HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-12-22, Page 8ODERIOR SIG TtillitSP-AY, 011RISTIVIAS SERVICES , (111RISTMAS COMIVNION AT. 11 OJtM.• ISTMAS DAT-, -001*ING 'PE;A*YER AND,FA.MILY SERVICE -41 a in„ iVIgSSAGIE AND,3i#9L S4OE Whig* 'Serviee•Withdrawn nfil'kvor or the Carol and .Candlelight Service., at ChrlSt "Chnreli, POS.” Albert, TO Onto yowls born this day in the 'City of David, A Saviour,' which is, Christ the Lord." -St. "Luke 241. REVEREND DEvEgLV 0, FARR, 13.A.,REOR A.• W. ANDERVON, Organist and Choirmaster " ,0000,0,0000,00,ft toopito€,!Foit.4 North -St,. United Chur,h REV. 45. WESLEY C0.1%, B.A., 13.6.,MinIter ALEX, CLARK, Organist #nd Chufr Master , railtISTIWAS stRvICES .40 anm THE CHUR0i SCHOOL: • 11 a.m. "THE GLORY -OP GOD" „ Anthems --.-"Break Forth; 0 idiliteotis Heavenly IAght"-;Bach , . • "Clioria Excelsis"--4Iozart ,i,; Solo -.---Nome Unto Hiln"-'-agiss IVIarietta Stingel 7 p.m., "WHAT CHRISTMAS MEANS" THE CilURCH WITH THE SINGING TOWElt ' '11 ttt , r •r- , , , , COIVLE TO miultoff prr. CHRISTMAS DAV nox Presbyterian Chuiei o ••• • Invites you to .,IiNSTO Great Services an. CHRISTIVIA.S SERVICE Subject: "A Message for Christmastide." ' p.M. • .11e: Drama of th ativity This dramatic -presentation of the Nativity will long be renieniberm, _ 14-idedby special lightingffeets', co'shimeg,40.1tis ge Old story, will be retold through t us ImpresSue preta ,REV: R. G. Ma,eMILLAN, W. 11. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., „A.C.C.O.' 's Minister. Director of Praise. -zatzoaluraotioizow - -tomb= r victoria. St; United Church MINISTERLREV. LAWRENCE TIMM*, B.A. ORGANIST and QHOIR LEADER -Miss WO Joyce Strachan 10 a.m.. SABBATH BIBLE CLASS, 11 a.m.---,PUBLIC WORSHIP -7. pail. RITE.OF INFANT BAPTISM DISPENSED. • • ,We 'celebrate the birthday of ,the -"Ring of Kings." Mach the affection for the home hearth' with loyalty around the church altar. 'UNION CHURCH-GODERCII TOWNSHIP -I.45 p.m. $abbath School -Adult BibCl le ass. .•30 p.m. Public Worship. " • "• "Worship Christ the New -Born Rinig." VICTOMA-UNION WEECOMES YOU' "Ugh 'Vrialt0 , -104.-magamizamosat • nottomtwooMmocomoommetoxlmegtomc Baptist Church . PASTOR -REV. G. W. It MEDLEY. .Organist --Miss Verna °C. Miller .. WE INVITE YOU TO COME AND WORSUIP CHRISTtheLORD. lra.M. "PUTTING CHRIST IN (JURISTS." ' The Choir ivill present -Anthems • i" . ' , . , , „..' _ . "The First'. Christina§ Morn." -R, 1VICConnaughey • Come and Worship" -;E; J. Lorenze .. ....... .... Quartette -"The Bethlehem, Star" -Wm. Moore .- 7 On. FAMILY CAROL SERVICE: --COME• AND SING: „. Semon --"A Mother's thristinas Gift -Dramatised. - Choir Anthems-"In'a Lowly Manger" -Dale- , • • Duet-'Star•ok the' East" 4 4 '...,.., • • • . ' "There Were Shepherds" --:-,F. Holtom , ` . ' COW, AND ADORE HIM, CEFRIST .„THE LORD:-. • 'Ittligh-Vapabli-101*,,,Abit*MMD,t2:trtVfilgraizit. . • -txtrovetclowoctiovelortexier 4 „ . • _, - • 44*44 B.,THEL. TABERNACLE'• • • (Pentecostal Assembiiei of Canada) BPV„ J, „A. PEARSON, pastor 10 a.m. SUNDA& gaio0L, • WORSHIPyING .THE- CHRIST'. •7.30 p.m. OLD-O.SIIIONED GOSPEL SERV E. Saturday, pecemh4 31-10 p.m. -Witch Night Servic'e. ' A 1:14E§SED CHRISTMAS TO ALL. CO :AND WORSHIP WITH !JS. IllehilitatiriiiikliMpgatimork24-2;atiatwx1211100001zaiaatakaidatlik.