HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-01-26, Page 24 ; I•Aos o HURON IPOOMOW.D. Vu1440104. by' §igniO4$1*.r, $400,eriliftifet Ita..toe---qinadi"and tereat.Iiritatn,. ;PO %year: tO, 1:144.04 - • . --- '41.41ritrthgeit *et* i4V ietpleetdutherited as seesstVelass ,m1411; :P94t - )epartm�at Ottawa .. ,Tele'Phone U.; I "^"'. • *Pnl.ber" adtan k1yewp4pe18 41419claffetk -tWeel0 Viralintiell,„OVer 29QCP,' • W. itItbkallitE6D1 tX4141$ • • . n, ousc .cm 41 () gam 0), DERVII SIG ear• -FriendsP-I-A. few, weeks '1100•111,W Initialer near VOnge and 13100r. took: you down 'prige street'as t *cHue, 041,49telis *ere."„fniearthed Is tpday -"Turs.;--AWW lit,;t--hu;lt:vrebabiy peen'intriect- going to try to tt.ilte yOU back, anet that, .oci. graveyard' Joni 'hundred unOred,'"Or.one- hundred and .t4;t5t years ago; Back in the old 'day's, Yeats and see what. it was like an. enterprising: coled Ot: °Man hunt those:Ilay'a. I ant° not going. tO.,flt'001.0. leottouses somewore... neat tempirto Stick; toanyone periodI,bUt ,),A1POr. which Ite filled in the Winter just .:. tell 'yen intereSting thlage-",.with Ace% 'fraiii a nearby -tribifta • N -1 -.1 -X.1 -14.0A -If Lk U a ?..9414;1950 , ahont-X,9;41'Net,41#40-0-4134:414.5t- rett.the-Don-44wr,q-sei47,*,,-T4y0140,-in ,,,....,_. , . hundred year :of its eXistMe."the summer. si •, ° . " ..• seven more. eggs each. year it would 4, Sir John Graves Rillicoe,' Gevor",, 444.4-11ew we ualre.-0,rxii•.ea tlt. the . ,E.Ii*.e to oe siath 0•41.1sed, by..1.438$ Kit .11.'or of -11Pper-Canada,-,*as the, inan. stickiest Part ef the road -°..the 011ie Who salvia the virgin forest_on the ill,'“ It W410 blue day and the hill export' trade... This ina.).t he, qui be of Torouto.„4ay the site of'was SO ',bad,:thate.•$eineelie-efeeted an order on top of what Canadians :our ,preseut,.eapital,. and fortliwlth avi '''at: the OP of 'the bill ady eat, but eggiiare al.11rStrate prOciseeded • to- Matce• his dream ' a :to tielp wagons "and North. -West ntkle ot.--•diet and there .are .so :teaittr.' Ile. cane to Capv44' .tuf§t "MinvanY; belffriip.." The blue .014Y 1._. ., . ...„.,- „..„ „ „,, .afteg, the -Ataeridanfllevoration and from this -hill wile 'Med .for the first many w g e.q, 'PUITWgr' ''''', • 4!' '• 'tried* to make• lifea hit more liv,..hrle14. maggeaetnred in -the, district. foge thatiddy .should",bekePt Able, for the- hundred',' of -United YOrkY1110 town hall Wai" 'One, Of the ,611.87produein-thein. .- ' . ° 'Inpire-Zoytiliit'S 4,46-:Wo-y6-1060-iiig Itrot Tbrielf.,' Bartley • • • .... „; into: ,Wliat is nOW..•OntSrld,. ':.0e,.,?,iBuirs'o'hoiiSei 'elm of the first° bileir ;ad ., in. „4.4 realized•,t et one f h , greatest;houses, TUG,' road *e,OrPt1 :oir A`:' bit T11-. • 01--.0e , iti.4:1 .. .• . '''- ':, .. need: Was4: ro;iis,' and -he, putbis' _to , the.' Wept irear ' the -'40-1041:- there , '‘11,, -obviougly.inspired a,rticle, ays "On- ,Army ,engineers-• to ;Work sur.yeylng waki: ia.,cieep 0,0„,,iii ,,,t4e hal, Foi tarki, will Jine, up on the Ade ofand b4itiling roads in all directions: many years k' was caned 'Walleye' property -owners When the, ease tenants „against-. Quebec. =AI Yeage street was One of these. , it uni. ,one,, story. is that tthe nolle a because of a tree whiCh the , -- was to extend from Lake 'Ontario was give Of to Lake Simeoe - and Penetetigui- had, ' fallen' -across the mit; and ,re - rent controls ' comes, before the hei.le.It Has -named 'after'_Skr semblecl a gallOws. Another is that $UPreme aotirt. 