HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-01-12, Page 6D.1kINGNON, 3n9.7-4 terS
with Mr, „ and.`310; eholta
ort Sunday, Were. :Mr. and. Airkt, Belk
' C34311...0114 Had. *ft1:12411Y, 'of Leeburri;
.aud Mrs,Thes,, 9u1k1py,,0
wieley.4$ home
trona. Detroit tor viication,•. 1..teing
chief engineer 'i av Great Lake
_,. Vessel. .
and Mts. BarneY McDonald, of
-dalightei lioak tind )0-14
son, of Westfield, were :visitors en.
Monday with Airs, Minnie joneiL.Atr.
AleDeuald, ta a-Ou.stiref gm., !I9nea„
ars. It, ,A. MeKeuziei" of -111Vint,
-liami who XS, Visiting her daughter,
-)ifs. Otto;4P0pp, 'is M. in. heti this
week. • '. ''.- . ,_. '
O., 11LXS iri"Sitw V
sister, Mrs, X.. Cameron, I3e raye„,
. Two dance receptions arelSeini
*Jheld--in the :,tixericititural .111'111 'this
.1%*-1-.'n.ire.fror of-Akei'vedf-,
liiedneadaY night for Mr. anti -Mrs;
DesMend 0'1.)outiell... gsbridge,
. , , -9 , ... •
Robert .81:othete, 4
-ef the Wo
men' Institute it was.. decided to
held' 'ii---ShOrt- course oxi...luRFAIIIC in
Mar& Anyone- in, the_ vicinity is
weleeme to,:takevthe e0nv8e4 -01444
will the' ,Presbyterian
Church. Fees will be set 0,;,4etray
,expenses., - • ;
Thos.. Pollock, visiting. VS
tiiiee..',.',,AUS; • Clifford Kilpatriek,
north of -Dungannon, ;was -taken. ill
eild ems .eperated 01. fit the -Getle-
rich- 110s1)ital-la'SrWeetr'„:11TSTTWAI
dition as yet is Critical
ThO'*.X.r.V.of Erskine "s"Presby-
terian ;Cherch IVI11. hold 'their bi-
.Weekik =Meeting on Friday night at
. • .
the church., • • ,
: The Ladies' Guild of., St, Paul's
Church met- on. Friday at the home
Mrs. J. Hamilton, • -One, new
inendier wasceurelled, • Mrs., 'Ben
; Mole pre4ided and, 'read the 42nd
was fo114Wed by the-
•Lord'S Prayer in Unison. ' An apron
,paSsed---around while back,
.with eaeli•-member SeWing. on, - a'
pafelin andT. cneloSin-g ,money, . was
found to pOntriin 'Mit. R. Dublin.
'read "Love- in Deed and In Trntlx,"
liamilton served lunch. '
A - card from -Mr. Alex, Smith,
Ottawa, received by. a friend here,
states- that they are settled com-
fortably; about -ten nainutes' Walk
from _ the :Aohool. ,-,where Mr. Smithteaehes. 1t ii 'it iew seventen,.
- _
-ireena school ancisar Smith teaches
grade V.
United Clxureh WdVI.S",.."...4- The
• iriO104SVILTA- 4a4;'' 10.-7444
,Progtor Palmer is, rclenperatiug IP
Clinton 'lleopita14fter.,an operatiOn.
91,1flandear* ,• • ,,r; • . •
: Mr. and Mrs. Wm, licOlinCha,t,
reencloni, visited With, their parent
and.,•AirS. Aleellneliey and *
and M. OA
0e. SteCki ver be weelt-end.
' Frlink4.14. Norman Of .1titehr
ener was a: reCent , guest withhis
parenti-itt the;villege.
.r.rewari-Pa Aeit.w1-1;
week' With. Air. and Mrs. I.
ford ,and sous, Woodliam.. ;
•Colunninity 'club Annual' Afeethig,
.--TWenty-nitte attended the --Com-
=unit), omoat bwilxtegg ieet ini t1e prostam. Biota Ito cp.
:4 ft th13.40001',.otzt-- atVgair• 4404- the. worship AO" ridge, Vt11.
