The Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-03-02, Page 11H.- J. Sutherland,, manager', et Park Theatre, annQtxnce tliai+, the' Northern.- +)leCtr i4 `Standard sound sysitem.nbas. 'been installet't, ,in this.. new theatire.. It is repoflec that many. advantages 'are. embodied in, the Standard, and that' ; greater audience-., enjoyment is : thereby assured Mech'gnlcaJ. utter, tbe: most ve'tng problem in sound,.'repro•° duction, is reduced --.to .It. value of` one-half that .prescribed by the Research Council; .Reade ly tit Motion Picture, Arts and ,Sciences,; by means ' of Hydro'• 1uttgr aSup pressor, The .action is sithple•'aiid+ positive,. and the ade'vice is •new sbind reproducers: • • High frequency, losses and' hum -pickup trouble,- common .to pre- . 1+ru41pr., x,x 4 ,'x,' '4,0.10,41 rx rn rx yni x,x,.. 00,x,x. V, .Wiiat a change ' It would be if Moving pictures- dropped. silt of the world! IMillions of iersous— 1 might say hundreds of Millions --would lose i one-:_ of -their ' main forms of amusement. • No ,daiibi i.r-exiets ..that ,such a loss ' will, "take place, but at the tart 'of this century .people got long Without them.. 'There . • had .en. pioneer, efforts to make good oving pictures, and aetual',Shows had been given before ' crowds at • the' Ohie ago • World's Pale of 1893 and elsewhere. 'Themes Edison,. Haisnibal,Goodwin,. George Bast-' man—and .mane others had -clone fine wcirk in paving ith way .for` the 'movies, but shows this ,kind. wert-inis"siii roln.:eve In. the- average-, hom that the were".ortu atg...fe they.} 1111.d a. _.:magic lantern. The :magic lantern, was.-a-littleanach ne vvitll-.- a lens and a sinall oil .lftnlp inside `ie` When . slides were pushed through, •piettires - would '`appear in' front. Usually,. in a 1iomJ, the_. pictures. were shown oil a lied Sheet which had .been' spread oyer a wall, or •simply on a •white wall. The .pletures were "still," :but. genie of -them .`were (Toted , artfd" lti W?ts . interesting to watch them. The magic lantern has'' been im- proved since.those days; They now have ..electric •,lights, and,., provide large, clean int iges whirli help , to hake,pleetures 'more interesting. -, --=A tuore•important Line of progress, however,, was: -the ,,ingt ing:.'p:icture. This started to grow popula-r after the Making ' ,of A. ,a picture .'allied "The • Great 'Train Robbery shack in'-in1;190. Later • came ,"Trapped by ,Blboc'lli.au'nds" air' i , 'other '; pictures', of _an adventure' type. . Empty stores- were used` to ilii$' on mairy--of=the -early ..S-how's",-7-1.111.t.•, viou se'inid„ syystems, are +i opipletely, eliminated. '9A10 distraeting .eittra, no% It is: so!'. dtstUrbi -to theatre patrons,' 15 don atvay with,. Northern. Eleetrrie's Standard bass a •15 watt power amplifier that-. <re- duces harraonic distortion to..lhe a'bgolute •minimum, less than; tyro per cent, The permanent magnet, type'1oud- speaker, eQ ination 4a4 'extremely low distortion at 'all perforinallee levels. The high and low frequency bands are reprodueed over .separate• udspeakers of highest. a eietixrcy,: We „',are ' told that the Northern -Eleetrlc, Standard sound ,system can' be adapted for .11se with any stand- ard• make of-,ireJeteir. , • The .'Northern Eleetric ,Standard sound system is distributedr'y .minion -°Sound 1? quip rents Limited, * YUIT. pA,N I1'N;L T1 i, rYoung 1ticliartt4 Tod"s big0life's ambition;, less than three years.ago, ,wad tO become a successful farmer, Now he's the cw rent rage of fIuily. Wood: ands'. 'ingla.nd for Ids se na- tional : , rrfer nee in .Warner Bros; ' release , 1 he ' astY. Uear t" r 1 tR ("The X eet - erarcir' pets iiIiiiii iir 'at iluits and ,nepkties, 'Ot the letS, mer .he owns.; aFoit 301.. . latter at `least WO. Otherwise, he ,n , comjratyely. ;small, I ` ,l4wance, ishtd" out weekly by his attorney.... by :1912. there were hundreds of regular 'moving picture theatre. The usual price of .admission, was a, nickel. The -pictures were a 'wonder to those who watched them, but Moo were crude • by modern standards. The 'motions .of ,the actors were jerky, and the music usually.. was spplied by . a girl wlio pounded a piano. - From Binh 'beginnings arose our present-day" mowing .pictures, some of which;: have. grealrbeauty. 'Trig, 'talking moving "picture started•' to' gyow popular 2_Q years ago: It was tested widely before 1999, .but oli=' tanneda: itiTf foethv1d_- onjy in the period : which : followed,,tba;t year, FOR YOUR HEALTH AND)/ COM* ORT r. 1'' SutI,erla INSTALLED TBE WELLt ARGrE-- I A -iitIES- 0 Es G _ OUTSIDE, , aoNsT NTfir IRCULATED TIiEOUGS ; 'ITEATEE WARM IN--wFRT-- • COOL XN SU'MEN-- 'FRESH AIR ALViTAY$ AIR=O00DIT1O TIN ' '' "Aka 4 ov • DESIGNED AND IlURNISIIED R. CHU11cH GblxG: STARS.S--r1ie Pirst Presbyterian• Church of Holly wood,' Fis SWarner, Bros. stairs 'Frit -4 Oak1af o ._,and _-1.1eunisgan._ as among its most regular attending LONDON ' � . TORONTO kIA�1ItILTON .... A ;MONTREAL• L # TAiyA''S OLDEST ''A 1' -MANtr AUTUERS .. t . Thi -- assures its patrons the ,best in high: fidelity sound .reproduction: Of voice, rA ; music and effects: ,, Maple Lead Cabi Vis- coa<ner a f Brack Street O,nct VVct ria Street