HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-06, Page 5t '•t')4,,,T,„ APRIL 'Gtl, t95 i11::F'i:;t1, �/,,11;_�/;\fr/,.'�5;:'_.1/ t!!/ aha;\0/ ;RI,tYJ::c►l;e�kAf\A/;./,^,i11; s't♦1;:\r/:i/;i\/A `�I:.#a, tl. vd;1r/:+9 ♦ /•\" % '\i % ii-"'- i \II-'•��/ \u/•\I / �\il( \'GY♦'try l�'/ ,�(- 1'�i~ � --i"-'\u \u-^�i� \i�•"\i' - \�i-'i"- -'" 1^� \i %•\°�/! »- - GOOD F'B Ism: 00.30 .m,' 11 . NTNG':. P . .. p ' 8p:m. ,THE r' :.I; + T'E A: RIIP 9th . 1900', _ AS R� . 1>I' . . O M O ac1�.HOLY ;C M .UNI .N, 9' a.m;HOLY COMMUNION. CHORAL COMMUNION AND EASTER 'SERMON— THE RECTOR. -p .1 3 p.m, CHILDDIt,EN'S S1 RVICE. 7 p.in. °CHORAL' " IVENSONG' AND SERMON. Flt: Lt. The Rev. :C. • L. "Handing -Preva her. EASTER ANTHEM- "CHRIST IS RISEN "-Turner: GUEST SOLOIST—MISS, M_ARJORIE HAYS.- . REVEREND- BEVERLH. FARR, IBA.,. L.Th.; RECTOR. A.' W. ANDERTON, Organist' clad Choirmaster. HUN(A'NNON, APrii 4. " FMr. Albert' Orser, who,,tiae been ill for the' -Pot few weeks,4•,`1 much fin - proved. Mrs.' °, Cora - Driver u#' Goldezi Valley is 'spending, .a while' 'With her inother and fathers Mid .'Flora Durnia ,of Markdaie' waysa, visitor with her 'parents,. 'M1, ' and .'Mrs. 'it. J. Darn A, over. the ' week:end. Ann` East br service -will b e*he ld 'in 'the PlesyternChtrchotS„n- ril'oeh„ at`>I . with, '•ItV, Bright of theDtAganlion United, Church_ deityering,'the' ";id- North St. , United bihi°1 C, WESLEY COPE, I3:A:, D.D.. Minister , _ ALEX. CLARK, Organist and -Choir -Master • (OOD ' FRIDAY 11 a.m."CRUCIFIED, DEAD, AND BURIED:' The Junior . Choir wi11;lead in worship: ---• ' EASTER SUNDAY -- 10 a.m, THE CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m.=-"THE "C!HRISTAIAN RESURRECTION." IJ0LI CQIV.IMuNII)N .0 , - Easter Music by the • Choir and the Junior Choir. • 7 p.m. ' .. "SAVED BY, HIS : PRECIOUS BLOOD." HOLY . CUm1VfiuN,ION.. SONG -SERVICE OF FAMILIAR. HYMNS. •. . The Church With the Singing Tower Welcomes YOU, - ites".. •.. Dentin, ,serf "\'MTns: , Chi. I).Urnin,. felt. while 'playing itt the Fiver •on .',Saturd'ay, and 'broke two hones in his foot. He Was alone and probably at..frrst did ,not regard, the Injury as'' serious and,he hobbled llama, with `ibis bicycle,, Ater the swelling' goes down, `a'cast will be Put on. '• Rev. -Mr. 'Creaser of Ottawa preached for a call. ,at . Erskine. Presbyterian Church on Sunday. At a -.meeting tin's Wednesday night a t Lucknow, : tartber ;plans .will, be made' towards gecuring a permanent pastor. Mr. Ray -Stewart. and , hisbride, formerly Betty. Nivins, were hon- ored. with a dance at the Dungan- non Agricultural Hall•olt Friday night. Miss Edna. Stewart read;' the address and 'a,purse of 'Motley teas. presented • by Mr. Paul Caesar. Tiffin',S,;,orehestra _supplied 'music. fobs. =I - K. Dawson hits been- con- fined to bed with- ft heavy dose of "flu.": , , • .Ir. Ben Caldwell of. Leamington spent . the week -end with .his iy,p- ther,' Mr's. Rebecca Caldwell,. and- siste•r, Miss Pearl Caldwell. • . _- Visitoi over -the 'week -end With Mrs, Abner Morris were '-Mr: and, Mis.