'oaf' Canada at _Ct- GeOrge-Yollge, who was, thi AFitlsit someone actUafty _had been.•;hanged ecre ry ;rof , War in 1701 -about there. I love some - of. the other taw next. Monday.m• - Ontario ot. he timeSimcoe came to Canada. namps which Were -found there long ours.o**-W401-0'g nothing 9f 7ihe' JO' • k'gronto. Ie those .dask Was._ called ago -Clover 'Hill, the name. of a Its position. before the court ill be .York-"mlud York" . a feWP._r8--',arpl; 'Barnstable,-a-,-cettlige . to that rent control should re ain in".Tlater, and fro all accounts Y thewhich\ someone +retired; Rosedale ... Hostrivalgt- ooDziumx 401110,1•Y. '19 • te Feliknary ,•4 eopit Wk hi GoiiVrieh, the attention of "the ettizonse:44. draWn• tRIbe ivied. of theirgieia •''S.aPPOrt " _,_,Alexandra PerhiPst, d*otgtve iffleieiit hto4.ght to tb,e ta.et that, • the:-rhosidtal;i irf, elieratif,N1 "every diW:Tee year, _ On dontinnelly 'and' ordinary -receipts always falling short of' necessary expenditures: , hospital; board is asking that for .thid 'special tiospitial Week citizens 'take thought to the need of fund'S ,to briiigethe eontinuous gap be.' iween income and`oiitO.A1‘ • .We are afl proud to have sucli an, institution, :as Alexandra. 'Hos- .,....1,4„t1t1.4.fii. our midff, giving relief in itineis and taking care of manY' who otherWise would be comfort- , Po' one would Ler. 4t. moment iihfceninent ' inkitUtion„ and ip'vhen...the matter to, their. attention all itizens-must realize-T.their-responS ibility for 'a Share of the burden, et • Maintaining it. The 0 board is setting 'fOrt11i'Y circular kliddre§sed, to' citizens awl by adver 'tisement In this paper, a Method by which desired finantial 'hoped ' the appeal will 'Meet with a "prompt and„ generous response. - EDITOB;IAL itoTgs „ ' •;,14 .1 • • The .ilittesii of 1Ion. Russell) T.._ afte; a -second strOke,.-Er the eause tnuth concern:, ttraong his friends, i'vho an be cauliaid 1n aft .politieS1 parties. _Ik.§ :Minister of, KelleY has been a hard Worker ,and has .overtaxed his strength.. He is' particuhirly well known in this 'part of,,,.,thev Province, .his. birthplace being in gruce County, ,and lie' has given addresses l'Oefferich several occasions. The Proviatee will lose a ' _• . • -servant if he 'should have to give up his mintsterial dytag. ,- & shuftle..,/n.: the. Ottawa Cabinet . brings 'Walter -E. Harris, write has 7.7150:117,7rifilin3Fntary -aaistant to Prinie Mintster St. Ladient, t� the.: portfolio of Citizenship and-Im. migkatioa, with qtbhiet-posi*: Mr., Harris; Who is -the menil: ber_ or Grey"-Aruce,- aceOluPanied the -Prime' iNfinistOr 611' hi -s,„ pre= '. ijoctiuIL VI L.tO 1n. -June Hon, Q9Un Gibson of Rarnul- ton leaves. the Cabinet to go the, ,bench of the appellate division Of the Supreme .Court of Ontario! - This., will,' 'necenitate a by-efectioir for the Hannigan seat., ' Some people think they know the absolutely correct .way of toas.ting "The - King." "Others, equally con-- , dident,malinfilii the' correct pro- cedure is 'soulething: else. The' Ingergoll Klwanis Club after a Ails- eussion'and some difference Of „opin- ion, decided to go to, aadiiiiirtera ,t6 ascetain the Proper Mamie; of ..honering the,•;toast. In reply 'the Club's secretary sreceived, through the Governor-General, the 'followink '. letter from the King's private secre- tary, addresiedlrom Sandringham "Dea.r.4.Sir: Thank you „for your ahrufraid that cannot give YOU, any- definite answer .your questien, since dlr- .' ferent.methads are used in different • 'places to drink the King's 'health. IVIOst:' of, them are ',established_ by, "long tradition, aind your way of -dahtgjt-italinds ne'goad na-any.'s! That 'is a , very- sensible. letter. If• our deniocratic "'King- doesn't 'con-. it 'mkt -taut that . his health should be in"oposed in any "Precise fashion, his, loyal subjeefil-do 'itOt need toworry,ahqutthe, etiquette of:the toast., • " Tfleanite--- Wee " 'Of eggs, brisk . )3el1ing of ehlek4 is .reported --aireadY this- .and „evidently some 'Of the .hateheries are conlinaing husine.gs' as usuat. Pos- . ,. sjbly thet, hay* the, sag:ie.:idea:, as: ',asked . how lie Made- his .inoney. groWiig that were -When any 'pro- -"duet had"-tkixior Makket he 1lgure4 • ,that Matly..farnier, WoUld leave It alone. the following year „pad it _Would 'bet,searee and and. that was his. time t� grii* It, In -the 'ease' of eggs there Is -teo much' In -Vested or talk whOlesalt,v abandonment...of the Indestry.Can-i• adiand-are the greatest &Madmen •' of eggs" .0p, 04#11# iindIthere 10 at, •There, may bait.. 16.•ho ti• tooling 40Vvit ebeita ofk.iiroductlort, and the inert lit the ' businesi may he ridied,' upon fO„ attend', to onteone, has ealeulaterr thet„.if eiefie Catiadifia' *Oil% eat thirty-. latter . was no --nijsnemer. :And Haus, the rural hom ' •e .of Sheriff the tands of the Vederal authority. If the ' Ontario Government wiehed - until st!est also was very Muddy Jarvis; Chestnut Park; •Ottkiands;- nweeireASor.tri,,arist twhattt tupimer Hill f, Poplar Plainsi,Deer- to.do anything more for the tenants Much !;'oaflethe 1°0 Gwlaebs,d etc. . Obviously than Ottawa IS now. doing,.# w. On:1W -411ilt-011-, the iaCitark'tea 'York- count -LS the,peopleo forget the clay, than'Which there pan---1ew India"ns altho wanted endepyor to have rent c4r,utrol taken • ug they must have out of --CWIrarilFyirthe Federar• 41e try -,tD'walk:-through AD -4- LiboVe Saint-Clirea'aVenue, efiviriT" IL-Y(1u 4•0113-ike-i,-APPteeat-Aci-tiiej)PhutieS.'of Oat.hre.- Goverfiment_ and 'returned- to the, gaiden • ..:(1yhie wasn,t tixere,, of c_garse„until Provinces . • It .equld then take such The part of Yonge-street- below recently), 'the road swerved to the , Front was just .11 Marshy, _reedy west ta-eross ailother7deep; -ravine 111-O _the teP111?:"' waste -in Slincoe's day; file 'haunt of more ,easily, _There was a mill In or Otherwise, as. it -might see 14. myriads of waterfowl. And X Can the ravine and the top•of the What :the • (Mario •Geverninent • Is imagin.e plenty of raogqidtoes too! dam was 'side enough to be used fp doing • is trying -to dodge the, whole One hundred yearS age, work began a Toad: .I think the 'mill was .. on the .EsPlanade,, Which was SiMPly WOollen 'mill. There was a potter Issue. of rent cOntrpl by 'having it filling the sWanip and, hringing it work S near by, but ft tools left with Ottawa. Perhaps is "a 'hit .abbi-e-Ellilavel. Of the bay. '1 There ,tdis a long stretch of •v,ery hi York -kills 441104.