When _election a officers. was. ehie, Taxen44,-,1,ea4ing In piayer, and
iatumdtire&orrtiys ._.1rbimultatmed_r8,411111):064.':. Tuiroien;4Iug. The tote, ttlil.ne 111e:lef%
me.n, 44.4.1 P: :Cl. Glidden, secrettiry- -story, was taken by lefre_Loonald
' .er` read the report •Showl.14 Jervis.- end' air --article- on Now
receipts 41f $4•0947: • Itiuggng .yeat'e customs:An; China Was ,0011-
penes 1.40.01xig 0re4lestia; Prieot,'tniblited by 'Beta Kathleen'
hutch.tetO:, amounted: tO 4189.01. Holmes .1.0onflncted,a ,itko Contest
OaPltal eZ,enseS4---7 clisbeS, RhaiM prt by Flereved
dudtab1es, offee-malter=totalled and, VomPetition •'in skill- Witli",
4 05.04. Ponations et• $1.0 and. iil Lanee Saddler as winner, ,ivan
-qua,a0,0,„,414.0,44114011, Rpss ...,,announced that play practice
4110, - the ' UK Cross, Jeapiletive1y',-"fv4pd7eoinnenftr-th •-•TWOlcr-The-
ca 'eludes Pam Saddler Molly
Tinley, Eileen:. Glidden; 12,1W111P9-
cook; Dom Fleardi.Katliteep elms,
Ewan, Boss, Dewar. N'ermau,'D„o,naid
Jervis.•;~ and• Kenneth% TraW„,,a4114,
with! Reta -Teo .as .•`,Atagewinager
aed Esther. Ross as dkrecter.' The
invited' to - be the 0°04
Thete was 4 e4shiloalange.of SUL
Ofecers, for the year 1000 'are; Presin
dent Rap's'. 41%71,1.134mak .Sese,turYfnfl*iOV 11 1L
. . ,t. ,4,r,„. president, jael‘..Sturdy-;,....eommittee,
W.M.S. of Jim .1.1nited 'Church held lkirS. R. Pahneril Mrs. 'Wti,04tkin,
the januarY. 'meeting at the ° 110),01i Mrs, B.. Mrs. - J. Tee,, W.
..of',11rS.,-,4191Vin„,Reed On 'Monday GIazier,"..R. Whitinere,,, 14..„Ress., • At
afternoon. After the Opening e'xer., the1o5of the meeting, ide eimam
ewes; Aug. Horton took eharge of and cookies Were Served,
the devotional Period, following th,q XIV TJ.- Ateetings.4-Tho 013.4risitian
thernek, "The Bible, Our Guide to
CtirlAtian Faith, and, Conduct." • Re-
§Poku4v.e.readings. were led Uy "aril,
ous':niemberseand Itev: It Bright,
the - pastor, gave a talk. ', *parte'
f roeldithe'Seer.etaries of' the., n.uxil.,.
iarr T'ere given, The treasurer re-
ported '$189 fOrwarded to
quarters., Mrs. PoPpr' read nn
article, "We Are Ao \Grateful." Mrs.
Shackleton led-, in ,,ito temPerance
1 FeadiKg-3,117,-BomArld MIsr.-,10,0, ,
Were Appointed to audit the"bobit-S.•
Mr. ltright gave the closing prayer
IT& benediction! ' _:. .
next Monday of Saxidra. WlateS
at;her'Aeme the
unby Scheel 'Maim" Meeting,-'-
felloWship. greup Was in • ebarge a •Thet4 sma$ •ix, good representative
-the. -meeting Of the Y;P...11.' held .en' Attendance at- the Sund„.ay. ,,gO.h.9311
annary...ard: at, the'hoine of, -Kath,;- annual Meeting' held',.ia. t44''clAnrelt
leen Holmes. ;,.1.1e,en,"Pecoelp'acted « WednesclaY,'!
as thairman,,and'read• the .even'ing's'
ecn 1ida�n,and., Esther • Boss
contrilmted a pperii,*!The TolIch-0
the ,---klaster's lEland," lieV: •.0,,
Tavener iedtftt.prayer,.. At the On-
eluio ef the worship period games,
,,,eontesterand,' candy...zaere,enjoYed:
Molly :Finlay WI'S liareSanirther''
lkOme for the qanuary Oth meeTing; the
with the raiSsionar group prepar- leng
1ev 0. Taveuet in ciiarge
-IntrOcludtorY address jave'ner,
ememente1.. on' the success of , the
S.unday ,sehoel in the phst year: and
the faithfulneast ot, teachers and
0219e 'sz' 7 40',.$0c1; ,r4 tho
c411): mobibera: amild „atteud an-
nual IneetingS to seek ways of fielpt,
under-40Pa' Steed as a Choi-.