• Anderson Mugford and Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Mugford of Lon- (1011. They also attended- the dance reception •at Nile for Mr. Francis. c]1rant,: Who'.' was ` 1'ecentli trial ried to Miss J'ea'n Baecliler of (oderieh. • ( iniitunion 'Service, was held at. the",Sonday Inorn'ing• service of Dun- ,,gannon United Citurela. Bey. Jas. bright, making the ..4u0.1 a'ano'uttee- •uaents it't ' the regular.' ,sdrvice, re ported .fix :85 as the ' cio'nation, tQ- word the Cause of teutl)er:tnce 1,heth Tr Norville E. Luck of •'Toronto Preached 'at I)iungannon, I'or,t Aid !bert ands Crewe. • ilro. nen'S .10:040 Officer• - 4.,•- „B1 4W4.1e.ers to i... 10,,44 1441 lt'farch: meeting •...ofs .th . Duuuga;niinn nVoinen'sInstitule, held nt':.ta home ¢fpGeorge &1 Mrs,: Lorne' I'�ers 'presid'ing. a h`iar,-„the° second year in suCcessiou," the netein- bers 'voted the-- 'Christmas-.trneettug tile ,.,most interesting• of,, the -year. In boyear-;_.'the nmeeting vas uU- dressethd. by #rev. ' J, I3rigit. ' Mrs. Wilbur Brown reported ori , the si o'ri Course it :. lioine, .'';h rSlla.E 'reeeutiy held in the Duugajnl elT."4Presbyu teriun CGhurch.. The` •DDungaiinon Institute •will : sponsor the National F11111 Board pictures, again next:' uann,th. m,,Tlie°4e�lcetion of Cheers' re;' suited as follows.: Presidents, Mrs. DurninPluitlilis ; vice-presidents, llrs. Wilbur 13row@, ;lira,' Cecil Blake, Mrs. Rory McDonald ;` sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs. Otto Popp; distriet' director:, Mrs. George Hodges auditors, Mrs. E. Erring ton, Mrs. Everett ,Finnigan ; 'pian- ists-, Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Mrs._ \V. A. -Culbert. C•aut' hers of standing committees were' chosen as •io1 jows : ,Agriculture and Caiiadian, in- dustfieS,' ° Mrs. George _Harris citizenship and education, Mrs: 1C. •Fienigan ; comintiitity activities -arid public 101111aons, Mrs. J. Rivett; historical .research,- .Mays."' 'W. A. S.tea, _ current. e'vents, • Mrs, CI *s F(,lvler ;- ho'hne econ0lflies And •}t"ealth, Mrd.-1Villialp i1lc(`on 11011 ; "lio,l it0lizat1,111 . Mrs. W. Brown ; visiting. committee,.lots,' Frank Jones, �Irs. I+aiuily Dutaiain, 1WI1 s. Robert Irwin. Mrs, V. Stott art. 1rleiented the topic, Doi•tars ". and II•s, D. I?hfilips• gtii'e a reading. ..Lunch wast., ervetl ,. m M` kt5,o v,� . sn 4110W k.yot. da �Ton-� . n� z re' �-sa ine b t �.# u •Ebc-' n'•w elf` eK & b3 Alberto bncxhtenanada`t 'tutue:`' . 1;:p474 4 ors is 100cii,t.1iatori scar e 0$: dollars t1 t rear doflaxs• w0; > . aon'. t , iave..cip pay out toI'', Qit t.mports. . ,T " lepns' Money:, to buy. oche `•. o s a n e i --•-t t That -'-cixinc �b rot or made'. in. Canada `;irrr?tq � ., w e . h .zi,gs . tx � t . � •� virx> d �x'nada Next year. Alberta oil' should sav'• .14 .•na,illion U.S dolla.rs Then.. .too;, the se.qroko•oil>,g th ugs the,prest of;Carada rng.kthgk Ilia heg. �. �yv;dnuafrx�rya,(is`i�s.,, Anlad�imrt4ca<' ' millions week iin the west, Acrosb the 4cdion this monay is . towering° new industries. expanding Ptants,crecitingg fobs.. paying wages; ,building, homes , ••.; And ii the prairies petroleum • pr. of tiat.,,pklces . are tower tlicrn' they would` • ' have -"-been if oil had not been :fottndl. Prairie' Consumers saved, more than $30 'millions last year.aL.Anything that prairie.''prosperity •helps • all Canada. 