HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-12-22, Page 4LLIOT RIVETT , . CARL ANDERSON IttatinflartarteVerattrtftWaren *VICtrtettelilMair rE ISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIEND►' VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Aberhart.'s Gara ... e 4 .MERCURY-LINCOLN—METEOR Goderich n Sales and Service iiittlia202214A MUM ADBURN, Dee. 20.---T4e annual community, carol seri'iee will be held in'Knox Presbyterian Church on' Sunday evening;'°at 8 o'clock. Special numbers will be given -from, the different .churches, . Visitors at the -home of Mr. ani Mrs. Chas. Scott 'on Sunday were. 11Ir,''arld airs. dames Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Allen ant Mrs. Hannah Jdnes of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. amek. Craig are moving into their new' home this speck. The Bible class of Knox United Church will. present.silent and mov- ing pictures in the basement of the church on• Wednesday evening, December 28th,' at 8 o'clock, Ainong the "pictures will be the Huron County library film., $chool Concert. =-.- The Auburn public school concert was given in the Foresters` H 11 oa 'Friday .even - in&: Mr, Arthur, Grange was chair- man, The psrogra ' included songs, recitations, , dialogues, a • play, an operetta,” selections by the senior and Junior rhythm 'bands,; and Other" numbers. Christmas Servdee by Baiitist 'SNS. —A special Christmas Service was held on Sunday afternoon :in the Baptist Sunday school :room. This service took the. place 92 the regular monthly B.Y.E,P, service. „Rev. A.' Forsyth presided, with. Miss. Evelyn Raithby at the piano.. Several.Christmas carols opened' the meet- ing. 'Readings were; given by Allan Raithby, and Grant Raithby; solos by Mrs► W. Vesterfelt ' and. Geo. Raithiiy, jr.; duets by 'Emma mina and Shirley Robertson, Elaine Johnston and Evelyn Raithby ; also. a solo by Evelyn Raithby ;" a short talk Will be closed'fkom"December 25th till Jan. 2nd inclusive, for redecora- ' _'ting. Open Jan, 3rd, 7 a.m. .sharp as usual,, by Ur. Jas.. 1141lthbY, MIA Scripture reading by 131111e --..Robertson„ ' The Christnilla message. was :given 9 y Mr, Geo. 4.tai,th'by« The • meeting closed with a, .ea.rola al) prayer by ReV. Mr. Forsythe, Women's Institute; -r'•'The For- esters' , Hall wastastefully decor-: rated • in keeping with' Christinas 'for the • monthly meeting ,of the •Wo- men's Institute, which was held on Tuesday afternoon, December 13, The president, Mrs.. Albert Camp- bell, presided. Several. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. R. J; Phillips presiding at the piano,, The 'secretary read cards - oaf thanks and Christmli's greetings. During "the business period it was .decided t& send $25 to the Children's lVIemorial Hospital, London, and $1,0 to the Huron Christmas seal eam5aiga fund, and also to send Christmas greetings to an In�stittite in Eng- land. • The program consisted of readings by Mrs., Toll and Mrs. Roberton, a piano duet by . Mrs. Sid Meelinchey and' Mrs. R. J. Phillips, a trio uy Mrs. ,F. Plaetzer, Mrs. Sid McClinchey and Mrs. W J.