HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-13, Page 8kfri.X2r. v.P.VERINARiAN* SANITARY „INSPECTOR'S, REPORT HEB AND THERE 80114 housecroniog be lieXt" Wedneeday by P•Av, .feig• Your veaste Taper pet for the eel/lee _pave, . etWeeTie,---e`e eilimateeritttlee. ;•,._ ?loge, 8 ebeep, • Meat And Food getahlislmlents . • •• • eral Sauitary couditions en this date, very god ; geneetil notes, flue co-operatiou. Afeet, Food and Sanieery Inspecter, G• ELLI.Orl,',--Veterinarian.' , name, T. L1,00 SON'; dete of slaughtere,,Marce 29, 1.0; :place of slaughter, Legg' s l'rivate Abattele; species ef anineal, mixed; member elaughtered species of aninial--ecattle, 10 tioge, 2; sheep, nil; lambs; led; ouIriy nil; anti- mortele eutesteedteeaee or tlitiriee found_ or eilepeetedre nil; „disease finned or eilepeeted, nil; injuries, ifiell.enii,dee:onnclile;x0010)04e;t-eiiiitti.r.i•otelino.seise;i1Ntesl n., of, klOgS; date esiaugliter, 41a.reli cs" or.Parfe\''beld• ler- farther .• . ',Oienee'e_.uente,„ -& , inspectihe, 1 liver , coodeitated, 4"efir- Plabe of elauglater„ Gede- .eass paesedeafter further inspeetiOn ; 'rich • ,spies" ef , Deleted; No. of eareeeses. or ° parts eon- numher 'elaughtered ---- species. of detailed, 1 livery eondemnatioes, to elneersoll Irertilieere• general ani - _______tau conditions ensthisedete,• factory; genera, . -alleg- ation. Meat, Food and Sanitary. Inspector, G. Se'EleIlOT, Veterinarian. (twupieseetime,, , ALLISON'S; date si a ugiltee, Marsh 20; ' ' of slaughter, Gederich; species of animril, hogs; eumber slaughtered -species of anientl-hoge, 7.; aflti mortem notes -disease or injitrieS found of. .s.uspected, nil.; diseese definite ewing back to. larger "-ebeilieh netendaece-for Easter -Sun-. day at letist-weee , evidence ite seal, 211ii, n , .mortem notes -disease or injuries feund or eitepected, nil; disease found or sitspeeted; .411; _injuries • we, 'Oeilerteh on Sunday, when all fouialk ,nil ; ,post -Mortem not. r &Arches rePerteil 'Ieete.iiedeear- nehrt (hie steer lumbar . musetee beueseed, record attezidences. •• 114-er of faseili tend mtesele along - • !spine of 2 steers damaged by warble Today Saw 'the last of the office ! fly; No: .of .carcases or wires' held - -equipment -.moved; from tbe old I for further inspection, none; No. ...P.I.L.C., heeding at .Colborne street r of earcasses or part'S condemned, 3 and the Square as thenewlitilldhig•Paets; -condemnations.; one bruesed • eh West Steeet was oedupiee. , !muscle and 2. layers of fascia and • -..e.--eie • 'initecle; general. sanitary conditions Gevin Given celebeated *his. on this date, -satisfaetory ; general e , . eighty-eighth. birthday oh. Saturday, ; notes, Dr. eloynan, Hurobe County April eth, and. roseat exactly 8 veterinarian, "ineelered Inee'oneeteris, . to keep it an .all -S affair. . • eee„1 eeeAeeteekilerelia-like..Saturday cletidtine leis been set for tile date. Meat, Food and Sanitary Inspector. 0. S. ELtacyrr, Veteriuetiou. nlglit . receipt- of entries for the curling Owner's nalite, M. J. AINsLIE & benspiel to AV- held' at the arena S'ONS; elate of 'slaughter; March ou eloudae, April . 17th. • Phone -21, 1950; place of 'sleughter, Gude- ' entries to Lorne, Wakelin at 721, rich; ' -species of animal, , mixed: the arena telephone number. number slaughtered - species ,of • , aninee, 'laud; number slaughtered, r, ..Wbat Was thought to be a -speciee, efanitnaleeenttle, 5'; begs, eleane eseneer" on Sunday. evening 8; sheep, .aturtes, ,poultry, turned Out to 'be thegleatnine.White , ienortem- notes-eiisease -or teeth of a groWling Watch .btlog in injuries foend �r suSpected, nil; the, window Jerry's office at the disease found or sespecte.d, ; in - barber. *Since eButi". has had his et:debit-hi:MC -beeken ipto - se -yen 'times* Within the last three years, without a clue as, to "who dunnite' beeis relying oil a faithful Watch dog. for feture protection • TIThOormiucli SidNAte. wamonommoommo. 