HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-01-12, Page 5.1404.
z,',.,, • ` .,. _ . Jilt' '
' 'bone Res Tlenee• . tg kpfcs .~
' /�.L1�y� � fir
. , � o a. b d tooust Adm :ices: t a Ire
R ur w x � a
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e �•--iv - ur o a don
U lrm
ialy .• uses o- s�or �-f _ t�r��# a,
artliite C t r _ ,
.630 Id - N . ,",--
' ,ARR' d
▪ •• Phe � �' �,]� �� ...
t.; .• i r er>r s
.. , .: ,Gi ,.r 3 !! tt , �4 ACS l�a�
on 0
to to ',ph � �7�.
... Box � -- , .�' a r. •y..N.
4.1.10•1PRN, ,lan. 19.—M4r. and. Mrs.
Ciortlon Dolgaand family -Were
\' 'ingham v eitors. on Sunday.
Mr, `
StWeY4„MeNall . of ' 4'ellantl
spent the wvveek=ends ai h4 h
here., ' . Mi .
:R. Miss Matte' McIlwai�n ° and x..
Sohn' McPheee• spent the' We'ekAttf
r..a d Mrs. S. l . JJackso..
with ,.� n
Enbro,, "' •.• y
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton .Ladd_ -were
week*arid.vi or�i3r wlt1`x` r.
Mrs, Sack -Ladd, -- ' Goderieh.•'
Mrs., Thorns., McNeil _is a patient
in the Groderichhospital., with blood;
poisoning. ' .
- The • regular ,monthly , meeting.; of
the Women's. institute. will :lie held
in ,the Forester „.„Ball. on Tiieaday,.
.Jaivary 17tif,• at , 2,15. • The-"topie,
is to, be" .,given by Urs.. Wilfred
Yesterfelf,.,• euxrent ,events •h.Y Mics:.
Ellis ittle ;.: 'e'fl ea"il,:ay, Singr
Pay:' '•lTostesses;�.,.^ r s;. • P,ra 4l
hockMrs, A. .,. �H,e..
wittMrs, Irene
Mrs, Thos. MVieNall•„Miss
Iv; •in •' Mrs.,''.• d ,'poll; .
,::, � nd"wM ` t old Nichol•s�,�o�n
• w Mr,
rth� ,
Tamil Sea ;
and Y�
and Mrs. IIugh Bennettand d'ohnny,
of Port Abert, were Sunday visitors”
r;••d Wl� son and Mr. and
.,�... � J. ,
;Mrs., W. Bradnock. _ ,' ,
Mr, Thos. McMichael has •, ,sold
�, G60wi0aao'}wF•vb,+vft{{T'"�' h RAyj�{:C.-. ..
Wider tf;eads, ixew rear fenderandmeulding treat-
inent- •, massive new design bumper . ani ,grille,
with the 'greatest 'a 1 x6und-visibility ever•
`toget r 1
of• the
" hila
.., 1
' istiii s~
distinguishing. S..g
o e a �
' now' on -display ' at ` Chr •ter=
• Chrysler.,models.., P � Y 3 ;
PXyivouth-Fargo dealers:' °
•#•' p e i available n the Chrysler Windsor
A'Cl"tib Coop .. s a Y ,
series as well asjhc:4 door Sedan shown'above.
Eoth :these:models . provide Presto 1Vtai c arivit
as standard'equipment.
oTn .. r- er e . erg 3S a 4-400x. the Chrysle Royals # s ;: �,.
Sedan, Club Coupe aid.-•7'-passengei�;''s aro: The
'Royal .m
ve Chryslersler iedDrive
as. standard n srd a uipnen
ith Pr
ss ▪ c trans-
mission available 'as,:4aptional,quipinenti All
Chrysler models with presto- atic drive. elinf-'
nate Shifting gears.in,practidal y all driving,
his, farm to" Mr. Gua rrBislaaek of
B1ytbm "' ' ,l+gets . iq '•A;"0-41:*..
- Thom, ;wile had &,:
eoci'11red '`,su ! i densly to 6Ved to
the ,., true +of, , hia daughter: Mrs.
Lintoui, at Winghaw, lta. hactitY
ne'tutrn to the Goderiela hospital for
further treatment. .
_, Mr, •, Victor • 1`'un ..hint,
visited friends; .iii?rich is t ,w ek..
ASD'JELD ,dart 10.' 3.'heie-died
i ;Chicago ectitiy one of •Asbfle1d's
,aa, ,,...,born erghty two, yeata
theoolalshneighborhoods- the
rsQna of �p. MaeKer .•e
e was-:th' ast-survlsurviving �enibei
optlEmentTOWNSHIP,' Ian.