Ito them' all. TaskS were_as-
, • ,
Signed ,Withmparative ear,. atow.
log that. •lieee • Preseri,t.. were in
harraeny with, theSe Opinibus.,,Of-
teers- elected were follovvs t,
-Superintendent., `ls-Thel-,•• ; Ast
Sistant, -Ebner Potter. Several
other youngrmen, indliiding Kenneth
'TieWartha, Walter; :V0414.
Yeo, • Norman, Trewartha, Lloyd
Bondi Edward: Grigg, Dan Glidden,
Harry. Will-lanis. and , ,V:faW-Pess;
were'to he asked; to assist, ar,month
at ac-thne.: . Other ofOcers, are;
Treasurer, •K, Trewartha secretary,
agg.X.-WO4N1,14410*119:* T10.7
den: SupprementarY41:ggEW-___8: nre
te. be 'given:, each. week With sirs;,
'eerier in eliarge-of the 41:st Stn.
ay of the monthi‘Mrs, •Lloyd Itond,
reiestonary secretary, of the second
tary, of the third; And the,different
TP., te_9•P'llOrsite4re4,
• •'.7.1eyd „ with
1.:Inite4.,-0hureh, /OA se.PVed
phut -04.'41 aeheel teOtlierr,
a Mel/0er - -
).4.144Y.:,..Y700-G-iia'7'Veci1- as helot 8.
miler orthe-Senier',4klartette. r.or-
eta .1veck:asaiM•ing and.hoys,'
c ass,: -six to: eight, • Ewa:A
..RosSissentor hoys,',gra: Elmer Pot-,
senior girls, Mrs...4'gal* Tee ;•.
,junlor, Ulble class,_;Mrs.' Walter
senior 1311310 --,Vass, M. Tavener,
Airs._TaVenOr: as: 4-Saistaritk
,-,,‘100•;.%•••:•••••••• • • •
The new Dento 'Custom -4-DOor. Sedan. shown
. above possesses.greater_vsibilitY; riding cOrnfort,"
• iniprovqd PerforrnanTee and' economy, and many --
.nexestyle fealves. I
ailADeSoto -rnodeik!! eliminates, gears in-;
all normal -driving, . • • ' 1 •
!rho.' new Pe§otb ',Custom also,.avagable. a:
A• longer, -lower, -and appearafite. is
feature of the new 1950 1-39dge models anno‘Unced
"today. The, largest rear wmdow in Dodge hiStory
,adds greatly to the an:Fauna feitnre•ni
u. •
SPealal DeLuxelnodels on 1181/2' Wheefbase are
Available: aS 4 -poor Sedan,. and Clip qoUtie.
, ..„
The DeLuxe Ser,ies oil- Wheelbaie--alse_
• includes a 4 -Door Sedan and Club Coupe.' Tie
DeLuxe Series ',on 111" -Wheelbase consists of
:2 -Door 4.,Sedart, •Bvsiness 'coupe,. and .a1:1-rxietal
Suburbaii, , _
--8-a-febr wheel's and SUper. oushion tires are
standard equipm, ent cri all..Doclge Models.
Wew Custom, DOclge:_
. .„ .
• „, , .
.. •
Comfortable seating seating for 6 passengers, and a large Rilth the tail board down the loading area behind
.tfie-front/seat ,becomes 7 ,ft 5 in, lbng, which
. luggage carrying 1,'"ate are features Of- the 1950
'makes guburban easily- .adapiable many
• Dodge DeLuxe Suburban'shOwn above. The ,rpar
seat may,be folded to the floor, giving a carrying..
• space of '84 cubic feet.. 4 . „ ways as A kight„cOmmercial.vellicle. . -
Note: New Dodge Deluxe .SlibUrbau will not bp shoWn.uritil a later' ate.
-NeW-Maisive &Mei. enla pd -re r_iindow; chair- .
bigh -seats, and trriopth • g co fort are claimed
7as <leatiireS- Of the new -tem Dodge shawri--
• ablave:.•The Dodge Fluid • Drive, ,*standard "ori
CustoDodge models,...nlinirtizes. the. need for:
klut ch op er ati cith , and lessens 'the 'possibility of
... .. ..