-014 -TOttga greet. .24T(1140Y$1 YOrtge stre0t; pope t twit ,stratglit low* the hill, aeroaa,r, the Van and Straight •north as .fer-a 011 t:arr see. i:Why not take It trip up Xehge str.eet-Yourr. Aelf, rine. da It's interesting! TE,iN COU,I,TRY lk10-11SE; torOutO.°, ° - • -4 .4010X1tEtt *-HE COURir., - HOWE' ditor" The Sigail,Star, _ .Dear the ,-.00,10,1ty,, • of urea '."-Owarthe.,14.1.-irflIonse• u !Goderieh, It Will...pay the taxpayer's. to have the ,Coiluty Connell recon - sitter whether to build a Row Court IIOUSe or !lave •the oldne n iodelled; ,Practically the hest way 'to -de ls tO get4 .0,1ah and. 4014-fr o eattniates. As X .P.t_glt, Me 91.4 QUO cart be -made Just ae rdedelaas any new One." Ca -retain, would be -the shale, and ;it '•saro. a laxge pe.x. cent,...ot Alte,litm.Yexa' ,monelr. If a •larger ,cou.frMocsn is retlAired, tglre the. -Stars: ,011t. ana install an ,elevator ;that • w°111.require no.4oper- h.tor: For.. more* Othees •add th sutli eid first Ioor and basenient .ret .tOoins, stl1 Museum for Mem. prials,pictukes, etc.; (Abe for. the pottrd ef CoinraerCe, for information, seeendlfloor ,ollices.. • Michigan. parks are more'mode.ra than the COart-Ireuse at Goderich. , They have ptiblie rest rooms, some have kitchens and I. shower baths, also itiferination--all free. (+ode- to_sbe it modern. . ;love' it. rich IS tuy home town.' Would' like,' 1iicerely urs, WeeD041414. Mr. And ‘s., Mrs. .1). W.. 110114er. Exeter,,: were guests en SatUrdal° With WO. 41. /3. Maegath... _ MISS Franees 'Potter. -is "l'iXiting' clititout at the 40140 of Ur. and 204 -precis Potter. - Alr. and /gra. S. Minor and,lalii ;Torawleli, .vcfsita livithr. lilt and TrOwartha one day la,St • !". • , . The Is en,tertaining the. T-Igited."".0-Mireli'congregation.oa. dLyavonkne,,in.--the Sunday aehool rep*. - grOkTillire w4U.be Pte•Yett • Miss , Marie 'Glidden. • Loudon, -spent 'the •-week-end with her Par- ents; Mr. and.. -Urs. 1:).iGiidioii 'XXX. Meeting.- - The'home 'of Mr. andbtrs-,•„„la_an0- Saddler •was the Meeting plaee ,fot- the :yoUng. people on Mon4ay4-evening, wheii the calture Plunniittee,„ with -Ms- Saddler cheirman,'Airesented the program. A hyMn WAS Sung, aid. Scripture passage read by ars. kenaleth TZewArti*. Tavener offered Prayerb Finlay read a,°:Poetn. Chief items or business. were' the e4noUneelnellt of a *Soeiarettenkng CI the held_ net Mond -,at. the home a -Mr; and, Mrs, Frank Yee, and news on the ,• • ° (MO. F. 4jaePHEE, 20 Albert St,, Lettrnlngton, Ont.' ,HOLIVItS:VILLW, - - 7-1[0:iims1r1r.j.,uan... 24. -....;.Mr-- and Sirs. gliner Potter and, family spent $nntlay•44at Teeswater ivith -Mrs.--Potterts I • 1 1 niit much to .he :))lamed lor tilt's, ..have -had' of two rather---interesting_teity_alilis_eitge-s•ett, for it .is adnfittedly a hot potato• men .who hadbusineSses which were Ilement. 