HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-02-16, Page 2• 0.71,11., otiiE Goottacu sroxAL.sTAR 14. THURSDAY, rItai,, loth, -iii)410 e�brrjtt*filo „Qtag,,,,T WEELX ,00040;191Viiste$-C,41:140a and Oreat Britain, UP 'United - Shates4. _ Wattistreg s1i bfl eqUeet• Authorized '10$ .segeed;e144-4,'Uittil, PeAt _ Canadiati:-.Weekly- :NewspaPers --Afitiociatyoie • 'WeeklY Circulation Over 1)00 ' nouprt. TtioN. * TI11.111SDAX, igtu, 1.ofQ- „ BRITAIN'S RligaiION • . ,Vieek ,trO114 tk;004To Pik; the' Ord ,of Tebrn,ary,` ,Britalleti voters will eleet a new:11Q, ot-so of eoutwoos,,-,A - strtinot* ,k.D.DIpa.ip, t.§, in ;progress ° '' lold. oti• '•boti); .Bides,.'of the Atlantie. thterest ,in the' euteenie,16” high. :The leteSt Gallup poll! gives,Labor ! . sPght,. . edge--Laber; ,4414,-• Ceti, •netatiYesi 43, 'per -.*eellt. Tile' LP- et*Ilf;" WliG# ate •pitting, up a More .orotie ,fight .tha'n, for, spine years, „,,ilre giv,,eu, -14 per:eput. a the poll, 'While ,the-eenSersiatives point te e -.:reeent'• anti,tSoelalist elece'ion reStiltS :in. Australia' and klew Zea- -.c1;,4* ' rab,dt7 . cOiltiters . with the ' 'Oritisii, . .'hye-ele4On, ipcord, in Veli:, the Othiserrative0 failed to„ ' -4..ectre a . single .,‘••vietory,„ Certainly * tiliere iiii-Ag'teitt''.;dricent,exit 'among i'Ortais-.-•ClesSes, 4v,itlir -cOnditions . Vgief:ttte,uresene Government; on ;„*.he etthettr-d' d, the Conservatives' iire...,,., ...s:81..%.,6,, ....,...•kts,u7,,- is: recialita WI p "'ltnig • recent q*:opposctisKi to pro- s.. ,will:Vreient ,paany 4,..ei tie. fliSpOU: Tented 150--yr,iptiag. to put ,them * in la 'OSic.,e,,i4-Vlie....Litterals,' in a fesition bettveen the' two • 'aa 'warties, could- exP0.0t a, larg•e.... iierrwere it -not for 'the fact. tVat • ' tlieY have no prospect of electing 44,.. Siddeletat ntimber of Members -Co *term a government. 'till, they • , snay.;...13A,:„..irtimerous enough to hold s „„. , „ - , . ,. ' .-tlie balance' of poWei in- the •-neiir #.4rliariient: ' • s - " ''''• -•', ,-. ,. , ,, . , . ••sakis saurtGat about eight million ,10,00I)/0- did -•,not, vote in ' ih& „last era. election, "and,. turt,her,7i-that- re are about four Million young. , ,peoPte • whe are quali4ed to cast' , , their first vote, at thirelecticm.7*In pief:eireinustanees, Predictions are 0. Ifetie ,volne:. 'Phis . column will . • . , s -go.reo 'far as to say that it loole$ . . 65. Illte a:much closer vote than at. the 3',electibil, with -the .probabilitles - return of • the pr- at Governinent,, but with. a con-, sitlerahlY 'entailer majority. . • , . . • Aairrotitat HYDRO RATES: a -district 'meeting oe--.-the ,.otarich Municipal .0eetric Associ, '40.1 „,at. cliathtiM .last.week, .tvits ad -opted • ;tor • ttniterra -!/-1Ydre ; •rates thieugh- • relit the Province. , The Sarni:iv inan., who introduZed ther resOlatiOi.Said; . the earfy day S,' *Niagara • Vella was the onlysource of • sukIly ot etectriettl energy 'ab.d ' it -i.vtas 'from that .genera,ting • ..1plaut .thfir • the .present cost Strecture evolvedrwith.distanee -,trein that pint playing 10Major part. • • ; • • Tod4y, we receive our, electric-, ity- not onlYf rom many Strategic ikeinta itt. Ontario,,: bet, also from • Onebec,- which; :auto- tleally, discotiet any priority that, setae nua1jpaiIties n'ow stottia .be. cause .enOugli:tO.Lisk.fOr :4-reTaJni4.11 •.OU our -kilowatt rateStrectu re ". apart , front. any 'Other, factqr, InaY 'enter,, the picture. Efe-felt•_,that any difference in (40St.;of poiver to ,a.,traunicipalitY bo,i.r, a tendency to penalkze Or 'the • unfortunate one • in.,,*.the higher' bracket hy.