HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-02-09, Page 5- ART 4 V W 11,•••4004, •941,V, erich Chun* o z o,01111R011 41 • • • ie..' '•••C•`;.•-• ; -14,-ilit,',.,i‘ili1;$4i;174iliii;',weN.",,IV.`r ei,144T `to • • • 81,1111)AV*MBIttrAtiti1,2th 0 iti" c 01v0P01%1014;, 10 a" ,SVP4D.4* 80110P1* - .11 ainti' MORNANG-PRAYE,it 11,p.uf. '0,TENIN,131-PlOirbit4144.. .3 pail.' 114*i/filo DEPAET4ENT. Irebtuary 1.41th---8 phef-DEDIOATIoN or THE ijEGA REVEREND BEVERIX, 0.1rAvoti.E:A., 4Th., HuoTon,i, . - • The MAO or 'Huron' • A W ANDERTON Organist and Choirmaster. A 1n, ort ure REV, 0, `WESLEY, corti, B.A., RD.! IghilfItOr. 14.11K.70141t11; Organist and Chiih. Mititeet, - 11 a.m.' "4•A'BITOF DIVINE, GLORY" „ • f P•14. • ' • 540.,;..ANNIVERSAAY SERVICE . , ,Rev.:R. f•itPealie,r, ' paw.- ovvAiir 0.8,1%i YOU DO Attilp,T, Tog;"miitiko,i,Esj/" Setond ietinou in'Serles.Oni PVI/h,at Can,rou Do?" ON WILL- FIND,' A VRIENI4Lit *WELCOME „ X es eria 4. urch TRH. MORNIN6 Q'CLOCE. ermon "t coivintE&TAR,V. Oistitiro4811.1r." ThIs Service is designed to expiiin tie nature and thcmea,ning of rmibyteriati ' • ..__ TIIE•EVE.NING SERVICE AT -7 'O'CLOLIC .`• Come and §ee Youth at. worlf chinch. •Hear the Choir whieh will lead iia the Servicg of Pr,aise. The Trail Rangers and `LES. will tiTiceltttrrin..the servke., . Butler,' Miss COihia, Voting and Mr. I3iroWn Milne. will assist in conducting the service • Seiluoni "A CALL JO 'YOUTH." • iEr R. 'G. 'MacMILLAN, BISHOP". F.R-.C.0, „IVIintster.:1" , Director of Jraise 4A, ,... nllrch- - , 1VIINISTEIREt LAWRENCE. Ii. -TURNER, B.A. - ORGA*ST•: Jost- ell1Nok. LEADER-Siss. Vary 'jiiide Strachin 10 a:m...-! SABBATH 'SCHOOL; ADULT BIBLE CLASS. . 11,:ii.iii. TURLIC WORSHIP. Subject,, "SINAI SPEAKS"- "IIONORING'GOD"S.:'NAME," ' , ' • • . , - . • ., ... 'pm"' "iNspiKREmpioN 7, Ay THE: GARDEN" _ Monday, 8 p.in. Toiing:Peoplgs.-X,Inion. ' - ' • esuoi‘i:.ciluRc.n-,,CrobEnxdor, TourNsittp 1.30 p.m. Sabbath SchoOl.„,,g,;0-p.m..- Public Worship.., . VICTOitIA-IJNION1VELCOMIES:' YOU , • . _. oderkh Baptist. Orianist--Mids, Verna C: Miller 10 a.m. SUNDAY.SCHOOL: 'Classes for all. . ..0 urch 11-.a.m. 'WORSHIP SERVICES. 7 pari Ey,. CALEB HARRIS, 0E01101;0N10 will 'be simply preachet,, • • • at 8 pan."Monday. Prayer'liteeting 8 p.m. W'edifesday. , , entecostal: Assemblies- oi Can a) nE.v,'4":. A. PEARSON. 1'400 '- , 10 a.m., JSUND.AY .S:CHOOit. ..fra7-0,:71i10112411-k1rrOIWI:P. 7,30 .p.r0:, SEKVXV.t. gr. n'e-S4a,I8 airist. Ambasitidors. -Friday 8 'p.m. Prayer Meeting atTa,t...solage. . virtmoivit. • lslure ,, 6•4.ner Vittoria and 'Pad; Streets '11tEV., WAWFORD •POVVIIRRO,:. PAST* .8i 0 a.m, The „Light- and ,Lie ilotir; 'Cliimti., liaMilton: , , 10' a.m.,SLINDAY.SIOHOOL. , , iiir-fl&OUNING':_ W4ItSIIIVa , 7 p'.in., '• iVPIGELISTIO 'S.guild* .z...._ . ,Vire(11:16804 at 811);1"'. inia-wook fliteetig... A 00iilliA1.;:ii*'E,t4CEgtz -Aix eb;.--VisitOrfr the Weelr-eitd. With. MO.W. Jackson 4 Mies Margaret were Mr. 