HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-06, Page 4• r_ Krum reeti4'v, $A 1:)141511T., A 4049° HARDWARE in a HARDWARE STORE kr•IiAt stAYICE Qtrat.TY MEACHAH,I E REASQUEiti. fel E5 FAST iXCHANC§S • 'IC REF8IGERATi r- • t:: 'Gibson Sealed .Unit , Silent Operation ry No Vibration ,, • Fully Guaranteed }.. * 25 ,or 69 Cycle:" °;, :2 cu. ft. -• Stage �. 1 . ft Shelf Y=reap .. w , • 3" Fiberglass•• Insulation,-.:• • Easily~ Serviced' High,_Gloss White Enamel Exterior • U'1tra•Modern Design , :r•' • 'Prompt Delivery •a . v, • •OUR TNTAiere CTORY`'PR.IOE 'IS 325.OD,,,,.,,.:•.: • EJHE(KENRIDGE HARDWARE - PLUMBING - HEATING PHONE 135 GODERICH Riad By 14 received a belated Christ-: ant a rresent,. In February it came, 'et it was uoue' the 10,S$ � •el ' e, i n • It W41..$W41..$• nUt 's�meti.i g p arcelle. d ln lovely' lr .d r� }'l p ug$, with till-„ selleffrOM$ asd ailalfiipt s4 e,^.tg, Start the. question,.,." NtroriVi tit cue.}. this her' It is almost *firth while to leave it over for aiWeelc_ or ttir•e ;to ''let ttiy a:eaderr; .•',°ale - ' what it was feli.e�v..e we ,-,it ,- oak : fine `lieges 3' gre,Y= tear trf �ligrsesf� to taw. h a ani ene_•t a a and , Ium �a o and •grand, "old Catli 1Il ;. teamster, 'wilt, knew ._iris• .j04, to deliver that; pre- sent Pr' the man who•Sent it tome• Have you yet, guessed wheat it was?, w ---a load of manure for my; garden. aha',, teamSter:'s name, his Cri stian zaine, is Pan. Qf .the p,e Jif. that. a mt fn tre Old Te` a e t, o•m 'complimentary things are said, One is that. "Dan is - a lion's whelp who shall take a great leap." „Tut; another place he is 'called a serpent, ,an adder, who shall bite horses' greens, The ' complaint• •wtls • Made agaiust'thia Dan that in a day when the nation 'had sent out an SOS gall -he, acted' . straligelY, and the question was asked, Where was he? ISlirtfr did he abide in drips? Had he run away to lea to escape national service?, My • mind went rapidly, over- all ,thisl as this big burly figure handled those horses 'and brought this -load 'o'•er the rough ground of frozen garden. For omens •.1"lingo 11• , '' moment in w ('l cling the team and'• load .to .get to the right place over the laWn; thought h ' lintk, going to cut, off his -head with the steel clothes line 'which stretched rather low - across his Bath. He shouted .Whoa-.. jut.. ih time and 'ducked,' or there ifitg t have ended this story, in tragedy What pleased me more than ahything elle as •his apparent , happiness ,pin delivering this legated 'Ohristnias,•preseut. Ile_ War; "in, tire knout," -as we flay, that., My good friend at the hprse barns at the other end of. the city was set upon doing .Iny ' garden this kindness at the festive season. But circumstances were' such .that the. driver and his team could' not bring it until February's snow and frost • 1Tust1»t`t1' happie1` i�1.,..1t1 eil.ticery.::of- a—s- rprise` parcel •th:ih Was ''Dan with his, smelly load . to the' emptied that immense -wagon.. • 'THE. GODERIt LI SIG TAL- S' 4R Mc v Rei School D We'd& when, �He Was. aYoungLad . r , e a more fragrant container '!thaa that iaunirense old ' wagon of. Pans. I would Iia, elate down tQ where. that teamster lives, and deliver a quart Of berries • to tr,ttee a fragrant- een- Aectfon bt' Ween this February•trr- eident- arrti :hi Midsttmm;elr • result. of a choicb red, sweet garden neo: duction. Bier Dan would not take a cent for 'the., delivery of this messy, load that adds rieiipess to gardens, -Y,=i -ter si r• t s• #nr .