- Offer- • lig' barriett- ,:prospectiVe in ustry; aPParent bOnusing to eqm„e", inunielpalitieS because, of "the i)reSent, geographical, strUe4.-.. :gent& '-'0611-:' ,eeStion.' of populatioa and trams- •V:Ortatiori. at:1'0.11dd fkkel.to the. OyLertaxed problents'. -of 't health.. and sanitatlair . • $ottie"-- there was a: isSued pronouncenient ii b1t iernia to" the effect that if •the niunicipalitle,s that Tereiito intends to swine* do not Submit peace - they will not get.any Govern, Ment favors., tie seems to be Shap,. ing forlt dietator a la, Hepburn „ , • Why must Exeter'S main street • continue to be an ebstaele course for trtMeZ N'verYone realizes the •angle-paricing-*Ondition 'is lia4artl-, Ous, to say the,least, Why 'doesn't one of our eommunity betterment organizatiens kil1. off these "tingle" worms?4*-Uxeter• Times:Advocate. ' -But. thirik advertising v•alue" ;txeter's 'crowded main stijeet! A.fter'tvvisting is way pre- cariously between the two rows of angled cars, arid dodging the cars coming int the opposite direction and" those -moving lint from 'the side of the, road. leto. the nee of tr.-lithe, a 'driver will alWaiss remem- P1111 0,310 -Of LAZY, ,AlEADOWS,: Ry .Iarry J. .1:1‘)Q4, , 160,c1.04 The shingle outside his•''.heuse! •with.the weatherneaten lettere On it JIM* u.p.t :Jnit the 'folp .411 .hini Deptorainr.4 iv‘as'his last patient .Yesterday afternoon, and alter, he had P-dr.essed ney,„ ttxtt where Slivered it with, .the •tine of the hayfork we at talking, was op tecthe:eity •vesterdaX,• Phil?". lie smiled as he "refilled the' old briar that's generally in his - mouth,. "And Pve 3ust been. thiok, .ing how lucky I was .not to stay, at that -hospital -There theY effered ,me ql) after graduation.',' •. iPtrarip thOughts came into 'iny ,theri.", Decter, todey is juet -another country Alecter. •NIA hair is turning quite grey,: deep haVe sea,red hiS face as a result' oftsleepleas7nightS and hard work, and...Aeorry.' clethes are rumi?led aud baggy-, and anything but stylish, Ile has little. or no Money and his, patients forget about hitri after; he, has cured •them. ..People. get a • little.- frantie when. he tikes his time- the course' of their ailments, and •they go: pi•Ot liis'llead and call in a city sPecialist:7 Ther pay the city man's fees and forget, about Doctor Jinir FIi car is just as sha clothes and yet' a mon who' owes him three liundred,, dollars in docter lflUs.. just boiight.'"'a new car laSt week: - "No. I'm net crazy, • Phil," lie 1 6 * ber the', tewn-ancj be careful of i laughed at the sight of my appar- 'his fenders. -• ' lent wonder, arid tilted Ink.ek farther in the old swivel ehair as he Swung . • . , * around from the old. roll-top desk . - ,,,t, president ,Trunnte ' has in;-Folted to face me. - • . , . . the 1:'aft4iiirtley Act in an effort i"The doctor -who _took that job „to„' .get:L' the...Ariking!' task- xniners 41.1ias a Park 'Avenue .practice now;" buck to 'veer*, but, $9 -far without eaairslet on_ tt yee-y. suoess. .Tbini L. Leivis; the ritinera'• cest: as LOU& as will keepi'tIne lin eliamPn and, tlietaterf has -ordered clothes for a :year.: Ite-has three ars and a ehaufteur -and • a wife the 1Striliers hak to the Mines, buf his order