HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-01-12, Page 3_ 14.4 93rd: YIAR --43ITS,INgSEPIAREOTOTi -41E'OtikriAsentlWARSOVNWILWAr 42, W. ofIcaT4 groltoaa. . —. onimuagro:400,oNNT 'nano $0ollica 343w, goaso Gaderic4; i.----- , . p. • ....ip...i.......-ii.riii4ori.m.,..,-.47,0.1 11, ,...**04111NI, ., • , s 4,eeepunta34.• , *dlilltelii„'Ontara .,. . . Phone 783NIU -,' Itattenbury, St. Ve,'": z • . ,,. * --' .' - - - . • ',.4' • , '• INSURANCE McKILLOPt ULIT,04.1.4,..11I-RE IN:. ' SURANCE CO. r.,- Om and •• Isolated town', PrVartY inoureu., , rrc. Went., Ohms* Leonluirdt, Rogn, . ...:,., bolg.k.,;,-- . Vice -President, P•lingh'A.,lex-•-• ! ander, Wallow Mgr. and Seep• % Treas., M. A..„Iteid„. `Seafor_th - ) i Direetore . -.- Chris. -,;.eonhardt. rnholm,; 11411 :Alexander,. _MI.._ • E. Salus. 11,,WhitMere,„.'Seaterth, * R., • J.., Trewartha, Clinton;.• , Robert A•rchibald, „'Seat„ortb.;- 4Ohn„liti,-14.c: ' Ewing, Blyth; • Vrank McGregor; , ;c3in,t,ou; 3on4-14, Malone; Seatort4 V 'Hervey •1uller;.00-derieli.-- ' ----., ,.;Agen *tsiZ-.1-. Win E Pepper, Attica. „... Dela., gx. 17,-61004e A. Watt, Blyth,. , .gat:- -1.3 .--u-. , JR114.0.-.,-- Itagoiollet, •- Dublin, R.R.1 ;-.T.!,;_,TV..Vrenter, 'Brodliagen ; . EfetWintPAkeri,-, ,./..Kult: --"oevg . . ii , ..:• _Ji•:. • ..-' . Policy -holders can make all pip: *,nienta andget their eards:receipted 7 at the Royal, Rank, Olifiten,; Keith ' 'Cat's „!' Grocery, ' King:4ton Street, ,.",, GOderith:' 's . ___'-, ` • „ I ---,:,--'--L.----------- MEDICAI", ' -• ' • '.014,Ii,; NOSE, Tfatolit.• ' Late . House, ,.Surgeon New Xorar.• -• Oputhahnic and Aural --iiospital, --isSietantvAt- litooreAeki-Eye,Hospital • kndGq1defl-!Square Throat, Hospital,. -Tondo Fingland. • ....._',. . - • , ' EES. TESTED,. . GLASSES . ___,'-fS.T.J'PR10E/k.;:. ; .'" -, ' / *- 53 :,,,WaterlOo•-,St-ffetTS., StT,a toriL- Telephone , 267, , .' - - :,-; .. ' 'Next Visit ileclitird',,ilcitpl, Gode.: ilWAV'etlai93-', '. ,. :dfrY-411' Iltia,i.".'.25, 193O,. at '..2 .m. till 44f*ii‘ Ji.,* ' ...1, .. - IJENT - 11ALV/$1 T2. it,;,.39Y':,.,*):1142PP,tis' e:)3(.r Lighthouse i-..,,,-.-v44:. s:Ltiii;.„.;:,,„•.,4t.,;;:e:,i.t., • i'" ' c 13.•.°04: I*101 s , 431 41: r/ NALCO TIIERS ozi the Solit4Witormerli Mr, .Oraiptk'S office • Ileal,,Estsitta.--General .1n- sUrancea - Phone 115W '20 t • HURON cpuzil-Trq pontos)" WULY poqu,,ONTARIO, IJAPO4ANUARY 1204 1950 ITIIIS""Vir0 ' YEASS A•00 13, 441 - ***wow: Amironw 0034 tOr' Count4o of 'Aluten. Bruce ' ViALEIG-ruoNE do For Information apply to ,Fterakha_kii:P1148101,3 Court (t/eTk Goderich, Oficr of qi.xty peas ago, fo4 the old- timer.'''' pap-, be ;applicable:4n the 'Preseut, tat Of Ther egg market; had -400:: On: the cdrner:-•of lactoria,-,-Oreet Eat Nattier ',Stgeet,. Airs. 'Peter Shea cirne 004 to '804:7-110 basket - o1 legggi. „ "We are not paying go mucli• for eggs ,today, Nra,. ..4.