4iJ lrmpohantrto us all. More oil'means-a tugher stands d of living, unending,a 'costly The $parch • tpr oil is y bu s""mess, often , dlsappointirtg. Busthe job As *pressing forward: :Axd new -toured' ori Is changing• ' > future . promising,, cp. better, brighterr tai'ture for Canaoficxns—man-.and ° boy alike r �,�NF.h� � ►rn; , Via' -, . . ►IOWns. - - BASTER ,-SUN DAY -KnoxPresbyterian • Churcli Mw 8 can. AN 'EARLY MOANING SERVICE ,DESIGNED FOR ALL. Cbndt♦letedby the Y.P.S. ` 11 a.nl.. • EASTER MORNING SERVICE.: ' Se xBion• "YOUR EASTER AND .MINE." IN ERVICE . OF MUSIC. '7 p.m:.,OUTSTAND OUTSTANDING S '"VICTORY DIVINE". •• , SACRED CANTATA.: hrristo it- by�.• C perMarks.' hI BISHOP F.R.C.O. RRTTii..V. R. G. A'IucIVIILLAN,�, EV. , , A.R.C:M Minister: b --Director of Praise: • Victoria St. ��nl tei Ch lrCi_. MINISTER—REV. LAWRENCE • N. TURNER, • H.A. • ORGANIST and ,CHOIR, LEADER --Miss Mary Joyce Strachan •' 10 a.n.. SABBATH SCHOOL; 'ADULT BIBLE. CLASS. • EASTER DAY SERVIQE'S • 11 a.m.--I'i1BLIC' WORSHIP ---7 p.m. • ... GUEST " SOLOIST MrSS GLO1 1A ,i'AI.1V ER • UNION: 'CHURCH GODERICH TOWNSHIP. 1.30 p.m. Sabbath School—Adult Bible ' Class. • 2.30 „ p.,m. Public Worship. • . ' ' "OHRIST , THE LORD. IS RISEN TODAI"-- IIALLELUJAIH 1" • VIJTORIA=UNION WELCOMES "YOU' ' . t Easter,"' which thin• year falls ci•u • 4' • i ' '• 'April J, IS what"t11t3.c11tt1chea call a �^ "movable .-feast." The aim of the 'early Cliurclf was --to -preserve the same relatfou between the trines ,of Easter' and Passfover,••as existed at the time of the Resurrection. On .this basis, Easter is.. celebrated ,ori' the first Z;uii(I'ay after -the first full moon ,occurring. len or after March Since March 21 .is the first day of spring, 'we 'associate-=. Easter . cith' fresh, colorful, • slew 'things. So we color o'u`r , . eggs, make cbocelate candies in the •form of _s_niza_ilT animal's wittl,.pink. •e,yes. and'' glaze the 'baked hani with' -red cherries and such. Vegetable garnishes enhance taste appeal and 'also add a touch-, of color to nearly yia food. ever o . 1.: Roast Beef •- Oven browned- • potatoes,,asparagus with pimento strips. 2. Roast ' Lainb-•Cirrrots rolled"' �n• • -finely chopped.• nliut,' iitasiled potato . nests. lilted. with ,,�spoolr- , fuls .ofp eas.. • . ti •3:R,ti l Roast Pork—Sliced lIc S 1c eel . t getpot"a- . • toes On baked orange slices,''but- .tored --cabbage 'sprinkled., 'with grated carrot. • ' -,•1. Broiled"' Fish' -- covered ' with lemon, juice and •water •ess, plashed, potatoes• -and :scalloped ;'tomatoes wit1i minced onion tops, 5. Arrange alternate dark and -light cold sliced meats in a spiral, on a' I 'v platter.1 Garnish ,the center • —.with' watercress, -celery and radishes. 6. Make , cornucopias' with. quad cold cuts by trolling thein around- second slice tit: "Dead. If they ',peep •otix around - the-. edges 0 :—uc h. tie tetter. lt. Jeilied vegetable salads may be • mote satisfying - With creamed', ' Cheese -,balls err-rlttsiied' potatoes e mbined into .,small' rolls t�•i h P. salad dieSsing and:nu'ts. 1,(l: ;TeJlied fruit' salads, made, isi 'shaped moulds and .topped 'n=itis tinted whipped cream are. always : entic ing. ' 'u 11,E -Stilly fruit St t alt it �es• h v t• bl t lv, h Fl egg a e.5 for variety., Cooked ' stoned -...prunes'. are good . with ' grated carrot; 'baked apples \\ ith deed- . celery ;', halved- ,pe rhes ; iht• • to- gether. with .cottage cheese- and - lots of ' watercre,ss. , - REQUESTED' RECIPES: ' • Baked' Ham -for• Eat ''l+`'roni`':h liar h rind •on as r 'nested SOU g.1 Sr ,�1hamiri� e warm. Q . t rat.1 , _ t l t til th a sfi brush. Pitt in sh. P t na deep kettle; cover with vv, -arm ivat;e; bring to the - boiling point; simpler,. (not bo&1) iintil a'• steep fork will -penetrate- tba,di .v' -t,o-the center Allow 'about twenty minutes per pound. -Cool-'the' ham.