is"snot,"--beinimkeyed..,There thse. ahlsi stwankst' ysedivorcedt5ofi lm. He da is •suspicion.? that -the'''nitmeirscsaNN; lot of,chronic, imbeciles for patients a wink ,in LeiVis' eye when be 'jailed ,:tviw. think they,'re. sick and _ pay for ring "order,'" amLtlaat they under- irisAi show. But, Phil, ' he's net ... , happ)•He start-et:V*64, to be stand -"the boss" doesn't ' expect great surgeon at that hospital and them -to take the order at face valutodity -he's. Wasting his talents for In ;the Meantime; coni . stocks money. pee those ' hand's?"' . . . „.. - _ throughout the cOnntry have -shrunk L saw two capable hands and a ,,.._ great 'deal -:More. In -that inoment To an alariningly low level." and I. ;glitupsodk Something that I had disaster threatens. It looks as. if 1.3ever thought- 1`.1f before. • Doctor Some stronger persuasive "than ' an, Ant_ cores . little for money.. ' He gets eirugh to-ltep gin and his act.- of *Congress 'Will- have.ite-.4.1e Wife. in decent ecOmfort.-•-•P But employed, ?and_ the peeple of 'k*the pector Jim's reward cenies' froin United States, and of Canada too, 4tiiiding healthy; strong betties. He are, Wondering what Mr. •Truman zwaarldketdo fisavveemthileelifile':f la‘agraraasg-n bysi.lhzo- is' going to do-sabot:it it. -.-.todaY appears 'slated • for • one of ' .0 ! .. * ' . . . the greatest honors his ,cotintry ean AlbONTARIO• IS. INTERESTED give him.. Ile. Worked' -all . night (Port Elgin Times) , hack In'the nineties to -save -the 'llfe ..„„ , Toronto's ainbitious program.' to 'of a -• h4 who is thlaY a great surgetia., He orierated KM a -little abserb Wei the' SUrrounding muni- 1 Irish girl - who haS. since, ',borne cipalities - of . vital' eencera• t�- ten Sturdy* chFdreik...•.,.. ten of the ev,_,erf Other resieent, owns.„„hin's ',finest. _people. Yes, The ,brolios-eir-amarainatiou ;nr ah2 .1)reaerTnin-WerYed,, -fir--( *melon population to , over- ode million, or -.Storm oor.•on two, saw-horseS . 9Perati..117.: tabale nn: s a,: Sorption :tire -cit5T,'s,:i#-I;s4tir,rd,,. •• apprOlvimately •one-third Of the. total he pulled. her through. pepulation of the provino. 1 has exit the hands,f A great 0 surgeon,", he' Said softly.. "I've had • If 'the.• Government *sanctions the -;.0 . toe. ()Sten • on a theri Park Ifreeezii.nagak-niaghelle!' I've harriessed a will immediately 'become -a bee -hive of activity on .the part of Toronto s horse too often for that. But; they hake ;been.' pretty fair as average, Coutiell, looking for naore add- more dator's• hand. -They helped bring grants.. This grandiose idea to make you into the world -and' a great Toronto- the .litrg,est eity in Canada many: more' iike -you. j've.'' tried cam oSTS!. -be. carried,. out at the to make the best use 'Possible of expense 'of the taxpayers of Ontario. tli'nt.* It seems that as' the rest The concentration If this 4,-reitt of me-sti,fferis 'With age they • still', power 'in, one area is. a dan,s,rerous keep, supple. - threat to the rest Of Aire 'Proximo. ,"Have -you ever' watched tho 'way If amalgamation .is desired - and a grows?, One year a' eluded out it. should be linanced 'little pink- handle' and soon it's' 'Wholly4by the taxpayers. of -Greater walking and . then 'it's going : to Toroilt6 and not through assistance' school and after a while it's grown - from public funds; The members cif 1.45 -and then it .gets married., I've the :Legislatitre from outside Toyonto watched a Wed many of • them," Phil. ,shoulcl.,,,bestir • theinSeiVeand not And all during the- time _front_ ake, -ited•IiiTte -le-- the 'fact' that ero 10 til -they oirrario .is not Willing to pay they have their spells when , they r swollen pride and lintlated ego. have .to' be repaired .trnd' put back ft .; ., ., ' , ' . into aetive serVice. X've bon the 'WHAT IS YOURoltalv„ii,ADY? repo irdian.