HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-13, Page 14,,•••••
4 -Ord YEAR
A .
: •
.4„ nottl. ef congratulation fr9,1111
ifeeord. celigregatiops ' 'filled' „the • Prime /Ministert reaebed Mr; j. b.
tadanitc St, *Laurent; 'Wife of the
. 'Kai ohusehoo f90 ple Easter ser,. STILL MORE PRIZES • '.'. t ,,_ Howilikoon Saturday froin Ottawa
rot THE P4A0a.Dg4By andtiraitie 'inueli pleasnre bath. tO
, Vecs.- Then& t4lie air Was ehillY, '
• the •sun. shone brightly, ,gaster , ber Stod 4> her husband, Tbe note
4Itheli1,h a, lisaelsward springmay is tf4 fOliewS-'s -
tioWe •i" deecrra_otood,Lothe_Ootesroct,
delas,Opetting-JtopivitieS, in the' Mitrii";711.6fv----3-7- '
. .I
aidu'rhh4uY41,0astle41e11441-rffnelehrated yo'urcTixatnycl-:
edifices, and triumphant, jo,Y,ms Goclerich 1,4164S -Club's third :aluiVat
,musie and inspiring sermonS ,
perch derby, it is lacs
haring ' effect 'fifth 'wedding. anniversary on the
markedthe celebratidit of OhriStian,' .
oict prize4, -.slims goottooe to poiis. twenty-oeventh Of March last.
ity'S great anniversary: I .'remeinber *With pleasure eur
in 'from , many .sonrceS. ' . meeting last ,June, when iny hns-
• •Cncleg the direction of Prefessoris
' .... os
- epeating last year'ssotionation,
South. M, 'Henry cif Toroute -
its, Bedford in Goderich.
btuid. and I bad dinner at the Hotel
Andertou special Mu,sic at L. te
' I am lspre, that zny husband, who
is at .present• in Bermuda, would
wish to JOiffi Me in extending eon-
gratula-tions and boot wishel to. you,
Yours sincerely,
George's Atiglietin" Church included
1 the *anthem "Christ. Is Risen"
•r. (Turner), by. a full choir. Miss
•.4;3,1ario.tie Fray -s,., as guest ooloist,
• „Selig in 'lovely ' voiceoHandel's "1
' .Knew that; My Redeemer Liveth."
_Rev.., Beverly • Farr condaeted
helyoevannion and preached the
Easter sermon. •
Flt. -Lt. the ' Rev. O., 14 Harding,
atIA.F., 'Clinton, preached"at Lite
eveifing'41service • .
• ,At ' Knox ,ChurCh:
The celebration of Easter V
, Kdox PoesbYterion Qhnrch „began
with a senrise service helkby the.
Young 'People's Sopstety„in charge
of Brawn Milne and' Frances •Brere-
Ion. Olen Lodge was 'soloist • and
a Short address was given by Rev..
• ° MeeMillan. Breakfast was
„ ;served lu. the lecture hall after;
the „oerSice. • • '• • •
Tbercovvis a *very -large •atteini-
_ ance . at Morning Wor.shipo. when.
"Your Easter and Mine" Owas''the
theme ,of Rev.: R. G. 'MaciVlillan's
sermon. ;Flowers decorating.,•the.
sanetnaty- were placed, in memory
of: Mr.. John .and Mr..
-Witham Somerville, 'Relish Milder:
son tiang "Jerusalem,'" and the.cheir
sending a Urge case of salmon from
Ilt•Itish C,OlumbiasPaelters Ltd. Ad-
ditional ' do tor - of prize o ere;
8fiverwood's • Ltd.,. London; Mae -
Donald' Electric, Kitchener; , Geo.
F. Sterne and Sons, Toronto; Pelo
lars"Breweryi Hamiltono Calvera
Ltd., Amberotborg; Econemy Fuse. • •_ .. .. •
Mfg'. Co.., Toronto; Chadwick -Cars „LUCXNOW •WINSTPEEWEE.
r011 Electofe. Co., •Ltd., HaMilton.,
- Addiqenal Goderieh 'prize donors
are: Rouse *A.uto Electric; Semis
Motors. Gardner . Motor Sates;
Reg. McGee &
Sone; .• - Bill • -Wood; INIacLatren'e
'Studio; J. Bill,
Directing the sale of- oeoch' derby
tiekets 'are Lions-, Ehner Weavers
Frauk Curry and Don Aberboot.
A perch derby gii-y for Stratford
matmfactureOs ' is being arranged
liy-I.,ion glmer Cranaten, the...date-to
•_be ...announced later,. AtiPtite-r , titlY.
will: be veterans'., day, .on which,
,veterans front WestminOter, 'Anita*
Hospital, London, will be present.
Still - another 'day . will be news-
. ..
Papermen'O perch derby day •en_
which: • rieWspapernien' froinOodailyo
and -weeklY-newspa-perS In Western
Ontario and, also froin' Michigan
will be taking•Partsolt is expected,
• thar-titir-witrlie"-tr-Stftilrday;1.10*-
";47,*Bislitop7--;sanghe.. .antheins, ... Ye
- • •13t1i, but the -exact date 'is' to . be
• Choirs of New • einsalem", and ".,Toiy•
. , • flounced later • * `:. .•
on lflastei Day *
iAt the evening service theOsenutis CENTRAL so WINS
til• sacred eantata "Victory Divine"' The annual junior.: hockey, gaze
was presented' by' the elioir. fel.. tilt in aid of, the. Red 'Cross funds, -be-
ret ,time in Goderieli: ":„ It was tween V•ictorie. and Central Schools;
. directed by Mr W. 'H. Bishop. 'The was played On SaturdaY-.. au d was
, cantata •abounds In looely Choral won by Central,' 2-12. 13111 Garrick
work:. end. 'solos, and was Tisteneu Scored both •of the winners' 'goals,:
to with k000 .. tipPreciation, by the Billies, Bowra bein,'. the: lone scorer
, . Mtge. casigregatiori.. It is presented for •AriotorittO Dimesi, totalling $75,
, in three parts',..which 'portray,' the
----, .were. handed' to the Red. Cress 'So -
death and. resurinotion- of • Christ- cietY as the result of the Sale of
'• "in the' Garden,"•`;Tbe EarthqUeTie," •admissiess tickets for the game.
and "4\--"the-Totitbs",-:- --The • soloists
were -Miss Betty 'Smith,. §olonnoo .p, .. . . ,.
.Glea • Ledge, •tenet ;• . Den Walter, • ortrait -of joint. -
, ..•
baritone; andoLoroe Hyde,. bass:
os Victerie • Street United Church Alt UlIV011edAt
,L•••-rr. Tuoneroeonatietecl-t-h
elturelt, and' . at Union pinirels,
'et ie 7 in V ietotia. street Uoited
.Crity_of Galt
Cre'llisrielo township. 'At the fortner; , s ' , • • 4 ' , ..