'Skitlding son ell .,”•eryLroads, since it Provides better '
Aractiori, on ffilicidy....ansi-fleavy areas.
iii t,., .... ... .
ddition-tollie,47door sedin, a MTh .C-ourie an.d,',...
7-passenger,sedan are. also available in* the Custorn
Poflge models -no* son. display. " ' - • •
--The new lino Make cars
on-Alisplay• Saturday,- '#anuary
'at- Reg', '31e(fee -"the
Dodge-peSolo dealer for Goderich,
OjA ;tic. no‘„). ,
PI a iition itel rig tile ifew- podgerears;-
Sim*, General Safes M.anager,
Dodge -DeSoto Chr,Y,sle,r
Corperaffoif of Canada,: • .Limited,
.statedi "the piew, ineflel$ -are :'.the
' .finest We lntte ever :prOduceil; with,
their sparkling new style, they reL.
ave., Aet 'a,.•standard for , atitomoti_Ye
ngineering and
The'rear .end'iiss.been, rd-tiesigned
to the etre a longer, wider,
lower apeartince. rear 4etulers'
extena\beymnil the .trniik line; T.he
:larger rea.r. w1n51ow of the ..neiNv
models', . greatet '-vision .tAan
any Dodg in 'history. The ,new
Dodge" ,Speciai, D,eLtixe and DeLuxe
models' liWie Inereased their tear
wiiidow area more than 102 sq.
inches, and. the cnstoni.Dodge more
-thin 177, sq. .inches. t„ :
The grille en tlieS0.„,lieVr.,,,<.tars„
haft men re-designect,•„-t eon'tv/Ote
to tile' .neet. cleaner' lines 'ex,
Aistinelive new 'podge appearance.
interierS. are •'tastefully tailored
- srpert. fabrics; 'and Provide
tnaXiinUra" Mona roominesS.
frChtrvit added,' °Dodge achieves
• Its$41fient linek„
and ,„r,etalxis ftd&lhato..
tootn, .,1>oncifortable Pats,
Waldo log.rooin and large wide doors
either the front o' r „.setits."
• "Dodge liaS a new Wee look,on.
the outside, but hns refained ample
headL room r4ut jand_rear
eornpattinen ts: WhaOL.:More;' pas -
'Dodge -,OWilerST-kinjoynfliW,•eXti
comfort of kneele'veV-Sea,Leuslitons
. ever 15" high. They `give NU
support, and "comfort' "In
continued :haw "There's n.
.sitting With knees high aid -Weight
‘concelitrated at • the • 'base -of the?,
Other 'featares of the ear incluue
fenders whieh are • detachable, se.
that. any, minor rezears- will, not
become, 'Major exemses. • Wind;
shields -are wide' and high for Maxi-
, mum vision. Standard', equipMent
includes dual Avindshield wipets
with -et,cfra-large Moaning area; AteL
tia-*-1(Ith Oefrester venti. for
-vision in cold weather.
Safrt• y.rini wheels, exelt-18. Ywl..t
antomOiles.planntraettired Chrys-
.Ter Corporatian, are standard ;equip.
