HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-04-06, Page 1.7,
• •00000.0000
143rd YEAU
Renewal Of Aeglity7-
Alia4=0r- 1tei300e
• • • r.
• Reading. of rePortS Submitted • bY
YetrinartaVG. S. EllitAt, meat --.14;
, .
spector; at Um Meeting of .the.TOwn.
Otemeii .on TuestlaY night.,tstaS fol-
lowed. by -.a lively discusston. The
inspector reported "flue" or "satis-
faetery" co-operation- on the part
of all *the butchers 'buteonc and
some ,of the councillors denlentled.
publication of the -reports The order
hat ,The people of ..,Cloderich, should
• -know; what is .going on. No defluith
decision .was reached' n -s to . this,
-.but , it wits decided to have .the
bylaw reviewed_bS- the Town
citor befere aetion. is taken. .
A lefterffroM the County Board
of Health advised the Council Abet
-,-Iihtt.• :Board could not see* its., way.
,clear' to asseme the cost" of meat
ispection. Goderien.
_ ,
Leo Chisholm.. was heard Air sup-
port "of a, Petititm-10 s'eNver_ on
GloweSter.' -Terrace • from . North
• *street eats -C -211m was -referred to'
t he public • ;•WorkS- cotniuletee,
wereo. also- a 'request by E. 31,
Straugititif for a. sewerextension
oir Britannia read. near 'Huron read
And a petition for a storm sewer
to .relleve flood conditions . the
neighborhood ott,,,McMahons:,,, and
Wells 'Streets. '
„..BuUling ,Pernaits.
Nine building peratits Were're.-
, ported. ;Brian Ainslie' is elinetiding
• a bungalow on St.'Cleorge's Crescent
atan e.stimated cost of $5,500. Dr:
ilykorit Actopligr
A •
Bat pdan, §on of 54. ends•Mrs.'
DeRn, 'who wilk..41?14M,*
an acciaaill neer 1?ot 1uroh inse
week, ,i makin,g, satiStaetOVY
giess' toward reeeVery, 'The X-rays"
revealed he was not as seriously.
tuJitred as at first feared, Mr. and
Mrs, Dean returned last Monday
from Pert Huron, where they had
641 recelPt Of news. of, th,e
accident te "their son,
exectitive meeting of the Gode-
rich. Lions. Club decided, ,on 'having
the club's slumber carnival, on linty
let and; -subject to 'the approval of
tile'41.7evvn iCeutielf,at Judith_debd-
erhatn -Park. A, new venture for
the Liens Club alit be -the staging
of an air.ineet., This is to be,held
at •Sky. Hatter airport 'on Monday,
• • !,•
August 7th: &'.
• ------
The • death a Elizabeth. May
Carey,. gife of Tnonuts Clark,. oc,
eurred suddenly at her,hotne, Pine"
street, on Tuesday, Marcie 281h, 'in
,her sixty-fifth year. • Airs. ,Ciark
"was born in Ashfield toWnShip,
daughter" of the. late Air...and Mrs.
Chas. Carey, but had been a resi-
dent of 'Godericht for .many years.
Besides her Wiper:Id, she leaves
two daughtOrs., Mrs. Henry. :Clark
nkiwi11p •.
of 'Toronto; a' .sister„ • Mrs. Frank;
lhardetht -f7-T-titaIre7n.rdi staree--' two -
fliers, Cecfl.of •WoodStock, ,Charies
• and Goderich, •The
funeral service was held en.Friday
afternoonat the Brophey funeral
home. and Was conduCted by -Rev. .1.
A: Pearson.% The interment 'Was in
Ataltland'eemetery, the .pallbearers
being'Frank Bruder, Maurice ("PAW -
ford,, Tennant,_darennan7,- Henry
Clark, Walter and,Ralpit Kingswell.
After a long illness,. William A.
Lyman, Bayfieldroad,' paSsed Away
Alexantra 'Hospital.. •on Thurs-
day • merbieg, in his, ,sixty-fourth
year.. A.,:ken .of the •late t. Timothy
aitd Sane' McKendry Lyman, he Was,
born at.11eserontocOntarie, and had
livedln Quebec; Hanover, Hamilton,
•Porest aed for fourteen Years. in
Goderich.,• He was- mendier of
the GoderiCh Bantist. Chitreh Sur-
viving, besides hiswife,areotle50n,
Durland :William Lyman, Goderidii;
'ewe daughter, Mildred, of Windsor,
and EVersql ,(AfrS., -Robert' 'Wit-
liuma), of^ Gederich, and one•sisier,
Mrs Earl Leis, of -Madsen The
•funeral 'serviee 'was held on Satur-
day afternoon-athe Cransten fun-
eral home and %Vas conducted-- by
Rev. Ernest, Greigg • The , pall-
bearers Were Sas. Carnfibell,.;.A. J.
Wilkins, Frank'. Robinson,• _Fred
Chas.' Ruffen and Lawrence
Perdy. • Interment .was in Maitland.
ceni.etery. • , •• • ,
a ers, !perm" rs„, or an. • 1 1
tp 11k
street-,;- egtinidted-cest $2,000. ''4G7S:
*Bannister Ts:having a serxice garage
• erected ore'Pieton street; estimated
cese„.$4;000-;',- Ce.Brien's, .perj
•• 'mit is for alterations "to. the 'second
. floor lis property at' the corner
• of East. street ' and the • Scinare.