'arid 4*. ifeBriffn !O. Optleriehe. "Itelr‘. and MrS. 4441. MaYtinfret .).3e1niere aucl *SIartin of St. Helena. IIOUstOn •(4 ton, anC-,..lernneerf gotiSton, loOndon, Were week -end' VitoitorS ,Iritir:,-their-parentaand j.. ;: • -."- " •'Mrs. Wilfred .Vestertele and aerry epent_'the, week -end in Stratford and , attended ,--the llorrOal SchoOl. at-home, W,ILS. KnOx Un• ited Chfirch. their .February meeting at- „the. herae Mrs.4 G. 'Hewitt.- -a M. thame_ and_ mot; W. Iv., graig -presided-at the -piano.- The theine of, the meeting was 4.,'T1ie' Church -the Household, of Faith."' They,. prograrn. in the MiasionarY,. Month' a." • foiIowed. titraubui" took •.thO firtt'part.,'Of the Worshiri'lierik, ami,Mrs. Toil the Sle0 ‘.041d part.. Mrs; Albert Campbell offered prayer. The her-. aidsresponded,' Mrs. Ernest 'Patter. son, 'on •ChristianJ stewardship and Mrs, -jas. Jackson on tenaperanee, Mies 11ina Mutclr C'entribUtetl. a solo and _MrS.,,TaS. .0raig gaVe readin'e •UrS: Iren MeDOugalVgave the latter, part .of the fourth,ollaptev and the ilfth •chaPter of the study' book.' Mrs. • Toll loOk charge for the business period, Tlie eorres- ponding. seeretaky • read 'several "thank you" note.. 114riv ' Wm, 'Dodd *rat added *to the,pply com- mittee. The meeting clOsed with. a ymnalld *Ayer_ by Mr.b.f--Toll. ',The 'hOstess served refreshments. • . Annual Meeting of,lUnited Chairgii; -The annual meeting , of inolc 'United tiliureh was helfl - 1i the Sunday SohoOl•room .on'Wednesda4- FebrnarY 1st, With a" splendid at- tendanee.- After a pot,Inelt dinner and *Social lime, Rev.. 'A, -G. Hewitt took 'charge• and conducted 'YPtional exercises. A short-mem-• orial service was held for those Of thef„songregation,„_4119,4"apassed. on in 1.84n. The reportsdof the various organizations indicated couraging -•growth in' •alldepart-' mentt of the church' 'worlt, under, • -the leadership of Rev. -Mt:*Hewitt.- ' It was.espeeinily gratifying t� ItnstW that there:Is 4:substantial bard -pee - on . hand, ..sinee &tiring_ 'the year Many • improVementh,' Costing, over ' $2,000; were naacle*-the,' church: .property., The ''.Scumlay seho,o1 re- ported 'a successful,: yea -I.,: "both 'in ID.000.11110.4040•110110041110000111. G. .GRIST 4, • WH 8iGN ri(ttendattee 4U in- Work. itcon.tp,.: lished. . Mr. Toll, reporting -Or the' ‘SpOko;11 Of, the increase -O.f .4* -paresis' -soot -to:- 1'0140 and European eiturcix Teltet, ancl*Of the apPreelation by tire 01/14.,' of VIsitsLpaid theM' and -Christ. #.044.,m4ogy wheni' nataeS 04-'vrlutt their s fort bad cination,; • *zeiglavrboods,': innell. wore, than ethers, int'Ve perms 444' $44.44444.44,4,0 Our paStor's Clvistian, nein* -141141/44er. largely beta „, Ile -must,,bgve beei& begt,anY latt4104 th040 4phie,reagling ItIgd gr.lte.thaenattigsf* 211.4.s . at pacerna reopona. we used .to have in earlier Can: bo The parents "of. our paattir matt have been people who -look at the' good side, and lind gold atuonglize d"S‘Ssi to 'give their child •rattne. paa panels,: regetsted. Nfutch 'Was reeleeted 'areril, Miss M. anokson ....)4 -44.5* -4100.0444t iquary treatiourer.' • Mr.. •'-'014Y. $ 1 I S. tIng zanies Mkt tate-dis All -1414 P • • • 4,4, • ASH 4-40. °Team?