. -
the music, wa's under the direction GALT; April .3, ors' Marking- the
, of Miss Mary Joyce Strachan and 100th anniversary of •the.'eStablislo '
iinluded' the- anthems '''CirriSt Is meat' of local government here" a .• .
Risen" (Maunder) and `The ...Holy Mr: Campbell 'McArthur, of
Portrait of ,John 'Galt., pbets draina-
City" (Adanis)..* Miss Gloria Pal- Guelph, willno„„„the gnest - seloiSt
tist and coroeizer after -whom .tbe
. .nter -was the giteot soloist ..- '• • . at Knox- ,, Presbyterian , Church en
city MIS named; was. unveiled. in
At •the .evening wOrShip the choir • . Mr.' ...11cArthur;
the city Co.ulicil chamber tonight. - Stledlo*. • overlong,
rendered the anthem .."The, Resur who has tiS fine baritone VOICQ,, Will
-:Miss* Helen Galt „Mitchell; Goelph,
, great-greallgrtinddeughter • of John service.", .. oe.
in three solos • at • the evening
... • .
- • Action" .and• Miss•ocharlotte Me
sang in pleasing vOiees•PGod. „ •
. •-oos " tin ill_ "N ot PronaisecL" ' o. ' -iso
,. Qalt; 011ielate(1, at the unveiling,
d -R -o°- DiekSonos-Blaio,-Ontarios
11 -
North ',Street • United' Church ,. a descendant of the Hon. William
•-'''• Rev: ,C.: W. Cope was- in •Charge Dickson,' wh'b .nansed the place after
of the, EeSter communion services .his friend Galt,. delivered an ad-:
In . North street United' ChOtrah.. dress: The, portroits _clone in Qi1S
His* sermon ' Oubjects Were "The by Alex. M. Galt, a noted, Scottish
Christian Reourrection"'and•''Saved artist,- and shipped ' here, • i's the
ny His . Precibus .Blood ." In the gift of Louis Blakesbuff, Welland;
• evening, a song -service of .familiar a. Galt "old boy". who oompaissianed
-'14'intis.,,was- led by the choir under tbe young Soottion artist to do the
Othe direction:Of Mr. Alex. Clark, Job, Officials were slot able to 'state
Mr.• Cope also conduated a oeevieS Whether -els •,not the attist-,.is, a
on - GOO Friday 'Morning, when. the descendant 'of •John Galt, but they,
, Junier choir led.. In the 8ervice _of hed -high ward of •praise, fors hio
,„..b o • Praise. '• , - ••• . -• • s weds. Mayor J. Met MotTataceePted
" Goderich Baptist Churth i
ohirreh the portrait on behalf ;of. the city
The . (loderich, Baptist and •expressed 'thanks ;to 'Mr. Deff,
, Wel:coined' hack a fernier , popular
, who was in attendan.ce.. .. '
• ,.pitstor, ;•'Rev. ..J..- E. , McCauley of . "Sohn Galt • was a'personal boys
so'Toronto. - !Anthemo ' by the choir hood • frieed • of my great great
•• under the' directien. of;.Miss 'Verna grandfather," Mr., Dickson ' said.
.111111er were "In the Gerden"' and ,..11e'lyas visiting the. Mu. William
`411e :Is Risen 'Solos . were. sung Dickson here at •Shade's Mills le
..by•,Willians Chase, "My Tas.k," itlIci
_ 1827; 'when My ooreat-great-grando
- • RaY• 'Gibldrilg,'3, '"Nete-Twur Tirgre-1"' father. asked permission td Jianie
' ,$t. Peter's Church' •
, n,A. Inn-- congregation attended the n6w • postoffice ' OM- him, An. ap-
pteciation �f their' friendship.. The.
•o onaoseiso at" St.,.. Peter's Church con- village' ofss-Shadele „Mills then.' bes
_ . duoted by Rev. J.. P. Gleesen, parish -moo doloot ..-
• -prie4t,-: and ' Itev. T.__ -..LL, McCarthy, . . -Nuiiiler Pi Goderich-
of ,Sarnia. • MuSie' was, Prtwitleds hY .'. Galt, a • noveli•st,. lawyer and
junior ' and senior cheirs at. 'the Pioneer, had done much: to celonize
• morning in,ass'm - • ' '' - ' - • - -this-- section of Ontario ''f,OUndink
. ' •• • ," • • Y the • towing of. • GuelPh Onci gode-,
• _SCHEDULE, FINISHED, . , sricli;. Absalom Shade was :one a
PLAYOFFS ',BEGIN 111-4• agents and' had set tip` the
• millor* bore that gave the. place
the original naine of Shade's :Mills.
'' Saturday efternoon saw *a close
Founder and orgahlzer , of . the
eontest at the local bowling • alleys,
to 5 Conade-Gompeny, 'Galt at one time-
, St. Marys defeatittg Goderieh 6'
bad; a . million net -es 'of land: for
- in the Inter-tooVii --IloWilng' Lettgee.
The intliolduttlssi_•ores oSereo ' • „ ' development. Ws headquarters
were at Guelph, ovhich lie founded
. For St. MarYs-.T. Noble.,1106,..1).
noz_ the day after Galt was named for
' gilts, 10, W. IVIartin 1124,` O.
inan .141, so, sgoogoo Tv, c..,..floso.. him. He and his "Warden of the
---, clity,
For ,Goilerieli--:4 geclard ill:43-, -G--.-
• Bilechler ',DM, 4.7. Etheiy, 4028, T.
, Fisher -1223, G. Iieiteh 663, J.
, .Corniolt (135-ss-Tetal, 5254,* ''• .
' . .The Leagne , Schedule Is• now ' fin-
_islied,-With the teams in the folloW-
ing order ,-jt SC Maryond God°.
' • Hell, . 3111.-- Listowel, • 4th.; Palmeraton,
l!th Elmira. : • . '
• Sparked by. Jack • Chino aged
eleven, tine of the well-known
Chinese hockey fasnily of LucknoW,
who scored three of the ,
Liieknow defeated Walkerton- by 4
to 1 to wiu the championship Wed-
nesday night at the peewee :round
robin hockey , teurnament at the
arena. Games get ender.Way about
9 nom. and cOutinmed all day and
to trttFli-r'"-n-tghe-'-Twelve--teanas
competed,. EGS follows: Stanley,
Goderich-and Colborne townships,
Dinsgannon, , 'Walkerton,. Listowel,
Seaforth, Wingham, Chesley, 13rus-
sels; Lucknovv and Goderich.