ment on ail models.. PSix.teyelinder
brakes, loW „pressure tlyes, hea4
rubber body Mountings'and Pleating
rower' engine mountings have ;iken
;retained 'In neW 41110(101. The,
friink 'lid is counterobalanced nnd
is leltcetitering, for ,eilsy opening
and Closing; trtinkS aretrooraY, have
a clear tioor, are 'easityLioaded,
*ith, toohl .ritatly stored bittween
Spare • tiro and
Viitt -new. Oustontliodge continues,
to feature ritild 'DriVe;., thus Malti,
: -tor ease In entering or leaving, tattling repuqition
the lowesttpylRed.,, car ktli this
srnoothe '• driving •71eature, Which
eliminates jerkS and jars, mlnimi7fes
allows driver to travel in high
ThC,.• new 1/0Soto aUtomobiles are
described as ",style leacire'rA"-hy
, iGeneral4 Sale
clke-Di*ta „Divisiorref .the Chrys-
ler ,Corporbation of .Canada,
The I)egoto Models- 'Wilt gO,
oii diSplay Saturday,' JanettrY'..e.4th,
dt'lleg; lgeGee & Sonsi'lhe Wage -
DeSoto dealer for ,Goderich, ,Clhiton
and Lucknow. '• °
"The objective of orik engineers
iind designers in planning the new,
egiito Inis been to combine -far
the Canadian ,Motoring publie the
TilIfiVeteivrrrn.toinotTirb stylifig,
It _3_ : of real omfort
ktgIsay,.---ToxtP11114nco, The
Doage avitilablIn, elioire DeSeto line .11ves .the otc
of distindive Colors. Theed aFe reputation. for WI* truly distinc-
three znoklelA' ,the DOilge 'Cinstoin five in design And. perforMancel:'
,line.-4-1.foor Chili •Con,pe, and- Mr. Shaw - said, , '
7-Pas5'engei Sedan, , . ' ^ "The new. DeSotii has a longer,
- IYodge„Special Delarxe with 1,18'02'" lower, roadAinggliirlook, bet 1)eS,ot
w4eettlase features ,1 -Door. Sedan designers have given* operator an
and7Pillb, daliCe7Irlie',•DOdge'.--rfe"-'7P-aSSeItgergItrtitirrinitmtftiread"'ttid''
Luicels avallabje In 1181/2". and ill" leg TOCIM hOth trout ,and rear
Wheelbase.' -The Dodge DeLuxe
118-1A"Wheelbase Orretik a '4 -Dom-
-Sedan 6111113* the
111Wheelhase, there '-if4 • a choice
of twe-door 'Sedan, ,IlusineSS CouVe„
and th0401,-metal',. ,all-purpose Dpdge
• In &Scribing the fletv:,Dodge
•..Shaw stresses the fact -that the
• v models have been produced with
a .eYe trtrtte 1.ittoniotive design,
"Oilr engineers and -tleSignerS MVO,
ceinbined to Offer the. Canadian
public ',the styje Und perforinance
feattire'S Whieltlie2motoring.,yttbile-
seats,' 4, taller,„ than average., man ,
ran sit hack the iear *seat,anti filter; .heaVY cluteh, oVer-eenter
•still keep- tits hat on -..t oinfeetahly. spring -for-easier eluteli disengage -
At the seine under his knees, meat; rigid ,connecting links, and
is' the cushioned suppoi:t'd ehair;lecation. 'a. the hell crank'. on the
high • .Seat. ,,Dei,:loto also , lirevides feeble Inatead .. of the engine.: %for
More reein inside frOmIrMit to rear, easier, • inoreAtilit-getti Alia opera.:
and as a •resat -agoras tile solid tion, . , •
coinfort that: eonies spaeious- A ilooth ride with -a nilnlfithrn
tiess.":' • ” •'of sidenVeay is -provided by "sea -leg"
• 'The' new g000 bas dittinetive shock „ahaorhers.Latt-•the rear -o, the
-waterfall diqiign with 'inotternistic ear, mounted An Stift'rryibber ,spools.
edaU1onrender -inotdditlgs )PrOnt shoeks" have- Sqlximuna re
front and rent are PlaCed Tali to bound oontrol contribtiting feeling
areentuate •the nosy -longiit lower ot greater..., stability, I)rivillg ease
,:toispred., Cet.ite!,!. '00011114..
systent ;.• a. high, •steering' retie be-
tweeti steering' .,"„ wheel ' -and front
whee1s,. and tinal tequat.Jength. 'tie,
rods "to eatli wheel, -
The ,,new,Doftntee aVailable,
two ituidels44:-door iSedan and Club
Ceitte, • -
There-arc-'eight,distinc.tive eolOrs:
available 'produetion.
. ,
,Jan. 10,--4Vir, and
Mrs:R ssel- Cobk-and Eleanor- were
the 'eisft* year heNvils'," a.nlentber of
session and lie had been, #1.,'Vaerilber
of the hoard. o1 stewards for years..
The ftneral. service- Will be bad.
OL Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
00111,;,,th0 Westfield Dalte.4
withflte-V, A. G. lievdtt, the pastor,
ebudgeting the 'service. Interment
will be ypi ,Ball's CometerY. The
i '
,:fro4u13144tyY:7 -°f-7 t he 911111.0.67:Y5nlett:
Ntit I
ThoznaS . "Wallace, Who has _Peen-
haS„returriedgieniez'after nioitth*-
vacation. "
• Ms;Viartha : *and
Michael Are visiting -ler a -few days
in..7Detrolt•-';.; •
• Mrs. -Cavell." Iisford-ad
of Galt, iare-•Visiting friends' In the
_ Miss ,;Stellit' -Dean inotered to
'Forest • on Friday to spendthe
'Winter titere, ' .
