HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-06, Page 814, 7,,71,441#01(pito4v-4.' TRT, inua * r- t, • NORTHERNAIRS VIR" AN ...,4E4p;AXP;THERE Tile high ,p &i1 of 'sten" '-esSees iiLGederiele'' wilielt reached' a, peale-abeut two weeks no is now. ,Q the decline.' NSW a ..few eases' ilf" measles are,reported 411W/1. • Time mainsipe .of NOW York. City honed The Signal -Star this 'week fOr information about Ciedericies Veteran motorcyclist, Welter Henry: ••- , can still beat•most, of the nfen fishermen," says ,Mrs-eam Stewart, Trafeiger street. She•plans to use ' the leng bamboo fishing pole • she used with Marked seleeetes lifer year ago.) when site gees in 00 the , :Verdi derby: ••• • - • Stratford wonitto w11s. not the only one Who offered" -to keep the• ! Hargreaves quadruplets' et Sault • Ste. Marie. A Goderich westatu •'plumed the Ha rgrea vise whit • the same offer but was- thiti lea' , ber• 'plicate istunber and .s -he would . be called if it was-deohled to send ,the quads to temporary homes. Matiargef • Radio Statm CHI -0, St, Thonet,' See the -movie+ •in a Supday broadeast referring to • OWN THE RCAV, IcTOR' ,n1.4.s.rx ,said, in part: '''STORY -BOOK"' ALBUM' 'Starring: On "The Northernaires,",; ovir CKNZ every MONDAY, -WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY MORNING at' 10.15 aro,'111 t110. 11S11.0 011Jeri, -.`3tan Wilsesi 011 the .eleetrie gititar. Al. Harvey, . fafiiou ttiO cosseettistes • blieed EdWards ;zit the Northern Ilannuon(1,.- ,C,ss known' ittinotitiver; attd PixieIleittle.' on Odic -vitiations tbe Ra ebbs. . golden -wedding. aes • "Cougratniations should gri, uot only to 'the, manttfacturee of • that •-titift ef .clethes, ste Mrs Itaithhy fOr lutving kept .a figure all these •. s alnsourv since the roarin' game el • elirting 'WAS l --idayW-sto -any extent -in-- Gederiel ittit, on Mouday, Aeril • 17tii, the . . grand old...garoo naakess its rettirn scheduled at7Gode, • rich Memorial Arena: 74 lytit,„-be • ...the, last eveist before the. ice season .p.oderich• attics sted cellars searched ',for. old curling sfones enough etiret be dug, . . ;sip, the. Winghafa ;Curling Club. lets ..:,...shInslisesznoneeeted to lend the re-, ..ssesttirednilthher ter the eecaelon. A Depa• rtment of Highways. gang Was thropgh here on ,Priday •patch- ing Victoriastreet. They did not peke- a very dbod job of it; there •• are still half -a -dozen holes within a few yatds at the St. Darld'street :intersection. -s• ISafieles has counneneed work op the- ebhstrstetien„ of the, ner „bessiness ;blinding' ds,ittlii•g_u --011 t4t...Daviies' street-. •• * . , • •• ()Wing to tack of .spave• The 'Signal -St at, Ames had, tos forgo • '.• 'Week. ,t hes custeinars •pikactice of the- mush, to be given •- at the 'Easter ser•sicessin the local .cherehess Much informaticie are to the-seservicee is given ha •the church advertisements' on • pages5 fie this -, Issue. rliiti'active window slieplity at Phone • 3.41 OWO.P For. Sale tor Spring Planting • 1Red RaslabereleS— Vilsing, ,letlitam, Newburgh, Newman, , Madawaska early, also Trent early. ' , Strawberries -5 varieties. • Black and Red Currants. Dia& Raspberry tips. „Alt prices, aresteasonable. • Have a. shipment a Orna- mentaltrees, evergreens; eltrubs, de:, arriving around April 120e, eonsisting of •SPruce, • Arboryitae, Rose of - Sharon, Forsythia, Spireas, Hydrangeaer-Moknrange and Dftwoods.- Thisuscill be sold reasonable, saving • packing and shipping charges: • Order: your 'plants early. •VViSleyW, Fisher, .R.., R. 5, Goderieb, • SALTtOltli VILLAGE GA1 INS 1B. 414:15; .