Labelled "Young Canada Pay,"
hockey- program, proved quite.
sehd it is expeeted-lt will
he repeated- and enlarged next
the -idea and saw ' it through to its
About, ..175„. boys' in all
took part ,in the orariais gemeo.
. ' At the Baster morning eeriice in
Knox Church,' 'Rev., It. • G.. Mac-
. . , .
after telling the children an
Easter *story,''confisied 'to them, that
the "Easter bunny" had arrived,
and.ifthey were goo,d'heiVouldbave
semething fcir them- Some of the
little *Mies of the junior congregto
tion were,:se.en tiptoeing -out ot.the
church. They were 'rewarded,' for,
through,. .the • genetositY.• of
George.*Ross, .each one • of the. 102
c•hitdren•.received a- gaily. wrainied
• paciageoof EaSter candies. 'There
were some; algo, :the • tWelve
-babis-7in the-, nursery, Where M-11,4so
Dorothy Johnston,•. superintendent; 'AN INVITATION. FROM .
told an-EaOter stoey.
Journey a --
Bell Telephone
Yoni voice can ,travel. frerweeast
eoliot in 'Canada 'Oyer, telephone
' res Jit solt: e- w 000sso a eee-
900,°„$aid ,;.,\.101.)tr, Igontretai
P111419 Alations representative -of
the Bell 7Telephone COmpany• of
Canada, addressing •' a combined
meeting a member !Of the Can-
edieu ,Legion; Liens and KinSinen.
Club § at the ..‘egion Wall (Al 1:11prs-
day night:'N'Oresan Miller intro-
duced 0.- 13. Symends, Goderich
manager of the Bell " ephoye, who
Introduced Mr. Dix
• "Journey of Vord" .wao the
oubject Of the add ess of MrsoDIX,
who told of the continuous 'expert:
mente of the Bell Company foo
furt#er improvement of • tele,plione
directo:r4 meeting of the Huron
County Children's Society was
„Ileict yesterday., at the e,6azt
It was decided to„malte Urgent
apPeal for clean, fiSed clothing In
good. repair for ' children up': to
,e1 hteen years. Tse stock: of baby
clothes deplete , an an. e
and Itnitted articles for bd, '11eS are M. §backleton, principal of.,0'.1c-
of woodhard, agreed to make an tar% School,,, to bee'. principal; of
particularly' needed. Mrs. Johnol;
the new 'school atif 'ialary of 0,000,
appeal in her cliStrict for clothing,
1GrAt141(1.e: WO& expressed to, the and Mr., M. 11. Ste -APBs, Principal*
Mary liatstifigs Club • of Gederichi of Central. sa001,, to be assistant
which, presented the society with principal. at, $2,800, . The name
generous pox of, clothing, for a Victoria , School ,Ls to be diseon.7
%special baby, for whom the club tinned and the now, Combined
is to be. responsible: A Sunday sehool is to 'be called .siniply the
scheol group in Dasitwood is Goderich Public School. .
donating iptilts, which will'. be Used These changes are -to take:effect
in the 'work. • ,• _atthelie,g_ifiningof the new term
A. II. Erskine, treasnrer, reported, in. SePteniber, at which time e
that of the tetal "e.stimated budget new school is to he 'ready for oc-
of $20,000 thert) bad been, an ex4. capation: '
pendlture toodate $0,534. Estimates • for the current year
cemnimileittien, ilaS aire14.4-- 4u.r10),
The 'offer of Mils. Myersi of were considered and it• was de-
soo, ollsenomenal strides In recent of her hquie as a removing aided to ask the •Town7Couneil.
years. A., complete switchboard and home wa,s accepted, „ • . • ormside $54;000 as the public school.
,other 'telephone eqitipment were on :Nils. Johns, , Woodham, Mrs. levy for . 1950. This includes
hand to demonstrate -et firSt-hadd George....,Johnston 'and Miss ' *Etta $21,007.50 ;for. debenture. payment.
•the workiog of the, telephone., Saults :Volunteered to assist On the Last year's levy Was $30;500; se
buying eourinittee, headed by Harry that,: taking account of 'the 'de -
Mr. Dix eoplained that the books McCreath. lientare spayment, the • levy fer
principle of sending. a mesrsage in Present -at 'the meeting ;were R. sehool maintenance is abonts$1,00Q
olden days was Wed in the (tele- J. J.C4Walt111, of Brus,sels; Miss g.- less /ban last year, -
hone today. In the distant past, Saults,!Mos. Taylors Ida White, The Council iS • to- be allvised
carrya messoge quick-ly aeross the Goderich; Mts.- Johns, NVoodham; that the Board ifs prelmred to•oper
fires Were lighted Oh hilltops to
Hugh Berry',.. `Usberne tbwnship; ate 011 -a deficit for the year up to
otmtr-y. Today, vacuum lubee Mro..F. R. Redditt, II. Erskine, $5,000 in view of Postponed: Govern
4 rs-.---Geoilte Johnston, -Miss ;O. ge.." ment-grants,- provided , this -amount
Gowan, Miss N. IleriderSen, Gode- he • osiVanced on, next year's- levy
• before the end of Deceiriber, 1950,
The Board also decided to `offer
the Central School property.tothe
GODERICH , . . rvn .fe.r $2,500, • .proYided it, he
„HonstoOsite. . Pay.mel;nt for tii'SC,M°uarty
be made over • the years 1951 and
S000sozoss- •
ioaJU iviaii
New Se,b.601
Meeting at the Town Itall".OR
Wednesday eveaing, April .5th, the
bo-stitOons pick- upoonices--on
telephone wires' and send Ilieris on
their -way with increased oludibility..
These tobes make it posoible' today
to speak to'the•,most distant point
in any of the eighty-three civilized
countriealn the oNserldrand-the voi
will be as elear on the tulephon-e as
if the Person *pre hearing it inothe
next 000m, Said.
The spring rally- and •music
festival of the, 'Itlidcllesex-Isembtoo•
Coinpering as'§witc or one on • jt
,despatclier's .office' at a. railway sta- •was at Mount. Brydges , on
than, Mr. Dix pointed- mit thafr the' 'Friday last. *'1!'sor the. second ,Yeal:
Steitchboard niade. 'Ore theovoice
gob •throttgh to -its.' right destination..
With the , temporary switchboard
set up at the .Legion Hallo Mr:. Dix
gave prectfical 'demonstration on
'how, it works„ He told of mobile
telephone Service' Used- Monfreai
and 'Toronto whereby persen cooild
sit in his car 'arid • talk 'to • anyerie
anywhere. "Ys •
'Referring • to the . many' experi-
ments being made by the Bell•Tele-
• phone Conipany, Mr.. Dix ,said, ''We
can • assnre you that a . Conotant
searcn is being.cerried on 'for -better
and even' more depeudable. telephone
setviee," '•'•'
▪ A
. ,. .