* 'where he had bees.the pt*t n*ittb, beekleit- in the sum . Mr. David MacKenzie .1nother went to Turoifto oday. The Utter will. Amain for a while. Mrs, 'Jelin Cowan and, Mrs. Vred MacGregor also are Spewlino a fess dayit 131 Toronto; 41, We are r t k . a Y 0 rich. wa ,frout Cleves s, to vela on his deep ,Iove tor $avuel the child, hpiap w h ghe wm 400, Co41114034433: Mt:0 •re-eleoted tO tb* xou,' Aid 4kbraihanis ioeituasre" /eft In his 'Charge' and' session and the rt 11 ng iOa " - t t • -.0 • be /?ionta e -gain, XeSsrs. -A rintews, Eroola, ojem ouch out,of-the-w, ay tidenee tbe_, .1)04 People in Tel IStur ratteroba Afr. David Stewart on the boultd- • and Orange, ;wore, .ro.dioet44 toz:, PaT.P.46., ,fle,01:14.0rus And 11.1,04:0* ,TheY ary,'Itas, n ta;aily from° L(o1- • t -y , • ditoo =9, Aqulai. •eaY, nothing of the roollgOr tlie tko6euee of er417 land, empfbiliii-ritIlier and Mother ,Ntet1011. ycrftoing,. 1,14 ,ir4)13;e:tigo;;144-tir, theiflintheilartgatige. TheY, teet 14 keePiniii Spleadid Mr, &al • Weil th (40C114: ooted, e0 an 0 0, an qua nt mane wa ar au4 Ave andren. rat 1.,41,„ 4Tee etln" 411 • Davids Ja D 1 d 1 towarda 4 4e talle . fortunes xee • 'were engaged zeitx Dervie and• they , the were Mrs- McelilitheY temfgule mimeo go peborgh, and sen to lie the' one' t and 4,Mrs. PA.;.. Orange; the uShers, . Aiggail • Perupo jutzt_trao,.. t4.0kit_itii 0u:utile erwc,;:re get along „in on. lc, ArthUri_ R. D. are Mcelinchoy; It -was decided "te contribUte the "Xgreli -0g.toir4es" rtev. •ga..newitt "closed the.' weeting with prayer -7, • ALSERT OI(T ALUEUT., Feb!, 8. --Mr, and Mrs.- r Diiicson 0.10, spelita tecent Sutulay,-viSitingtvvith 'her, ProprieterAnie•---ot - the village , puha (beer parloraY whom )3ever' knew. to go to church or tO take *.thae to read hia 1311)1e, 010110 he wasa, very deeent sort -4i4- ger,- tainly g,enerous to all about hira, had a large ".ftiMily of boys and ,girls. It • was like going thrOugh the OK Testament and the,. yew to sound the :There* were Elijah , and, Steplien,..• g.try; and Elizabeth to 'cOmMence -end MOO*. roUnd Xr., and MrS, Dyer at Guelph, the The names dp not always. rflt. The latter sister a..Mr. Elijah. Of .nlY youth. and 'oray'_-age_ SOIC-Thelt daughter, Annette Dick- , was no more like. tho.t ' startling Son, IS spending a %couple Of 'weeks figure of the *ilderness, emerging. visitiug -there.- •• to convict --a-iid-rOinfound a 'icing, Mr, Bennett bad the mIS- than, a gatepost.'„;Thus.saith the fortune to have * the manure LOrd," was not the language' that spfeader's -large wheet pctss -over belonged• to „thls: ,1311jatt • of' the his_focit was, working on twentieth century, There . were Friday last, crushing several. bones Wore -swear *Oita in his:vocabulary In ins.,loot... wastaken, to the than were used h,y• ,anybody, Qddetleb. nospital,...firbere liaS.been ,:pporalli,w-oged-4rox*:;hiin. • patient this Week:- ' and; -- didn't' Veen anything:bad • Mr: HtTiVartf"vguatil pas been -by it -it you can understaild that spending the past week in Toronto -He was one Of the. kindeSt men one on business, , • ' cared to meet. His 'son Elijah it' Mr. Win Carey ofilamiltourform- more to the Scrikiture type, I under- erly Of Saskatchewan., • is, visiting stand, beriag, the orector's . Warden, relatfves in. the comtnunity."