HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-02-16, Page 3v. 1:03rd NO. IIVS,ISZSES EIT.RECT0104r CHARTERW-ACCObNiANT` W,* 0E011; ATTRIDGE: CHARTEREP. 10100UN41T • Phone No.--011iee34.3W.,'Hinise4pa Godoric epAnisl, 4.4e°un'tant Clinton, Ontarin Phone 783W Itattenbury• St. E. (1. p. LINSUR0004 lickli•ALOP MUTUALIN- SURANCE CO. Farmand, isolated towa propeits.,-Ineured. Prc idea, Ohrls. Leonhardt; Born. - helm ; •V,1ceLPresident, ...oder, Walton; -Mgr; nnit Secy- Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. , Directers, Leonhardt. Bernbelnr.r.--liugir -ton; sate. 11. Whitmore; . kleafbrth, E. J. Trevvartha, Clinton; Robert Archibald,- ,Seiforthi' _40kik Blyth;'". Frank- MeUregor, Clinton; John L. Malonn, Seafert11; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; • Agents= --John E Pepper,' Brtice- R.R.'1. ;'George A. Watt; 1$13111, RM. 1; R. ,1114109. MclEercher,- Dublin, R,11,. 1; 1. F. Vreuter, •firodhagen; Selwyn. Baker,,•BFus- aeh3. • . , • ." Poliey-bolders- cab make all pay- ments and get. their. cardareceipt,ed At :the Royal Ban, Clinton,;,,KeLth, CUtVs; -Gfotery,---'1Cingston„,„-Streeti. • Goderieh, • itiamisiasar • .tvigOIGAL it. F. 3. •keiRST-blii 'EYE, ' 'EAR, NOtii4s..•'TkIROA-T , • Late "House Surgeon .New York. 14-A-tiral Hospital' „ aaklistaat at Moorefield Eye Hospi and. Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, England.. EYES TESTED,. 'SUPPLIED • ." 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. 'Telephone 267. , . Next visit' Bedford Hotel, Gode- rich, Wednesday, 41arch 2214, 1050, Ill' ,L50' P.m' • .. • DENT.AL • . DR. It. W. • Dentist •,.,• Corner, 'Wellington and Liglithouse ' Streets. •, - 'phone 4.033J, ter apPointment:, ,,,ai;airifasorisi;NaiwirM , , epIROpitACTICP,, " ITERDERT141TCH, • — -Doctor. of Chiropractic., .0ffice Hours ' •• . Mon,., a.in. to $ p.M, • Tues., FrIL-'19- a.m): -to 5 p.m.. • 7 p.m.., to 8 p.m. • Wed.,, & 1130 -- • , - :Lrn . Vitamin •Therapy. Etectr.o Therapy • Office -Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341, • •'-•• WESTERN' -ONTARIO mgTORWA itS ' Eastern Standard 'Brine To LONDON • 'To STRATFORD , • • 8.10 a.m. • • ' , 12.20 pang 12.20:pail. • 4.80. pm. 00: pm. 9:45' pan. s • 8.05 pan4-(Fridays; Saturdays, , Sundays and holidayS, only.) The 9.45 pall. to Stratferd.oty$On- dayslithohtlays only. .• The 12.20 p.m.,',Oincgoes to Strat- ford only. on Sundays and itolidayS. On IV/Oildity and day after holidaY, biiialdr London leaves at 6,45 a.m.. Connectiohs. at Clinton for London, Detroit; Wingham,' Kincardine, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. • • Conneetionf; at Stratford. for WOOd& ---stock;' Kiklietter, ton and Toronto.-- -Conneetioni4it,Aitehell-for-Listowel- atitLiAndott. - • • '• , .Charttr -taaellealtir betasions. " For informittion phone Reg McGee" d &Sons at 765 -A. IL- COLE opt•metrutt,„optkiani,.._ . Eyes Examlied, Cllasses #itted Phone :33" , Goderibli, Ont., ' • . • ••••••Ph•••••••••1 • DONAU,' ay. ffic., - plugnmoin AUCT.IONF.S$ Licensed for 4100tintattt of Minion • • and Bruce RIP.LEV, 1009NE• . For tufaralatiga-liPPLY,„/0 'herlaigbau, DVIB1OJIC'ourt. Clerk. ,Goderielf; Out, , • • nvirotTAX0E, or 1 44, 1.?0N 'CO(.1:Nr.r.5 PORE*: GOPERICA ONTAR,I R D , ,RURAL TRADE URGED The- importance to GoddrIch of The .