• . PlAyoffS ' begin this svAelt,
Marys and Listowel playing' home
and hoine gatneo,, and the same .for
: ,
a Ooderieb and Palmerston• ,* ,
LAWN: BOWLERS ELECT fie . WM n prolific Writer and
, ----,---o- • '
turnedont from 1'892 on
' The [Infiniti dinner of the' Mae- what ,ile
rich LaWn'. 43•Owling Club WO8 ileifl 1(,'(l 011:0 0, ,Ipthti,?.)1 onto; eillilsetr, of
Ayrshire es
to say that- he
tit .1300ehler's Cafe , on Tuesday
of fifty; Only tot ,Iturns• is Its • poet. IIe
• night, with an *lattetldapge
habits of th6" people
'officers for the comIng AeaSon,,y.Vere''""tlbed. the
„elected os follows: prdidetit,i nori Whose ptiosion§ are sung by liurns.
yiee„president, f Bin mos , Offi:Ts' fitting that 'Vie . Memory'
, , Allison.; Of .Galt is still e standing toast at
* . Loren; secretors, Howard Mentes!
the nitres Club in Irflpe.". ' ..
treagurer, Arellie Townsend; eliair-
Galt was born at Irvine on Wray'
,miln oif- grounds :committee, W. I.
2, 1779. He went to Greenbelt
nalier; cheirtnen of roma and out-
.., .sidestoornainents oomoosteeoCaIVin 'When he,' Was. ten yearS old., On
• .
, • April 1,1, 1530, he died and.„.WO
' Cult and George Iffiechler.
buolerin Greenock eeineteoy. After
'his, death, , his wit& returned to
Canada, ' .where their three • :SOTIg
lived. Descendants still'. are found
in .this section of Oiltitrii). Tonight,
his great-great-granatranghter,, 'AIMS
*Alltchellt „paid tribute ,to, him.
.slopped-ain-11-ere-on their wak to and Ann Striekliind,, Wind -
Guelph,. which got its name. foom stir, ats brldesmaids, were gowned'
the iiiet thitt it Wa'S foulded-mr St. alike in sptifig:green oaths, styled -
George -A Day and Gat reniembered tight-litting _bodice • with scoop
the royal fatuity, • , . • neekline, long sleeves, and full-
, •• Jelin Galt's POontleeY flared Skirts , They wore matching
Galt once wrote that the. time eapo, 'and carried stiodi eascade
weuld oonne when Beitaiti's colonies muquets of yellow. spring flowers.
'Would'„one by 'one .'"come ' of 'age .A.v. Hedley Palmer, Of Londons
and, set up for theinselves.'„' He Was ..gripomsnitint- and the ushers
:advocated "ailialgantation. of ,all were Mr. Paksouo, Of TOlo
'British . Neotif Anierican Onto; and 11r..'Jaines Bisset) jr., of
'int& one kingdom upon,' a federa- Goclerich.' •
tiv , prirreiple,".. ' After the cereinony reception
was held aCtlie Goderich Patilion,
whore Mts. R. J,' P. Wafter, aunt of
be bride, received -With the young
couple; Stearing flooniength -gown
of green with .ma nye acees-
'stories and corsage. of yellow losea.
She was • tiosioted by the groom's
niother in coral, tissue faille with
Frey stepeosories and corsage of
gardenias and „,canielia.',..
r 11101 'Mr.. an& 'Mrs. Ralston left
by train for • a trip to Montreal and •Goderieli, ratted in The . Sta r
Ottawa, the bride travelling in a an account of the !scores at the'
PowOr spit;, duky ;itellow coat, Clodeicich Olin Club.. After felidiRg
navy accessories, -and corstige of' where Knyvet Mittel 'scored 9 out
white 'orchids. ' of a poMible 25, Mr. Cuff sat down
The bride is a 1049 graduate �f to write a letter ,which, in part,
St. Jetseplik'S Seim& N'un-zing, reed:
Loudoi4;and the groom. is a .11140 ".11.alf a century ago this fall
graduate' in engineering of the 11701:- yon let me shoot with, your gun
.Yersity Of TOronte. the Gini, Club, &WA paSt the
--• cow .old boyo and girlo. in, Detroit
. . , -- ,
. • 'on this occooion and proniisoO7.au
4 Knox •Presbyterian Church woo eotertaining e'VehirOg.s• •
the,' setting for a lovely Easter wed, Last fall ,MWs Dalton waS pre -
ding at 11 o'clock Saturday 'morning paring to. leave for anon: to engege
when Barbells. Anne, .deughter of to Miosioti ..work there, but her
Mr. ;James Rs OM • .and • thel000is osoesO' , interrupted by the
lite • Mis.4-, Cott of . Saltfoi.dIsevere •Illness.,pf a' close•friend and
Heightsi, Goderich, swiis unirriedo-to soo .. hiut. to give up . her ,oyetseas
Peter Ralsten„ non of Mr --and Airo. srootos.e, for. a time at feast. Ai
11.* K. Raloton, Of troyeloyorl,t reti.W..oiready. Minted, • she is now en: -
'Toronto. - . , g•aged in recreational Odor work
The' eeremony was perfoomed loy4osoopotooso „.,, • ,__ . • , . • „ ,,_,
Rev.' liolfert G. MacMillan before .
, . • • os —
an attraCtiVe oetting of feens, palms, - • ..• . 'GRAHAML-FIglidlit
daffodils ana numereuS -lighted A pretty wedding Niels plaee on
tales: in tall •white *candelabra.
Satin -day, April 8th, at the Presby -
Mo., -W.. H. BishoP, F.R.C.O., pre- .
terhui manse, Godericno when Rev;
•sided et :the orgato,-, and Mr.. Don. R. G: MacMillan united inonia•riage
'Walter; cousin Of the bride, sang Vivian Veoa, Fisher and BenjaMin
"Tilt Lord's Prayer"•ftfter 'the mar; Mni•ray Graham. -The 'bride is the
riage prayer, and "GiiTe Me •YOUT .37onnget daughter ,of Mr. And Mos,
Hand" 'during the signing ,df the ilarirey'Fieher, Colborne township,
register: , • ' -. ' . and the groom is , 'the eldest son,
• Entering'. th,e • Churchl• with her- Of ,Mr.• and Mr§ Douglas Gralusin,
father, theObride was lovely. in 'a .Goderich. • • • : ,,, • .,,, .
graceful. grown Of blush. satin,' fash- •
• — • .