14.,...eendrew'S. ward grate 'a $t., ore's ;Womanise Guild i_$ 'holding .th 13 aeterituoit tea- and bazaar in e Seeetrilaye, Mity, th, 3 to 5.30,p.m. "" -I. eleettife 'any treadle.e0w- - ° TON iseedeeitte, cleaned, $1.ao g nitiehitte, $29,50 and up, or Malte per hies/lel; aleki 4141•1113V 041oie to a pertahle, $39.50 up. Repairs sti. pa supplies for, all nialies:.. Aebeen, ptionet 19 k 0, . oeds, .12 Eat • street. Phone . Central' Houle and School eedan, ali-reend coxIditithl; eetion are lioleihg turiimage als,o etightly raesede Supektoue eu MacEne Saturdey, rudio. NEI 1,140ViTEX, le . • • -13tf ,R Results A Classified Ad r•.,,•. TUT; .1181:04x,. 14%11'4, iPti() le0 ISA FT)It "1J 1' town', •1%, flee roonee an garden; eleo electric and nearly 1014 •SIONAL-STA lene "SALE. •EAST.ENIT 010 ry frame tottee, bath, hydro, OM ecCiary conablekation 1 or wood =lege, �Ifte' PDX 30," . 1,5x •JAX: AND„ CLIN- .in In at 80 •o APrif.20.the at. 2 p.41, Cetitierieli. Ph 4e Carieee,l'41)L,), ea Folk sAL,IL:tH „mu', rQ"-174.A0 4 4 ° -170"ife"213W-fisr-twitietesteemes reliable service on. magailue sub- scriptiens, Mary B. Howell, 4 St. Vinceet street. -9 All members Of the tolCorne eenteriare• eeiiillen*•committee... will meet Monday, A.pril 17th, at 8 p.m.,. at-•Townehip 15- 11. A. McOREATH Sec'y. - ' retina or .suspeeted, nil; injuriee end ee Next _meeeing of Maitland Fish • -- found, nit; poetedortemeepotes, 1 be beld Wedpesday, -ime Conservation Club will April 10th.,~ae liverp thee's,. heart_ and pleura con- masonic: Hall, at '8,15 pale , Carling. deinned due to pneumonic condition, Conservation Cleib picture', • -15 1 set oe -lute:seines .cendemned. due - , e_. 1_ lever condemned due- to chronic ejelelte tEnvietneidngebeetialtihlialxryinofineNtoti:tibia. to T.B.-in mesenteric lymph glands, nepotitis ; No. of carvaeses or parts the church. hail on ertnday, APeil hele for . Author inspection, Z, car- eeth. at 8 pan. The 'geese speaker eciet•les heid, all released and apz will be Miss Susie Smyth, Toronto, Prbeed alter fuether itespeetibei, .who wM tele of herework. among - parts condemned, e livers, heart, the displaced prions. All members 1 intestines, 1 pleura, 1 lungs; and friende arb invited to attend. No. of carcasses or parts condemned,. . -15 6 parts; ondemnations, 'all to eingeneoli Fertilizer under. super- • Neil MeKayt-l-nd hi; 'orchestra e , • visipir; general 'saiiitary conditions will be playing for you pleasure on • this defe, eatiefaetory; general at tee. Pay, May -12th at -the _SUring,_ notes e .Dr.. •efeynan,- Heron County Fantasy spoustered by the • local: veteenterian, aseist'ed'me this date: chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. Con- tact members fon your invitation. . ..e5tf - Minstrershow-by Wingliam Kinn-- , Ow• neesena-me, 'ALLISON'S ;--dateemen'a. Club at Mat,Kae Halt -on !of slaughter, March 27,'1950;••p1ace •Friday, April 21st, at 8.30 pen., •of,slaughter,, Goderich; aPecies. & sporisoeed by Goderich..KinetteClub. animal, .nixed ; utimber .slaughtered: 1; anti -mortem notes -disease or iiiieemn prices Rite. ,Music • "'et - ' • -species 'ef.ea_nemal-hogs, 11; veal, • injuries found etispectede nil; Festival are: Mori:ling silver col- disetiee 'found Or Stiepeeted, - nil"; lection ;* afternoene, ,..alclults-‘ 15c, injerieS !found,, nil; post-morteea-. children, free; evenings, adults 25c,, tubercular intestines., 2 parasitie • • -15-16 notes e 3 -hogs' heads tubercular, 1 children 10c.. livers, ail eoademned; No. of . car- • cas,seS" or parte held for furthee in- spection, 6 parts held, • all -parts condemned; No: pf_ carcasses or parts eendemened, 6 parts • con- demned; condemnations. Ingersoll Fertilizer. under supervision; gen!. eral sanitary conditiems on this date, Very good ; general notes, Allison's • killed 4 beef and 1 Veal on Friday, . Meech -24, 1950, which were not iespected.• • * MeateF4d and Sanitary Inspector, • • er: S. ELLIOT:1e Veterinarian. juries found, nil; postenorteni- Make Food and Sanitary Inspector, „livets condemned, cir- .• ELLIOTT, Veterinarien. •rehoeis of, the liver and one.. para--sitie -1. -bead: Coirdenmed-r.T.B.