*--: torte- some money for his trouble he said; } } o ••Iw air•" ll s• your praiYers,'" He is • getting old: and soniewh,t • .lonely,', being- a' bachelor, I . slags .a 11ttl .time "one day in;' his, 'Heinle, some ' months .'ago. • than we iuutually recall• with• uuch pl eaeur r On. that_ occas 1 my contact aId upnral$al. of hin ,• was• fflr fio l the. a.iieieut Dan; cvTiG ,is''•represented ars having Serpent and adder proper - cities. IN'or could I ,see ' anything ;in the elan of the leap of a lion's whelp,, though 'one' never knows how far a fellow will intim when .fear, or necessity, or anger dictates. But this old fellow ,sitting 'in .his " big chair in a cosy room wth his grey locks and 'ageing face, recalling the people •of the neighborhood and his long, long habitation .among them, and the changes that he had seen, made me think More of old Jacob the father of Dan, who could'reflect'" upon_ antl.',.renainisce over a cite - (Pere(' career of cares and losses and gain. Of coarse, there. was no like - floss between this lh&tj and the old patriarch who .slaved seven years for one. 'wife, and then another. 'seten 'for a • second,. and raised, a family u : sons that ' nulalberett twelve. For here is. ;t liti_tl' that did ci notchit ' i c _ le � slnil>r., but iii Bache lordom, No ybuug; °Josetll, awaits a promised Coat" of. many 'colors, nor. a sweet Benjamin a father's .egtress. By the way, the friend that. sent that fertilizer foe,. the garden is a bachelor •too. And he .loves. horses, , like-• the other. man. Iliad' they lfeth• loved. .some sweet-' and gi'lit•louti- wonuin and .entered upon and established the marriage re- la•tieaship, one can imagine - how .':Home, Sweet Horne" woaild liave :an even • grander meaning than -it • iii ; .nn( SOW" from Stich w,ariri =,1 ? •, e "lt tt sit 'Aneters ; flie,le`•�vQtild , have come' a faintly lite;df'rio mean quality;' 'B'oth have been. • doing things like •;this, Beaking presents . and showing; marked �l:i•ndiresses. tilirotlgl'i• :'tile yeal;s; heapiirg • n1f1nuze '011 ;other people's 'gardens,'' that they %uight add. brilliant, colors in drivers and liisc•togr,fruit . on other people's c C pttche._, with .t !.Don't ntleii�ticin it; - it's .a -pleasure to do it." The' not- nble thing' about such generosity - is that .they, each of them, have 'been at i"11 ! - e heavy aui•eli� � en•d of doing nice a :nice thing, while we,' 'the ' re- •cipiealts .of t.reir.favor•,':haVe entered into the enitichment that' such .giv- ing means. • :''When , you think-, of these bath elors i11' thi's`$ight • we •are 'apt to say,' Wha't., some ,women have missed! • a • ih 1st Ecru yeah same $25,000 worth of las r epi u >i oss p tdsze 'and sings have, been re'cover'ed from .Montreal's sewers; • • In the ,l}•a,tet year of record,.194�'I there' were 2,035,000O4nnot l r vehicles registrations in Canada, averaging -one vehicle per 0.4• persons. There are sweeter ' and' {{pnore at- tractive things to wyite about than. this gift that made ,,,some of, the near ,neighbors hard ' their noses: A. -few, minutes ago I. Played over, 'On the piano two 'old ballads, and 'Music. •, tiiumed to their 'alluring mush,. sl �� 't�'e •wigs "Coming 7.