-- "-My odice, may be Old-• (at. cathaiihes, ,Sta rd) ' fashiened, ,but it's comfortable. My' .,ondoin Ontario, woman hag' re,' 'clothes may be , in neor taste -but • tali ---ti . s s r ier ley .cOvor me, and P11,11.. • • l'in 'age. 'ruder an at passed by the happY 'here. If 1 were fn. that Ontario Legislature, she is iittble •swanky ••nfflee that My friend ffas to ' a flee of $206 for failure to I d't believe I would be.' Thank co-operate. . _ -Clod I came -to the coontry." ' It is ditlicalt to appreciate .how And the telephone rang. kin'. he a body of men ot More thanaverdge answered -It and started reaching c' mown...sense and ,experience would-- for-hig-bat7-and Jils little lifire-h :bag Mit oil the statute books such' a, . , *. and - what more . ,can I say prOvocative law, ' A • wkenert's-, age about. a mail like :Doctor: Ji.in 7. :., is-' her. • 'own businesS, a lid most Of . %hems make, it so. •It is net the, , ,..FIATEg To ,ti Eis . r,,,,,,A----1.4acti-, hoginess ',Of a city asseisOr, civic • : ' *. ''..L-- ' titian& 'depantinent or a "city ,council, I. hate to lief.d kicker'. :I always igoiqua demand, in which (Ode- It. has. nos 'relation to assessinent loneh long tiore j•iserlatire1; 4e:iii:ilr i•tslitee;loil.eft wel_tlih:tt of • .Property on, which taxes are 0o :ifehmh joined; tor equalizittlen of lev,ited. • There, is no assessment en gets, the _grease ,.. . Hydro ,cliiarges; but the , big citiestbe age of Men or women. . ... • ir,s / nice to be a peaceful smil The 'London woman, like qeorge and not too hard .,to pleitsse;qint •-that-, i'ljoy.the lower- rates i Wive Washington, refused to -tell a lie. the ,,dog thth at does ,e steh jralwr ' itlWaYs bad' the .gi.etitest influence - i . .. she could have tell' the assessor -40- the: on that hos the fieftS * ' , ll 'fixdri) affaira and .havesalwa3,s that :4 bv svas twenty?one and / imie , her tO 1,0•:, a idei,-,er. soonis - • . been. able tki: tgoOk ip147, move Which age 4iiilat have been folV.4ine. - - little in, ti.- show---tio.; lik.kers in . the.v`• 'did ,not, favor. The ,Chatham Nething conld• be dono about that. the clatrus.:bre the ones that get . 'There „wasb0„.0atli_ talten„,.ite- per-. 11147,,r,tiougn' , : - •:: ,--,.,...--.,...-•,-,: ---,-- ::,,t--..,-, -----diStript.,-XeSolutfini-is-to;-,be--plated : jlITA.' it eould have been '.bre the thegeneral:meeting of the 'able-• , - , ". • ' '•'-',0,;%.1...P.A.,nt.-',1'(Y1(kut0 PAP this month It ' is doubtful if the , proVincial 4 ivtlf ',i)rObably get- rough &eat, hi* reqe,iritig woinett -16 roll. their tte•e. to the itieerant agessor will , .rikent :theie..... ' ,:... ''' have' any. enforcement at an.' ter - Minty not if the women reOlt; awl 0-4,614AL'140'11.7,a . ,. ivhy slibfildifi' tiny? the' .4.,$'SliS'sor may be a, gossip, may peddle ..itis information from, Ilinise• to.; .hoinie. Intagine 'the iires that 'an be stirred • up: • . , .