A..note frimi Mios*Autoirtette Dal-
ton of Detroit-Containo the inform-
atioli that on Saitiolay, April' 22nd,
,in • Connection with her social ser -
viae Work,, the first of :a. seriesof
square donee eyettngs.
to be .held .at the C.YoQ.' conimeeity
centre, 8200 Mack, at :1Nlaxwell,.De-:
trait, and 'is. to be an.'"AshOeld old
.tioyse• and. girls' ,getstogetther.3.' She
.hone8.• that -smile •O>f the ,home Ash-,
frels1 'folks ,will Join with the Ash -
.-The • Bait -wee' adVired"'"af a 'e
fereoce 'the .Urban • School
,Truotees? -A.oseciation be• held .at
the group of young people..frOm,. the, -.London on., April :19th., As many
Godericif Baptist Chnrch. received, as possible of the ideal trusteee.are
to .attend.•
Attendance . reportS • ,for • March
were as fdllowoi:o
.. Victoria •Scheol-plipils 'enrolled,
374.; average ottendance, *301,09; or
•the Goderich 'Miss N erna OO.98.• per cent. '
• - •
lastrumejltal; . •• Central S„chool-enrolled, 245';
tenor iota ;• David Medley,'baritone
solo"; Miss Verna killer,,Mrio. Marie
Cliaoe otind
Medley, mixed quartette.
riche • yomig people's :choir. 41i.SO
received • trophy'. for their • two
choral nembero. • • •,
•Alfien creditois dote, 'Miss Helen
„Besoe; trained•and directed the
ormolu ;people in . -obtaining. theOr
high. honoros. • • .
/he rose bawl for the, highest num-
ber of wieners/1n the.feothll. • The
group also received the attendanee
shield for thethudyear.. ,
FolloWing weie. the winderS.froin
The, bride wore:•••a sailor blue
Stored.. with fitted-. bedice, insets yoke- oascashme suit _with:n.07 anti_ white
• and . Peter. Pan, ..eoller or chaatilly. '
accessories tool a corsege • of pink
lace. -, •The,..leg-o)-teuttott sleeves roses and snapdragens. ' She', was.
tapered to it point. over 'the hand, attended bY Miss Elaine Be' all Wear:.
aud her full skirt extentledg.inte• a Ins. a ,spring wine suit with grey
short train. Her fingertip . veil •fell ''''
acoessories an,d ' corsage' of yellow
cap .01! rosea and snapdragen. gr. . Oene,
front 'a .sniiill .eldae-.41tting.
.satin covered with: Mee. . She car- HamiltOn. Supported, the • groom.
rled• her S inother's Bible; covered After the Ceremony a reception ,for
withsatin, white orc'hids, and steph- the • immediate -relatiVes ,was held
'quiet's . from which .fell streamers at the. home, of the- britle§ parents.
of _s wsh,ite .ribhort. • :knotted,: with The diningrobni 'WO prettily decor -
flowers, ' ated with pink andf white Streamers,
Her attendants, Miss Louise pal- and "spi•ing flowers, A • delicious
stun, sister of the bridegroein; as
-'- dinner was served by' Miss Mary.
matron of honor, MiSs Mollie.Bisset .....
gill of Mitchell and Miss Barbara
lirrr-of.-Gotierieliso!"..-• .•.„... - ,.__ 7 '''
" P 140 r to. the it-P(1011T pie bride's
mother entertained at a trousseau
tett In' honor of her dattghter.. Teo
wElA pOUTed by, tvoo grandMotherS
of the grooln, .Mrs..A.„'W.„. .Harnilten
'oj! Lueltnow and Mrs. J. ..I. Grahain
d'f Gederich. ,
;After a , Short honeymoon the
young couple w411. reside in Gede-
rich. •• . P .
- ; .
Jtesults of the Ctilly shoot on
• Vvisdnesday werel B. Beek 12, J.
• Gilbert 17, C. Proust). 0„ Propse
ag.. 1.44, G. Gilbert lp, A.
Gilbert '18, G. Castle
• • •
•Amiti 'a settiog of white snap-
dragons and Easter lilies, Nelson
ilarvey, S'OIT,Tif My. and Mrs: A. Fs
Dors'cl, 'New 'Ilionhirgs took as his
bride Charlotte• Elizabeth (Betty),
average attendanee; --220.57, or
03..35 per' Cent .
• All members, of'the 13eard were
present at. the meeting, ' Mrs,: I%
.Curry preoiding. • ••• .
, X ,totarperyice '4;18a year.- given
., ...
bY: five e'thlAqees of the„,,Wes,tern ,,,,
Canada flour Mil„is ,I.(114 -ii Purity Thirteen '44.tiliariCS', at Azunal
Flour. „Milli) 'was- fittingly recOgl" • Bally ---Work ",Copir', , •
niied by ' feijow' employees, .,4 it O. 1,)3,0niled
social evening held on Tuesda§'i
The Blue Boom , of the „LegiOn
zone getin
egion a, ie -s
• islo-111X011-11
of those honored, awl, of the oilier
'en1PloYees. Also were present, •
The Ave,' who have recently bebn
otiperannuated, are: Dottier B. Wig-
gins, Albdrt I. .Wilkins, Alexander
Kneeshaw, Kenneth MelienziCiind
Norman, Macauley.
• Presentations of smoker sets
were made to all five by John „"W.
Newcombe and Charles Young, the
address being, read by Mr, Joseph
Eaelt expressed his. th.anks
• '• •
Music was provided by Joe Kelly
at the piano. Brown Milne co0
tributed trumpet -solos, accompanied
by his ,'".Sister, Miss* Enlace` Milne.
Cards also were enjoyed: •
- The regtslit.r. • meeting •or Bet i
Sigtott Phi' was held..on Wednesday
evening a t-theolionse'Of• sMisOos-E1-
Gliddexo. frolmeoVille. • '• -The Dreg-
olentsoll iss, Jetta 'Moody,- took choose.
of the business' ineetin.g tied the
electiee of officers for. • the .fortli
eisming year toOk settee,•
• •
ditughtersef Mrs. Martna4Iacaenald• ele'cteit.Were.;
president, Miss Willa
of Sarniaoformerly. of 'ClOderich, ill '3w,u,iliti:80°i;, seerein.ry,
,St. Andrew's. Presbyterian Church,
Moody; , corresponding . seci•etary,
vice-president, Miss :Hazer
• Miss • -Joan
Kitcheuer, on'APril,8th, Ofliciatwinaf;
'miss Ntrarine sWillts o treasurer, Miss
at • the double ring' 'criremony '
Rev. Ilebtio- CosoMaeMillan 'of •,. Giude.
riehl Mr. •Eolovaid • johoston , was irgir:ii•;--bs,soom•ila,,s1, ,K.Nant:sieen.3.r.-titir,:ein. iel.s`tt;lbeoutni
Ehilolvt:ri'aiti,111:ils'illU .-(-2°I.ilus Lenna -r1111:itleo6one; tip1111.10.-,-
at the ; tomobie of the organ
MrO, 'Walter Cooper, Londonosister
aliCi 'tact end way.s and theari4. *Miss
Mary -MeMillant ' , •
ef the groom, :Ong. ".Toge,ther I, .if.e's
. •The remainder ef the eyening w"os
Pathway • ws Terefid,", „and -The 'spent in matimg. 4awer
Lord's PraYer. decorations .
