The Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-20, Page 2pOtrit.
ii pl N QtYets'TY"$ 1$, 08",!' WE1 KI T,
'-'b ° by Signai8.tar, " ,.?!sited
#12)WriPtniatea--Cslain%' mill g„ at Britain, i2,OOsdar : tb', United,
Advertising • Ea, ha : request. Authorized as second-classPost• mail,'
• � CiMee -Department,
Ottawa. TelephoneR
°. _. o C@i adian' Weakly. Nom' para ,Association -r
Memberf � .
Weekly Ol1ation Ovef
;. f ROBE11,1$O14 0E9. LR ELLIS
.G0N1 S4,00031414G.
Thfbi 'leag 'e baseball season.
. g
h .
000ne4 and . the daily 'paper
• acquires a .fresh, interest.
• ♦. S . S
10 bill is reported, , from'
A boiaus'v ,�
take; time .off ,to ,1go'k . through his
stack of $10• 'bilis and make sure
, they -are all genuine
* s
•Teroaito man boasts that with.
the 'annexation of surrounding
areas Toronto will, surpass Montreal
_and,_ be the largest city in Canada.
Like the .small boyWho claims -to
have the ;biggest wart „Qn his hang
s .*
moon is -coveredwith dust
atfoot deep," says -an. astroneMer..
.; it•r: Phe Sinal -Star. • �:.
�d 4 `� ,. g„ , Your
beg a little, space' in Y o,.
paper to call attention) to One elf
,the, evils of our, two
..gambling. It bad' grown to
? rtints. ,.,taw years,. -.ago; that t W -` V . A
Corney -General for this Province,•
announced his intention' to. 'intro -
,duce a bill in tbe.iegiSlature, to pro -
Whit bingo. Chit bingo seems •Go
'have - had. such. popularity that ' a
storm of (protest,'. arose fiom}r nben-
evolent' societies and lir. iilaekweil
subsided.. This incident seemed to .�,.a3,s . seen the name spelled in gambling. in 'geaera1 greater 1auron: _:,...,The progi`tanl said Dr.
t71sltxeSS that tre can now• do Struthers, so 1 guess we Must take
little in any field of activity- withoutOur droll°e. His subject was "l;llu=
some form of gambling associated cation of handicapped.•• Cilild'ren
with it: h`v-.en,the 'radio and MSS is • Rural ural Area Ile gave a
b'$( ,c it by the repo is"thea' give 61 ,resume of what -IS- done in—large
great. , Wealth being won by this -..and urban centres and then Made some
that the ,whose personal "gratifies.,. :forsuggestions:forwhat . can le- _done„
"And. •aitz Wonder," csoents The tion inia:de the most of. .Why are hi the. rural distrivts.• I shall try
Kitchener -Waterloo Record, "with these winners not ashamed of their to tell you some of what he said.•
•nobody there but the plan in the notoriety? And the news vondurs At present the Department is
,hu old refer to It. only tt so *nuc!ii,iAe,ducating three children who are
r_rd-m on, 'ee'11 bet the sink is stacked i tkid�.ne«'r...These lottery concerns 'blind and deaf. It i done by the
with dirty" dishes, toots' Slid The , are not losing, Iiiortey• - *1`hi°y` reap- -Puri plac-int,, his, -lingers on. lips,
'Stratford Beacon -'Herald adds,1 huge profits' from the demura'lii vlie(kR and 'throat of the teacher.
ation of the -people. Those Shu win
Two of these have learned to speak
i444hfch.'may be, the source athose don'tearn What they get It iruply a few words. One had learned
flying saucers!' peonies out of another's lx�eket. All twelve ®words, which «ere. 'fur?gutten
* * 01. I °rainbling is 'dishonest whether uses during holiday t)nly one word
¶. e• Young Progressive. Conserv-;"gain or lose:•w Two of the Command- 'niliyk—has beeli. relearcned and St
€ttiye ss t lotion .Shier has been i me ,t•s condemn: it.. •"Thou shalt not, iu fns anything "yet. 'Thtt�t?•,. pupils
teal," and eThon shalt not co' et 'are •taught by iintaii(r£iained
meeting in'convention at Ottawa'•
thy "neighbiir"s " The 1vitinHri teatcliers, Dile of whom httd. ,ten
M Mlr ' .�k use t tfze
.De�ar b°,riettds, for
Qne thing of " Tided,..; Ile had beep very backward
I ..�
tatlots about. Easter ,in Totoute. in _reading', spelling atdd` rpeenh •and.
is.. the Q.E. ,.. The week lifter
Easter :Sunday, the ei,xy 1i`, an
sio h-
hov1 teachersTand.
others interested in educating: This
year there wer, approximately,
y •
9,000' in attendance, probabll a.
record, ' TFie" QJi .A.. has leen in ex-
istence .for ninety years and I readd
£' one a i--.f,•►,i, T,ondan w o has
attended for eltlier sixty or s'el City.