• .. .....';' . . anSeii normailY axe, viliVialg .far 'Coo - .on.ce. again, it ',may be •said . We full... A :traveller. .who Wished , to . ad, a re' ovenlaWend Aysivigoverried. get mi had no choice lotti to..cilmb Al' , n The iN,0111-11 6., .r.ow „supposed .0,.. t to on the roof. earby villager bad toll their age, .1lave it:inscribed itt 'died and the ttndettaketr had sent the , ciVie rollsheaven knows for Ms eolith, by bps and ',this. too, Was What pt1rpoSe. ' :. ' ' , ' ' . on the' root Of the vehicle. It lieggu And we quote /rem Dickens: "If- to rola hard' and the fotelhl$Y. de, tile. 16.sv, 801100s6s: twIt.,,, sod INtr,, 'rated traveller, seeing no reason ritimble,"the- lave -is--a aSsr:., .a.idiet." wily he, pliould get soaked to t.the skin, raised the lid, of the coffin ' to- the training !of . nurses in the ,10 11:1141‘.06 FOR THEM and . Nimbed Inside, At. file' next. SalefOra -,oge predicts •.4011 :ct . reasons -.that the:, ;:ilitct. ',having ,,hlown 'no iiaikas it can from eVerir direetiete • Aai now reached 4 •464A'coti,tre arid *ay ptif for a while.' "cie Shall see' If the' .age is any good a, predicter. * • )."elii4.4 ago the Ontario Ottvaliment practicallY OA .Stoli ,• The are of • soft.•Soap spreadieg , thing the t . pallS riud stens; nt,the 14* Who wields .the hamtner is the ow drives the nails. , :Lei- not Put any notionS' that are intrmfoi •sobi- lAtd, tett the.' baby that' keepS the' baby ihgt !gets fed; . s' he' Country oust et the()pera •Dear Friend4Yee, ,reallyi at, tile, tee lar Vindalir 'ter IngiCelbe darer' operi---irand opera-laeifottned. ence The eteatilroeS on the Wier niostly °according, to tradi- ''hilt Sling. elitirelY by. Can- , .a.dians„ yenag, Citnadiang at that; adLntIJst Torentonlans couver.LO7 some of the opera0 there were -singers Ironi the l‘Ittri- tijnes also.., yen-eee iv:as truly freni-sea to --sett. Cann:Mani may not :-ways wok together politic,' • all, but, apparentlY, muSicallY it - ' ,•The pperie.Wasglyett, _in the ,lioyel Alexantira TheatreThe •"Royal, Alex", is' one of.,the'Older ttletttrei ban ,6were,,,,gulerful and quite- tra,-• dItioniL r; • found the printed.. progrenia- :verY, interesting. ...,ror ,,enet thing, -the eptA.111 "C_IinItOter ,..„,a1PWC.411 1Ttig4er'S Branhilde in cartoon, form4-using a puller inop, an ,Inglis Pappan stove being fitted, 'With Vanity ghee's,ete, Ste., best of n11/ nslOg a MasseY,Ilarris, tractor. (X hope tills Isn't atiVertiSingljipg,,. letter.) - In§.146 the front over ,,o.f.! `the Program was It list •Of,','TtAnies of members of the opera...and' concert in. Toronto, WIlat in the days whenT connattec a the- CfonServatOry; theatres had a lor of faney pater This 4 *0:awn's- •Roanaittee, wrJ and gilt decoration. ,It looks „forroed'tbe SM..e year as tne °Dere theatre,ish, right#01,nsItin.t ;don to give ,encquiagenaent the Stage, It As uSeelti'f!'''llafe'!:1114. Vil*P1')Ort" ,Xt Shows, • oPeras,. plays, musical t cenSistS Of ' Wornen . from -variOns shows,. ballet, et., butter very few.sglubSin the eitY many Others nlovieg, This is the 'first ,time a 'who are iliteresthd, in the groWtli Canadian OPer.a X -estival has ever 'of Okra in,_9.4nada,* Amotig thena, been given there,- Anil for the ten• noticed WS. IlerMaxi'Noaden, perforniariees, of tnree :_oper4S, the wilb" grew up ill !Oilfield tInd itt" place was sold out, for everY ended'tG�deric io1Iegtate., so -I hare beard. Isn't that some- , ' Once more, a most close: I hope, thing?' ' -" , you have enjoyed . reading • my • " • :The, opera -was given bysthe'Royai I halting", aceount-Of v fs1t t� the, Conservatory Opera .COMpapy.