1, suppose it extended . ' located on the lower Part of the pretty well to Eglinton. It - was a- but it should -pot try to Make the . - Ki • • steet-rbelow ng street- some- dreary, burnt -over country with a tenants. believethat it is...!gghting Where. Michael Kane's spirit vaults corduroyroad- We ,can_ only40 ina.. for them. • In reality what' the were there... Paul Kane,*lio 're- creme- • the • diseemfoits. of, ridin position,of Qfteeb.'s Park amounts to belled ,against the conventionS of several 'Mlles in a wagtin •• ovet life in ' Toronto and lived several eonlitroy roads: The chuych giebqs- is that it sees no way otimProving sv, ears with tie -,India-ns,--paint4ng were *1.n, this district' alise,t. awl -upon what. Ottawa is doing:, and hundreds - of . pictures, Was his son. ,whether- they a.cceif-Ated M. Part for ha i , no ' desire to asantne; if re.; 7:Tlien- Jesse Keteliuni had a tannerYLt..4.e. poor q9,4ditkon • of .-.the tOad sPonsibilittow ivieithethe S.- thereatone tinie....ae, was inter- ,wouldift know; but certainly th e . a y 's r, ''' .,psted in schools and •chureha;' play- ''‘3"a,,a-Aat Of .discontent • abou the 3. teTnints or the property-oWners, _., • . groUndi'and• teniperance.. And he roads along, the Clergy. Re eiVes: • • gave large sums of money to help The, pregent .Glebe l'Ioad .commem- all of -these. • • ., . • . prates the old church -'glebes. , -PHIL :ISIFER. OF LAZY MEADOWS about; Queen, there used to be a lege oe `Eglinton, then Castlefield, .0n the east side of Yonge. street,- Again .we have come, to the vil-, • , large open space where' ,e,tretAses the home 1:,f the Prices, the T...law— :LB7, :/- H4rtyz:.1:.13. pyle were held. I reit4 °that 'the. circus ince Brothers' tannery . and the , . parades down Yonge .street' from farms of the SPEECHLESS! ' Rendricks."'"-„Soine- ..Richmoad 4-fFeet Were like pawn,. m ere •aboye the. present - Lawrence While. engai ged n Lvery hearty "The Assyrian came down . .-. His .Park, Yonge street turned east to A e i , labor in :the stables the ',other clp,y Cohortsr were gleaming n purple -and make a more comfortable descent to gold' Not • far ...away Was -a-„-fieid` k1ogg;,s golfow or York Mills -take _ heard a loud "Ilalloo?' ',It 'was. where duels were" held ;to satisfy year ehoice! There' is still a -street 211. Jenkins, .who had. '41q.VP affiAirs'' -of -honor. .„tt *Very sh11.1 ort; '• • - With,the -Skittish cot nitched-dohble-Thistanee easf, „tst and -north was •1106., .the cutter,. fia borrow -.the • hiirse the "forest • ptInietai." It must clippers,, torgetting tlie-P.een beautiful but . also grim , 7Arretle4ingt-,-ithareamesweepin-for-bidelIng-1-0tr:-.41meir.T.WT"--, over tte-tep of *,th-e-- -drlyIng -shed, llnaFine ;it Wks a, great progien ..-it• and, mytshirt sleeves and sweat agamst the, winds Wyiellpj. frora inside Working, I stood in the around Us now. -.. :• wind too long, with bad 'ries-nits.- A mile., Or 'so north Wag a ',very litt of ali-1 had a cold in MY bar -strbtett .of -road, fultew spring's chestand .it seemed to crowd up and quicksand, gomenhere .ba -Ween , into my .t4roat and all it with the present ,Gollege- and-- Bloor biit a streets.. '4, .sq bad the old cotton-woor. That 'ended, - Liu*, began to form in -my:throat, days that, spineopp.,had: the bright: -Making it -difficult -to swalrownny:.