,}'eare. .
tins fpr teachers, of
�iBsides -,recta
allkinds,, there is. •a departiaeut,
for trustees and rates aYe,rsi. -and,
1 think another for rural trustees."
However, whether it is one depart -
tent or two, 1 •found, my way., to
the 4Jysta:l. Ballroom in' -the Sing
Edward Hotel 'on IuesdaY ` ,after -
n004. •
fter-noon..; I afraid . a Plum with
sue • an. Inmos .n6 ,11 ii . „11,1tb' b
'a bit ol'erpowering• fur a., Country
Mouse, bi t. I found it quite plain n
the .
oply crystal being two or three
c•handellers'°• :So I. survived.
The" speaker I 'heard was Huron some residential schools and some
County's own Dr. •Stotherb - • , at correspondel?ce • courses for handl-
least that is the tiz^:ty 1 have'al-. capped .children,„ There • fs also
sone rehi,tbilitar`on training for
cripples. - (Some drool boards pro-
vide special classes in play schools..)
-There are --seventeens classes for
cripples With, • transportation pro-
vided and 'occupational therapy
treatment for cerebral palsy. !cases.
There are fou•rree1 classes for houle-
hotnil, children, taught, by a teacher
goiit from home to home its which
each child Must hav=e at least -two
and one-half hours' instruction (a
week, 1 think) . There. 'are, seven
hospital. teachers .who do° "bed; ide
teaching -•in '•sans•" and other hos-
pitals. There are aline sight -saving
classesin \vh}ch very large type
books' are used and in which ,the:
children, learn to- save their sight
and .somettines 4iuiprove it, by
remedial. ' There. • .ttre.
twenty speech • correction elrinses
teaching lip reading 'for the deaf,'
and treatingsuch speech ditfieul-
Shrank •from ,, •aetivi1tle. -with the
other cltil e
children. Since us " • e
hearing,aid' his attitude has . rcom-
lilletely-�ehant;ed..;;�e is mg ex-;
eel,l'ent•progress in school' -and-{
co-operative act i;tie$, Auethet
all do -offer iv
who yr as provided with a
heating aid had a wonderful time
in the henhouse 'listening , to the
hens cackling, and loved: also to.
hold The cat lust -TO -hear •'
Then ,he ..went'' tG the village ,past-
bffce�, .long...after, the mail lied 'gone
out just , to .hear_ the postmaster,
talk. •
These are just, a feW• aSes et
Variants types of handicaps from
which some Ontario children suffer.
• There "'are special Classes „in the
large .cities to care for them; but.
not .adetivate provision in rural
c`hottlsr^�rnil;�few-•�°•� _
teachers `have. the training or time
to gite to the 'handicapped children.
Classes. .fora' Haindicapped , -Children
' The Departkaent of Education iia?
teaching ng a'nd . about 2,500'1104
c$ildiaext who tea tetuire aucb mgt
The inspector suggests special" ks
'e • -cused„for them, The
widen -can h a� be �
psycholOgieal Vervige will study and
-test th,P : ndivid?aa1 child and
ssible.. teach his, but there should
be specfally trained
s in n
dllferent localities'superviseto and
assist; in the speclal teaching,
'alis special ..teacher §ati 'first
see ' a list of handicapped child-
-rev fro the local teacher, 'Pla'n
r s each Individualchild
schdols and Help and • ad-
, the teacher cheek prog1 est; and.
itatr•—iTaInt*Ved: -,meal dor.
can give •hearing test4 'aad achieve-
Ment tuts. to pother children, and
sOmetimes willaid solute 'who hose
been missed.Instrumant►, et
- loanedby
the Department : l
necessary, Also (f think) the De_
partmekit gives a grant" to Jielp de-
fray the expenses of the ,special,
,eaeb;ing The scheme; is worth t'be
attention, and Cot sides atlon ' of .:the
h8arcls vrhere :there are
.handicapped children, and ft-siio'uld
not be put' off until nett yeas °or
the vague future.
. question and'discusaien period
followed 'the address, One =using
remark Came from an interested
trustee .1%14Q reudnded all that fire
iGorernment and the farmers are
hang 'the live ;;tock ,tested bent
p et ne leer the, children., pprio is
',ares disc . b "° the
problems e gSSed by
ates and Dr: ,Stothers, but sue:
delegate red' 0�
: • idae:-•.au�utte ,
e Bducrte all, these- ebildren
law intelligent*, ;wham Are we going
to -get to dig the ditches. and do
the dirty workr It *didn't Sodnd
to, me like a very 'bornane• attitude.