‘gew nrueik are. you ,,PaYing"r' "8 cents a atgetb"• take them !,11.ople 1144 ,tne :and 1::e.ter, and ,the ,dog, w1,11,4 eat them.There's1,0,,,,,,mmelle....wear and ,tear on the. Old:teit Pell' thq,'' at that price." • Eliune : „ _ , , K. , rami,DRT',-.4 $1.10f1;, .i, . . • ..i.J.911N,..rAERISIX, - Doctor' Of ',Ohlroptattle. Phone 7i.1&:- Ounganaon , . Offfge Hotra.: " ..• „... .,. !M...'-i•••,iiii....i..'''mm'''''''ro,4 . ner,,:i.. --,...-4,4p,t,...t.Q.',4z..RAt. ,-H.,:..„.____,....._,,,...,,,..,,. ,._,_._,_,_,..-.. . . , ...,, , ' . 7 p.m. -to - P.m. .t. .. Wed., -§4 Sat, -9 a.m. ;to • 11.8.0" , ......,„, .... -Th- ' .....„, • • „.„-','„„aan: ' •Vitaniin";Trapr,-*(ElectrerThitapy oinee--,cepiev . -Of South . a-, and. , Britannia, -1goad.- phone .341.: - -• - • . „ UCT1CONEES- .Correspondeice": promptly an- awered.- .nintediare-titrangenients can be be made.'tor Sales Date by calllng'Phntije'•203, cm4t914 Charge Moderate and satisfac- tion •-Glieranteett. , , 114/,_ 0 4A0e80, ICENSED AUCTIONEER TAW, ANIEV,:rompa- Seaforth ,Phone. 11-661 or/ 'Harry, ligercitwris; Goderlek, " Phone 141 ' , , 101,4. NEWS FROM Sleir 'ImRsoic On December Xnspecto ay Pinder of the Repartment ,Tra,ns- . 4 port,. Toronto, was- on a to test ir aves o $ Life tois. VtimfoRn. lacmes':Uvr Ofti .* Lite in thc ggprtr-,.*Tvc*- • ,..,17irti*Ettoolt•TtAgoa,).'`.. - •• NV.I,N9gAl!lt attemPt to. save. a -chant from droww,' ing in swale and, n' half 'nfile$ West' of here „SuralitY took toe„,.1,44 70,F., a 3,4-Yearkdd",EaSt 'yga`Wan,Osh, townShip girl,., but *her bid- -to her rrioiid;'4, pia boy, made it"possihie.Air OtherS to e:iEeCt lateri ' Lois Dawson, daUghter of Ur. and Om 'East W4%,van902, and .BilU Jieavie,. -son f Mr •• 'nd'Mrs 'Rutherford, fthWf'EaSt WawanoshCis in Wing - ham' General, reeeveting the-effeets. of exposure and - .shock:. - • „The Dawson girl, a Arst-Year Stif dent in Wingluini. School, went- to the• aid of young 4eaviei who in, attemPting to- save....a pet dog from ,water.saine.200„_fett from land, broke ...through thin ice. The lee , gave way and the .t)ttiv. Daw- son girfi:also•-.plunged- futo,-,--, frigid ter .to her. arinpits,. -.'11.0tVkeVer, she Managed • -to ' 'hoist. the Reavle v boy 'high enough „so that he cauld grasp', branches of a small Over hanging With pdt- of -his bedydangling, Tin icy c water, -the akilleants for.pilottOiCenses. Eight persona'. wrote eidiminations. Air , , Engineer Rober,t/Chisholtit .Of Clode. _ rich Was tine -of applicants writ i.ng one of .several- ex.itthinations for a 'eomMereiii, license, Other applicants were Willne).,~Macereger,„- Charles -Thonnis, Harold Stone, JOhn ThompionT; Smith, ,and' 'Orville Workman,- ' Puring1.-1949,,,.8ky: lialtor had a total of 1S7 transient"' visitors 'as recorded:7:19n the airport journal. Many, i;f"' these, .e.f.coufse, were afar yei-eent..