_ • and, prominent figure neat -the CongregatiOnal IVIeeting...;--:The an altar' „Of -a fin o old. English:, church; Una], congregational meeting of the an athletic :figure, too, 'but -out a :United Church was heldJm!--Thurs the running_..of_Yiltinglkethe day afteittodit of last week, with -great stunt ,the pophet did when _attendance. _.„),Etev„..:1,....Jas:_he,tan-'..bef&ire--1*--Aliab's,cliariot fro Bright, pastor Of' the church,, was Carmel t.O,Tezreel.,. chairman: flepdits- 'Of the- different - notice in 'that .4oid novel,: Oran, organilatiOns cif` tne.:-churcir-were ford,7,so 'Quaint; readable and enter - given and shoWed a SuccessfUl year: taining,. ret orthe 'Vidtarian Election ..of officer S followed. and period,*.the lady who is named De, all positions WereAlled with . the borah---:-Aunt 'Deborah -4s . not -the same officers: -A's the- rirepktIS year. • -kind to which -the Scriptures intro .Stewarcia: „are Crawkord, ducal's,. a • grim .'propheteSS with Bert: Cfraw:ford, Melvin ' Dickson; Military . foresight " and rfegenins, Earl Bogie‘ -Roderick. 'and. Donald stittingup weak and ,fatt.8ful cap - McKenzie ; the secretary-treasnrer tains and tr:dops to make battle,' ttawford, and the parsOttr who gave -tis a "Seng„,which„ IS One age committee is composed • Of Mrs. of the oldest in thrie (see.-audges 5). Maier Graham, Mrs. Jas, 116(cXenzle" That Cranford's "'Deborah iliet up and'Bert Crawford. -• to the 'standard a being ,able to 'speak up_ and say the.: Wite, thing when a. ,r,Tbuke is in .order. One of the ppm young, ladies In- 'the house. was trying .to make ,capital in defence of' her 'idea of feminine ly down. Ile vais net ma. dee of the hospital:with pnis n eUmonici.° er ell ' rotten. stiiff..$0410 "of 114-' area- ,TlIeg • • , ..,,,, • '114tion7nnfl;`,subpisston "that .Sanauet 4.0 8'.1,7iiitz were is the One benediction, resig- , suw 'iu, ,bio- disPosttioul ap-cr 61,VoOt ' '-yrorevelvrtl&o-rr..r. ,:i-. ' 0 , - - after be had told the old Man what ,,,,'"‘-`,4"n,„,""f„,,,,rt„.,."---4., 4j,'' ''''Cr ' ''44: ; ' theGod ' had g 1.T'salcIde' toefirbtivaing.1 44•C'eulYi 41:Ebball':' 4%juditiarelli t.41/1errvii/74e4s' 1:4°11111t::tillle4wt°11°114' lipase. That startling' and,unparal. el11.1be suffered two stroke seizure's, ieled catastroplie a tunny and tor- . ' 41-X$. 0021 ROthOrford, Ingersoll,' lahltieWse fIVea..:r..git077:1,111,.1.:0411::11e.:Ittrere. kviti..sri:ert: o'-. 411 in. a id: ii, Atu,week4, *i 1 1,Lt W.: -41 lit 1 thtli. 