Now It uin, Sure X have written too
Mph, but :I ,found the, talkvery jn-
teresting• .and it quid, ° he quite
• THE CT?TJIvTra' b14TJSE.
Rolland s tulip bulb industry' is
the, outgicttrr>v't �
h f tiiries of in-
tenSiv,. - eultiyatien and e*perirnent-
on •
•Mink are the most numerous and
valuable of farm -raised turrbearhug'
in Canada
V • _ a t
Chimney Build'' ... '
�.:' • P
R' hona 920J after 5 p.m.
5 '
t 9
Clas13 s now being Qr..
, LL._11.72 du n_cK sChoo ,
Are you, planing on
• .• If .so, comb
,in and talk, over our
ri uirementa° liitl un.
can su _l you
We p�y,
with , anything from
• , bad before' it a resolution',advocat= always �' Yins at someone e1Gt• loss, days in I-leleti belle i , sebool. ties its ,. tuttering,, lisping and sub-
wit'hi th •law is pt'ecis4,1y There have, been , onie speech stitutious. •,Then are four tdvaitce-
ing a'natiuival Pottery forRf r pus- Stealing €tgatnsra the reuteihil cl:ari,es in tunimer schools, Ment, classes .for very brilliant
_pose of. raising fundus for tlse''tao same as steltling lu ►i u�h��
litre, in ilriuciple. - The-r_ovetau One c•erebrat calve Was- lird ',ht 1 1 is .spend'Xere half 'the' day
' ..Groverumens eddueing saint,,• may not stea1, but. "no ere -let s( velity mile -s. During the .fvi . or at regular, %4.(trl and_ the _other
and' credit sof rethe ducing - • bat any inheritance, In t„u: Nvee.. at Sums r ,,ebeet be
half in extra work. There'. are 180
taxes. does
-"4'eboil�'tt&n +:,..•, urn, ,r trr_" relaxed i ...e ..,.r w4 n a -
�i��t,., i;rrC kingdom
,�,. �_�—„,e.+gf to stf'�t'l 11-it+--E;-�:L'a-.-,.ii.tlil. `,1)ii,lj:i71� ' �.�-€'' C11IrCNPIl _a„�eal5 of 11�e.'�`�11eSe 'cis
mainly on the ground that adoption ',y •t I'
tuts `t the defaulters who have .the ability
rbcs thief on It '<^hatuce -he had 'never dune before
4 e •1? po . t.. ,
from .ono i- lxut are -.not' lia-in u t to it; whoi
• nsaction: '.Thio . inrludt'a” trod}ng � .,�.eveuteeu-wear-old .,Irl was in � g'' l,..
f th sit sal would tend o a tra
foWering of . Conatiian moral''stand Or dealing Bretr�' honest°noun wrll tYra'41e 10 Fur ten years she }}ad.1 can learn but -at tt slo' 'er. rate. And
- � -� there 'are,' ISO cltt��i� for • ietarded
,weeks in a. speech c•lasg she carried R ch.iid•s;e•n under thirteen years of
dards. There ' ids surily ,, enough .desire to ' gave• • an (- miitalent -in been a bad taitterer. After fide+
h t' he receives
gambling. goring .« n without , . h
value for w a•
e That prafessedlc benevolent sa uta .i, conversation before 1.50• people. Age n ho cannot. ul' -do not •
'fro'tei"nment'S launching • a national t -e- .adopt •the gambling method Part, -of, the conxersatiun sras re- Cif► with, the: average 'duals . not
Perhaps you hadn't noticed it.
but the sweet jutcr Snow apple
cYe i h are aLsr; four high school, . clatises•
to praaide for benevolent wort: LSI hearhed' and -part `uu'1eh(arsed. g
passing strange. Th .' gainhling in-
tinct and benevolence are as op-.
posite as the poles. The one de-
stroys the .other. The. gamble
that. was :such a' favorite among. would multiply his income by,
'appl'es in years gone by is beco ing dividing' his re.,,pnnsibilities. That.
. • as -crooked thinking, which re.Gults
.: scarce.; ,Vit• ; is said to be a poor
: -crooked- dealing. The ' meaning
Geller -doesn't keep Well or softie Qf benevolence • is, given • as °"1 -
thing -and . •we are . told that sensing love to rnankiticl, and desir-
their ingto„-promote; their prosperity'and.