- suh-max...glefids; 1 set of intestines, T.B.euesebterie glands • No. 'of etircae.sel-eirepciets hetcleiot 'further eetion,--4 cereoeseeeeiLeid, all re - .lensed and aliptoved . after further inspeetion1. f2 •1 head, 1 set of intestines • .cen.deinned; ,of carcesses or part condemned, 41 condemnatiens, Ingersoll ,..Fertilizer Under supervision ; general sanitary' conditione, .on 'this date, yere ,general notes,. co -bp -elating satis- factorily, •' Meat,. Feed and Sanitary Inspector, . .Se• ELLIOTT, .Veterinarian. • Owner's name, O'BRIEN & SON; date •of .slaegliter, March 21; 1950; place of slaughter, Goderien;•species• of animal, 'allied; number' slaugh- 'tered--speties anima -le --cattle„ 1; hogs; 4; sheep,. nil; veal, 1; Poultry, anti -mortem notes-diseese ar injuries er eseseected, ; disease found or •,su.speeted.„ nil:. injuries • found, pekt-inbreem-e- "GET• .KIST. HERE". wasiii slgn that _greeted a visitor at , the Tow Clerk's othee onee day.--ehis "' week. 'Indicating the sip, -the --e-vieltee asked to whom., he should :apply, and looked hopefully at the two smiling young ladies In; the Ogee. 'Bee atl he got Was the inr . fel-m.010n that the sins -ethere • *eke several of them -were for the refreshment stand eat the JUdith detiderhainepiaygroned. marked success of the round robin peewee hockey tournaMente' itt • which twelve. eeams battled for • beriors. at , the, VIM on Wednesday, • establishes it as, en animal. Easter whek event for the. lade. •Along, with he 175 boys participat- ing . was twelve -year -�l(1 girl; Andrei*, McCabe, Who turneVin ;top performance --es goalkeeper for the Saltford Sete:11.m , She learned "ber ine•key ,.on a frozen • pond neer • Saltford, Jack chile one of - the e•Chineee Chins. Luckriew, also wen -the '.illandite the croWd. • • • • • The return of winter weather •'Inv put a stop el movements on the upper 'lakes. 'Several of the freigh tees . in • G,oclerieh harbor: have been ewaitieg for a dear passiepee, e - . _ . r istf • ePhone -ee -DRY MIXED h length, $5 cord e• 502 • or ,eall at t. • 13-15i FOR SAL17.1, , wood, 12-1 delivered. Ph 15 Albert str FOR SALE - BALED Lilt FRANK Lle KLATER„R.It. 5, Goeerich, phi* Larlow 148,_ ., ee BORN notes, 1 perasitie liver. condemned • . . ..• onen . stom hog; No. of eareasses or LAKERO'VD.-.-Mr. and errs: J. W. parts held for further inspection, e ;1, Akereyd, .77- Healey Lane, Batley"; No, of cilicasses ,or • parts, eon- e Yorks, England,- are happy to deemed, 1; condeninetionst e paeo-Leetianatince the birth or ei 'second sitiP • liver• .to . Ingersoll.. Fertilizer - • eon on April" 2,, VY,:io.,4 Mrs, 15-7x FOR SALEeHrIORD , MODEL 4 1/2 -ton Plitlir truek; new tires, motor perfect •fog light. Excellent i shape - $12' . e0HRIM'S AUTO' SERVICE, 44 urole road.. I3xtf ' IVOR SALE • sALE, - °Rpm lOpit, - nursery Meek, per- ennials, etc., froniee'delteeles- Ifter- iSts. l.fla4 in .A.pril. and: May" fere boa site -0* mog..t, of thee. 12tt Phone 101. FOR 'SALK, FRA111 HOUSE, etory e • 6:" roenie, he,rdiveod' •ffeers, diewnetairs, 3 hedroonis, .base - all unidern coneerilencete Apply 1.'N,TONegate, tx•,ed.t,; 273; , ..„ • Mitt gown •And,• vcamgit- BROS., phene034er 5, Gedertele -145 NTReVir., AND FIJI:LY VF.Mria •HOenet •power,. 'Chain Sews et reduced prices, 40401 .121,r. nesmee_withere,ne,.Starter and 16,, 20" or 24'e blaclei7C2-19.00. 'Nene recoil- starter, add $30.00, 'Price F.Q.B. Geelph, Stiles tax extra. Contact' D. J. SMITH S.A.LES..O0., '14I1VIITED, Guelph, Ontarip. Cem- plete .paltsf and service. 