$1;ear,rouini rural, trade 7. wAS POinted out by (1 k,Bantoek, field i'repieenta the of the Canadian , -Ohabiber of .Commeree, 'addresSing ai 0;ecutiVe meeting of the .God - Lich :Marti 'of Trade on ThUrsclaY night:last •Mro'13antoi* suggested' that a survey. he • Made of hOth'' Kay Hall 00....ThurSday' diStriet YarinerS and GOdericli 'met- vebrilaryietil, the regent, chants in:order to learn bow each A grdtip could be ,of mOre service to • "Cliiver' PreSidi./1•4‘' .th. eyear of IndPutlisetrtifilTM‘P'r: li;ntocit reit" the °°vveil' "4-1)1.4starl14114 boa plan: was to build up what ilf• ausitries,Goderieh now ',.had and to Van far' 010114,_.g.0.`I,P4t ei- pangon should .,.e•Pme; .as ' It .ineVit- ably -must, Goderieh .woUld not -be swamped iwith debt arranging for more schools, housing, water, sewer- age, `etc. "Picture fOr yourselves what chaos_woul(L_result--/f-.14--tac- tork-employing 200 hands ..gliouls1 suddenly decide to come to kloderieb, even if an empty- factory could be :secured for it," he -stated,' - • , He urged that town planning be studied to avert slim sections and that' 'existing services bii-!•gtipple- inented as as. Pqssible. The prOpe'r -617-1ous>.4 a'nd: naming of • street intersections should be stndled and conZleted ,service personnel, post -War, child irs' Semi as posSible,. •added. Mr, and 'faml.IY, welfare, Mrs. 0,, St4ni- Batitefek said -he kneiv of smaller forth; inligration; Milo .1'. It. towns •• than • Goderieh that had edditt; Bower, Wirs. G. A. Reid ; postal delivery service. . • • telePhenei,.MrS, Chas. McLaughlin; Sic resolutions---Vefp;:• -paised- -rni'llIDe;•• among them being. .one calling, •for ship,. Mrs. POdd ;. klrapire study, the appointinent, 'pt. a. committee Mrs. P,,• •• to •study-' the tfuestion •of reviving ...Mrs, Staniforth moved:a 'VOte-of sie< fall. fair,' -anOther te send ,out questionnaire for the survey. of town inerchanti Land -another: th4.• the InduStrIal eininniteee: ' confer) With the various town firms with ,,regard .to • show wh'at thesk0rmS are' ,do,Ing ."'to*:01 Godench. • - . • , zOvitiOtl) tlarktOTT • , LIC.ItN8100. itvc*IpNEEk . • , Correspondence prompt/Y. ATh-•• iniered. Irquiekiate ortangelneuts ean be Made •for Sales Pate iv ceiling: rbone 203,• Chargoluederate 44d, sitturag- • Gparanteed. " 194 , . • 4 HARPM -JACKSON- •,•ICENSED, MICTIONEVR *.lfrIURON AND. PKRTII -41--,SeafoillyJrlione--1.1-661- -or , • Harry EdWarls, 9Oderich; ph.one Matt -Gaynor detois AOttionter. Sales , '1F0i InfOrinatiOn Wife Oiti` "IldUCte*.a4where • phone '87J,,Goderich (collect) • "Carey all hpatan GENEIAL INSURA.NCE Fire,•Automobile, , Casualty 17: Carty C. to: Ohipmaly PhOne-10 G9deriall' ArhrrhAph ttituio Inggre._ In ,Sute_Ina ' 'Confederation Life --Wind; Car 44118Strefererrerredeil • risriett‘:r tsV • -ACCk*iiT t_SISiNESS . JOHN. PARRISH 'Phone 7r15 Dungatiaon MALCOLM' ilATHERS NEW. LOCATION' ;the. Square -formerly Mr. Crifigie's office 4 Real Estate -General In ; • satOatee 'APhane 1 41 • FIIIE' - • Protect Yourself 'With Fire • InsUranee See.. , Gordon- • •, R.R. 6, GODERICH' Phone Carlow, 20;0 INCOME TAX 'RETURNS • -PRIVATE •BUSINESS., • FARIVP REPORTS , •,Bookkeeping records, Imitated ° ecked-inoilth y Or, at request liOY N. BENTLEY • • Phone .