„ This ' opera. , • , . at the Conservatory, -to, provide a I. A• THE COUNTRY mougE., opera company...wan formed yin 1046' ,SincerelY, . suitable %means of introducing scarie Toronto. 'of the senior school students te the uhlic.:---manY Of the siuiug st1i"4 dots in the senior sehool operatic aspirations (you have heard some, • of them on- Singing!, Stars Programs), but keketefore there has been no ,opportunity,.in thiS •part. otcattacia A fog, them_ to, gain. operatic experience. So • this company was formed and the roles are given as far as possible te Conservatory studentS„' arid la. very few singers fromyentslde the: Con- servatory are given `Steine roles. By. tile :1-nnderstand:_--that iNtayjorie ;lays, of Goderich •Sang in, one the operas, here JaSt year. The. ..direetor of the-, COnSereatory -SCOOT ',School As De. .Arhold, -Walter; Nicholas ,9Oldsounidt .1s. the- conductor_ of the operas.; '.artd tterinan .Geiger-Torel,. the. stage. directOr. , There were also several ethers -whe.•Wier'e prominent • in the, pieclaction A - '•• • Tbe Op -era I'attended Verdi' Rigoletto. It. is the typical 9pera story of love -and ,amorous intrigue, net :at 'all pretty. story:. •Many' Operas, have several characters killed _during the 'course 4f the opera, bat thiS • on' only. *the - beautiful, innocent . daughter -of Rif*oletto died, Rigeletto himself .is a binichhaselt, and the jester in the court orl're .D'ake of 31antna. He had become • verynituch' :by the noblemen of the ,c'durti who decide to. "get e'en" with him. SO -they 'abduct, his dangliter,, not knowing • -she - was - 141ton, 'when he tries .to have re- venge -on 'tile Duke.for sedticink daughter and 'arranges.. his 'death by a professional l_tasasslit,:it is the daughter who is stabbed_ instead. As in nearly21_,' operas,----ibe-does not die inunediately;.brit is able to • Sing a -nyost ' beautiful and tififieult, 11,Kia IP farewell te her father. That, • is 'jnst. one of ,the delightful- in- consistencies of opera storieS. - And 'must say .that. Gilda sang, and died 'Most • beautifully. . • pesides. the singerS, the -orchestra' plays'. a large part -In opera -and Adon't mean that to be a pun. I am not just sure hoW-Marry--introe- ions there were -maybe twenty-five thirty --,and Most them _Were Conservatory-- student, . with %a Sprinkli of, Older, experienced InusicianS, ' -the antfeic -:Rigofetto, is very. lovely'and effective. 'and - the -y Played:, it very well, „except when .it drOwned out the singers in seines of the !climaxes. I syn"s disappointed. about that, but they toll me that is jest another of ,those -things about. opera... There ''• Were several. .danees., by a group: from tbe •.Toronto Ballets ' School' 'also. They added.. rauch_tO. the heanty-Of •-the-firstliart, ofltre-up.ria. ,39 you see what an evening of MuSical entertainment we all enjoyed.' The* stage settings-' were . very: and were , the ' only real departure fromi tradition. Instead of a 16t--Of-fieslA1*--Painted---blic.1.“ drops, the stage. wits' almost stleatna- lined, certainly conventionalized in a modern,. way. For ,. Instance, one wall and 'staircase tallied part e• t the Mike's, paitide, partol lotto's...home, and..parti of the asstis- ..sin'i inn... , There .0 in- furniture or an ' added stop two more tnen bertrded the mailer: honpitals:- throUgh' -Iv' latch (114.