- Kleaaiof 'building a- floating -wdodeh thing, and then came the.final stage. 1 lost mY volel • . When° Z -Woke up that -first orn- ing ed :Phil a question bt no Words Were forthcoming. It was a horrible, hissing souhd, that didn't Seeni to make sense. Ifittle, by -little I came to, yealtie that by not trying .to talk' Y could save, my- self a lot of Mils,ery and SO,I decided te.keepAnyllouth slit, " • All wentwell at chore dine Until I walked Past.A.n.nabelle, thetrigin, _old grey mare, to -loosen .her, halter and let, her. out -to' *ater: :she stomped on .41-5: rikht foot in just such a way as 't6 give atmightyl painful ...sqUeeze to, My big toe. WOW; Fog inlly_vtWo minute S I told, that. cantalikerousspechnen of horSefiesh what I thoimht of her, bat It didn't ,do me any good, -be, Cause the words just Wouldn't COMO.. All that Came forth -was' a half- hearted croaking sound . . . and if. there's anythi`ng SO, completely dis- couraging as 'having a real mad spell and then discovering that your" et- pressions" were net evert hearid . . . then. 1 would like to hear 'about it. Doing Chord was a 'real task. AUTO GLASS installed whiie you wait! tramway. It's ,hard topicture now as we whizz along in car 'or Street car or go right thrall* it ;skis we hope to .in. a few years when thet suliwaY Is finished.. • North of this •!Awartd- was ,the sandhi]," aiid the Indian?s Grave:' The • grave_was. supPosed ..to have been..that, ofan Indian sniper who hid. in a „tree when the A.mericitzis lauded In 1813 and, picked' off- hiS victinis He- was later burfed'on. the Sand. hill,_hut of course pis grave,, has long since disappeared. There' is a -story that hig ,scalp.locks were thken. back -to Washington along, with; various articles !front the. Parliament buildings, and gave rise to some weird sto.ry'about its being found, banging on the ISliettktr'p chair There, were -'S'ame Very •finer g‘rderts, orchards -.'and onthe slops of the_1iill and Mr. Bevait-whO had a" vineyard mann- ladtured a special •brand of wine called .Clintontli, which was regular- ly preseribed-for---meilleinal----pur, .poses! . , , ; ' The potters' -Field- 'was • located near 13loor street It was used fOr the burial of all who could, not..he Gone. Was, the., voien and ,so w -as . . Duried bis the cenieteries.,down the, atith rity. The Atock seem to be has ng a ROraan holiday, and It was ,not iutfor paupers, 'as 1 • 1 triect-to-puslr-them one -way bad---theught-the-iiaine-woulttsignifY. It,' of course, has disappeared now, to get them out. of 'thet'oud they hut two or, three ;Vear'Stago.. when ma,naged to, go the other Way _and exca get squarely as an .obstructiqn. _ , But that' ordeal vyas. only slight Varing ;was being done for a „ to what.t; went through iiirthe after, .1noon.1 had lain down 1'otan (Teta "'very: , „ afternoon.-- snooze on the couch In . -1 Steod tp to tell them to ,shut the kitchen when, one- of...these .up but the words .didn't cable 'and ,church societies blew in for some I lust made myself look ridicalous Red Cross knitting. -1, roused - tip shrugging my shoulders and waving -0-01111-41r.ifleePAO-retillt-their-greet•;-i Thtl'Wag' . . _ . fags. It was only by their amazed .thliag-tella and ,that Was -to get mt.. faces that I came, to realize that "flat' now 1, have a great deal more 1„ini'd been rambling along, with a• appreciation for the expression . Moving tongue add but no `.