7 .We are sorry' to ',report `that.
ti' 0.' LWOW a. b1sr.,
uaa•ny friends: would . wiut:.. Mie
Helen Buil,. •Rt. r ;' ,of °London, Is at
home •with- her father.
A . The W. 31,8;: Met:at .the house of
Airs. Gear Me l4 $ip on l'itred,gesday'
:Mr; an -Mrs, Kennet)). Chambers
-nd their two • sons, ot £3eafarth,
visited '' with Ur. end
or e.� x,.Yaht"�d417*--7
Mr, and Mrs. 4wnk. •2Rosa.. �f
i •ohxiesville. Fere. Is charge . of the
service of vr►'orettig at. Tinton :Church'
on Sunday in the absence of -.0110v."
L. IV Turner." " The :theme sof 'Mrs.'
ROM'. address' "W s "loyalty." . .
w;Uni+ .molal •dub.-'. he 'l14101t
'S'ocial,,: 0,11.111 met ;-:at,,-•;the *hoot=
01 -180` -on Tu„ sd-a , eviniOg:' The;
,dlagreeabxe :weather did 'not pre-
Iteht a goodly Umber r fact asc 'attends;
family. • we t
of'.'' a large , fain y �, - �e n tai '.
Chieego In his earl tna,ttheod, •his
ling the.. first meeting , of .this year;
,: s
a 1 : item' s_ ofb'usine
s r,were ' is
'wwid0owo�n�-s.b,ae.>n o.amdeau'gitaehr el;t' O1vdet,•, .ocfusshedclubr:tatltoox,dtoh. :•Q- bruxsinteeds
Mae�enSieand-Miss Luella Finer GaKe te,a which. Contained many,AlrR,... :„.Grants`.grs °Margr, 41_ e_clul<. . y.,,. henio
.sem att'ded h funeralin 'Chicago. eago,
items interest to the•
; humoxou.s ne
,•Ar.' and •^:ire,- :Stanley- DienuanTle iteY'raug ht.forth
a few days in- Detroit. _ bear'ty. laug,n
hter me. ' Fred Is after
We are 'sorry' to hens of the.
-serious" illness i of Mrs D. A. Mite -f:
Intyre, who. is canlined In the Gode-
rich ;hospital frivol tr .J-ofJthen•:
Stephen Elliott aft 'the_ e_ sterner
d. 7Z. rite visited with '• friends
. Kinta,ii this week.,
Mr.: IX' A.:•11xacDonaId `he'll• a' suc-
cessful sale ori' Tuesday.., . very
large . Crowd ,was in attendance and
prices :were good le will employ
himAor the self ' next f9V 'on
e s t
renovating ' his new= place : of . re,si-
tdeiice tit Loehalsl#k,
tfi': ,- arram .Otebnnor Tuft today"
for Florida, where ha. will spend the
neX,t' few weeks. -rWhy• Ieave -Ash
eld with this'' summerlike climate?
• The boys. 4: f, the neighbarTiood
from the .12th .concess1of to -the 7•tt
have been busy building an.Outside
kin.kAn Kintail', on, 43111 Collinson's
,farm. a A.11 -'''read -y;- now for %Tarek
Frost to finish the job. -
the. Q1u1 l secretary for. t
Ce -operative Med'icdl ,.'-:
brought-new,S.O- ,that of
,., 'the Qi ,i�ilhorebe .se ,,
in'litch • galv,e °everyone a "c
take part 1.4. the ^program. Mr, Aes,s
-Fuller's side,- :emerged victorious -
over Mrs, Rept: Sowerby's f o11owers,;
Mr: . >\Iaftet'•wgs the winner -of` tile
lndivldual r prizes . ,, After a , social
hour the meeting, closed with- the
-The ;next° -"meet-
ing �4
.is p1a ned for `F biliArY
The, nffteer�,.:of
.the' Ciub for' 1950
ire,.--•,iEtssunt,- •11Mrsi `=Everett- 44e=•
�lwaiii ;-vice-president, Mrs. rt rvey
Fuller;- ,secretary,." Mrs. -Richard
Por e-fr reitiffi ers, -Mr, and ,Mrs,
Gerald Orr,,,;_ workilig'. eopunittee,
Mrs. Win. ` ':Porter, yira °Victor`:.