•',Clafs. „II. Hart IS' moving, a frame
• building to Bruce street to be cell-
' verted" to: 'a • three' -room cottage.
Other 'perniits, for • Junior. mojeets,'
, .were •,issned to William •Peters,'
Elizabeth' street ;. ',deffreY, Elgin
'Avenue; William Marsh, St. David's
street, and, Airs. 'Edna Muir, Elgin
•.ayenue. • •"
.A request by Win. C.:, BitiittiSter
for renewal ,t,rf booth' privileges'
the barbor beach Was referred'• to.
the finanCe committee.
R. M. ,Menzies, local mit:Wager of
.Purity FlourAtills„ •wrote stating
that, the -Company • had, not:- yet,
solved its hrine problem, and' asking
for permission to drill another Well,
an the east side of -the salt block.
• The industrial ,committee *as' pm -
powered to Act on this request _
_Ask' Removal • el .Speeiall•• Tax .
: A petition from owners of tourist;
cabins a4king • ..that • .the •special
municipal, tax en such cablifS,be.re-
-Moved was referred to the special
committee. •' • ,
• The -request of the, Kinsmen' Club
' for the use of dudith• Gooderham
Park , for •a carnival on the , civic
holiday, was sent to the 'parks corn-
Mittee, and .the reqeeSt , from the
Legion .for •fhe us4e, a tbis park
for. a 'Carnival on ,June ,3rd, went to
• the,,Same eommittee. •.
• :With' reference to It request from
the 'Recreation , Council, for , the in,
. ereaSe of the ,nuMber of directers on
• the, executive -froth' three to five,
Sblieitor J. K. Runter wrete it&•
.vising- that the whole -1,ihject-,,of
'the -"Recreation Connell --shoill-d-•be
• '
reviewed thr the light of .existing
regulations. of the Ontario 1.)OPert-
ment of Education:- .
" A letter. from the, Hydro -Electric
Power ,Commission ' explaining the
...deficit �f $1,007 in the town's street;
aceetint for. 1948 was re-
• ferred . to the water, 'light • and
• harbor committee. ••
Auditor's Report' for 1949- ,
auditor's report. on the.Town
referred to the payee •, committee.
Mr. ,Attridge .feportedt. stIrples' *of
$4,393.94 for the, yeltr, which; he
said, "may .be UM! in ydur. 195Q
-estimates as revenue and may .help
•_in reducing your • enormous ,105Q
After7Seine',diseussion -a Motion
• was paseed . that • the • Canadian
•Potific Railway be requested to take
• Anunediate•action: on either the
placement' of theltbridge on 'harbor
or the necessary alterations to
provide for a 20-tonl1mit."
• All members were present ekeept
Reeve Baker, Deputy Reeve Elliott
• and •Couneillor Allaire. The Reeve
wns reported to. be quite ill,
Tlie Huron f.'onnty, •old. BeyS'.
-,soeintionLof tbronta, under. the
• presidency of • Mn. C., .3. Parton,
" hold a bridgetand.enchre Arty.
• at the IVIeSt,Erid*Y.M.C.A., College
and Dovereourt _streets, on Tuesday;
• April ifith, trt 8.15 p.m. ,
The , Main event Of the 'evening
will •lie the,: annualcompe,tition. for
• the McLuivri .tropliSr, , donated'.'fr
'the highest individual eu( hrescores
of•---hrdieS and gentlemen. ••„Last
year's winners, Were 'Mrs. M,Scar.;.
'lett_ and, _Mr. Getfrge. ThothSeni
alsO be drawn:
The committee in charge consists
of Mrs., I). Thntripson, convener,
Mrs. Cecil Itaiser-.Mrs. A.G. Suiltk
111.egsro. Lliorne Pringle and. Mite
Cook.. Refresineents Will be Served.
• All Members,other aurOniteS and
frielutp :are t10rd1411r 11Wited • to
, • ”
• AtOVEX) -1'0, CHATIIANt •• -
Mr: and Airs. Chas.• ' LoCkbart
have sold. their Imilse On Angfesea
street to hig, brother, ;Mr,
Loekhart of Aubtirti, who Wilt take
possession this, fllontll LZ A110
Jrs. •Chas..Loelthart arc DOW ,resid-
ing lil Chathain,
1 1
•'Maria; A.. ,May; widow ,of Jahn
McWhinney, passed away 'on 'Wed.,
nesdaY,' Mareh 29th, fit 'Alexandra
Hospital,where . She' had been,. a.
Petient. far three ,years. She_ Was
in her •nitieti-third year. She was
born at' Nile, a- daughter of the
late' 30----tand Mrs.. George, •Altty,
After her marriage .she rived with
her husband. on -the 3rd _concession
oe,-Ash.fleld • and -sinee :his, death
twenty-nineyeara• ago she had lived
with her daughters in Colborne
township and Goderich. .She waS
a niember ;of �rth street United
Church. Surviving are twe'. datigh-
tem, Mrs. Bertha -Quaid," Deafen,
and , Mrs.' Alex. Bogie, Goderieh;
two granddaughters and two great-
dolm7Prelde, -Goderich. The funeral
service- was held at the ,Cranston'
funeral home Ott .Friday aftertiOan
and was conducted .by Rev. C. W.
bone of North street Unitecl'Cburch.
The .:•paithearees ' were ••:Williatit
Treble, lames and William'
Money Jilid AIM 'Bogie, aid' the
flower -bearers, • in :-Haggitt,
Herold Johnston
and Clifford Hoy; Interment vvits
Dungannon ,•cernetery.
