HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-03-23, Page 1v3ra • exit as Lal ay to September . TI .,. I atteotion :of, tbe,TeWa.Colln- cil a - regular Meeting On Tues - d$ .niglat was Called to the 0o1- Liorne !Township:Centenary Celebras, tiOn, to. be 'held oi jUnd 3OUi, by ' Mr. II. A.•100reatbe 'v014 reguelte4 any bo-Operatien. the 4ot:wen •gatilia • give. Mr, McCreath' ',brought with hire two paintings ;of Goderich barber scenes, the Work of Harry" Nicholson, of TerontO, a summer -4 visitor a .here, and left them with, the Council, with•,, the *S1Jg- , geation that they be framed and _ presented to captains 'Of first ar- rivals at the barber. Mr. McCreath alko :Made the suggestion that the gighWays" De- ,partmeat be askid to remove its sandpile on Cambria road at the top of • the Saltford hillto some *. better lOCatien. • Mayor Mathieson thanked' Mr. IkleOreatli for the .,paintings,.and his suggadiOns. * • .Daylight • Saving Time. ; It iwas,deeided to adopt •daylight saving. time: froth', 4'.a.m.-Sundity, April 3ffilt, .„ to .2 a.m. Sunday, October 1st. . • ' Cemetery Sexton MacDonald ap- peared- before „the Council .'recom- mending tbe .purchase Of the tiktl• a_ say equiptheat for grave digging, - 'removal of ..trees and • other Work at the cemetery, claiming that its use would beteconomical and would ,the, work. The Council asofrased.,,eonalderation. All----menibers of Council -we& -,presento-except-- Reeve Baker, . re - off earh-XA,I1X:,ADDRESSES • PIOX z,011U011 WNS • An. ' IMPreasiv'ei* and inspiring Easter address was given,' by 'Mrs. ,Beverty 11. Farr; .'of SC. George's Angliean ChurcV to the. IliCinber of the, 'auxiliarY Of Knox Presbyterian:. Churela on Tuesday) afternoon., The W.M.S. presiden Mrs. Albert Taylor, presided. ; .,..X.rS.,,FeresPoke Of the life-giving 110P0 Of the resntrectien of. the Savionr: : 'Women of the church Must be ready,ahe said, to offer their ,will to 'Ueda not tinlY Sh0141 willhij aereice :be' given to the chOrcli, but the inission welt' of the world should ,not be forgotten.. Oonaniunlinn is making inroads, and selfishness and thoughtlessneas. might be 4 breeding ground for it. "We are fighting now, withour backs.atgainst the wall„....fer all we :hold dear." Christ- is Ithet-hOpe •of, the World and all should Strive to he like Ilim. • . Mrs. IL K. Revell read. the •Serip- ture, and Mrs.. James I3iaSet 'offered „prayer. A duet was sung beauti- fully,* by Mrs. W. MacLaren and Mrs. Margaret enttper• Mrs. Gordon Bisset,,Presbyterial president, asked members to advise Mrs. Albeit - Taylor if they could gp to the 'Synodical 'meeting In Brantford, as if thirty -live were williog 0a bus could bechartered: for, • cert3eyance. from a(Goderich, Clinton aad •Seaforth. Mrs. C. Edward reported twenty- eight visits made; and Mrs. J. W. Smith reported' fifty -tour hospital and twenty-six-, shut-in calls. • • . • The Members "ef the W.A. of St.- George:a Church:were invited guests at thisimeeting,and joined with the auxi iary mem era .-after the meet- ing to enjoy a social,time ovethe ' Clerk reported -our , 52 permits issued. . I. Ernest .Robert- • Son ,preposes ,building a Alvuelling ,on'llagin.aVenae at -a cost of $5,000. - 'Other- perroits.T.'were' to Charles • ' Barker, AtigleSea street,- and 'Carl M. Fisher, South atreetrfor repairs 'to -dwellings,and to George. B. Wilson, Huronroad, for raising a dwelling on a eement foundatien, Authorization '•was - given WO. •Shut,ints' 'Day _Association .for ,a tag day un June 3rd,; the. Commun- • ity Nursing •Ilegistry :for a tag alay 'On Jane Otb, and'the Saddle Club ,for the use' •of the Agrieulturar •:aeronauts on :July 1st. .The reetiest, • of the Maple Leaf Chapter, LO,D.E., for ,Use of judith•PGoodethitm Park, for a carnival on -July- 14th wa.s, • referred to parks ,committee. • :Library 'ward. Asks Increased Grant The _request of the-PUblic Library Board for an increase of the an- f,Lnual .grant from $3,500 to $4. WaS sent to the finance committ Town Solicitor .Hunter advised _ that a •,deed had •been, .prepared • whereby Mr e' and Mrs. • John IL •Gralurni were cenveying to the Car- ' potation the land at the southerly limit of Kegys, ,street, to be used for 