-r-safetY record -for the y_tir was',established. „ The last cpn$1,1S_ she*, ed ',that 1 474 609 Canadian*" ;spoke 'iboth tt.. aynor ibicensefir iultioneerSales nduite0,7 anyWhere or infotmatioi, write or •phone 781t„fioderich, (collect) ifey Chapman xr4SuitANGE - Fire, „kUtoroobile, asua Ohapnan Phone, 18 Oderidh -Insnre,,,, IA:two.1i8nr,..ance- COnfederation•As/e-viiiinG; Car ifinEm..,-Preferred,.. rate.; 'for prefekreirisk te1DgN7-4-.84 81.0101Etiis • 4.4 ,..••••• ,Op,N5f, ,P114Criff: ThereWiii be nieirice -cIang4 Ixt, this time iti,"the. 33,0*„'aganlOd. r-$4310,.. 'Mouth car S that are being'preSented to PlefiVilblic for the, iirst,‘ Otue on Saturday. ThiS annoanceMent was ;made by E. 0.- Bow, vicevresident „ And general „Mti,,nager;" „ of t - Chrysler'. *Oorporation panafia • Limited• ' , In making the announeenientr- 110w, Pointed' out that tbe pre t • ur erettee di Delights jst h • Oftrztia°, .14c-reation Vireotor PeOlorfis Dent9eragy's ' • OoMpiace47 MurtOn, execreatitm 'director formerly of Winghallai the, s,peaker a't• Pabrie Dietin4 are going to believe that .pur . way of „life is better than, C-630:nuinifin2!" stressed. % • "It is time the ganadian „Peel* wakened., up to the fact that we 4,Ne-,•-1*-,,-Orpp4A-4-04.4011044-4,1114,-, better than 'theirs," icontinned ti speaker. t`They havo leadersIn - liordeS who ; conSider 1r gW41; 'honor do their4wak .41f :,Cannot tOaaY.' as lieeple did fifty • Y.04ks ago, to"' there, are finirgp. w,hieh" did then,, xxxust, -WaY4.,., of expressing On • reiday )3Ight gponsoreti by , the i anr deepest Selves:ln:erittts, Ooderiell' Recreation,. Councji, .00 and. leadership., • • Pride Achievement • -4 "no7dhange" Status of "the Meeting held the -lecture ' ue,npoin111 teti. out that PSYChOldgISts _represented'. the: 7 Company's molt ,ifikui *15noX :,Pregbyterian,thirch, alio-..,•#003,th„trists,; 1Wileve peanie to lad haek,,P4ce'•_ineeasee.14, the -0-11i:4r:rather osparse :attendance, --muSt have faeb-ef *a devalued. VaPtulian: dollar, a. ' a,. pride in athievement., ..we ea,u40,t :glamorize :Or' diWy 'IlithPartl•C'itl.ufic,t,Iplaertl*otuldth..iicale*e%atrifhtithi; wearemaking. tolgief .greateotta -According' ;the., 'psychiatrists talents, used in'spa;re time contribnte to happiness and ,cOfftettnient, -flissatisf,actidn,' are eiigeiidered ,bwyji...lidal4endebss4.4•teAl.:,13, 4.! "Leaders should assjsted, and enconragement be gi en, to the boys ninitirls if -nil the implements for --activities are supplied. ss 4t1:5,4e.s 0%1 ti fip rut' ottfc„ dnot•. the lence, IS Ileed4a cc!" be MC"-Ce1914 with « ,, • . • and _their ,support should! • be listed, 'as, _they know .,-•#p 'things -7130lerbgaaridizCiarinenjr-a44i.uecC:pesdijed' to ixuilce Up' the ,cormirission; !,iso -the, Wis- dom ;of. the church,- the brains 'of e,xecutiVeS; people; of artistic ski' , 'and* non -skilled, workers. Coth-p.9r- ation should be, establiihed :with -schoc4 had 'aerates.. „; ---0-C-an't-;;vwe -hater: a-•;.pierf-:for-i' deraperatic free people and sal,' to Conan:114141M; :It is done -.