1, a It: , rt '11' 1 ni 4, : / vt 01 :ere: ' ancient 'story by 'ti vvriter who knew Mrs:S. R. gaemnth.. _I, to cenvey the woe to the ears of the h. aetaeriellatndru„ 'aulliid:r7ta-ynedt. tilgolsdera4 'Srlheiht) Irilelr°''r1114/1Siet4reeinteet. h* 47'114 el:el:In:Lilt' oponoe when ,hearing at thp battle or Bev and Mrs. Lawrence Turii-eT. Mr, Turner. presented them with lost, and .the sops: slain, and the , u• gGlsolatewsitAatts:.toa:rkiejonifiz'-(1:oe".4L4nee"ot,44, ralco4llot:w1 .faampiillY'r trip- 11316•11bil)P1.48detilavesziltr:Jielts 1101 appreciation. :fon. assisting the 'XXX. With occasioul church •sersleeS. gory. llete the -tine niii$.w.er he gate ,14-.T-niining S(terenvvelb:a„ "It-eIs-elehtet-Louridei--; 1,5•2tN6v.V.In7Pig..Xes. te..oilYaapri:yrig)re,at-icetTkichee:;01-Tn.P.Tiv.tiet),eit-s-:delaael, 31r. ancl-1%44,4. 4.•,Trewartha's hone. was the- meeting place, and the fel- lowship group; with Eileen Pocock aas ch Irman; was in charge: 2ileen , "OltAR, BONNIE, SCOTLAND", ortol to work through no,fault of foY own, "JOBS DONE cite/vett' " • OHONE, 0,0D114101516 Ott STOP all ON 131,141711.11* 4N1).SAVI1 NICKLt. • •I A1tINET MAKING-' 'AND GENERAL WOODVVORKING .10 .,WATERLOO ' ST. Phone 37M,,' 4tf 00440014000004000.49,8440 . , Hogiesseissiliisem,41,4444 a B.USTORAFT. Wilfteinhatfilectricil St.-.. iGoderich, 1011•••••••••••••••••••••• Losing' interestr4os- .iing frielidashe never went au any more -always too. Ttired...",Nervesshe thought -but it4tas ter kidneys -the ter!' of,hef blood-:, , that heeded attention: She ti4d Dodd's Xidney,Pills at Cake.. Thelniproveti action •-•-of herfkidneys helped 6 dear aWay blood' ' -iropuritiei and' excess ,aci4s, VatiOue; , backache, headache, Jack or energy dm'. appeared. Dodd's; ,Kidney Pills contain essential oils and medicinal ingre,dients 0 that act, directli s -and • tieiprialCpie7dliir •Thiee", appeals have been.'entered against th.eaSsessment of the TO-wn- delicacy and_impecOftbiadepoltrueut ship of Goclerich for 1950 and are by complaining to'Deboralt that she liSted to ge, heard before. judge , had seen , some thing „ ithich shocked OcittellO this. (Thursday) Mornipf„,- her; • -another_ _Young,lady ,thci- .'3•0 o'clock, in t4e. C°11Pell,..P4a:m. home wasbeing made -love to by 'a. -heti at "Clinton. - visiting gentleniam-L -averred Benefit- Fatty. kr: and • •that the gentleman •actually had his johlt, Middla n 'were:lit home to , • , • . , • friends and n i • • arm - ronnd, the waist. 'of .the • miss. JeTAble-:0k0hing---ett_;-Toesdat-14#0? ism-,---Antliliflmiiiistereil ra. snub ark 'aiSt. Eighteen tables of iiity- gressive enclire.w_eie- played, Igizes going to • EVelyn• Wise, --k,,--,-.-----,-- that rail:tabled . with the one Making Actnold place for a gentleman's arm t� be." the complaint-'"Aud a:very proper Miller, , George Wise, and: Mrs. Postill. Mr. Harold 'Tyndall " was °nee rolgrQ, was We are surely agreed that Deborah' in the gallery of the lucky winner of a special *door heroines. who. have -gracedl time, prize (a basket -off groceries).. The though this thhe not in 1)1004,, fray reeelptt Of the'eVetting; including donationsv friiin two memberg ...of...J=0e to its Wise' consumniation, , but rather. in lielPing a happy' to - the Middleton family, :amounted, to But I must gat Wack to 'this kii. t 7a0r. lhsitsalinlinbgtiehyydwoilIjibi .ett,i,s,,ladaiteo-s, 'Iboashmetti.ihailswinaltymsehlia.vr