• Ctiiiclren love "Cinciereqe, more 'than sony gather: foity:tole in the . world! Now RCA Victor's "Little, Nipper",biings you all the excitement of the Disney movie in a brarid-new "Cincler'elIctu-5-tori-BoOk itcord-_- alEuml With:stars 'of the original . . wonderful 'songs_like,, Ji , _ and '"A bream Is A Wish Your. , - 49 vaiies124 pa6es'of Pictures and StOry. We have it.on both 78, rpm and 45 rpm records. , _ ' • . CORNISH• ELECTRIC West St. THE GODERICH SIGNAIATAit Orief$ . • '--.4,--....--,— Von 1$4114N.—AJA.145,, AND CLIN- '''` TON seed tette, cle1ttied/'41.19 St. ,Greorge's.12•witell' W.:4*. "e "Per Vesliel; also. (44414t1ty a Galore holding they Easter meeting, with; Seed. berieY. IVAN BE#N, it.11. 1: 'elks. 11; Bailee' of . Clinton ele Anhui:ie. 'theme 1.0* r-5,.,1.3,1$111- 14,0'sx, special epeaker, • on April ilth„ at 2,0 pap., la the Parish Hall, igter • s_iltviL jiyich tlet:,Allere a3wi,,,I1Nybloam•be.atet-ul,r.13anid-4,_ ?Olt "LE' •-•-- 1032 raNT-tAo sedan, good all-rohliti emsditien ; . • s------ stss-,-, . 'n'is :eprifig. -shade d. froei $r,9,95 .:-.6.ite--- Girls' eyrie size s 2 to OX ,aud, 7 to 14, ,etyles' and- in. stp, at S,,,c,11,aefer's, '• • • , "i, -14 1 Oli, ' SALK-1646 VANGUARD,•. "rim So0ai ClUb 'of Utilise United 0',Q• 11)Yriesseiax' "nitiognuttll.,:f:}-1111ner!',aussitl;I: rpitguti•ehsa, lUeoodsethioelint. ettpoiiivdncs,hblia),41TusFhoalli 15,..,44, pteeial.• ,CAM1)11ELL'S GARA.GE, cousitry predttee at WOrS'ell's bards • p.al'id's 6"e'4.phone 1097:- -14 i ,,,et•,a7. st?_re .94 .Sati,Theys APriqthl L p.111. 1 -j,ji -II' wood • 12-bseli length, $5 Cord - delivered. Phone 502 or cal' . at For Results - Uassitied , IrOU' ts() It SAPID- F_ofim0SDAI: Bee0.11A,IgIS-ss.2)EtkIfit' :';1“-fsizeil• 1..,'Iraut -prat:tit ritone 07g.W. , 14x Ft.on‘ SA1E. :,-- (.)RDEA YOUR revergreees; • neisserY ,sfeCts,' per- extuidle, ete., ,front Jaeleeens„.Elor- ,Ists. rlant 'in, .A•pril and lklay for -best sueeeso w1t4 uto4t of the,se. ?, -...s.liptly. qtied.,-.,-Snae P110110 10`4- I-2tf , seri.* :s irao, use c,#)•?,w 12°9;,..1.iitf r°nRiliiSAit4lfaifa, seeesisEP•AltrOPIt°T4E'T/St- ras • 004,114). . " , NIIIIL 40W11V,!' Belt. 4'. . Int() 4., Plf011e_,113,4.1: A, Gederleh. • . . -II , New is the time to de"your spring wallpapering. See the new 1950. Washable papers at Schaefer's. 3.5 Albert street,• - 13-15x' s 011,• SALE. — LARGE SIZE • -1 , baby's crib, in good eorelit'eu. Phone 099W, •• • 14x wile .clectrify apy 'treadle sew- ing machine,,29.50 and up, 7)r make into P portable, $39.50 •up. Repairs tenlesuPPlies for 741 makes, c. Woods; 12 East street, Phone 807J.• •9tf s • — 1N;ashable Mats in good heavy quality -anti in all the bright shades. ---• FOR ,SALI11.-,- 150 -ACRE FA101,! _21/2 mile.s west af Dungannon, Vs, of lot .6, conceesion 5, Aelifield township. Good 8-reinn frame house, barn 4,5: x 50', .L shed 40' x 30', do,uble garage, driving. all cement_ foundation, ,drilled' well, scliool next Perm.; 45, Special $3.95 each; at IN tn. Achesen acres seeded, remateder ploughed. & Sun's. - • 714 Easy tennis., immediate. possessien. ' ' Plume 213W for the fasterst, most 'pliable service on !magazine sub- .e.eriptions. Miley B. Howell; 4 St. Vincent street.' 6 - _ .• _ • t23100 aLso. Gold Seal Cengoletun rugs' all HOWARD. JOHNSTON, R.R. 1, sises, chuice of patterns. -See these Vert • Albert, ...phone Dungannon 23 r 22., ; • ,•'14x It J., DURNIN, phone 49„ , pun - galleon. . : • . : • ,FoR sALE... ---„ HAY,' 7 , 'HAY - LOADER, Whiffle0r6es,, 'scales x stove. at 'Wm. Acheson & Son's. • • -14 The North *street United Church ▪ ruminage sale : will be held Saturday,. April -22, at 1.80, .its AlhelKay-I-Itill. .