•in the water Is .which it was cooked. -.Remove 'from the 'water and, I Peel ofr• ei outside .skin: • PA. a' mixture of two-thirds' cottage cheese, which has •Z -been- mixed. with finely' shredded -'car- rots and; 'Watercress, ' Garnish with olives and pickles, 7. Roll bologna '' slices around cooked " ' fiav�red asparagus. "iilace�ri"\oiit'S"_mr-Iltttter- separated wi_h'• cooked \yhole• ca trots, 8..L• u'nch box • snnd viehes • (fan be given added` interest by placing' colorful '-ertsp • t egetables oh top the,.filling bill* addling the lion. � gyisiass ' `r�> w-•�'-. cup brokt'11°sugti1i \'U - tsps '"'c1Tj""ilt 1l;i " 111' eb1nst<lntrJ R(like ho11ing 114li''0f—Water. iii ''1't AIiC1.- i1, -the. mustard' 'nixed lvitli: two• tIsiv. .for Onto 11111111t(.- ltt'ult'\•0 from elec...rack 'piae:e4 1hr'ee or four pints,of ` itgls's:1.-t1tsJ,l,Y .Juice .0vel-_'ham . In,• ty leantlit stAILLOd' otle .-ho1:t tie _syrupq 1IoOt.� tFn teaiLiinge po3nl,, sent; whole _eloV• ei .about o'ue halt aectiil:: ....Then stir ' .luck.. skini by thon, to ten. (o 1Iidfi ;' ,pressure, tinct ilieli. apart. Pince. on'- a rack •in tun -1'4 for . iuitli1teset;ci "coo'I slightly. `at that" time, eeunt, fifteen nain11105 roasting pan_ and li111144 in • eleetri0 i and pre -vent • floafinn . fruit:- , Muir, 'Let pressiire.. saucepan oven at, 350 degrees; for about eighty ttl,tic•kly • tato hot,.- •r terilizod 101s. :,tars tightly and' store in clary place. iuinutes, . •13aste, once• or twice. Easter Eggs in 'Shell 5.f . rs II•- inch eat. ark net of 'water in sauce pail •1 o -boiling • p'oint.. Add' one-half . tsp. 'Malt t<> prevell.t 11e1Ls .£item• (*racking. • Place eggs ,,Ile at a time pineapple Jit' t. &s se 5, 11' and b � b, , I I1. b.t tt 1 d e ill a' tablesgroon' arid: slip into the •cause we r u �� , milk • in place, of ,.••. bpili•pg,,tt�ater: Covet and turnoff wafer: Idctu�� the •1cd7c. ,‘,4tthid electric element,. Let 'staz1d• four''tlne_'c11p Tu[11:.;Incl..oldcl one-quarter, Minutes' for sof t-eboked . find.. - nine 1 t,•1IJl 4vlslled , ripe. • ('ook •oven hot 11tj.nutes for hard-copl4•etl. :-Time de -1 water for 45 minutes (or fifteen' pouts on ' number of •eggs: and minutes f0 r' minute rice). Then . temperature of eggs. •With 'cruyous •rub through• a .sieve, ':lncl,'add two or transfers decorate.' eggs for sere. tb,s'I1- . 'saga r, out' quarter 'tsp.. salt in -f l n the shell. •an One '� idiced,c( d t Cl ooh 'd' fine X1.1 g TOE � 1,� !' 1 alp e ., QUESTION. BOX 'to lice p11 t,e.' ;Mill,...Just before. Mrs. W., C:• asks :•' HOW. to hake Seri'•ieg, '' fold in' • tv.n-thirds, , clip j;ini froril. 'f' esh 11ine1ippie. ' whipjled - recur; \Iaal� Answer'; ' tugs. Gn111is11 eaelr, Nth a red '."•• ,PINEAPPLE. JAM - 9' c lte rrr.• ' • •, t S'eleet I l o ntedinnto _ Eu11 °-ri' Mrs. H. C . asks:. ..ttow" ' du you 3 pe ' -, �: pineapples. Slit:e, peel,• `:take out store maple.syrup . • core; and grind, using.' titlest knife Answer: .'Pear cold. syrttlr' into, of 'food chopper.:, 1[easute-seven' sterilized liitit' ja1r..place, on..riibljer clr s'su "1tr for four Cups - • �• band .an l• r<� •tit 1 t � rluc.a 1 c 11 set,1. f' • p .g 1 pineapple, Lyle, . 