`,909J • :58,• -• .36, Regent St . OODERICH, "ONT. • iNDErENDEtri—oRatn- ObDrELLatkril. . Lodge No, 62,Ilocte-* rich. meets first and third' ' MOriday ' night's * eitery nitlitt4 in 1V,IttiAC4.4411,•-• , • ' • .44 ,„. MOTE. 2_ • Now -Errol -Flynn -awl Tehatiieolo.r-.--?lite Adventure of Don ' • , Tuctil. ' Ingrid Aergtitatil Cbarleilloyer, t'harles Latighton, •, , , • • Presenting ivith pride 'Eric Ben:hiving/8 great, .story , , ;., that caicifea' With fidelity ‘the heartbeat of our title • r r I E ARCII OF TRIUMPrf a. a Thurs., aft& Sat. • a Joel McCrea, Virginia Meyo • liard;ltiiting tale ()tithe, "•'Srest Jrluwiell,lyitli rigged adieu Ad* • the linturel.:beautv of brentiwidging baekgOunds,-.--, 4 Coining-t-Ilette 011111)P.''' 'tviatinees ;sit. and '10111104' t 30, ' arta, B13,TJARY 1.6t14 1950 • e Chapter'. SUBSTANTIAL Atipirioi Revi07.1$ usy Year ;View for t ID -DX -WEN TENT FUND steady Patronage thrim.ghout he 'evening brought giatifying re- -stilts fet.,•., the bingo, spOnsond *IV Ocalling rel1V-ZinSt 'CleaVet•`.. (..,,,derio,, Nst 109, .....clumalaii• 4tegen,t- ' ' Leglan, on, Satird' ny eventing front _ • ,..1 ----. - •'' L ,_ NV lliell 1 8 wts realiZed ' TitQ araltial. IneetIng Or Alumeek •.••• 11' ,8 ' c - - - - -' • . I ompter. ,i,t-.03.E..„ was Ileid, irt mac_ These,total proceeds V11 e ,iveu ' ' ' ' ' ' • bY :the,Legion .to the:Woolen's Hes:, Pital, •AWilittry-• towards the pur- chase of an oxygen tent-0001i- ittent urgently required at .the, ho$- PitTithi;e•-,Legion is fi'l°so donating. PA achlevenfent •As rePQrted by the- to, the, pad,. i P _ yarion's seeretarieg, • • " MiS.' Q. Stan/forth, nominations of the Auxillaryfc, told the annual- -1117thf; ..meeting of the Alexandra Hospital itt-te of • officers for no: Aigociation, ot" the vet6rans'' goner-- Ott8,,donatiOns: ]ugh praise and Miss. A., 'Cleaver; Xst, ,vice-regept, 0.poeciation 11..-,'Xichborne; as'Sistaut secre.f • P Mrs. '1). •It. SlOoney, president were Mrs. G. Hendcrson; seeretary, members of the Hes Itainseild''DY . • Campbellt-reasurer, NEWS.FRONL-SKI HARBOR Mrs.. L. Westbrook; "Echoes!' , secretary, Mrs,. W. o. Gla4ier ; press' Last week ,Mr. Evey of Nor- wic _Ontatio 'Visited, Sky arbOr MacEwan ; educatidnal secreta1-u:a„vive•li Airs; B. Wilmot; standard-bearer, G.•• P. ' Whaley; councillors, • Three new •itudents have ,enrolled Miss. B. MacVicar; Mrs. • Mac- with Sky- Harbor Services to E.Wall, E. take" any iipProired "J. Pridhana,. R. HalL Tney ;Ire Edgar and Jack, Conveners are as follows : Ex- of Straltford; and Earl Oppenhauser, of Morikton. - „ • ' • A students' soCial evening was held in the pilots' lounge last PH,. day. Mr. E. A. Heiyer of Gederich Showed, filmS on Newfoundland,.....and --Canadian , ' '- Before May IstA of 'this' year,' all Canadian 'coinmereial pilots must quality for new,lian'SCi. ihig in-' thanks. to 1-liss-XleaVer „ for cludes-approzTtlinelY--six Goderich Itindri:ess in Acting as...regent for t.lae pilots who;roust write, examine I:ions. reinainder of the :term following' Mrs.