'road rights*. . ' • A letter from the Provincial De- partment of Health, stating that steps should he t.c,en by the Town to .deal with secvage dispoaal, 'Was • sent to* the' public Works committee. The .Mayor and • Reeves, were • anthorized to attend the annual •convention of Ontitilo Mayors and „Reeve's to be held Alt Toronte, .April 27, 28 and 29.. • , • • 'Bylaws Nos. 7, 8 and 9, 'were Pas.s'ed. Nog. 7 find 9 atithorize the .ale and ;removal of the ex1tp.4ition building at the fair grounds anll of lbe._West ..;:strIett: rink buildingr:re- spectiVely." • Ne.: 9,- appoints, George S. ,Clinton, •meat • inspector. • Approval • having been given, by tho Ontario Municipal 1,3,oard, by- law NA: 37 ° of, 1949, covering „con- struction. of sidewalks in -lair,' was • given its third reading. • • In view of need *of . inefeaSed neconamodation,, the Collegiate Insti- tute Board n.sked that the Tbwn •the Beard before 'dropping • ins option on'property at the corner tafiratth--anda.33enliet-t-st-reete.-•Afier, • *consideration Itt committee, "tennell" •agreed to comply .with the Board's request. .• JUNIOR GAME AT ARENA, ON SATURDAY - • ThepeWer-packed - and • . highly rated Seaferth,JUnions will play an exhibition hockey game a ' Goderich, Lions , juniors the • Godetich arena on Sattirdit, night, game te commence at 9. ock. , The Gederieh- junior will be • strengthened .by three members of -the-Gaft-Bbtelejlaw-ks, Junica-u-A." 0.II,A.team. They;• are Clark ' Somerville, "Peanitts" ?rest and I 4MA • . • • - 0 0 ' • .. . FROM MISS WILRTELE The Signal -Star, Goderiph, Ont.., , It ,has been, breught to iny at- tention • thatthe mention by The Signal-Starof a letter which wrote to, the layer and; 0011101- in Japuary., . (it, copy. of .which.• Was alga' Sent 'to, yea ).'Is open interpretatioer. • 1 hare not access to that . par- ticular• cony of The•-",Sig.n'aPStar, but to the best of *my recolleetien A. read .somewhit ' tA letter 'from -Miss. Wurtele.re- earding the -sappoiatment of , 11 iluxiiitne'• officer was referred 'to •a• special eoroinittee.'•' • •, ,This was not the piihit 1 Malted to Make.' Mr. • O. M:..Rolieresen,..IS the • dulP -authorized , officer.. rfe-i. Harm • 'couritP.,' appointed by, told registered witlis•-the 'Ontario'. So- ciety for the Preveation of OrueltY to Animals,- hea,dquarters- at Guelph, Ont... To the best of my ..knoiviedge he IS bontin.uing to ,act • in . that capacity as„., far tis investigation of, „comPlaffits and a .general eye ,on the welfare,of animals is concerned. The ,,point of. my letter ' was that , ,a toein With the Small 4inlmal populatien Of ;Goderich, avhere the deg taxes amount to- upwards of $500 annually', itis. time tbat a dilly qualified individual .wita appointed, and paid, en a part -tithe- hasia, for the heinane ,disposaid of .,ick or injured, Animals: ',1/.1( earlier letter referred to • the umans..at-hand, also to • the necessity 'of this • Work being; Carried-, out in atproper. and scien- 'title mane& in order to mitigate, to the greatest Possible •extent,-suf- feting to the creature • ba its -(lying anime0t.s., •, while 1 mitintalif-that It Is -not - an ordinaryjob for it woman.,still, from the 'animal's pointof. sview, 'I sliduld like to see it Undertaken by one. 1..belleve.• that woman's natural sympathi IS extended to- ward a sick or dying' creature, thus making her handling .of it &litter than it Might be. Frontmy persanal, observation. over a Mona; bet, of years, I reached the .eon.-• •eitision. that , these. poor - animals, havitig . reached • the- ead of •their DERT011; T 15RSDAY, MA 04 23rd, 1950 4, 'SO :,•,' 'an ' • • • • r.i5a-61.Tafi""§"TfeW1140;0007.-aieur-vttrrefie tight ;with a har*ey 'game on iee ..• • , • „ • i•-asta*, -••••••••••• etween the Photo- ort-•-en•graving.,--ITTIL'oi-=frtrtgr- • • • . Brantford Moly Charms Audience 7.iti Knox. Church . . • A- concert of -outstanding meat- .