44-15 FOR SALE. LOT ON BRITAN- NIA road ;also lady's grey suit and pirik dr size -14-to 16e-Phon 110911.. I "-15 r FOR SALE. --GIRL'S SKY BLUE, taffeta, •seie 8 ;,•girl's sand coat, 4se 7; bd.'s tweed suit, size 8; disci Sonshie. tricycle, large size. Phone 1030 • , '45 -- ....... • . FOR SALE. -,-- SMALL COOK, !. eTOVE i nd white enamel rengette. Ap ly 4 Elgin avenue or ptiene • 1050W„ -, _ - • -15 Learn -to -skate ciasses at tee new, arena' on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 3 pen.. Mrs. 11 Arbour in charge. • 14tf• l Get your program for -the Muse& Festival at the Music Shop.' -15-16 911, SALE MINSTE .wine, 9' x 10 94611. — Raimmege sale in Victoria street United ChurCh on Satutday„ April 15tte.'at 2 •pep., undee auepiges :of Eureka cluias. -A.lso. bake tabM. -14-5, , • . . Recital; Blyth Memorial Hall,' • . April 1Stli elt 8.15 'pan. Pupils' oe , R.M.T.A.,Luembers. of Huron county,. Admission- 25a. , The regular _monthly Meeting. a Victoria Home. and Schoo1 Associ- ation will :be held on April 20th ' For Sale tor, Spring Planting e Red Raspberries e-- Viking,, . Latliane. Newburgh, Newnan, .,MaditWaelea....early,ealse_Trot • eerly. . e •- r Strawk it rries-:;-.5 ietrietieS, te• • • . Black a, d Red Currant. Black Riespberry tips. .. All prices are reasonable. . - 'Have. a shipment of °ma- .. •ineniat '' -iref§';''',.eitelegeeettee' •..slirpbs, etC.; arriving around 'April • 12th,,consisting ' of Spreeet. Arhervitaer -Rose---o - Sharon, Forsythia, Spireas, lIydeangeas, Mockorange aild Dogwoods. These will be sold, • reasonable,' Saving •paeking• , and shipping charges. . Order - your plants early: • : ., Wesley W. Fisher', R. R. 5, Ooderich, Ont.', SALTFORD VILLAGE GARDENS* . ' . - ..•-14-15xe „ ;lent ;general- sanitary coraliiieps.. ...A.keroyd • it . the former Audrey at 8 p.m: A' good -program ie,,,,being (7n this . date, satisfactory. Weeland, • of G odericb Ontario.. arreneetel, Clothing for • overseas meat, eieydte a edeteanifary Inspector. AVERYee-At kleeandra Hospital, Will still be gratefully- 'accepted at • ex. -S. ELLIOTT, Vetetinariate4 to theeeineeting: ' F011. SALE. havea:li : quality , inixe hay, Should of .feed ontae 4, Ooderiche p • -15 Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Avery, .• .0ener's -name,- O'BRIEN & ,SON; Goderich, a rson. • • • Mre. Ethel Boyes .of • Seaforth, date a slaughter, 'March 27-2e, R,IsSETT--At AleXandrh Hospital, district deputy president of Huron • • 4 1950; Place slaughter Goderl Godelich, -April .5th, 1050, ,to District .No. 2e, will make hei. . .species„ of •animel, mixed; num slaughtere,d-eneciee • of , enimale- cattle,. 2; hogs, -4 ;, sheen, . nii ; lambecl nil; poultry, nil e„antienortern notese •---disease .er..injariee found Or sus- • pected, nil;. diseaeeefound. or sus- Peeted, injetkies' . found, nil; poet -mortem notes; ..1- lii;ee con- denined-. dee to 'fatty .degeneration, 1- bog enecese 'rejected and sent bee-% to- -owner thte to, .being a' ridglinee No, of.-Careaseee Or '-parts held •.for ft -tether' itspection, 1. car- eass held, liver condemned, rest of eercass• approved e N.oof carcasses •er parts • condemned, 1 liver -eon,. Owned, 1, mimes ;Dejected; cote • etiimnatiopice •-. 1 eiver --tte Ingersoll Fertilizer, 1 carcass to owner; gen- er Mr. end: Mrs. Philnaore Biseett, jj 1,- Goderich, 'a eon. ' COleitTNEY.---eAt. Alexandra Iles - pita,' on April Sth, 1050, to Me and 'Mrs. Leo Courtney, Lecknow, a soh.. , III-NlieLAR,S.H.-At _Alexandra Hos- • pital, Godeeicle' on •April'.9t11, • 1050, to kr. and Mrs. eohn. Hind marsh,- RR. e, Goderich, a (laugh- ter, K-a-thleen LEAMAN.-e--At Alexendra• Hospital;" Goderich, on. Apeie 6th, 1950, to .' Mr. and Mas. John Leamau, Gode- rich, a daughtee. - . OLIJNEX.-At Alexandra: Goderich, on ,April' 6th, 1950,• • R.R. 2, Auburn, a son. .'• • • DIED the head of the'lakese -"but wee • AINSLIE.-In Victoria •Hospital, from the "sGe is that thing:; are wood, 'infant son Of Mr. and -Mree London, on April 6th, Scott Shete tied up tight there. cial visit .to Goderich Rebekah Lodge, No: 89; eil "Tueeday, -April 18t,h, at 8 p.m.' The, Rebekah de- gree be exemplified. All inem- here asked to be present. • -15 The .Community, Nursing Registry a't' planning 'an 'afternoon of . bridge and "500;" 19th„ at the -Mee Room,: Legion MN, play to start tie 230 Tan_ • • 11 AX.' Tug; teneem49ne ‘•. de'.41:59;t:;1174:::eillri:ci.olteoretivcrie'.'"a•tt-he--)11.yro'easurP:.":44eu.g7n,dY;;Albil:a10:* VOLAT,NIAVTED.CAKES , 30c each NISIEVASTRY , for 1.0c -t .at 3tist --rerp.i.nder tllat:.you ban still, pu,roh_ase Eat -01'0013 • 280 d9z, LBE ' Home Of Tasti east-ry ' ,.