Willinin John. ;31eCtibe, • pa.ssed
away, Peacefully at 'Clinton on Atom
day, Worth 27,th, le his seventy-nintil.
year. ,Ile Was. one of eleven child-
ren of the, late WIllituti and
Ilarbara Cdekbuin McCabe and W S
hign in Gederieh tpsvphip,..on, the,
. Id 't Aro 1 r.
freS W2--oe6:P M
and 'Airs. Sam 'AleNall.'„ • IIe farnied
active Ilfe, formerly, in Cot -
borne rind later' in Goderich tow'n-
ship, :i 11,d "eared.. spine -ten. yetifS ego
owing to .Sitice thett lie
lived for some . t•ime in Goderich,
later with •Iii.s daughter Mrs. Jahn
Snell of Lontlesboro, and, 'for 'the
.pat year „tit 116 was fin
Anglican In religions faith: ' Surviv-
ing arechis wife,„, formerly 'Martha
-Attie-11d Young; three daughter:4,
Mrs, Sahli Snell (Barbarn), Londes-
bora; „AleS:. Sack ',Sproul -
,ton'tlon ; .Mies Jean 'McCabe, Wind-
sor;•and IWO sons, Hugh and Verne
McCabe, Gotlerleh township. ' Also
Still -lying% are, tWo brothers and one
sister; Itobert 14eCatie, ,Colberne
township, And Rebecca and George,
01 40der1(41. 'There are SeVen
grandehildren and eight greitt-grand-
children. The. funeral serriee was.
'held ,,on tursliti:Jr afternoon' at the
nrophey funeral bnine,.._ Goderiell,
,l•and '‘,1114'Coxidtieteil by Rei°,•13everly
Parr, rector of St, George'S
r910,inteiment •waif. , Miitland•
cemetery, the pailbeaiers being
grandsonS, 'Donald Sproul, Jnek' and
•ROymond' Robert Peek, and
Bay • ViSher,and it nephew, Fred-
orjek ,11.1eCube,..
Largo: Att'ONAne.'
, ,
Ti Gode*b,, Lions - °WAS. Tee
V0Q14,," put on by Some twenty:
mPrAbers of the Stratford Figure
Skating Club itt, the .4041,10'110M -
oriel 'Arena on "i'lriciay "tight'', drew
n'on.rd nuepdande 001-.1300. In 0,117
,tra.st- to the 014')Vest 'streWrink;
the new arena provided.' a lovely
setting fer the presentations ' and
In Vida just that much.. More
• enjoyable.' • ,
• While tbe tirogram, was com-
1 paratively varied and the costuMes
worn.by the skaters qulte colorfni,
smite customers felt that there were
too wetly Junior performers in. the
inuudiers and not eueugh of the
seasoned adult stars -present with
1 the visiting club. , •
' Nine -year -91d Wayne- Graham;
star jti re p i le skater,.stole -the-hearts
I0. . t'i „: t)
fere, NO- his „skilful exhibitianS-.
• Best number of •the progyam, llulg-
ing by the applause,• was the „fine
called "Searecrows,": witin its fens,-
-hire' star,' Rain Morris, doing the
best*, piece of selb Wotknir,lhe even-
ing.' • Thq:'"supporting cast Were
dressed as farmers tind farmerettess
the totter with • bine eopmunes and
'red and white • polka dot aprons.
•Another Star soloist was Itoserrihrie -A,..!'s-4
Genet,. who, was balle•rina. in ;the
dream ballet number. The 'pepper-
mint pair, dresSed in candy striped
• dresses,,won'approVal.., Other num-
bers Well received Were the dancing
dells, Spanish Cabaret, 'Continental
Waltz, Hopscotch polka; and But-
tons ando.,BOws. As. always, the
bOnfic mmillers, featurin'g •Ilar,old
. • . N... . a
fgELEBR4TING 650.1 IhrBPDIN'q d111$14A,RY"
Ariners' ervi„ce
..Signal•Bla.r_photir • •
lick, were enkrte14gins „altly
Follies". at Goderieh 'Memorial , Arena. night, .taking part, . . „.
-,SpaniSh Cabaret'...', "ContinentaliWal_tz,..",• liembersof the.'StratfardFigtire
;Skating .Club' from Groderieh- who
took part Friday night ,^NVere. Mr.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ernes Brechet ge o o erieerv.o e
v,,trreef-ertr-s'-lg'igtttret'."*4llrtttittnr-=Mt'ln77-wlte'-'-'7,„krutzlrnlr'Tt'ne--gk)IW-kMTIF.'''''If'itfre-Red !ding good and the
The arrival of :the Imperifil .011
Company's tanker. "Itaperkal Wind-
sor," on Sunday, opened navigation
into this ,port for ,the season. ,
The tanker, In 'Charge of Cant.
W. • (Isrerdahl of. StouffvilliN left
gernia inat Thursday' at b• a.m.,
arriving off Goderich,abont 4 p.m:
that day.,, Heavy ibe„,tioes„,stretchr:
fag over rge area Alt side the
outer 1 breakwaters' Velte. enconet-
ered, and Capt. Osterdahl turned'
his, ship • twilit and ;Manoeuvred
through 'ice as far as Kincaptire,
then put, into open water, reterni g
to 'OodeeRth 011 Sunday. LIlO hid
thilleulty'utnking pert through
the slush • ice, arriving- in harbor
- ,
abput p.m. after •, .sailing
four days' ,"the lee-strewn.lake.
