maid of honer was ',A1r:s., Robert
The bride carrieda caseilde'bouquet 1)11 . ,
lefloor- la Police. -
.. .• -
matching their teerwns. ' Tile best slippersShe wits attended byhey AeC.. . -
. ,
IDENT ON HIGHWAY 21Last `night it- Was re-
' '1.gt""' the twide were
of white sweet pens and the 'flowers .length gown .of pale, bitty moh•e; poshig SeelliTlY . in, the pence station
of . the altendante wetv- cascade ill'e itylon, shoulder 10111,111 . veil to be handed over to the owner. .
bouquets . of snapdragen ' and iris, with silver sequin telt) and silver •
man Was William Hollingswaette end mother, ie a ,floor-iellgth town of A .car deiven bye Colin lioweS, 17,
the usliere Were friends of the blat•it Moire trimmed" with geld lz•n• 3, Godcrich, crashed. Into a
emidiestoe by. Rev. J. 11. Fi 1 xi 1 i, ,s,.4 . crimson . velvet '. to,se. Alr. .Eart lyiel.0,
wits eequine and gold seouin cap with Car driven 10,' Matthew Foley, Ash-,
on.. •highway 21, ' south' of
leedegrOom, The ceremony ' •
;erste r • of., Carlton Chu reef, of which 'Williams, the groom's brother, ' W 04 1i:111g:811r Tage.C* On Friable', 110
Mr, Player is .organist. .Alles Lil-- . Fitley wee making a left tern into
groomsman. , •
and during the • signing of the was held at the British Exchange.
i 4 . reception for eighty 'gees t fi ft PO Vit e driveway, In it now 0.5*
Ntr'were .SandY iMacDonal . 17, and
11113 'Stock snngliefore tile ceremony
eegifito. ;ter very lipproponte Hotel; where mesie. fordancing WnS MI D/011 ,:thienonald, 16, of Kititail
,o10were Prnyer Ily .
w011,1. fine previded by Mr. J.' Kelly.
The Voiee that 13rerrthed 0`er Ilden. , The fol'fner. was brought to ' Alex,
rhe vvedding .reception- ),,ns, held greY
Par ti 1'. the bride woro n andt.a hospital suffering with -Mee'
at 'The Towere. 'Airs. Player wore' and navy ' 8001011 le' The emiple teet 11,, others escaped ininrY: ',„ , •
emit, bine dress, with grey liteertitions end the roes Of seVertil
wi n e ti epe with hit nd-pti inted willreside in Goderich.• • , • P10'. 1n ••Conetieble ?red Pox
out-of-town glieRts* were Mr. and investlioted. 4.
laidice and Mrs. Goodwin, mother
of the groom, powder -blue erepe. •:Nri°'4' 'T'a me s Xee"' . Str.t.' tterd ' Alr' • ' ' '' - '-''' -
r. Kreverilty, a namilioh: :qr. nnd • Xtuvrity : fterrt*hari, wen-ituowti:
V. •
It is announced that a sensational
new, • lbw -Priced' enewbloevere.
,eitri be lifted te.any standard farm
traetor,. will ShortlY be, in "Preaduc-
teen ,by the Dominione;Read Ma-
'ehinery Co., Gedeeleb„. eknoWee.ns
the Champion 13erger Snoble.,
• , This - pe'w type -of blower has been ,
endereed by. userd •
in both the • ' and Canada.
Of partieulae intereet. Is the feet
that this new snovvbiower sells, nt,
.a-an•We. withenethe, means
farmer and elosv.s snow ,effective-•
Ty tEs. 010-t3pe blowers , vesehig'
thousands of dollars.•
, .
sieviven by the traetor'e..poiver
take -off.' • snow thrown some
seventy feet Or more0o either. side,
*mivi-ug, a clear ealedway -Without
nigh, banks. •
Pilling a. long -felt need for a
better wee' to • reeneve snow, the
meniney announces that. it is 0114
itilletitiymIttifr-,$)efal1t; erwide demnand tiorie..
title remerliable new deviee.
rot' her going -ea -fly cesturnee.the,eural Mrs, Harry Martin and Miss
bride wore neve* bine -with feree
neeessoriee end grey Squirrel iteek-
pieee. the gift of the groom, .•The
emtple went 1)3 plane to NOW Wit,
rink ottrp,„their ..return Will reside in.
Toronto.: -
St ).8. ' I)olson and ..son, of ,Detrolt .1 II ell in 11 101' Old" t>OS'y 'W110 ' ig. 31 (AV lin
Mr.. and Mrs,' It.; Varier; of Amherst. ,Imilfstrialist • in 'Toronto, hos, Mrs. A, E. Nintlieson, IiInst ' street.
:ham .,
1' ..1'1:bouglit Taylor's specialties .111' the Ins wife is, the fohnis•r:*Meia, Shear-
' ' The' graom • Ls tn the eighteenth i-eity and added:it to, his PreviduS 'down,. of ;Ociderif,h. . Ilit%y haVe t'tve
'generation to carry, the:same tame, blisineSs, Itetreon themicat Works. Aono, (itary..aua. Miehael. <
AIrs. 'Ethel 110•YeS of SeafOrth '
paid, her'ellicial • visit as dieteiet
Tjmlstiresideet ef Heron District, '
N�, 23, tai Goderieh Rebekah todge„
No. 89. on Tuesday evening, April
Visithrs were present also •
frimi Stratford and 'Sertfortli. and
the Rebekah 'degree WAS conferred •
on five candidates. A del/eh:az
lunch served •by the. sbeial nom••
mittee under the convenership
Mrs. ,ftiley brought an enjoyable
avening to a elOse. ,
My, Douglas, Mathei(iii,- aceount-
ant of the Royal Bank of St Oath-
arines, has ,beelt abpainted• manager
of. the. WaterdoWn branch, ,
MntInVon 'is i former 'Ootierielt
young'inan, son, of the Idte %Xr, l'iPtt
e -e-