• Craig. The ..Christmas.message .was given by Mrs. A. G. Hewitt, who gave :an' interesting talk on. the origin of the.,: -Christmas carols. An ex-. .change of gifts was.!' in charge. of Mrs. nuts Little and '2rs.t .: ,goy Finnigan. The meeting closed with the • National -A-±th,em. Lunch Was served rby the hostesses, Mrs. Win. T.. Robison, Mts. Ed: Davies, Mrs. Gordon Dobie, Mrs. Donald Plulnkett, Miss Amelia ' Mcllwain and Mrs. Len Archambault, The Late Mrs. John McLeod- Death came suddenly to Mrs. Jahn McLeod; on Wednesday , evening, December 14th, at the home of her daughter, 'Mrs. Gordon W. Smith, Milyerton, where she was spending the winter. She -had been .'appar- ently in, good health when she suf- fered a cerebra./ Hemorrhage, after which she lived only a few -hours. The former Margaret Jane Parrish, she was'.• .born Jul'y'' 2,4th, 1872, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Parrish of Ashfield. She was married.. to John- McLeod` • in 1898 and 'lived at • Stratford and for eleven,Wears at Brooksdale be- fore coming to Auburn to reside. She 'was a faithful inember of the'r Auburn Presbyterian. Church. Her i. —husband- died .in 1033` Sttrviting i. are. three :sons, . -David, of Brussels, Hector, -of Los Angeles, California, and Robert, of Stratford• and two Ofinghters, 'M s,7-Smf£h argare , of Milverton, and, Mrs. W. Bolam -50 (Annie); of Renfrew ; three bro- thers, Wilfred and John Parrish, of Lucknow, and_Dav'd, of- Selrllans', �. S .sk., and two' - sisters,' Mrs. R. Grant,.,,of Luckriow,. and Mrs. M.1 Horn. of Toronto, ' There are eleven 1 grandchildren. The funeral service was held. in h.nok Presbyterian.I Cliureil. Auburn, . on Friday -sifter-j. noon ' and was . • conducted by - the pastor, Rev. • j.' Honeyman..M" Du ingv elle service Mr's. Wesley Rradnoek sanga 'solo. ..Many beaiitifal 'korai tributes bore testimony .of. the esteem' in Which the departed one, -was -held. - The- pallbearers were R. `D.- Munro, `Geo; Beadle, Edgar Lawson, . Herb: Mogridge, J. 0.' toltz and J: J. Wilson... Inter- SKIS., and. EQUIPMENT CANADA'S FINEST -At prices that save you up to 305,.. MASTERCRAFT SKIS -Fashioned by "Mas- ter Craftsmen" from well -Seasoned, selected. maple And hickory; latest '`Tempo Tip" -de- sign • , •', .1Dalr'TOP MAPLE ---An. sizes, Pair 6.45 ..DOME- TOP MAPLE—Designed for •Strength. ' flexibility. and lightness, Pair . • 7.85 DO,MS TOP HICKORY—Beitutifully balanced. - Supreme. quality, Pair • STEEL EDGE HICHORY;:OR MAPLE SKIS-- ' Edges. ,to tip—Give "sure, sharp cont: ol." Dome TOP Maple 1.3.95 Dome. Top • Hickory .:. , • 19.95 JUVENILE MAPLE SKIS—For ages 8 to 14. ' Same design and attaiity as the expensive• • Top, Pair t adult skis, "Dome" or "Ridge" 4.49 & 5:25 KIDDIES' -SKI' SET—Including s'is, poles and harnees. Complete set 3.25 MASTEHCRAFT. SKI .POLES—Strong, light- weight Tonkin Cane, Kroydoxl, Steed and Aluminum. Your size and price. From • 1.55 to 7.45 MASTERCRAFT SKI BOOTS—For•solid coma. fort and fun control in all skiing positions. • :Fine : •.leathers used throughout: Pkir from 5.49 to 21.95 ` CHALET $KI- HARN>rSS—Gives firm control. Easy -on -and off. ?or novice .and- expert. _-Junior-•.... 1.50 -19 Seutor • 2:25 •.eget. 4,50 & 5.95 ,... P4ASTERC FT fiffl ACCESSORIES — A Ctrmplete e oftes, -caps,_ mitts, goggles. etc,. von6 r S10. hop for expert edging.• harness fitting and base waxing. • WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS and Customers a very. MERRY CHRISTMAS ANDA'. HAPPY NEW. YEAR TH.URSD,A.