He estiMated that lie covered- 0*
100: miles in his manoeuvres.. This
was his second trip.to Goderich and
he has boonT twenty years with .the
„Imperial Oil. Oompatry. ',After ;:dis-
elituging 21,000 barrels, ofgasoline,
the . "'Imperial Wituisoe! left. On
.Tuesclay,for Sarnia. •
On, '''evenitig Capt. Oster -
(lain was Presented with thelegefol--
ary sittc hat 'at a reception in his
honor at the Tow e Hall,. where • he,
.was.' welcomed by .Mayor • George
Mathtesan,-,Members, Of tbe* Town"
Council: .and other. citizens.-- The.
presentation of the hat ,W -made
by, Councillor Chaptutte'„Chalt.,-.
man of the Towns water, light and
harbor • committee, , and the hair&
some,. skipper • was ruadethe. recip-
i41nt of pictures of the;harbor. Later
a fedora replaced ', the silk ' hat;
which' was laid,. away * for another
• . •
*Among ,thosepresent for the oe-
ing the Imperial 'CiftnnanY,
L. Parsons, president • of the •Gode-
rich • Elevater Company; -' Harbor- •
master -.T. Prttchitrd arid presS
• •
representatives. •
! • '•
Superior....nrst -Ship:but
The -first, :yeSsel. of • the winter
-fleet to leave- doderich barbbk „was
the Superior; Capt. Sam Bell, which'
cleared 'Sunday ,merning for Sarnia,
Windsor and Wallaceberg to take'
on it cargo- for -the head --of the
Lakes: •
greves of the other freighters in
the harbor "are nrrivieg' tied • the
vessels are- being fitted out for the
encl.:sirs. Ernest Breckenridge,,Pete'
•Zhantermen and the Misses •Sheila
•Chtilotkand Judy Alltson.
• -.The",findle saw lyliss Indy Allison
ari fi. drum -majorette- in the...centre
with. /the- entire company :Skating
round the. ice. ,
- • • • • FOR 'LUCKY ANGLER. -•
.• ..... • - IVIRt;.MINERH PASSE,
. ...._, . .•, ,
• ' • N..
• • The current popular song, "I:VeAWAY AT MAZY Y
,got i lovely- bunch of cocoannt.
- .Mrs. ' W., II., ,Miney, Of ' Heart's
. ..
Delight, Fartu,,Chtezy, N.Y.; 4.1ied on
,Marel 2.9th after a •peried of fail -
elle. Qf the'sveek-cad PeOfelltions Of.i iale,h,elrle,arl_z_ktilliie'c :Sit -who wt: js the former
the''.1,,ione ..Club's perch der4 •is I A
cow rlies.t. T, 111.10. ,I,or 11,er) . w iii 1 ter ont.ovt4fA,,orrrgreolt. ..lho-cljenItlflicetIsilti'vettriliiiTiolly;.
go, a centplete,„:' biiil0f.Of:- bana ea s' 1 Sal.ritt,'
made genereus donations to
' ' rizt; lon'itee .1). 'the Goderich, Goderich. institutions, ,especinny to
Vrnie 'market:. , : . •
. , .
Alexandra 'Hospital. '. Alis.s. Clalie
- Other Prizes. rejently Ono ted. are Reynolds, 'Who; . spent the • Winter
Box of statienery, B!t•rber-Ellis Ltd.,
ToPontb ; • electrie iron,- Sutherland -
bronze plaodeS len -months at the Miner esta,te,, had:re-
turned to her •hanie here °illy, about
Seheltz, Kitchener ; chtys •before she feceived word
from .Bedford Hotel,. Fred's Rendez- •of . Mrs. Minee.s lOW. COMIltion • and
vous, the Majot .Store, Reg.' McGee she a t once took train again ., for
4:. SODS, R... H. .Cornish Elcktric, Cha'Ay,• arrmviii• e. shortly before Mrs.
• will have eecoainits" replaced by
"bananas" as far a Winner
and Cipb Grill; .pienie harm AL
Miner 'Passed away, • •••
Cranston 'Feud Market .
carlikht,,Aberhart's Ceirag,e; *gallon
.of wbite'enantel, Northern TaintHGH /JILL BRINGS
and ..Vainish Co., Owen Sinput; bag , 'H1C41-I HONOR , TO IITJ,RON-
of floiir, Purity , Ltd ; • •, • •
gallon thermos Seagram's,Mr.• Hugh 11111, ,was. at -Toronto
Wa terloo. • last week and a ttended • t1uetflfltht1
meeting ,of the Canadian 'National
Live. :Stock • Records Board, held
111 ,the-,ItoYal. York Hotel on. March
30. IIe . was, elected ehairtnan of•
seeond- Saturday in May.. ',Several the • Board, a-, high honor Which
inquiries .-1Utte 'already been.' re- comes to Huron "enmity for 'the firSt'
cei ve do Awarding' thM 11(1111 tknle..A'icesp resi de _
neiVsfaiPers In Michigan. • •• Stewitrt of PuStincli and thecoin-
' mittee members are 1 13 ami NeSs.ef
..rs JOHN GALT ' ilowick, Q uebee ; Lt. -(2.01. M. ilalte
anz of Stetillville, 'Ont.. •Dr. X.t. M.