„. KNOCCVAIMAIC4003ftwolitvccV•Mcmervectotter4.45• tgittextettpcletctg* 4 k, • he Free N thodist Church ..90#NEP-VIel'OltIA AND P.A,Rli STREETS „„. "The Wesleyan EmphasiP• • *R1iV.W. 'CRAWVOtti) O'WHERD, PASTOR. CHRISTMAS. St1NDAY SEItVicES DEC.,.85th • 10 a.m. THE SIINIAY SCHOOL.•. .A.1:6411.1-„*.M'OPNINO WORWIIP. • 7 th. okitox., SERVICE. ,1 • 'His hame shall be elated Wonderful, Counsellor, Th e Mighty Godr The everlasting Father, The 'Prince of Peace." ,ICSalailk gg! 101i$04.20111-imaditlot****441a0441110,1,iii-xliliadmitatxtli*, • ' • , woctfofoop, CHUR CHRISTMAS 'DAY • Jesus, , Miry anti Joseph -.. Ito• ene14:.aritd All of yoxi•-•,•memberii Of .St, Peter's, Goderielt--- IIAPPY rt.J P. Teetof,' • 7 *"‘rj. 1t1epoxthy, , 141BN101110 z. $ylvester:0'14M aro)0,n Piirts--41.*Z5 p.in4 „ , • tire. Choir to,. hunt -"Attitivir-StOlirt tlettag . '4/1030It tilltiSTUS NA',EITS. Eft" by solobli,,Zeta litaeditor oininunlon-431ttes "A0101S, ' ItiosSiOnal,---$40143.ttIAMINO" SAItiOn 1,41-1raitierliiteattliy (litryttnits MOriiitigr,-0"tuni (310Ittf rotteSa1orittSiLEIk1 Idett,E" ' — Offort,04.-dtVIA0IN 140/111% MAID Oir OITAIMIXPE" onrniunton2Z.%0VEt Utolt Ditir,SSEDJN 014,10100 Reea1A1L$ •W1,ItEAT:tr) ON MOW" 01 our E, 01TERHOTIr XTEWS E eason s Greeti MAY- THE SPIRIT OF Ti/p SEAS# LIGHT YOUR WAY WITH ITS ETERNAL GOOD tHEER. ..4 A ...N. ',N. Thai. Pryde, M P P. .••• "•••••.., To the Lidies, of Goderich and Vicinity e T hank ou and wish all a very Merry _Chlistmat and a '1 Happy,New Year. cKINNO 'Phone tovt.L__ The Square , 10 t TIP CITIZENS OF intE .TOWN OF GODERIOH By resolution of. the Municipal -Council I herby declare TtIESDA,i, DEOMVIBER, 27th, -1946 Chic- Holiday: ' GEO. G. IVIa,cEWAN, Mayor. $.4•1011.,--41VO SPIITAORlif riPaniel Pups. 0130. • Stmas .glftS .for the,XIddIPS.* 1IaTER'4NST4Ye :QU'Obee street., -• - • 6,0x, R; SAL)]. .0-Iit1o".S. • WII1TEr • skates, Size .7. MISS , GLAI)YS McLE4.11. Pliqne 34.;• 5.0x FOR , • $ALE. -MIXED $6,06 ,Per cord, •• delivered. HURON ICV, "phOne 1165W, Huron road. * , 450 FOR BROWN •, 111outon- fur Coat, Size 38,- prac- tically new. BOX 81, SIGNAL - STAR. , 50x, FOR SALE. - ,FORD 'TRUCK, 3 -ton dump, new motor, new • tires, • grill guard, heater, fan, in good ellaPe, Will sell reasonably. •*GORDON WATSON,Auburn, Out, Phone Oarlow 18. r 40. • • • 50x ••FOR SE TAREHUNDRED' . bags of 'cement, Phone 200Wt• • KITCHENER .3310-1 CHICKS. •They're thechoice of hundreds of successful poUltry-keepers. .Pro-• duce without coddling, . .cockereis at 41/2 months average,: 44re,,than %Albs,- "Pullets g -old` layerp," saYg customer p. •IV. Harris, GuelPh. This hatchery, has been at it more than twenty-five -years; they've had elperience. .Benefit` from it. Get Price list, •order form from us. Canadian approved; ' breeders put, •lorum. tested. RTA.N.. PRODUCE, Goderich. •- •-50 SA.LE.--BAB-K, j: BUDGIES, talking -strain; electric sewing machine, also D:H. trea4; electric and gasoline •washers; kitchen abinet; large niooSe head kitchen sinks, 46.504940; baritone ank case, $50. Many •other articles, C: WOODS, 12 East street.