`Sure and 1- was speeehless." vojee.. f . Theu It stiirtect .; Phil ltai lost be serious! .....3)11.4.29,04.=1,110121„wdite..any..;time-- seeing the,_doet4r.• abOnt that, 4± least ' won't- alk so much now. UPHOLSTER' .flave.yott 'tried three onionS 'an a . . pint..of ereain and then. holt it and titke ,It by the &Pei:41011 . Three goOse livers in.0 eireeseekith iag -in your-. Ieft:hand veSt p,oeket vflI brIngIour ,tolee-tiaek, miry. thr.e0 &Pots in sa" Indies ;Of clay the night when tile moon 181011 Afli. you voiee wlil eortre right back. 114ie peosiblistO One .sald: 441* Se00iird: ...CO -heft onhis mother's side lutd it hoy .Who got dald One' day. tto bad: "sore throat and his -yoke-, left 'him and .he 'never: Spoke -a ;weft:1-'400r that ,They atty*, at ilke• that on -some People. Pear Ine#1 hp e 'that •Phil doetuet.'hrtVe any trouble ethat, but ii'llerson- hag to b hritve under all streh things and I'Stir,thertr-well.11 Arul then orbeletiked n With e.Yee.that glieteried.like a sick eow's and rudide,me feel as if 1was tutt- votin„ittidai oy-1.1-105- • Duolit* Glitu-,;-fer Aggea k it .and inodels. " BEEVERS UPPL ..PHONti 295 44 S(41-4,da Tea Bags cc or a Cernoon A Mb, ••10' 1•••••1•0 „ PrOiresa Of the'. threelaet Play,: "My sit s of .-sce410 orjkisterie interest., FaVorite .GirlFriend," Preparatio introdueed man Y colorful infrOart - of .vvhich. Isocee410X-cfalek1y intere0 -Incidents. • A collodion. Of fit'yokality....;:;-tande Saddler, so as fg.Acurrency'.and,-. many 'Orton 'member: of:the Mereha ma Ine7 ROM -MA; °India and other •Ceu.rtr7 made; .'several' -Voyage .to . 41 an trieS• Tiewed With .-interest. ports, took,the greu in 1magnrit1on NM. ,TaVener eleSed, the -meeting" - 'on, one a his tr Whieh'eocircleci .with' prayer, and IA/Ira. Saddlericon.. the'AgloW,' '-As ell:as dealing' with .ducted 'three .contests.. iimitommomfiritimmoloriiimort ", • p,••••• ewim 4, alAWAINWHAAHINAHANAMIANIWVAININAII/A1.1. • Hive -that :chair, etc: :done; ; We-havethe ,coverings and prices that fl will suit you. e—UpAoliterings7coverin ni.,,‘Reid;‘- of Goderich, ,On the Square —Phone 809w Go, 25' yeits' experience.. , -1'1 0•4r,' . o $ ,• Over 550 BranchOs 110.,SeiV. -you in cities, tiiinins and Villages across canikia. • to.;;;;;;...;..... • Mt 0". }Uiymi • ,•• 10) - * • • 0. • -1.°, 4.41 • • •••*,••••4 AMSalligiggiir• :;;;;;:, • W. - t... s',. it• ,:i. , ..,.•to . • #.,•,- •,. • ,,,?;:N..-',... ,,q,,,,,,,* -$$:*.:"..,,.%as, .f...,.. :•••• ...,:.?•::,-,;1:..',. kst,..W.P.,;:niO.A,..44, ! • , II124AM1 A- • , .1 ',01013TERPLEI6 AND 9po SZONAL,cIgAxRs PAIRED AND .r ,Aztfolirs.0.111. Fite.tori Ottitratitee Free riek•up and Delivery Stratford " Upholstering . 