-of our Own free will'?" the meager concluded. FletcheripreSented,. an.: inter- esting 'of, the., reereatidill tivities in --Oecatti, Illafeitys of 0,600:people. _ ' 'Mr. -,M1Iler. tenderet Of the meeting to the speaker; - and announced that 'of the -Recreation Council,f.wduid be, held, the secon!....Tuesdar ,Febrn- Burt6if contribnted tWO -the' increased, toot 'of •,steel,..p„na higher pies on ,Platry „ st/R,LING' • TVO,F11.9KX1,1,104-rIVIAX; . Mrs. J: A. Stirling,, Ninga„ Oan„ sends her renewal'Ior "your very flne rilipee-,ivideu----keelis- old--:kasi- dqnts In ,toneh *with the activities of the Wen the leigfaTe of the old friends:n- She s'adda'..,• "Your recreational centre and arena will be a gre :asset -to -the town, but ,X„wouldr,not agree_ with the demolishing of i the ' due old Curt --House, *ow a dignity..:. to . the town' which a modern,"•bOding• could not acWeve The older generation have 'Fol. aho too-ninciLsentiment in their make - UP, but Iii,ethinkav it, grow s :with age. • 41 • President 'Norman M lier of the Recreation waS chairman and. 'Air: Oat ri 'was in- titbduccar b"ST , T. A. K. Vieteheri London, ,ofc,,the 0,0mMunity tPrOgrolU .1.4ranelt of the Department -01: Education. , , I,Vhat we write on -the nice clean face' of 1950 " may' be " signiAbant; Mr, Burton declared. "We • roar be PeOpre'WhO help ro shape histor_y, or",-"Vve can sit back 'and. .take fro-: part in ,it," The•speager admitted 'he .had. east:. covetous eyes' on. the recreation director's *.pdsition_j4in aoclerich while he was in Wingliam. Mellake " ,,,,During„Op• el:purse. :his_forcefui address, `Mr. porton spoke of;: the Te°n141m1E.kt--,meniveei. The cloaralnii. ists, he said, _cannot relax because Of the dilynforce behind them; nd--,wllF'de-:-ftoythingtto make: -C -64- 7-111114s41 'work, Theiv._ have leaders and havecliO• indifference", centering their activities on the girls* and 407 grasped the tree for more:than" . boys by Whom they .can promote an hour until rescued. . . "We. have a cold' spell since lie- Chrrstukes ; 34,7_ below . this ,:thaaut:11:07,crelli javgket:,,sto:tejar.lt- They„te: Wit not errengh: snow to ‘!They_hava.,,fireCtlie imaginatiOn :-..- tois,-,431111e-auct'-lailarOther, sir- fc"' a raga:- joice- in -our"! lack of leadership i - year -old Gary .11eavie, set .out aeros's morning (the -letter is__clate fields- !witih--"two-Vogs -towa d:' ar/ 7)."-' ..10rw,aysLas yet. Going -lath zunday, h • ' l' the- O'ckm • sw-olen by . feednit .j..ttiiii",.. 'bonspiei-,-thi-s-weekr,--regard100. mars „yr_ section about -41,4W 111..M t),114;71:1-1.9:4,11,hi"11_''a4 wrap' sprwtotinie:f.Traciicinntg.-.. "With -our best. • wiShes-'fOr-'41- - speec „and -ofag„tion: Deinocra,tic n4 tabrthal -at IthiS tithe, of , year. A t• - - • - - .. •, ..tngliSh: only, and',- 2,181,740 .. spoke .• 1.Trench and Enklish; 1,7t6,486 Woke . rains, the 'bog is deeper that" to sill ---. freedom of WorShip, of "iii2:sperons 19.50." es _ are, on . the -sprot, •;,and French onlY, - creek altO runs--In.