• . • • . . .. • • -London Free Press. photo
Alr,"and rs. Shn pIlove'rie; Who were reeinients .of. many Can-
grattnations, (*11 the oceasion 'of their sixty:fifth wedding .alliniVerStify
on AI 011,(1.11y, Alarch
by- Fire
at Exeter
• EXETER, April 2. ,Six,.tace
herse.s. veined at. approximately
$15,000. perished in a blaze which,
rivsed -ain---801foot- .horse -barn ---a
Exeter ,Qeminmaity Park.last
-- •seyenth horse •stabled the
sixteea-stall barn' was led to safety
by a lbeal trainer, whorisked h*
life to rescue the terrified animal.
Total loS;4, a
liarness, blankets lied -ether eqtitp-
ment',.-,and • a quantity, of hay end
'feed, . is estimated 'at a. ',total of
$20,000: Only, about $1,000-einSnr-
anee _ 18 .belithred ennried. on the
Isingle-Storti Of the honses lost; -ate; •Amber • Grattan,
valued at •$5,000 and owned- by
Thomas Yearley, creditom; -was
insured '• '' • •• „ '••
• The 'blaze _broke out ut ,,about
7 p.m. and was,diseovered by George
teroweee7,',...tralner, who 'lives in .1^601i1.5
tjt time south end el the• barn.' Hear-
•':= a • crackling • noise,!' 'Flowers
!opened. the .duor connecting.. his
rooms with. the inithi building„
Iind-"the -entire...passageway: betwe.en
'the stalls. tilled, with smoke and
Attempt. to Rescue Horses
• Ile immediately summoned LioVd•
Tnyves, another, .trainer,„„who
near by in' tto trailer. 1Vnile Mr,
Yurvey ran to 0)0 halite of a neigh-.
bor, Gilbert Dow, to phone--; the' fire'
departmeit, -the .twe men Teti:Hued
to the barn and re-entered the„blitz-
big building'. Their desperate at-
tempt to -reecue the 'Aei,:en trapped
annuals, terrified. 4the snateund
lames, was called off 'after. only:one.
- beautiftal.silVer trophy has heen
'donated by it Waterloo firm for thd
newSpapermen's perch, derhy day
to•be.heId on either. the.first or •the
of Sweetherg, Quebec; George Rod:
• ' -----' - . • Robinson of Toronto: T. Alex., - W.
• A , portlitt; '. of John. ',Galt was Edwards. 'of :Watford is intaiediate
luavelleM In the couneil chamber , of , past chairman.
the city of .Galtht
.oe Monday ,nig. •.
, . .01iEs,-1101VES
It was the foundee, Of, Guelph .and. ..Anild an array - of spring flowers
Goderich ,after • . Wit oin -the village- in' AshfleId--Presbyterian, ChurelLoe
'Ir. WI 1
13 11 . , s • e ar a; on y
honor of .unyeilleg the portrait' fell daughter 'of .Mr; atid *Aire. .Earl
to Mists Mitchell • of tIowest„ bectune the bride of "Mk.
Guelph, .Freat-great-granddaughler Ronald dames Oke, Mr.
401 John ‘Galt and grillitidnughter of Morley Oke and the late Mrs. Oke
:the rate John Galt, postmaster of of 'Nepal:lee, . Entering, the church
*ttederich. The Portrait, done in ori the arm of her father; thecharin-
oils, rg'the. work' of,43e,„,,e..,)t, Gnulug bride 'was. gowned In ivory-nlip-
a,Scottish,:artist:.. -,,, per satin; fashioned •with,,if square
neckline With raised collar, long
iinpitESs..oN TELEPHONE .-•s14eves.*high. came .to :points
01!.TOPitoRsiow-mi LEGION.,4 the..wrists. and' .hooped panniers -
'trimmed ! with laee: The skirt
. .
, endedin a train. The bride wore
"Journey ..of. n Wore," ,will ,,be nee Mother'swedding veil, ,'wbich
the. eubjeet.' of an addresa Ind de- was caught to the head by .a tiara
nronstratien at the 'Canadian Le- of soed 'Red roses '.111lx.ed
•• , with hyacinth .bells were ebosen
season's work.
On Teesday Albert Leona
launched' new ,steel' boat made
nt the Mathie.son Welding Works
in Godevich, • which „he Till use in
"Ilik-iiiditmetinSineSs.'' • 4
'Bert Mb 0(11)111) launch Anna,
mite, whieh 'Vats rebuilt ,during tlie
Winter,- cvaS launched on Priday
,litpt 'and leeks 'Ante and span • and
ready for a IniSy.'Seneee.
Iteetor Tigert hes arrived nnd
ihis again taken eharge of the radio
theam station;
' Mt, and :Ups. Athol -ArRparrie,
Toronto, 'itiinotince the' engagefilent
of, their datighter, Margaret jean,
to join" ,Charles,Morley Crook, sOti
Of' ,and Ti 'Crook.
The marriage will: take, Pia ee en
Friday, Aptii 21, at 7,30 o'clock, in
Fa 11-111 rhited 'Toronto.
The engagement announced' of
Tallinn ',roan, (Infighter of, Mn.. Al-
fred Sinniners and the tate Roy
Untiring, to Pornild Ttoy, set" of
Mr. and' 'Mrs. Fred, ' TIOWen, all of
Goderieh;, the *wedding ta, take
place time middle of April.
&ores _At_ ,00(16.rieh Gun '_ Club
yesterday (Wednesday) were: Bilr
Liunby, 14; A, •Gilbert, 0; .1"..
heft, 12; C. ,Prottse, ;' AnderSon,
15 ;, • Praise, 144 Gilbert,- 10 ;
13;; W, Beck, 10.