-4"Pher-SeriAllt 101x1. nor- .,,,..,... ,,..,,,,,,,e sxori_ ,____, ,,,A..,,,,. respondent in iiente„ tells a strange 'bus, tut, as. nobo0 gat :or.t they: H.& w.o!Liekg, ,u, Lu,....7,u.i .,0,,oryi . --11 : iwas , the.. Inle ;of .,,,,two alse-Olitobed' on to the ,r4of, Thep : , '',44'r t'..'"W"t"' tiie ..,..ritofes-sion, Now we .are toldlItallana wife'. Were -admitted tO hos ,4- tiled to aleve the coliin but, 'Judging ' thoro, le, an alarming sitorttyge oi Oral, suffering s' troth `I''' idlor ilia froin lt4 :weight that it was not , s. , 0 11 , -. A coin ,etvie 'of olive nod multiOc bruises. ,:Theis,,, yruisee eelintplelyr,,,idseatoiefte.Verkenjtiltyti6 ldnetwerntitoelyi ei , were catteed "10' falling/ow the top I ect, We should t17 .• o a m 6 f a oving bus. Their Sheelt Was were horrified to- ate -the, coffin lid - * * not .the result of ' this stidden fail 'slelvi.1* lift end 0 bontse vitem ttoin , /*reinter ;prod toffs jortie,d with -,butWON caused 1):+q• something :of a the deptits enquire, ".iias It'stoP.Peit• „.,_,,,,,_,_ - i,trot, meciiii_t i tli.ery „different kind,. A bus was raining . ATI" *At. ibis 'point both were.ako"°I .."1" "I' :travelliog. hi. art Ititlinti, eonntry geutionen fell'eft the 'WS stuutitane. itldhlt$ thr big WA./ . ne, 1,!gg dietriet end' was *as full us suek ousiY. ,- . -MALTING BARLEY, -We are again contracting. abreage Tor -The 'a nada- Cb. Seed- Supplied—Contact ifs' -Geo. T. wag. & SONS Nights, 133 4tf. . . • YOUNG MEN -IWI'ERESTED IN A CAREER ' An Air Force Itearuiting Cifficer vi'sit NATIONAL ElVIPI.Ot. 1VIENT OFFICE, GODERICH " ° .7-1117ESDAY,-FEB. • - for cthe. purpose of inte• -viewing applicants' age 17" to 30 for the. ROYAP CANADIAN AIR FORCE'. Applications will.' be sie- . • cepted for aircrew and groundcrew-trades.e, • 1.-.30 p.m. to 430 p.m.. or contact R. e. A.. F. Recruiting Unit 92 Dundas, ,St. I..ondon. Ontario “ou rime at nox Chive Yotmg ritQpIsetat, 4:7*te at • E'Ve• Service on; The serViorAlte ,yeuth Of. the Churdh 'held -ou:Slirrt.laY evening .1.-a nuz-.Presbyterian Ohnieh was an etr.9oUraging one, riot enly to the Yining pepple who Were ,ht -charge. hut. to,'.the... fairly „tiro congregation' .rideitS- in; 'attend, itnee. • , Brawn Mi1ne, ,president 'of the ronug ,Reop„lelsS'Oetety, .conductecl s • , the serYlee, Xartimp Mater ,read the: Seriptut,e and Cynthia tetidg, Offered. • receetly organized „ group,,,, the' "Xtell Rangers, oc5.uplecrthe frlit VOWS, uRL seV- eral were appointed to recelye the offering. .• ' Thirty m1$5'of the , formed the .C1�r and' under the direction of Ytr. Bishop 'led in the service •of „pral$e and &fug tbe ant4ems "We. Would Re Tree"' and "The Lord' bYF10117t-'6,c'evt'allis°na rblyti 4'11C4eja:ellItco' the boYs, and girls to devote. -their lives to useful service. sub" feet, "A. .Ca,11 to Your,h," vF44,tlased " he`answeri given Ii.y'Sainnel to the Call of God: "Speak,' ord, for thy servant 'hearetn." f God speaks, -.but not in a -inYs- terious. way, saldMr. Sometimes •the -.inspiration- comes thrqughea. minister,. -parent, teach 4)-Ifehrjea.lintngin* g/ his young he.Ure.fs to Scatter work of Christianservice, the- minister, paolte of 'the great need for nurses and teachers. Thole' quid be no higher Calling for girls than- ministering to thk sick. -floyS lay *hear ti o opr.-as docters, or as carpenters• .in the use • 'toolsr or. to do that to• which they cau.. pdt' their hands. :Some ratty • be, palled to active work in the church.