-Le:Halms leaving. to reside in London. -.' • ' • . „ Arg.T.T.,:lt_Paterson grisen tea ..,th gratifying' report that all, obliga- tions, SPect4d., hst? the Order,' and niti.nr other projects had been met `succeiSfully. . The,' method. of raising the -funds' was..nauch the.isame as in previous years: A_ rumMage, Stile on' April Otli convened`'iv,'Mrs.' Vridham • ar blesSoin: tee, MaY-1.9tbi with 3/1,,fs: 'taniforth as conVener.;. the car- tiVart at Court House Square-- on July 19th, convened by *Ur& Le; 1Vlaire; while 31r.S. Stanifvtlf con- vened the rumnia.ge- sale. on . Isrtivent- her 1244 • • the raip:ocjebeIrti jIaasn_:aisiduornsa(;i7.4'itsa. sociation, , .'• • • A -new prate' Vass tap Ni7.11'S MIL On life,:.dresser. fine Charger's room .at 'Alemndia Hospital. The' floWer convener, Mrs. ltelct •reinembered 'all Who,•,,Were sick or bereasea with cards, and some gifts were' presented. • ' ...._ • • • Meinbership Pour new 'Members 'MIN -their affirmation 'and, four moves1 frein: town -Mrs. .T. W. Coates to New- ton') di and, Mrs? L. O. Chapman to Hamilton, Mrs. LeMai•re to :Landon Ina Mr. D. G. Henderson to Tor- onto. There are • sixty-eight ,ntem- ,bers„. ----Defore Mrs.. ,LeMaire•s departure shewas honO•red at a 1 un.elr- eon ,at the Bedford Hofel along With: past' regents; lour 9f .whom Were' pi•esent Ana iaVe. a • resalue of ,their terins of office. • - Empire study 'under t be coilven- ership .of 11. Tichborue, was in - and publicity secretary; 'Mrs. W. G. • • • • • •THE VOICE ,OF T PERANCE fr 1,eading•Lflatiadian indusr: trialist states that .alcoholism - coats 'Canadian induitry, $8,000, 000 a year. According to re - ,searchers, intoxicated work,. ers or workers who . are suitening 'a hangover cause accidents -costing industry _close to $10,000,000 a year in Canada,. No -wonder an increas- ingly large number of industrial firms;:ta-Canada--and-ALS7-are-- sPonsoring the treatment Of al- coholic employees With, the. new -drug .antabuse.-7But wouldn't an ounce 6f 'prevention i-:' be worth -a pound Of :cure? Re - &ace .the outlitscurtail the sale -cut down on • eonsinrip; *VI -there is no other way. -7 •: The,' Sign., of it-, MI la je--41,-- -TailiV'L., • ONTARIO INSURANCE ittEN.TS. • • ,AssOCIATION • , • Good • , Insyrs anee" ' e Get Insured StaY. Insured: - Rest Assured North St. • 'Tel.."N8w eoloneaveramenerwribrawirmaieemerampome. 7 Gg,AHAM , Piek-Up knil yfeli'very' Semite - '• . Within. 'Town LiMits, . • McDonald St, ' Phone. 830,Il • Mr. Vern Speiran of allYth is the firsfrperson of the district to receive the new •type. private ,pilot's cer: tifteate ''.11-1-.--Speiran tooi his flight' te§ts amt-examinalions at tity....flar- her • rec&itly. rie•-•*recelsid post of ills training In -tile • ' a , ' -- 13. Wilmot, sent tileusnai package of gifts and candy to :the adopted school • ak.., MAflistay; prizesr.