• was presentedby the • Universal Coolet :Ladies". Choi, 'Brantf.Ord,., .1.10.NS'cLug's pi:RIPPLED CHILDREN •SURV•EY a To date, 1. total 'of 151 :caseS has been reported in the erippled .children's survey cotWucted by the „ten-Lioes 'Chiba' of Huron coatity, C 11 Epps,' Clinton, secretary of the county eominittee, reports. . Although excellent progreSS . has been madea good' many repOrta' still are to come in, Mr. Epps said, He commented that no deubt there will he',:taithy duplications when the- rirels--iists are -checked:closely. When it Is felt that a thorough check-up. ha been.made, a meeting of the county execUtive will be 'held in the lluren County Public Ilealth Unit, Clinton'; to further plans for the clinic scheduled fir ;May 10 when the finest children's special- ists in Western Ontarib, will lie in attendance': • '•• ", The crippled chileren's sUrvey .Is closely ' associated with the „Easter oaI'unipign now. being conducted ...by number cif Lions Clubsain the co ty. in KnOX Preshaterian Church on Wednesday 'night, •under the aus- pices of the. Wee's- Club of ' the. church. :The' prOgrain was-- under: the ;direction, of • Frank W.: Holton, - founder and conductor of the visit- ing char, With •'S,liasf,•Pearla Lamb as accomparAt, , and delighted a large audience.. • • • .•• • ' Frederick„, Lewis er. Brantford, accompanied • byrict•or bopp,• was goest ,soloist. .,.••• „ • , The repertoire •ok ehoruaes' ,sung „by ,the choir included both sacred ,audaecular null:theta ;-'aed air were sung in lovely range Of tone. En.). thusiastic applatthe was accorded etteh number, ,partieularty-after the reedering of "The LOWS Prayer," "51131 aS•the:Night," and "I 'Wendel. - da Wander,". with 'Mr. Lewis tak- ing the sato_ parts, in -the last 11111117: bet', played with organ accompani-, dent. ' • .• The .bass-baritene soles* sung by ,air. Lewis ni magnificent voice Were heiutity'•• aPplauded;' particularly lihi inte-rpretation • . of . • RoSsinPa "'Largo Al • Factotuni" from '4'f'The Barber of Sepille," „Mr- :Lewis. was, -generous. -frith encores, and- -at.. he, -sang, unaccompanied, "Sweet Little Jesus Bey" aprofound • Silence filled the chirrch. Ttie entire program • • was, a musicalatreat, and washeard with marked eajOYnient 11 I • 11 1 0 • • • 'dearly -loved pet, ' respanded vvith • far less terror to, Intedlingby it woman. . ' there is' justification in the 'next world for the sins of mortals in this, it wbUld. seem ,to me that smile at -leant may be feund in the •eyes of the-helplessm ones wehave' befriended. I should like to close With the words of an Irishanadian poet, Norah "High up in the courts.of heaven • today -. A little dog -anger waits. ' With the other angels, he ••will not • , play, „ ' • •-13-tit--sit.•s-irforre-Tat-Ithe-gittes. 'For I know thatmy master will PrgCe;',•-flreilaStTArAlledermi-boz. d "call Goderiell will aIS6., have two former ' Gerletteh•ifeyS"Wil6-thifingqiie""iffiat' YOU' for space in' peur• .seasen Played With 'London .3finfor paper,• „ ., • „. I3's, Murray II,olland..and Harold ' 'SinCerely, . -. • • • ' N . In to being *a sort .of old ANWITATELE .390 I?rincess Ave:, • boys' 011-ey re-onton, the "Iiops March 5, f of , the two teams proinige- that hockey of il -high calibre %vitt. be dished up at the arena Sittuiday night, • The Seathith team is ontpdsed Several highly rated imports in ad - Mien, to first-clirsg local talent. MLR. MAIL-EXPR'ESS CAR, DESTROYEDBit FIRE - on :gfiturdity morning as the C.N.R: London4Clintoti, train Was nearing Ilderton, tire broke' out in the eembination' Mail. and. exprelS ear and destroyed a, ettantity, of ,nrall and express. The mail clerks tossed five or six bags of inail blear, but- the. &lines ceesitined the feet and the ear WaS, Wreek. • The .fire 'Vag believed' to haVe started in., the express coittpartin'ent. The mail elerks, Stan Pletcher and George Latibourn of London, Auld the •fire,. fanned by a ',strong '*Ortir wind, *Made Swift • (This letter • was reeelved weeks ago, but ,Owing td a misfinder,: standing was delayed puelicaion. ,••=11(1.• (Signal-Ptar.) CARTER -MARES . In a - ceremony' performed tar ger, W. J. Moorea ttlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Marks,- Morris teWnsittp, SattirdaY afternoon, Mareh 18th, their eldest datighter, ./igneo Ann Marie, beettme the bride of Gordon DAM garter, Son Of Mr. and Mrs...Wiliam Carter, West- field. Uri. SteiVart 'Ainent, if Blyth, was matrati tionor, and Miss .Shrley ;Marks, sistkr of -'the bride, was bridesmaid., 'Stewart Anietit; of Blyth, Was' beat 'intiti,:atid the wedding lunge 'Was played by -Mrs. Vreeland, of 'Oak -Wile. The. wedditig dinner Was served to niere than seventy guests. After a trip ,to Toronto and Oaltiiille,,the eoripleewill, make their 111)111(1 on the bridegroomAs fitrin at Wegtileftl.