- Phone 867J. ' •4 . • -47 , •. bloter. 215 .Bayfield -road.; • . F.OR SALE. 'FRAME :FIVE: ..-4!;.)0M Cottage: aflconjencea., Phone 447. . aSS WANTED • ANTRA-USTI:A.51a Or -1bRo, Apr side. 0. cry_ ec,PMAN, Real Iiistatv. .BrOker: ,PreOne • SOtt _ ANTED. OPFI.CE HEDY, • male or female, „ experienced !preferred. , ApplY._QIRCBA LE R KNITTINV CO., Wineardine. • -40-SQ •-•7 RADIOS' TO. 41E. - P444.. Car radio troubles and luOalling -specialty. New ad re- conditioned ear, home, and peTtable radios for sale., ALP. HUTCHIN, SON'S .RADIO SERVICE. • 82 Hnroa road, or m11'49811. -21tf WA.Nwir.).---414ISTINos-pF PAO., ' PERTIES for siile,'.No charge to ,you until- property is sold. 1111A-LC0LIE A'IATHERS, X e a.,1 Estate .13roker, _The. Square, Gode- rich. • Phone 1.1.5W. 1.2tf' ANTED. --'AM131,TIOUS MAN for bulk:storage plant tor large Petroleum. company in Goderich. Sxnail capital needed, •Best of re- ferences reqtfiredr; Reply to BOX 82, SIGNAL -STAR. -50 ANTED to B -ALL -OLD • tiorses and de ti animals:' If suitable for, mink-feed;will pay more than fertilizer Prices. If not, will pay 'fertilizer prices. It dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone 'collect 936 r 21 or 936 r 32.• • ANTED TO», BIT TYPE- WRITER; Fus:2, portable or standard. Mus ' e in good con- dition. ,BOX 0, SIGNAL -STAR. 4-50 WANTED,-4ULL-TIME, S'ECRE- • TARY-TREASURER and field - man for Huron County Tederatien if Agrieulture, 'Duties to coin- • mence JantlarY„,...Apply by tier uetlater dial 'December 30th to lV. V. ROY, SecretarV-Treasurer, -liox-L310,-Olinten; Gntarlo.:- • • • -49-50 , . ", • . FOIV-RENT-.-,- ----;• 'NICE , LITTLE . ., „house, two bedrooms, living- ' CHRISTMAS .CA RDS. AND MA- room,hndsummer kitchen; inside * " AZINIr subscriptions. '''ERNIE awbalteer, litnatnineodii=2„L.A,gtio.w.71,4:, ,ILARKER, 46 Bayfield Road. 'phone TO6o1v. - //ex.„,,,,, ' • / /NO ii..014..TMih,eletIO#A4C/KOVIAK, . • .3, Oderich: Phone Ripley 30 ..r 27. ".-46tf SEWING MACHINES RE- PAIRED. Needles, belts' and suP,plies. Ont -of -town customers bring or sedd ;',En. 'head :only. Your own machine made O an electric portable. C. We vDS, Secondhand Store, 12 Bost street: -Phone 867J. 5tf ,FOR SALE. - V4INGING 'CAN- ARIES. C. WOODS, 12 East Street, phone 867J. • • -49 FOR 'SALE. • SUMMER COTTAGES: BUILDING 'LOTS. C. J. cHAPmAN,y- Real Estate 'Broker, phone 1$,.1p,der1efl.. - , -43 _ PP••••••,f, •-• FOR • &ALE. N 11. • wreaths from $2.50 to $10.00 are available at JACKSON,S FLOR- ISTS, or can be 'made to Order. Dec -20th, 1949. -These wreaths are, permited in Maitland cemeterY: Contact us and get complete. 4nfoation at no tos yourse f. New type • wreath -holders furnihed free' kor Wreaths $5 or over. - 88tf FOit INFORMATION LEADING To THE ARREST ANi) coNviciipx OF • PARSON OR PERSONS' RESPON- SIBLE FOR -BREAKING SliALL SERVICE STATION WINDOW. AT SALTFORD, FORWARD INFORMATION TO er t.11114111. -011ahritmas tve the world draws close t45' Meal which has beett the dreant Of trtaifor ages« ,the belief that men and nations might ihre.a•to., gether ii kartriony, and that for all time7 %here might bo' peace en earth: May We tivish yott j t ,Qhristinas and all