— 4—• --18-14 Ahmeek • Chapter, 1.0.D.E., will hold its reetilar monthly meeting on 'Thursday,..A.ptil 20th, at 8 p.m., sats-Macletry-slittil, ---(-Please-'-not -change 6S -dates) - - ••. - - , , -14 • Home baking sale- en' _Saturdays nt-72-spansssats-13. Y. M 'C'teath'O store, auspices cif 'Willing Workers'. Class. • ••••18,44 FOR ,SALE. st\TEN-Rowq houee, large lot, Leeknow s 'Hydro,.four-pieee bath, hot and cold, -Water- on, tap, -built-in scephofirtia,' flew ,brooder house ,and garage. lienhouse,7.fOr ever 460, hens, ale& ttirkey 'shelter; • risspberrer, bushes. R. B. VANCE, Leeknoevs-Orit: -445. OR SALE. HOTJSES : raisins, alt coeveniences, ." Pos- sQ,5$1011 inunediat,elYs J. BICKNELL, SaltfOrd, phone $57J, Goderielt. , p rANos,„ sale of useV•PrOnOe: Pnell well- known makes as Heintznorste, Masear & Risch, Web, Nordheimee; etc. Special prices and terms during this sale. !Write .fee., list of bar- gains. HEINTZ1VIAN & CO. LI.M. WANTEIS Bux.---ALL ITEID, 242 Dundee streetso London. 113-14-15 horses And detscl euunais. suitable for mink feed will pay More than fertilizer price's. It not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead,'phone. at once. ISILBDRT BROS.*. MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect 41* IIIIRSDAYe APRIL+ :60),; 4000 For—yo!ux-Ester Week -end Elesserts--, , . ,IOULBERT'S .TIAXERY features the foils:min: I -Jot T�s Bs:— 28c do.z.:- warn L'AiiER OAKES with iliSpberry .with boiled frosting uind tastily trinuned-i' With Easter • eplors, • , . 50e, .350 and 33o eadt We .also feature small, 'Cup Oakes; pow.bang, eto., ae4ora4 tearro-Fer anaTriOge-,701.1tioelati-Oaltei • 'Easter Eggs; $1.00 ea:olt.' 17,S . e The Home of Tasty Paitr,Y Order of $1.00 and oier deli•Ored. , PliONE 05 ' WEST ST • .4 • '0 WANTF.:0 rwroar •• -AUCTION `.'SAJ.,ES AUCTION SALE • OF "frlIOUSE NO r 21 -or 333 r- 32; . , • .. WANTED TO .-RE,Ni.i.•-t- SMALL hotise ' or 'apartment, three fruooruisuishaecni,d, by April ;910i. -first floor, •un - 1 let. . , MAIT. CHAMBERS, phone 1157J, 124- 1e URN IS IIIG S • iu • the village of Salford, on • SATURDA.1, APRIL 8th. • at. 1 pan. • Three -burner. coal*, oil stove; Quebec- - heater ; eleetrre washer (used for to washings) ; lauedry tubs and steed; •exten- sion -table; kitchee chairs,; dining - room suite, table, chairs ,afidschlea cubinet ; sideboard; Raymond drop - head sewing . machine; Eureka vneuttin • dloaeer •• end attacinnents; music cabinet; enireOeS1 3.:Pleeo chesterfield suites-, clocks ; number -cif-metiers-and_ tablees 'librery. table; occasionsiseltairss pedestals; hall tree ;,_hall.spirror ; bedroom suites, springs, 2 inner -ring niat- tresSSes, ghost of drawers; 2 .fern- •eiees; pietures.;: cot ;' 2 high chairs; 2 commodes; :lawn chair; planter radio; 2 C,ongoretnn - rugs .(like new) ; other, floor coverings; 10 scatters-smatss--4-•-bahy-sprauss ; ' 2 high chairs; • '2 nursery • "chairs; -.baby's; cote, child:, Walker ;.•,Veller mops, afid brooms ;, curtaiffss icebox; 2 electric irons; dishess• kitc-hen :utensils-;', seelerS; 75 jars of fruit; garden tois';, lawn. Mossier;56 ft. laWis • hose (new), htStsePtt'ller articles, • .MISS LILLTAN HARRISONs • Proprietress. . • sHAROLD JAOKSON,• 13-14- - .„' • -Auctioneer. • .selection, of. Easier gifts, at' Campbell's Drug Store. ...'