-Falconer', Mrs, Gordon. Orr,
Win; -Stirling, Mrs.-Fdrest : McClure,
Mrs.• Fred Naftel, .lrs. Reg. %'idler,
31r. 111:tic .Speiran and; M•r. Maurice
. RIJ'W,E ,,:= 'he ,well off
' Jt,. we coilgr a atien- hef"c: a wood
bee at Mr. Crozier's- bush 'an Thurss'
day. afternoon •
-Oe, ladies :of' Crewe �'V.M.S. 'Moet
at the. hdnfe Of Mrs.' -Crozier ori.
Thursday, Salutary 5,, with an, ,at
tendaitee of eleven. --'The prtzgrain
•wan -taken• in charge .by. -F dna Me -
Whinney and the Missionary ,ltonth
ly ,program', was:. followed, with•
_ a'
reading'_' by Mrs.' Kilpatrick, a,
temperance reacting ' by Mrs,
Shackleton, also the- chapter in,,:the.
study book, lrs, Zinn gave a talk
,on 'the Z3ib1e; I There .were` also an
instrumental: by Mrs. Sherwood and
a solo by Edna McWhinney; ` eme
'articles were birougl to this meet
ing to,. prepare 'a- .bale for 4overse s
relief: . ,1. . , .4
LEEBURN, • ann.1Or�--DI • add
rs. ' Frank 'Spea.ighty--tziid iana,
Entire moved ' from ,Dunlop and a •:
ovr-11 ng in- 11, .er.1r
•Mr. and Mrs.. Hugh, Chisholm" of.
Sarnia visited' for a few, days last
week with the- foY liner's: "niother,'
-Mrs. 'Jas.' "Chisholm,.• -sr., :and Mr.•'
and •%8Irs 'Meyers and family. •.
• 1fiss Ruth Bogie returhs ter ler
training 'in St: Catharines this Fri -
.stay_ after: , Myer..weeks' vacation -
at, her hoihe." Ruth 7,111-grajivate
lit May.
-•�-�;�:: _ WEE t
Ae • -battle,. the '
g*rt is being fought
Inditr to-faee- 3,000,000 acres of.
land frpoth. the ,:stranglehold of a
gigantic weed •known'as Kars grass.
Ifvniinillions of 'the country's
hungry populationlaved
from 'sfarvo•tien. .i ars',g asss.. grows_
to a circuref a once• of 'two _.riches
and ",seines taproots into tthe • soil tO-
a' depth of .seven • feet. • When .plows
: re_n- nable.: to -Cope-with the 'job.
of its eradication, trtxctors . :were
pressed into service as weed pullers:
P Ii1'o �.
Pri 'ted;
p , Gummed T'"•_ca=
ubtaipable :.t<
4 -
Y 44001 1-4440.:,, _ Y
' .Eleven„ day's 'after Y Z '
had .ended the 'f urt+ n'ea,x do n -
0n _of ..Itis : r• '•elf e'-',.14evert ;
went, Australia went to the lolls
with a Similar iPurpose and result,
What wa hind ,this Sudan xx-
versal Of 'aPinion in 'two : counted
that had gene far enotugli along' tba
roid 'to coxupletc :socialism to 'mese
its net henetita?• "A�n Auckland, New
Ze�.�,edy.��a�n':�d,T ,�,{1,: xi+efwSpapertnatl, put ,ytite
It wtis, he •aid, "fl4t 2;1revolt �Uf h
guineaz Pigs." r1'1 e patrtill a. , '
tItL great experiment, the Jug a
guinea'pilks vim 'Were the ,trial ant-
mals • took .a , goon 'look : at-the.betit
reauita • yet; achieved, °a wl r decided.
the theY preferfed-fr�.eedonl teVeli-,.
tical handouts w 4+
• No,>'vne•.�ergncd. that the pee Ie of
New .Zealand .were'. net -- veil o#f,
Their :standarll of, ,living 'was -high.
But ` 'home` owners "find ;,,s all', busi_
ness!P 1 '.a.a: farctiera ooiu1c1 not :any
der'st id,4 ho�.• this,, ntiie
determination ti
, ��.���-:-ail r1A,
•:ternis- 'theylt:inight dispose of,.,their.
:lxnperty, There ' was, Lit.0131104t
.pr,saenatr;ya, wdo`.r,lekseswwanerte. oBnua,w.deaagde
level. •In the , words of one ':re r'�",
,teL,.,:."ii.' .ships Pook oftenearned,
mere than., the ship's captain:"
Get�nll�eoCd wage:++ttt� :.