'' for -the....Spring Fantasy.. Curtin was J11( Kt up by' innnigra-
, „- . A• ,
BY. ST,-. 0E0110E% oliont'
II• • ,,. 1
large grOup of 10.1314 ion': •TUOdAY'
evenin,i,,,., April 3.1., When Jlie anutiat, '
zone rally of Legion Ladies' Alix.
iliarie,s was. held. Tbirteen Ladies'
- , s
uxillaries tq Ole Canadian LeglOtr,* -
vere represeeted, With 220 IneMPerft •
present; ', ' • '
',Comrade J. ShearcloWil and borel.c.
rade IL Needhano _1st and .2nd vice- , .
vesidento s ofoot.he local._,An, otillary,,,,;.„-:.„1-,-,
received the guests Inn& P1404,,c0r7
sages 'On Comrade L. ,Long 'of' Tor.
othnetui,,rwollionelisailleisforoin'Vtearesanida!ictismoT.. -
•rade Dorothy Boyle, zone.represent- '
Mixt", of Stratford.; aloe the, PreOis
cleat of eaeb. Auxiliary. •
Comrade ttoris WaSoin eherge•Ot -
, the register and CeturedeS R.' Good
The ssacred.; coptatit ''The Cruel. and J. Adam in charge of the oeiling2'••'
Pf tickets_ On an,)_autogra0 quilt •
fixims,". by Stainer, Wag presented,
with impressive. interpretation '1•4 Made by matter's sif tbesGederieb ,
'Auxiliary, whiCh will be .411SOWn for ,61
the choir of St. George's- Anglican . ,
on June 23rd,, and onc„ a pair Of
chuich on Good: Friday evening,
skier the directioa of Professor PillQwwlse4 whigh were drawn for ',
A. W. Anderton, orgood.st and choir at the rally and ossoni by CoMrade
leader, „before a large congregation. j' Vieke:rs' . • 7."' 4 .t '
-wiaarisysbeautifully rendered, particu- . -Tbe meeting wag 0.pened'with the '•
singing of "0 .t.coneda."
•----Theochoraloowork -iris 'the- choir
the., World." , ''.' '.,• •iitneOsn,n.;Bati.nninfritvoef:sif.isaliileenanedet.cen*rukcifre•aeutdbs;(3?'.aVoteCi..; '
' GueSt- soloists were 'William
, and adian 'Legion, led in. prayer: . -
Couron bass, of Wiinghe
who al.so sang effectiyely as a doet, 'ttvil:(1'Tile7ardi}Irejaveng'rs'pf::°:thf-thli4e"'"!thigi$ 1337-•111.! '
.JattieS 'Stewart. tenor,. of, .
auxiliaries was o Colorful 110-4;/ '
""Se„ Thou 'Lifiest 'thy Divine preosive cerensony„ :
;Petition.° r. • ' . ,
. o aor. 6ondirct'erl e ' de-MoteDenalcio---oseletinieds.
service, the prayers being read by __
„ .eAr-
' t,117,0ierctsguner.sd ainto:uatteledeWthWo,ttr4-legniell:1•1,
Flt. -LL the Rev. "D„--14.• Herding,
of the It,..C,A.F., 'Clinton: . :, • SOI0O by :Miss !Men Willis,' aeepiu-
palled on the ;- piaho by ' Mith'i'.:
The presentation ,was one of the • Frances Breretoni -were ralsc„hositioss '
tdnegt yet ' held in St. St. George's , joyed, as 'were a * reading by Mrs.
Church. . •••• " , •• .
Alyid „alloilIPS011 and a piano seleck„,
...Mk. and Mrs. 'Anderton, the guest -tions-liy oiliost". Shirley, -Roberteen. ,
soloists, and members „of the -choir -The secretary of eaeh :nn*Illary
were entertained -at the rectory hY • read tbe repert of the Year's Work,
all of tlem very interestingsVith as ,
great, deal: of progress' -shown:-
Du.eoftioSsr,aitetrrnd.u. •
eed the
guest oneakers Cenirade L... Long,
who said she•;had been for six- years
. , ,
'dine representative, five years secre-
tary to the !Provineitil "Command, ,
ang four -years vice-tire„sidetit: She ,
eaugratufated Abe' members; •,,is the , •
antonnt of work iiceomplioliesi • der- ..
lila the f pmsto year and -,alsoi on -the
ambit= et: money raised, ' this°
a.,Lbunt being more, than. $14,000.
, ter the Combined auxiliaries. Com -
ReSo .Mro, aed Mrs. Farr after* the
cantata.. -:1, • o
• -$• _ • ••
•C•01.14T._ $ITT. INGS''.NEXT WEEI
-Spring nen-jury sittings • of '• the
Supreme' Cpurt of ••Ontario before
Mr. JiiseiceLSchroeder will open at
the- Court .House 'On....Monday next'
.i.glit'e4.44esTiire,•11.sted on .the.d.oCket.,-
.'Sentence for,it. Lrade Long saids this Was.,,e. record
soul,: and was being • used „for the
• ,
. .1i-arious ,service. projects *in which .• „
• Ia. INItogistrate's; 'Court The,rso tbe, Litdiers's 'AuXilittries., are , Jolters*
*1 ss •last John It Murillo 21, 'of osto.. . •
• Bach one of the auxiliaries .has •
adopted • oosose-r-ovet-etotir, at •West-•
oninsier and gifts e're.sent
tohim •kom, , time to time• as well
as magazines and !letter§ to..eheer
London,. •elected Stunrisary. trial and
pleaded guilty of the theft. of $181.•
hi January. from...the R.C.A.F.' sta-
tion At Clinton. . . ,
• • CroWn Attorney H. Glenn Hays
told theocotirt-that. the amused •wa s this 'way,. and Comrade, Lung ono ••'---
aosist ing the ordc;r10 •Officer 1.1t the !mewled the inemberor for this piece. *-
Otation; a'nd •toek, the money , front of •works She also eongf•atulated;
re (gmrocnenryel;!tteeirles.i\-tehetrreipherinesrtnnt_
itido of the thirteen anxiliaries pre -
the' members nn having the stand.