- and. magazine subscriptions, to. the, local Schbols'; ,presented tile- seholarshlp in music -for Singing. at the Music Festival to Claire' Taylor, Who sang for the Chapter at th.0".t.June meetinsg. -The post-war work . was 'neglected, for •• a. ,tiraOctrh" therewas no Con- vener, but ;since- .Septenibe.,F .Mrs. U. Emerson has been ix clutirge and pargels of -food ?et sent 1114)3111 3(4 thrbe! families in England, • • History of Chapter • •• Mrs. T. Q.' Glazder;. thd "Echoee secretary, ' luts, -,,,preptlred_n_ :concise OCCOInIt Athe work. • of:-.Ainneek Chapter since, it ..WaS, fo•rnied.;' this. is to. Appear' in., the spring "Echdes," as the, chapter is One :of SIX 1:a be honored•' -at the fiftieth. anniversa•ry of the Order. _ • " Tile Chapter assistedat a party tor., displaCed persons. early in 'the ;veil _ . , !The •delegates' te _the • Proilncial convention,' at, Hamiltan in 3.1rs. Reid andMrs. WeSibro(lx, AVerp• inspired by the .excellent re. ports fina':. addresses ,ancr- wished_ more af fii Members could have attended. • The ChaPter '•Was. • invited t6" tend a social evening <giveir liV the Jean Blewett Chapter., IC,Itchel1. terestmg and -instrnetIvp,, with Those ' ,atteniling , Nue 'delighted Articles' , on. Newfoundkand,• St, with the guest speaker', W. Patrick's Da', Empire Day "Oar McGibb(4-n, ‘'.assiStant'. Provincial educational secretary, "• ' • seroll was presented to •the Chapter by .the Department -of No- ...•tional e ence Or war wbrk in con- nection ' with • the warnip, c'hasge, which wa-s aclopted • in co - Flag!'" "Our. , -CenstitUtion," and India. • " • The- edu&rtIbitot-Serrdtitry, Mrs, ,Gemr:G.'MacEwaii rfre, Aetidetit and ititot.dr _Car - Insiarance 40141ECE-MASONIC. TEMPLE -WSI' STREET TUONEVir gionle ,stirrigles Arubber goods) - mailed poStPaid , envelope with price six f samp1e0 .24e .04 samples 41.0Q, Mall r „Order -Dept.' 7-5.3, Nov.ituttival CO., 136x:,91, Etamilten. Ont.! -1-0 , , F..: T. Arthitrok .0priclAs1 4„i orromorms7,-. • Godirteh, 4800 Armstrong and Sis Better" At Luicktioiv, first Wednesday_ of . • • ...eaeh- month. , • 4 • • , , 11-1;tavA.lhat-.7-cliairr.stoi,-%-tione-• NOW, • ' We ' hire -fhe--coverings and 'priced.* that •• vAlt suit riu, 14,,,,Y. Reid,' hoite 59k rich, -0104 Square. years' ".exierienge," ; rail.pfitia TytnitZSDAi and Oviranliky NIGHTS SATURDAY maim TRU-set:5%V, HIS TRUMPET AND I1ISOECHESTRA EValt-watilltSDAY ' °XXX ItAtiXit DAN04.4A.N11. +no:maw OARDS AVAILABLE AT BOX 'OFPICE a 110k SPECIAL ADIVIISSIQM.SATURDAy NIGHTS 4 V 1 -0Pe1.!ation . with the. Maple 1.eaf 'Chapter. The ':.:•,poilsofing of ti• plaT y*, "' he Flattering, Word," at tile minim) Dramatic Festivtri wen tile trophy *presented by the -Purity' Flour""..Ntillii• for second best 'play. • It was directed -by Mrs. LeAlair,e, who waS 'awarded the trophy pirdSented by the.dlobert-SlifipSon-Corfor tilo lit-( director. • P113ns a•re under way tO hold a itOoking. school spbnsored Hood Flour Co. as,soon a'S tbe, arty arcnii. Is coiniileted* Convener', Airs. E. 3. ,Pridbane, ' . ' The Chapter has, decided to give tt'seholarship to the student at' the Goderieh Collegiate ;Institute most deservinguand Obtaining highamarks, who' inteinls to become a 4011011e0 The Vine haS come to begin w9rk Lor anbthcr.year. The•elnianer hos before it the • great 'task Of trying to fulfill Hie wishes and hopes Of „the' .natiiinel executive. in commem- orating the ,fiftleth 1111111 '-(1s ry of the Order ItY bringing , lonew mem: .therst•-tadeditlittibit,Tallit: ..D.Orpathins 'AIL". L. 3'. Westbrook, the Areas.. u rex; gh to • her „report, which in- cludea. the • following • &Motif:yid. Luc-• It'emorial_ Bursary fund, $25; adoiitt'd school; 125•; Pestivtili $20.57 t'• Chriatnirts -cheer (children), ,•$20; cod liver * oil for ondernott)-- ished, $14,; ek-serciice perkonivi, ChriStinag cheer, *13.34; Ishopire .4vo1* in -India, $15,.;'hospital.105.75; - -Party for .new c1tliens, 14-; mein: fund, $50,•; Shipping fund, $10; and tritropedn! relief, $75 ; 8eanicii's Amenities hind, $25; Med &keels. fer, Britain, S11.35., These items, along with several smaller fo.:,te.stilionaTdeon•rtisloi (ti,liiati.1010.