`llrougih .the Reye ;" ,and ,'the other, -"The Lost ,Rosd of . Sumner`." It . -"Seemed al- most 'ridiculous to tarn from •►;inch love and lovely incident's, :so charm- ing and, fragrant. -as these, to writer :about it load of, manure.' B-ut-roses, arid rye ` would • get ' along'. badly -without suitable , • fertilitzatidn. Be- hind the flowers and the grain is the f�a.rlilef" who puts into: ;the s'eril the ,requisite fertilization to pro- -mote. humus and growth. As 'I spread the barnyard coat over,;my frozen ground,•'I gat•some t►fotlifir odor on; me. •But, what did care!" I had .visions •of more; and biggeit Strawberries and raspberries, 'of larger, anions, and thicker and longer carrots; -.and n greater abund- 'anei. ' of peas and beams, ' and other ' get'ables. indeed, t swore .to my- self that, come 'June and July, in YE OLDS' ENGLIgH', • ' "I had always been interested' • /in. England since I h' a ° it child ' lv n e a '• ieture- •when someone : e n ) g I 'bo'ol ,of `David. t'othpeifIe1d,'. ,But. 'whe '•Y' arrived here for the first time I 'knew En;;bfiii1 , <:ly from your writer Ilia• I)iekeli' ,incl Shakespeare. l had learned •I )ie • • • English a_hphrases fro ` ,them which g front •I thought' would be nseful•,on the journey. The Goat train was ..�.ow i starting, ._ tr 1`t'in a #;, So I said to Che can- -ducrtor : 'Thou t i rriest • over -long'." .7elenaa Tucakov'ic, h Jugo-Slav girl whit had. arranged an exhibition in Lindon of her country's'' folk art. (0y, A.tex, ; Melvorr Winnipeg)'' •. • NY ,lgtst article. halving been; pub- lished• so Ik ew,ie;ent1y,. 1 thought; thaf 'irossibt "' 'a few memories of .School days i'n . Goderich 1n the SO's and 90;s might ,be: orf Seale .interest, especially, to the old-timers who lire still aroun j,��. ' the St, Andrew's ,,ward• shoal' along s a hunch � with quite-., . Uu is of rheic 1?i3 'age, find I reliienther aur ex"Citement ' at. this, imperttant'step in our Careers,. Our' flrst 'teacher„. was Miss; Mary Sharinan and 'x.' still remembers her 'kindness to us freshies, ";c1.` few e 11 Were re-' •i s X ca w e e fa li r ho w r � r. . t ,gel ' ,i' •th first iXr ,-were. presented � a f% s .. otu West ' 1'.1nd an i'<les,,. ;such as; ,,the', 1xnlvors,` Me Yonalds,' .. Campbells, Craigies s , McPhaiis, M'orrisons; Bakers, • Iathesons,, Tarts, McLeans ,Bains,-Ilabbs, 'Wiggins, McAuliiys, trnd.others too numerous to naeution. The ,lessons were pretty easy ,for a while, as most of as had a, pre- view in.' our older brother's Or sister's. 'batiks. However, -as time went oh' tint lessons got tougher and we had to buckle clown,' The desks, I reiiuember, • Vitee hand carved.. .Carved, I mean, with the initials of earlier pupils. For in- stance,-, ('• `Hn, probably meant that Charlie' I1eitle clay have been a pupil there. Recess amusements. j)y the boys were 'marbles'in season, pull away, duck on the, moll, etc., and the girls played jacks, -hop- scotch hop -scotch and 'Slipping,. and a good tune _ AVM. ,had._ by -all, p I gpess -we. were • just about an average class for behavior,-llecasionally, some' smart, buy would., put a , piece -. hf rubbe r , on the. big box stove, which meant a little session the' ante-roonl • With the tea'c'her. .Little girls- caugliL chewing. ,.gum just had' the confiscated. No bubble gum .lien.. Often., jor'ial 11r. Hopper the draynlan would pass, talking to his horse • Charlie, telling bilin .to get a `'move on. I still re - Member a -verse about one' of Ir, Hopper's horses Which, it .seers, died of lockjaw. Believe 1t oto not' - there were' tobacco" e11es ers -iu th'at t la """1=trcmr ar-ural. 