Mr, *.:Jol'In -Wallace IS " yisitth
friends', in Detroit. •
^ A reception -was -held, last -even -
it • Lon:doll 'otVer---the w - eek -:tug • • •
• PUngannon Agricultural-
----Mit,SeS • Norma.. • - jean
Gurney Sandra MacLennan 7$'f
RIZV-ingham,-;spent the, week-enC-With
a,nd Mrs,,Zivvin. Taylor, • :
e Melteliell_lirotheys shipped
IdgcLOreattIe7'tO Teronto"-carSat-,:,
tirday,' and -*on, Monday ;mOrning
'Wm, McDoWell,. Norman.. Murray,
AlVa, .MepovVell, and .Arnold • peak
•motores1 to TorOnto
the- sare,, of Oie cattle, _•
, -Mr: and Um:- Bykon .McDonald
of Michigan- and Mr: And Mrs.
Hearn of Saskatchewan spent
few trays with ..Al2.4...E.red Cook "arta
other frierids..• _ • '
-111,7-111-d-mt-s:-$.44'11-11--Wigh ,
1,Torman and \ I-lattie;viSited onzStm-
'day' ,and' Mps. Wesley
•Staokheuse •of l2trucefield:: '
111.rd. .71arold`.Sprung.
towhsliip is visiting her sister,Mrs.
.01arenee-.0ox. ' '
Mr. -Harvey:- Wightnint." .r.eturned,
work. a maga:ra onQ,,.anndayi.*
-Death Of' John. V..
*The community -was ::saddened a --
shocked on Aiendare,vening to hear
:517"'We":traddririlrel."tr 'at-R-71747I1T
esteenied:._resident in. the person of
John Metiewell,
arg Atli, 'at • the home Of .;his sister,
Mrs. JoSie Cameron, In his sixty,
Seventh year. His -,-.suilden•_ passing
was caused by a• heart attack: The
„late ;McDowell -was _born_ in
'-East,-Wawanesh.; titffiwroD
• the late' John MeDowell 'and' Ann
Jane McClinton, and had Hired -all.
his life in'e ,township. Ete was
married in frebruary,to M'isS
ElNaheth Snell,- Of the, ard concesn
WawanOSh, 'whe jh
threr daughters, • Mrs. . Charles
Sadth (Evelyn) -..ahd Irs. Aordon
S'Ulith, of,. the- Gth concession .of -
East ;VSraWanosh, and Mrs: Jon Gear
• -Dean _bf74iReliener4 and dne -son,
ordon, at home, surviveS--,to mourn
I eir loss. "Also Surviving a'ryseven
• grandchildren • and live sisters;
olara (Mrs. -Wm. Waiden.Y. �f WeAt'
_field33ertha• (Mrs. „:13ert•
of Marnoch, Josle. (Airs. lc.. -0am-
eron) Beigrav ,e •Annie • (gig."
J. Killough),.. of latingtinn,on , and:.
El'(rs. ;,Lee, Ba1r)7--a773unx
three brothel'AlOrt
M. Tuscan; Arizona, ...,Will1and.
-Alva of WestReld. TWO' • sisters
'pred'ecetised h.irn.: Mr: .`"3/16DoWell
i 7
411' for" _Or_ newlY7we_ds, _
Mi Deo:toed-O'Donnell, and all.
rePort,,,a 'pleasant _evening: •*+;
We ate, sorry to ,.heax- of the ill.:
ness of ars.. Dimean McIntyre of.
afitlra.liespitatk'..,Hetinany friends
hope for -ler spbbdy tego.yery:•
• •Mr. and Mrs:-5:Tee an& and
• Seaforth, .were visitors .with
and Nace on Sun-, •
'day. ,
.1t•O,ES .‘913h• .;2.50;
..0ATTI4 ..,,ep* 040' -
RtiGS 45er Owt. 50o
Attiordingio size ZCiconditie.n
0.4a „.`t
611eq klealOrill, la..