• -14 - . • AI'S Fish and Chips will be closed for -alterations . commencing ' April 10th. Ile -opening date aripeuneetl -later. , 4 • -13-14 . . • ' • • (fet permanent. wave, refill 'by smith...nerd. Hudnut and also a bottle . egg „Cream. shan,ip00, both, far. ,1.75. Car,nthe11's,Drug Store., • • -14 •MinStret shoW hy ninepina Tins• Friday, 'April ,21..st; -at 8.3.9 inen'es Club' tie MacKay Hail 13.0: nsered.by. Goderieh Kinette Club. •sS'omething new- Revelon Lip Mies reef as .-14 The W,C.T.I). Meets. AlicKay • Hall. • on Tuesday,- April 11th, at • '-14 2.30 psn. .. , I Cupert's bakery, -this week lute. at- ! tracted much attention. It includes Se' eeke • in the slexpe, of a li-ttle Iwoolly white.'lareb, and'perched On it white picket fence alongside are' Igaily eolored little birds so lifelike on0. can almost. heti'. then" •chirp. It is se eleVer, and pleaSing piece of 1, work: • • ' ' • . • BAYFIELR _ . , TO :RENT • OR RENT. R N I SII ED ilving:room and bedroom, up- stairs, rind 11? -le of, laltilrOonl. Suit- able for 2 girlse Immediate' pos- sees:101e -Phone, 289R,..', • 21.4 '0 'TEACHER WANTED. TEACHERS WANTED FOIC..1,114- 1.-7- 4,Gederich Areae For, farther particelers apply sae, FRANK - YEO, kits ' 3; Clinton,' SecretarY-treasurer, 4.-14-5 CARDS,. Ok' THANKS • . For $1,50 you effn buy Yardley's epecial. of - three bars of lavender soap.' and' •a..• free. trial drum: , of Isavendomeal . tit Campbell's ,.brue Store„,. • • • • -17 BAYFIELD, April 1. --Misses •M ., , and .1., Stirling.. returned lieme 00 Stinday after epeieling the, winter , . . iu Ita:y.sCity;' Michigans„ ' , , , , , • ;Sir. 'and Mrs. .1..8. Stevart of Handitonssare tit their home here' for- the Easter holidays, ' , . , - The Isione Club held an amateur show en priday night. The win- nbrs will - appear in .the runateur ,SI•eseseaL_Seaterth on April 28th. •„ „Airs., Henry 117-1021117tey -lia . , . turned home from Preston; where slissient the winter. . ~ Miss Beverley 4rork of Litcau Spent, the, week -end at hers hone here. , • . '•• .. . • 1 '. Opls. end Mrs., 1. Hawkin8 Mid Sanatly• ineved to Clinton on Mott- ' difY aftee living lir Bayfield over tr..yerir. ' itmoilOse•immoommitim000fiftommil000iemmoosioeetimio tNTfl (ARS ,• • • 190:PO iAo oppAN:s.. • , 1948,olfr.AratorT EF4P4N 1947�tS*1� PAZ • • ,.• s, • , • • ,1941 PL2•1+40•UTH"SEI5AN 1940 DOberE SEDAN 1941CHEVROLET COUPE ' 1939 rilAtlycount SEDAN' • 1938 .011EVROLET COACT!, 1037 011EVROLET COUPE .1.9aq CHEVROLET • COA011 1935 'CHEVROLET • COUPE • 1934 CHEVROLET COACH 1984 OLDSMOEILE SEDAN , TitE RELATIVES OF THE. LATE Mrs. McWhinney take •this 4 2-14x FOR SALE." --GENERAL ELEC- •• "TRW yetrigerator, almost new. iss.4 FOR SALE' 611. EXCHANGE.7:`, ,Propert,y known as:Wayelde Inn en. Nos., -7 and 8 . Highway., New Hamburg. • , Apartment., unch rooms. . Service statioe. Tkve cabins. Apply L. J. BECKERSNew Hamburg. • • FOR' ,SALE.—TWO GIRLS' TURs • QUOISE blue. 6oat and4sat zes 3:and 6. Apply 28 Canihria •eed,,,phone. .3871!.• ,e -14 • • --ss • .51 1 ()II-S:lALE.-41IRL'S RAINCOAT, size, 1,4; ' Apply, 48 Etest istreei. oTt *:S-2V-Ji1.--=--FORD MODEL - 1/2 -ton.. pielcup truck S.,new tire, motor :perfect ; fog light. Excellent shape ,$125. AUTO SERVICE, 44 Ifuren read. -1";3Xtf. ss -s, A 01)11111,• FARM 'STOCK, IMPLEMENTS .(LEARING 'AutsrloN SALE Ole at -lot 30, eene'resSiou IS /lad 1V1tVlil- I10611 pW1101P, 0110 mile east of FRIDAY, ApRIL. 14th '* AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS nt 1.2:30 o'c;oek , FOR SALE.—BALED HAY. WE HORSES -1 •rean mare, Ws -ears hate ra limited amount of geed ; gray' mai.ey 9 years.old. • quality mixed clover and timothy 'HARNESS -1 set of: breeching hay. Should you be getting shoes harness; 1 set of bttekband harnPss; of feed, contact HUGHHILL, R.R. inumber Owe collars. 