'i%i ' agger i'nd .rouse' of whom � 1 •kno«*' ire st4l1 around. In Ivin:ter 'tire. "co1un1ons,"' as it .Was known, wbulcl Zr(ide skating,' .and if one -'was - lucky enough to posrsess a ,pair o•f..Cos-Oren, or rocker skates ' he could skate, oth'er�vise jest slide, 't1'ho` reinelu-' Hera the castiroa r~kates with the j(eel ,plates? •_ As time went 'on we ' passed' into O the second room, where the 'Leather was' then a Miss Wilson. ''l in ;the i'ollowing ' year , :Hiss Ii, SVat,.spn began her ..caree.r there, a. career. which lasted 1d'atiy, many...years. - All three teacher mentioned • R ere ,most efficient and ©tidd In this second •room the •going 'was ,tougher. We•. started geography-, divisions,. etc Geography • informed us'. 'that' Godericli, was .sitsiated 'en Lake Huron, was'"noted for 'its; salt rind the Population was 5,000, . This was 'about So_ �r ; . Se. evidently you IWe,; w -pre ,duly impressed ,by the ,size • e>; .the- Sehhoi And. _tlie size • if solve' of the ' pupils of the higher. :0,11 W �zn ' 1 t'+ I�ali�Ln*r�; waif principal at • that time. and he ,would' line us up to n)aral. into our rooms. wkV • had to watch ,taau 'conduct' in line'--- Or else. Some of the older ' P'upilt• would., 'tell us kids about' what was in, store for us- '-and that certain' ,ti,. ,!e1 �ei4 packe•1-„su •ure t;ra , were, notably impressed, a Leasoais• n harder t ate a Ino r u n •� nit It :� d � � e A n lrS elttcing glome -work, but most of.us got 03'..• When. Mr,- T.i hUryrpsigned Mr. Robt. Park beeau a princ$pal; He WAS.' efficient ,:cud• a£ quare .shooter if he. 7;;uew,. one was:;renlly tryilig, but when •we turned, in' peor work i' Any o w blue tx Y p ,, . h S . 1 pencil get Yen -0v.. `Ol ,;��tf': Bair; efforts aright' "Rot" Q m eke i c a With •.h s• h w the' Ward'.i en it ;' , poorer efforts might - come black .with several "Rots',' written; on it. If you had just one:a Ito1 you figured your ,batting average es. being pretty good. He,.was equally generous with praise for, ,a good: effort.. T. often : wonder if he ever found it"' necessary to' write Rot on . ' ictor "LAuriston's papers. I well ' remember Willie Park, .also, Johnny (Wiggely) Roberts,-, his tormentor. • A serious-minded bay Willie was i,'.ven tke11, as I re- member, ' not g iieh interested • in games sir sports'but a grett'C bolt- woriii. - , Felirtw-l)tlpils should ' be 1,)r,iticl of his anie,. , . Well, 1 presunlfb this article" 3n about long enough and if it cioc'sn't receive the Rot treatment I will be heard from later, a I have more 'Seliool` day recollections •t -o. -record if anyone is interes•tecl, Chimney Bdildinig, • AND PLASTERINC1 R. F. VENN Pllone 920J after 5 p.m. • t4 T 8D 4'1 (fth,• i9,10 ,i • L Ethel .a 1 6 •rn s: D r�► �d `, .use -Electri� . on this �c�arher . p • Do• n't put off 'tri tomorrow what you should do today!,Cset that new Westing- house Water:Heater now✓'... enjoy the comforts ofmodern living! Westitighbuse gives you more hot water, from every tankful' .. ; more) 1Q ,water at less cost ... more years of service! It's clean, safe, dependable,konomicall Fully automatic! WI:!' P .Hamilton St,' . Phone 466 • • n �,e a •- are '.not ho1i11n oris o g � wn. 'Sonic copper=toed boots were wort}, in those • days, • likewise , paper._ cellars (if any). B9 � wore blouses; tkel Tei in stinime};, tied .-'anti 'hip, which Jamie a• -.fine sere p apples, etc., (if e•Whieli• there wiis3 an aband- anee. How the apples, �sometirlies .were come by 'is something else aga il,, About '87 most of us„gradu-' atecl to 'the big bine, otherwise' i t--;ls -'We -.'C`e'n-tr '1�Scho«1 on, North street. ' More gland-ca•rved desks. • • 1 •see where someone .recalls- that Mr.' McDbugall.