set in.,..1110; zr-llte below "the head- ten Metallic colors gypsy -gre,enhghts -
the hood iernament is new and timir- blue -are • available .at
Other ur (Ivo ticos lath* ne:tv oni. Slight extra- cost. -
'bination tairWTud turfi ar.'Said
cators on rear:fenders, two "barrel'. he : the 'last word ,trite
back-up lights, and a lieenie-light motive luxury,. '
in the,stene. sfffeld-.- The rear Wyly.'
per ivider Jhan PORTER -BILL
-wa . act conscientiets •
loyal Member ef the
' *171),ATIZAD • A11,13 '
.411-Atori" Gliaiiiii6-
,Free-Tickrup and Dqtvery
Uph�btertng Co
empire at. •
'BR9TILEX'S. rtritNL:'
'• The new DeSotg-; features the PORTEll'S HXLL,' Ian: 19. - On
popular"' lind-.--eidinsive "Tip -Toe" • z, •
Friday evening the member," a the
shift, whieh enableS ,the driver to • • ' •
operate his* ear, witlioei shifting play past, enJoyed a fowl, dinner ,at
'gears; lb. all normal - ' home -and Mrs. -Wilmer
The new DoSeto, has a, poverful Harrison.. ventY7X01.1r .Sat.
110 MR. engine with. a 4.8 to 1 down -to a. 'turkey dinner.
itghbamprosion-Tatro. Top porfor- birkeY. was e-proviiled by .the
Mance under all coMitions Is as- 'Friends, at MrS. -Reed •Torrance'
ar she is a
bilrettoii; ejiattij the:right; Patletirlif
ameent fuel- mixture -whether where..she Operation
the engine is: idling, pulling, far remOal lier oPpendit• , We
.delerating, of cruising. DeSotO hope yo have ter. bael. home er,e,
sidaskprobf ignition sySteitiliS'etifes. Pug. . - '
unfaltering,. .performance lir all 'The • .an.trital ,iiieetilig; of tirace
NII)Otelisear HfeatinfipAreisowatitteid,.. :v101,4111rte6112 the irnritdbaey:ti\a,:te:
on Thursday evening fur§. gliey
ott. bath •nir definer, 011ite iuet
Seaforth put On a demonstration
o Veare'ler brusheS at thehofeeof
Air. -and Mrs, Jim Cox.- Bidateen
ladles were present ahd 'clulte-an
enjoyable eVening' was spenti.
, . •
perforMance are: intermit °leaner, ,n1PaiiitarsPW,76r870vacc-7.
*fmoat. 40tir new Dodge cars ii)pearaneeo the ear; SsPegiall$
are. styled to stay in style. 'These
cars look bigger t they ' give • yOu
traditionally' deatudahle 'perfor-
iimnee they are 'designed for real
eoinfott extra Safety and .roOlni-
to SUM it all up, we are
proud of the new, Dodge line, and
tit the bacit 'DeSottts new modern
styling lipparent, /teaf
longer, extendr enders are
., beyond trunk
larger rear windOw, witl
Over ' giva-Sq. inches .greater area,
es mximum vision antr adds to
the ,safe,ty.,,of driving-- in this ItOW
We are con4lent that .the moting tar,
publie share entititsittsortn." Parking lightS
„ .
own 'and Firni Wiring ii,n4 Rppak.11itorit:
,• .
• • tree
71:1.•04.11411Rit HONE' 83Mt or-OARLO-W 207
, Pipless Men, Woollen!
flet Nei Vim,' Vigor,
• .
itoodby430 these3 woik,Alvtayo or04.fetAings, •
deprosolon hod borvOitfibOti Ulm to Woolf. .thin
blood. Oot Up tooting !totalbtitobyalL day, boo
plentY 01 1ttnit1ytott 'over by twepittg. TakOPotreiti
Contains iron, vltatbfri 131; ,Ntictunt. pboopborng
or bloOd nig,_bodrreitistb stItOulttflOn.
brittgortd:08 issolteni: I broVO appetite, Inteetqf
„tfoStertf, Cott S MUM ew 4ttjkilotaintecr-
bnix,Sits., Try (bdrox Totdd 'rabbits tor tett.' bOo.
beb: SitivillItOr. INN Volt 44411 40411014ts.„4-
At,18 OU.t14, gXowiT;i$ up,
ab days hp 4by so fat wit Ittireio are
na,ny ..onte Wayt.ituld'.#xpreasions
will'want to reirkeinber,..:
Th,ereis- just 'orte' way:—
ort'..yini 11 now for an 0.44intzn6ntl ,