• gion Hall at -8 p.•th., tonight (nuts- for the bride'sboequerf anti her only
day) by A. 31, Dix, Montreal, Pnblic ornnIntlilt was a rhinestone neck-
reltitiOns re•presentative of the Bell Mee, tile gift of.the groom Bev. 411...but Jie inst...nttun;d. . 'werei
--Tele-goPe--CalnPanY,o11 Cabada.-7-Ile I MeDbn1tI Wag 'Elie: offleitilitig itiotit $2,000 sc,:wb.
Nv,11I be 'let reiltured t,v -0713. •-,Te-rg-ylitti`ii, and Mr. Kenneth Me1111((1 )fl-
..S010 an'owly escaped
being trapped the, building hint-
seifi- Mike; Grattan,: from the.
building.' • His • 'attempt release.
Amber Grattan, best knOwn of .the
stabled' horse's; "almost east hila his
life., Only :the restraining ban& of
memberS of his family and Exeter
firemen kept. him • from re-entering
•the blazing barn fel! n'seetind reScue
attempt., ,
treatment far* burns .about the
handS. - • •
• 's\
I t
, The. flame's, Led ly,y, tifY feed and
hay .and fanned by a brisk wind,
quickly,' envehnled the • *buildieg.
Fire aief -Bill Chambers, of the
.Exeter fire departrifel4,. said the
lire was completejr.beyond :control
when dreinen arrived,"
„ The Horse s• LO'st'
iicres'es lost Were Jerry, ,Lee and
Jt twe-year.:oldstablemate, .sired by
Beenett Vole,' bath owned, by Peter
Flisenbach, of Grand Bend,. Stich.;
Miss Wiper ' Volo, owned • by deck
Morrisey, 'of Crediton; Neney, Bans,
owned, by George Flowers, .Exeter,
and Amber Grrittan tind. Buddy.
Grata n, owned by Thomai Yea riefs• ;
of Credit on.
.04 00d4y, Evening
Ti16, 411.,MarinerS,', *vice #a*
he141 in Kn.:0x Preshkteraluit,,Chttreh
•on Slay eyenink, And -thong% the-
atten anCe; suffered froin the
element' .1yeather„, there was , pod
reprtsentatien. Of 'sailors, fishotineret
nint harbor' offielals. • Tide' speCial
seryiee,'• held , before! Opening
*of navigation, has been • traditional
,in Knox .Church for many. years.nainical attnosidtere wAs
rehieved in the decorations of the
samftuary. A.' miniature. 14,11ithtruSe
in front of. the,Pulpit east itS, glow,
'intermittently, while.beltind it stood
a: large ship's wheel, .Tbere were
niotlels (Ji sititillg Ships, lifebelts
and sitip'i3 lights, oars and other,.
Rt; _
eY. G. MacMillan: after. vie,17
1'011141g - te
h- niarina- erextended-sp- --
Clifford LOwery and Charles Haws,
thorne; who had as..04sted'Svitb• the •
kleenr,11.1.1011S. „
„Of male '0,04*,
under the direction of Mr. -*W, H.
BiShop, led in the ser -ii pritiSe.C.
Dun 1,Valter• sang as a sold, lit
Deep NVaterS," and during -the offer-
tory Glen Lodge Sang "The:Stranger
of. .Galilee." ' The hymns, were:
"Biee, Up, 6 Men ,of "Jesus,°
Saviour, Pilot Me," : and "Eternal
Father,. Strong to •Save"." ,
. • Res. Mak:Milian ehese.n.s" the
text' for his fereeful address the--
17th and .181h verses ..of the,:18th
chapter of qtevelation: arer in one
`hour SO great riehei is cope, to .
•bought; and every shipmaster. and ,
all the conipanY .hips, tnd
sai1ors and as •-fnany as, trade ,b,
• annealrlIni'Mn CsittlAY
,Musle Festival wilt,open.,in; North.;
streef. Uniied *Churn Aloi!day:
April' 24th, 'under the. auspices: OT
.the doderich Muiste Club.
The .FnstiNthl. .will conclude mi
• Thursday.,-A-pril -127th, and---aft1-714,
day, evening it closing „concert will
be • held; • \\glee Wineers all
scholarships .'and °theft...awards-and
a duet trip ,class frens each „;eet1011
Will ,i)(4'forni their' test pieePs, and
receive their pitzeS,
Prattle,. Holton , director. • of
music for Brantford and
M±. Clifford Poole; director Cif .the
.pland department, Westertt Con-
serNittory :a guste, wilt
he .adjudiettiors. • • . o
,., •
there are 533 •entries in 99 dlr-
. .
04,791-(0,{Likta4„0,- *41-
they:Sat ,Nv .the smoke of her
,saying, ,Whot• nutO•4tist
ilgrerAeanteieeinlYt•'11) oinei.h.efere'hei fall was ;
„the • 'centre- or wealth' °and trade;
bsiuiet , afell bc'cause p1 nd r ,sitilitenergthot
wickedness, - •
"You, -too, ..as shipmasterS ''and
of the •land for your and' trade..