• ordbrs:of $1,00,, and over delivered: , 9rim 465 • ' WVST ,ST, Pete -ED. - beeleee elves, LACtie pee. -10 OR SALE, --- IMPERIAL OIL. eeieseateu,,-.1,1eleeseee • 'oe • Esse- burners, sold' and serviced •-,T "lwr 4tue. L.' J. by MacDONALD ELECTRIC; '0odee ,ueleereeeese Aseei ieetette Jertmei. rich. • ruitnie owe piA.gbs. ANNUAL,. SPRIN9,, sale of used pianos. Such well- known makes as_11, eintzman, Mason Riech, Weber, Nordheimer, etc, Special prices and teem§ during this sale, Write :for list of bar- gains. HEINTZMAN' & CO. LIM- ITED, 242 Derides street, London. -13-14-15 ••,‘ TfAIM-HTET---wEr ted 'aiuountof good clover and *thnethy ou be getting short HUUH HILL, one 1240 Carlow. -14-6 FOR SALE. yellow -cle We 'have a t Beaver Ants, seed. Auyblei! of these see - get in- toucil 'FAMILY., It. 934 r 22. • eodench, on April ()the1950, FOR • SALE. ----'34 DODGE 'PANEL ,truck, mechanically perfect, good- 'tires, heater, license and sealed, beams, $285 cash or trade. SCRIM'S AUTO e SERVICE, 44 .Huron road., . , 15tf W. ANTED:- DIS'IllelieT SA.Liee- T MEN ,for tereY,- Beuce and . • AN'I`ED. GAUL FUR. •GEN- , , • ERAL house W urk. Apply 1.10.LeiLe VILLA, pfente . W A N T' E D. -" eitleJJLE-AtiED .women "to assest witu .Ltuuse: workien. Laically et two auluese Wriu JeUee. 21e. SiGNAL.STA.u. -10 ' NTE1) [IJ 13 le Y. " -METAL rden eettee, prefee7.7.61y maple leaf . desigu. 1i rite SltiNAL-SeAlie. 15x Huron. counties. To sell direct to OR• SALE.. DOTIBLE-e. LOT these° ee....e.e.emeeeee,eeeeeleeneeceei • with dwelling; restaurant, nine rooree, 'furnace, hot water tank; b.eside tourist cant on West street; also oy'§ suit wit„4 extra pantie eize 14 years.; it nuMber" pef 'heene.: made quilts. . MRS. -VA.NCE„ West Street,Goderich: •15x FoR FEW' BUSHELS 'Ole er ,and alfalfa seed. lhniteil amount • of 'own twit. registered intekested. in any s, don't hesitate to vith F. BELL' AND . 2, Goderich, phone • • ..,14tf FOR SALE.' 1050 DODGE 1 -TON express uck. ••.CANIPBELL'S GARAGE, St,' 'Davide' street; phone 10,97; --15 - FARM Tle0,11, eSALE.-100 ACRES .of good relay lotuu, le aces of bush, 8-roonee&modern liouz,.-e, bank. barn 44' x 48", henhouse, cement Buildings . in excellent state. of repaire 'Ll..eydro . available, This is a good fatal priced' for quick eale. Write. 26, SIONAL:STAR.- .14tf •• Bryan. Ahisliee age one day: • Town clerk Illake adei,ses that property -owner e .desiring to ,Inive young maple trdes 'i)lan'ted on the, boulevards in trent of • their pro- perties should • call 200W before April 24fee. • • Most of the area of Cenada-draine into Hudso.n Bay and '•'.tlise Arctic Ocean. • _ 1660.0.0......•••••0414.00.0110011M011••••414041 1948•PONT40 N 8tItiV11.61.2E-T 'SEDAN I 1047 OLDSMOBILE SEDANETTE; Hydramatie • ' Drive... 1941 PLYMOPTH SEDAN 1940 DoAquEDAN 1941 CHEVROLET COUPE'"4"4", Ign 1:938' Cat VROLEt COACH • 1936 CHEVROLET-COAOH'--- ' 1135 ,outrynoLET COUPE 1934 'OHEVROLF/Ir-OttACH 47 _DODGE SEDAN ' ,41 CHEVROLET COACH .1935 OLDSMOBILES . EDAN . s I 27, CHEVROLET FEDAN- * -2•7* HUDSON ,COACII , , 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1.041.1y0EANT cotrpt USED : 'TRUCKS • ▪ 1049 FORD 1/240N PiOit 1046 VIIEVROLET 1/2.TOW PICIt •1944 DonGE 3 Ton STAICE • '1941 'CHEVROLET 1 TON -PANEL • 1938 FORD .1/4 -TON Plait UP ,1934FORD1/2..TOS PIOX tlP , . „I' • Private • funeral • was held from the Evans fuheral home, Richmond street. • , STOTHERS: --ee In Goderich„ on Tuesday,: April' • lltli, 1950) Margaret,Maleough, widow Of the 'late Stephen Stothers, in her 83rd year. • ,• Funeral service. at her fate resi- dence, Dungannon, on Friday, April 14th, at 2 ()Idea. Interment In Dungannon cemetery. " PERSONAL- 0- YOU ' DRINK? , THATIS youreleisigease youe-went to atop drinking?' That's mirelette-1-7- iless, t,Blue 'Water Group Alcoholics Anonymous. Write • BOX 222,• doderiele SALE -SOW OAK DIN ING-ROOM table...Labile_ six leather -covered ` chairs. , PAWL BEDARD. Phone 974J.." •15 FOR „BALE.