- • LAST IAMBICS COURT In the weekly Magistrate's Court on • Thursday last IL ,W.• Parker, Exeter, was fined $10 and ceSts on ity-to-ar-4airreiess-afriax- ing :charge. On Febreary 28th he failed to step La theinterseetion. of •Britannia road and South street • Goderich and „ did not Observe the right of way of an onceeiing, UOREATION VOillitat; Arl,01 r AUVERVISORS Ate tr gented 4 epert at the'meeting the,* Qoderic'l RerealEo» Q.-01'00 ton Tnes04y, eVe0,10g,"4'ir Was. • de- cided- to•engage, George, Arnett ami niss% Kapleen, L. Meredith, beth Of .the 'University Western. Oiit4T10, a5. supervisois of summer reerea.-' tional actiVities iujkoderich. Beth, ,will begin their duties here on,may- , 25th. — '„„ ; • Miss Meredith haa had 'five year' experience 111 physical education in high Bei:Weis, and part-titne instruc- tion' in" the ' University. She will also teachcrafts in the suinmer 'evMenri.I.*Sirnett is a third-iear•,,attl, 'dent, and, has had experience in summer activities. . Everything is in readiness :to begin 'instruction in square dancing in the Town Hall, except that al pima& is. 'needed.ArrangeMenti were left with P, Cory 4 to see if the piano it trie Golf 'Club could be used temporarily. The treasurer, airs:11. Kin- kead; reported a baldeceiTh'0410.28. in the bank., • Mrs, 11. (J. Arbour eallreaa:ed her willingness • to supervise children's, activities at the playground. Chairman. Bruce Stewart pre- sided, and there 'was a fairly good representatien- present. • . First Hockey Game . . on'.Aatificial Ice - at Ni Arena REV. A. NEIL .MILLER, B.A. B.D. On Sunda, Knox Church '1/41:111 'Welcome as its guest preacher the Rev. A. Neil Miller, B,.A..„ B.D., of Toroeto.' '1r.. obtained his ILA. degree at .the )University, of Western Onfario anti is -a graduate of Knox 'Theological ,College. After" obtaining hiS '13.D. degree at the Presbyterian pollege, alonteeal,„ he- , India Troubled by Acute •Racial Conflict • a "India and. Pakistan" • was the' $411)jeet Ot an interesting „address by ProfessOr C. Kitchen, of ,STA.1./ ,111,b1S1 TION 'PERS° " V Mcalaater • University,, • Hamilton, •• • ' 01,441 ,•, o r ' 4 rata 0 me °grain • A 1001-4waited: everit; the 0.1)ea"' "Clederieit's new $140.,(090. arepa,r, was ATeeted,,Py 4 gathering of ah4iV •2,000 people on $atur. day evening, many coining from the SADDLE CLUB PLANNING FOR.JbLY lst pRoGRAM StrI:OU.444g (1141:let •J0141filt the 'tewnspeople'inr-the, oe'easten,* , The ',splendid sheet of artificial ' ice ,was itself a pig attraction, 88 it, , Was 'realized -* ghat heneef,Orth, hockey 400 sating in Godorich will • not he depeildeat-nporr the vagario of the -.weather; aind, .bealdeet, hockey gainea, „ and any Other ac- tivities in the lie* arena, may ' be witnessed IA a' eoulfort that was not*paSsible hi the ancient building - on. Wept street- • • - • • Mayor George Mathleson ex- tended civic greetings, •;,' ' kle pre- dicted that the 'arena WOOld he the pride of the town and the •efi•vy of other communities-. ,Of its ceStef - $140,000 the people a• -of • Goderieh. had voted. $75,e00 by bYleW,. and tlie• remainder was aised b Publrg - subscription and a GovernMeat, grant, He asked the Co-Opeta.tien 61' the: people of *toviii- and dratriet. In Making -the project a paying proPolsition: . , . - • • Time- to 'Come AR -r,4)8" D. D; Mooney, chairman of Arena ConiintSsion, 44 a 1S#ef ad- dress weleomed the gathering and , expreseed appreciation of the large • , attendance. He Said there woale•-•„' be a "no snioking" rale • for the arena • 'and -that an effort would be. made - to --eontrola aCtiVity---aoisfetiMea-:erege71-4-7d turbance; *Mentioning the feet of O still existing ahOrtage of 413,400-, laugh Hill %ins eeted 'pres71dent 41 thes,i'loderieh,StiddletClub at the annual meeting ai4d • election •of •officers held at •the vgeek,'-end. • Keen- ly interegteti. is hoping for .futthet eX.pa,nsion, 01 •the eltilLand 18 planningait big pro- - ii,L....for„.