All 'need dollars „And tents., This" •`'
ancient- eitY, which waxed •great, ,
fltrougli „her trade, fell, „lint. ie.,.
interesting 'to observe , that .-Johu
Wiled ' all the shiptintsters- 'and
'Xaliors -as standing yet dfer off" -
mourning beeause of:the .wicketitiesk
of 01*. eity.' • -
' ",Whether your work 'be land
or 'great. waters adhere -to the.
eternal values that not, pexisb:7: •
urged the -Minister. • ' " •
'ferent elasses, an. increase Of 72
;over ...last year... in the .,Piatte Sees
tion., there, is tin inereitse (rf
• entries; mid brass'aucl
wind, 'of 12. •
• A feature of the, ffednesdayee vett-
ing program Wilrbe the 'competition
by.the adult ,vtical elaSses for ladies'
and nien;.s 'voices :the -•lieiv
settle a rship d oho tett by • • tb en
('out Registered Music Teachers.
preViouls festival.s.
Collegiate • institute witS, tile only
secondary school enterled. 'This
.year, Clinton Calleglitte will be in
',competition Goderich. .
rTxi mate choruses Ilarbor....Aires,.01,
"Gtalerich, will n have compot lioil
from the R.C.A.Fo male chorus ,,:of
Clinton,- on Thursday evening::
The, opening day, and evening
of the 'Festival will. be devoted to
P111110 work„ ranging .ht age -Trent
-ix. years Mr:- •
7.1, under to twenty.
plays for' the lframa.."Festival,
to be • greseeted • Wednesday and
Thursday of net week AlacKay
Hall, are in their final .stages of
onds,,Goderich-nianttger of the Beg
Telephone. Mr. Dix, will' trace the
,deyeiopment • ef. iienversing over n
distance. from . the early, days of
sin oke :711ge4110„. by tIle In Ill ans. to,.th e
present-dfvf`-telephone,. ark "smell 11,31
giving, a plettire of things to collie
Intheccelepliene'.., of 1.• tomorrow.
'Members pi the Lions Club and also
the Kinsmen Club,of•Goderieh have
beet* inVited .to .the meeting' along
with -members , of the% Canadian
Legion,' •
- _
AT Nor'* STREE'r 011-01100
Stainer's impreisive cantata `Vile
..Crucifixion" w-nA presented by tlw
eileir of .North street United Church
last Sunday evening under the
'direction of •Alr. Alex. Clark, befere
Iarge congregation.
The, mint -,-WaS beautifully
rendered, the solo parts Wing sung
Harty lIolun's,
son, George Ihtehanart • and ,Miss
Isabel 'rettgan:.' .„;
'CalVall" 10 1950" WAS ,the sub -
;feet Of a thought-provoking' sevinou
by Itev. C. -W. Cope.'
Allister played the wedding musk..
Dorifig. the signing .of• the -register,'
Aliss.Marylin Butler sang "Where'er
Yon ' Ray. Cleland of
Teronto was• best man, and•
Colin HoWes; brother of the lyride,
mid 'Mr. 11111 Smith of Brantford
were tieherse 31151. DoegIns Madge,
or Goderich, 1114 Matron Of honor,
551(5 goWned 111 pile; green taffeta
sleeVes. Alias .Sally, Alc-
Donald of Kintells as senior. brides-
maid,. 'Was similany 'gowned, in
canary. yellow and little Anne Me -
Kenzie, niece of the bride, as;Jitnior
*bride:Inlaid, 'were mauve taireta.
Each attendant's*,llatching heads
d•reSs was of. frilled" ribbrm elastic('
to the head with white flowers and
coeh one earried a nosegay ,of
hyacinths and daffodils.
After- the ceremony a recentimi
as Ilehrat the Park„Iiense; (ode -
rich. Um. tlowei received wear-,
ing‘,6 flora •-After- - the-
ceptioa the, happy &mph, left for
,Toronto, where they will make their
It me. rot travelling the 'bride
(1omtpd a grey .gablirdine ;suit with
navy coat, and aeeessnries. 010.01" -
town guests were from Toronto and
Nabatie6"4. .„,,.
Grattan, best-keown of • the horses,
luny record of forty-nine first-pinee
wins -in •sixty-twci, races entered
in 1949 nil was nover. out, of the
money clueing the year, In 1948. it
wits out of • ritoney only • ortee
all raec,s entered. • • •
. Mr. Yearley said • he had been
offered good priees for the
on several oecasitsns: • Ins other
berm* 'Buddy 'Grattan; won, the
Hyatt' trophy in • the 228 class at
London, lost year:
Mr. W. A. Boyle luis sold his
general storo tmeitiess at $t.
Augustine and wits in•,town 011
Tuesday looking fbr 11 house, in-
tending to reside here if lie eau flied
a° suitable pinee_ He is the father
of Harry J. Boyle, the "Phil ()site'.
.of ,Lazi. Meadows," from 'Whom we
have not heard for several weeks.
Ile said that Harry hod been - en a
trip to Western "Ohnalla Mal it 18
probable that he has had no Gine
to write. Atany 1*':) (101.5 of The
Sigiutl-,Star ftrer disappointed in not
seeing "Phil's", always interesting
weekly artiejes and bee that ,they
will be resumed before long, 4•
• r
••, Readers of The,,_.`ignal•Stai. • •
• are invited to icontribtite to ;the ,
, Personal Mention' ,column:, Let .
us . have • the names :• of your.
Easter' visitors. • •
Miss Grace" Strang left" yesterday
to §pend several Weeks in New'ltork'',
-, Miss' Nina Walters, spent
cent •week -end' With friends', ru
• Miss Josie ,Saueders has returned °
lei& after it- month's visit •
Mr, .attal Airs: • AN -alter Heiti,ntin
returned' Alondny night 4rOna their
Irheicla trip. •
. •
• I'renchie Beauvais • aitd 'sig. Leg-
gett, left , on 'Sunday to. '-nieet,,their •
boat. "Soodoc,'" .at Chicago. .