di:1111%111y' Church, ,Middleton., . :pronouncing • that .441 Testanient- good." The teinPle was In ttlinS at glenmy day ivncr-P"the-gloty was departed;'?as his. daughter -in-, law 'said. when, she named her boy to. bear the ,meaning of that; But, thatcry f Eli stand anliet-the ogd4on PinYed advia,lio 'solo, and Chilgefan, fellowship:. in 'everyday . o ruins "covered. the ca alogne of his Eileen% Pocock tend ,the %Scripture wealc e.sSawl sms. • The broken lesson. Ewen Itoss gave a talk Oil gs . '71Vving, , and led iti:a• disetission" tie 0,R14ec.t: tru_p4kisorfillig.-a1ga was Conducted. ' BusineSs -•iteins .were the ann:Q1Pleement of the 'date for the ,play;„`Friclay, Felitnnyy opt wnetrei-. it6 bAs-fine and- and the decision to accept an in- xesSet ..41_,Ae,„,Liord trtist,eq_ woutfl. use -his weakness,: fiffiath,and, whole storYito•leadAhoSo that followed hliu-to w,i4k wis- dm and earefulness. • • • 'Olit Ell, tr'2.this. tommunity "has Ivorthy daughters, , There -.is; no vitation' frank the 3r.P.t.,at Victoria sign of. thtelong the constitution. strOttle_luirch, GOclerich, to • be, their by .parental, carelessness and a. gues„9 . at a- Valentine social -next Weakened priesthood as 'far ae be MOiniay night Alr•-•-Hohnesville is concerned.. , He has': no ,Saniuel Oting.PePPIO, o;re 11.riOd to be ',Pre - handed to- hi§ care in that individu- sent. ' • - - ' • ' . - al eonseerated, way 'that' Hannah , showed. -But you should . see litINV '4 man drawing' uneroPloyment. ing mothers and what 'he has • to rent and honsfug-Paren1S 'Who teeeive conSeerat. insurance:: baby bonuOs on ten chl.1d1 he takes 'the bableefrom say to them. at the font of baptism; Old-age,pensions. eatl make a„t nice and..hOw lie InitiateS end ,super- li'ving off' the . 'taxpayers it-Vitliout . , .. . , intends thoSe prganizations ana worldng--- - .„. ' agenCies, that IN,111, eventually,'build . , U'il :the -teilipleraof the Lord in ,the • , . ' ' •, .- - . comMunity life. ,,,. , •the Board Of% Works just the otilier 'This Eli has cleanSed, and'will day 40W -deep -Was the sewer below: keep. it so, the threshold of the the street near *the • Chord". -The house of. God,' -;:pie 5o_ew-„mat at the main sewer is 12 .feet- 'four inches. dokr \One $tundaY.• was 6..syinhol •cd" below the :Surface 'of- the street. - aft is going on- all the time at That is where: il'izr Eli likes all the the place where.he serves his priest- waste.,.:and that. Which is pndetir- hoed. It, it Clean," and .nowhere Is able, to :he dismisSed, ..clep:down, 'the sower of -tvhat IS 'HI and foul *here t is harnilo,L andLirant, illOw,eit,too--eliWe: to, 'Ole liarajtar Jorme„by _secret...forces-, -to --be-a- .OfAlie----Lard. , r asked ..the . men -01 " $ • Tir-Deborah nobly rose to tlie •. 41411100410411411/0604101100001110•110 igfl* • y ravor!te• Girl Friend" A three-aotplay-to be -pre-, I - sented by Hohnesville o Y-P.I.T; • 2 Friday, Feb.: 1t . at 8.15 p.m.. sha•ri.ri Pit'eneh. royalty • play prodikqed. by Arrange- • .• went ishers. • ;Place,: ;' Ad:mission:- 00c and 25c •••••••?