„the_,Jotirth annual field day,- of the 'eltb The exact 'program will. be detidee upon at a Meeting ,Oit Aptir 1St' Other officers° elected were: Reg. aleGee, nice -president; Dick Buell- antin, R.R. 3,Goderieh, seeretarY.; 11. D. Feitgan-, treasurer:" The board -of directors., is eonitiesed of the aforementioned • officers and George Fea.gen, Irir Oke, Ernie Little, •IL 4,a; Je,ryy, J. W. McGee and 4. T. 'Lamb. • aliss• Edith, Wiggint-aluts left to 'some, Vine at Maiden with 'delivered to . the Men's 'Club, of. .d.Kaililonxer_LuPereets.,ilygte6rniaf.FCdhayurenhigHuatt_ atii., sPencl. Mrs. Peter Gardiner. . ' • • • ''' . first 'in •a .greeo 'costh e, second, hi: Miss ;Claire Reynolda lfas returned: white, 'and lastly. in. red ' Her .. re-. :tended by sixty -,five" Members.. . . winter Pertoire-Tineluded-7- the , four -circle cellege, ' and. :his add:rose ' teemed, 4r.s• 'w• n• '31•1116'1•- . , • • ' • ' I°firdiKa itinehaell- I-1-61:13ei°;ptist-se.C117riCalh ti) --t()891 f'ter 's1*111111:4"-the"-:-. - ' .-,S'"' e**Parks6fle'6.5-n fanir-inone • spin,' . spiral* spin, iiplat•- mentlts •at.Cliazy. N:.)::, the guest of .figere 8, beck spin, loop -Junilr, .. Mr.. and Mrs. John Howrie, Light- j‘innP,. etc., and finally a-"jitterbog? . With his' experiences • and . his• lark- . will ‘ celebrate :their number.' She was applauded heart-. • . heed. knoWledge , of •the Conutry. '1'°I1$e ThAliet; • sixtP-third wedding anniverSary on ilY on .every appearance; and. a lot. Interest, aroused in his Nubjeet •WaiS 3.1onflity, March .27th:.' • ' .• . ,of people ...will be 'disappointed if shewn in the many pertinent clues, cio,se afr..and mrs. Clifford°. mcc artney they. lei:a not _nn., Opportunity of• tions (W1c-ea. Of* .1111u., at the of his -address. • . and daug•hter; -Miss !Elizabeth, . of seeing.her fairylike figure on -Glide', .7 • 1 these who had,,pronaised they would. eontribute,.•when-work.,wasatetually..; begun that, it .was. now time for . then' to "come across." He, thanked all who had' assisted in the projecK.„ by , contributions of money •or labor. „ _With D. Wakerin, manager ef 'the arena, as Master ot-•.cereinontes. for the evening, the pregramaan the-. ice. began with • the aPfrear.41:1g,0 tenyear•old Toby Keeler0f Ter- , onto; and .the graceful aittle ,Agare • skater proceeded to win the 'hearts„ . of the spectator.s.with an exhiliition of •her. skill that -held the rapt attention of all. •She 'Made. three appearances during the evening, 'C'aird,eh Walter, president of the Det • mil, ar(4 'NYc.ek-enkl• here rich ice at least 'once everyyear With Captain and Lorne my. entif she attains international fame: Men'S • . Club, presided' and • the litrtnev Wallaceburg Wins • at .11oOkey • • speaker was introdeeecr.by Rev. 'R. (- .-4 G. alacalillan. . ,, SOll , - • . Two nidi •-lialf years. ago, India sell booby, of Kitchener, have re- hockey. genie *between the Junior - turn'ed home after et , .Mrsa Eremerson D Willis and Intere.st was keen also-- in --the ' Jew 11 Britannia r a three 'weeks° .0.IIA. teams of •I'Vallaceburg and....,. •was divided into Hindu India and •visit • with Mr. and MrS. -W: • a, aGriltehreiVi.colTuhmeii.ganiiie !,vsa.roepaortdeidetii; Moslem Pakistan. . The population e , o d. . , . of old India .is 'three Hindus 're otte alosleth. • . ' . • .• • ' ' Ms's, Patricia- Ca rgon, 4 Na"and 'Pointinefit 'that. the 'beat' team :did' **I. The divisional...is'. meinly on Miss Bertha. Jones, . R.N., of West- not produce a. victory in the • tirst ..- re- visitil-re• . with -Mr. tend .Mra, StePlren nenster ' • Hospital„ LondOe,,,, *warp game in the new,. atend, but the Goderich .beys, 'thStead of having .- lighius , lines and , Presents.- a trea. Heiesie ast ye _ took -over .11 -growing concern; the incinlou,s. • problem.. The . Hindus , Mr.' Jack Murray' rif Owen, Sound,. , .. - the advitatage: usual: *hen playing at . hen:re, appeared to be handi, ' on': ha Way to-Bayfiel d 011 Friday, "capped . to on , isrvihayieihngtheteitn,41raerg_neatheaeci:e.,,, elated' atl'Aleil'itnedriC'e:' d'Ilospital to see -hwiisu,),,a-Laititcl.. ipuaettiheenit.'