'Alm. Chas. Lockhart of Chaffin&
visited. with Air's.; W. - 11."7
INeitys street,' hist week. •
• 'Mrs. AlePherson and son Dauglas,
of .Cliplon, "visited at the. lioine of
Air. and ;MKS, A.,'Dbick-011_.:gfit:.:.
Mrs. T: Stewart of. Port Colborne'
Was •111 . town last week attending
the funeral of, her sister-in,law.„ • •
Mrs. Thos. Clark. •'• . •
r. and _Mrs. int!). „Elliett 'of
Toronto Orb spendingAhe Easter .
holidays at, theirnnitner----,-
. avi s reel:.
. iFrAnk Theliodeatt,, prOfeS,..
'stoma), of ....the Straiferd • '8/kitting. .
Club„"was a' Week-end•.'gueit with
,Ernest Breckenridge.
. Stell'et. and :children,
of Dettbit, were 'weeli-etq...guests.4.'
j,1thg bib tpr, .•
..Tehriston. Mr, rind Arthur .
.1101ifiston of Sarnia -"also 'r'e ,guests
with AliSs Johneten. • . 7
' .MrS., E.• 'Brown has just re,
• turned front l'oronto, ,where e•he was
n guest at the Crysler-ThomaS wed-
ding on S'aturdaY, .2,kpritfr 1st. 'The
bride is'a dafignter of .Mr,,
1). Thonms, formerly of..Goderich.
. 0, G. Little bas reterned to
her home at Walkerville' after •• a
short visit witll her eon frnd.datigh.
fer-in-law,' lir.. and Mrs.SValtei
Afti ft•
Jost returned freer a trip to..Wash.,„;
itigttrit n 11(1.' New York, where the' '
1)oetor' attended 'a- nfe4lical •cotirse • •
for,,.the .Nintalitteserve.,
NviTa LiqegNqViir
• Aiippitir7eirrinkoin: _S:lhower,'_' the
sentatipn Will'be Margaret Wilson,
Virginia Lodge, Pearl.: AlaeLaren,
Vickie • Thornton, -Marilyn Butler
and- Mary • Clarement.., Mr. A. ,F.
StUrcly is directing, the paw. •
The - east of "Aloon.Up," Hohne.s:
vide Y.P.142, incledes .poja
Heard, .141Wat lrOss,• fance-Sriddier.
and .Harry William's. The , piny is
being/3 clliected by Mrs: Esther. Ross,
assisted by Mrs.' (Sybil :Palmer. •
(hall Sully; Ronald
Price and Madeline EdiVerd make
up the -cast of '"0°P-67,-MO,TInimb,"
Mrs. Fronk Saunders direetoe,of
this' preeen•tation. by Maple Leaf
Chapter, I.O.D.E. -
The; tw'o entries Thersday • ulght
030 My Latly ire?tms" -1!11,1
'the ..first play, hang odireetkil 15y
Mrs; K. Revell for the Arthur Cirele
Players, includes in Its , cliAt
• ,Lodge, .11(4 -en jnekson,,. Alory,
Claremont. Isabelle Saeloinn, Cor -1
inne -Criinston and Lanrel Lodge. ,
- Players in the-Second'presefilallon
are Mary -Smith, 'Fred CraWford,
Ara Het ta St ingel, Gerald Dustoiv.
Ruth " Pentlend' and doe°
Jean Newman is .
ustowei met the ‘Goderieh team'
jo en ,Iit,ter-town beam*,
fixture, on Abe Meal nlleyS oe Sat-
urday' and took the big end of an
844, score.A ,Tbe yer,s and 'scores
wore.: TAstowel. Sandow • 08;1,
G.' Duns': 1088, B. Hilson 098, R.
Iy..ress 470, Groves 774, L. Bonn
ri88 •-s-t o t I, 4003. ,,Cloderieh -
.Beilard.' 937, Chapman 959, G.
. Fisher 800, -G.
'POSTOVVICE 110111i$ '• •
.6)stoilkep here's 'for (hoed Friday'
,a.m. 'to 1. p.m. Lobby (doses
t p.m.. , , #••
rot, 'Easter nondaY-:-40 "a,m. ;6i
pan. • Lobhy, tIescs at .0 pad
-hii ite ,Gotlerie11. arena 071,Wed-
11e5011.:0 'night; ,"Wingham.'Stairttent'
Spit fires defeated sLueknoW
7,4 in fhe second game of a ,best -of- •
.seritm .for the Intermediate
\\ .9; A4. gtAnd.:014OeItOy
Agit Sepoys 4ind 'SPitilte$
*1 1o(1 'on even terms in tile firat
frnnie. ea el sextet netting a single,.,,
ton. Itt the -second period, tbot.
Sepays gained a 43 advantage, but '
in tbe 1101110 11i (brew frein Cite
Radio Town turned on the heat for
four flIsin.stvered goals, giving -„them,
ft 7-4 victory, ' VOr tbe *loiters,
E.,ngliftli and Iiilbert. each...scored'
,V;(411.0 1111(1
Gatenby netted :stitgle
N'auglin.„ with. tWo; Greer and no.
Leliand 'were the /marksmenfor
TM'S WaS TvItigflo Second ,witi.
,The third' game Will be played item
txnuorrow ( 13'rblmmy 1 night,•
• ,