titi:liest • • that this . otive teltson aftorils. .Dit-eetO‘rit f Vtateral, i3,ertrioee „ 4vlot4: lYfs; t odge,. Proprietor, thorie ,I.g0 ' 10 ' Montreal , Efileient Ambulance tiervike DON'T BUY STORM WINDOWS? Jntil you have seri the. new Simplex combination torm and Screen, windoWS. Out. high fuel Costs with More comfor .. The in- serts are •-easily changed from winter to summer from nside. ladders required.. Free f stallation. Easy terms. For free estimate .phone 71, Goderich, ar rite BOX -9,-6.o.derleh. • R0WLAN1 C. DAY. 48,L50 Briefs ' • ' • On Thursday evening, December. 20th,. junior students of St..joseph's Sehool Of Music will 'present their *St. recital. at MaCKay Hall • at Admission 85e4 -50 Ar4,0144441.41440.111.11.0 or Neilsort'S chocolates for'.Christ:., n148, •,Canapbell's Drug Store. ' -50 Sing4 song of Oldistmas, And , think of ways and means; gake• everybody happy ••• • By. giving magazines. Mary a Howell, phOne 2 At8. Ismay McLean, p k 3W, and 48tf ° • • 'The"Goderich Gun Olu . Is hold - ng n trap -shoot -'at • ,SkY arbor on Tuesday' afternoon z•of , nett week. 'There will: be Ow' and.o her PriZe,a, with.special- prizes for 3eg1nners • Ilear ye! An outstan ng sPetqer. See yertilinis of spe lal interest. Where and., When? X Ox Churelii .0f4derich,, .Thlirsday, 'January .5th, ertiier auepleee oc. Recreation Coml. ell, whiclo 18 your etecutivebodY for, all'forms of recreation ins, your .tOvyn. ' • ...49-50 • i • 'Striart 'new bat 'S for :the bolid0 Settigen, in the newestshades. .eihriatmas gift suggestion:in 'iota' .mid 'hosiery. mita M. 'sfaeviear, street, phone '40t, - int • et Insured Jw S*ay ta4uyed-- Atitinieit °rift $t, 1 WV" To. RENT,. ,'---- KITCHENETTE; 41.id two rooms, -corner -North street and Square; heavy .wiring: Available about January 1st. Apply 0. --.4.:. Q4.11/13BELL. .. -50 • ______, ,.. 4•44 • . 1`he--nome OrTasty ?astry- -1. OrriOlkr' • 'V' 7- PEELIC .NOTICE • ” PLOOR SANDING.' Old and new floors sanded and finibiled. J. C. COOK•, Clinton. J. P_NhopnTe. eiC20T:3Ew'rf 43-52x ,„Rmusi,N The' Goderich TOwnship. COuncil has adjourned the Court of Re; vision -until `Wednesday, .Tunuary 4th, at, 10 an., to the Council chambers in the ToWn of Clinton, at Which time they will hear', and determine coinplaints against, Abe assessments for '1950. - Appeals will be (Malt withas closely to the alphabetical order as possible, for the convenience of ratepayer's who wish to attend and explain theiLappeal verbally. All appeals are to be in the Cleit'S hands by January 3rd,,, and• any appeals 'entered after this date will not necessarily be, considered. rRO,IIERT E. THOMPSON, .50-,- • . Clerk. FARM, •HELP. OFFERED 'FQR NEXT SPRING AND SUMMER Apply now for a Dutch' farmer's. ftmflyptandard wages on one- year contract. ($75 a month pins livingtquarters„).Exterienced, liable Christian ,people-. from Ifol- land. • Inquire • about immigration housing projedtlf no living qyarters available. Apply to ItIV. LEON. Toronto, ' ;MAP . Plirced/Ilbigard,A5,5 1. 14111111NIMINIIIIIIP CARDS OF THANKS .WOULD LIKE TO TH,ANItMt ,-‹relatives and friends WhO, re •Membered - ine and sent , flowers, 1110 RENT. -L* II NI S ID ED cards and presents while I Was in• rooins, 'heated. 