-R,C.A. COMBIN.e.- .TION cabinet and record player, S.W.. S. Bee excellent dondition; also , one -SeB. bUttery.radio, mantel; -one stroller carriage; baby's high chair; baby's small. crib. MRS. A. FORKHEIM, 55 Bigler avenue." • 15x tered guaranteed analysis, no, salt, no' drug.s, livestock; iniuerals tor cattle and 'hogs. „Sales. assistance iven to new salesuieee M.ust have Cai; - - ROW 1,11—(iitCe; ,givimg. - Lkge; Drevioue . experieuce, territory •pre - leered, when evailaiile, to ete0X 82, :-STA. . •. -15 . ..... .. ._ . • ANTED. .'---' PART-TIME OP . 1. - PORTUNITY. for ' Wemen. of abeve aver'aee intelligence,• resident, . . ..e., . . lo Gedefielleor ia 431nall 'towns ' And ARM. teELP..-RELIAIILE; Bee- . villeges, for oceaelonal work inter e ''.yERIET'oki-D -Holland* families.. viewing eele •cennection With public available. . ArtiVing seen. • Appl4 •,. opinion surveys. Write CANADIAN to MR. C.de HAAN, ,Bellirav•e, Ont. ' FACTS' LrgiTgap., 146 Wellieeton •. .,51tf" street, west';oronto, • Ontario.' , , 1 ' -15-6 ,NOTICE, :Floor sanding, new and ord floors. • LOS1.• •••3-. C. COOK.. Phone 23J, Clinton. . , • 6-11x , • TEACHER WANTOD 'TEAC1110.1.$• WANTED FOR T4• E Goderich TOWnship Sehbol Area. li\orr farther partieulars apply • to leR.A.NK -YEO, R.R. 3, Clinton,. • Seeretary-treasurer. • 'W77--ANTE1° W.A:NTED 'TO BU -ALL OLD horses .and- • dead If. suitable for mink feed will pee- mote - than fertilizer prices. If„,net; will pay fertilizer prices. ledead, phone at otiee. GILBERT B11,08.'e ¥1NPe Oroderieli.. -Plione. collect .936 r 21 or 930 r 32. WAN'T,ED: • USED TRUNK, ., • must be good condition. phone 584J. .• , 15x OR , SAL.E. BAY 11.7,84tE; 8 • years old, quiet and good' worker. Apely •JACK ERRING - TON, Dungann'an •ex SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN . 5to15 lbs. Nev pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results"; new. healthy flesh ;" new vigor. New eget acquainted", size ONLX 69c. All • - -15 OR SALE. -I040 '• 'CHEVROLET •• 'deluxe --Eoicelfee helitee, • '.Tip -Special • for Saturday' evening, covers, . etc., excellent 'condition. April 15tlie at Henderson's, boxed 'Phone 572.M.. •1.4x writing paper,' reg, value -60c, sale • „ • price .35c. Snturday., evening only. SHORTA.GE OF EGGS. NEXT See this column for next week's -Strturday-•evening•speelol: 15: The .date of the Central Home and ekhoul ..A.ssociationse April meeting hats been advenced to the ,18th in order to 'avoid conflict with .11.. Hill_ will 'give a report on the you should buy -now. -,GellWreeeee • Thee'ree the 'chicks, the Musle- Festival date. .Mrs. .A. "1". 30 Years* this i.eeeeele Tee. eerderesoenefrom RYAN PRODUCE.; convention held. 'onto. Clem -eased' clothing for the Gederide -15 European bale may he broughteto thie Meeting. • . • TENDERS WANTED • TENDERS WILL BE KM' DIVED • by the nridersigned until April 24th, '1950, for the repair and decor- ating of the interior of, •the T.Own: Hall, •Baylield. Details may be had. from the undersigne.d or J,.. .11, Raterwell. ' Lowest or any tender not neeese eerily accepted. , e 1.00'1.11;i; lElt&Te9ol'• eleity fteld: — -- TENDERS WANTED.- .. e Tenderst,will be received for the • euppleing of 125 tons of treated' ater 6)4 te; --ectivered-to.tbe Huron County Home at olbiton, • Ont. Analyets and content to be given. All teudere to be addressed to the eundeveigned on or . before the 29th day of April; • - • .,./eceleevr4c, MILLER, 15-. 15-. —7 NOTICE - - 14°sT•--.-Two, KEYS AND' TAG- • with ear nuMber, 3V1e1., cee -Sunday , morning at -North street United Church -Finder please leave at, postetlice, BOX 7.$1. '-15 WANTED . RENT. - SMALL " •Inuee •or • apartment, ehrese reenis end- beth esti first :floor, un- furnished, by April 1st.' -MAIT. •CHAMBERS„ 'phone 11573: . 12tf WANTED AT ONCE! MAN . TO gekyice. customers Air females Wetkins • Peoducts doderich; Established: ••leusiness brings •eep weekly average, etarting immediate, investarent necessary.. Write J. R. eVATKIN„S Dept. 0C -G-1, 35081: Roch St., Montreal. 