„ ia,nirtaiiie,lah"(m.I•lilatarral...i., .ceStomed. At any." rate,, they .,did.' net put tip aS good.' a, game asthey 2 ° 'from ,..ii; -Viiit-16-Detroft, to which 61 -line- 'oPoonenta--.In- -the' 7(FICITWeit' ''- ("1:: i'':11:-Ei.v:Anlit.tcel,lie:.'illien:.' cl' rieintgulllftel., bad. done .igeriamaty.;:_aigainst.,,,:the_ N.S. Margaret..;,Mitchell, atud ,N.S. street rink. The, score Was 31-2 in, Gleans West. who *ere motoring faVor- of Wallaceburg. from Stratfore: through7 the 'tate.s °tit !a -cadent, --During- ir; scrimmage The evening did- not 'pass witli-'. ia:ilifdaary.1,1s Texas -on,.a three weeks', Itube*t.bi.c.c:?..tocsktercaitgianniApathathned'sedofgeo'41. take part in. the Stratford ice show., of the players struck Mrs. :prank' SeVeraf Goderich skaters- ,Will "Wizard of • Oz," thiai.' week -end. Chase, in •• the ' front. row Of. spec-. They .*111, ifici.ufie Shelia, ,Gailow, !atolls, on the 'forehead, and. she. Judy ,. Allison, Barbara ' Griffiths; WIls tarried tiff, unconscious and: M r. and., Mrs. Ernest Breckenridge, twaakse7gitc%•nh.er. hsohmeeiftsetripfirfsetoitin"idg.,,, -1(.;earol ,Anii. , .. 1134-4. ."14. •• • . alr. .and Mrs. 'John *Lvincent . at- low:. --•-•4•.'„i•-,--•••-. LADY LAWN.ROWLERS ' .. " , he hockey,game atthe opening 'Moslems' in -Pakistan-bad-. to "start In t •speait. a year .at New College, Edin- paw eci.atoo , • , civil Scotland.' "• NoseinherMe , , .13.ritislr.. -• ',seryice ,and. of 'the new arena- on .Saturday night burghIn , • Goderith Licata' Juniors were elfin- 1947,.• the General'," Assenibly • aP- government had .set 'up' a ;Standard. sMy • ated from. thrther 0.H..A.. com- Peinted him .tci his Present pof absolute integritand.the natives position budget ;eommittee of. the l'yesby-• 1 1 • 1 _ Pleadieg a -drunk :driv- ng charge,- George Blair, Bayfield„ es sentenced' to seven dayS' ina.- :pribonment,, -and his license ails- pended for three months.' In de -- fault Of PaYinent of copri coats, there wouldbe an, additionalabseil days in jai'. •. . • • ,YINETING The .March meeting of the W.C: TX. was 'held MacKay • 1101, •*ifil fele attendatiee.- The-presia• dent, Mrs. Dougherty, presided. POT the roll eall itt the next meeting tIte T111 In response 'is to be ,mte of, Promise. - Mrs- la.`neeahaw gave a helpful • -address,„'5 apd • members gave,reirdings on ,various subjects.' . ". HARD L'UCII FOR G 40{1)0/4 - °Gordon Smith, thirteen -year-old son•of Ma. and Mrs. Andrew Smith, had th, 'misfortune to break his right leg while tobegganing on Sat- urday afternoon. He had been con- fined, to his bed for nlinost a y2ar with rhetimatic fever and Sgturday ,was the first time,he had been out• to enjoy any winter ;sport. Ile Was wilt Pat linker and Chns. Geddard when the toboggan hit a tree; petition -when 'they-veere handed Et t4eeretatf.-'9f . tewards tip and knew 'they aVould4get-itistiee. front the British jailers. - - terian Church' In • Canada. " • , Developments in Pakistan under - the••Mosleu18...,. have been antaziog • • • OBITUARY' .since they teak: over. ."It is the 3.2 • setback • • bP 7, the Walleeeburg. .l'uniotts. The • score on the two garnes,aoals to 'count,..was • 104 in favor. of, the GlaSSOWil As. they vete in dire .need of two goals -to even the eatint frem the- finst game Of • the series, played ,at Wallaceburg„ tire lecals .were forced to maintain the offensive„, while the visitors were; in a ;position • to stt back ..and wait. fel-. the breaks, and that is precisely what:. happened. In the opening period Wallaceburg treved-rro-taillenfizt-GYI•greMsil holding the locals scoreless. • „At 0.24, A. ,geletto,•seereg-on a .elose-in play • with ..,Crawford assisting. Ninety secoinds-later-the-Gntierith- OireesiVe backfired and, the visitors were qaick'tei take...adyantage, :tallying after .taking „Dobie's.relay,. The middle tittiZa produced seine - elope checking and daring the rough going four ,penalties were handed • out to the 'Burg °sextet, but, dis- •ofganiZed Lions. attaeks Went for mougitt, adespite.the visitors' man- power ahortiage„ thanks, to Martin In the 'Borg citadel and thelfions' poor . markamenship. however, the (trils--"BYtik-e- into "-nal . scot ng colunm.,• with only twenty sec.Onds left -when -Bea ont.;=,dreae ,-hotne- MeriarliPai paps' ' the :Visitors,' blueline. • NATIVE OF GODEKICII DIES KITOTIENER; "Milrch Wilson Laird; 83, died 41inidayat his--,bonie here. • • lie waa lent September. I, 1800, Gederieh. Mr LairdIttended the Presbyterian (liureh.',-q „HIS wife, the -,fornter Molile Broplfey, whoin he .married 111 Angust, 1891, In London, ig dead'. Surviving are two sister.S., Mrs. J. 13 MeIndao, Mrs. ,/). 