-Orchardists - -are w gragtittg•• '
Shows into Mclntoshes and '
happine:�s.„ Serosal sogieties stitrted
, SPys. LQut to relieve want arid. suffering
And talking *.bout apples, you 1 All honor ' t� them.. Some Collect
never see bowls ,the Russets that as from benevolent •people—which' is
youngsters'. we, were `-eager ' to • find t.'harder worl- .But some .would take,
money from .the. covetous and greedy
Not Interested in Talking • for pupils fifteen ` years of age : or
Auxiliary, summer courses 'an(l-over who .cannot pass the, entrance
educational clinks are held by the but `liow ability, and the ,course
Department:also, • Parents from all is -provided to suit the pupil So •
oyer ,Ontario , can. ' bring children you see much,' is being done- by- the
for examination • and. advice.'.One Department, o'€ -i iiueation--to educate
amusing -case.• was a • boy; •who had,
been' brought • •150 • miles. , He .had ki•pdergarten' "one' year and
three .months and had never spoken
at school or ,at home,, except two
wards of the wrong- , kind. ' .He
passed -all the "te,ts uceessfully fns
far .as the seinen-year level, which
put, him slightly iitaire normal.' But
he.. was. eornplet'ely ° stuck when "It
came to coping a 'four-pointed'star:
on an. ,old tree. They, hada •-flavor by appealing to, their cupidity. Well, His mother tried to encourage ,him
that 'other apples lacked. • But that is one. i y ; blit. let. all , the by reminding 'him tart it was just
nowadays, apple -growers. Seem • to be beney0l•ent' Ttnow. that lotteries are the same as the 'teacher gave hien, i
intended •for their'da'sc. He turned around and said, "My .
-' aiming at a .product for the ma'rk'et.;
'I'1►c� meaning, of gnrnbling 'is, to leacher .never gives' mea star.' fid,
rather than-- for the 5.atxsfaction• ' of rather up. • a . ga•
mbol, or .frolic. The, the clinic shoaled that he was
small boycs.• .'uncertainty 'of' a tratissaction,' or iiorinal• after all --probably just
• • t entea'prise , does n -61--`"•n ke.•..•••i't--•'-a wasn't interested in ;talking. and
A •ii0ss sl><�,irer comment,ninny, ;,;amble. To• • vest. -ini stocks • when had found he goo•.-tebong...yw.ithout :
1 sou 'she:re in the • kietua.tion,t of the bothering, • ,
times. repeated is that ' a 'Federal,
1 entPi`prise is not gambling. But 'to Some. years' ago a polio. victim.
. budget. 'of $2,400,6(0.000,' means , a itim: U.) gain by the rise in :price got tired 'of+correspondence courses
tax of.• •`nearly :$200 .:forirs,' and to • e;ceape •the loo d in price - tt-decided , he wanted to ' be,: a
w'otiian-'and. child in Gan.ii°da. ' • of is 'gambling' •Y-rn gain at another's shc;e repair man. The Deportment
loss. •' Jofin Wesley ferhiide phis -NI- arranged ft r him, to take training,-
„Course' it 'doesn't mean .any such lower, even • to play 4.14 e lute,•, •of .after .some difficulty Tii. finding a'
the handicapped kilidreii, but there
is still much to ''do.. ' ”
Specially Trained Teaeliers " Needed
There, •are 15,000 handicapped
children in Ontario and -only G00
specially trained' teachers. There
are 1,500 rural teachers without the
.training necessary to do -this 'special
R. • E.., JRVIN'S
„Dungannon, Phone 03
AS'RiT0 ALL - -
A , ,
',-thing. There are a great ,many fam- chalice. • In(lu try, skill. • jiisttee, suitable glare. After }e.•irnsug, the '
a r
Ries who °Ita3'•nci uettxne-tax at all,• and ecltiit�r are sOiind prurciples:on ,trade, be earned, enough at it to
Whin',fo do linsitiess• keep ; himself'. ear. Then ,"Ire,
while persons in the large indorse • Lotteries slow.; dogs • ,indus'try• worked, in„ a•:,fnctar and .finally
class makes"payments in the -fops The lottery -minded, having twenty- bought out tate pian «'ho. bad trained
figure r •, And here is,.. a ' Point' for 1 five- ents, will n:ot work for the •five hiin. Now be • bas quite a .success-
the. 'consideration of. `those ` who
would abolish all Profits: if it were,
lot for the taxes collected on these
• large,.,.. incomes : • the Government
would ha -se .n-•-1 money --for .-health-
services, family', allowances, old -age
pensions 'and 'slid'. things. _1
r. n
:dollars he hopes -to win. on en gambol.