9ue, • - • WANTED.-RADIOe AND Al,- . PLIANCES• to be 'repaired. ART'S' itAitqio SERVICE, 20 Eldon etreet, Goderiche phone Illtiee • -5te summer and fall. It's possible, PrebRble7. W.44 .PP•rultV" keepers holding off their ehick'huy: ing this„si?,,ring. Well, it's late enough if you're wanting these markets. Big -4 chicks- have been the 'choice -tif wise poultrykeepers CARD OF, THANRS MRS. LYMAN ANIS FAMILY r: take this' opportunity to thank those who expressed their sympathy, sent florni tributes, loaned' cars or nesisted them in any way in thele bereavement. • -10 AIRS. - C. A. VANSTONE .-AND *Tully e wish to .konvey their _gra Heide,. .fet- „the. „tied etindneSeee e'elibeen ,thent- ineetireir bereavement, with special thanks te those who sent flo•ral tribetes or 12tf loaned their crus. • ".15x CURLING B()NSPIEL AT • Goderkh -Memorial Arena - MONDA, ItIL 1.7th Curlers „a'n.4 non -curlers welohne; .tring your own 'brooMs. Stone provided, . Phone in your entry to L. Walcelirt,• Arena:Managa, • not later than Saturday midnight 1110,10 721 • •NOTICE TO CREDITORS , • 444..44,4444,J.4,4444.4 NOTIOlif TO- CREDITORS. 411 persons having claims against the estate of James *Willi= Mae- Vieer. late of the Town ..of Gode- rich in the County Aid Huron, who, died 031 or about the ,2.6th day a March, 1050, are required to file the same with full partieulars with the uridereigned by the twenty-second day of April, 1950, as after that date the estilte will. be distributed •'Dated at the Town of Goderich this' retirthe"dity' et -A -Rite 1050e • R. C. HAYS, K.C., . Goderich, Ontario, 14-64- Serie:Rot for the -Estate. .p.'opND FOUND. ON 11 B. 1 T N I A • road, 'On Friday lest, box of books and children's, shoes; Owner may have same by callhig #t 12 Britannia-- read. Ifix • AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE. , SATURDAY, APRIL 22 VOTICE. +`'• at7p.m.Itesidentialppeey. in the Vil- lage. ef Salteord, eee-story, 7 -room. frame house eavered with shingles; Hydre, pressen 'system, hard and. .soft .water, 3 -piece bath, built-in cupboards, garage, chicken. _pens, •aeries _ WANTOUNG 'LADY TO train • as MANAGER, 1.)0:Ni6.1ION •WrORE, , cashiee,. •Good. iirO1s5- pect • -for advancement. Apply WANTED. - RAD -16i TO, • PAIR. Ceiradio trouble S and "Iiiefalling a speciaty. Nelreandere- •conditioned eat, heine,and pertable radios for sale: ALF. IlUTCIIIN- "011eSee RADIO ....SERVICE.. 82 Huron feed, or call 498R. • • • WANTED• TO RENT. -499 TO acres of land. within 15 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. • All fiersona 'having chiimss against the eetatce of Maria A. MeWhin.ney, late of the T6ivn of Goderich in the Confity ,of gurgle Widow, who died on or about the 20th day of March, 1050, are required to, file, the same with full particulars with thceundereigned by the 20th day of Atiril, 1050, as after that date The • estate will be distriblited. • 'Dated at the Twit. of Goderieh in• the ,County ef Huron this 1,111) day a April, 195'0. • It. C. HAYS, Goderieli, Ontario,. 15-17- , Solieltor for the Efitnte. .. ' 1.6..ktigh,i•kyilliIii4.111.1MIMMIONII i• . . , To itENT r. rilo RENT.. - IP 0 IT.It - It 0 9 NI .. a, eptirtment-; pligeession at Oiled. All acecennodation, • Phone 0081. ••• 15x -.. Li ,_. :-.:..--• .„..-:-..• Thygertie suppnes rubber goods) mailed postpaid In plain, $01110e) etr0410iie „ Wittt' Prke' , Wit ,-Sit aalttlete 250 : 24' stimplet4 $1.0(t man ' (),OidfBoxiDV.It,' 0.7a -nil. Oirnr.. Jr II ,or 20 miles of Goderich. Suitable forgrowing grain. WriteBOX 31, SIGNAL -STAR. ' ANTED TO RENT.e-MODERe, • ATE -SIZE hoUse or apert. tient • by adult; reliable tenante, 'villing to " deco•rafe. • BOX 24, SIGNAL -STAR. WANTED. -.Le' THREE LIC- " ensed mechanics owning ONI/It land toels. Experiende- on Ford products given preference. . Also ape, -three _oreffter, _Year ' apprentice. epply JoriNSToN MOTOR SALE•S; Stratford, Ontario. • -14-16 F14004INGC AD NILING Contractor