'�oti'rit,f�,tskill� s01k'�4i13i3'1tet�'; lTi'r"�t'1f� -
will, to achieve.' •': So incentive died,
and. the 'young and e€iU_:were
leaving fox lan"d.i.:where thei..eouid"
match- their abilities 'in; competition
wittr!their'. fellows. 'For those who,
rein a •''toewere .
and � bits
S e
biting de i?1•►
on- rotor.good, .cages., ,-:_
In Adstralia R, ' G. Menzies,
e u zies� fol
noeri;: p.fraeumgtr aanrd. - ohpl°eotifiitpiaeign coa. to.
outlaw they. Communist elements in
the :couintry. Agreeing, with Labor
Premier' • Chifley that if, priVatl
monopoly. ranged- itself :against pub-'
lie. inteirest'it deserve f toy be social
- ed, .he tcoup. ed this • with an
insistent 'Challenge that.: ",Soc1ety
needs 'thty 4v4ying fgree 'of r full;
indiv'ic110,iit ., and' reward, for,
'courage and enterprises" It_was,
n great _day, 'for` t a guinea pigs. ']
They.ivent • to the po1Ts a,nd 'gave
this doctrine ••theit wholeheated,'
support,. - `
*.T•he sanie,mdeli;Generali Dwight`
D. Eteiiliower added WS word when
dye rig St A:nclrew's 'Society.
,dinner. "Sono tvliere _ ' alo'n`g ' t'he;
line, •he said, "we diave._lost• sunre
.respect for, mere thrift , anti •tiiindp•'
pendence. In ,, Jeffer ''
b's ' ;da,,.t� it'
liberal'-belieled' th ,t.'the best gover
,. -nient' is_. the 'least- governin,ent."
H vent farther „than that : " ,Secur-
' tty;N:tn the s,ense';:that' we may live
in slotlifuf inclolenea :and ease and'
s akIiat10:0, ca•. a.n never -he. achieved.
uirlesa--*d--.d it's' slaves of some:
one olio , directs its . :..•': ; ';ha��e
Seen ,'around • tli wwei0d" "lllalny, 'many
white: ,crosses: ui er •" wh'ieh lief
.yam _ i ..._
'I 0111t.'13G 'I•... COU TE' A t, .
c 49e
79c •
NN�O�N�NOMNaN, �i�il�l.
�e pie f all. _our races --they are _ Miff E'Vl1Y'I`S'w0e1,'Elt
there Ibeea:use 'the3f ` bel eyed hitAOCITIg 1TTS
there. 'as something , snore than Brokers : bones ' €ind-~braises , cauT he
millerely assurin , : outset e . ha v��e avoided kty sp lnklijnig icv steps i ltd=` �,
Weren't going to fbe. hungry ut ti's.'' .._w:alks Witha. •. fCw "4-4,4iilfills ' Of, •rodk
'sir words-,• : uuje'a i s salt states A: M: "Rowat
��t n e d U ;y p g• � Wti Qp
to :lice; in their" hearts meat n€
„ Sion= :Ile • .says m torists+�''ziawk. �caa.,,
obtain len-ound bags. of .rock :-salt
. Of_� thtt •6�5,0�00•••Ciinati-lane over p g - -
--- at service' stations .'to carr iuA their
sei`enty; 127o,000 noa� receive„' old• ear's lug ase "'1e+r►•inpa:ctnent- If •'
ager pensions,' :• th y'xe Stink oXi .ic :.or: ,iii snow, °
w.. all they need- do `'is .sprinkle. sore
salt :under .the , rea.r- wheels,
Iiot only melts the ice ot.¢-'.snow,• Sit
acts e;s .an abrasive which ,offers'•
a good grip -for:-•the•tires ,
i i o�,. more than
'Ca a#td ens ha�e� paidox .t an
1,3 0,0 0' radi . licen e- - n
00 0 nn_ o s fees u
4he,r•last thee' years.` ' ; .,. •
Around 40 our energy lessens `B"ui; :eiv-
perieue4 has taught p to do ouu;work with leas
8 t. e. es •:t ahead Should d � yield the
neatest a_ ccom lishmen s7 the Oast enjyneat
And happiness • They tam,too, if we'�avoid the_
kidney and bladder. disorders ,such as 'Bark
•ache, Headache, Rheumatic Pains, Lassitude,
l usa`of•;Sleep and Enemy which sa often attack""
those. -round ' 40, For over half a century •
.podd',s Kidney Pills have . been, helping men
;and women to :keep-'bidney„garid-hhidder
rood order: it you are 'nearine40, or
for •. the sake of • your health and a happieir ?:
fixture use Dodd'a Kidney.' Pills today! Els •
Our Guagrante -all• me,chdndis-
.sofd'at your 'Dominion 5to e.is
O p
une rrdit' ri 'hwq Y9vprarta il to give 'X AO
An entire new prole• Twit vaunt peaked -crown - other roonly comfort features of the new 1950
'fenders exteudirig "beyond the trunk` line, corn- models.,
pietely' new grille and passive • new attractive In addition f o the Ply-ihou th"gpeetal DeLt xe Club
ro 'toter:withk he ' •eatest loupe shown -above, ;there is a .§penial "t eLu ce
frriz'it ond,rear bu pexs� . ;�: ,�• � , � , r D Line 4 -door Sedan, .Chu
.41 -round visibility."bftered••r.n PllyrnoUth's history .4 -:door Sedan,. and e o S, a , b
are �tiistinguishing deatures.,of-the new 'made s business.rwoupe
now on display: ' `,� , , me 1; nip g
coupe, oor Sedan, assen
and all tel` Subur
r. ti,
ut¢nlciatie --chflker ignr bi'Y key starting, �7'-
Aniple head. ,gem, leg room; seat .widtf, ;afid engine-se-fetzri• zhee .. . .