10 Wellington .Victorlai,Hospital, London. All -these street, phone 986R: '44tf kindnesses were appreciated. 50x MRS.' ALLEN LARDER. TO" RENT, - "NEWLY, FUIIN: ISHED, large upper'frjnt,, bed- rooni, grill priv-ileges, oil- heated,- bet and cold water, • 41-$6- a djoining bedroom. Will rent separately .or as a two -room apart- ment. Aynilable. immediately. Phone 594j: *MAPLE LEAF. TOUR- IST 'HOME, ' corner Victoria, and Broa stets. • • 51)tf FOR RE,NT:' —FOUR „SINGZE rSoms, by the week, dt reason- able rates Apply MRS.: IV.= ,LOUZON, prig.130W, -49:51 '110:.RENT. —APART 11E -NT, cornerNorth° street and Square, three T60111S -and-bath ; neWlY decOr- ated,, hardwood -floors.; heavy wir- ing for electric ' stove. Available January 1.st. Apply J. A. CAMP- BELL: . -• -5'0 TO .CREDITORS NOTICE To, CREDITORS. All persons having claims4igainst the estate of • Peter Fisher, late of the Tovvnship of Colborne, I in the County of Huron yeoman, R. AND' MRS. DONALD MC-, IcENZIE wish to. thank %their neighbors and friends for their as- sistance' and kindness at the thile of the -recent fire.. - • 50 • E WISH :TO THANK OUR friends and, neighbors,. for the kindness and sympathy shoyvn in our recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes and to those who loaned .ears: , • 4 'JEAN AND HAZEL IIA.WkINSC 't,g`F;' * MEMORIAM • Irving 'memory- of a dear wife a,nd xnaiier,, Mrs. Sarah E. • Brindley, who wak called home one year ago, Deeem- -ber 22nd, 1948. • . We watched her Weer day by It cost us bitter grief • '• ••,) , • To lee her slciwly pass away, • ---And -could not give relief. But some day we shall meet again, Thi- one we love so well; Some day , clasp her loving hand,.• And never" 80 farewell. remeinifered by Hus- band. and Family. • SOx' who died ' on*or about ihe ninth -day-ur-Decenber, 1949, are " re- • quired to • file 'the same .NV)Thfull pa:rtictilars with the,undersigned by the seventh day Of January, 1950, as after that date the' estate %Till be distributed, - - R. O. HAYS, - 'Barrister, "ete., • • Goderich, Ontario, 50-51-1- Solicitoy:, for the EsTate. 1 NiOTICE TO eituDIToRs. • All perSons having claims against the 'estate. iof Margaret Jane 'Mc- Leod late of the,V111a4d Auburn IrmiretMerwortti- *61, v'''''"Vitral- wile. died. onor abon,t e 140; day of December, 1949, re re- airedto file the sanie .wit fti particulars With the undersigned by .the seventh day of January, 1950, attagter. „that" dat,0' the, eState will "distrib. riteil.. n. HA•ys , , Barrister, etc., GOclerieh, Ontario, Solleitor for the Estate. NipTICE TO gittpx,Toit. * " re, the estate -t4 Charles Ellie, late °gfenettirlele64m;iaTir:sa w. II : of G• otbers claitiiS' against -411e- above estate ,:are ,ketiutroa to send. full partieulars of snch ''Clalms to the undersigned e$ecutor on or before the 7th-4laY 4ariti4rsr, A.Dt? 1950; after avyaoh date' -the ,eState's Osets. will be fributed, having •regttril only to Claims that hale then bancreeeived. Tan OAX4.1:1A. tattlS'X' • COM,- PANY, ,Lorideii,' 'Ontario, Exeentor,* by Ito 04 uttys,oicitori ooderia, Ontario. • ,4150:45.14: titto oodwI4 n Wed- ilesday. Deektiher 21ef;. 