HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-06, Page 7BOUSIESVILIX i43[(SL ES.'U'ILLE; April 'f. ,.•— `Mr.: and. MIS.. Bill Mcalinehey, Loudon, were, week -end visitors -with-rela- tives rela-tives in the village.'... Mifss, Iieie'n' Bond of 'gond li was tot 4uest at her home this.past week- end. eek end, • Miss ,dye ¥arse • Q'tfiiley, Fitch^ `ener, .'Visited. Miss Eileen !Oliddow over tire' week-encl. Y;P.U. Meeting. About tliibtyT five yopnlg eople 'from laipiesy'ille EISenei✓er llud the Huron „ Presby, terial '.PX. attend 4 Joint imeet ing in Nolu iesyI1ie' Ohureh, on, $uu- day evening,: With • the Presbytery eliarge. .Besides various, iuuateal lumbers and readings'. lin ;address', W,iis given; by llata'ey• SparlinV, and a talk on the nation-wide organiz- ation of the ignited Church by Benson Sutter, •The ltolesvxlle grotifr •served , lu,nch'• .at .the emn- gl-usion ot'u•wery- enjoyable evening. • Spring 5 Calkext. Ixoluiesville chs eh:.ntertainec`l' the community on Friday :evening, with the presentation of their annual spring concert; which was greatly a , THE GODERICH$ ALr enJoyed by n large audience. Rev.: Mr. ,'TaYener, as ehairmani, weld •coined theeouznzuuity in lois .`ad-` dresb, and thegi led," in a singsong. tusical intimi ers on . the prograu were a 'trio b: Reta Y.'eo, Molly 1+`lnl iy and Mrs. P. Griggl trw9 solos by ;Jim: Corran;' t"" by Mrs.' i fiance „Saddler; - a ,Solo by : ieeVan*ryj Dkivbr. and n duet by, and Mien Potter. BerSitles' these veea:i contrtbmionsc wtiicfr were all well done,., there Vveref: a piano solo by Sondra; Williams, violin selec- tions by, Mrs. ,Driver And Eleanor ,Deis ex,, and ca piano duets, * Kath- leen, Holmes and,'Eileen r" l+1rs. N. Heard . gave . 'a hpzsnoteu.s reading,' and Mrs; S. Walters 'oligo,, contributed one, : eorppiete witb.tile singing ,of.. h'S.weet Afton" au(i,;''`The Gir14 Left .Behind Me.'? • >jendTag of a• serious nature was ,givenhy• Ewan Rims; The, final .number was cL forty -minute entitled "An - mors Wanted,".with Mrs^ • H 'CIA - more directing., •,This, 'play, which' had 'been got of in a short time, Was well done, and kept the, spectator's highly amused. The 'leading ' part of .the would4be-i11 Mrs. Sprott was taken by Mrs. Palmer in her usual capable manner. Bill Norman Played the hen-pecked husband,. Mrs. C. Freeman the young niece, Lloyd llond the doctor,, \ire. E. J. T>;e- wartha theIttgilb'rious, visitor, Mrs. FUNERAL 'SERVICE No extra char - e .for the use. . of our Funeral Home, Toron- to Street. Prompt Ambulance Seivictq ' ..Phone •36 • Res. 3&55' _ Jane Ashley's Crown, Bra'n'd Recipes FREE , Write Jane Ashley, The Canada Starth'Company Limited, P. O. Box .129, Montreal P. Q: , • e s, 2'8 ,:.r.k, GODERICH MEMORIAL' _SHOP._ vriVill T' DESIGNS BEST U:F MATERIALF Guaranteed workmanship at prices that will please you.. HAVE ALL A,GENTS FEES Call at our office: or dropus a line to Box 101, Qoderich4 • We pleaeed._ L& ea1Lai iiL help "hoose a 'suitable 'memorial for your family plot., 'tst. Andrew's St. UPHOLSTERiNG • CHESTERFIELD AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED' AND ,1 �' RECOVERED Factory, Guarantee • Free Piek-up and, :Delivery' Stratford We'll' reprise it with Buplate. S,al'ety Place Gimp while you wait!': x,.• Bond the obnoxiously +cheerful caller, :and, ' .Mrs Ewan 11(is.s the man -hunting widow. , NORM,. f TREET 1lisas \f. Campbell,°presicleut, Pre: sidedat, the Easter' thank -offering meeting . u1! the W.M.S. of North. street ,17nited- Church on Tliesdny, evening;, The; devotiona,,l peniEd waS noiidueted by:' Niro. D. i,' . 'Honey and Mrs.. ` T. Dongiier'ty. Itepte+sentatives urn ktltc Fv suing A.uixillary" attended, to hear the ,in*: spiting Easter messuge••.given ' by Mrs, Il. '.1~horaeloe ' arse' • )1,t;,. xtudd. ttrld -et the win* of W lkt, Hodgins, 'community . worke>r ut E`Ehelbert, tanita'ba., An ' appxo. vr`fate solo wtw sun hyM l s Isabel Feagau, accompanied by,,,ber mother, Arse txC0.,1''eagan. !The thapk•otter» 'tug was., dedicated' by Mrs.- Venner, Alis. C; I;arker thanhed all Who h`ld' a}lkiired 'pre absence, of Aiirs« It. Jp1 iston, Miss, M. Buchanan acted as" pianist:, Mrs, ' J, . Roberf+s a., Mut!' hers (group set ed ." ref`reShmex t nod a , pleasant ,social' hintr' was euid"yed. • ASHI1E T •. ASHh'IELt)r Alixil 9' '^-w Miss Mabel 'MacDonald tains. returned to W'inclset of teiC spendkag ;: a week with •her, ,sister;. Mrs, Richard. West,. Who has recently returned: from°:hos; pital and is making' a satisfactory recovery... •• Mrs.. Duncan MacKay leas re- turned 'home froth hospital, where she spent, the hist -ten dais, a'ad.