3'. Colder,. and brotiter,;3`amm, 411,0f Kitellener.iIi ione, the third` 'fr. it , Was. the, 801110s e tory, the visitors, letting •the Lions do the attacking without the laeiiie-aining, the 4nitiative: . On it • breakaway ;McGee tallied .111.s, • . only 'nation on earth • that. has n Mit ----, credit 'balance at IN•Taahington. it l'N't S 1.LTE11, IIACKET T,...: ,decided to keep ita, currency strong . The death is reported from. De- and succeeded," said the speaker:. troit of. Agnes Welsh, widow of .. With wheat and- riee as main the late Dr. Walter Hackett. Mrs. products, the 'food ,ptoblem Is taken Hackett was born ba Huron town- ,. care of. Hindu India'a food supply ship, 13-ruce,, county, :it daughter or is inadequate, but all the industries the late •Mr. • and Mrs. .Matthew are there. Pakistan must sell her legiate Institute andlater gradu- ated at the University -of ,Torblitia. Her husband,. the 'late Dr. Walter Ilaglietki native of ..A.slifield, prep- Treed.- 41.4 ..1fis death 3.111 1938, Mrs. -Hackett is survived by,:three daughters and , four . grandehficinen ; also 6y one brother,' 'Thomas Welsh, • of Huron, tewristiip, and four sisters, Mns. T. . Elliott, Oshawa ; Mrs. George Beatty, Varna' ; ,Elizaheth Welsh, Leckno*, • and, Mrs. H. It. Itutherford, Ottawa. _Burial took plaee at Detroit. 11 .WILSON - .• After if lengthy' -illness, , James Alhdrt Wils•on Wetlington ',street Passed, away .at . -his home -on--Suriday- morning, in ',hiseiglity-second• year. He. Was -for •Inany year, an em- ployee, of the Purity, Flour Ming. Born in Goderloh township, he was a ,so e of the late Daniel and .Mary 1.`ichborne , Wilson, ''..and 1. had. been x'c$Ident,-•01-toWn----fori-,fift-p4e„ars•._, PleY with Guertin mid Menn. The locals failed, to show IttnytIting spectacular ;„ although they worked hard theyseemed. to laek „tile, re- Oitired finish arotted the *ono -tents' goal: However, they. were • not 10 be completely outplayed and at 4.05 McPhail tallied with DeKlyne'a 111(1 on a scramble around the ',Burg teal.. This, completed thescoring for the evening. Vines and Mann Were the best ,• for the .winners, while MePhall and Dettlyneturned in the best ,effort for the 'Lions. The tektitS; WALLACtliltIRCI-Gottl, Martin *defenee, • Doble; Vines; 'centre; Q. 'Oelotto; Witigs„,.Shirk; Wttekensi alternates, Crawford, Guertin, Armi- tage, MeGee, Mann, Tomeity; soh. goal, Hillis. GoDrativti—clotil, atigg de-' fenee, Costello, Preeth;. centre,.. M6. ant, •,-Deltlyne; alternates) WIlIJs, Goddard, ".1..!Seriforth.. Ile WAS eitientlier of Victoria street United Church. flls Wife, formerly Charlotte JIlilock, predeceased' liliti six• years. Surviving are four .sons, Stanley ,affd of Gederieli ;• Allan, of Saltfeid ; Frank, of Balta. Md.. ' tivo datighters, telt, at home, andDweena (_\Irs. Bernard Martell), ,af Stratford; and one brother, attiry I). Wilson, of Stritt- ,ford:• ReV., L. 11. Turner, ,of :Vietorlit street United Churdh, comluteted the ,ftmetal, service a the Brophey 'funeral home on Wednesday after: noon.% The pallbearers -Were ,30110, Stanley 'llnd ;Allan Wilson and Bernard Martell. Interment was In Maitland cemetery. _. • Wegtbrook, iletteoth, Moore. trSkirte Doak, Chislrolm.;,ettb,,goal, Bogie. , Officials-Meltadden and :1.teLenn " ttee-itatileotten°46.1ndia-ft facture. • • 7 • . There 'are* no • in '. Pakistaft. ls s, • The jute:Milthe noogle .111.v.er.,..ne4.114,1Caltlite.Alilakee-aPed this jute, but , with the' lack of business• integrity among , the laindus-Pakistan finds trade Witif •then diffieult. • ' • .; Cashmere, eighty. per cent. Mos- lem; would miter ,Pakistan and should he 'allowed to, ,do 50, in the speaker's epfnion. Three of the the river ' rivers in the Punjab 'hare the''. risc in Cashmere, and • India is„ trying to. divert the water for ir- rigation in India, when Pa•kistan eedst.. -i.ler_power Andirrigtitkin • eltgious antagonism is rife and the, people are: gager to getaway trenf,those 'not "Of their fa ithr:- There are 'still seven anilifon. ..