4, Goderich, phone 1240 Car1,971.,4_6 vi,,ITTcTahLEes—a2t ep000itee; jleit,lhlsoalcute lJur- ' ANTED AT °Neje'. MAN TO. . , Service customers, for faMons Watkins Products hi • Goderich, E,stablished, business-- brings $4i'k weekly average, istartieg Stinnediates ly. No. investment necessary; Write, J. R. WATKINS 00„• Dept. GC -4-1, 359 St, Roch St., Montreal, Que. .- _ • • „ • 4447 ANTLRADIOS.s,AND, AP- . • PLIANCES. to • be 'repaired: ART'S :RADIO SERVICE, 2(1..Eldon street, Goderich, .phene 1111W. , ." _ • .5tf ANTED.—LISTI/sGS 'PRO- .PERTIES for sale. C.' F. effie:PMAISILes-Reat-sEstate--11.rois'er... hone 18. 8i)tf ANTEDs---IF YOU HAVE 146, .PERTY in Goderieh y„en. wesh — • • -The Kansae Farmer and hie entertainers .will present a variety' concert -in the •D'ungannon Agrieui-T, turel •Hall on Wednesday, April 12t1i, at .8.15% p.m. A .dance 'will ,follaw the cencert with music by Jack Thyline's Clover -Hullers' -Orchestra. .s. • ' • -14 4? — • Learn -to -skate classe.s atthe new arena on ...:Standaiss Tuesdays and: Thursdays freta 2 to 3 •p.m.s Mrs. • (1, Arbour in charge., s ',14t1 • .Rummage sale in Victories etrect 'Cberch on Saturdae, April 15th, at 2 p.m, under' auspices of Eureka 'class. • , • , -114-5 The W.A. of Crewe ,ftre holding means of thanking those who ex- tr SoCial evening and bazaar in pressed their sYrapathy in so' manseet,Crewe school on Tuesday, April acts of kindne'ss, especialiy those Tf, at ,8.30 p.ne Everyone is wel- who loaned ears* or sent .. floral tributes.— come. hain Cows., dep. in 'spring; 4 tWO- OR SALE,—FEW, BUSHELS, Ole• year -aid heifers (fat)j-; 4 two-year- - yellow clever and •alfalfa seed. old steel -sr.( fat ) ; •7, .yearling. steers. We have, 'a limited amount s of PIGS ---York soar .svith' 11 pigs' 5 Beaver oats grown-fromeregistered- seed. Anybody interested .in. any of these seeds; don't 'hesitate 'to get in touch ,with F. BE'LL AND - FAMILY, 11.11. 2„ Goderich, phone 934 r---.22-ss, •• .14te . . FOR SALE. FRAME HpUSE; ••• story, '6 rooins,• hardeveod, llooredownstairs, 3 bedrooms, base - Meat ; allconveniences. Apply 81 -"Newgate street, 'phone 278. •°'• 10tf , FARM FOR., SALE. -i00 ACMES, of good elaysloane 10 acres of busies 8-rotinned modern _liaise, bank barn 44' X 48', henhouse, cement' silo. ellttildings 'in, exicellent state - of • repair.' Hydro . availeille, This Is a geed farm priced for quick attle.- Write 'BOX,. 26, .SIGNAL -STAR. , • 14tf TRNDEIRS WANTED „ !TENDERS: WANTED: Sealed tender e evil'. be received byr. the uudersiessed until.. 6 ,April 10th, 1950, for crushing and. hauling -7,000 cubic yerde of gravel, 4,114,inch ,in size, for the TownShip of West• We,wanosh; at r,11, flat rate sap -plied as directed by Road,' Saper- • inteudent. . marked elleeue. for $200 must actompan; each tender. • Low,e.st or any tendertnot.'neees- • sarily accepted, • s ••,.. • , LoitNie INERS, • ....Roads Superintendent, Duegannon, Ont. , TEN'DERS WILL BE RECSEIVED • by' the undersigned until....Apra ...•- 24th,_1050, for the repair and 'decor..., .ating of, the interior of the. ,Town Hallspaytield. , Details nuel.be'had..% 'from' • the, undersigned or . Rathseeli, Leseests'orlany tendee•-notsseecese.... eerily accept&l.. •Ir. WESTON. ' , • •Secretary„. Village of Bayfield: 1449 - ' r • • NOTICE CREDITOR'S s iier8ons having claims againet ,the estate of Jellies NVilliani Mac - Vicar. late. of' the Town 6f Gode- to exchan-ge for property in Sarnia, rich in the 'County of., Ilurone-who write P.O. BO.,X.7902 Goderieh. 