1, t. 3. se a lift well.; and, bring to full .ro'll'ing; .deep pressure • sulice(mn • 'wifli an Seal \villi 1i:1, ;tfllti° - '`4 it rs. B. IL asks; Do ',yon;; put Mi' .'J. '1; asks ,1),, ,you use raw 'an,yt11tlg. 'other. °'than sugar '1 r, °T.:conked .IuI14up111cS in- :l cream rice. rhubarb •pie :'• . lass. erp , '' Answer: we .rise .four., cups $hely ' ns v r: •1\'e ly a. fro-lrl ~ cool:f� ' ` e I . ( l d 1'c?e 111 tba • th tv ctl. it •# � 1 Ib 1 t 0 tl a.. tI n l� l;r , .,. lyltccl ...111,aa,' One-quarter cup flput, 1. gra ted one-half erenge„; rind • .fol. t -• vine -inch pie filling. ' - ;. , DO.NNYBROOK 10ON:NYI3RC)()R, 'Aprl.•'4.;::•Owing to the e0hdition' if'the 'roads in this vicinity there, liax:ebeen .h'o, church serl•u�e: • alt I?t�nnrtiritolc•; 'tT1e ,•.past We are•r tert p e c t epo t... t:liat `irs. .7g. C. Itobinson,' who „under - tent ;an appendectotny in '.the ham hospital' fat week, • is, ivakirlg satisfactory ,p egress tort and ' re e v("iy: • Mrs. Edward Robinson and 5on1, band Billie, were .recent •S t-ir�ltc1t.. at I%it'ciyelier'' aft' the 'home. of her sister, Mts. Stuart S1n1t:lY 10 a.m. . SUNDAY 'SCHOOL. 'C• lasses for all. T. McCauley. ',of Toronto; a. former pastor of Goderieh t , that--hurcitaktill,be-••in-,charge.n ,t d ' and evening services 1.Y:P.U.• .at48 'p m. Mpnd'ay. Praxer Meeting` 8 p.m. 'Wn ed€sd'ay. . SPORTSHTR $ = SWEATERS ' Gaberdine Jackets FOR MEN OR BOYS lee these lines at- LISTING -... y: CxOT1ERICI�'S NEW 7ELEPHON'E D E'ECTORY is ,Ttavv'. ben given its final Shotild You. •wish °to arrange for extra list'trtgs-ikl the-arlphabetical,.section,' o'r •to make any 1st-minut'e'_. changes iii s our present listing:. please' call ��tlitr .'fele- :1)110111 Business Ofkee`,•todas•. HE�..BELL TELEPHONE' COMPANY OF ::CANADA Phone 77 (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) • J.A , . PECARSO1 ;'•Pastor 10` -ami.' Open Session of Sunday School. 11 a.m. `aTIfFI LORD HATH TRIUMPHED 'GI.ORIOtTSLY. ” 7.30 .pan. 'GOSPEL SERVICE. Tuesday l p.m...hrist Ambassadors. Friday, 8"'ti.m. Cornnuuuon Service, •' _ ... _ C:1 -111M...51{- I ,HNi ALL1t bLJAii t “Elii••••••••••:“.•••••••1 D. 6. GRIST! GENERAL WOODWORKING: CABINET •, MAIUNG AND • 4 10 WATERLOO ST. • Phone.6.11,011111375W. . 4It1 Z The FreeMethodist Corner Vie toriri and • Paril Streets REV. W. CRAWFORD COWHERD, PASTOR. 54C'NDAY, • APRIL" ;9t11•-• 1A'T1 R SERVICES 10 rt.11l. 1 it i.ini 7 P.114 '%'%`EI)NES13AV, a APRIL 12th, 8 pan. --•YOUTH 11,1,LIA ' Mid -Century Crusade Tomn Visits Godericb. / / Heat these tour 'young men: A COUDIAL WELCOME FOR ALL., NENTIO r ck Listen' top "ONTARIO ON PARADE"'. Cf,RB-1010 fuor�`WED. IR1. • 6.15 ..6430: P.M MA ' LEAF TEA., ROO ' Conner Vittoria aid iirotrlc Streets, • ' Open every 'Friday,, Saturday, Sunday'. and, Wednes"day"' • nighits,1. , • • ;FROM 8 P.M, - liambur'gs, hot clogs, tea, bogie, light lunches cabins de drop in• aihe 594J : + Mrs. Itan ;Allin ; tett' 5 years' BE.RLOB' Mothproofing- — •a protoctiony foxr a 9:12 rug' costs' $5,40. , .. Fust '$1.08 per year't_ o. •�r.., C�,�.�r'�ari �'tTR�I'x7TRE • "Phcrle 399W Goderich