1940, oeta P. Wore, *Mow. of the.14te -Ilyron‘Wilsone.in„ her 70th _eftr, Praterat servieo.a.t ID. t. CrtitlistOn .,funeral bbnie L7 .111<nittool, street, •1Pr1tlity,-.3)64'eitibdit Urd. at7 1,80' Interment *ire Woodland eeinetery, London; • Bygerile stippixex• rubber .goods); mailed poxtptild itti„,piftio,, settled envelo.0,, .otith pa% •list., Six ottroples 28e .4 424 -Sainplea,St00. Order ,,DePt.‘ I4540. 1101744,1-7BBBB 00..'fiox�L iiitalltott, Ont, ,TENDRES VSTANIVED • TENDERS WANTED 13X' :WEST' Wawanesh ,Uwnship Seh001 Area- Beard, for the folloWIng quantities. of WOOd; 8.5. cords; SM. 'No. .8, "25 cords; SM. No. 2, .20 cords; S,S. No.. 17, 20 cords; 'S.S. No. 12 S cords. Thik‘ wood to be, liard 'maple. or ' lirjong•,and _nothing. thin 6" 6" or over' 10" in. diameter. Also,a cord of 'cedar fOr each school. Tills wood to' bp delivered and piled. at each schooknot later than jtine- 30th, 19.50. • Tenders to he .in bands of secre- iarY not_ later than jaauary 7th, 1950. • ' „ " W. A7--STEWART,:-SeeretaiYif 50151- '• Dungannon,Ont.', • „ENDERS WANTED. BY 'W Wawanosin. 'Township • Sch00], Area Board, for a caxetakex for each school in Area: No. 4, No. 12„. 4.4. .3, No.. 2, No, 17; te" take •chafge ' on February 1st, 1250' ' Tenders to be in hands 'of seats --'7--r tary not later than January 7th,- • W.„,A. sTEWART; Secretary, - Dungannon, TENDERS 'WILL BE linoExvioro ,J urti1„,Jantiary,- 11thfor', hard..., body wood,” half or more niaPle, rest beech, delivered' split arid Piled to;., followingischools-OMOderieli TUNvu-- Ship Shool A.rea' by April let, 1050: • -6--eords---1;2"--woo4, pfl• basement; No 3•=-8 cords 12" iiileiVieftehtd01004.4„,;., „ cords, 16" wood;. ' yard) No. 6-45. cords 16". iiood,„ piled in 'shed; No. 102-8 cords 12" wood, piledin school yard;.N. -11. cerds 12" wood, 'piled in school. ' • ;• FRANK yEO, . Secretary-treasureri., 09-51- •• R.R. q; Clinton. - • . • - _IN MEMORIAM, - .ERRING,TON.--In loving memory of our brother; IlarVey Eirington;. • who passed , br. away. Deceme, 23';- ' .1944, . We saw him suffer and heardhis t • • • With aching.' heart and • weeping eyes4, We SaWlihn sinking hour' by hour, Yet could not '.8fax patme- awful • p9wer;•,,-,- • . • But now he calmly.,sleeps at laSti, • .All pains; all aches, suffei,ings - • • --Always remembered by i1}1?$' .anif Albert.: • , : , „ ERRIN1M014-in iov.hi memori,' Of: our gbh, • Harvey Errington, who pgsSed, away December .23; 1944. • • ' :He has' not died to- IiiavP. us Fcir .the ,better land, of, Da, He wohld• net so .,:poriiiifp us He's only luSf . Life'S'eUrtdiu,- • , Beyond allgrief and pain, There'll be a happy &wiling • • w1ie4, we shall meet' again, ••• by Mother and Vather.• • ' • •50Ir * The regular collection will be made mi 1VIonday, December 26th. • for Christ Seat7001rsi,a ' 'Rear View; Mirreis Ltunpfl briving tugs' liaok.up Motor uj :‘, 04.5 Tank daps" Itleenex DispingerS ItadinS Ileatrsd Defroster .„ • ••• 44 ElectriC.Defrester ra,n0 •irt•ventipilleftiostpr Ean0 •.0veriiighi' Engine II•ateris Ohrome .Lieense riaineS 'Oluxime litrkeel AtitcnIatie 'Windshield Voitorti 611,i4itri ott, Stliddecl: tires' A PILE:Rlilt OMISTifAti .1e