atm had been man •and•the Pre- "oent, as Ibis 'was • a re:cord. ,
vious record of accused Was good, ' ' . Gfeetings. from -Auxiliaries
• Greetings 'were brought' by •the -
Given in.marriage byol.t."er mother,
the bride Was 'gowned ln 'traditional
white. satin with- -TaCCT:yeke* and
Mee .peplunt. rier lin,geOin veil of
French embroldiTed 1.1.0' fell from
11 peart-studded ,she'
-Trried a white"• Billie, bearing' o
-rorsitge,-;ar whlte,'1,,Weet: •peao, and
,streamers,' As maid of' hoofer for
her sister, Mi -ss Jean Mactioneld
wore a gown of sky birie nylon and
net with matching's mittenis. Her
be,address • tied hooegay consiSted
of .blush Wok cavnotions ,ancl•sweet
peas.• The little 011owersgirl; Joan
Dorsch, niece of the groom, waS
similarlY &weed . .• petals• s•pinks
nylon.. 'Her headdress -of blue Car-
nations correspsonded with the -blue
carnatiorfs • and sweet peas in 'her
•dosegay. 'Attending his brother as
'groOmoman was Rev. 'Larne Derach
of Hamilton. • -Ushers were•Mr. Ito -d
Macdonald,"of Ripley, cousin Of Abe
bride, and Rev. Emerson, Dorsch,**Of
Morriston, brother .of, the groom,
AVa' • recePtion at thesPines
Bridegport,,,following the cereniony,
Mrs, Macdonald received the guests,
wearing a' navy blue. ensemble' and
itasisted by Mrs. Dorsch, *gowned in.
blaek: Mrs. Macdonald atol Mrs.
Dorseh Wore' identical corsages of
blush •pink `C•atastittlins end sweet
pea§. •
For their honeymoon trip to •Ot-
Iowa alid,,Montreol, the bride don-
ned a 'haws:, blue suit and-huogruidy
toPeoftto romliteMeettid-- byo navy- and.
%vitae ecceSsories. Vpori their re -
titre, •Mr.. rindo:Nirs..tDorsch w,111: re-
side at Haden,
• Previinto to 'her marriage, „MrS.•
Dorsett • was „pleasantly surptised
by heo pupils with ti kitchen shower
at the lionie • Of. -Afro. Miner
SeliWartzentrubc4. MrS'. Reuben
Ruthig II1SO entertained thp bride-.
elect with a miseellaineono :ohewer:
Challenge from Drandon
• ,
A .recetit story in The 'Signal- Sunset. Hotel along ss ilh Bill and
ehauem !IA rry Rutson,,. E. R. ' addy" Wat-
'Star 'hoe resulted in a
, son'he , tMenefiniotts, the Rougvies,
Frea fThannon', ote. That gavn tne
to a shooting I.eonard
or Brandon, Manitoba, is, the chat- a liking foo shooting, ,which has
lenger; Komi Naftel .„ of. Goderich been a great vistime for Inc (tiring
hao written to 'accept 'the eliallenge. the 'Past fifty years. 'S'o this, `To.
Mr, Cliff, sell of a fernier organist II, ' Hunting' (a book
'of St. "'George's Angliean Church, which he sent to Mr, 'Ishiftel) goos
to you ,for.s'erviees rendered.
, "I shall issue, a, challenge tto you
the next time 1 get -down to (lode -
.1.10. stinot for two ninth' of
applejack, winner to taTte all. ' -
"Glad to see ,17011 have artificial For a holidaY in Berminin. Miss"
i'cic At Goderich. trazel Wilma, East streot,left to
Virope you eve leeping ' the day fOr NPW York, where, she wilt
best or health, but do get that embark, on the steam8hip "goon
muc out of eye:", of Bermuda.'
niech WAS oervedo •by. the hostess. • - ...
-Tlw '-t-losel°sV '4'114 a•.• -19..v.el.,-Y* I, NFtr:111(11:11; iltoInudee ti.':Ifrtn'exdi,i).it.),t4• ,1';.:..rift,q"-,-72:11-ou','-fizil:Q.Eiej.;:lia.euritg(n- j:fiel:,3'e-e,Li:C:o0"-Ann!,1,rtt\ltiarld(..%;Y:Br:Leie.14f-titali6-. .r. -• -
- .
, . .
KIN.S.10117Will: TWO.
• EXHIBITION GAME, teroo rot two•year,s, on W1d1-tent conaritde S,1„ Bridge' orPalinerston,
_._ ___ .. __so . . o..o....._ 4 . • . ',. ,,, .or swots, o - *- ' ' s Confrode'Jo 13erts - oft ''Stratforit"'
ilfe.° u•'de1.4'i:111681Sx111::
r..,T.lra.li*cCses, ',::°11:1eIIE,il'i°ttor".1;;se.i
a/iligitG0(1e;ii!1111:11(:n:((X:ennetb:Metiregir ofKincardine oon::de O'Dendell of Mit:lie.11
s:ztootisoo1.iis1:11.10O1.6111en id 1citoftotg011ts(1ai0:1(1eIIIIlaetof 1.tnow
hines1443 in a free -Scoring ehibi,lesg(1si:g(niie,*hien410se01:14,I1.Icng,()1
1twe,, .
thin Jockey, gwo. played be1!Ore'150 ont of an accideot.on high -Way g1,_(,,,tninfod,e.;. - 11. ...Beer of o Ifensall,
funs. -ljimniyi liayter's (..`bnibines, one-half" nide- north of Port. Alberti osnneticle Phillips of IllYth, 'Coon/Iwo, ,
wereno match for the speedier and 'Whellohe Wsi'Sfheod
-11Ver Of a car so Sttnaeroon "of . -Wingham, and.;
bigger Klitosmen, who' Were ableConirade Ct;,'SNIal.•Dona-td of Goderich
to,ceptroLmost ef the play, reSiTito ell4
W 11 illidtrir50.01inle4(1 jwolitlhn. a9ciel.n4i-liteliliPtilonngthleof,. An Invitation witip(_,xtenited .from
frig in as one -1(1(U victory or The Toronto, which wri.s stalled' on. tire' Me liarristonoAtaillari to hold. the...
.6ii Tue.,§das. evening at the arena .'
hiellvil‘,siotnyg sdnutrtienrg; an f oNnveien-rottnonr
1,rf'dr'iver 'comrade, , 'ong ..1,Inimiitneed that
195I rallysitielet town
•• ' •
locolO. • ' . _
Gedericis Kinsmee laced • Exeter Of* it. car owned- W.' Arthur, Sleet= Comrade Hoyle -lia'd'' been 'returned,
Intermediates 12-i.- A: last-minute of I.,linis • Head,' sitid• he stopped to to the . !since of zone_ reptesentatb,te„
, ..
hitefi.An plans made- it impossible
for the Wingham Spitfires to,
a teario'and the Exeter bos Willing-,
151aY'. it Ille- el.; tIlyrsfLee t's attsNw.., a Y. 91
give the --Clenclenniag Otto • a pueb. This announcefeent ,WaS WIriTtl1V ap-
ennniMictrNe..egreyr tnoacar, 1.70,..ilitertolresodovio,e:r.n.,p'rose•nted, •to 43, "0.1,nra' 4e*
Glodstone bag in appreciation of his tically oil. ‘• AA .• 6 •
'1Y offered their' services for the ex: "le jumped baek-wheehe 'heard -Mr: rloyle tied *Comrade 'Loog by Coin- '
hibitiou eonteSt. , . ' si6011111`shollt• . '` . '' '-' ' ' . rade, .-Mactionald of the ciOdei•ich • . •
. .A osttitement given, 'to 'police , by AuxiliarY, 'NOM' ili turn Was - pre-
WM. GARDNER HONORED' Mc:Gregor. estimate'd his speed at sented with, n bea.uttful In -menet of
' Frank ,Isennelly,, K,C,,, ' defenet • :rho meeting closed...With the sing -
thirty nules an hour.