\14.sletus'18 India andfive Million Hindus in Pakistan trying to get 01,11 'each division because of persoeation: The villagers hre :people worthy • of tidy service, in helping thein pu new- inchistries an& fintheritif their educe tion . • • Gandhys major. effort wais ' to briug• tip the lower 'castes,. recogniz, M Ing them as brother :Indians. *ad - ern developnieht,. however, is doing more to break down caste than did. Gandhi's leaderahip, teofessor Itifehen continued. Whert 'Indus- try cornea in, easte broken , .The success of Christian mission- ary effort In • the fact that Christiana have •-acted as peitees makers., Ihadtts , would be shocked at some of the things in Western '5OlVilization, ;jest • as the people of the West are shecked...04 some Indian praetiees. ••One of the' first ,Ihings eitilapiehary has to de Is to ealti- • Vete en' Understanding of engtoinS and morals. •• e' W - 'Thagtail of rtrat India uls'the 'attitude toward the'reW,whfth 1, *seongidered Sacred. ,"flornes for 1114 digent and ',aged eattle ' been set up -by one sect." 'The speaker , , ' 41 1 . , , • tended thetufuneral •of -.the late ELECT OFFICERS, FOR IO • ,Mr. _Henry Adams, a hpioneer of - Hullett t • , , own 1 p, w e Passed -away at his honie• On the 8t1 concession, of that toWnship ThurSday last -at the age of eighty-nine -,yeaz•:S. The funeral serVice, whieh was held at the 'Mane •on Sunday afternoon, was ,coeduCted by Rev., 2,' It Brea; ton of Leridesboro. Interment was In tlie. Union cemetery, Myth, - BELL MAN• TO SPEAK, • R. I.. Stra tton, of ' the Bell' Tele- granal- director of the. Canadian c.lialuber of Connuerce, *ill eddreas an-e'keefitive Meeting -Of- the Gode- rhli .,13oarcl of' Trade On NlohiYay night. LION A CLUB' KEPORTS Reports- of the h•oekey,.eltild wel- filligteestt•ieirf Club -Meeting* Fri d' night. A Sound , and toter movie will be shown. Guest pianistwilt. be Mis$ Catherine Hay,. , ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. ftntl Mrs. Ewart Zamiesen, ,Alalifield, announce the engagement of 'their ,datighter, Annie Ittle Pearl Samieson",. to Mr. Everett Elmer Whiplead 01Teegwater. The mar- riepe. *III take phtee lii Ashfield Prelebyterlitit Church earlY, in April'. I t°14"a: five-Ottart tee Ivlich died heft*. he, got it lionte: In order to have sufficient. milk, ,fOr family he liad to maintain mere than one 'kew. ' . Prolonged applause eirdersed Vote of thanks expressed 'to Pra, fessor Xiteheti for his "extreinely interesting addregs," • • The members- 01 the Goderfch- .Ladies' Lawn Bowlieg°Ciub •met. at 13aeehler's Cafe an TneSday, evening, :at 6.30. d'elleious ehleken dinner was enjoyed VY over. thirty. meinbers. • • 7 ' At the 'Conclusion of the 'dinner,: the annual reports were Oven, and 'showed , a " pleasant mat • profitable Season had been. enibye(1.• Bawling ,nt the' green eommenced• May 2401, and continted through' to ()ettiber'.- -sadastantliti--su to the men's eltrb, as the. ladi64'. Nett.:tghrere- port eeti port of' the nominating eointoittee. Airs. F.. Overholt 'Wag eleeted,presi- dent for., the ,yeara, Ifers, W. Ileit- nutn, secretary, itnd Mrs. I. Bread - treasurer. • ' 'Mrs. Argyle, •moved 11 vete of, thanks. to 'oLrs. OcrhoJt fin; her -splendid, *irk' as president 401049, The busifie63 ,conpluded, "00tY' • wag lititypd,, the Winners being Ly - 111011, Mrs. and 'Mrs. .I,Iol- land. Aaneky door prie itras, won by Mrs.. A. It Scott. ' '* - ilegVnEve?INtigG itAntiltilfilteLrytit, of". NOrth. street United Chttreli met en „Tues- day evening at the, home of ;Nits. 'W. N. Watters.' , The deeetiored, part of the ieleetitig Wag Iiithrest- ingly: Presented by Mn. J. Walls, ;Nils:4 E. Driver, Mrs: P. Straugliart,' Mrs. C. Worsell, Mrs. P. :Noble*, Miss A. Wilson, Mrs. 11. Turner, Also, V. • Cooper, Mrs. „(1. Stevens, 400 Mrs. I). Alterliart. A report :fewoolirol:tuthdee.:::11)' vt:isiYeineesvlse.r.414.111S7g.i.';erCa4,,111:t.70:11:10.4ile Were given and a Setial liftlf-hour president, Mi'. R. Iinglies, prellided .••••-k• ~ a.;