for tile; marble., terazeo, mastic, plastic and clay -tiling,, era - Places: Geed Worli-, for lesS . money by KITCIIENER CERAMIO Kitchener, ,87 Blucher” street. Cale 2-9113. •7-16x • •Ne4,: NOTICE. , Ali• accomes owing' by the-. • Goderich. Kinemen'e Intermeeiate• - Hockey . Club .sboutd be in • the handsel:7i, the-treasares, Bihl Hill, by April 20th for Payment. -15 NOTICE TO 'P R OPE RT Y , OWNERS. ' * Parties desiiing\,sidewalks, seinen- . •or curbing conetrueted •should lain a petition format .the ClerWs office and -have the sine'coMpleted by eintereeted. ratepayers.. Petitione sheuld be retureed net later -than. May 15th. Ro. TEReie_40,0,,, down, balapnic.ieetoer.n15•16- 30 days. Sold,' eubjette to.. reserve • bid: •• JOBBICK,;NELPLro, , . • • •FIAROLD-3XCKSOlele" .15-16-, • Auctioneer, ICi.,EARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVESTOCk_te EQUIPMENT ateot No.. 3, Goderichtownship, on GOoela .ett. A.1.11(1.1 ' lajelet , t, Litetown of, way teacks, WEDNESDAY, APRIL' 19th at 1.30 p.m7TSTM"Thlfaisting PIGS -Sow with litter of „10 pigs, Weeks'old; 4 seWei with. litters, 1 week old; 9 sows due April 21.,. April 80, May 15 May 30, May 27, lune 5, Aline, 8, -.June 18; June 24; '13....yenng sveeke •eld, • ' • 11-XiCIPMENT,-2. large electric chicken 'brooder§ (never Used) ; electric hog brooders; l'coat chicken brooder * stove • (geed CiOnditionr; 200.eepthr posts,;. foeks, shaves_..and ,filfilleilatis other articles. .. TERMS -CASH. 'is.,T4 reserve, as the farm is sell'. • W. C. A.TTRIDGE„, Proprietor. EDWARD. W. ELLIOTT, ,Auctioneer. 15- K. W. COLQUIIOUN, Clerk. ANTED. -,• MEAT HOUSES, age; also seine. good Workers. D. A. STMLI,NG, 933-5, Godetieh. . • • ' Stf S.' H. BLAKE, • Pawn Clerk. e CA.REER (ATM -re -UNITY. • WANTED. - RELIAIWE'' MAN • es'. dealer in •Goderich, Ix- perlefl0ll not ueCessary. A fine op-, portunity to step int6 old profitable business where. Rawleigh Prodifets bave been sold for years. nig 'pro - 'fits, •Products funIhed .011ecredit, • Write .11 AWLEIG ' t Dept. ML•D-216463, Mentrenl. •.• . -14-17 NVANTED.--ILISTIN'GS• 01? PRO.• P1111:TIES for sale. NO eliaree 10 ytiu. tittle property • ,is sokl. MALOOLNI • NiAlillitftS, 11 e a 1 Estate tiroker, The Square, 0(1(10 rich., :Phone 115W. 1.2tf , LIFETIME opporrry"Ni'Pes'ie-e • Sell glinranteed,, hoUsehold iteeeesities. Be • your •own boss! Moke yone, income -as high OS you want it to be. NOVO 11. dell season. .Sueeess 'assured te the rani/kiwis' Worker:- Loeal and ryttai territories. available. A travelling .tenuipinent •required for the latter:, 14x1)erienee not essentiali we show you:hOw. ,Write' for. detalisf • to • VAM/L1.1,X, 1000,,Delorinifer, Montreal.; -15 • • 4 • • This, advertiseinent; ie directed to, a mile 'i-t7he is lookingefof-a greater scope, wider horizons, euld a, eon- sidertibly .augmented income. , However, . be must have those qualities,:ef,..determinatiote.*P.b..IWY.47,. ality, and definite sales ability that 1411 mice ,thein possible. _e_Wishful,' thinking Ls not enough:" '-eIe must - also have :sufficieet 'eetteatien.: to abseil)intensive, treeping, plus the maturity 'to eoixarilarci tespect. • • Weare looking, for a career :man and are to go a long. way to establish him. eTheepaeltion en- -tails complete welfare.ehenefitse, • liberal penejon' plan, ,and ileed come. • • When -writing glee date Of ,bietli, marital etaties, type Of PeeeiOus eme „pleyment, education and approxiiii- ate '• salary required. ' Also, . list - address and p110110 number where' you inay be readied. Reply to BOX 20, $IGNAL-STAR.e -•12-10 ) for Week of April 1.5th to- 22nd , • ,, $2.50 VITAII9A.y -.VITAMI • CREAM, . ; ; . , ., ...,. . .$1.50 ° ' -$2.50 VITARAy.• itAND, LOTION. .* '' s. '' '' ' .. 4, . :,. . ,$1,50 fIteg. 35c 4,0LIVE,OIL, oz.......v . . • . • . .. • 32 es. OLIVE CAI, imported • $1.59 25c lyTirrE PINE AND TIR .,, _190 25e EPSOM SATIN .. . • • . 17�.• 30eT.ASCIARA‘ 4 3 07. . a 23e. .. 25o. c,urrgx l'ilvti., ppiii$n , _itio" •$2;00,TITYA DUSTING Po1;17.-0EIt :.---4 , .98o ,