. '
T17 DAT COLLEAGUES sprieg flowers by •C'oniratle Adorn. •. '
At ' 8 dinner .-----at *it 'e -Park Iiettse cull) ca r uot been ' ' parked there which a 641(.1 bus • hineli . was ,Served
., counsel, argued • that had , the Slo- Mg of ;the' .National -Anthem, after,
a ttended fiy',. assacia [(3, id ,,---ugifce: would ' have 1)001) 111) aceident. It by members of the ,G,oderich
111111 00111 • court work, witoom Gardner was dongerolls to blosk 'the 11151355 *5 illary _under the Oonvenetship of
was presented with' 11.- hand.some hi.. .lits, When visibilil,v WAS pray- •Com•rtitle. Its Moeda:so. ,•
. 'brought to Goderieh.•. •• • fsylveoter -of • Hartiston, C•ontrade
' Ile was ' granted ,42;tpended sen- M. 'Mec H
nen of owick !.tewnship,
. . •
woilt for ten '.4 *1' \Yin the pollee Magiot rate IIolines finind the WilsiGlIAMssp..ITFR,v,p___ ,_,,......,
ip itniop.,rojIllts.o.so„Mio...Gardnotosoes shoo,o, flier'.1111.i.k....soiu os.hoomo •••enr .,,•,41st ,Alt
•trg.r.. •• ,,ty, .4.Ar.0 da..,,thrAmpraisrs_.
'e Was on at- hi the circumstances.' tiegiO-
telulance of fifty at the dinner_ tered a eonsictIon, and itemised to , s ,
•,N1r.- Gardnee- resigned from the fini-of $15 and costs. * ',,,- NI`ingliani • Ste ' Spitfireo' l'aife
, . , „
Isnit.on • , ..,
ontario 'Provincial , pollee, with • ,(),thers giving ,Vidplie, •...siosog 1.1a... NV•0:0.A• Intermediate grand
. -.. '.. '
W1141141 ne, had sireved Itimseif a- Arthur "T.. Pflocam, I'lso.itielal Cons I1*e1(7 (th'"ili)juht' f()1.' ..11,-)M s 911
eapoble andu
-cortepus officer, to be ;stable II. Slott, arid MisS, - efecen, Friday night -at 'fbe Gooerieh Meno .''..s
nosociated, '.sit 13 lliS brother Jack. Of Toronto, a ielssenger iti the oriel Arena, befere 4,200 „fano,;the
in tile businfics , of GariTner 1118101' (slendenning one, who suffered facial Spitfit•es 'eaged- the •Lueitniow Sepoys •
Sales. , 4-3, .10 gain the eltantpiptiliip in
TU •E N ' ,Atn(:sills'Infioctii,i(lili:t4ii)g‘1,1:.d. :sofinFinir:12.e3asres((i:::iireli:itiiongh,e,:taiinl: iii:1,1111:1(ieigh011;11eSgl.‘(11:yiihiitail,:iinn„1.,:i ilti().11111:10c)1'„scorte:11, ititioillifd„b1;41:7010:608
:rit 0., -____s_............._.4s0................,
. • TO OPEN APRIL 29th It -worm ions.
..... , .
three straight games In a'. lidst-of. ,
Iticbard Ki 19111 rick plea il6c1 guilty „
Kingsbridgo, when he failed te give
ear. Mr. li`ittipaitielc said the
the right of way to an eaStbound iti°ei.t.°(,71.et-,(‘).1:1,1"e'emTrnitieer;;I'lliTC;_16t17 mildtidTet .,,
wiudowi4, of this ear wore "steame(l $, ., 6,411.1,,., wnhfilq l)Ililg ' .Vi`ng,luth
‚.5:111* fog axd liizie,:indtroz,,,,);;;e7;In the final cliaptcqenelf
10 and elts. 'countNfor Winghato at the final
whistle. Weotlake led 1119 teani to
.N.(4)‘'rn,1;11,nli.el,(:,ksigitt(11,r11(.1,41,1144(:;1,111fierte.,,wlign(1.01111/:, vietory W11 1i two 'tallies, while:Leek.
him. mils inv,olved In , an accident t°,11„s" 7‘)1' 11.1P ,.. 8, 01)4%4 IteLe
was disnilsed. A ear arive4 by Tidge and, Gatonby'notelied sillittglfle(i ...,
8117111h etarivjoeirepby0013,214(1 011' rTIAnige1G1 iiiiinig r1";iiiton,arsI41.\',0 ripil Arent ffrey4 were 'the
Itt 4111+ intersection mutt. llettmiller,
' DisortitrIy• Charge •
(cin 1(1 spaln woo couVicted 'of a ti9*.iii(1110((,:0.1111:1k,;(014.11911'',,i/V°Iji°11.1111.1Ao'hatoriitl ."
diitirderly. charge in hol'ig drunk "'
at a local poolroom. which lie re.pn the 11 own Itell, \\Ingham, On
frttiosne(c.el it: illoeaLe. asiileie!Niv,tiol:strlotedne"levyd to iiropetre rim. tbe voliang blisob:in
1 Wednesday.. APO' 19, a t , A.15 , pin.*
.„.„, .
- • e
TORONTO, April 11. -The trout
seasoon will *open two ditysoearlier
'this• year so that tinglers may get
in an extra week -end of fishing.
The 'Department of Lima's and
Porerq,s ,has announced settoen
557111 op'en on Sat -malty, April 29,
inotead • of, May 1, the date -origin-
ally' ahnounced., ,
• • • The' daily tront Unlit • -will be
fifteen •fish, instead of twenty as 'in
tither seasons.
Ttc pike ^and • pielcerel SenSOTIS
tllso will open ntitlier, on Sof Orally,
MnY 13, inotend of Moy 15,
TIIt BALL. ,fitOYS t(*;mitIttr
to ton littys jam ring. igOrfi!alir 80.1$011. •