`'is improved in :stealth. . - Some of the ,Ashfield boys Have left for their boats with . the ' near- ing of the opening of . navigation. Kenneth MacDonald:and Jack Jahn- stoii go on the Superior ; Stephen' L1liott _ and ."Will4 M:tel1ooald en -the A'lgoten We wish for them all -a- good reason. - 3Lxx,. 'Siarguret Pletcher reached is iilusttatecl above „is•tie entrance. to oli} Pt uef 1. Horub.. N . IMPORTANT CHO' C The selection of o:', funeral director is' an important elioice- a decision which should be given thought -----in advAnce if possible.. `. When: this is dont---when• you take -into consideration the—:finer....'_ sezivice E. E. Cranston provides' -=ours convenient• funeral .borne, Mild oar moderate ' charges- -then -we believe yaw, wilt see trio E. E.`Craicstau is a'Wi,e..choice in time of need.: "• J photstering .,Co. 4 BrunsWick St., Strat- ford -• .7 • For further information engtiire at BROPHEY'S :. TUBE, GODERICH Allis: CbaImers Fleury ; Bissell Complete : line ales and Service, We. also'have franchise for W. C. Wood's, . farm • equipment,'oat rollers,.grain grinders, hammer mills, .pres... sure -systems, deep. ,freeze , (2 sizes,' 7--and--12 cubic _feet), milkers, etc.' ' • ' For' Money -saving values see H -MITCHELL We are again contracting acreage for, The Canada ' Malting Co.,' .T. PRYDE .dt SON'• Mr>•omerly. °unniag:ram d� Pryde inton, Exeter,` Seaforth Write' Box 150, or jLoire 41J, Exeter .. -, and we shall be pleased to As .fronr_April- .1,st .youremployees are in- sured tinderb provisions of the Unemployment InsuranA ce ct. This,means that contributifins must be paid for them beginning on that date. you emp oy anyone in . lumbering and Togging _ you s1 mould . „ , y Register with, your .1 atiorie!'Rmploy- .. inei t_Q.tliceL-.: 2. Obtain insurance woks i'or."your emplayees, . -'2.:Get• . instfuct%or s • ah utiititafcing calk' tributians and about rates: Your National'_ Employment Office'''rs ready' to "'.. d assist you with all necessary information. sawmi1Is=-acrd--pia:zit}g 'hill conte- miler -'the-- -••----•- ' Act on April. 1'st regardless of • how many weeks , they operate. Farmers and ally „other persons whose main„_• occupation: ` is non -insurable need not be insured " if they twork in lumbering and logging for 60 days 'or less a year and apply for' exception. • • • ----Call at ,the ,nearest Nati ,'nal'Employment ' -Mice for fpll information. • UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Y ��ONIS•SION C. 4. Le,MURCHISQN J. G."BISSON ' :R; J. TALLON •' Corhmissioner. Chief Commissioner- Commissioner her, n4I1eW rUlli• _ 1st Her `many °friends «-cre'sorry. to -hear of. 61.4 resent. illness from pneumonia and they could not have her customary birthday part'.. Her' •niieces, the -IttleGret/ors of.'Dulttth, sent her a beautiful 'bouquet of reel. roses......, • • r. : ”Fly'!--has—been going- its writ o Norman O'Connor and' be is spending ;:t ,few duyi in••the pn'derieirnitospiLi..1:4. r • Medi:ca.l experts say .twenty- i e Derr _ ee'it•a tlio._ t i'i?'s _Iieople dais r prevemited"-,.•by lihy.$ic al. handicap%' • .a frozw reals ilzzg` 'tfu11 potelnttantres rally It comes to you the day you drive your new Monarch home. It's. the thrilling, deeply satisfying pride 9f owning the fine car you always wanted. And it is pride that will'last for • years, for the 1950 'Monarchis sari ahead ... «A in styling, -inside and ,out in riding comfort in dependability. Your'Mtnarch dealer will be happy to tell you about the features of this truly ..outstanding Monarch car. And whiile You're there take the wheel ...'sample'thepride you'll know►. when you Ride like a King. t a 1950.Monarch.' When :you think "about it, everybody has a stake, ,one way or'andther, irr the elephone busipess . . 28,000 'Bell employees and their families... • 62,oO1'` e11 shareholders and their families Thousands of . suppliers of materials for tele js phone construction and expansion... 1 1,250,000 'telepixotle customers in Ontario and Quebec' in homes, offices, hospitals, shops. ° Keeping pace- with growing' needs for. more. and. • , Lotter telephone s tyke 'taker lots of•'work..and, lois of .inioney:. ••.p 001.4. ,9a yr:... n n y ° y company can •carry M ,,.., Q I a financially health i, +n,„u.w.,nu,J.l" hon.' users; em fil'ojlees,' shareholders, -^-' bvdiyone _ has a vital interest io a :service ' that : mentos do much tet the welfare -o# so 'many_ people. . •• .tic /. 4-;c�e�2t•?,2.22:•i .• ra, _ tiv ••• rrr., rlM!4',Wr ti•.ti•/J.L Yrh I..{.µ5 +?Yr'K.,. ':••. Fender sk'Kh, chrome *Cieel,trim riijoi'and whits ; sidewalltk 'Qptionat of extra cost when G401101444 THE BELL .TELE'NONE COMPA iY OF CANADA Owned and operated by"Cat adians for Canadians