40. died • on or about the 26th day of ,„0.TEDress----IIOUSE, TO eRENT by three adults. Will pay -6 months' rent in adeance. B()).e 25; SIGNAL -STAR. ' 14x, WANTED. --. RADIOS To PAIR., Car radio troubles end installing a specialtY. •New and. re, coeditioned car, home, and.'pertable radios or sale. ALF. HUTCHIN; SON'S RADIO SERVICE, 82 Huron road, or call '498,11. -21ef - • Mara, 1950,,,sire required 'tattle, the „ stune with full, Partieulars .with the ' emlersignee by ifi•e' twenty-second ,day. of April,. 1950, 'as after 'that , date .the estate will bedistributed. - „Dated • at the :•TOW11- of Gederich _ this fourth dey ef April, 1950. s's • R. Q. HAYS, K•Ce;'" ..s• God.erieh, sOntasio; 146- -Selicitor fee the Estate. • WANTED TO RETs—MODER- • ATE -SIZE; Bisbee . or , asiart, seent • by adult; tenants, willing to •decorete: • .110.-,N.." ":SIG.NAL-STAR..,.' , 145x, -4 WANTED., es- T R• V, ess:LIC„, ensed meehanies , (telling own heed „ teate, • Experieuceons rerd• PredectS given preferences ,, Also one; -three orfour year ,appreetiees Apply JOHNSTON MOTOR' SALES, Stratford, Ontario ANTED. -- MEAT 'HORSES, -weeks _01E14 'York sew 1,, 11 chunks. F0NV1L-50 hen. . 'any- -ages. also— some -geed- . workers. D. As STIRLING, .933-5, It.'THQS. CLARK. AND ,FAM- . [LY are•aaxietessto Convey -their -sincere gratitude te those who 'Sent flower, leaned cars' or assisted them in dny way in .their.bereavement. , • • ; ,-13 31,tt. AND MRS. 'JAMES RAITII- BY. Atbern, wish to- thank all who sent letters, cards , tisel ()Were, or reinetabered them in any; way on their golden ;wedding an- niversary. , _ • • -1e THE IPAMILY OF TIIE LATE William McCabe wish to_ ,thiink these who sent cards of sympathy, floral tributes, or leaned cats for thesfunerals tint". 411"-;theese ,srlscrsteee sisted them, ip,eny way. 43 - - rlygente 8111:thIlea• e•rabber •goods), Walled' postpaid plait, sealed envelope with prfee list. , Six samples 25e; 24 samples $1.00„ Mall Order Dept. 7-53, NOV-RUBBER 00. Box 91 Melte-ere "Onr -I-9 114101.4114141000•04111110041111441/41.6iii BORN BURROUGIIS.—At' Alexandra Hose ,Goderich, on- March -31st, 1950, tie. Mr......-ansisAree_Weseley.. Burroughs, •( nee Cara -trine Vaeher),- • Goderich; a daughter, Marylin Adeline., . • GOVIER,—At Alextbdrii. Hospital, Goderich,' on March 31st,, 1950, to Mr. -and Mrs. Albert 'Govier, R.R. 1, Aubtirn, a daughter. 'DIED VIDEAN:, --In Harper FIespital, -Detroit,. Michigan,' MI Saturday, March 18th, Mande ringer; Wife • of Wilson T, 'Mean, formerly of Goeerieh, in her 82nd' year, . Tile funeral serviee on Tuesday, Wendling Hastings' .1tev. fired Sinape,on at life s•Sehnialzrietif Sons • ,.,farteral irome;. Interment • tools place Sp 1Voodneere cemetery, . Detroit. , • * :7" IN MEMORIAM . LAM. --In sad but loving metnory of our darling son and brother, - Robert Normap Lamb, • Who was droerned April 1945. , •Though his, simile has gone. forever And his'• handswe cannot touch, Still we :Dave so sinany , inemoriere , the one we. Ir;veds SO, :.niueb. Thou'els out of sight, he's ever near, Stilt loved, .still mhesee, thine; He Will live with as in memory rail the Old of time, —Stiffly missed by :OM and Dad and Brother" Harold. s 14x . • OLiflhi ELECTitIC 1033 PL41tOUilt MAW /931 DURANT COUPE 11 USED TRUCKS 194 'AGO 1A -TON 1049. FORD 1/2-TOIT 1316X , 190 '00.tvitotET //rTON wait 1044130)50,E 3-- on Sir1211::, • 1941-0/INIT1OUT.I_Tpx 4938 t!ORD *TON" ,PICIt UP' 19*-001tfr 1/2-T014'; reit 'UP ,. LON ST4 *GOD •Ipti GIN ElectricIrin, . 