-the-vienr.itYv. .;sIete.Wilett• MIT l'eltdeT•pism is Watching." oo MuchOverlapping ,._• thin ice and . broke. through. Billie for the old pourt eplored" the over:. -Set Oat tox:,•KeArieve the aniro.al, akd =raid- tiler•korget; that, •ft laroin.g ivitres•Teansed•. „. 1/0/0E. OF ',TErg., PBRAik,at - Bet*eltt 1931 i'ind 1941 the 1,store . i r .; e --,One of the dugs ventured. out 'On a distance write...with -sucluvregitrd 4446 -Wbticte also:.,:fell in, Ipolo -inade a County building and the deciSiOn-a'S---,09,„_,, p the same :Work, and ii411 attenipt, at rescue which re-, :whether -it is to be replaced by ,„_, the, rivalry betci,Veen Itheth •;whiCh :tgltea in her . tragic • Llcath.. ."-T1?b a 'modern buff -411g- or pet, (1,04$•I'tc' blocks .sycoesE: '111.1e3..e should bc children•,/nanaged to save the deg „rest with the people' of,„';CAoderiell, Some. siert otztwituirmaljon IRATY al Couneil decided two or -.'Whicli" everyone. has -and' :under the„„leadershib of -George ••,, o Kincardhe increased. .7.17-escaped..-tegether. with the second, :3.6.04eVo063;ditio .40,,dry •OVer Itte" tame period the,b4silies of the r410',stores, of Wall5erion. increased. --7 2.05%•:. -'..11cialkerton is a ,Wet %pVirt17 The liquor itop, �ff the:frasinesi that in '"ae Rorupass' parvATE: •! 'nUSINEs rtilmiltEPORTS . _ •Bookkeeping, re.iords installed modthly 'or. at request., BENTLEY , Phone , ; Box 58 .36 Regent St. GODERIcit, ONT. -i/yEsTERN oNTAIR,K1 • , Attw.ctopw.440.. . . Eastern :Sfandard Time .. To LONDON.. To STROXVOltiD: 8.10 - 8:10 .a.tri: • 12.20 p.m. 12.20 p.m. -.4,4:30 • • . 9;45' _ ;8:05 if.na...-Fridays,Satilidaysi SuridaYs .and-Thelidays-only..) • The 9.45 p.m. to Stratforil on Stui- aayS and Itiolidays..miry.' • L.: , The,;,14,2034tit.'.1iii.goesuto Strat- ford ettlY On $iiiidalTS.andf: holidays. 'On*Monday and 'day after. holiday;,•. _,hus_itir_lik'ndon. leaves at 6:45 a.m. Cennectiens. at Clinton for London,; Detroit, - Whighathvi:-‘,1Valkerteti, Port Elgine_and Owen Soadd,, connections gtratfori tor Vood- - stock, Kitchener, • Oueliph, :ten and TorontO.. - tiviectiena at 'Mitchell:for lbiat;4wel IN • I 3 • es e 14 I • 'opt, ttio'31),:090 Sun 't.lf*Pf Cci01 . ,P11-42.-LVM4i!clnilt..4t§-co.tvIntuhIS regAlec , income chewie; In many.inst,Onces,tItIs - ‘-‘1,ifetiminiam;;,4!"& proVicleii - 0.01,ist.Araci,11, :payments. citirlocttho of 'older ogos 'used 0 11,.TIP Oil from .5C1Vfnp or copitoi,toguoid ,Ogolost.„ Pdv91•149 'Years -7 IncloperKlence • II brous---readings; :and the. pet .which also fell Iii some.minutes latil'` and reached land without as- sistance.) , Father, Fluaries from Sickbed • Th'e The prs-44f ,',o. Mind and quick action it -Six-year-old ..Gary Iteavie • robably saved his bother' front death. The boy • ran -a-- mile across . fields to' 'sun :anon his father, who ,woul.d., gp-, to 4 hardware as „lir 3),ith„.inflirrenza.. Stcies ;said _grocery stores..;. ---The ning his,clOthes, IleaVie' hurried • , 'Euro Tern:pm:we- Federation. cangratigates4' he. merchants of 'Itp.roOfieCa,4e.they-Air-not-live to :cOnipete-.