•••••••••••••••• •••,, *name of the cripple son of (TenaThan and grandson of _Saul., Eli is a inneh'.easiername to get • on, to and-pi se. It s hardly fair, however, to Saddle a child with that Minim tiniest there, is ,soinethit,ig in 'the name :that attracted the parentS, historical: character re bore'. the Something they admirpaFfi-1 wonder *hat' it was, '. do.mt cnii-hqyS' 'hY the of AhlthoiThel or Absalote; we are toobsesSed by the vices they embraced in spiteof the. politicol- ability and -superb 'physical beauty •Attaehe4lq0....Thent. respeetive47._-: Wasn't the, harshrabrupt-Nra-k-in w.,hith mi. addressed Hannah and ,cluiro•ed her. vvith drinking, When • she wat,tronbled and in the act of •poignant praying,: remembered. 'when these Parents calked. then -child Eli? Didn't they remember . also: trio reputation: the old high priest had, that "his Sons ma'd&themselves,irile, antrhe7-yetlfailieq.. them ivitri-ruv- ditln't they:also recall that he Who silyst here. the ,maine Saw;his houge and %regime go down to rUin,..,,and • ,1••••-••• , TO BE Imp B• y BRANCA'109, ,OAKADIAK r.,E,cnow, IN AID -OF 'T/MVpiyitirS liogriTAR AL AUXILIY ... , . .. -OXYGEN TENT' ?USD AT . - _ , . . Legion' _', Gros ii receipts ment. lux At 8 p.M., q,aforernentiOnict int!oh-needed equip- , corner.of Victoria an:if:Brook 'Street, Ood.e.rfch,,, • lieu 'to. 'annot!nee that -she -4as' aponed:- Ot ktigttralot elrery Sattirday, lkinday '0,10 Vitotinesatti NOWA fr041-.819,-Pauta to 130 -aania--4100(1-1;tvii.butirs, 'got Telt 'toffee wilt be :a*aital4e, • tYitOP-- -IN --R001VIS Cabins, DO- _ Phone 5944' 1!11,Ple Lea Cabins, praise1p. us.nnt our commonwealth: 1101fr#14,, ENMEA or ,perfect Akitomatie Confrl • C.,:ony•enient Qyer2 Light ••14e:dt. Switches - • .':1-figh" 1 • .• 'Stain sistind At, ',:6:kFPiinelli7h•aTrCe13*(1•:•Tin. rd el • ,EnaMelled • Economical in-1,1SO n .'Mr,oci: P,Ouse 'and, Doh :and' Don pallows•;vititedf..Mr.,- Mrs. Harold Pronse atVaiiiiitpn;., *over the week -end, -,„ 'Mr. Gordon, janies, *who , sent a• 'Pr'ee Weeks' -Vacation in Califofniii;.- _returned by plane to...his ,holne-,. in, ,South Windsor.. ;Gordon .1s- the, son --of- -mrs;--8-aka•li--f-Xamesv-Al.rifee., of. Goderach.. •"'.0"%. •CHOCOLATES Heart-Shaped:Valentine boxes:' Also ''':Dunlop, Nobility and Huron boxesl. • --SPECIAL: nits, -vvgEK Peanut brittle'," cocoanut -pea- nut 'taffy, Antterscdteh, ChocoL JaudvniHa1yaflieJs,...- 45o pound • Venus. Sweets .‘ 'Hamilton St.,. :Goderieh, ARLEY e are again contractin acreage fOr-The 'Canada, • .11aiting Co. Seed Supplied Oontapt ins 0. T. MI 44 SONS__ Phone 103 Hensoil., Ont. Xiglit.ti pa - .4o. • mire you n e ee o tu e r $ -- ss S 4.G.8 TO 4.•.; !AA Y.DELIAt El). PRICE prices • •• • • • ,, urie • • -001114 IN ...NOW!' SEE FOR,'YOURSELF Tow To ,:s.TAttrisctLv., #EA1:1111111; . • 11050 ‘,`Ntrir *LOO" SirtiDEEAIttitS EX clEr., - , StEEX • .4vIODEIM .STYLItAt . IN OAS goortomy-IN HANDL,IiKO BASZ-nf PREEDOM, "MOM COSTLY It./A`Plift.S--zN zoLID vITAL O.You Aft A OAR; USER!' • a e t•AA,F, 1 I SEE FOR YOURSELF AT • oar Stadekaker Sales an • erVice In 0 4' ,