In my youth 'tile Louisiana State
lottery ran for ';ae''ra1 years, Aatiil
one result, ,•was that'ithe grass grew
on • the 'main;street of • their capital
city." They didn't -try it, again.
Gambling • hardens thehear
against our ' fellowmen, and, there
being no ceiling to the gambler's
appetite, he comes to have the heart
--Mayor of .TorOnto of a ' Stone. A• man _Hi a western
wants the l'rovince to assume •the
entire cost, of indigents, in hospitals.
This. is one point on which • we
eau agree, with Tomato's ,municipfil
head. :Unemployed people•-i'with
-innall-means-tend to drift •Into --the, _quired' ".What is it for," 'We are
man will die„before :the doctor ar-
rives." answered_ the enabler. The
two Were probably Old gamblers,
What is sacrilege? Sacrilege is.
teitii 'was hit bra train and carried
to a., Spot. behind the. station: •A
doefor wah, sent for, and.. two men
stood by him, The Rev. Dr. Moore
-came .up and .one Mar( handed him
-a' -teit-dollar .The---rainister IP -
fill business in Peterborough.,/
A child who .was. bard.of hearing 1
was sent to a city doctor fol; e1fa}n- i
ination and a hearing- aid was. prey
oi THE
The Tourist Comittee
C:oderich Memorial Arena
- Auditorium
It,' Ls expected that a FILM FEATURING GODERICTI.
Zee us at once fOr.prompt service op JqISTS,
'; We also hive a siipply of dry planer Shavings, ideal
for -bedding for chick brooders.
which the , hospital is located gets„,„&fin,d the profaning, of sacred
a bill for a proportion of the hes- places or things. These tire made
vital costs, while the' munieipality sacred lily dedication or usage.
• In which the indigeilt may' ha.yelOburehes and their* furnishings -are
resided for most of his ife gets offiustiallY referred to: Bnt the ehurch
free. -rhis A.'not the Ix story,
but It is enough fo' show the ill -
the Provinde*''palti--Oiesi-'6/1
toto 4t* would be a 'fairer, 'distribu
tion of the expense.
new arena -new theatre .nuinben---,
`,4,1 , am always much Interested
'Ooderich, as Witt to its Col.
legiate and . Model- later teaching
in „schools E. and W: of
Atibiirn and 'finally Auburn 'itellbol
building is -not the C,hurch. The
word church .means a eongregation
of people, and a, Christian., dint&
is' Christ's. congregation: . It ' is
allerhig=thejlible -"The-household
the trtith," and for Christ's Con-
gregation to einploy something
whirl -JOS not Christiike Is Surely the.
greater sacrilege.
There w,erd. some in Paul's' day
who said, "Let us d'o"evir that good.
saidf, "Whose 'darnnatien is *St."
'n�• honest mind does! vtlie end
be rlght to do wrong: And to thOs' e
who are tempted to do -good by cor-
c`Let not your good he evil sn'eken
Yours. sincerely.
nier top quality merchandise at most reasonable prices.
ton range
Ladios' Lingerie
100% NSTIon„,,
iu ,.Colhorrie .and could tell .some . :-- • .
funny stori& of it, in the days a, ftiftroir. hOnor-has emne to Nfr.
Austin liudge and lag GOrdaii ati and Mrs. 1. S. Ildwrie the receipt
teachers; I, have many old fritinds 4n Saturday last, from the" HOU.
and neighbors In aoderich.,.,: X think Arthur "Welsh, l!rov,inbiat Seeretary
niuch'ofqhe -old town, though over of Ontario,,of a, parchment convey -
forty years in the West. WA% lug congratulations upon cthefr
nails, etc., 'and Inspectori 'Robb' celebrated recently, and Pie wish
that they might. e7cirrnrtlier an-
d Toni"
444 Wetherkl, )g a brother of nivemaries In good health and Imp-
Electric Refrigerators . •
Electric and Essotgie
Come dn. and see t ge
for ,yourself. It's time
saver, a work 'saver and
it's economical.,
It, giVes you instant, safe,
clean beat without fuss or
bother. You will have
better meals with 'half the
in everisize, GMC' leads:1-;A'iiih top per-
. formionce at lowest. costr:... w.ith all the
features thai matter.. Avith more safety.
and. o;nyenience longer life and less .
° seirviCingl krid, to top it all, GMC gives
yoU improved, more powerful,. v5ilyse-
in-h,ead engineered fpr: peak
periormiancei eon on your GMC clealerl
$894coo .‘up.
Itleyo• down 4103110A