• as.: ministers, tleacmiesses, or missionaries. 'Ther -never WOS, a time in the history of the -byteritin • Chair& when _ministers ',,,weres:Kezneeded. are, due'_for, retirement, .and Eliere2-are:-As-c-airee1y •: WILL "C-CRINTING SHEEP!" HELP You- TO. SLie E- sleeplessness- is caused+ hy being. •-overtired, fiery. oils, run-down arid - worried it ..takes • in -ole thad. "C-ountin ,sheep" to help you ugirrytitoss'und turn, • • , hour after hour, 'you •can!t•owish," . yourself te sleep! , Many -find that .takingea..tbnic reguliolk is bepienciair'-7.aqtd„,40p " them. rest more- easily at riight,' And •Dr.. Chase's Nerve- Food is . , first choice with thousands!. -For the,•Vitamin ther needed. 'minerats. it. contaius-- are 'sometinies, foist what your system •-lackb.' And Dr, Chaser& -Nerve • Food doe i so rnrich to, build you up, -byincreasing appetite and im- proving digestion. • So if Worry, 'anxiety,,a run -d -Own , condition- in7-the strenuous :pace of modern living is upsetting your • nerves SQ you can't relax and rtst -try taking D. Chase's 'Nerve Food forwhile.. The name, "Dr. .Chase"'isAtour assurinee... , • 11110.4141 en We.,are again contracting for malting, barley for the • anada Malting Co. • • . , . We ,have modern equipment' 6i -unloading. • For full particulars call at our office. W. G. THOMPSON IIENSALL.„qr'iPliONE 32 . • Xme Astiter' Dept. ore aijour? ts.because •'s better text • that, itiari'Y• graduating troM, „tie, 4 • Ur, gttelgillan told of the great' need for workers in lyestern Can, ado, and besidecA there is the great neecl of.the overseas. There is welfare' work to be done. '.1)S' deocithesses, and 4/..T. ' MacMillan mgeluded urging the young ..P0::.ple• to hear and„,answe.,,r the call to Christian effort. . ' the '4naptessive Nervie" cencludet with the. hymn, "$ttuultag hrl'a Pur- 'poSe True" and the 'benediction by Brew' ' A,fter the'service the arid Tralt-RangerS ,were entertained -by. - the X.P.S.••in the lecture hall, • s, Alliu, cornerof Victoria and tro4 greets, Gothirieh, .4. 41 • # 1.11 el AT HER 'RESIDENCE Open • every Ftiday, filatqd.ay, Suni110' and Ikedriesdiy. IT/LOIrl'S froid tp.pr.. to .1i30. a°.* Good Haraburi,s, H�t Dc Tear.Colide and ',tight Luncliei will be: availal;lo. • • • abms .-1,1ZOOMS Phoner 594-3* Mrs. Ken. 'Alibi Wavle Leaf Cabo,. 6=t, ,• 10,00-10,00,.,41 110 y .4401141.60,4140.640.0040........S.S. / YING GARMENT , examine theni,parefully 1Gsee • (a) if, they have dark or odd colored, canvas underlining, pocket interlinings IorSh�u14r _padslon • 'light . colored garments; (b) if belts are properly lined and - . backed -and buckles' are- sewn 'or glued. „, iKa0 es..of. Wadi...add -dark cranked • canvas interlining? padding 'or -.backing • haVe *a 'very. Inoseoibtoi* * 4yed into • them which wil/ come out on the light .oIored .garraent when it -is necessary to use ToiSture to removelood spots , and stains. - • Glued buckles' buttons and. oraments will fall apartin thy -cleaning. • • . • YOUR CLEANER CANNOT ASSET* • - RESPONSIBILITY F,OR THIS, DAMAGE: 4 - ;Members of the Dry Cleaners' Institute ' WEST, ST. • ' 'KR= AIL • ..ADPERwIX--- , 'llemeeeeeee WRITE TONY FOR MY AtEW DE11001/S etoivi, ONO RECiPES44- 4. Nur *FREE: JANE:4k tits tv OOPERS'YOU HER filo 16 I IESTED *tail $end eosteard tor -Home $ Rvice T.: -The Carkarda,Staiih '�mpany,'Litriifed; O. 0. Box 129, Monitsai;i44, *