'IMPLEMENTS Mstssey-Harris 7' binder ;.'MaS,sey-Ilterris'.0'.xnoWer; • diense ,rakes, New Idea manure spreader • ( new! ) 'f power Cream separator; 4 -section, harresias sleigh; cultivator; walking plow •, rubber -tired. Wagsyn;15' hayrack (flap.; . harrow cart S Isscufflers, tu 'nip. drill. • • • • GRAIN • AND HAY -300 . best mfxed ..grain; -10 tons of hay; 8 burshelsred, eisever seed. ' . • Quantity; haisiwtodcf ;- Vs-leps motor; cresseut• .saw; forks; shovels; chains, and .numerons sinall 'articles found on a fern' ; 1938Fold eoulte,, ' HOUSEHOLD' FURNITURE. '4 -- Princess Pet, .rtili-ge; heater gleye; kitchen table; • 6' ehairs; dropleaf 'table; 2 ' glass' eupboards; small fables; rockers; ocld chairs; 8 .bed - recap. Suites complete; organ"; nuni bee if. elsikerings;4_sealer sitiaptity of 'diehes. • • • • TERM:Ss-CASH. , DAVID LOCKHART, - Proprietor: HAROLD JACKSON., , Anctlatieers .E.' 13,..-CIIESNEY; Clerk. FOR, SALE. QUANTITY 'OF 'parsnips, fresh fiernsgerden. 50e lai•ge• besket. Phone, 1350 Carlow.. :WALTER 4J3AE R. s -14 ----s s 'OR' SALIE. CLEARsOLIT' ate Aulcraft .Eereka paint, Quarts ..V257-fiiiirs.-85e. Any calor. ELA.CKSTONE'S .PURNITURE. Phone 240J. -14 OR SALE. -1940 CHEVROLET , deluxe conch; " heater, slip covers, ete., excellent , _condition. Phone 57,2M. - 14x and 1?•paiti's 87 West Sto.11ioue 574 or • above AiUe‘v Surpass Sto4 •P • Phone HIM 4.904 SilUtt***4011444604444446060111410' , FOR SALE.—WHITE ENAMEL ' kjtchen stove,: nearly • new: Phonerf0393. , • s -14 FOR, SALE. -es WESTINGHOUSE, refrigeratoess7 cubic feet, prac- Heftily-news MR,Se• ijj UL East-_ street, apt. 4; over Lottion's ‘Vrifif Market. . • . s FOR SALE. GARDEN rhIAC- '7' TOR in good condition. Dun-. grtn•non 17 r 21.- •14x 14-` NOTICE -F-A-s4M-11ELP:s--sItELIA11LE-,,- •- PERIENCED Holland families Arriviaess-soon-;" Apply to C.de IIAA.N,. Belgraves •Ont. . ' •' • dltf NTOTICE. ' , „Is , • 'Floor sanding, new and Old floors. J. C. COOK: - Phone 23J,. 6-11.x NOTICE.. Goderich. • • , • - 8t1 • WANTED.- -.- -RELIABLE.; :MAN. - as'dealer . ifl ederich. Ex- perience 'netIlems-sary., A fine ep- portueity to:step into, old profitable business • where Rasvieieh .Products havebeen sold_for years.. Big pro- fits.- -Peed pets furnished 'oh credit. Write AWLEI 61.11 ' 8, • 'Dept. ML-D-216-1e3Meutreal. WANTED.—LISTINGS , OF PRO... ' PEATIES for stile.: No charge to you- until,. property., . sold. MALCOLM MATHER'S, - 110 a 1 Estate 'Broker, The Sqeare, Gode- rich. • Phone 115W. • • •12tf • AUCTION S.epLiEossOF. COW, .S AND• At lot 31, concession .6, Goderich ,Township,'s one , eolith 'of Porter's HID, on - TUESDAY, APRIL llth sat 1,30 P.m, ,cohsisting -of . 25 young cows, Holsteins,' Jer- sue and 'Durharas. 1 registeredss Holsteihi co,Nv with heifer valf,T Othrs nru freglA "ba1affite-1r5.fibshii April and Slay. Some geese' cows. • AUeOWS•fire, T.R.-tested," and will be sold under attai guarantee. 20,York pigs, • . - If' weather 'le Unfavorable, sale, will he held 'under over • ,TERMS—CASH., . A. E. TOWNSHEND & SON, ' • Proprietors. E *DWARD W. ElsLIOTT, 1. Anetioneer. • K. • NY-. 'COLQ'CIIIO'UN,' Clerk. . 14- • Ss • ' 14x MeINTYltiess-In loving memory of • my dear mother, Margaret ge- Iittyre, who parised ,trevey April -1171914, It Is ANVeet Co „remember "a mother • so dear.; . Though tibsent f1 -�m us, she is eves' • • se near; Unseen the seVes.:Id, sdse spuds • by our ' whispere: My \toted onet,e'death cannot itivik. • , '• rentembetvd by, son ,),Warxter and • • FoltSALE. — 541..obAi HOUSE', on 'the boundary at Sheppard - ton ; neW drilled Well, house in 'good tonditiOn, 3 dotes of -land. 'Phone. Dungannon. 