(11,sinlvse.ra, - "Thank 'you" noteS read for (low .itiotts received incloed one. fram !AMR :11,etty, • 1,ves., ilWarded 3J31 ellanter's pri!,e• 'taiga ' tor :idgbest liiarit's 141 literature. . .6, 4.44. •••••••,th,-,..••••,.. ;opt 13 W11 froln business mon si Ireeteeper to, take, ri veItitt. ..tary Vacation than wait till fbe doetor orders it. TWontv-fivi% roOtti groups * piais'of Tormrt° for 1950 'Yeas Aktwitles to Begin with BVenint on ,25 * TORONTO 'PO' ---41te Huron: .(.101intY: 'Ohl Boys' Association of. Toronto, Under. ,the" leadershiP Dpris *Parton, 1950 President, Ls planning some interesting events to ePletirate the golden, onniversor$• of Organization fifty year ago. For the grst, time in Ito history 'the' •A:ssociation is. beaded by a member - the. ,fair •,Fex._ • Part**, prior- to her marriage was Doris I1111,, danghtea! a M. and Mrs. Hugh Kill of Colborne town- ship, bas during the past few years been a faithful :'and ' enthusiastic worker inr-the-Asseciation., and Is well qualified to .give the. organiz- ation Capable leadersbip Its golden jubilee year. • Other • executive ofpcers -receIWY elected, toy 1900 are First vee - president, Montague R. Complin•,. formerly of Exeter; • second vice- president, J. Harvey Messer. ham) ; secretary, itenn,eth • C. MU - bury (Exeter) ; assristant seer .'etary, • -. "sitNi cows. 1.10.10" At Sunday ''diVeningN seiriee at North' 't:treet1 tatted' . ebvrch the naister wfil „preach:on the.411e4w* Ooa You 'DO About latiaa'r Toll; •c;sbetratennouwgillnebwe ebirt ihN...,:eing!st,:41"1441utu,s,:e..1:4181:4111),,,w' tiNtootiplied- j4 japan, Iteuji streetyn4ted vnureh. -ith the ,eurrefit effsla I ja •••`‘.E.exiil Centes ,HOLne!'bit inti de; with the same teetko that -characterized ttO. •P COMMISSIWS• earlier ,t,teas,..,'130oud Our-Ovre a .'Wen)1, cemeS-,Oinne .sheuld be seen by every Panadian.lifi-well as by 411' Christian's, for it highlikhtS ate „crucial' -.nature of the battle Christian ' undermanned underfinanced, nre weging in ,their ter. , eaStern out- post aeniocracy. . Tb,nely' to the nth: degree,. this .0114.• aketelie,s In bold :strokes the, dark, but challenging pletnre -of-, the- struggIe-betAeen' deinocratie'Cbriet;, lanity .and Connianniem tor ther youth of Post -War Japan. : Grim. realism Is the keynote, • as sYmbolie ,,Tapanese yonn ,Inanboodir Tetigns-fr(0----tifo-r-vei,ja• 'find ills. home' destroyed, his family. .gone. Through a -Christian. JaPanese-glrl, Kenji gets a .Wftr011hg• gliMpse of the ideals, .the toXkeern for •others, the educatiOnat stand, the freedom' of tiie diVidual, for . which • her religion' stands. . • Kenji impresSed with dommumsm's,. promises AbeurttY,.. vLa 13ryan$ (iiruSsels)--;:a tinct even wealth and peWer, treasurer, Elgin Contts..