-.' with liquor - *stores. vern, n er Ada TemperanceAct. flotect Yourself-W/1th Vire Insuranco Gordon je*P. , 6,*_OOPERICIE Phone Oarlow -3044 ra * MatEWall F -r -re!' 'Aex‘Idete and Motor Car • 7,i) -076,14E • Itiguratieti . iTtsir's*Ukk77 to ;the • Spot where his son was still clinging to the tree branchandXle girl AaS-',strugglinf,,, ,,he water.„ .M.r.,ReaVid„ :was ;unable' to =reach, tite van? it-fter ...brealting-Lthrougb," An Water ,-uP` g!. , Meanwhile, Gary ,COntin- ued--(M. to 'the, Daws.41.1 .honta anti notAlled-- the ..,fanally,....913 the ..mishap.,.„,. A general W,as spr,ead. hors liegibers.of.,the Iire . departniqa7:- affriyet17 iiiIiekIy and laid clown logs, rkils and eVen,,‘ barn doors in a, d'esparate. reScue. tittenipt; „ • • • „ : A horse 'from •tile-Difiviv)n farm Was brOnght. to the seViie ntill WOS : -ridden into the.' treaCherous by Fireman Leonard -ho 110(1 to brdaY „ice to alloW. aninial7tojnyt .itsoriv toWarl the, 'children. 'theWater horse's 'leek. Reavie '‘vais ,ed to the horse's back -and 'Wa'S re- turn.6d- la:* • walt„ing firemen., ft •uncle of the _,Reafyie. boy, Robert then-broke-lee--and-wid- thibugli,,Waer- t6 his 4a.rnipits to l'recotifer Lois ,DaWson, NO° was reported be floating face -,4,0C11 in the water. . • ' Lois Dies in Irostiltal , Arbuckle becaine erhatisted -"on. the way bac* and handed thritirierdle rasatiagsoo.,,tott.,:ri ertefest: •sort:10m„ .0,,. :t le • tl'e•- Ilflegwan, s,erved coffee.' U\\ 3110 that 'deciaion- Stands. • i',Vh;it 'need'ed -It ree-i:eation Of the '2,..06:_6*,.4-5 vWh • tivittes .," • ' •'• • ' cbromtssion that. i:s••,repr§plitative 'of paid Income Jaxes. hr,, 194.7... onlv: MISS• WILKES TELLS th% cOmmunitY altd VItieii Sun' : _ . PLAI4INEID -UFO. iNstAmsic •BRINGS -PEACE OF -MIND Without ob!igation, let mQ;toH you hew' the 'facilities 'of, the ,4,U04,,,..--14.E.A',2444R*NCE-',--7COMr,.-- PANT. ittF706,418tAtiA : can best , mee yout particular Way tharifilIFfit your-Rockithooli,- L.; • r, 4 • .• • — OF. TRIP TO muting rfone has,0 'interest. co_opeti. 4040091yd.d...„ inomes „ of $5,000 a • r•,•' aeon. Must...be " established, .;t, -par„.. or, more. - , The- regultur...,•,,naeeting. ,ott,":"Sf....- , • - . , • . 0-1..gtfs•;,,:qp404,• was•held in :the 'Guild. rOom _T -on Ttiesday, January • ad,, With' 'the president,.' Mrs. the ,chniri and• large attendatee..: pf" inenibers,. The ScriptUre ad by .Mrs. ICeedhamr- Business discussed .inclutled-,',.plank. Tfor-tire-trigir-tea-a-rrsl-rhata-ar-vtly-be, held -iv the-,neai future. The-yrest ,speakef Wa"•-iN11.68 tte-rtrude Wilkes, who 'during the _past year 'enjoyed a. visit . raj,id Scotland 'and who -gave. !Avid Word picture, ,of her trip In a "Chanting At the close of the meeting lunch,. _svaS• served bY ,MiSs Menary, Mrs, IL. • Needham and Mrs..11 Munday _..61•••••••••••••••.44,4••••••••••• •. an n . harter .fioaehet for all- occasion,s-,. Per info ,rmation-• Phone ""Ree;.'