•• (the caretaker) would r''nhe . Gaelic Church” bell at a qua to to .nine. It .was :one of his tiny jobs ' all right, but there •were so many pupil volunteers• that. I'don;t believe he rang it very Often birnselt - • 'Our firs teacher was 'a, .'Miss' Ala rgnii, :if l: remember correctly. tf • • r l ,.R 40. -ore • • Stylesan Gaberdines ! Pick and Picks—Duro a1$--Sh rkskins"--- ....' _ Ail ,expertly tailored: An outstanding ' selection ofRearre-,adr beautifully tailored' Anits. A complete new Spring range fly/iPia,4ii /4/6cS` to choose''from—double and single breasted styles' in the newest .Spring colors • . ales • Priced 4500 to$59.50.• • • FAMOUS :FABRICS -IN SPRING- TOPCOATS-, Gaberdines•! All '•wool Engfsh :(a erdine To `boats, Dressy slip-on style, rain and wind resistant,.• • :Priced. $47.50 -to, $50.00 Mrombie sealskins-"woven in Scotland." Makers of the World's finest topcoats, s Choose from shades of tan, brown, grey or ,blue: '• Priced 52.50 7, Other topcdats .priced from $39,56, , y t7i0_new Easter {��ST1 'rsON}' hat hi neW Spring' shades of :-grey; tan, brown, blue and green.' • • Priced $$8.00 ,t`o .$10;00 ° EEOO1 HATS $5.o0 ' Shirts, Neckwear and Soaks, Our 'Spring range of shirts, . neckwear and socks is ,now oonip"1ete, and they are. the snmartest,shown in many years.- • yyL 6-74747-0474/ER Arrow and. Forsyth Shirts *'$3.9$ to $6.95. t iDl tl a "icI • . -NATIVE o: W wow oaa. ' PASSES' AT CALGARY • Mrs. , A Ore w, 'M. Kirk, R.11.%4? 3, Winghaln, 'has received 'word ',front Calgary that her brother, James Bailie passed away, 'after :a heart, -ttack suffered a week before. My: a'ilie'Was born;iu West Wtewanoslr; near Dungannon, iu' 1860; a Sou Of ---, fir: to dr-M-rsr lF&Iin '-paithn -wh'a-were- •among. the 'first settlers of that distriot:, lie was the "ninth 'in ,at faiiiily 'd tn�l'iye ;eltitcl'ren, and WAS reare(T -;u,, u farm, 'tuitt'1fnlsJ filthier ,settled on ' w rein ,it:, was all forest: ju..alaarried alma Reid, it. daughter of Yitir. and , Mrs: `Patti•' Reid of Lucknow, in 1893. -• There -is it faln- •Ity of • three, Mrs: i:Iugh, Mason : of ,Edmonton, ---::(Splay.)..,, CtiiVin of : gai, garyand Byron. of Vanttourer•.' There are fifteen 'grandchildren and i•six' .gre'ut-grandcliildren. ' His wife '—predeceased hire by several years. Before going to Alberta, Jafatits lived for -seventeen years on relic fare)' his father cleared ;• lie rented it for several yours and tile's Sold it. -Three of. his grand D ns ere e er- 1,ieti - -itis`-t'il'e--i t t)i -f lifi iii ti Air -V ° Force In World' \Vit,•raI.. The eldest- was, ldestwas' killed when bis 11nrie crashed over enemy • territory. Two , of ,, 's J,11n.c� Bai'lr(!,s brothers', are. 1I•vin ► b,� In'' `Los Angeles. The ;eldest, -Chi:tr1e4,, 'was for ina'n1 year'4 chief engineer 1 fbr the `;ft0nda•rt,J (IT Company ,of'1 is Cttlifoarnfif, and ,Norman,, the ,your;• ` est cif •the Ilailie'flun ily is a lawyer end Wags, head uf, the Bar '��lssoe.-i'- nr aon. in Los . Aiig'eles' 'for a term and . la ter , for at' feral ,for .1 Iw Sta to Of ' California. ..An ,o1d'e,r brotbe1.l,' ► ..Tohn, tel: o- lived ' In Los 'Angeles , alar many r1 eau's, bot he i)as roti- lty' 'somi► years ago, leaving :two ol! Itis tfltniiry there -along with 1118 grand.. einlldren The late William Baiif(r, 1 'of (Ioderief we.:, 11' brother' and tite ei(1oat of the lnrniiy, - • The STK slster,s were! Mrs. Robert Munroe of Bliffalo, Mks. Join Parrott 0f lily+tit., Mrs, A, M. Kirk 'and firs. • Robert lla inpri e of 'niggle ni, 11 i,s, ! jams" ;