(Wingliara). .which hears-. prettelied, .his The' Seven. district chairmen are as #flibor union. dealing tollows';. BlIth:ana distriet, Robert • • Leiper; Brussels and distnct. Miss 'Vero Gardiner ;•.*: Clinton- and tritt 'Fred ; Eieter.anddis-- trict, 1 erne McLean ;' G'oderich and district, Mrs. Thompson;. kOrtb. and distriCt, Brodie; Wit:1141mM and district, 4r.S. A..G. Smith. • •• „ • TO-. open th% year's- activities a 'social evening is being planned Saturday,.. TPebruary 25th, iv.t. the ,West-End-7-Y4-1,..1-RA.1---College---and- Doveroourt -road, -Toronto: There will be cards, games, daneing (91(1,4 - tithe modern,),and .,refresh: •••-• ter events being arianged are the- annual' competition for the 14c - "Jaren trophy tor the-euehre chum- pionshiP of the Association, to ,be, held: in *March, and the' :annual pienic, which, will probably be hem,. at High Park on rriday, June 1.6th. - -READS EVERY BIT OF IT Renewing her subscription to The Sigrial,51tut. Mrs: 11. Pliadlater of • London ' ( fdrio erly • _Marjorie Rall) write:"T still enjoy reading all and every part of it, and often find, people mentioned that 1 used to know • rears ago" .•• AUTO GLASS installed - while you • wait! 44W:A 'yr in oda) •for o ,Duollti 41 • buplate Salim " 'Glam.-for al THI %IV r'4"" ' One'of ths;:38,60ti.sen tiro oftbily 040. iinftigt6Rii'r01,villo , .th -- rsgular small poyments diortow,„ orewitcint's at 04er ci;t4• tfiedvitAn7r-alivi advancing" yeoM lrideponc.ncj In old' age fail' bit rot:10 ,ettOlti 'tti.j) Sun Life Pension policy. ": •' , 'Pak•" fna PLANNED 'LIFE 'INSURA BEElfERS V7EST ST. p PHQNE 295 • BRINGS PEACE OF MIN -Witheut o41.1,gatii.e../ let eili.'4k:47 you .11(0.4v 'the forilitios-'ot., SUN 1-1M, COIii PANY -OF -CANAWiaii:' 'he -time your liartieuittentiods7in way that will lit you rimicketbqok, 'tarot r TeTIVE.Aelltatlye ,Of ' • - I - Vssnrnnee.' Conipani' ' ,,Conatta . 'North St. .",766w '1 1 -CHINESE-RICE- t!'s 150 • . mAoLt LEA' , PURE .,1iMili ,c!.-poikek ,ADOM ' R LI,OH•i rokAT, _ 111/14. ' tiS11•.: in.- ie A&P... . e. ' C egi it )'-"( 1r4 MC: 037 •,,,r..\M ILK LOM, AYLMER FANG,. . -APPLE AYLMER •L• 45 :CHOICE, PEAS AVLMER pngAm STVLE CORN'CHOICE AytryiE•R ,(pootrn Added) THAW. JAW C 1.1 1ST , RITZ OHOE SALMON- -42:s tall; POR PANCAKE TUESDAY. JEMIMA', PANCAKE T -FLOUR 7 • . $1 11TD- WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT cRACKED WHEAT '24 oz Lof it° ea PLAIN • 15,oz tin. "20 -oz tin 15 -oz has • -IV 24-ot. jar 8 -oz p AYCMER ' APPLE JELLY1.1.1' 290' AYLIVI ER 11111111ARB 2 250 . • ••• .-CEL1.0 pAqi<gia' • • Tin 230 EVA MILK 2iti250, TOM. ot VEGETAIII.E SOUPS CLARK'S 2 Tin* • pkg' din J FOOD or !CAL COFFEE A14. eunOt,se a 'Pi:0'g ;CiA14ic.6. 'IAN: • '. Dill& CH ibi, : .60NCENTt ATED SUPE'i' ...',-,,,, . s. •;••_ '1%;.1:P. Fii1-1 ,a. C'Ai415Y SUI)S ' - Lar 1 • A. B:1;11VIS - ..g -•-•,,, SHORTENIi44 • CEREA Valk B CEREAL PURITY „J• 6i . • ,. lb. , A. EXT,13:A LAItGE-4.o; No - . rkisH CQBAN, .luMno Slzg 124.• No. SPINACHHFroth Curly ,.140, No. 1 , 0O11-0 • • 'forma ib.. . reelb Groin No I -‘11111ISSELS sPnewrs • TonitTo• Es eub....H•hd. 0.118 Brilid'forOS*, T141:edrIort. Ntl1 as.:1‘04., Pk 3 ib.Z. , . • .11 • No. i . boll( Pittid, No. 1