`Yt..,DE k,. 22;41,4 tratiortnumwmporwartorararogvartam • . ^. CAR TOP SKI CARRIER BUILT TO, CARRY 6 PAIR( SUIS AND POLES New . imprgved ;�i•./_�::•r';- • design — secures firmly to top `of car with. :large suction eulis and a t u,j d..y anchor straps. At ,+ a :/price Chat means real aaNq ' Ines. N E W ':108 -PAGE FALL'an'd WINTER : CATALQG —'• --:for you r,; F R COPY • UtiSEANt went was In. '$all's' cemetery. Friends and relatives were present from Renfrew, Stratford, Brussels, MilVerton, Lueknow, Ashfield and Dungannon.. ` . Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Agar of Kitch- ener, were guests' last •week-eud with Mrs.. Agar's sister, -Mrs. J. Petrie, Newgate' street: • Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Donaldson left on ` Tuesday by motor for blear - water, Florida, where they will spend 'the winter. They will _visit for a week'at Louisville, Kentucky. Mrs, Allen Larder, whQ .under- went a major operation hi Victoria l ospitaX,_:London, arrived home' en Saturday after spending ten. days convalescing with.itiends, lir, and . London, formerly of Goderich. TRAP SHOOT OXING DAY Tuesday, Dec. 27th: J'at ?o'clock p.ni. AT SKY HARBOR Chickens, Ducks: and AssOted Pries Special Prizes for Beginners — Everybody ,,welcome TO - EVERYONE • MacLAREN'S STTIDIO Goderich , i i i' t i-a7rirmttrzo`' -sz-Aziz x"'3i%ii % „x For quick results—try a :classified ad in. The • Signal -Star SHOE .STORE HOCKEY OR 'PLEASURE OUTFIT — Black pebble grain chrome leather • boots, riveted to latest design tube skates of excellent attality. Boys'.Men's' 11 to ...._6;45 6 to 12 .... 6.96 MEWS SEMI -PRO HOCKEY. OUTFIT.— •Sizes 6 to 1'3. Pair'' .. ..... . . : . ... 6.75. Other Hockey Outfits'' for "antateur" ' or "pro." 12.455 and 17.95 IYIASTEFCRAFT HOCKEY SUPPLIES—Every- thitia for Junior and Senior Players—AT VASS THAN CLL}B PRICES. 's Girls- and- Ladies' "AIL -WHITE" & BOOT OUTFITS vaitorettexitzum • PLEASURE SKATING OUTFITS •= Smartly if 6 0: tireOed• wit:44 i lx1I g e'R4i/Finer tiny z Misses• Ladies' �b 11 .td 2 .. 6 91d a to 9. . •„ 7.98 MICE .IE SKATING' OUTFIT—All-white: fine utth!ny boots riveted to chrome -plated Figure • `3' Ito> rt ;' -• Ladies' r., i .4' .. VLVY ' ��tos jiiY9i' With the Christmas 'Season- once more at ' haps/; Mr. -;iiia Mrs, George- A. Filsiilger - _ extend to you and yolrrs,their sincere .good.. wishe f,f or• a,jog4ua igi,rigoas 44141jP3ropip ;all fVew `"ear. The measure of s . ger we have 'epjoyed, we owe -too r'im•. c r hilliierg and friends :. , arid, there ' ore , rasp this oppor- tuns ` o r3easiofl.4 • extent °• 'heartiest washes- Merry .Crl-hht"2aS fJkppyNethYiar J., • r dl! Suggestions For Last Minute Shoppers TO NAME A FEW . Slips 2.90 anck up Nighties: 3.95 and up Housecoats 10.95 and up Lounging Pyjamas, 16.95 and:up JUST. ARRIVED . . . A new shipment, ,of lovely Evn ' Gowns. 1 i$i2r,N1,',: a+ll/ ity/, ,' a /ih1/hu/l,%l/ 19� and u Afternoon: Dresses. taffeta, . reries�`and t... r, 171, 8.95 and tlD • • Atiifitoiiv`e 'Wools - • 19.955 and. up ` 'COATS= Fur trimmed or plain FUR .COATS— _ The Perfect . Gift ;WISIITG�r You At ' MERRY' CHRISTMAS hionSioppe' '107 11111 ', • N . : k • E S I L DELrGHTF , J9► T�.`�0-- ULO S'MOK a k i� 4wMMAk . 7