„100.e.e: „ •-=t Examined,, -itrittO Phone 33 'Oat. , • trEptistir---ownw, lj ' 01)DriLT;OVIS' Huron Lodge Noe 62; God - rich -meets flrst,,and :third= Memday of , every month' in Macxay- Hall. 40' • o darpenter Repairs,. Alieratibns„ pbben Ciliboards, -• W.,kdow Sash and: Doors*. GODEAI011 I 4 47tf • 1312.012e 9xi5• owlet iirrs47. PliONE - . • „ . . • .Now-Robby'atl;r-. B'tit;r;;t;'Ilale, in "The'Vt"--'—*=".: Mon., ',,l'iles`;'and, WO. 4ivw Features. • Robert 'Montgoinery,*.Van HefJin and Piert ‘Taylor Narrating One the world's' Most , daring" adventures ' into the Unknown. t!..a in Teehnieolor and, stars hip s ittia inenf SECRET s an added' attraction LAT511141, 'and Send along :their , ieatureL1eng111,.f OrdedY "Nothing But Trouble Thoeso )1M: 'midi' Sat.. Maureen O'Hara; rod, ii1tentirraiw..1{ddy Vaflee anti Bretty'itynii Avopultir fun\ ielinv and 4,givat supportitigicaAtlit the Alt nrl ' ean cornecisr hiteveryone Is talkink about Til Celilitlt-:VinnohreY illogarto fif.,,Itit.Oe4 00 Any owe Entettabnient. Matinees:Wed:, at Mid bolhlays at,2.30 No, arrison Carpenters and Alteraiiiniq• Bathrooms, • • t Recreation, ROo/rmNo . 4 job too large— ' • Ro./..301 too mal1 lees 15,14'•-hintrly— • ••_'• HIGH PRODVOTION ON -- EON. Si'OARDINER!SIARX Eon,. Janie's' Gardiner, Federal' Minister-Aat L Agrieoiture,.: 'is ..the, own -el -4a a .fax(in . at Kiryton, en. thg Iluroii boundary,, tend The Exeter it Times,Advocate tells of :a ' xtra- ordinary itiflur•Of pigs 03....his farnr vrivtri:_ten days. ago. ' ,"-S,s,:ise,th.,,e 7.7!.Xeter When ' Agricultural ' Minister James Gardiner announced tile •Shutting off of tile British market to •Ctinadian' 1;i:won the informatiot had not reached the pi,oduction end ji Mr.. Gardiner's ,(411 farm Fib -el -77 at by Mr.. Allen:, At ,A. O'clock .unconseteltS.,...girl. 'to . liremen, . whOl„ _L1144 v, DeceMber o) d young sow In turn passed, her' te-litirold Kerr began ''bqving her family to ' the whep Unable to. continue .,.farther: tune of° thuuteen little piglets; No .z_Ket' •:r:_mLinaged -to bringthe 1li-1 sooner 11041 thS, been act:omplished te dry .ground_.where s,lie wai wrap- 1-81111 a sis er seiv; Tiet:'.10 be (,)14i.- .1/41 - fn -blankets. and plared in, a car qone,.started the -Satae.perfornlaitee • waleir • rus-hell -het,46---,W1411-,hara lios- with; flie,same„-.results., .._ - .„. ,....,.. „ !Attn.' Efforts„ntreSiiscitatiori faild'il" ,flui,ing----Tim ,early morning hour* of the' saind night -Still, another . .. m -her `of: the's tile family, :seeing what had...1.aireok taken plaCe, 'de.- cliled '16 CG 0110 ' better' and ' ptko- duced fourteen, little -pigs. ••• An in- (Teitser Af forty- , pigs between, -0 „o'..cin& at night afid 6 o'clock it the xnornitg" 'was. some ;achievement .'i),Iiping' the cerenikinies Mr: Allen had opPortunity to fortify. himself svith, a couPle of cups -1•3.f coffee. --A. weelc--'previotis --Mr. Allenvintd. two BOWS that gifva birtll to"tweive, pigs each. Out'of the three liatehes born Friday night one 4l1g. in each • .baeirlas-„..