42*wfk 144, Boat-% Vor , f,tir4111:triirlttriaatloii, BROthEit'S FORME - TURA., 001111401t, 2 • Ai • ' 'For itedtly flftY years•Alexandia iOarine and General Hospital has ett-serving and 'sintodatiitig fowtiships, 'FrOirt: • a small*stttt 1thas ,grown,„ ,to one of the most modern and,hese equipped hospitals 'in Western ontario. To have sue4,-4air e. inititution. in our Town It 1 • . • • The effielent -operation and elnippIng of 'otieh hd,spital ,oplresre- nietab1„..ittild and Alexandra aqarine and 'General Hospital -clq, next vireelc,- -appeal. 'lag to the "people of 10`Ot1erieli 41440.1trOund1ng distriet for asSii.• tanee In ;the Iffnanelal 'suptiort of their hosiPittll. • ,t„Puting, Hospital Week, while ne deer t-6'. deer .canyaS will be Made, every ,eltizen -urged' to* aripPort t1.1,e appeal by beebniing tk tnendrer Of the 'IIospital Assoet. Thitt•tear limited reduced hospital ,ratee. are ,available- to ASSOCIation-Menthers, 11 ••[.. , • • 9t11:40., ell every 'Stieb7.0 ;t9 Hospital.,..„Week itt „Gotlerlah. "OurTown s lif-” deed fortunate. to itave3,. ' ie-lnstitution 'serving °Ur peo- ple aid 1 ilope that evei.Y citizen will give the greitteat sitpPort to then! 'own P,. -.8rEdAt, MhMERSHIP ' toriPtit eaoh $5.po Pa. ly Mem- bershiii (Whielt Is good' or !any, .mettiber, y.our immediate fatal, ..11y) a 'eredit of one doiliri Et day Will lie allowed on*iour. hospktil: 'rate- up to a ina'xinium 'Of tiecien days allowed daring the term of membership, '. ieinbersli1jis Pur- I ;chased now tiro good up to 12 pro:-,- MARINE Ak1:1•CEIVERAIE.' ,116:SPITA.L.: • :GODOICH motirou‘KNOVV/Titifteett ,'!Ot • fed OPeratiOn.qf their ,Cotnnauttity, Itospi'taf tra"portaiii. factor:- ; Too often, taken, for ,granted its • *full .!iniportance„...lit.„our. lives Is ;OnIY realized w1M,0,,through er- :sonatllltiess, . hespita Wation is i‘reailred, , , To Y.ou, the saving ot one fife, yours„,„ makes "the hospital, 'the inoSt.valuatbie organization in the donisiouity. • ' Xititir TEM •11i0Sri'llik11,fl liELPING ,VGIIRSM4r. -4.0IN • THE iiitosrptm.: ASS(iplik. TION ° NOW 1, • Send your momberahlp fee to the' Alexandra l'tIEtrine and. Gertg Goderieh. ' , oritl.jor preser it at, anyThtnk 1t' ministering the: affairs, of ,Alex, Andra -1VIaritre arid. Odrieral 1Tospi -, tal. are elected to office 'by mem. hers .et•the-Hespitai Association. , tlie present Board .18 inade up -of the fele:Wing Men, "And ".WPOorx' of ,theCoinn,iunity: • n rf:trarsrpisr-PrOsidentr-:j,7-----7 .044s.; K.; Saunders,. 8.etretary. D• r. /dint Walliee, Ite- preientative. ; • ', Mayor Geo. Mathieson, town Re- . , presentative, 'Miss Helen Black,' Hospital Sup- ' fl iielstrOP, TreaSurer. Xembers E, • , George'•Atnegwati, •,Strs„ IK""11loorte.v, • Ur- Icelfh son. Mr. -Thos. Sandy.. 1VIrs; A. V.' Stiirdy, ;kir, Aolin Baiter; ifr 41' Ziniteadi Mr4o110-11.- 'Stilly. Mr. Stanley PreVetto.' Thil11 Pahl - e • 'burned '1 Slit341.1ii."egIatiejitg. 'were. treated: 'Alexandra Al'arlife, and General', •IIospital,, dnriak!, 14)1,19, , ' ' : !. ft. . Oyer 9O,Oneas-were serfed, -elrottrIblr114titarittrehen. . , . ; , • rver the, meals *ilielollow. Almttftt Cie.fOod were Ohased,'' 7throngh. tOininanity 'sotirees.;' ttt flutter pOtitit1,4 JOgg," .. . . ,, , 4-2135•4e,zen Beet MOO pOUtidri Iforit 148tpoun4s thin) ,, , .. . . . 030.portnda .. . . . ....... 026 pounds .. . quarts •••• -TVs, partial fist of ptirehaSes , helps to..,• -show how important a Arturines'S. :the Hospital IS tor the (fonationity'..- 4.4