17..r '14x •FENVAR ,- 'BOUGHT , this spring, mon feS'S toying birds, fluit's,- why lexperts say there nuty be settrOty of . eggs just ,wben buying good, why We Say, buy Big -4 now, . They •have what ehickS bought lair shoal& have to mature qttickly. They're the, product of re 110svetir , breeding - program by .praetical betcheryMen, Get paves,. order now, -111M4 Pito- DUCA Goderich, 44 SALESMAN. — ,WESTERN ON- . , TARIO Daily ' Newspaper quires representative. *in Hilion County, rural area. ,Car .eseential, p • , o • )(le an y ts)..elirn , good, salary. "Apply giving full per- *. • ., -.-- -Ts - - • ' tieulites 4 -to, B.,0X. 27, GODERICII SIGNAL-STA1R. 4 . , ' APPLICATION'S WANTED- ' -14 • • APPLI.CATIONS. Applications fcir the Position of Asseesor for the Township of Ash- •fleld Will be received by the. under: signed up 'to Tuesday; Apr11, llth, 1950, at St salary of $250 per annum. C. E. ,McDONAG-11; - .FLOGRING-- --A-ND TILING •- Contraetcir fer, tile, marble, tesaizor mastic. plaStic and clay -tiling, fire- places. Good work for less money, by KITCHENER :CERAMIC CO., Kitchener, .87 Blucher street Celan: 2-9113.•.' • 7-16x. , CAREER OPPORTUNITY. This advertThement Ss directed to a man .wies hs looking• for a greater scope, wider horizons, 'and a con- siderably, -augmented income. However, he • must have thote quelities of determination, • person- ality, and definite sales ability that' 'will 'mike them passible. "Wishful thinking is not enough." He sliest &also have sufficient educalien to Stleserb intensive trainisgs plus the maintity cernmend • respect. • - We, are looking:for a Career man and are willing to ga a tong way to establish him. The' :position en- tailS -complete welfare benefits', .11 •pension plan, and fixed in- . coine. , , When writing klee date of 'MT! marital status, type of previalfeeffis ,ployment, education. and approkim- ate , salary' required. Mao, 'list address and phone number where youQ may be 'reached. 'm Reply fo I30X 2(1, SIGNAL -STAR. -12-16 * . • r A 13-14- • . . .• • • ' , • FOUND TrOrND, DIA:SIOND ENGAGI41- -- MEMO ring on PridaY lest in front of efM,e of Dr, Wfittere op Se Parkes's street owter may have by identifying same. "'Plume 58(1. • • -14 s • rieeerriliserisiiieseessoessisseseseeres, _ _ „ • •„,„,„„__, , . ...s,._ , ENV: AND, rtilitfARAN: . . , utiti) riornot power'. 011)in .- PERSONAL. • ' • $11\i's 'at redneed prices. 'Sledel IS.j. - One-tnres With' rope sterter 'and 1r, ,s,...s.........„...---2.,......-.--s...-S-4-..--.......,"?,.. -., 20" or 24'' blades, $219000. .. With 0 YOU.' 4iIIINK.r.s ',', THAT'S' • reeolL ..kftar.ter• add"4$30.00. • • rriee. ... Yet:1r basieeSe. Doti ,you Want 13',0,13. Guelph. . Saiese tot extra., ti) sten'''drinitIegr -4Pliat's Out bust. Contaet D.,1, -Smitn sAlits (lo., fleas, Blue Witter c.lis:stip' A.ledholies" X.irAtITEr), Guelph; Ontario. COm. '4k/1011p:doll's. Write 110X 2224 , 10te'tiarts and iservee, . ', .1.4-.45 SI.(1,Z.A.,ir...44TAtt, Oederieh., • 12tf e , ...- s, ••••-• rr, Toni ioRnooKI lij...00ri,„ B.I.TTtrRs .. .i. ' 0..2q•• , SYNTONA ... — ,. ... . • . , • • • •,,,,„ _ , Si.00 . . . PIERCE'S GOLD Elt MEDICAL IJI8.... , ., .. , . ;-,$1,49,, PIERCES AVORITE' PRESCRIPTION. : ..„ .. . . WAIVIPOLE'S EjORACt CO LIVER OII..... $I.00 , Brpri mot and WINE ':, .,. ...,,, . i ' 1 IRONTZED 'VEAST .-:......, ; ... : . ,, ... t; • .8q.9, $1:69 (10001DAZINEI .for *cp00/DIOSIS -The most effeetiVe Vcra,y. of treating 'the. above dislease ITt poultry„, • ,•• 25 ,Tablets • $4,75 16 oz1414uid Concentrate ...... .'.$4.00 THE girlArtE ore GOD'11140It