-died-4--,-The-soWS-11.1St: a year old and these are thei; first:, litters. . , , • ,' - ' . , i,, .r ' ..., . On, the same farni during the paSt four years; tour _sets of twin calves have been' boto,,, all ..„*witth_different. Met'Velg. ' . ,„ Phones: 087111Z. or 1 . „_,... ,,.........-......................._ ' . • Gaderleh. rinstroti •tokittoiAir 'and-OtiroffEtaitiCT thitlerith '“See AtinstrOng At Lucknow'llirst Wednesday of ' *.• each morith. - • pr, nil FARM . . 4040.4, , ijANciiNG wEDNpro,A.Ir '94.11V-SAVIIRDA,Y. NIG/IT'S SATURDAY ,NIGHT -7---, 110B11V-DOWNS AND BIS 011;011ESTIM , Z17110t1VXDN'Estt4ir XX AAUX DANGANG _ •-•‘0,• :a nd_the„„girl.'„died.aue....antl,..one-rtuar- ter 'hours. after admittance ,tO hos- pital, . Its was 'believed She was in the watee-tofr inore-tlian in hour. Fireman Nichol was also fenieVed to 1108111 t1 suffering from shock. il Robert A chuckle, Ituthertdrd Rea: vie and ' arold Kerr were Litktaii to. the- Kerr residence 'where'they , were vox -dined to bed.;,for the night. .._ nt, 1V._"A-CraWitird.,,,cgroneffl cOn-1 dude& a pot-mortemi examination on the body of Lois Dawson Ann - day aftottooil: 'lie attribnted death to- -acelOrttal drownirig and ‘said that an inquest 'would iiot be held. • Provinciat., Constable tvle -$alto.- . ..„. , inVestigated, ..- o' 1,618 DaW800 is '...sttri;ived by_, 'her parents, 'three sisters. Nits: Alexi Netherlmbf tlly,th distriet, Mary an(1. rierenee at home und' We •brotherfi.I. Itoritad.-Ilarold at". holoc.. , . . . , , , , . , Representative of Sun- Life.' Assurance 7 Company ' „ ' ,v/' • North St, none 766w : • •. fa,nners, receiVO,', about „ItY.:,,t)00,61j0 for,.the-119,4t) Sugair ' beet cr'()T.; largest harvest.. of this orop 11.1.41)e, Country', history.. . . •••• • • 4.•• erItig$0,10d/AM • , Noe, • • LU • •IoNA STANDARD • TOMATOES . .28 -oz ti ')!Y•lg.Ni.E11 CREAM ery.. L.E2-NEW LOWT-1.11i1C.E ioNKuNtRADE -O&P F:Akcy PANT. CELLO PACKED HITE . BEAN coNED RAM 12xxoz tin •• r $000 STORCS " 1301:7E-. IN .15:oz tins , r 0 -az tins. • - 2\1:6z ttS 25c .iL1PERCREAME9 • ..1.113A180" FINS CANADIAI1/4LO01..OURED OLD.CHEESE-' Ib..410 TOILET SOAP :PALMOLIVE 34 004,(0ErmAsmi3 SUPER:1;111)S F' 33 pREAqpDissoLvE0 11/4130 CLEANER . \ Tin n-130 1ONA.„ PEACHES --'--- 154:': 150 gifred Breakfast Bacon 111. DOto • Giade.A • • Large Eggs . de;:, 86e 'Pastry F,Lotit • Monarch 7 lbs.:47e, 12 -oz tin -62 tin ii Pcsge ' WHITE R BROWN 1470z loaf ILc WHEAT -" - 2 Pkgs. _ouicK 71111AKEE OATS Lge 29 -MeLAREN'S -JELLY p'-'0H010e-PITTED. • RED_ZHERRIESTIZ1 i!.,4°24 'NEW LOW ta,RICE •. ' • BURNS' A&P CUSTOM. 0,ROUN . • 7 rutto -CA1,100,111*Ik EMPERcfl1, No: 1 GRAPES F1,0R1 DA:‘OVEEI"„i'No. 1f..-4476,, TANGERINES . ItIREFIWIT , fc41:r McINTOSHRED NORTHERN SPIU1, ..04„, born. 'Gracie , APPLES_ - • 6,41,b-aiti 59c Imp9rrtED„,,,FAtai-i. 4 C111111-116 .! -;. 'aim tyro Ri) , •CARROTS - • '014AtIES' 16.2tr..h;oNAtt. A/AD AA Vofietathi.$;, No.: 1 , , ' , lbs -doz • 0'