r r ul e . ...call
th r fill. hairy li• ,eats- •ha a -xfr tarda d e ix clri' _ na
o s�- s m ... _ .. .�
td 'Plymouth ' Suburban
A ,.•:. n,♦Af' 1h•. ', �.. M' T J Yr T! ..,,5., ��,.�•. N AY }rT \, 5„ J..
fr::rT .+jwrlfy7?T' yirn uf_, . r a ,.�.;.,.�... 4 :. x ,. • . ..... ..,.. �'}....,... ,.,.,.... .?.... .... ....... ... .�� ......, ..-. , . .. .. ........
New crop (in ,shell). Neu, low,
Pec tt Mils
`Cherry Valley, New, Low' Price
Sa' well received Was the news o *last .`week s re-
- duoti on that : we are continuing.•- our sale at the 'same'
sharplyr reduced prices. •
l0' only,. last,year's,
cda4ts, shorter.: • length.
PYaii� or fur' triimned
To clear: thifisiv'e a
g... 9.95 to 13:9
Blazers anc - bort--lads-.;.
"y 4
eta. n
:•i twool and tweed
mixtures. Yte luced .to
clear, $3,95.-
itrvtst' Choiire, cream s, y1e
COr, ._ ...
k•1 p .
Harvest Black; Choice uinpittied
Cherries •
Grade "A” , Pullets
:El1tru _m9diui<'n NEW. LOW
Vf Vf large' • • PRICES
, Heinz To nate _ 13 -►z. lint 'a
fritrvest ,Tid=bit, choice ` 15 -oz, tin
1 i by's-To hate (fancy Quality
20 -oz tin
I I 2-foriik-
e st Choice 1. -oz. tin
„) . '. •- 1G 6;i:. ply?,*:
AL E, T.�.. 3;
x. ti .
.� C� � 2c�.
Fcl'dy, '36:: , pkgg. ,
ATC '7.--19'-'
luordeti's,, Libby's, Carnation --
1' I• '1%,4)2. 2 for 27c
Flirty Alorning; freslilygrow
C+ FPEE» nl; 69c.
tou'il be amazed at, all, the:tlin •s Wetie•
lined ttpy=
sweaters, 'scar` es, tj l etsf',• flannelette n'ighti s
bunch, coats, skirta,x Jerkin=` ,1I�,to l r °'at $1 oo ,
Shown above is the new ail- n.etal Plymeutl Sub%
urban. With'the rear' seat in .positidA the. Subs trbati
provides roomy, comfort for fl passengers and
extremely large luggage space Teiim the driver's
oosition the rear seat can ;Ie 'folded, to tb+e fIrior,
Of .64 cit 'irr feet, nsid.-'
ace o 0 b f tw
c r ,.iii ' s e
• ivfn a a ry � .
p a . front the .b ck oft e
,tri r” . 'salength of 7 i't� 5 #iin
front sead a bbily width', 5 feet,• a
This versatile model is ideal -as either a faittilt ear
s,, ,Or'light weight ;delivery vehicle.
Sunkist-Na�reM ... 1are. ;yizC 2 2
r e . -doz., 3 er_
Cabbage, •Celery Xktt ice► `rimiato6s, 'Spinach;
ttllis,' ritC., it�rrivng 404.. , • ,
Waltzes etr"ihetlr c at • 011*' , Ooderielt '.
ilrankh ii itli dosing t ._ e,•ttird r